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CE ea ee LES Ce Se ha eed BACHE: ge i ee ce Slee Dette ant Me Cre eae ere oN phe ae Bates Sit ase es Se hee 1 Shy ns Det ME UCI BAC Colne bore trae) a EBs eater Jo Seti esPR eed: 3b: Ibe 21D Melee a 2 Cb. Ge) De SME Pe pte eet oe ae) Dee BRN UB Ea OE 88 ie Bese Mee a) bits 2 at) (CRIB) SAF Army Scene Bimonthly Newsletter S/T BEB The 85th Issue 2018 # 11 12 Nov-Dec 2018 HER Publisher wis The Salvation Army S825 Edtorial oar ‘MLE Anita Lam / ARE Dorothy Cho / (BES Agnes Au Design & Printing ATG be a BE Holistic Education for the Young een ee LO cee sa eee L) eee ee eta tee Itivate and care for children and youth, promote their holistic Ce ees eee are ees Ear Rae Racers This issue of Army Scene brings you stories of children and young people who may not excel at academics, but are Cee ee eee eal Re Rea Cece tee Seek eR Caen] eRe eRe naa eetam eel cree eras Tat ea RC uur ac Cul set performances and, through much sweat and effort, achieved e results. In Special, the love for pop stars drew five Rene ese e Caen hack cece: ast PU RCRD eee Me coro] PON te ae eM uC ud various performances, showing the results of their hard work for the audience. It takes years of practice to put on a bravura performance. With unyielding will, these children and young men strive against all odds and persevere with what they love, Seen catasemeaTOa CHIE) SARS = For free subscription, please contac: He ETRE RAAT Corporate Communications Department The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command SRAM RE 11 He 111 Wing Sing Lane, Yaurate, Kowloon, Heng Kong as Tet (052) 2332 4531 (BWR Fac (652) 23524286 | Wobette: SHOR RRR ERE All Rights Reserved, Not for Sale #87578 0054 Message from the Officer Commanding } Lieut Colonel lan Swan Offeer Commanding "CAB AS EPCRA A > RATE BER «AEE EMMIS > EWI PU RE AEA) 5 BE ACHR © ABD APG + CASA | RRR PCR A > FEE RAY s AS RAE A AUR ARI ALT BCE + BEAM oJ. (PRM 2B 8-11 BH) Ria FR AAR Af WARABHIER, ° MBRMB—ir: LE AG PGEL AIG © DDIM REALE * BERNER BAAR 2S EE WM BAR BAAD A BR IS Ro NGS SRA AE BD HRS SGABACMIR HeoKead SBA OMRA © SSASEL (eR UNS ° 1H HSELAWARBSS HELRRRFS BRR: RSH RBMALSE » FARR BA: EGE SH th MET 92d SRT FOIE oe + AS STAAE {ESR = EEEMERERHAA: AMBRE SH BEER + IRIR IA HEHE BRIER IIA (AB ACLt BBE > SHAE AB > TELE GARBER AY AT EME ADS © BR PAA BMMNBAAR MRE HSE BIR « ‘And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the ange! said to them, “Do not be afraid. | bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”” Luke 2:8-11 The angel said, ‘do not be afraid because | bring good news which will make all people rejoice’. God loves you individually so much He has sent you a great gift. The gift of eternal life. The gift of a life with abundance. The gift of Rejoicing. Many people enter our various ministry units with great fear. They are often afraid of telling someone their great need; of admitting their loneliness, and of confessing that they are unable to provide for themselves or their families. The shepherds were hard working individuals. They lived lives of hardship and loneliness. They were charged with the responsibilty of caring for someone else's flock. It was their job to ensure that the flock prospered and to protect the safety of the flock with their own lives. Like everyone else they dreamed of a different life promised to them in the Holy Scriptures; a life of abundance and joy and speculated when that might happen. This is what we celebrate at Christmas. We celebrate the coming of the Christ who frees us from our fears and turns our isolation and despair into abundance and rejoicing. The stories in this issue tell of individuals experiencing this new possibility and hope. May His gift of grace and abundance be yours today and always. ow Ae PRP ER EBD HB - Rope Skipping Team members are practising hard & RUS BR THK Achieving Success beyond Academics 003 "RET ERGB. RABSS bRABtRSAR BRL AM GPtHR ANBLTAR HEARERS > HitShRRSES Sela AVES» BARS WE BEES RG Ah EE TD A > HIMESH TE EMENE WEAR: BRL BER A SH ACARI MAA ° ‘Learning is not about scoring goed in exam! - we hear that saying often enough and understand that students should strive towards an alkround development, and yet when it comes to determining a