Pax2+ Astrocytes in The Fish Optic Nerve Head After Optic Nerve Crush

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brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32

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Research Report

Pax2þ astrocytes in the fish optic nerve head after optic

nerve crush

M. Parrillaa,b, C. Lilloa, M.J. Herrero-Turrióna, R. Arévaloa, J. Aijóna, J.M. Laraa, A. Velascoa,n

Institute of Neuroscience of Castilla y Leon, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Department of Molecular Neurogenetics, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

ar t ic l e in f o abs tra ct

Article history: The transcription factor Pax2 actively participates in the development of the vertebrate
Accepted 10 November 2012 visual system. In adults, Pax2 expression persists in a subpopulation of Müller cells and/or
Available online 16 November 2012 astrocytes in the retina and optic nerve head (ONH), although its function remains elusive.

Keywords: In a previous work we showed that the pax2 gene expression is modified and the Pax2þ

Pax2 astrocyte population in the ONH strongly reacted during the regeneration of the retina

Optic nerve after a lesion in goldfish. In the present work we have analyzed Pax2 expression in the

Regeneration goldfish ONH after optic nerve (ON) crush. At one week post-injury, when the regenerating

Astrocyte axons arrive at the ONH, the pax2 gene expression level increases as well as the number of

Optic nerve head Pax2þ astrocytes in this region. These Pax2þ astrocytes show a higher number of

Glia Cytokeratin (Ck)þ/GFAPþ processes compared with control animals. In contrast, a different
S100þ astrocyte population is not modified and persists similar to that of controls.
Furthermore, we find a ring that surrounds the posterior ONH that is formed by highly
reactive astrocytes, positive to Pax2, GFAP, Ck, S100, GS and ZO1. In this region we also find
a source of new astrocytes Pax2þ/PCNAþ that is activated after the injury. We conclude that
Pax2þ astrocytes constitute a subpopulation of ONH astrocytes that strongly reacts after
ON crush and supports our previous results obtained after retina regeneration. Altogether,
this suggests that pax2 gene expression and Pax2þ astrocytes are probably directly involved
in the process of axonal regeneration.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Bastmeyer, 2000). Furthermore, during the development of

this region, there is a ring of neuroepithelial cells, character-
The ONH is the region of the ON where the retinal ganglion ized by the expression of the paired-boxed transcription
cell (RGC) axons coming from the retina converge to the ON. factor Pax2, which is also directly involved in the axon-
During vertebrate visual system development the ONH plays guidance processes (Goode and Elgar, 2009; Morcillo et al.,
an important role in the guidance of the RGC axons from 2006; Otteson et al., 1998). Pax2 is responsible for the choroid
the retina to the ON (Oster et al., 2004; Stuermer and fissure closure, the correct entrance of the RGC axons to the

Correspondence to: Institute of Neuroscience of Castilla y Leon, University of Salamanca, C/ Pintor Fernando Gallego 1, 37007
Salamanca, Spain. Fax: þ34 923294750.
E-mail addresses: (M. Parrilla), (C. Lillo), (M.J. Herrero-Turrión), (R. Arévalo), (J. Aijón), (J.M. Lara), (A. Velasco).

