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RE R2019-2020 THE SALVATION ARMY ANNUAL REPORT Eaa— LB ike TOGETHER WE SERVE AS ONE WITH LOVE UR MRS WER Hong Kong and Macau Command Vision-MissionValues = 1 MARAwE RES ‘Message from the Chairman of Advisory Board 2 ARS Message from the Officer Commanding 3 BERS Advisory Board and Advisory Committees 4 Bare Governance Structure 6 RM Lee Our work RAP Statistics 8 GSR List of Services and Units 10 As Hs Overview of Serving Districts 2 Rrvaes Our stories AEH A Path Once Lost but Now Found 16 ERAN LAB — Recognising Elderly’s Life Stories and Achievements 17 RREDRRE RS Youth Stepping Out of Cocoon and Rejoining Society 18 ABTS eee Positive Outlook for Life Leads to Recognition 19 BBLNER-RORR ‘Opening up a Different Future for Students 20 EMEA 9 me Regaining Strength on the Way to Recuperation a BBH-RA Better Life for a Hardworking Family 22 RMOLRE Que HIGHLIGHTS Coed Care for Souls 2% mi Care for Elders 26 KU REREDE Inspiring Children and Youth 27 PSOE Supporting Rehab Services and Social Enterprises 28 BARR ‘Nurturing Children 29 RED A Reducing Waste to Help Others 30 asx Macau Ministries ETT mer China Ministries 32 AMOLHS Our suPPoRTERS DREOR Public Support 34 mew Corporate Partnership 35 [RS RRR ‘Sending Love Amid Pandemic 36 Acknowledgements 37 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS “4 WALKING TOGETHER FOR NINE DECADES ly BR (8 ds & & INTERNATIONAL MISSION STATEMENT RERS-AMRtAm 2RRAMRRZ—- AENGVSERES ARHHBLARPNE AROESLS SDA OE BERN LETA ROMA TARRARBROA ‘Tue Satvation ARMY, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Chistian Church, Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. RESERER AR Re AAR THE SALVATION ARMY HONG KONG AND MACAU COMMAND SION = MISSION - Vision ¢ & # BSKESRERHET ROKAVSOHSMES CARRARUIMR HMR (O38 7H S108 1080) To be committed in our mission of soul saving and fo excel in impactful ministry that all may come into a full relationship with God (John 10:10) Mission e ¢ @ SS BRSTHTT: ASERRER EEARMASRR: RSG MLRBSS SD IMRT REA A + BMRB AY» MTA | IA To preach the gospel of Jesus Christin order to win souls for Him ‘To facilitate and encourage spiritual development so that every individual may experience holistic ite To serve suffering humanity without discrimination, to love the unloved, to befriend the friendless, and embrace the marginalised ee eae + Values ¢ @am ome BE ae SPECT . a. “a oy Baxaeiees SHAMEE EME Se MG HOOK F RORMRATARR SAAR AHA RINBH ASMNMOKH PABBA FL: e997 t RRORERGA KEES PERNA AREHARRD BAAR > BAF HREM HMA RSKoVShRACE A RAMS HAGE A « BBR HIM AT LAB Rte Te: OS 3 RRAREHA BHRAL ROS RORLNMR BULMACRE RS BOLE ARAL + Be ARSREHN S-RAMZRARA RRRS ROBHHAMA - HSA HAMERSARKAZ— REAM RARES+t MAKZOIFIZARES AR GOPBBLLARAMA HERR RGFARAGREL HSRRERS SRE STAAR REAR MEHR BEATA RT RR MRL EOD OKRA S LER REOLSRBE TE RAe eae AR LOKRGAREHA MARNE: FREES BBR + — MAK HE ASSES ARAZRAL- MRSA wt i FMRG+ GBM, GBS, OBE, JP With The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command celebrating its 90 year of service to our community, | extend my heartfelt gratitude to all members of 7 our Boards and Councils, our donors, our volunteers and our partners. Your continued support and solidarity have made it possible for our staff and volunteers to better the lives of countless families ‘and individuals, and to continue to provide essential services for the needy and less fortunate throughout the Region. The past year has been especially challenging for Hong Kong. The outbreak of novel coronavirus has affected the lives of everyone in ways large and small, with its impact most acutely felt amongst the poor and disadvantaged. While this situation has been truly regrettable, | am nevertheless pleased to say that our frontline staff have continued to discharge their duties bravely, with diligence and professionalism, caring for the elderly and frail, supporting the needy and meeting both the material and spiritual needs of the greater community. | am deeply moved by their selfless efforts, and by their devotion to this noble and worthwhile cause. am also impressed with the many contributions made by our Advisory Board members, and | extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of our members. | must also take this opportunity to specially thank Dr. the Hon. Anson Chan, one of our most senior and esteemed Advisory Board members who retired fram the Board in December 2019. in Dr. Chan's stead, we are pleased to welcome Mrs. Elizabeth Bosher, who brings to the Advisory Board a rich and diverse background in government and in business. The future is full of uncertainties, but The Salvation Army's determination to serve the community remains steadfast. With ‘the support of our many friends, we will continue to carry on our mmission to serve all those in need, and to spread the Good News of the Gospel. Together we will make a difference, and bring hope to, individuals, families and the wider community during these difficult and uncertain times. a deen eb Dr the Hon. Sir David K.P. Li, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP Chairman of the Advisory Board The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command Messace FROM THE OrFicerR COMMANDING This past year has been particularly challenging, with the COVID-19 outbreak following on from months of social events. There were also economic uncertainties due to global trade and Financial tensions. Despite all of these, The Salvation Army continues to do what we are known for and that is to SERVE. The theme for The Salvation Army this year summarises it all, "Together we Serve as One with Lave. This is also reflected in our tireless endeavors over the last 90 years of consistent work