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Education is the country’s fundamental priority

— By Samir Salama, Associate Editor Gulf News

The leader of a new nation faces the special challenge of setting the country’s priorities. To be
successful, that leader must be both wise and bold. The United Arab Emirates had such a leader.
Because the late Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan was devoted to the well-being of his
people above all else, he made the education of his people the country’s fundamental priority. He
provided the guidance, resources, and inspiration that developed the knowledge society in which
we thrive today.

Shaikh Zayed believed that education is not an expense but instead an investment in the future.
He recognized that education enables the acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and understanding
that lead to human fulfillment and happiness. He knew that education shapes values, beliefs, and
habits that define the character of the future. He believed that “the highest achievement of a
nation is measured by the level and extent of its education.”
When families support schools

He reasoned correctly that the UAE could compete in the global economy only if its citizens
were educated to participate in the global society.

I remember Shaikh Zayed telling us that good education occurs when families and the social
structure support the schools. With his wife, the Mother of our Nation, Her Highness Shaikha
Fatima Bint Mubarak, he promoted the education of women and secured the support of families
throughout the country. He always emphasized that strong societal partnerships undergird strong
schools. Shaikh Zayed’s wisdom and bold actions motivate us even now as we continue to
strengthen our education system.

To enhance the social well-being of Emiratis, Shaikh Zayed formulated specific goals for
education. Education should prepare individuals to be good citizens. Graduates should be
capable of participating productively in their country’s economic, social, and cultural activities.

Shaikh Zayed created a model for education in the Middle East. Among the nations in that area,
the UAE has the highest percentage of youth in elementary, secondary and higher education.
Men and women have equal access to educational opportunities, and the UAE leads its neighbors
in promoting gender equality.

The government has enabled thousands of young men and women to study abroad and
subsequently to enrich perspectives in our own society.

While supporting public education, Shaikh Zayed also encouraged private education. The
stunning results of that encouragement abound - scores of superb international schools and
universities. Both private and federal institutions have attracted superb international faculties.
Education is the country’s fundamental priority
— By Samir Salama, Associate Editor Gulf News

Education has opened our local society to the world. UAE citizens participate in the public and
private sectors at all levels. Our country has become a full member of the global community. All
of that was made possible because of Shaikh Zayed’s wise and bold action in making education
the new country’s fundamental priority.

Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding father of the UAE, believed that investing in
people’s welfare, knowledge and capabilities would produce the greatest dividends for
individuals, families and society.

Under Shaikh Zayed’s wise leadership, education has always been one of the UAE’s highest

He said: “The greatest use that can be made of wealth is to invest it in creating generations of
educated and trained people” and “The real asset of any advanced nation is its people, especially
the educated ones, and the prosperity and success of the people are measured by the standard of
their education.”

Much has been achieved since the early 1970s but efforts are now being made to improve the
educational environment for all pupils. The number of government and private schools now
exceeds 1,400 while it was only 74 in 1971.
The UAE has focused on educating both men and women. In 1975, the rate of adult literacy was
54 per cent among men and 31 per cent among women. Today, literacy rates for both genders are
nearly 90 per cent.

New initiatives are being launched at all educational levels to ensure that UAE students are fully
prepared to attend universities around the world and compete in the global marketplace. In
addition, some of the world’s best universities are creating programmes in the UAE, attracting
talented students from the Arab world and globally.

Shaikh Zayed’s efforts created a variety of accredited institutions such as the UAE University
founded in 1976, the Higher Colleges of Technology in 1988 and the Zayed University in 1998.

He built schools such as the Shaikh Zayed Private Academy for girls and boys in 2000 and
learning centers all over the country and the recruitment of teachers from other Arab countries to
provide education to the younger generations.

The wise leadership of the state adopted an ambitious vision established by Shaikh Zayed Bin
Sultan Al Nahayan, God bless his soul, who said “human is the base of any civilisation act”… so
the developing experience represents an international symbol in total development on all levels.

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