Daimler SR 2019 Kpis Human Resources

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Index – Daimler Sustainability Report 2019

Total workforce
Workforce by division
Employees by groups
Employees by contract type
Fluctuation rate
Fluctuation rate female employees
Parental leave – Entitled employees
Employees on parental leave
Other key figures
External permanent hires
External permanent hires, women
Female workforce
Female workforce by group
Female workforce: other key figures
Percentages of age groups
Further diversity indicators
Accident frequency
Loss of working time due to occupational accidents
Fatalities due to occupational accidents
Participants in health training
Participants in health trainingPLUS
Provision of company medical services
Company social counseling in Germany
Pension provisions at the Daimler Group
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Total workforce
GRI 102-7/-8

2015 2016
Europe 208,225 210,613
NAFTA 33,039 30,879
Latin America 14,452 12,518
Africa 5,497 4,711
Asia 21,740 22,700
Australia/Pacific 1,062 1,067
Total 284,015 282,488
2017 2018 2019
213,587 217,484 216,767
34,216 38,191 38,612
12,535 13,096 13,884
4,738 4,691 4,691
23,337 24,271 23,775
908 950 926
289,321 298,683 298,655
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Workforce by division

2015 2016
Cars 136,941 139,947
Trucks 86,391 78,642
Mobility 9,975 12,062
Vans 22,639 24,029
Buses 18,147 17,899
Group-wide functions and services 9,922 9,909
2017 2018 2019
142,666 145,436 152,048
79,483 82,953 83,437
13,012 14,070 12,680
25,255 26,210 21,346
18,292 18,770 17,960
10,613 11,244 11,184
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Employees by groups
GRI 102-8

2015 2016
Industrial 146,740 142,223
Administration 121,610 123,916
Trainees 8,307 7,960
Interns/diploma students/doctoral students 7,358 8,389
2017 2018 2019
145,330 151,026 151,005
126,879 130,390 131,500
8,097 8,061 7,937
9,015 9,206 8,213
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Employees by contract type*
GRI 102-8

Full-time 130,894
thereof men 116,866
thereof women 14,028
Part-time 10,501
thereof men 3,711
thereof women 6,790
Total 141,395
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG without trainees, interns, diploma students, working students
2017 2018 2019
129,799 130,652 133,570
115,413 115,411 116,576
14,386 15,241 16,993
11,418 11,705 8,353
4,403 4,483 2,619
7,015 7,222 5,734
141,217 142,357 141,923
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Fluctuation rate (in %)
GRI 401-1

2015 2016
thereof Germany 3.4 3.1
Rest of world 8.6 10.4
Total 5.4 6.7
* New report starting point (no values of previous years available)
2017 2018 2019
3.4 3.7 3.5
7.5 5.5 5.7
5.1 4.9 6.0
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Fluctuation rate female employees (in %)
GRI 401-1

2015 2016
thereof Germany 4.1 2.5
Rest of world 9.6 12.1
Total 6.9 7.2
* New report starting point (no values of previous years available)
2017 2018 2019
3.2 3.2 3.1
7.6 4.4 6.1
5.3 4.3 6.2
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Parental leave – Entitled employees*
GRI 401-3

2015 2016
Men 120,553 118,171
Women 20,068 20,209
Total 140,621 138,380
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG
2017 2018 2019
117,800 118,025 117,375
20,928 21,814 22,074
138,728 139,839 139,449
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Employees in parental leave*/**
GRI 401-3

2015 2016
Men 1,888 1,999
Women 868 805
Total 1,888 2,804
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG
** Return rate 99.9%.
2017 2018 2019
3,130 3,192 3,733
823 685 1,050
3,953 3,877 4,783
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Other key figures

2015 2016
Employees with fixed-term employment contracts 10,133 10,712
Part-time employment rate* as of Dec. 31 (in %) 7.7 8
Payroll (in € bn) 20,949 21,141
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG
2017 2018 2019
12,793 13,490 13,795
8.4 8.2 8.6
22,186 22,432 22,657
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
External permanent hires
GRI 401-1

2015 2016
thereof Germany 3,823 3,510
thereof USA 3,611 2,698
thereof China*
Rest of world 5,351 7,065
Total 12,785 13,273
* New report starting point (no values of previous years available)
2017 2018 2019
4,144 4,937 4,428
3,284 4,987 3,397
6,227 9,141 1,319
13,655 19,065 14,674
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
External permanent hires, women
GRI 401-1

2015 2016
thereof Germany 929 1,013
thereof USA 1,141 438
thereof China*
Rest of world 1,310 1,767
Total 3,380 3,218
* New report starting point (no values of previous years available)
2017 2018 2019
1,157 1,235 997
556 1,085 895
1,362 2,073 221
3,075 4,393 3,600
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Female workforce
GRI 405-1

2015 2016
Europe 34,969 36,285
NAFTA 6,851 6,208
Latin America 1,742 1,652
Africa 1,555 1,371
Asia 3,805 4,250
Australia/Pacific 286 305
Total 49,208 50,071
2017 2018 2019
38,696 40,718 40,604
7,030 8,130 7,915
1,657 1,708 1,771
1,466 1,514 1,539
4,484 4,658 4,692
303 314 314
53,636 57,042 56,835
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Female workforce by group
GRI 405-1

2015 2016
Industrial 10,228 9,526
Administration 34,415 35,726
Trainees 1,779 1,772
Interns/diploma students/doctoral students 2,786 3,047
Total 49,208 50,071
2017 2018 2019
11,116 12,578 12,626
37,258 39,073 39,361
1,839 1,814 1,706
3,423 3,577 3,142
53,636 57,042 56,835
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Female workforce: other key figures (in %)
GRI 405-1