in our church ministries, social and community services and education services regardless of any situation. This Annual Report is our testimony of the ongoing services that we have rendered. ‘We give thanks to Gad for the privilege and opportunity for the Army ‘to serve OTHERS in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China. For the many lives that we have been able to touch and serve, we pray that. itwill make a difference for them. With the outbreak of the coronavirus in early 2026, it presented an Unprecedented challenge for al. But it did not hinder The Salvation ‘Army in serving and we cared for the most vulnerable persons and families by providing much needed food packs and health packs. Adjusting the way we deliver our services, we ensured that all our essential services continued, and no vulnerable persons are neglected. We are proud of all our frontline officers and staff who bravely continued in their services. Over the last 90 years of serving, we want to give thanks to God. Without God's grace we will not have the courage and strength to, provide many services to meet the needs of others, We also thank our dedicated Advisory Board members, supporters, donors and volunteers who believe and support us in what we do. You have been our pillar of strength too. ‘We look forward to the years ahead for more opportunities to serve. ‘The Best is Yet to Come! Lieut-Colonel Bob Lee Officer Commanding The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command WZ — RL ALE ° BNE TB A SFT MROMERAR METRE PABBA RARR FT SEM RTA Ao te SRO UL EME S e ABBE SPREE REE MA — FLOR fe] EST AB BAAT HE SRB DIMA ROHL PARMAR ARM Fitkth URLS Bs SF PRL EDR AS A ASO © SAPRRER A RSE EE HS PTAA HAs RES FURR A: a6 15 BAUS © 20204 8)» HENAN» Hrs AIRS RPT RAAT » SAS ARERR AR ARBRE SRM AR WEAR ARSE RANE ‘PPE » RRC FT Aas BA A Se RT» ABBALOTR REM SMEAR LARA + BEAMS ILA Aatth > RM AMBANT TRO RS MM LR BSH EA RMT ABR RE RAS MRA BARR BINA BMERSSUKA ABW AK BAR LASER HHI) BARE: FFRNRAR MORNE SRS (tb A > BB 5 3 FR SEH | PETE RE He FHKLE Besaexeara RBARSR AR) EAM eS AER MBP HET SALE * * BRAARML MEA SRER PABRSHSR MA PRE RE TBARS + BES AGE A AF TSHR (BAR DAM 2 PREAH TSORREBM LIE ARHELSRERAMARERE ‘tBBh RARE READ RUR RBS HE FMM, GBM, GBS, OBE, IP (=F) meas RAT ‘FERRI S¢4E, SBS, MH, JP ARBRE MR PHSt, GBS, OBE, |P er) oS MBSRt PRR, BBS, IP SOBRE FRE, IP RHR FHKE See ht PERAETAR PER BHR REGTE FRA Composed of a professional and specialist group in their own fields from the community, the Advisory Board and Advisory Committees assist The Salvation Army with its work in the following aspects: % Make suggestions to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Army's work. + Advise The Salvation Armyinmatters where the Boards’ expertise would be valuable. This includes areas such as government, retail, property, legal, financial, education, personnel, marketing, communications, public relations, risk management and programme delivery. + Give advice and assistance in securing funds to support the Work for the purposes of The Salvation Army. 4 Represent The Salvation Army in an ambassadorial capacity to enhance the Army's profile, Aovisory Boarp Dr the Hon. Sir David KP. Li, GBM, GBS, OBE, IP (Chairperson) Mr K. Au Mrs Elizabeth Bosher Mr Herman Hui, SBS, MH, JP Mrs ingrid Kwok. Dr Peggy Lam, GBS, OBE, JP Dr Pierre Lam Ms Wincey Lam Mr David C, Lee, BBS, JP Mr Brian Lee Shiu-fung Mr Adrian David Li Man-kiu, JP Exoffcio members Lieut-Colonel Bob Lee, Officer Commanding Lieut-Colonel Wendy Lee, Command President of Women's Ministries Major Tommy Chan, General Secretary Mr Wilfred Leung, Development Director Loe AMER (Fe) BIRT PRIBK, IP BIRKE REMR REROR BER RHE MERTRSROR Apministration Anvisory ComMitTEe Ms Wincey Lam (Chairperson) Mr John Douglas Ham Mr Adrian David Li Man-ki, JP Mr Jackie Mau Chi-chun Excofficio members Major Tommy Chan, General Secretary Mr Alex Wong, Senior Director for Business and Administration GUN SDE (EM) PRAIA Reet REAR PL aR BHARt KARA BRMLt BMARREE BRAG CSR RD TAR SUB RRE RERRE MERPSRR EA OU POR A, BBS, 1P (EB) Bete PRE ARTE « MEME REROR WER RERLE SERTRSRSE BS feed JO ‘HERO, SBS, MHIP (EDR) REARS Siewist, iP a BRE Rewikt weet “BARR eB SE MRR Rem ERE BEKESL aeeeS « RERRR SHUR Me REROR WER SRSKt PARBAE 70206 830 BRE ‘sat 30 dune, 2020 Epucation Apvisory Committee ‘Mr Brian Lee Shiu-fung (Chairperson) Professor Raymond Chan Maw-chiu Dr Thomas Leung Kin-man Exofficio members Lieut-Colonel Bob Lee, Officer Commanding Dr Carl Cheng Kai-yuen, Educational Services Director ‘Ms May Cheung, Coordinator for Pre-School Education ‘Mrs Addy Cheung Cheung Wai-yee, Principal of Shek Wu School ‘Ms Carol Chu, Retired Headmistress of Tin Ka Ping Schoo! ‘Mr Edmond Hung, Principal of Wiliam Booth Secondary Schoo! Property Apvisory Committee ‘Mr David C. Lee, B85, JP (Chairperson) Mek KAU ‘Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu Mr Kenneth Poon Ex officio members ‘Major Tammy Chan, General Secretary ‘Mr Alex Wong, Senior Director for Business and Administration Sociat Services Apvisory COMMITTEE ‘Mr Herman Hui, SBS, MH, JP (Chairperson) Professor Erwin Huang Dr Joseph Kwok Kin-fun, IP Professor Terry Lum Yat-sang. ‘Ms Zandra Mok Yee-tuen Dr Elisabeth Wong Wai-yir Members At-large ‘Mr Philip Fan. ‘Mr Kenny S. M. Kong ‘Mr Louis Loong ‘Mr Kevin Mak lu-kwan Dr Rachel Poon Mak Sui-man Dr Paul Tam Mo-shing Excofficio members Lieut-Colonel Bob Lee, Officer Commanding ‘Major Tommy Chan, General Secretary ‘Ms Perina Li Siu-fan, Social Services Director 06 Bere RUS GRE AAR HRSA (RRR! HR RATT AROAK (CARR MES RBS EH BHR AS BAA MEAL) CAMA AFAR ° SER AMS 2 TATA EERE HERS: WRESLHRM ROAR AERAGA RS AR Dis RaS Bx (BERR! © The Salvation Army Governance