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Canadian Citizenship Challenge Senior 1.

. The Constitution of Canada was amended in 1982 to include the: a) b) c) d) Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Magna Carta English Common Law French civil code 2. Since the 1970s, most immigrants to Canada have come from: a) b) c) d) Asian countries African countries South American countries European countries

3. Two responsibilities of Canadian citizenship are: a) helping others in the community and compulsory military service b) protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment and recycling all recyclables c) obeying the law and voting in elections d) serving on a jury and belonging to a union 5. The Right to vote comes with a responsibility to vote in: a) b) c) d) Federal elections Federal and Provincial or Territorial elections Local elections All of the Above

4. The first settlement in Canada, about 1000 years ago, was: a) b) c) d) the French from France the English from England the Spanish from Spain the Vikings from Iceland

6. The completion of the Canadian railway from sea to sea: a) allowed British Columbia to join Canada in Confederation b) increased immigration to Canadas West c) became a symbol of Canadas unity d) all of the above 8. The present day border of Canada and United States is partly an outcome of: a) b) c) d) the rebellion of 1837 the abolition of slavery the War of 1812 the Constitutional Act of 1791

7. Canada is referred to as the land of immigrants because: a) over the past 200 years millions of newcomers have helped to build and defend Canadas way of life b) only immigrants live in Canada c) the majority of Canadians are immigrants d) Canadas founding peoples were all immigrants 9. The Metis are descended from: a) b) Aboriginal peoples and the Inuit Aboriginal peoples and French and English traders and settlers c) Aboriginal peoples and French traders and settlers d) Aboriginal peoples and English traders and settlers

10. As social values changed in Canada, these peoples who were previously denied the right to vote were gradually allowed: a) b) c) d) Women Aboriginals Japanese Canadians all of the above

11. The Official Languages Act of 1969 has which main objective:

a) to establish equality between French and English in Parliament, the Government of Canada and institutions subject to the Act; b) to maintain and develop official language minority communities in Canada c) to promote equality of French and English in Canadian society d) all of the above 13. Which of the following is NOT a branch of Canadas parliament:

12. Canadas justice system is founded on all of the following EXCEPT: a) the presumption of innocence in criminal matters b) respect of the legal rights of all people under the law c) the police are above the law d) all people are free under the law

14. The national motto of Canada is: a) the Sovereign, as represented by the Governor General b) the Senate c) the House of Commons d) the Supreme Court 15. You are eligible to vote in a federal election if you: 16. The words to the National Anthem of Canada are: a) are a Canadian citizen, are at least 18 years old on voting day and are on the voters list b) are a Canadian citizen, are at least 21 years old on voting day and are on the voters list c) work for the government, are at least 19 years old on voting day and live in Canada d) lived in Canada for at least 5 years, are at least 18 years old on voting day and are on the voters list 17. Canadas economy depends on: a) trade with other nations b) service and manufacturing industries c) natural resources d) all of the above 19. Modern Canada has several different social assistance programs. Name three of the four outlined in the Discover Canada Guide. All Four: the Canada Health Act / Public Health Care, Unemployment / Employment Insurance, Old Age Security/ the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans, Public Education. 18. Canadas use of two official languages is an important part of Canadas identity as explained in the Discover Canada Guide. Name two Canadian symbols that reflect both official languages. All: The National Anthem, the Royal Anthem, the Coat of Arms and Motto 20. The rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship explained in the Discover Canada Guide came from a variety of different sources. Name two of them. All: Our history, laws passed by parliament and the provincial legislatures, English Common Law, the civil code of France, the unwritten constitution that we have inherited from Great Britain, the Magna Carta, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms a) b) c) d) the same in French and English different in French and English only in English only in French a) b) c) d) With glowing hearts The maple leaf forever God save the Queen From sea to sea

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