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“The Utilization of Computer Technology in

Everyday Aspect among Insdustrial Arts &

Information & Communication Learners”

A research paper presented to

Mr. Dennis B Cortez Jr.
St. Francis Technical Institute
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the subject of methods of research by:

Palic, Charly Zhane C.

Dela Cruz, Shiena Marie N.
Dionisio, Jeric C.
Floresta, Mark Joshua
Abadiano, Jenny Rose S.
Cabuguas, Zsandric Kurt
Sarcos, Kyle D.
Ibanita, Harvey
Computer Technology has been a huge help to all the people around the world as it is
convenient and it’s efficiency to use, computer technology can almost do anything in this generation
people can work from home it is also capable storing and accessing vast amount of information, it can
also help people organize and search through information, keeps people conneted it also have
software for office and school. But there still problems people encounter while using computer
technology, slow/no internet connection, PC becoming slower, outdated equipments/software these are
the examples of common problem that people encountered while using computer technology . In this
case we are going to identify on how the learners of information and communication technology and
industrial arts learners use computer technology in everyday aspect including their time and work
management. This study will help the reader how efficient and convenient the use of computer


Computer technology is used a lot a around the world as it’s convenient to use that mostly
everything that we are using in now made up of technology. A complete history of computing would
include a multitude of diverse devices such as the ancient Chinese abacus, the Jacquard loom and
Charles Babbage's “analytical engine''. It would also include discussion of mechanical, analog and
digital computing architectures. Mechanical devices, such as the Marchant calculator, still found
widespread application in science and engineering. During the early days of electronic computing
devices, there was much discussion about the relative merits of analog vs. digital computers. In fact,
analog computers were routinely used to solve systems of finite difference equations arising in oil
reservoir modeling. In the end, digital computing devices proved to have the power, economics and
scalability necessary to deal with large scale computations. Digital computers now dominate the
computing world in all areas ranging from the hand calculator to the supercomputer and are pervasive
throughout society. Therefore, this brief sketch of the development of scientific computing is limited to
the area of digital, electronic computers.
Technology has never been as prevalent in daily life as it is today, with the trend of the
increasing significance of technology only set to continue. It is therefore of use to look back at how
technology has evolved, both from a technical perspective and how technology is consumed.
Computer technology has gone from requiring an entire room to operate, to the desk, to the pocket and
now running largely from the Cloud. This drastic growth in technical capabilities has led to an equally
drastic change in how computer technology is consumed. The original general-purpose computers
largely acted as a mathematical calculator. Today, relatively strong computational power can be found
in everything from our smartphones, to our watches and fridges. In our generation Computer
Technology is now use also for education, Computer Technology provides virtual attendance, live chat
and in-person face-to-face connection with the teachers and learners are all made possible by
technology in education. The previously recorded lessons can be also be accessed along with a
multiple helpful resources.

This study aims to know how efficient and convenient the use of computer among the
information and communication and industrial arts learners at St. Francis Technical Institute.

1.Profile of the respondents?

A. Age

B. Gender

C. Track

D. Strand

E. Grade Level

2. What is the assessment of the respondents on the use of computer technology

in term of:

A. Conveniency

B. Time Management

C. Work Management

3. What are the problems encountered by the respondents in using computer


4. Is there a significant differences between the use of computer when group

according to their demographic profile?

5. Base on the results what recommendations shall be implemennted?


Computers have penetrated every aspect of life and every imaginable industry and field. More
possibilities than we have realize make computers an important part of our lives. Processing data has
become a simple process thanks to computers. By specifying the right steps with the right data, you
can complete a huge amount of calculations in a short amount of time.


The insight of the researchers of what will be the outcome of the study the utilization of
computer technology among the information and communication and industrial arts learners is that with
the help of computer technology, learners manage to work or to do their task without using any efforts
and managing to do their task quickly.

This research believes that this study will yield data that will be helpful to the following groups of
people to gain knowledge in the existing study.