0006-8993/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32 19

ONH and the differentiation of the neuroepithelial cells To further characterize Pax2þ astrocytes in the ONH during
into astrocytes (Macdonald et al., 1997; Torres et al., 1996), regeneration, we have performed ON crush and analyzed
and the lack of this gene produces the human disease called both the modifications in the pax2 gene expression level and
coloboma (Sanyanusin et al., 1995). in the Pax2þ astrocyte population. To study the Pax2þ astro-
The ONH of adult vertebrates also has a characteristic glial cytes we used several astrocyte markers whose antibody
population and organization which differs in each group: specificity has been widely demonstrated in our laboratory
mammals (Fischer et al., 2010; Triviño et al., 1996), birds and others: Pax2 transcription factor (Macdonald et al., 1997;
(Fischer et al., 2010; Quesada et al., 2004; Schuck et al., 2000) Parrilla et al., 2009), GFAP and Ck intermediate filaments (Lillo
or reptiles (Casañas et al., 2011; Dávila et al., 1987). In fish, the et al., 2002; Parrilla et al., 2009), glutamine synthetase (GS) an
vitreal Müller cell processes that limit the ONH and the retina enzyme which converts the glutamate into glutamine
are morphologically different to those from the rest of the (Clemente et al., 2008; Parrilla et al., 2009), zonula ocludens1
retina and are in close contact with microglial cells and (ZO1) located in the tight junctions (Mack and Wolburg, 2006)
astrocytes (Lillo et al., 2002), these being slightly positive to and S100 calcium-modulated protein (Jimeno et al., 1999;
glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and Cytokeratin (Ck) in Vecino et al., 1997; Velasco et al., 1997). Moreover, we
contrast to mammals (Lillo et al., 2002; Parrilla et al., 2009). analyzed cell division in the ONH after ON crush and
Furthermore, the fish visual system is in continuous growth identified a Pax2þ/PCNAþ astroblast pool in the ONH which
and is capable of regeneration after suffering a lesion (Garcı́a is activated after an injury (Parrilla et al., 2009).
and Koke, 2009; Hitchcock and Raymond, 2004; Johns and
Easter, 1977). The ONH continuously incorporates new RGC
axons coming from a ring of stem cells located in the 2. Results
periphery of the retina, denominated the peripheral growth
zone (PGZ) (Hitchcock and Raymond, 2004; Johns and Easter, 2.1. Pax2þ astrocytes in the control ONH
1977). This process is possible because Müller cells, astrocytes
and oligodendrocytes promote the organized entrance of the In a previous work, we described the distribution and char-
axons to the ONH (Bunt, 1982; Easter et al., 1981; Lillo et al., acterization of Pax2þ astrocytes in the ONH (Parrilla et al.,
2002) where they express and release similar axon-guidance 2009). Pax2þ astrocytes were located limiting the ONH with
molecules to those expressed during development (Garcı́a the retina and the central artery (CA); the last ones being
and Koke, 2009; Parrilla et al., 2009; Stuermer and Bastmeyer, located close to the Zn8þ young axons (Fig. 1A). The nuclei of
2000). Moreover, in all vertebrate groups, pax2 gene expres- these Pax2þ astrocytes was usually surrounded by the astro-
sion is maintained in the ONH during adulthood and it is cyte markers GFAP, ZO1 and Ck and presumably belonging to
thought to participate in the maintenance of the astrocyte these Pax2þ astrocytes although not overlapping (Fig. 1B–D ),
phenotype of the cells that express it (Boije et al., 2010; but they never were proximal to GS labeling (Fig. 1E).
Casañas et al., 2011; Parrilla et al., 2009; Stanke et al., 2010). In contrast, we found another type of cells, which were S100þ,
Also, it seems that Pax2 in the ONH participates in axon- mostly located among the RGC axons and not forming part of
guidance and regeneration processes in fish (Parrilla et al., the glia limitans (Fig. 1F,G), as has been described in tench and
2009,2012). goldfish (Lillo et al., 2002). With double immunolabeling S100
Due to its high accessibility and the fact that it is exclu- and GFAP or GS we rarely found S100þ astrocytes positive to
sively composed by the RGC axons and glial cells, the ON has GFAP (Lillo et al., 2002) and only some S100þ cells, with small
been widely used to study the lesion and regeneration somata and arranged in rows, showed co-localization with GS
processes in the central nervous system, mostly in mouse (Fig. 1F,G).
(Mus musculus), goldfish (Carassius auratus) and lately in Fish Müller cells are positive to GFAP and GS and they
zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Becker and Becker, 2008; Garcı́a and extend from the peripheral retina to the limit of the retina
Koke, 2009; Kolb et al., 2000; Matsukawa et al., 2004a). During with the ONH in control animals (Fig. 1B, E–G ). Müller cells
recent years, a wide number of molecules involved in this cross the retina from the outer limiting membrane to the
axon regeneration has been described (Becker and Becker, vitreal surface of the retina and in the ONH. They extend
2007). For example, axon-guidance molecules, such as their vitreal processes to the entrance of the CA (Fig. 1B, E–G ).
netrin1 (Petrausch et al., 2000), the synthesis of retinoic acid, A summary of the goldfish ONH in control animals is
an activator of pax2 gene expression, or the Pax6 expression, presented in Fig. 1H.
an inhibitor of pax2, are modified after ON crush (Matsukawa
et al., 2004b; Nagashima et al., 2009; Rodger et al., 2006; 2.2. Variations in the expression of pax2a
Ziman et al., 2001).
Although the role of the Pax2 transcription factor during In some teleosts, such as zebrafish (Danio rerio), the pax2 gene
the ONH development has been widely demonstrated, little is is duplicated in two genes: pax2a and pax2b. The pax2a is
known about its role in adult animals (Boije et al., 2010; more similar to the mammalian pax2 gene in its expression
Parrilla et al., 2009; Stanke et al., 2010). In a previous work, we pattern. The pax2b gene also participates in optic nerve
demonstrated that the Pax2þ population in goldfish ONH is development, though its expression is delayed (Pfeffer et al.,
modified after PGZ cryolesion, increasing both the gene 1998). We analyzed the modifications of the pax2a gene
expression and the number of cells when the new RGC axons expression level in the ONH during regeneration after ON
arrive at the ONH, suggesting that they may be involved crush using RT-qPCR assays. We had previously cloned two
in the process of axon regeneration (Parrilla et al., 2012). goldfish partial-length pax2a cDNAs corresponding to at least
20 brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32

Fig. 1 – Pax2þ and S100þ cells characterization (red) in control ONH using double immunolabeling with Zn8, GFAP, ZO1, CK
and GS markers (green). (A) Pax2þ cells (arrows) close to the Zn8þ RGC growing axons (empty arrows) and Pax2þ cells in the
limit of the ONH with the retina (arrowheads). (B) Pax2þ/GFAPþ cells (arrows) and GFAPþ Müller cell vitreal processes (empty
arrow). (C, D and E) Some Pax2þ cells are ZO1þ or CKþ (arrows) but negative to GS. GSþ Müller cell vitreal processes (empty
arrow). (F) S100þ cells with long processes (arrows), S100þ cells with small somata (arrowheads) and GFAPþ Müller cell vitreal
processes (empty arrow). (G) S100þ cells with long processes (arrows), S100þ/GSþ cells with small somata (arrowheads) and
GSþ Müller cell vitreal processes (empty arrow). CA: central artery. (H) Scheme of distribution of different glial cells in the
ONH. Scale bars: A: 100 lm; B–G: 50 lm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

two isoforms: pax2a_tv1 and pax2a_tv2 (Parrilla et al., 2012). chose goldfish pax2a_tv2 transcript variant to analyze its
The majority of the studies in zebrafish that analyze the expression during regeneration.
pax2a expression are carried out with the isoform pax2a_tv2, Using RT-qPCR assays we found a highly significant increase in
which is an ortholog to the rest of vertebrate pax2. Thus, we pax2a_tv2 expression levels from 2 days (d) to 30d post-injury
brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32 21