Structure is a framework of rules and practices by which a top policy making group, ‘Command Governance Council, ensures accountability, fairness and transparency in an organisation's relationship with all of its stakeholders (soldiers, adherents, officers, employees, clients, donors, government and community members). Various Governance Committees and Management Boards are set up under Command Governance Council to ensure that Strategic Mission Objectives are being monitored and achieved while Best Practice is demonstrated in all operational matters. EESEa Command Management Council Re Business Governance Committee Ba ee Bead DHQ Governance Committee AEB a EESeaae® Command Governance Counci 'B 38) #8 Governance Committees China Ministries Governance Committee Education Governance Committee RENE ‘Nominations Committee Re Pastoral Committee {mE Social Services Governance Committee ‘82 BB @ management Boards ReRERAD nee RESRR Ae Business Management Board ‘Internal AuditBoard Projects Management Board RARE eee aeeRsae Candidates Board iiteraure Board Property Maintenance Board TRESS RRR GeRiemaae RERAT China Management Board Moral and Socallssues Council Protection Board aenae ERGORER Ramee Commission of Inquiry Officer Appointment Board ‘School Incorporated Management EREMZAR REPaeA® ore DHQ Management Board Officer Review Board AES aaWEaS RENMERERS eee) Serices Manger ert Boer Education & Training Board Officers Traning College Board ADRREAR SHAATEEAT Human Resources Board Pre-Schaol Board of Management x {PI AY LF | a OUR WORK ° a v Beas RBH L coms (Church) Ministries = | \ S5RR(%) Corps (Churches) 15% 2 Members 2arr - BA os SS % anne | (ey Educational Services F >7,800 . mama ee ints Been BIR crs 2 8 RM Nase Saco 17 ore {7A Kindergartens 10 2aar 2 pray seo 4 2006 $9 secon sited 1 «m0 19% spwcalsehod 1 za govern = RS ati \, Recycling Programme >26,000" etl san No.of Fam Stores 164 EIEEMA No.of Collection Points 271 SEAR No.of Beneficiaries 26,198 ¢ SURPBEIRE No.of tems Distributed 7.928" BeMSMR CAM) 3.2338 ‘Volume of Donations Received (tonnes) 8 SERBDE Et ‘Youth and Family Services Units) dances of Benefiarios>268,000, BARD TE 5 149.454 Integrated Service for Young People Bho 3 78,032 CChiléren and Youth Centre REBT 1 5770 ‘Services for Young Night Drs ARRAN 8 153 Residential Chidcare Service RAR 1 17435 ‘School Based Counseling Service eee 3 19,101 Family Support Projects ad ORS BAR Senior Citizens Unis) __Altendances of Beneficiaries 157000, Re eI a 720 Residences for Senior Chizens RACED ORS 2 62,363 District Ederty Communty Centres RABE O 5 69.688 Neighbourhood Elderly Centos RHAMRE 3 22 Day Care Cents for Senor Chizens BORER 4 4,285 Integrated Home Care Service Teams aR LERH 1 624 Community Project for Senior Citizens Pa 7 318 Hidden Eiery sears 1 11.488 Carer Services SeRerae Ct mMts 1 5993 Paliatve Cae in Residential Care Homes forthe Eider ReMREReRe IM 1 on AUREL ‘Kwong Wah HcsptalIearted Discharge Support Programme {or Eidey Paton - The Salvation Army Home Support Team eo ed 43m Piet Scheme on Community Car Service Voucher the Elder am SORE RBAR Rehabilitation Uni) Attendances of Boneitares 42,000 | time 3 sa Community Day Rehabitaton Service A 1 321 Inietted Vocational Rhabitation Service for Disabed ARALHE 3 396 Hose forte Disebed Peore ARALR RS 3 n Employment Service for People wt Disabities RRWRARALR RRR 4 4179 Suppor Serves fo Poop wih Spacal Neos andthe Fries + RARE RIEL SKY Fan and Chi Dowlpment once (GTA: RT| (CREAM ALRS TAREE Star-Care FLASH roel (Gta Moment erento Spectum Doras Perrott Foie) + [AGEL RRR ‘Sacre Peres Resource Cone +A PATH Corke SRR LES 1 330 Ons Preschool Rehaitatin Sores 1a some mH Community Uni) Attendances of Beneficiaries 27,00 FERRER ‘4 8.662 Urban Renewal Social Service Team ERM ATS 3 880 Inierted Servic for Stee Sleepers and Hostels sumer 2 18.478 Rural Community Development Projects Jnana 4 173 Communty Housing Novement To Ka Wan Project ae BORE mBAR Camp Units Atendanees of Beneeities wane 2 18.848, Youth Camp ARR wom mHAR Edueaton & Employment Units Atendances of Bondi 2,000 BARRED 1 19.046 Eucaion and Development Cette aisemRaTeS mas 1 1.055 Youth Pre-employment Tang Poets ATR SARADTE 1 1497 The integated Emplomment Assistance Programme for ‘Setrolance (EAPS) Project aaom RORA RHAR Social Enterprises Units Aendances of Benefclies»35000, eam 2 32,035 Soro Ciizons Tl Advancamant Projects \ Bits Fines Box 1 3487 i + nal 0009 SP £ PIL Macau Ministries mem) 402 ‘Corps (Church) ! Members: SRERSAEB EO BAK 8,935 Joy Fey integrated Service Cente ‘tendares of Beeficares REE BPYMAPS — RBA 9,037 ‘TSA Macas) Edveation Cente Aitendances of Beneficiaries Rae 2 No.of Family Stores ust 16 No.of Calection Ponts 4 i > Sy" PUSH EEL china Ministries y a8 Sam | a A Projects Number of Beneficiaries a 1 489° Infrastructure ARR 7 491s" Education and Taining AIBA 3 231s" {rigation and Drinking Water seem 2 22,053" Health ana Hygiene mes 3 206" Aepeulue and Production AERO 2 1,244" ‘Community and Social Service Integrated Development RE 1 30" Exchange and Calaboraion “Renan # SHSUTRAMMRRANREAS tA FRAREEMME + ESSERE GAM) Rede (RM) BED * Noticing Macau 1 ncn nay poo atossady sna atars and NGOs, nats of Conmunty Housing Move ~ To Kwa Wan Project an Serio lien Cad shoppe + oy Family hegre Senice Conte Maca ard TSA Macau) Edvaton Corte 2DOESANROMN (NNN) "2010 12RT1 ARH ‘Asal 1 March 2020 (unless otis specied) As a 1 Deconber 2018 BRE ABER (3) ‘Comps (Churches) {EBB Engh Speaking Corps {#8983244 Hona Kong Island East Corps ‘8A Kam Tin Corps AURBERREE Kowloon Central Corps )VRESRPR Kowloon ity Coms HILAR Kowloon East Corps RARE Melody Corps S983 Shatin Corps RARE Tal Hang Tung Corps SAP Tei Po Corps STRIAM Tocuna Kwan O