ACADEMICINSTITUTIONS: Institutions like SFTI could give/issue our research to students, guiding or
informing them how our research proceed

TEACHERS: This study will offer teachers particularly in ICT and IA as to how their students use
strategies or adapt well when it comes to using computer technology.

LEARNERS: They will know how the different strategies of recent ICT and IA students is done and
how it works to improve the learners own strategies.

INDIVIDUALS: This study will help them to acquire knowledge on how computer technology become
convenient and efficient.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS: The finding could provide valuable insights for informing how the research
is done for future researchers that’s going to have a study related to our study.


Foreign Study

According to Carstens, K, J (2021), that learners gain benefits using technology, it enhance
learners motor skill and problem solving skill allowing learners to be comfort and a tool that is heavily
relied on and computer technology enchances many way of learning opportunities. ID, Kejawa, ED, D
(2020), the computer and information technology have greatly impacted the education system, with the
growth of technology the ways on how we learn has improved tremendously. All subjects now are
being taught by computer technology be it History, Biology, Chesmistry, English. By using computers
and information technologies in educating the populace, they allow us to convey instructions and ideas
to people. Gilakjani, A, P (2017) Technologies have dramatically changed the way people gather
information, carry out research, and communicate with others worldwide. Technology has removed the
distance obstacles and has made it possible for higher education to effectively teach anyone.
Technology integration is being increasingly used in instruction to improve teaching and learning.
Brooks, C. & Gierdowski, D, C. (2021) Student Experiences with Technology in the Pandemic.
Pandemic learning happens everywhere and whenever. While the choices students had for the type of
learning environments and modalities were dependent on their institutions' approaches to pandemic
course delivery. Affum, M,Q (2022). Internet affects students academic performance, the study aims to
find the various activities that students use the internet to do and assess the various technologies
students use the internet. The internet has a vital impact on student academic outcomes as it helps
students to access journals and articles which otherwise are not made available in the libraries. The
study concluded that increase in internet use was very useful in the improvement of the learning

Local Study
According to Nueva, M, G (2019) The digital inequality in schools based on the students’
capacity to use technology for academic purposes has found to be associated to teachers’
technological capacity and interventions. Teachers experienced digital inequality due to their digital
competency gap, belief and institutional perception on the function of technology in the classroom.
Gorra, V, C & Bhati, S (2016) Issue of unintended consequences of use of technology in class room
is important because unintended consequences can cause disruption in class room and negate the
institutional policies regarding strategic direction and intervention in teaching and learning process .
John Paul Espinosa (2016) Technological advances had greatly changed the education landscape in
that teaching is no longer confined to the traditional face-to-face deliveryof lessons. Now, via internet
we can also learn not only in the classroom but outside the school.Through the convergence of modern
and traditional methods, students are now able toexperience the best of both worlds. They can learn
from school and get additional information orlessons through the web and internet. Dela Peña, F
(2021) rapid technological change has already been apparent, especially in high-income and
developed countries. When the COVID-19 hit the world, innovation acceleration became even more
apparent and essential. While the pandemic brought upon unprecedented challenges and further
aggravated existing issues, it also revealed opportunities for the countries to develop new and
emerging technologies and repurpose existing ones. Garcia, M (2017) education and technology can
build dynamic teaching and learning experiences that are tailored to developing and transforming the
educators and learners needed to power the digital economy. The study aims to determine the factors
affecting students’ e-learning technology acceptance particularly on Learning Management Systems
(LMS) in the Filipino context.

Local Literature
As stated by Manlapaz, C, P (2020) since the start of the ECQ, teachers and learners have
expressed through online platforms a number of DL-related difficulties they have been experiencing,
and such may be grouped into four themes: Learning Resources, Learning Environment, Teaching
and Learning Capabilities, and Psychological and Physical Effects. Garcia, M (2017) education and
technology can build dynamic teaching and learning experiences that are tailored to developing and
transforming the educators and learners needed to power the digital economy. Ignacio, A (2021) The
COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were
conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching
and learning was a result of the lockdowns that were imposed by the Philippine government. Barrot, J,
S (2021) The education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis that has shaken up its
foundation. Given today’s uncertainties, it is vital to gain a nuanced understanding of students’ online
learning experience in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lagat, K & Concepcion G (2022) Learning is
a social process, but limited studies have explored the degree of social interaction and collaborative
learning in an online learning environment and whether these variables foster students' perceived