student's achievement, academic scores may still get our attention first. To promote the culture of all-around development, The Salvation Army Centaline Charity Fund School (SACCF) embraces a different philosophy and encourages a group of students to find their sense of achievement in rope skipping and juggling. The result: team members beam with pride and confidence as they become so skillful to complete tricks one after another with ease. SRMEREMAEE OORERS Tory Ka-yin admits that the practice ie strenuous, but she enjoys t alot BLM AF +Eh ARABI Fe REBE S Be e A SERENATA BTA > ALTA ADB Rta ATH T RD ESL BETT ak ° HS SSBB LE Ze SY IB BUR AG BAB RA — + RMT all | SESE R EM MGR MBA T° TEX RMR Es FRB BROS » DLL ASRITIOR + PLLERIGSIMI A AR REAR * 5 ft (PSE 7 CY SSE BANS SA FAX R RIS > SRS Rd , HB RMSE + TERE: ABM RSM BEN SA BRABSH RAL FE-PE STi» LATETS < LCD + PRES AU ASF BRIS BORE SEROMA HRT IRAE © BRS EOE IBM PE Be + CRU SRSHRE: "ER BEG MRSS RM FATT IT fH TERNS » SP RREC » ASA BELG FEMALBALR » AWREGRES TATA «fe eeutt » HRRBALRAMSHS ABKR ADB ATES REE ° IRAE MUSUT HERR AER ARME | Bane BiB RENRKE-K ARARBUSS ° SIRES ° HERE R A RAIS » RF RMR SESE R-T & Se Feature Years of Practice for a Bravura Performance The SACCF Rope Skipping Team and Juggling Team each consists of more than ten students of Primary 3 to 6. Behind the teams’ success, there is much sweat and effort. Coach Mr Kwok, former representative of Hong Keng, China Rope Skipping Team , visits the school and conducts special training for the Rope Skipping Team once a week. This is the third year I've been training these students. Rope skipping requires speed, inter-limb coordination and teamwork. With limited training time, the training programme has to be condensed ~ resting time is shortened and intensive training is conducted on speed, strength, movement patterns and team coordination.’ The team members first warm up with a session of nonstop «kipping, then divide in groups to practise their own group movement patterns, each move for dozens of times. These little athletes are usually soaked in sweat and cout of breath after the practice. To strive for the best and keep the high standard, team members would practise during recesses or lunch break every day, some of them even practise at home. Team member Tsang Ka-yin, who started learning rope skipping two years ago, recalled the difficulties she encountered at the beginning, ‘I'm studying in primary 5 now. When | started learning rope skipping, my arms and legs didn’t coordinate so well. There were many patterns that were so hare to memorise. Back then, | spent a lot of time to practise every day, and my muscles were tired and sore every time afterwards. It was so exhausting that at some point | really thought about quitting. Although the training is very demanding, | am persistent and determined because I really TAPS ANANSI MIA RSM RE RELTTRLY o RAG SMR Z RNA TR: PTS BMA a BP ie ES AE GPO AAR RP iS SAU 0 AS Ee ARS BK * TRAE ASS + RARE: OB AT RE SRAMBARS BH) MRER RBTABAL PESTS RBRS ° HEMOMRZ-RABSH TSR: — ROBES WH ORRAR BMS > FR WARE MEE SRIMGRE > HK BERL MASRSARMARRLR RE AN BARRED + AUTEM K BRT ERAME MRR mB HeeiiAst ABER + MAB BREE BREE CBRE MLR SES FRes RHPAAASRABRM MEHR: HK R-HEHSTEARR : bBeR TES - 2008 3 + AALS SEAM AL T AES Re MEER « ARIS + PBA BE By ea BEAN © RSE S ATER MORES Bm BRO E B aA Bo BRS FS MARL RR SRGRMALE SAR @ (A SARS BIRR LAR «Ng Hing sum beams with satisfaction as he successfully completed a seties of ticks 005 love rope skipping, If | become more skilful, I could become a coach in the future!’ Persevere till the End Just like rope skipping, juggling may seem easy, but it is more difficult than it looks. Skills, a good technique foundation and high level of concentration are all indispensable qualities of a juggler. It takes huge amount of repeated practice over a long time in order to perform tricks with precision at any time. ‘Every week we have a 1.5 hour practice session with the Juggling Team. Team members will be given a chart of juggling tricks to refer to in their practice, so that they'll know their own progress. For each trick, we first practise together repeatedly for dozens of times and then the team members will practise on their own during school recesses or their