Key Takeaways

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Key takeaways from the two-day Summit:

‘Different views and assessments of the situation’

After 300 bilateral meetings, “over 200 hours of non-stop

negotiations” and 15 drafts, consensus on the paragraphs
concerning Russia and Ukraine were reached in the final G20
communiqué.[3] These paragraphs avoided direct criticism of
Russia, instead it focussed on the inadmissibility of nuclear
weapons, the agreements that states cannot grab territory by
force, and highlighted the human suffering this conflict has
caused, and continues to cause. Reference was also made in
particular to Turkey’s efforts to broker safe passage for ships
moving grain.

‘Creating a more inclusive world’

The weekend’s formal proceedings opened with India

welcoming the African Union (AU) as a permanent member of
the G20. It will hold a similar position to the European
Union (EU) and further signals India’s support for
giving a greater voice to the Global South.[4]
President Ramaphosa was a strong advocate for the AU’s
membership at the last G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, until
this point South Africa had been the only G20 permanent
member from the African continent with the AU being only an
invited guest. It will be interesting to follow the changes in the
G20 as it becomes more globally balanced, especially with the
leadership baton passing to Brazil before South Africa takes
over the Presidency in 2025.

‘Impacts of climate change’

There was a recognition of the impacts of climate change and

the need to accelerate action on it, with leaders referencing the
need to limit warming to 1.5°C by reducing greenhouse gas
‘emissions by 43% by 2030 relative to the 2019 levels.’[5]

Notably, for the first time leaders agreed to triple renewable

energy capacity globally by 2030, but through existing targets
and policies. They also indicated the need to ‘phase-down’ the
use of coal power, noticeably not a ‘phase-out’. On both issues
the leaders stopped short of setting goals or laying out plans or
pathways to achievement. Additionally, the use of language
around coal was a continuation of previous statements, which is
unlikely to see a significant shift at the COP28 Summit starting
this November in the United Arab Emirates.

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)

On the sidelines of the Summit, IMEC was announced – a

ship-to-rail transit network – by leaders of the United States
(US), India and Saudi Arabia. This marks a change in US-Saudi
relations, as well as an ambitious counter to China’s Belt and
Road Initiative. This modern-day ‘Spice Route’ would connect
India, the Middle East and Europe by laying down railway lines
and investing in ports, starting in the Middle East and South
Asia before Europe. No further details on financing have been
announced, but this is a significant move by Biden in ensuring
the US’s interests and putting itself forward as an alternative
partner to China, especially when taking into account the US
elections next year.

The UK at the G20

The major announcement from the UK at the G20 was the
Prime Minister’s (PM) commitment to climate aid with the UK
set to provide $2 billion to the Green Climate Fund, a global
fund committed to combatting climate change.[6] It was
announced in a bid to ‘cement’ the UK’s global climate

On the other hand, PM Rishi Sunak stated net zero cannot be

achieved through “hair shirt” policies that would impact British
consumers; adding that this was “not the vision of net zero that
[he thinks] is the right one for the UK”.[8] The growing discord
within the Tory party on climate policies, especially post the
Uxbridge byelection, is gathering momentum, as those on the
liberal wing of the party urge for the net zero pledges to
remain.[9] With party conference a few short weeks away, it will
be a key issue to follow to see where the Tory’s climate policies
end up. Regardless, Sunak has confirmed he will be attending
COP28 in Dubai later this year, which might signal a continued
push to ‘cement’ and prioritise the UK’s leadership on climate.
This confirmation was particularly taken notice of in light of
him not attending the United Nations General Assembly next
week – starting Tuesday 19th September.
UK-India relations were on show during the G20. While much
was made of Sunak’s Indian heritage, and family connections, it
did little to deflect from the UK’s reduced standing on the world
stage. It was notable that the scheduled meeting between the
two leaders was delayed, then moved from the auspicious
surroundings of Modi’s house to a regular conference room.

These shifting dynamics between the two countries may also

reflect that India overtook the UK in GDP earlier this year, with
the latter going into sixth place and India to fifth in world
rankings. A focal point for Sunak’s visit was the potential trade
deal with India, the success of which would be a much-needed
victory for the PM. In their meeting, both leaders indicated that
work would continue towards a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).[10]
The hope on the UK’s side is that it could be signed by the end
of the year. If this occurred, it would help mitigate some of the
fiscal decisions that the Government might have to make. It
would also help combat the narrative that Brexit has
increasingly isolated the UK internationally.
With a general election looming, the issues discussed at the
G20 are key areas that the UK needs to assess and take a
position on as the parties make their case to the electorate. This
year, both James Cleverly (Foreign Secretary) and David
Lammy (Shadow Foreign Secretary) have outlined their plans
for the UK’s foreign policy, with multilateralism being a key
focus for both.[11]

Looking ahead at these priorities

The three sessions held as part of the G20 Summit reflected the
theme “One Earth, One Family, One Future”, with discussions
centred around the thematic priorities laid out by India. These

● Multilateral institutions for the 21st century

● Accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)
● Women-led development
● Technological transformation & digital public
● Accelerated, inclusive & resilient growth
● Green development, climate finance & LiFE

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