(Figs. 1E and 3J). On the other hand, S100þ astrocytes did not
show modifications in distribution and immunolabeling com-
pared with controls (Figs. 1F,G, 3K,L). Nonetheless, we did not
detect S100þ cells with small somata, which were previously
described in control animals (Figs. 1F,G and 3K,L).
From 15d to 30d after lesion, the number of Pax2þ astrocytes
decreased to reach control levels (p40.05) (Fig. 3A). With Zn8
immunolabeling we found regenerating axons in the growing
edge close to the CA and in the mature ONH (Fig. 4A). Pax2þ
astrocytes were distributed as in control animals, closely
located to the Zn8þ young axons (Figs. 1A, 4A). Moreover,
similarly to the results obtained at 7d post-lesion, we found a
high amount of GFAPþ processes in the optic disc and mostly
in the limit between the retina and the ONH (Fig. 4B–D ). Some
Fig. 2 – Goldfish pax2a_tv2 mRNA differential gene expression. of these astrocytes were positive to Pax2 (Fig. 4C,D). With ZO1
Fold changes of pax2a_tv2 gene expression in the ONH immunolabeling we did not find differences compared with
during regeneration of optic nerve crush. The highly control, but the population of Pax2þ/ZO1þ astrocytes that
significant differences are indicated with two asterisks extended into the retina at 7d post-injury is reduced at 15d
(po0.01). (Fig. 4E,F). The Ck immunostaining decreased, although Pax2þ
astrocytes whose cytoplasm was strongly labeled with Ck were
(nnpo0.01) (Fig. 2). The highest increase of gene expression was still detected (Fig. 4G,H). Similar to the 7d post-injury results,
reached at 2d (73.05 fold) and 7d post-injury (13.01 fold). From at 15d we still detected Pax2þ/GSþ astrocytes, but they were
15d to 30d post-injury the pax2a_tv2 expression levels underwent mostly located in the glia limitans of the posterior ONH
the first decrease (15d: 8.22 fold; 21d: 8.38 fold; 30d: 8.27 fold). The (Fig. 4I,J). In contrast, S100þ astrocytes maintained their dis-
second decrease in gene expression level occurred from 60d to tribution similar to that of control animals (Figs. 1F,G; 4K, M);
120d post-injury (60d: 3.67 fold; 90d: 3.44 fold; 120d: 1.60 fold) however, we detected a strong S100þ labeling in the glia
when the pax2a_tv2 expression levels are insignificant (p40.05), limitans of the posterior ONH forming an astrocyte ring which
although they maintain higher expression levels than those of co-localized with GFAP (Fig. 4K), GS and Pax2 (Fig. 4B,I).
controls (1.05 fold) (Fig. 2). Furthermore, the S100þ cells with small somata were detected
again and showed a distribution and a co-labeling with GS
2.3. Pax2þ astrocyte response in the ONH after ON crush similar to controls (Figs. 1G, 4K–M ).
From 60d to 120d survival after lesion the number of Pax2þ
We analyzed the modifications undergone by the different astrocytes increased again to a highly significant number
astrocyte subpopulations in the ONH after ON injury. After 7d (nnpo0.01) (Fig. 3A). Zn8þ regenerating axons were still
post-injury, we found a highly significant increase in the number detected in both the growing edge close to the CA together
of Pax2þ astrocytes (nnpo0.01) (Fig. 3A), although they had a with Pax2þ astrocytes and the mature ONH (Fig. 4N). At 90d
similar distribution to that in control animals (Figs. 1A and 3B). In post-injury, the amount of GFAPþ astrocyte processes
contrast to control animals, the Zn8 immunolabeling revealed a decreased, although the GFAPþ/GSþ astrocyte ring (Fig. 4O,P),
high amount of regenerating axons located in the growing edge also positive to S100 (data not shown), was still detectable in
close to the CA, but also in mature regions of the ONH (Fig. 3B,C). the posterior ONH. Moreover, we found Pax2þ/GSþ astrocytes
Pax2þ astrocytes were longitudinally arranged to the Zn8þ in the posterior ONH (Fig. 4P). S100þ astrocytes and cells with
growing axons from the growing edge (Fig. 3C). Furthermore, small somata showed similar characteristics to control ani-
we found a great amount of GFAPþ processes which were mals from 60d post-injury onwards (data not shown).
significantly disorganized compared with controls (Figs. 1B, 3D). From 180d after injury onwards, the distribution and
In the optic disc the majority of these GFAPþ processes belong to number of Pax2þ astrocytes were similar to controls
the Müller cells (description below) (Fig. 3D,E). The Pax2þ/GFAPþ (p40.05) (Figs. 1 and 2A). Moreover, Zn8þ growing axons were
astrocytes situated in the limit between the ONH and the retina mostly located in the growing edge with an appearance
described in controls (Fig. 1B) (Parrilla et al., 2009) also showed similar to that of control animals and GFAP, ZO1, Ck and GS
GFAPþ disorganized processes (Fig. 3E). The ZO1þ immunostain- immunolabeling were similar to controls (data not shown).
ing did not show differences compared with controls (Figs. 1C During this late regeneration, the appearance and organiza-
and 3F). Nonetheless, we detected Pax2þ/ZO1þ astrocytes in the tion of the crushed area and the posterior ON was similar to
limit between the ONH and the retina that extend into the outer the control animals (data not shown).
layers of the adjacent retina (Fig. 3F,G). In contrast to the ZO1 At 7d post-injury we found the GFAPþ/GSþ Müller cell
expression we found an increase in the Ck labeling compared vitreal processes highly disorganized and not all of them
with controls, which extends from the optic disc to the posterior reached the vitreal surface of the retina (Fig. 3E, I, K,L). In
ONH (Figs. 1D and 3H). These Ckþ cells were also positive to contrast, from 15d to 90d post-injury, a large amount of these
Pax2, although the cytoplasm and nucleus labeling, respectively, GFAPþ/GSþ Müller cell vitreal processes were detected, all of
did not overlap (Fig. 3H,I). In contrast to control animals, at 7d them reaching the vitreal surface of the retina (Fig. 4C, I, K,
post-injury we found Pax2þ/GSþ astrocytes located among the O,P). After 180d post-injury, the Müller cells acquired an
RGC axons which were mostly limiting the posterior ONH appearance similar to that of controls (data not shown).
22 brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32