Corps EIERG Taven Kai Corps -BUBIE Tung Chung Corps AER anchal Comps ME Witiem Booth Corps “8 — CB IB educational Services ORPR RARE Nursery Schools and Créches: tAneeReAER North Point Nursery School and Criche REOR ERE AS Pak Tin Nursery School and Creche hime sti Catherine Booth Nureery Schoo! SREB Hol Fu Nursery School ZARB dat Min Nursery School REO Kam Tin Nursery Schoo! BHAMLIR {Lal Chi Kok Nursery Schoo! BANDA Les Muk Shue Nursery Schoo! MRR Lok Man Nursery School HERB Ming Tak Nursery Schoo! RB ‘Sam Shing Nursery School ARR ‘Tei Wo Hau Nursery Schoo! RAAB “al Yuon Nursery School FEDS “Tn Ping Nursery Schoo! zag RGR “Teven Wan Nursery Schoo! Sxyeen Wah Fu Nursery Schoo! FRAZER ‘Wo Che Nursery Schoo! $692 I8 Kindorgartons xeORmEY SH Fu Keung Kindergarten and Nursery Schoo! BanKmEDeD Hing Yan Kindergarten and Nursery Schoo! FRADE Ping Tin Kindergarten and Nursery PRR CContaline Charity Fund Kindergarton PRESES HR CGentaine Cheety Fund Yau Tong Kindergarten Teen ese ‘Chan Kwan Tung Kindergerton er Ng Kwok Wal Memorial Kindergerten Ree Rosta Yuen Kindergarten ARI ‘Shui Chuen O Kindergarten Him EL Tin Ka Ping Kindergarten ‘ANI Primary Schools REAARSER ‘Ann Wyle Memorial School eed CGentaine Charity Fund Schoo! RES {Lam Butt Chung Memorial Schoo! Fane Tin Ka Ping Schoo! HMR Secondary Schoo! hse aeeh Wiliam Booth Secondary Schoo! $8FRMA Special Schoo! AER ‘Shek Wu Schoot (RS lata Recycling Programme BRERA Aberseen Family Store SMRBE Chai wan Family store RIERA Kwun Tong Family Siow FOBAKSLUE Nam Choong Family Store SEAREBLE Noeth Point Famiy Store AF RB Prince Edward Family Store BRARRH sai wanto Family Stow ERAT Shatin Family Stow" FER Tin Hau Family Store LL REBE To Ka Won Famly Store 2M A Touen Wan Family Store AUPSRERAE* Tuon Mun Family Store” SERA Wan Chal Family Store THIRLE Western Distt Family Sore URE Whampoa Family Sore BEEBE Yau Ma Tl Famly Store ARAL Yue Wan Famiy Store RENOIR (MEF HAR ATR) CColection Points (Wan Chai, Yau Ma To, Tai Hang Tung) wHo GR) Logistics Centre Kwai Chung) SEORR Collection Points in various districts ‘SARRARU EAE eS * Consignment stores under The Salvation Army Social Services Departments supervision = HL TARE social Services 8 HIBB Sonior Citzone Sorvioas AWRaE EZR Bradbury Home of Loving Kindness wR e Ho Tal Residence fr Senior Chizens Smee R Kam Tin Residence for Senior Chizens HeRa2R Lung Hang Residence for Senior Ctizons BUR ZR Nam Shan Residence for Senior Citzens es "Nam Ming Haven for Women BHREDR Po Lam Residence for Senior Cizens sRRRZR ‘Tak Tin Residence for SenicrClizens RRA AME A ‘Chuk Yuen Day Gare Centre for Senior Citzens SME AMIEL Hoi Yu Day Care Centre for Senior Citizens AMRTOMMREO ‘Talo Day Care Centre for Senior Citizans EASSTEM ERB van To ntogratod Home Care Service Team RAKSRER ‘Sai Kung Iniegreted Home Care Service Team AERA ANB ‘TaiPo Inlograted Home Care Service Team HARES ‘Yau Teim Integrated Home Care Service Team frm [Chak Yuen Cente for Senior Citzens MRE HO Hoi Lam Contre for Senior Chzons. BAR AHO ‘Nam Tal Cenire for Senior Ctizons ABOREH ‘Tal We Hau Centr for Senior Citzons SERED (Wah Fu Centre for Senior Crtzens AGRA B AAT ‘Tal Po Mull-sorvice Contre for Senior Cin Sh ise aH HEA ty ‘Yours Mut service Conte for Senior itor RAE RS ANTE 8) Plot Schorne on Community Care Services ‘Voucher forthe Elderly (Phase Il) ¥TM ASAT A ENE RAS AT ‘al Po Pilot Scheme on Community Care ‘Service Voucher for the Elderly BAM carr Sorvicos Pagar) emeaae (Chronic Disease Sel- Management Programme IRAE AAAS ET RRRERR wong Wah Hospital integrated Discharge ‘Support Programme for Eley Paionts - ‘The Salvation Army Home Support Team eugenexeAsw Palliative Care in Residential forthe Eierty SAMRAT Pot Scheme on Home Care and Support for Ekerly Persone wih Mid impaitment ‘GURHEH Rehabilitation Services ARLE RES ‘Shaukoiwan Commurity Day Rehabilitation ‘Service SEER Tak Tn Community Day Rehabiiaton Service RRMEREE RSA ‘Cheung Hong Commurity Day ‘Rehabiltation and Residential Service ‘19278 Heng On Hoste! 5 Lal king Home AMM RRM (6mm. L) ay Respite Service (6 years old or above) ‘TALI Residential Respie Service BRMETH (SCE RRB SELORORE RRR SHAS BR) Extended Care Programme (Shavketwan ‘Community Day Rehabitaton Service, Tak ‘Te Community Day Rehabltaion Service, ‘Cheung Hong Community ay Renabiltation ‘and Residential Service, Lai King Home) BRA LET (BR EA) Work Extension Programme (Heng On Integrated Service for Rehabilitation) pEmeMe ne Hong On integrated Vocational ‘Rehabltaion Service AGALEMSHI (Onthe Job Training Programme for People with Disabilities me SiH ‘Sunnyway-On the Job Training Programme for Young Peopie with Disables FWA Talent shop ee ALRERARESI GR ‘Share Care ~ FLASH Project (Critical ‘Moment intervention for Autsm Spectrum Disorders Persons and The Families) [eT LRRD "Share-care’ Parents Resource Center RAs PATH Contre RERRDE ME ‘Youth and Family Services RAED ROR (Chain rtegrated Service for Young People AAD ERE A Taio integrated Service or Young People PRA DER “Tuen Mun East Intopratod Service for ‘Young Peopie UPS Drea A “Tuer Munirtgeated Serie fr Young People HRD ‘Yaurat! integrated Service fr Young People moe (Chuk Yuen Chidren & Youth Centre Re HD ERD Lung Hang Chiron & Youth Cente KBORD EDD ‘Tei Wo Hau Chicren & Youth Centre FERMZE (BR RH CM) Ping Tin Small Group Homes fr Chidren (Kindness, Goodness, Fitness) ARORRZS (HCH AF) TaiWe Hau Smal Group Homes ter Giron (Woy. Love, Peace) URIEE Wan Teui Home for Boye RAETR ® Yue Won Boys! Hostel FRB Nau Tami Community Deeoprert Pret Sree Sam Mun Tsai Community Development Project RARER AME ‘Shamshupo Family Support Networking ‘Team SREMAE RES M Ay iouioon City Family Support Centre UPS DSN “Tuen Mun Services for Young Night