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System for Question Paper Generation using

Randomization Algorithm

Synopsis report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

the award of the Degree of B.Tech


Abhishek Jaiswal (20030130)

Mohd Arif Khan (20030173)
Adarsh Verma (20030130)
Anwar Akther Vali (20030131)
Akersh Pal (20030130)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee

Research Synopsis Writing

any university, the examination procedure is crucial. It may evaluate each student's
performance. Additionally, it would impact every student's caliber. This system offers a number of
useful modules, despite the fact that it is a very time-consuming and difficult effort for all the
instructors. It has an excellent interface and faultless security, and it can lower the likelihood of
error. excellent user experience, strong stability, tremendous security, Easy flexibility, accurate
database analysis, simple implementation, simple operation, and simple paper formatting

In today’s age, education is the most important way of achieving success. When we
discuss education, it is imperative to mention tests and examination. Examinations prepare students
in their quest for knowledge. So, having a proper examination paper and format is quite necessary.
Now the traditional method of generating question paper has been manual. In this method certain
officials chalk out the question paper. But this method can be ineffective at times owing to bias,
repetition and security concerns. We have proposed an Automatic process of Question Paper
Generation which is fast, streamlined, randomized and secure. Every task performed by this system
is automated so that storage space, bias and security is not a concern anymore. Furthermore, we
have proposed a new algorithm which ensures total randomization of questions and avoids
repetitions. The proposed system can be helpful to many educational institutes.

A design of suitable automatic question paper generating system for generating question papers and
managing related data may prove vital in an Educational Institute. In this paper, we have proposed
an integrated automated system that stores questions related to a particular course and prints a
question paper based on its syllabus and curriculum. We have implemented a role- based hierarchy
which restricts access to the users. The system also deploys security mechanisms that prohibit
duplication of question papers. There are provisions to enter and edit data suitable to any
educational organization with complete freedom for specifying courses, semesters, syllabus and
pattern. This enables an educational institute to generate question ensuring security and non-
repetitiveness of question papers and is a boon for organizations with limited staff and resources.
Our system aims to provide fast operations, data storage and high security for all its tasks. The
evolution of traditional and existing Question Paper Generation systems and the need for an
automated system is unraveled in Section II. In Section III, we have proposed our revised system of
Automated Question Paper Generation. Section IV describes the real-time implementation and
results of the system. Further, Section V concludes the paper and comments on the key points of
the system.

Problem analysis / Literature review

Automatic Question Paper Generator System. This project is a web application that was Developed in
PHP/OOP and MySQL Database. The project can help faculties, teachers, or mentors to generate
question papers for their classes. This system allows the users to store their questions any time and
when they generate a question paper, the system will randomly generate a question paper. It has a
simple and pleasant user interface using Bootstrap Framework and AdminLTE Template. It also has
user-friendly features and functionalities.
This Automatic Question Paper Generator System has 3 sides of user interfaces. It has Public Side,
Registered Users-Side, and Admin Panel user interfaces.
The Admin Panel is the side that is only accessible for the management. This side is mostly for
managing the content and the data list on the public and registered user sides. Here, you can update
the 'home' content, 'about' content, and contact information. The management can also update the
system logo, name, etc. This side can only list, view, and delete the users created courses, classes, and
question papers.
The Registered User-Side is the side of the system where faculties, teachers, or mentors can manage
their stored data. Any user can simply create their system user credential to gain access to the features
and functionalities of this side. They can only manage the data that they were the ones who added.
They can create, list, view, and delete data for courses, classes, and question papers lists. This side's
design is similar to the admin panel.
The Public-Side is the side of the system that serves as the website that is accessible for any users and
this side does not require any login procedure. The said side displays the 'home ‘content, 'about'
content, and contact information. It also serves as the portal of the management and registered users to
redirect to the pages where they can log

The main purpose of this Web application is to generate a questionnaire using arandomization
algorithm. This is a desktop-based software that produces a unique set of question papers based on
a constraints table which leads to precise output with minimum probability of errors. The system is
completely unbiased and takes advantage of randomizationwhile generating the question paper.
The user is just a few clicks away from generating anexemplary question paper. Hence the
optimized system.

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