2.4. ONH astrocyte analysis after ON crush by electron phagocytic cells with the typical features of astrocytes:
microscopy euchromatic nuclei, intermediate filaments in their cyto-
plasm and desmosomes in their plasma membrane
To better analyze the role of the different astrocyte popula- (Fig. 5A,B). Some of them showed immunogold labeling
tions in the ONH after ON crush we performed Pax2- for Pax2 in their nuclei (Fig. 5A), although we also found
immunogold labeling at 7d and 21d post-injury. We found Pax2- phagocytic astrocytes (Fig. 5B). Furthermore, these
brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32 23

phagocytes were distributed in diverse degenerative areas

(Fig. 5A,B). 3. Discussion
Forming part of the glia limitans of the posterior ONH, we
found Pax2þ astrocytes, and also Pax2þ cells with a lighter In the present work we show, for the first time, a substantial
nucleus and cytoplasm than the surrounding astrocytes, characterization of Pax2þ astrocytes in the goldfish ONH
which are probably Pax2þ astroblasts (Fig. 5C). These Pax2þ during ON crush regeneration. It is known that astrocytes
astroblasts were also detected among the RGC axons, show- play an important role during regeneration which allows the
ing similar ultrastructural characteristics (Fig. 5D). Moreover, fish visual system to completely regenerate, but this does not
we found cells that had lost the nuclear envelope, with occur in mammals (Garcı́a and Koke, 2009). In teleosts the
apparent chromosomes in a light cytoplasm and doughnut- Pax2þ astrocyte population and pax2a gene expression are
shaped mitochondria, which are typical characteristics of modified in the ONH after a PGZ cryolesion when the
dividing cells (Fig. 5E,F). Some of these cells were also positive regenerating RGC axons reach the ONH (Parrilla et al., 2012).
to Pax2 and were located among the RGC axons (Fig. 5E) and After ON crush we also find modifications in the ONH, but the
close to the blood vessels (Fig. 5F). Furthermore, similar response is much faster and stronger probably due to the
results were obtained with animals at 21d post-injury (not rapid and massive RGC axon regeneration. Moreover, we
shown). confirm the activation of a group of astroblasts located
between the retina and the ONH after lesion.
All these results taken together suggest that Pax2 plays an
2.5. Proliferation in the ONH after crush important role in the ONH that is directly related with axon
regeneration and/or the axon guidance processes that occur
We analyzed PCNAþ proliferating cells in the ONH after ON as a result of this regenerative process.
crush during the whole regenerative process. We found an
increase of PCNAþ cells, which was highly significant 3.1. Expression analysis of Pax2a in the goldfish ONH
(nnpo0.01) from 7d to 60d post-injury. At 90d post-injury, after ON crush
the number of PCNAþ cells decreased significantly (npo0.05)
and from 120d post-injury onwards the number of proliferat- We demonstrated previously that at least two pax2a isoforms
ing cells was similar to that of controls (p40.05) (Fig. 6A). are expressed in goldfish ON: pax2a_tv1 and pax2a_tv2, the
We performed double Pax2-PCNA immunolabeling to try to latter being more similar to other vertebrate pax2 isoforms
elucidate which of these PCNAþ cells were proliferating Pax2þ (Parrilla et al., 2012). In the present work, we find that
astrocytes. From 7d to 90d post-injury we found qualitatively pax2a_tv2 expression levels increase during the first regen-
more Pax2þ/PCNAþ cells than in controls (Fig. 6B,C, E). These erative stages from 2d to 30d after ON crush. This coincides
Pax2þ/PCNAþ astroblasts were located close to the CA among the with the massive arrival of regenerating axons to the ONH.
RGC axons and, interestingly, in the limit of the retina with the This result is in accordance with our previous studies which
ONH (Fig. 6C–E ). Similar analyses were performed with double analyzed the modifications in this pax2a_tv2 expression in
S100-PCNA immunostaining and we found again, qualitatively, the ONH during the regeneration after a PGZ lesion, where
more S100þ/PCNAþ cells than in control animals from 7d to 90d pax2a_tv2 is up-regulated when the young RGC axons reach
post-injury (Fig. 6F–I ). Although these cells were mainly located the ONH after the PGZ is regenerated (Parrilla et al., 2012).
among the RGC axons, we found some of them in the limit Thus, we demonstrate that the increase of pax2a expression
between the retina and the ONH (Fig. 6F–H ). Even though we is related to the arrival of regenerating RGC axons at the ONH.
found Pax2þ/PCNAþ and S100þ/PCNAþ cells during regeneration Different studies have proposed that pax2 and pax6 genes,
in the ONH, the majority of the PCNAþ cells were negative to which are involved in visual system development can parti-
Pax2 and S100 (Fig. 6C,D,F–H). After 120d post-injury, the PCNA cipate in ON regeneration (Cid, 2006; Rodger et al., 2006;
immunolabeling was similar to that of control animals (data not Ziman et al., 2001). Rodger et al., (2006) described a decrease
shown). in Pax6 expression in zebrafish retina. This coincides with the