leisure time,’ said coach from Juggling Home Of Hong Kong. When there are upcoming group performances, some kids would have to spend extra time to practise the tricks they are not familiar with. Juggling Team member Ng Hing-sum started learning Juggling two years ago. At frst he was picking up the tricks slower than his teammates of the same age. Rather dumsy in his movements, he had to spend extra time practising. ‘like playing diabolo most. There are lots of items and moves to memorise and practise, but | don't find it too hard because I'm really interested in them. Not only do | practise at school, | also practise at home as | want to perfect the tricks. It can be tiring sometimes, but since l'm doing things | really like, the practice is ful offun, and | will not give up.’ Mr Tang, the teacher of SACCF, said, ‘Our School is committed to the holistic development of our students. We also promote sports activities. In 2008, the School set up the Juggling Team and Rope Skipping Team, which were newly emerging sports in, the acaclemia back then. Today, they have become focused training events of our School.’ Every year, the two teams take part in different inter-school competitions and performances and the splendid result they achieved is very encouraging. @ ERP RBERS BAIA 10 5G BB HB SARRR ANGE - SPREE» EMEP ABR > By AVEHAR : KPEARMRE BB A MBS METS RBM RFR « BS > PDE DES ALE PMT ARSPBSH SE o MRAM AMMO Ze + ORES REAR 1S BLE + AS ASRS © Founded over a decade ago, The Salvation Army Centaline Charity Fund School inspires students to reach their full potentials and promote their holistic development through a balance of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills, aesthetics and spirituality. The School is dedicated to the development of sports activities, among which rope skipping and juggling are the focused training events. The ‘two School Teams take part in various inter- The Salvation Army Educational Services has been serving in Hong Kong for over half a century, promoting holistic education in its 34 schools. In recent years, the Army's Educational Services has adopted a two-fold development approach of ‘Christianisation’ and ‘professionalisation’. In respect of the former we follow the example of Jesus BS Feature school competitions and performances. The Rope Skipping Team has taken part in many inter school competitions with encouraging results, notably winning three consecutive championships in the speed event of the Hong Kong Inter- school Jump Rope Championship. The Juggling Team has participated in various performances in different occasions and has also achieved encouraging results by winning numerous awards in different juggling competitions. FU BARISEA SD B+ AE BABE 34 ARES AG oe ABAA MBH RAL, BBR RMA URAA - MELE RAE LSA | RHRHETHRELE BAS A RARE EMSAM tS PStHe: 8H SRRSHHAE SHH « Christ to teach with love; and the approach for the latter refers to keeping pace with the times and providing quality educational services with our professional knowledge, skills and attitude in nurturing students to attain all-round development in the areas of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills, aesthetics and spirituality. © 9B 18 2018 Christmas Appeal HF 22019 Lai See Appeal e My fami hyz with my fathe or my mother? , ELRRREAT HD Step into the hearts of the children from broken families zy SRRERURALEM EARS Donation support The Salvation Army Community Care Services © GER Tre Senator ey Hong Kong Veenw @) > HEI I SE a To Kwa Wan Social Housing Project Launched CHR ORBME (iti) MABBRF atl, APART fE +2 tM Fiat BBS EB, + BT HG HE Ht BS ARG 93 RL: TA BRSBRE (BRRBBR) RAWATEA Att: DABBSS hi @OR . 