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Abdul Wahid Momin

Customer Sales And Service Agent

Address Mumbai, Mfil 41=50

Phone 776 375 0478


knowtodgeable and deck01ed CUStOMer service professionol with extensive experience Arline
Industry. Soi..0 team player with outgoing, positive demeanor and proven skits in establishing rapport with
clients. Motivated to mcirriain customer satisfaction and cortiribu he to company success. Specialize In
SPee4 and process eptirrizolion. enengeric and reSults-orienteci with exernala",
passion tot devalaping relalionsh*, Cultivil1e-ig painerships and growing businesses.

InbOund and outbound Callirsg

International soles support


Good cornmur ica lion skids


Telephone etiquette

ExceCenl written and oral cornownicarion


Good !sterling skH is


Work History

2017401 - Current Customer Service Associate

ferworeo Aertne Mani:A. Maharashtra
• Moinloined customer so hIsraolfen with l'ormard-lhinking sholegies 'mused on
addressing customer needs and resolving concerns.
• Proviiclee primary customer support to internal and exlernal customers.
• Helped Icroo volurno of customers every day with oastr;ve altitude and focus
an customer sarisfactico.
• Answered consronl Pew of cuslorrier calls wilt Mi9imallw011iM02.
• AnSweTed HY& arsine chars to olve quick answers ono serve probiems leiter.
• Polowira-up wi th online price quotes via email and phone to onsw•r questions
and close solos.
• improved sales abilities and product knowledge on continuous basis to provide
optimal sore ce and achieve auolas.

2013-11 - 2016-11 Customer Service Representative

Arerinil TraderS. M umbal„ PAattoradWO
• Provided primary cuslernef support to internal and exlernci customers.
■ Answered c nstanr flow at customer calls With minimal we r times.
• Answered customer telephone cells promptly lo avoid an-hold wail times.
■ Consulted with outside parries to resolve a iscregunneies and create elieclive
■ °flared advice and assistance lc cofamert paying attention lo speak,' needs
Or wants.
• Informed customers of $oles and promotions to hold customer hove, boos!
tr affiC and increase cuSrOrner loyally,
• Delivered super-jar cuslarner service lo retain existing customers and attract
future Cuslamurs.


2016-07- 2018-05 Masters In Commerce And Business Management: Business

College of Ads, Scionce. And Commerce - Mumtpoi

2013-p5- 2015-05 Bachelor of Commerce: Accountancy And Management

Winn Correge of Ads, Science. And Commerce - ritrirritei

2115-06 - 2015-12 Diploma in Reservations And Ticketing: Ticketing And Reservation

rubor Academy • Muir-rib-A




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