Fig. 3 – (A) Statistical analysis of Pax2þ cell density in the ONH during regeneration after optic nerve crush. One asterisk
indicates significant differences (0.054p40.01) and two asterisks highly significant differences (po0.01). The error bars
correspond to the standard deviation. N¼ 4 animals per group. (B–L) Modifications of Pax2þ and S100þ cells (red) in the ONH
at 7d after optic nerve crush. Double immunolabeling with Zn8, GFAP, ZO1, Ck, GS (green) and DAPI (blue). (B) Numerous Zn8þ
growing axons are even located far from the growing edge (empty arrows). Square enlarged in C. (C) Pax2þ cells (arrows)
close to Zn8þ new axons in the growing edge (empty arrow). (D) Notable increase of GFAP and Pax2þ/GFAPþ cells in the ONH.
Square enlarged in E. (E) Pax2þ/GFAPþ cells in the limit of the ONH with the retina (arrows) and very disorganized GFAPþ
Müller cell vitreal processes (empty arrows). (F) Numerous Pax2þ/ZO1þ cells. Square enlarged in G. (G) Increase of Pax2þ/ZO1þ
cells in the posterior limit of the retina with the ONH compared to control (arrows). (H) Double labeling Pax2-Ck showing a
strong Ckþ labeling in the Pax2þ glia limitans of the ONH. Square enlarged in I. (I) Pax2þ/Ckþ cells (arrows) in the optic disc.
(J) Numerous Pax2þ/GSþ cells (arrows) appeared at this period post-lesion in the ONH. Disorganized GSþ Müller cell vitreal
processes (empty arrows). (K) S100þ cells with long processes (arrows) and GFAPþ Müller cell vitreal processes (empty
arrows). (L) Double labeling S100-GS shows GSþ Müller cell vitreal processes. No S100þ/GSþ cells are found. CA: central artery.
Scale bars: B, D, F, H, J, K-L: 100 lm; C, E: 50 lm; G, I: 20 lm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
24 brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32

high expression of pax2a in the goldfish ONH at 7d post- PGZ cryolesion (Cid, 2006). All these results together suggest
injury. In contrast, at 15d-30d post-crush, Pax6 expression that mechanisms of reciprocal inhibition between Pax2 and
increases (Rodger et al., 2006) and the pax2a gene expression Pax6 may be taking place during ON regeneration in a similar
level decreases. Similar results were obtained in goldfish after way to the processes happening during visual system
brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32 25

development (Macdonald and Wilson, 1996; Macdonald et al., and the pax2a gene expression level in the ONH has only been
1997; Schwarz et al., 2000; Torres et al., 1996). Therefore, while described when the regenerating RGC axons reach the ONH
the increase of pax2a expression can be related to the after 21d post-PGZ cryolesion (Parrilla et al., 2012). However,
spontaneous RGC regeneration and their reorganization and we cannot discard that this increase of Pax2þ astrocytes can be
packaging during the first days of regeneration (Matsukawa related with the classical astroglial reaction after an injury,
et al., 2004a), the late increase of Pax6 expression seems to be widely described in mammals (Garcı́a and Koke, 2009). At 60d
related with the RGC axon arrival at the optic tectum and the post-injury, there is a second increase in the number of Pax2þ
formation and refinement of the synaptic connections astrocytes that coincides with the decrease in pax2a gene
(Matsukawa et al., 2004a; Rodger et al., 2006). expression level. This contradictory result suggests that the
During visual system development retinoic acid (RA) is an increase of pax2a gene expression level after 2–7d post-injury
activator of Pax2 expression and the axon-guidance molecule is not only due to the high number of Pax2þ astrocytes, but
netrin1 is a target of Pax2 (Goode and Elgar, 2009; Macdonald also to an increase in pax2a gene expression in each astrocyte.
et al., 1997). Different studies using the fish ON crush as a Previous studies demonstrate that between 60 and 120d after
model demonstrate that the synthesis of RA and the expres- ON crush the axons re-myelinizate as well as refine their
sion of netrin1 are modified. The group of Matsukawa connections in the optic tectum (Matsukawa et al., 2004a).
reported that the purpurin protein is secreted by the photo- During this period the second peak of Pax2þ astrocytes occurs.
receptors and taken by the RGC increasing the synthesis of It is known that astrocytes participate in axon packing and the
RA promoting their axonal growth during the first days of ON recovery of the original organization after injury (Garcı́a and
regeneration (Matsukawa et al., 2004b; Nagashima et al., 2009; Koke, 2009; Jimeno et al., 1999; Lillo et al., 2002; Mack and
Tanaka et al., 2007). On the other hand, Petrausch et al., (2000) Wolburg, 2006). Thus, we suggest that the second increase of
described modifications in netrin1 expression in the goldfish Pax2þ astrocytes in the ONH may be related to this axon
retina after ON lesion. Our results show that pax2a gene re-myelination and packing followed by the refinement of
expression levels in goldfish ONH is up-regulated during the their connections in the optic tectum (Garcı́a and Koke, 2009;
first days of ON regeneration. We suggest that mechanisms Matsukawa et al., 2004a).
similar to those taking place during the development of the With immunogold labeling we demonstrate that not all
visual system may be operating in regeneration processes. astrocytes are positive to Pax2 as occurs in controls (Parrilla
Therefore, after fish ON crush the newly synthesized RA et al., 2009). Furthermore, we show that both kinds of astro-
could activate pax2 transcription and the generated Pax2 cytes (Pax2þ and Pax2) phagocyte the cell debris promoting a
protein could promote the expression of netrin1. fast regeneration (Colavincenzo and Levine, 2000; Nona, 1998).
In contrast to control animals (Parrilla et al., 2009) some
3.2. Modifications in the ONH Pax2þ astrocyte population ONH Pax2þ cells express GS after ON crush. During regenera-
during ON regeneration tion a wide glial variability has been described in the ON,
where numerous cells have ultrastructural features of both
Although we do not find modifications in the distribution of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes (Lillo et al., 2001; Sivron and
Pax2þ astrocytes in the ONH after ON crush, we demonstrate Schwartz, 1995). It is possible that Pax2þ/GSþ cells correspond
an increase in the number of these cells and in the expres- to these intermediate cells due to the fact that optic nerve
sion of GFAP, Ck and GS. oligodendrocytes can express GS (Domercq et al., 1999;
The increase of the number of Pax2þ astrocytes 7d after Parrilla et al., 2009). Nevertheless, we cannot discard the idea
injury coincides with the arrival of regenerating RGC axons at that they may belong to the non-astrocytic inner retinal glia-
the ONH. The increase of pax2a gene expression level, sup- like cells described by Fischer et al. (2010). On the other hand,
ports the hypothesis that Pax2þ astrocytes actively participate after an injury, RGC release high amounts of glutamate to the
in the guidance of the regenerating RGC axons their reorgani- extracellular matrix (Vardimon, 2000). The GS protects the ON
zation and packaging (Garcı́a and Koke, 2009; Matsukawa from the neuronal degeneration transforming the glutamate
et al., 2004a). The increase in the number of Pax2þ astrocytes into glutamine (Vardimon, 2000). Thus, the increase in GS