Drifters FARRER “Tung Chung Family Support Centre BRE orgtar Plus H.EA.LTHTEEN — 26fe BESO HEALTH. TEEN- Youth-AtRisk Support ‘Senices REBRHE Community Projects RRARARE Intogratod Service for Stroet Sleepers EMA Sumiso House FERRE RER Urban Renewal Socal Service Team 182182 Yee On Hoste! GFUNBIRR A — Seis amen Rm So Uk Este Capital Development Project, tM ‘Community Housing Movement - ‘Teka Wien Projct 82H camp Sorvico EIB Brasbury camp SGM BER Ma wan Youn Camp RARRRRE Education & Employment Services: RARER tivation and Development Centre BARRA RM MT ‘The Integrated Employment Assistance Program for Self-aliance SBARIBI school Services sete Tree ‘Schoo! Social Work Service 2rRe ee Comprehensive Student Guidance Service RUN ERS] MART aOR ‘The Salvation Army ~*Chiiren for Hope” Preschool Social Wark Services AReBRNASR ‘Sol Financing Services & Social Enerprisos STARTER ‘Senior Citizens Talent Advancement Project wun Tong Centre SARRVARMEO ‘Senior Ctzons Talent Advancement Project Tung Tau Centre RARER RERRH AD ‘SKY Famiy and Child Development Centre [RMT ARSRAE LAG "Welking in Love™Suppert Children with ‘Special Needs: SRE On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services ISLE Finoss Box ‘WABAIBLA RE Shatin Park Food Kiosk SR Other Professional Services: td Paramedcal Service Section RARE Health and Nursing Service Section — RRR RRB ‘Macau Office and Units SPUUEEM HA District Office, Macau Ste (RPT) eae “The Salvation Army (Macau) lao Hon Corps WARE ARID oy Family Integrated Service Centro REM CRP) APD ‘Te Saati Army (Macau) Ecucaton Centre PRBS (EMR) ‘Macau Family Store (Horta e Costa) Brae (Au) ‘Macau Family Store (Tot San) — Pasha Se me ‘Mainiand China Offices Rt (HE) CUR ‘The Sahaton Army (Hong Korg) Sichuan Ofice KER (SR) SOMES ‘The Setvaton Amy (Hong Kong) Yunnan Ofte 20209. 91 BRA As at 31 March, 2020 RHERAE- BB #BR (AB) Corps (Church) Qo Aa Educational Services (RS ate Recycling Programme AS Social Services AA aS S85 — Hh LS RPS Tome 4 en oO Offices in China Gaara ipa - © ik (am) Corps (Church) © eam Educational Services @ SRA Recycling Programme HeRG Social Services AMER Macau Peninsula OUR STORIES AR ERHL i SARE CARRERE A RSALERRE DHRAERSER RAR PRB BZA BI © SEHOARAMRAR: GhRLGBRRE 18% BRAAT RMEIMAR Zee Beictt ERA BRM BIN MEPS HS: (OE RH Ae? Zk EDA S MI RG MSR iM HE BBALA Bs [RES RAE PRR SCT CRRA RE) BP RRR TER A SHUM ARE Go| BT SRR ERA: hit (EBS PR Bi REBAR RTA + RR Path DARK RUE RE SU RH EM | HE RAM CFF HSARHIE: ERPS HAM: (EPRI RERNRS BA » HMA NRE AR hARE: +ASE | EMS 2268: [RE (Eth TA REE tte, TARE ©. AIRS AMER ° ih BAO HB A Path Once Lost but Now Found avingameaningfuljob,ahappy amily, and the opportunity to serve young people and children in church all these are truly blessings from God for Brother Leung Pak-ho, ‘YoungPeople's Sergeant-Majorof Shatin Corps. Pak-ho was once lost when he was young, He had a poor relationship with his parents, so he moved out to live alone when he was 18, and started working part time to pay for school Gradually he parted from the church and even forgot about God. It was when his family passed away in a traffic accident that brought him to ask God: what isthe meaning of ife? Later, Pak-ho returned to the church. After some time of searching and settling in, he found his life's direction. “| grew up in a traditional family. The scolding and punishment from my parents had made ime feel unrecognised and inferior. These experiences allow me to understand young people better and be more empathetic with them’ He pursued the studies in counselling and psychology in order to better serve the young people. At first, it seemed that there was no opportunity for Pak-ho to put what he has learnt into practice, but again God opened a way for him. When The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School was hiring a student counsellor, Pakcho decided to give up his 20-year career of interior design and make a new start at school counseling "Working at school, | have come across many students with different needs, It’s most essential for us to be their companions as they grow up’ As Proverbs 22:6 says, ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it! This is also the motto that Pak-ho follows. A year-old Uncle Tong (Tong Hong} is a service User of The Salvation Army ‘Palliative Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly’ project (Project). Born in Guangzhou during the Japanese invasion of China, he came to Hong Kang and began his decades of working life, among which working as a postman has been the most satisfying job for him, His work performance has also gained high recognition of his superiors and fellow residents in the neighbourhood Uncle Tong's daughter is proud of her father, ‘My dad was born in unsettling times, but he has been striving. to stay strong and do what he wants to do. He has, achieved much more than many people.’ However, his physical health is far worse than before, Atlast he was sent to a residential care home, where he came to know The Salvation Army and joined the Project, which has provided him with early intervention services and support for body, mind, social life and spirituality. He also takes part in activities organised by the Project. The Project has organised the ‘Memory Theatre’, showcasing unique life stories of senior citizens, including Uncle Tong's story. Social worker of the Project said, ‘Very often we put so much focus on the elders’ illnesses that we would overlookwhat had happened in their lives.’ A simple act of listening to their life experience can already be very heartwarming for the elders. ERSHLHKSRAE iE bh B Recognising Elderly’s Life Stories and Achievements 90 BBE Bie) 2 REE [FBRERS eSA ERATE! (otal) PAO FA ft Ae A AR eS RN PLA PRUFANL SBSH MSMR: ME LARGARK PANE RRSERIAR: (SSA a ERA MEAT MH RMR ATR ES Tol BTR RATIO SREB SE * RATRER MMAR BERETA MG SORE EPR Bl BEE © ‘BIB Dale: FREOLRE: ‘k| REOBR FARRER MSAD th BARS ° stale a Lit: EINER ER AMR M88 THRE ee BH) RERABERBRENAT OR HAE RARAPIERS © 2 Dl MRBARFER CARA] 29m ‘BE ( Kenny) AS bat 5c BABA | RAR BIE | + RGMBAAR LORE ARBRE A oR 3A A SR) Sa EA ARERR Bee REM IEASY. JobREM ERA! (Mesa) Kenny if: ak $8 A) S58 » A Be A PIR AB © HES REZ Kenny ERPS AMG MA MLAT (ESP AD) FOAL PA hE IR RD RRR RAGHPABKRRERE > ABABA LAL + TERR BSR | BR CEE) ED Ae aa AS 18 OR 328 Kenny AOR BITRE APRA FAT 180.58 HS | Kenny these (BIE) ABFA RL Ht RRSBRASE BALLER th SEF ALAS NE My AS RTA | DAS) BR ERR SRA ARNE Aha ARS SS Fe BE Youth Stepping Out of Cocoon and Rejoining Society used to feel very nervous and stressed about meeting people.’ Suffered from social phobia and agoraphobia, 29-year old Kenny has cocooned at home without working over a long time, spending every single day surfing the Web. Even though his friends occasionally referred him to different jobs, Kenny found it difficult to fit in and get along with his colleagues, so he has not stayed in any job for more than a month The Salvation Army ‘EASY. Job Youth Mentorship Scheme’ (Mentorship Scheme) made Kenny change his mind and finally summoned the courage to enroll into the scheme, In the training sessions, Kenny took up communication skills again and learnt how to get along with people with different personalities. In addition, a Life Master’ and social worker were arranged for Kenny through the Scheme to help him discover his ‘own self, explore his life plans and apply his newly acquired skill in the future workplace. After going through interviews and job matching, he gat an offer as ‘Junior Baker’ in a bakery where he learnt to make bread from scratch from his workplace mentor. Given his mentor’s step-by-step guidance and patience, Kenny slowly opened his mind and started mingling with his colleagues, which was indeed a 180-degree change for Kenny! Feeling the incredible patience given by his mentor, Kenny is willing to take heart in his learning. Because of his good work performance, Kenny was promoted, and on top of his basic duties, he acts as a littie mentor for new staff! Today, Kenny has not only stepped out of his cocoon, but also found his aspiration in the bakery industry and gained confidence in getting along with other people. aq 4 wieesR8 ith mild intellectual disability, cerebral palsy and limb coordination issues, Mak Kai-shun (Kai), trainee of The Salvation Army Heng On Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service, needs a walker whenever he goes out. Despite his conditions, Kal stays. positive and cheerful and he always wearsa smile Having joined the Salvation Army Heng On workshop for over 20 years, Kai has been trained in many different fields, He also has job training in the ecocraft team, where each trainee is responsible fora different procedure, and together they upcycle worthless wastes into eco-friendly craft goods. Kai is responsible for product pattern design. Considering the incompetence of his hands, drawing is supposedly a difficult task for Kai but he said, ‘The creative process is the most difficult part, because it involves a lot such as coming up with a motif from scratch and considering the symmetry of the design, But when | finish drawing the design out, it gives me a great sense of satisfaction’ Today, rehab persons are stil being labelled. Kai also had some unpleasant experience. ‘We are always labelled as useless people and treated like the waste materials we collect, Actually, with proper process, waste can turn into something useful, soit feels like my own rebirth too when our team upeycles the materials into goods; said Kai smilingly. Al these years, as a rehab trainee at Heng On, Kai has learnt to make goods, gained training opportunities and made many good friends, but most of all, he has obtained recognition, Positive Outlook for Life Leads to Recognition LEGRGARRAR ARB A EE (BT f€) BABS TR FRAGA A RETR» HART A RRDRSSe MARERERISX—+ HS MESSRS MLE aI/RADAS 0 FRR T BA Sal SARRTAL F SABE REOREMPRAREERRLES Heh MERAEMBR OBS: HEMI BR AB ti [BRAT ER Bt) ARES EUER SRNR S- AeA SK BRALHORER TMELAAT ORM Ee (BAAR ARAMA RRR PRED SHOR RAR HSEXL SEM MBAR fF Raa Bib RSAC MRE ET! Hh Fa MA RARE ERT SOA RE BIRD fe se lie WR Rae T PSS ERY RHHSBBE > BE BR A hae IR APR ESTE PREM RARES A RMS RR MR201I0F SLT HRRAARE Bh SSA RAS : him TS Aw Stl (Project WeCan)#) +e BS © MALLAALANA PREMERA BHRES PURSE ES FEHR HR + RA ACK | AA AR RETR MRP EE 2 BRE RAE EAU» ARPES BRIA (RL SRARAESRRR: MEPSEERABAM SCRATCHRRAS UES + FT HBR MRA ERE RT ARS PLLRER AMS BST PRAT EEX APSHA [English WeCanB BRE] RABBI ABA Met [Saturdays at UST] = HUA ERE PREM RARER MERARS M14 5 PRRATSRME- AA BM MRSS Bt A-KAAR Opening up a Different Future for Students ‘or student Benny Li, The Salvation Army William Booth Secondary School (WBSS) means more than just a school During his days studying at WBSS, he was guided with patience by his teachers, who encouraged him to develop his potentials in 2019, Benny was admitted to the Faculty of Science of the Hong Kong Baptist. University and more encouraging was that he received the ‘Project WeCan’ scholarship of HK$100,000. Understanding that chance favours the prepared mind, the entire WBSS team is dedicated to helping students to equip ‘themselves for the opportunities of building a brighter future. One of the main focuses of WBSS is raising students’ English proficiency. The School believes creating an English-rich environment and experiencecan boost students’ confidence inlearning the language The School specially sets an