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Why does Bullying happen

I think, based on that article, Bullying happens because the difference between one
child and another. It can be caused by differences in race, sexuality, religion, disabilities and
abilities, weight, height or anything that can create a difference between one child and
Sometimes, the bully have problems or unhappy, they are trying to make up that
feeling by bullying other. So in that way, they can cover up their feeling or problem. And may
be because of the lack attention, they are trying to get attention in their own lives. These
students need to feel powerful and enjoy harming others without thinking what others feel.
Sometimes bully happened in order to dominate others and the belief that it’s okay to
act or bullying the others. They don’t understand how hurt to be bullied.
Like I said before, the bully sometimes the bully sometimes trying to get attention,
they hope to use that way to make people be their friend and take bullying as a joke. So they
hope form that act they are become popular.
They are giving negative comments or judging other students differences, these
negative comments can relate to:
 appearance and weight
 ability or disability
 gender, sex and sexuality
 culture, race and religion
 socio-economic status.
And There are social norms within student groups as well as throughout the school
that influence bullying.
Student group norms and views about which students are of 'greater' social standing
come from society's values about power and status. This process happens as children and
young people absorb and copy the norms, values and prejudices of their school and their
wider community.

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