Foreign Literature
According to Smith & Anderson, (2016) Computer-based technology has infiltrated many
aspects of life and industry, yet there is little understanding of how it can be used to promote student
engagement, a concept receiving strong attention in higher education due to its association with a
number of positive academic outcomes. The purpose of this article is to present a critical review of the
literature from the past 5 years related to how web-conferencing software, blogs, wikis, social
networking sites, and digital games influence student engagement . Haleem, A (2022), Digital
Technology made students life easier. Instead of them using pen and paper now, nowadays students
use various of software application and tools to create a presentation and projects for school activities,
He also stated that digital technology have made a paradigm shift in the entire education system.
Adedoyin, O. B., & Soykan, E. (2020) this pandemic has successfully forced global shutdown of
several activities, including educational activities, and this has resulted in tremendous crisis-response
migration of universities with online learning serving as the educational platform. The crisis-response
migration methods of universities, faculty and students, challenges and opportunities were discussed
and it is evident that online learning is different from emergency remote teaching, online learning will be
more sustainable while instructional activities will become more hybrid provided the challenges
experienced during this pandemic are well explored and transformed to opportunities . Carrillo, C. &
Flores, M. A. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted education at all levels in various ways.
Institutions and teacher educators had to quickly respond to an unexpected and ‘forced’ transition from
face-to-face to remote teaching. They also had to create learning environments for student teachers
doing their preparation in the light of the requirements of teacher education programmes and the
conditions in which both universities and schools had to operate. This paper provides a review of the
literature on online teaching and learning practices in teacher education. Papouli, E., Chatzifotiou, S.
& Tsairidis, C. (2020). This study aims to explore Greek social work students’ views on the use of
digital technology during their stay at home due to the coronavirus lockdown The results presented
here describe aspects of using digital technology and its connections to learning interactions,
communication with others, self-fulfilment and well-being.


Carstens, K, J (2021), These studies confirmed that learners gain benefits using technology
and have greatly impacted the education system with the growth of technology the ways on how we
learn has improved tremendously. Technology integration is being increasingly used in instruction to
improve teaching and learning.
Nueva, M, G (2019), Teachers and learners have expressed through online platforms a number of DL-
related difficulties they have been experiencing. Technological advances had greatly changed the
education landscape in that teaching is no longer confined to the traditional face-to-face deliveryof
Garcia, M (2017) These Studies confirmed that computer technology can build dynamic
teaching and learning experiences will help both teachers and the students of social interaction and
collaborative learning in an online learning environment and whether these variables foster students'
perceived learning.
Smith & Anderson, (2016), Computer-based technology has infiltrated many aspects of life and
industry, yet there is little understanding of how it can be used to promote student engagement
Computer Technology made students life easier. Instead of them using pen and paper now, nowadays
students use various of software application and tools to create a presentation and projects for school
activities using digital technology and its connections to learning interactions, communication with
others, self-fulfilment and well-being.


A theory by Araz Bozkurt

This study is anchored by the theory of Araz Bozkurt. Many studies in computer technology
throughout the internet, mass media platforms play an important role in disseminating information
about ICT AND IA Students to further their knowledge about it. but unfortunately caused by the
pandemic of COVID-19. Because of this, the media coverage of the pandemic uses frightening
language, the speculation is to cause emotional turmoil in people. According to , Aras Bozkurt the
educational technology or so called ( EdTech ) is a dynamic, which has emerged in the field and
because of this, has been researching in the creation of mapping patterns in the field that this system
approach is required. Since then the World Wide Web has become available to the public, in this study
it is necessary to conduct a systematic analysis of research patterns in educational technology. He said
the analysis showed that after 1993, there was a sudden increase in the number of educational
technology publications. ( EdTech ) and the guiding principle of the subject is the social science that
has been , surface in the field , or suggests that there is a need for more interdisciplinary research.The
next theme created over the course of almost three decades was identified 1993 to 1999 multimedia
learning and teaching design in 2000 to 2004 Convergence of educational technology, distance
education, online learning environment and the educational t echnology integration in the traditional
learning setting and in 2010 - 2014 online learning and higher education is said to be the integration of
ICT students to the full potential of educational technology. And in 2015 - 2019, data, driven, smart
educational technology, big data, and learning analytics were created here. There are more and more
critical views, some discourses such as arguments that it is necessary to change (EdTech) in
education and replace teachers, to continue to be expressed throughout the literature.