English learning environment and arranges students to take the special school-based SCRATCH English class that help them lay a firm foundation in English learning, and it also provides after-school English enrichment classes for its students. Benny joined the “English WeCan Summer Course’ co-organised by WBSS and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the 'Saturdays at UST’ co-organised by WBSS and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. During the summer after Secondary 4, the School recammended Benny to take part in an experiential English learning programme at The Salvation Army Booth University College in Canada, which turned out tobe an enriching English learning experience, _ ing (alias) who lives in Macau had an accident ]when she was on holiday in Thailand 3 years ago. ‘She was sent back to Macau for medical treatment and diagnosed with a stroke, After the stroke, Ping. was immobile and bedridden, unable to take care of herself. She also suffered from speech impairment and memory loss, which afflicted her particularly. All these have not only been a sharp blow to her but also affected her relationship with her family Ping felt like she had hit rock bottom and could not stop wondering why it had happened to her. After suffering fram the stroke, she became more negative inher outlook on life. Easily irritated, she began to shut herself out from people other than her own family, When Ping’s husband noticed the problem was getting serious, he sought help from The Salvation Army Joy Family integrated Service Centre. The Centre's workers arranged for Ping and her husband to join the ‘Monthly Soup’ Social Connection Project. A group of enthusiastic volunteers regularly visited Ping with soup, showing her their care and that she was never alone, Apart from bringing her hot soup, the volunteers also engaged Ping in different activities to help her recuperate. For instance, they read picture books and practised writing with Ping regularly, The activities helped to improve the quality of Ping’s life and brought her joy. At present, not only has Ping been making progress in her recuperation, she also has built a good rapport with the volunteers, we AhENBR Regaining Strength on the Way to Recuperation APR EMS EZ) iy Be a a & BER ERTL: coe RABRMBVED AMIE BREAK PR, MERE T CSM ABER READ ROR RCHR At «BT BERR TERE SPOR S A SST RTH HAS MEME HES - BSB Sa ARE R © MAR ACHBASAE SRATAM AT SAE PLESCHt SRSGH HOLM GRARE SRR » AL BE BR Sh FRI Sab SC A ARE REDRESS AREA REP ORB LARA AMOR AMET — SABI H-BAP DAMS Le MRD ABS ae SOR SEAT RAL» ARTIS LBA: ae I ABA: ME AMS HE MAAR RRS GERMS A NER MOA SRSA RR Pashto a TS He SB + ET (VERE > « >> EMAAR MARNE RT ER RAR PRE BS MARAE ERR MOHOMASHERAMMHRERARK PRA © PPR EY AF MRR sR ARE © TR MBO ARF BAS RT RS i WHARF ORS+SR BAM SARM BRAS bTRME A BTA RT AOR BF AP A BIR TET AR BABAK ReARF MRM THA OR » AS HPA Rime REBESHARERAGAA HASRHABS BRR «tie EUROS PF AERA HST RH RR AAMAS HT ee MHRAS IMMA: ARF MT MT RE WR Hine RR BRAN RA: HAO AF SRR «RA AIK BMRA Better Life for a Hardworking Family unt Liu and her family live in Michang wt Vilage, Yangbi County, Yunnan Province. ; ‘The main source of their family income is the income received by her husband and their youngest son from building houses for people in or outside the village. Also, the hardworking Aunt Liu grows vegetables in the fields behind her house and sells them in the market to help out the family financially Presumably, the family could be doing all right However, the condition of her elder son had been making Aunt Liu worried. In his thirties, her elder son has been staying home and cannot do any heavy work due to epilepsy. To seek cure for his illness, the family went many places for medical treatment and medicine, and spent a lot of money but to no avail, His illness gave Aunt Liu anxiety, which also posed a financial burden on the family When The Salvation Army first launched the greenhouse building project in the local community, Aunt Liu was the first villager that had the greenhouse built. With Aunt Liu's hard work and attentive care in the greenhouse, much more vegetables are growing in her greenhouse every year than before, which helps the family increase their income. Her eldest son has also become her good helper, helping her collect vegetables and sell them in the market. For such a hardworking family, their life is getting better just as how they deserve. Fx (FY AY J 4 Amos Bs BBR20194 457 ART eee SRELERE RS: PAF BALA [FAITH RM ROM ee SER . ATE BR SSH Aa UR BS RRMA RT We RA MP HS 2019114182883) PIA vo SA MARNE RB Raha AG RGR2019° 11517 BIT64) J Core For Sous A Divisional Headquarters 1 The Welcome and Installation of Command Leaders Lieut- Colonels Bob and Wendy Lee was held on 7 April 2019, officiated by Commissioner Gillian Downer, the then International Secretary for SPEA Zone. Kowloon Central Corps organised carolling activities and shared the message of Christ's birth with fellow residents at Yaumatei during Christmas 2079. The Shatin Corps and The Salvation Army Tin Ka Ping School organised the Primary Six Gospel Camp themed ‘FAITH is Higher during summer 2079, in which many students made a decision for Christ. Commissioners Wayne and Robyn Maxwell, International Secretary for SPEA Zone and Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries for SPEA visited the Command from 1 to. November 2019, They shared messages during the Holiness Meeting at William Booth Corps on 3 November. Tai Hang Tung Corps held the 64° Anniversary Thanksgiving Holiness Meeting on 17 November 2019. Women’s Ministries 6. To encourage environmental and green consciousness, the Women's Ministries organised a ‘Yellow, Red, Blue and Green Fashion Show’ in May 2019, creating fashionable wear by using only recycled items and products. 