Fig. 4 – Variations of Pax2þ and S100þ cells (red) in the ONH at 15–21d and 90d after optic nerve crush. Double
immunolabeling with Zn8, GFAP, ZO1, Ck, GS (green) and DAPI (blue). (A) Pax2þ cells (arrows) close to Zn8þ growing
axons (empty arrows). (B) Double labeling Pax2-GFAP showing a strong GFAPþ labeling in the Pax2þ glia limitans (arrows).
Squares enlarged in C and D. (C) Pax2þ/GFAPþ cells (arrows) and GFAPþ Müller cell vitreal processes in the optic disc (empty
arrows). (D) Pax2þ/GFAPþ cells (arrows) located in the glia limitans. (E) Numerous Pax2þ/ZO1þ cells principally located in the
limit of the optic disc. Square enlarged in F. (F) Pax2þ/ZO1þ cells (arrows) in the limit between the ONH and the retina.
(G) Double labeling Pax2-Ck. Fainter Ck labeling than at 7d post-crush. Square enlarged in H. (H) Pax2þ/Ckþ (arrows) cells in
the optic disc. (I) Pax2þ/GSþ cells (arrows) in the glia limitans. Square enlarged in J. (J) Detail of Pax2þ/GSþ cells (arrows).
(K) S100þ/GFAPþ cells in the glia limitans (arrows) with a stronger labeling than at 7d post-crush. Square enlarged in L. (L)
S100þ cells (arrowheads) with small somata in the optic disc. (M) S100þ/GSþ cells (arrowheads) with small somata appear
again at 15d after ON crush (N) Zn8þ growing axons (empty arrows) and Pax2þ cells (arrows) in the growing edge at 90d post-
injury. (O) GFAPþ processes in the limit of the ONH with the retina (arrow) and GFAPþ Müller cell vitreal processes (empty
arrows). (P) GSþ processes in the limit of the ONH with the retina (arrow), GSþ Müller cell vitreal processes (empty arrows) and
Pax2þ/GSþ cells (empty arrowheads). CA: central artery. Scale bars: A-B, E, G, I, K, M–P: 100 lm; C: 50 lm; D, F, H, J, L: 20 lm.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
26 brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32

Fig. 5 – Pax2 immunogold labeling (circles) in the ONH at 7d post-injury. (A) Phagocytic Pax2þ astrocyte surrounded by
degenerating tissue (empty arrows). (B) Phagocytic Pax2 astrocyte with desmosomes (arrowheads). (C) Pax2þ astrocytes
with dark (As1) and light nuclei (As2) in the glia limitans. (D) Immature Pax2þ cell with desmosomes (arrowheads). (E) Mitotic
Pax2þ cell. (F) Mitotic Pax2þ cell close to a blood vessel. As: astrocyte; bv: blood vessel; ch: chromosomes; f: intermediate
filaments; In: indentations; BL: basal lamina; mit: mitochondria; Nuc: nucleolus; P: phagosome; V: vesicle. Scale bars: A–D:
1000 nm; E,F: 2500 nm.

expression is necessary to control the glutamate toxicity and In contrast to Pax2 protein S100 protein is expressed by
protect the tissue from cell death (Eddleston and Mucke, astrocytes and oligodendrocyte cells in fish ON (Nona et al.,
1993). This has also been described in mouse (Politis and 2000; Velasco et al., 1997). Our results in control animals
Miller, 1985) and lizard (Romero-Aleman et al., 2010). suggests that Pax2þ and S100þ astrocytes form different
brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32 27