The Atanasoff Berry Computer by John Vincent Atanasoff

Professor John Vincent Atanasoff receives funds to build a full-scale machine at Iowa State
College (now University). The machine was designed and built by Atanasoff and graduate student
Clifford Berry The ABC was at the center of a patent dispute related to the invention of the computer,
which was resolved, when it was shown that ENIAC co-designer John Mauchly had seen the ABC
shortly after it became functional. The legal result was a landmark: Atanasoff was declared the
originator of several basic computer ideas, but the computer as a concept was declared un-patentable
and thus freely open to all. A full-scale working replica of the ABC was completed proving that the ABC
machine functioned as Atanasoff had claimed. The replica is currently on display at the Computer
History Museum.


The insights for the researchers believed that is it wise to conceptualize the Input-Process
Output (IPO) as a main model to describe the flow of the study.

The input shows the profile of the respondents and the assessment of the respondents in using
computer technology from work and time management, it will help the researchers to know if the use of
computer technology is really convenient and efficient among the learners of information and
communication and industrial arts learners

The process determine the procedure that is will be likely to be use to process to procure the
necessary data in order to identify the level of the time and work management of the learners using
computer technology. The researchers will utilize with a online survey questionnaires to the learners of
the Saint Francis Technical Institute.

The output describes the results of the study through the conducted online survey according to
the questions that was given to them, it shows the result of the study if computer technology is really
convenient and efficient to the learners or computer technology is not that convenient due to the
problems encountered by respondents


The researchers will show

the demograpic profile of
the respondents and the
The researchers will use The output will describe
efficiency and conviency
online survey the results of the study of
of computer technology
questionnaire to gather how efficient and
to the learners and the
and collect the data given convenient computer
problems the
by respondents in St.

In this section, here are the listed term that was used in our background of the study to
understand the word more as it was not familiar for the readers to understand.

Abacus- an oblong frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid, used for
Analytical Engine- the first fully-automatic calculating machine, was constructed by British computing
pioneer Charles Babbage (1791-1871), who first conceived the idea of an advanced calculating
machine to calculate and print mathematical tables in 1812.
Analog- relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical
quantity such as spatial position, and voltage.
Calculator- something mathematical calculations, in particular a small electronic device with a
keyboard and a visual display.
Computer- an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to
instructions given to it in a variable program.
Devices- a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or
electronic equipment.
Digital- electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states:
positive and non-positive.
Diverse- showing a great deal of variety; very different.
Economics- the study of scarcity and its implications for the use of resources, production of goods and
services, growth of production and welfare over time, and a great variety of other complex issues of
vital concern to society.
Electronics- Electronics is a branch of physics and electrical engineering that deals with the emission,
behavior, and effects of electrons using electronic devices.
Face-to-face- is characterized by having those involved close together and facing each other.
Mechanical- working or produced by machines or machinery.
Merchant Computer- is a Veteran-Owned, nationally recognized Information Technology & Software
Engineering staffing and services firm.
Resources- a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a
person or organization in order to function effectively.
Smartphone- a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally
associated with telephones such as an operating system, web browsing, and the ability to run software
Technology- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
Virtual- not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.