7. A special ‘Women of the Word’ Conference with attendance of ‘over 50 women was held in November 2019 and led by Lieut- Colonel Donna Evans, Head of Officer Personnel, Australia Territory. The conference also welcomed Commissioner Robyn Maxwell, the Zonal Secretary for Women's Ministries for SPEA, who was conducting a Command Review. 8. The Women’s Ministries Helping Hand Project raised HK$60,000 to support a Water Purification Projectin India Northern Territory that provides fresh water for a few villages in need. Spiritual Ministry 9. The Command organised Holy Land Learning Tour from 28 October to 6 November 2019 for 20 participants, including Officers, Local Officers and soldiers. 10. The Global Chinese Ministry Training Centre (renamed as Salvation Army Leadership Training Centre from 1 April 2020) established an ‘e-learning system’ which enables user to access archives, training materials, library collection and links to Salvation Songs. Two evening training courses and three ‘on-site Sunday-school courses (for Corps) were conducted RLEL 6. BRARRRACRR- BLELE 20105 ARM [RAL RAR ‘$RCat Walk Show! » #103 /ABMCAS ‘aL 7, 20191 AMAR E ABE ER EBLE AH BP | ah AB MSOT BREN + HED KRERRROBATAR RNS RBIWEREES DH 8, PRBLAFHMSHOR ET AR EDEL RB Hb URES ROK PIES > aosr 9, 2019%10A28R=11 56H Hate HEE A MT -RERER HA 200ERS M BERE HERR 10, BIRSA RT al RPL 20204 4A TARE BME AAA PL) FREAK RRA R 38 AAR MMAR MER GRR = PO Sh REEMA R= BR SATHEARRE: % Bees 1, eR MS RMR 2019 75228 E26RSt @RHAlawette ‘BH TARE A aA © , AFKES HeMASeRRORR EBGALREBWR2019 108280 ui A — ee RAL W) AHBM220ASH> 3. MURR SG SR @ eM 20198 (RRB SSS RAR AEA CATH ONL RAR RSS| Rs tthe a I SEAL = RRWRARBRE BG RAR BR2010F 12 ASA BH T a [IE | PER Mi00teme SAAT T1441 RRS BBRABALA RRA BM att SETERD SESH AE SR « KRERNAD AETORAP OO IE Re Be wT REA AAERST RSME RAY DEE» ABET RH Re ° 7 Care For ELpers Senior Citizens Services organised astudy tour to Taiwan from 22 to 26 July 2019. Staff delegates visited different organisations in Taipei to learn about the local quality services for senior citizens. The Salvation Army Carer's Association, Grace Parent Association and The Association of Parents of Severely Mentally Handicapped jointly organised the film screening of 'Stll Human’ on 28 October 2019 with over 220 participants. The Inauguration Ceremony of The Salvation Army Joint Committee & Elderly Committee cum Consultation Forum on End-of-life Care recognised the efforts of Elderly Committees members, The participants also exchanged their views actively towards the topics of ‘advance directives! and ‘dying in place’ in the consultation session, To encourage elderly to try new things and be innovative, the event named ‘Elder Learning vs OHH Dear’ was held on 5 December 2019 with nearly 100 elderly participated A reunion dinner was held before the Lunar New Year's Eve to share love and warmth with 144 elderly and people in need in the community, who were lack of supportive network during the festival. Thanks to donations and support, Senior Citizens Services have enhanced innovative technology devices for elderly centres, day care centres and residential care homes. The high-end equipment that provides multisensory stimulation and interactive training have enhanced the quality ofthe lives of senior citizens. INSPIRING CHILDREN AND YOUTH Y Rucnne>: A 1. SoUk Estate is a public housing estate with over five decades of history. In May 2019, the Army launched the 3-year ‘So Uk Estate Social Capital Development Project (Phase ll), reliving the culture and characteristics of old housing estates through giving guided tours in the Estate and setting street booths with ‘hawker carts’. 2, Two social worker teams were formed for ‘Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions’ in February and August 2019 respectively. We also commenced the Primary School Social Work Consultation Services in July 2079 to create an environment for healthy development of children, 3, The Army launched the ‘Back to LOVE’ activities from June 2019, to January 2020. Social workers helped parents and young people to conduct self-reflection and sincere conversation in a loving way in order to get through the difficult situations as a result of social movement and the epidemic. 4, ‘Dr. Bra’ (breast health project for adolescent girls), a project since October 2019, gives school talks, organises growth groups and provides guidance in choosing bras for young girls. In addition to equipping the girls with relevant knowledge, more importantly the project teaches them to appreciate themselves. 5, Sponsored by Drs Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation, the ‘SMILE with Hope’ project allows young people to learn in actual workplaces and make life plans. This year, one of the participants has obtained the Professional Pet Grooming Class C Certificate. 6, Since its establishment in 2018, "Hi! Strangers’ has worked with ‘over 30 local ethnic minority youths to provide guided tour services to over 7,000 participants, connecting people of different cultures and dissolving misunderstanding between them. 1, MEBR- KABOOSE SAE e ARM Hi 2019475 A ae HEE UNSERE A | + SAS SBA LL [7] 2) BM BRAR BCR RE: 2. PARK [FEAT RA Lae GR tt A Bh) HA LMARH20I9F25 ROAR TL: BURA MT LH BARRE EMMA . H2O19F6 A 202041 AA BHT [i Rl HIBMREREDFRERAM Ha AB) SHAMS AR POR © #82019 108778) [Dr. Braid SOBBRAM | ASM RR (MEER ATGRS BRT RDA WAS) SE SERA - . HARPS RRS ohe (S TEENS | stil eCPM TEERE FER—-MERRISE FRAMES S ° 20184 [Hil Strangers] RISA HD BUR BEA TF RE 41,0008 ALAR HH ARES» ERAN Se FT RAR UCR > S

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