subpopulations in fish ONH (Lillo et al., 2002; Parrilla et al., With immunogold labeling we support our results that they
2009). Our results and others show that the ONH S100þ are dividing immature astrocytes. Pax2þ/PCNAþ astroblasts and
astrocyte population does not undergo modifications after Pax2þ immunogold labeled astroblasts are mostly located in the
ON crush (Vecino et al., 1997), while the Pax2þ astrocytes limit of the retina with the ONH, although we can also detect
react strongly, supporting the idea that they are two astrocyte them distributed among the RGC axons and close to the CA.
populations. This S100þ astrocyte behavior in the ONH after Similar results were obtained in the ONH after PGZ cryolesion
ON crush differs from that following PGZ cryolesion, when with regard to the S100þ/PCNAþ cells (Parrilla et al., 2012). This
there is a strong reaction after the injury (Jimeno et al., 1999; particular source of astroblasts has been described in the
Parrilla et al., 2012). This can be explained by the different development of the mammal visual system (Chan-Ling et al.,
kind of injury. During PGZ cryolesion the peripheral ganglion 2009; Chu et al., 2001), suggesting that in teleosts not only is this
cell soma is removed with their consequent axon degenera- maintained during adulthood (Parrilla et al., 2009), but is also
tion (Parrilla et al., 2012); in ON crushed animals, the ganglion activated during regeneration (Parrilla et al., 2012).
cell soma remains intact (Garcı́a and Koke, 2009; Rodger et al., It is known that during the development of the visual system
2006). Thus, astrocytes have to face, in the beginning, a Pax2 has a triple function in the cells that are expressing this
degenerative process in the first case similar to mammals factor: (1) Promote their survival (Mi and Barres, 1999; Torban
and a fast regenerative process in the second case (Garcı́a and et al., 2000), (2) assure their astrocytic identity (Macdonald et al.,
Koke, 2009). This suggests that while S100þ astrocytes react in 1997; Soukkarieh et al., 2007; Stanke et al., 2010; Torres et al.,
the same way as the classical glial reaction in mammals, 1996) and (3) avoid their differentiation into pigmented cells
Pax2þ astrocytes are reacting more in accordance with the (Macdonald et al., 1997; Torres et al., 1996). We think that all
regenerative and axon guidance processes (Parrilla et al., these Pax2 functions may be necessary to maintain due to high
2012). proliferation during regeneration. Finally, the majority of the
GFAP expression is a typical characteristic of reactive proliferative cells in the ONH negative to Pax2 and S100 are
astrocytes after injury in mammals (Garcı́a and Koke, 2009) probably microglial cells and macrophages whose presence
and has been previously described in teleost ON after crush have been widely reported in teleost ONH during regeneration
(Stafford et al., 1990). On the other hand, the maintenance of (Jimeno et al., 1999).
keratin expression in the ON during fish adulthood seems to
be related to the continuous growth and regeneration pro-
cesses due to the fact that they confer immature character- 4. Experimental procedures
istics to the astrocytes and plasticity to the system (Druger
et al., 1992, 1994; Giordano et al., 1989, 1990; Maggs and 4.1. Animals
Scholes, 1990). Our results also show an increase of GFAP and
Ck immunolabeling in the goldfish ONH after ON crush In this work we employed 77 adult goldfish (Carassius aur-
supporting the observations from these previous studies. atus), 8–12 cm in body length obtained from commercial
Finally, we detect a strong reaction of astrocytes surround- suppliers. All animals were kept in aquaria at 1871 1C in a
ing the posterior ONH after ON crush which are positive to 12 h light/dark cycle and, previous to any analysis, they were
Pax2, GFAP, S100, GS and ZO1. This astrocyte ring has only anesthetized with 0.03% tricaine methane sulfonate diluted
been described previously in the ONH after PGZ cryolesion in water (MS-222; SIGMA, St. Louis, MO).
(Parrilla et al., 2012) and is located in a similar region to the All procedures used in this work were in accordance
lamina cribosa in birds and mammals (Dávila et al., 1987; with the guidelines of the European communities Council
Fujita et al., 2000). GFAP and Ck are structural proteins that Directive (86/609/EEC and 2003/65/EC) and current Spanish
confer rigidity and protection to the RGC axons (Giordano legislation for the use and care of animals (RD 1201/2005).
et al., 1989; Lillo et al., 2002; Maggs and Scholes, 1990; Triviño
et al., 1996) and form part of the fish ONH glia limitans (Lillo
4.2. Optic nerve crush
et al., 2002; Parrilla et al., 2009).

The ON crush was carried out on 68 goldfish as previously

3.3. Proliferation in the ONH after ON crush
described (Velasco et al., 1997). The fish were sacrificed at
survival times of 2, 7, 15, 21, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 210 days
We find an increase in proliferating cells in the ONH similar
(d) post-injury.
to that described in the ON after crush (Nona, 1995) or in the
ONH after PGZ cryolesion (Jimeno et al., 1999; Parrilla et al.,
2012). There is a qualitative increase in Pax2þ/PCNAþ cells 4.3. Immunohistochemistry
during regeneration. This increase remains high even after
30d post-injury when the number of Pax2þ cells is similar to For the immunohistochemistry (IHC) experiments the ani-
controls (Fig. 6E). This could be due to the fact that the mals were perfused transcardially with an NaCl solution
amount of non-proliferative Pax2þ cells is lower while the followed by 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.2% picric acid in
Pax2þ/PCNAþ cells remains high. On the other hand, this phosphate buffer 0.1 M, pH 7.4 (PB). The eyes were dissected
visible amount of Pax2þ/PCNAþ cells at 30d (Fig. 6E) post- out and post-fixed for 2 h at room temperature (RT) in the
crush and the next regenerative stages 60–90d (not shown) same fixative solution. They were later cryoprotected in 50%
could constitute the source of the high increase of Pax2þ cell sucrose, embedded in OCT and cut in sections 14 mm thick on
numbers during the second peak after 60d post-injury. a cryostat.
28 brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32

After washes with phosphate-buffered saline 0.1 M pH 7.4 quenched with 2.5 g/l NaBH4 (Sigma) in PBS. The immunola-
with 0.02% Triton Tx-100 (PBS–Tx), sections were post-fixed beling protocol was carried out as described in (Parrilla et al.,
with 100% methanol for 5 min and auto-fluorescence was 2009) and the concentration of each antibody used in this
brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32 29

Table 1 – Antibodies used for immunohistochemistry assays.