The examination of descriptive research design was the main topic of this chapter. The goal of
this study is to identify the utilization of computer technology among ICT and IA learners in everyday
aspect and also to identify how efficient and convenient computer technology among the learners.
The goal of this study is to aid St. Francis Technical Institute learners on how efficient and convenient
computer technology is, Confident users who can use Computer Technology into the fundamental
knowledge and skills they have learned to benefit ICT and IA learners in their daily lives.
Us the researchers, conducted the research at Saint Francis Technical Institute (SFTI) at Zapote
Dr 5604, Camarin Brgy 178, Caloocan, Philippines, This place was selected to implement the senior
high school learners of the Saint Francis Technical Institute with the purpose of helping them to know
the level of conveniency and efficiency of using computer technology.
The choosen respondents of the study are the Grade 12 learners of the track ICT and IA of the
Saint Francis Technical Institute, They are the respondents needed for this study since they have
enough proper knowledge to the existing study. They are also choosen to undergo the online
questionairre that contains a survey on how convenient and efficient computer technology, the
respondents will answer on the survey to give informations to the conveniency and efficiency of the
computer technology. The researchers will pick accordingly to the given answers by the respondents.
In this study the, the researchers one instrument to measure the possible outcome number of
learners indicating the level of the conveniency and efficiency of computer technology. The online
survey questionairre will asses identifying the researcher’s respondents that will fit to the study.
This study used online survey questionnaire method of research. Online survey is a structured
questionnaire that your target audience completes over the internet generally through filling out a form.
The researchers used this study to ensure the conveniency of the respondents and to reach
respondents as quickly as possible, online questionnaires are signigicantly cheaper than doing them on
The great thing about the online questionnaire, is that respondents can choose when and where
they will complete your questionnaire. With more time to fill-in your survey and even the flexibility to
start it and then come back to it at another time to finish it off, can help boost your overall response
rates. Within 10 days, the researchers will observe the said respondents using the survey provided.
Afterwards the observation, the researchers will gather the data needed for the study and see how the
respondent's data differs with each other.


The following statistical treatment were used in order to know the data of IA and ICT learners
X1=The mean of ICT learners
X2=The mean of IA learners
SS1=The sum of squares of ICT learners
SS2=The sum of squares of IA learners
N1=The number of observation for ICT learners
N2=The number of observation of IA learners

A t-test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. It is often used in
hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect on the population
of interest, or whether two groups are different from one another.



Table 1.1

This table illustrated the frequency and percentage distribution of the demographic profile by
age. The highest number of respondents were 17 to 19 years old with a frequency of 23 which is 82.14
of a whole, followed by 20 and above years old with a frequency of 5 which is 17.86 percentage.

Age Frequency Percentage

17 – 19 yrs old 23 82.14

20 and above 5 17.86

Total 28 100

Table 1.2

This table illustrated the frequency and percentage distribution of the demographic profile by
gender. The highest number of respondents were male with a frequency of 23 which is 82.14 of a
whole, followed by female with a frequency of 5 which is 17.86 percentage.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 23 82.14

Female 5 17.86

Total 28 100

Table 1.3

This table illustrated the frequency and percentage distribution of the demographic profile by
strand/track. The highest number of respondents were Information and Communication Technology
Track/Strand with a frequency of 20 which is 71.43 percentage. The Second is Industrial Arts
Track/strand with a frequency of 8 which is 28.57.

Track/Strand Frequency Percentage

Information and Communication 20 71.43


Industrial Arts 8 28.6

Total 28 100

Table 1.4
This table illustrated the frequency and percentage distribution of the demographic profile by grade
level. The number of respondents were grade 12 only with a frequency of 28 which is 100 of a whole.
Grade Level Frequency Percentage
Grade 12 28 100
Total 28 100



There were 28 respondents who answered the survey and the composite mean was 4.20 which
indicates “Strongly Agree”. It means that most of the learners from St. Francis Technical Institute were
agree with the effiency and conviency of computer technology to the learners.The highest weighted
mean is 4.5 and the lowest is 4.03.
Table 2.1
Statements Mean Interpretation
Q1: Computer Technology is convenient for
4.5 Strongly Agree
school work and office work
Q2: Computer Technology makes my effort
4.03 Agree
less in doing particular things
Q3: Computer Technology helps me to
4.1 Agree
lessen my work in school
Q4: Computer Technology is a way to
Statements 4.25
Weighted Strongly
Mean Agree
enhance my skill and knowledge
Q5: Using
Q6: My skill and knowledge
Computer in computer
Technology affects my 3.53 Agree
technology will increase my
mental health & physical healthacademic 4.07 Agree
Q7: I've encountered Mean when using 4.20 3.75 Strongly Agree
Computer Technology