2015 2016
Percentage of women 17.3 17.7
Percentage of women in
management positions level 1-3 15.4 16.7
Percentage of women in the second
management level below the board* 12.4
Percentage of women in the first
management level below the board* 8.1
Percentage of women in the
Board of Management 12.5 12.5
Percentage of women in the Supervisory Board 25.0 25.0
* Daimler AG
2017 2018 2019
18.5 19.1 19

17.6 18.8 19.8

11.9 14.4 23.8

8.7 11.8 12.5

25.0 25.0 25.0

25.0 30.0 30.0
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Percentages of age groups (in %)
GRI 405-1

2015 2016
under 25 4.4 4.0
25 to under 35 22.5 22.5
35 to under 45 27.1 26.7
45 to under 50 15.6 15.3
50 to under 55 15.6 15.6
55 and older 14.8 15.9
2017 2018 2019
3.9 4.0 3.7
22.9 23.5 23.3
26.5 26.2 26.1
14.7 14.1 13.9
15.3 14.8 14.6
16.7 17.3 18.4
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Further diversity indicators

2015 2016
Percentage of severely disabled persons* (in %) 6.3 6.2
Number of nations 161 161
Average age of workforce 42.5 42.7
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG – number for 2019 was not yet available on the publishing date
2017 2018 2019
6.2 6.3 –
165 164 165
42.8 42.7 43
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
GRI 404-1

2015 2016
Training and continuing education costs (in € m) 126 110
Investments in employee qualification (in € m) 126 122
Qualification days per male employee per year 3.5 3.0
Qualification days per female employee per year 3.8 3.4
Qualification hours per employee per year 24.5 21.0
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG
2017 2018 2019
114 124 129
121 123 114
3.0 3.2 2.7
3.5 3.7 3.1
21.0 22.0 18.9
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Accident frequency*
GRI 403-9

2015 2016
Occupational accidents 3,284 3,444
Accident frequency
(Number of occupational accidents with at least one
day of absence per million attendance hours) 8.8 9.4
* Recording rate Daimler production sites (Mercedes-Benz AG incl. Vans, Daimler Truck AG incl. Buses) worldwide: >99%.
2017 2018 2019
2,766 3,152 2,957

7.5 7.7 6.8

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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Loss of working time due to occupational accidents*
GRI 403-9

2015 2016
Loss of working time due to
occupational accidents (in hours) 377,464 396,776
Loss of working time due to
occupational accidents (in days) 47,183 49,597
Accident burden
(number of days of absence due to occupational
accidents per million attendance hours) 127 135
* Recording rate Daimler production sites (Mercedes-Benz AG incl. Vans, Daimler Truck AG incl. Buses) worldwide: >99%.
2017 2018 2019

314,624 371,184 368,777

39,328 46,398 46,097

106 113 107

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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Fatalities due to occupational accidents*/**
GRI 403-9

2015 2016
Fatalities among employees due to
occupational accidents 0 2
Fatalities among subcontracted employees due to
occupational accidents 1 2
* Recording rate Daimler production sites (Mercedes-Benz AG incl. Vans, Daimler Truck AG incl. Buses) worlwide >99%.
** Unfortunately, in 2019 we had to record one fatality of a Daimler employee and one of a subcontracted employee in Germany.
2017 2018 2019

0 1 1

1 0 1

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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Participants in health training*
GRI 403-6

2015 2016
Shift workers 438 556
Managers 361 433
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG
2017 2018 2019
500 544 460
465 487 311
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Participants in health trainingPLUS*
GRI 403-6

2015 2016
Shift workers 228 219
Managers 115 123
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG
2017 2018 2019
184 206 252
245 242 304
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Provision of company medical services*
GRI 403-3

2015 2016
Number of offered doctor's office hours 28,926 30,206
Preventive occupational medicine 40,362 44,655
Vaccinations and pre-travel consultations 16,633 16,538
Emergency medical treatments 1,740 1,707
Diagnostic services (hearing/eye test, EKG etc.) 51,374 47,083
Laboratory analyses 21,255 19,821
Reintegration of the long-term ill 2,166 1,879
Major checkups for senior managers 330 314
Daimler GesundheitsCheck** 2,830 4,080
* Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler Truck AG
** Only at the locations Stuttgart Central Services, Bremen, Kassel.
2017 2018 2019
28,616 28,832 29,242
55,182 53,604 53,534
17,153 19,190 17,082
2,055 2,341 2,393
48,472 41,120 46,343
21,733 23,359 25,290
1,649 1,465 1,476
274 519 420
4,067 7,095 7,923
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Company social counseling in Germany

2015 2016
Total number of clients counseled 4,666 4,977
Participants in qualification programs 1,853 940
2017 2018 2019
5,317 3,275 5,942
1,910 1,484 2,351
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Daimler Sustainability Report 2019
Pension provisions at the Daimler Group (in € bn)
GRI 201-3, GRI 401-2

2015 2016
Provision for company retirement and
health benefits 8.7 9.0
Cash values of pension liabilities on Dec. 31* 27.6 31.2
Expenditure on company pension plans 1.0 0.7
Expenditure on state and third-party pension plans 1.4 1.4
Payments to retirees 0.9 0.9
* The amount of the present value depends heavily on the annual balance sheet valuation parameters, in particular the discount rate
2017 2018 2019

5.8 7.4 9.7

31.7 31.7 36.2
0.7 0.8 0.8
1.5 1.5 1.5
1.0 1.4 1.0
discount rate

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