Antigen Antiserum Source Catalog number Dilution

Cytokeratin Anti-IgG mouse Sigma C2562 1:100

GFAP Anti-IgG mouse Sigma G6171 1:400
GS Anti-IgG mouse Chemicon MAB302 1:1000
Pax2 Anti-IgG rabbit Covance PRB-276P 1:900 (for fluorescence) 1:200 (for electron microscopy)
PCNA Anti-IgG mouse Santa Cruz Biotech. Sc-56 1:500
S100 Anti-IgG rabbit Dako Z0311 1:1500
Zn8 Anti-IgG mouse Hybridoma Bank 1:300
ZO1 Anti-IgG mouse Invitrogen 33-9100 1:100

study is described in Table 1. Sections were mounted with an (Leica TCS SP2). The ultrathin sections were observed in a
anti-fading mixture (Parrilla et al., 2009). Zeiss EM900 electron microscope and pictures were taken
For the statistical analysis of the ONH we counted cells with a digital camera connected to the microscope using the
from 2 to 6 slides randomly selected from four control and ImageSP software. Original pictures were further processed
injured animals of each survival time analyzed (2–210d). We with Adobe Photoshop CS4 software improving the bright-
counted all labeled cells from the area located between the ness and contrast.
two edges of the neural retina near the ONH excluding the CA
(Parrilla et al., 2009). All cell counts were performed with 4.6. Isolation of RNA, RT-PCR and quantitative reverse
ImageJ software ( The transcription real time PCR
statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and the
subsequent post hoc Dunnett’s t-test to compare animals of ONH from 27 control and injured animals from 2-120d
different survival time with control ones. survival times were mechanically homogenized separately.
Each sample of total RNA was extracted in accordance with
4.4. Immunogold labeling the RNeasys Mini Kit protocol (Qiagen) and purified from
genomic DNA with TURBO DNA-free Kit (Applied Biosys-
The animals were transcardially perfused with NaCl solution tems). The quantification of RNA and posterior cDNA was
followed by 4% paraformaldehyde, 0.2% picric acid and 0.25% carried out using a nanoPhotometer (Implen GmbH).
glutaraldehyde in PB. The ONH were dissected out and post- Total RNA, primed with random primers, was reverse-
fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.25% glutaraldehyde in transcribed into cDNA using the first-strand cDNA synthesis
PB for 2 h at RT. After washes in PB ONH were cryoprotected kit (ImProm-II Reverse-Transcriptase System; Promega) in
in 25% sucrose and 10% glycerol in PB, frozen and thawed accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. An RNA-free
three times and washed with PB. Immunolabeling was (negative) control sample was used in these experiments. The
performed as described by Parrilla et al. (2009). The concen- resulting cDNA was diluted and stored for use in quantitative
tration of the polyclonal anti-Pax2 antibody is described in reverse transcription real time PCR (RT-qPCR) assays.
Table 1 and the ultra-small gold-conjugated goat anti-rabbit The EF1a endogenous gene was used as the housekeeping
secondary antibody (Aurion, NL) was diluted at 1:100. After- gene (Tang et al., 2007). The primers to quantify pax2a_tv2
wards ONH were dehydrated at 4 1C and flat-embedded in gene expression and the housekeeping gene were taken from
Epon 12 resin (EMS). Finally, ultrathin sections were stained our previous paper (Table 2) (Parrilla et al., 2012).
with 2% aqueous uranyl acetate and lead citrate. RT-qPCRs were performed using the SYBR-Green method, with
a 2X Master Mix (Applied Biosystems), which includes SYBR-
4.5. Photomicrographs Green dye, dNTPs, passive reference (ROX) and AmpliTaq1 Gold
DNA polymerase. Each reaction contained 10 ml of Master Mix,
Some of the light microscopy images were obtained with an 0.4 ml of each primer (Table 2), 1–3 ml of cDNA in a different serial
Olympus Apogee digital camera coupled to an Olympus AX- total cDNA quantity for each gene and MilliQ water up to 20 ml.
70 photomicroscope. The rest of the fluorescent images were A standard curve was constructed for each gene and each
obtained with a laser scanning spectral confocal microscope experiment. The amplification reaction took place in an ABI

Fig. 6 – Analysis of the proliferation in the ONH during optic nerve crush regeneration using double immunolabeling for Pax2
or S100 (red) with PCNA (green). (A) Statistical analysis of PCNAþ cell density in the ONH during regeneration after optic nerve
crush. One asterisk indicates significant differences (0.054p40.01) and two asterisks highly significant differences
(po0.01). The error bars correspond to the standard deviation. N ¼4 animals per group. (B) Double Pax2-PCNA labeling in
control animals. (C) Increase of Pax2þ/PCNAþ cells (arrows) at 7d after ON crush. Square enlarged in D. (D) Detail of Pax2þ/
PCNAþ cells (arrows). (E) Numerous Pax2þ/PCNAþ cells (arrows) at 30d post-lesion. (F) S100þ/PCNAþ cells (arrows) in control
animals. (G) Similar amount of the S100þ/PCNAþ cells (arrows) at 7d post-crush and in controls. (H) The amount of the S100þ/
PCNAþ cells (arrows) at 15d post-lesion is similar to controls. The asterisk indicates a similar region enlarged in I. (I) Detail of
an S100þ/PCNAþ cell. CA: central artery. Scale bars: B,C, E–H: 100 lm; D, I: 10 lm. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
30 brain research 1492 (2013) 18–32

Table 2 – Primers used in PCR assays.

Target Genebank number Primer sequence 50 –30 Gene position

EF1a http://AB056104.1
18s rRNA http://EF189737

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