Q8: I can't practice my skills because I rely too 3.39 Neither

much in Computer Technology
Composite Mean 3.56 Agree


The calculated composite mean in this table is 3.56 which means that most of the learners are “Agree”
about the advantages of their chosen strand. The highest weighted mean is 3.75 and the lowest is 3.39.


the composite mean is 3.65 which means that learners are “Agree” of the significant difference caused by the
respondents’ demographic profile. The highest weighted mean is 3.86 at Q9.

Statement Weighted Mean Interpretation

Q9: There are different ways on using

3.86 Agree
Computer Technology between IA and ICT
Composite Mean 3.86 Agree

there is a significant difference when grouped according to age, gender, grade level, and with a
mean of 3.92 and a significance level of 0.00001.

Mean 1 Mean 2 Sig Decision Interpretation

There is a
Age 1.18 0.00001 Reject H0 significant
There is a
Gender 3.98 1.18 0.00001 Reject H0 significant

Track/ There is a
1.28 0.00001 Reject H0 significant


1. The first presentation is from the demographic profile of the respondents from St. Francis Technical
Institute. There are 82.1% (23) who are aged 16 – 19 years old and there are 17.9% (5) who aged
20 above. Most of the respondents are male that results with 82.1% (23) while the female are only
17.9% (5). Meanwhile in strand there are 71.4% (20) in ICT, 28.6% (8) in IA.

2. The second table summarizes the interpretation of respondents answers with the topic of the
efficiency and conveniency of computer technology to the learners. 4.5, 4.03, 4.1, 4,25, 4.07. These
weighted means from questions one to five has been interpreted as strongly agree.

3. For the next part of the questionnaire, There are 3 questions that shows the problems encountered
of the learners while using computer technology with the use of weighted means and it’s
interpretation. For the first question, the weighted mean is 3.53 which interprets as agree. The
second question mean is 3.75 which is also interprets as agree. The last question mean is 3.59
which interprets as neither disagree or agree.

4. The study shows the significant difference based on the respondents profile. There are only one
question that weigh 3.86 that interprets as agree.

1. Computer technology helps the learners with their task at school which take them less than an hour
to finish their school works and office works.

2. The efficiency and conveniency of computer technology that cause learners have a new way to
gain knowledge and enhance their skill resulting to having a good academic performance at school
3. Since learners rely too much on computer technology it affects their mental and physical health and
they are also encountering problems while using computer technology that’s being a hindrance to
finish their school work and office works.


1. Learners should minimize using computer technology when doing their school works to enhance
their skill and creativity to perform a better academic performance and also to have an healthy and
active lifestyle.

2. Schools should provide a more interesting way to teach learners so that the learners won’t rely too
much in computer technology in order to gain knowledge.

3. Department of Education should review why learners choose to use computer technology to
enhance their skills instead of learning it physically, DepEd can issue memorandums and
educational system that will help learners to enhance their skill without relying on computer
technology and also to keep learners active and to maintain a stable mental and physical health.


Computer technology has an impact on the learners academic performance which results to learners
relying too much using it to do their work and task without doing any effort and wasting time. In this
study the utilization of computer technology in everyday life aspect of ICT and IA learners. Computer
technology is efficient and convenient for doing school and office task, it is also a new way that the
learners use to gain knowledge regarding a particular thing and with the help of computer technology
helps the learner to have a better academic performance at school but computer technology also
comes with a negative effect the causes a lot of hindrance for the learners.


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Nueva, M, G (2019) A Literature Review on the Current Technocology in Education: An Examination of

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Gilakjani, A, P (2017) A Review of the Literature on the Integration of Technology into the Learning
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