4 ARPA EAI HARM RR ¢ GHEE AE 40 FBR 11 AAA + ARBRE BS thf SUPA PA UGHE > (EMRE S SEH BELO PME RT ER » ARRIVES © As one of the commissioned service operators of the Community Housing Movement of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), The Salvation Army has launched the To Kwa Wan (Ha Heung Road) Community Housing Movement ‘Home Plus’. Aiming at realising the idea of co- living, the project provides a total of 53 dignified, Dp KBAR EM SLE eh | hygienic and safe living units at affordable rents for grass-roots families (with priority to single parent families) and low-income young people. The tenant recruitment has received overwhelming response. The first batch of tenants of nearly 40 households moved in mid November 2018, The Army service team will make various arrangements for the tenants, such as adjustment preparatory classes and co-housing planning, to help them fit into the new environment and plan for a new life in the future BURR SKY Family and Child Development Centre Expands its Services A—PRR ABS ( GMA HARB BBE jt . QEM i. SRE RWS SEF ) A ~ SAB ; BLFRRRE HHRASRERREBRP OAS EAM P OO 11 BARS BRRABEZERE Ru CRG, Sh RRRASWERE TORRE SABA CM ABS » MAMMAL » RRO ARE) RUS BHAA > To further support toddlers, young children and youth with special needs and their families, the new branch of The Salvation Army SKY Family and Child Development Centre located in Mongkok commenced service in November. The most significant facility of the Centre, ‘Oasis for the Soul’, is an area specially set up wy to allow parents of children with special needs to have some quiet time. Through reading or talking with social workers and other professionals, these parents may relieve their stress and release their emotions, which will help them to recollect with themselves and find their strength again EEVTER Activities ER MERU | TOME E S28 hit Five Youngsters Attended Taiwan Exchange Programme to Gain Insight into Nature Conservati "SUA BH , HEE A tee RHE) APVES BA BRAS» ESD HB AT RNG RAAMBCAR GARB RA GSE DERE AUMS KARNES BAESHE "BLU FBS > APTOS 10 5 RAPE a A BE A RATA Ee RETA ARE RES Th HASSE SHH SR EGA BREA BBH-BD « The ‘Leave No Trace in nature’ programme is getting popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan in recent years. The programme encourages people to enjoy the nature, at the same time minimise the impact of their activities on the natural environment. In October, five young nature lovers of The Salvation Army Tuen Mun East Integrated Service for Young Night Drifters organised their own 6-Day/5-Night ion tour for an in-depth exchange experience with government departments and local ‘organisations in Taiwan, in hope of bringing Taiwan's successful experience to Hong Kong as a way of contribution to the conservation of the Hong Keng countryside. > Sah ee [AS ERIN 5 Ste | SEN SES The Salvation Army Orienteering raises fund for the SEN students of ‘Alternative 5** School’ MHS REA 2018, BRA ARMA V0 SZSMA Mil - Mi, ERAPFAPAR SANE BTN RES BABAR MAA RHE S** ARE SHIGE SR2G 100 Bicwak + a BOARS: SHAVERS HURHERSK fe. HEBD VHS SMR SLAM MABI > The Salvation Army Orienteering 2018 had been concluded successfully on 3 Nov, with over 900 contestants attending the race in the Central and Western District. The race has raised over HK$1,000,000 for ‘Alternative 5** School” project supporting TSA's SEN services. Thanks to the support and participation of all corporate partners, sponsors, organisations, participants and volunteers. 435 Special ) KERR BS AMILY SRORE oa S2-$198 0 < - CharityPrice ” RARAMRERAE SARA AR FAA SF SIS Th AY PR im MBP Eo We collaborate with The Salvation Army Netherlands. to introduce warm and comfortable blankets that are Nuclear Crew BRA TE th SP2RAUNB§C E GEOLER « Street dance opens up new horizons for Nuclear Crew members. BERRAD ASDA RBARRH ER: BRHF \ 4 AA Fj 24? AZ HABSRARESRIRRNH : MA Bl ~ L PRET TAS + APR RACH fth (Pca ee REE! HE) EEMRERAS ° E PE H Pursuing dreams is usually easier said than done. Not many can endure the challenges of life and persevere till success happens. Five young street dancers have experienced ups Nuclear and downs in their pursuit of dreams, but the challenges did not wear them down. Formed for over seven years, G the street dance team started from dancing on the streets rew of housing estates and have now made their way to the proper stage, and this achievement did not come by easily Me AGERE at BSR SAH : &MwhatsappHm: Lyeossee TRE 2 From the Streets to the Stage — "Nuclear Crews #—{@ ‘Nuclear Crew’, a name RUBE DMWEE HEB that suggests explosive BL WMBRTKES — power. In physics, nuclear Nuclear Crew AIBA AIRF RAPAE fusion is a nuclear reaction HUH ER iAH in which two nuclei join to BAS {580000 form a larger nucleus and fia ARAB AA release energy. Like nuclear 2332 4433 ©9688 5670 eeeieedteinerurten : : creer Speers or more SHEE + ABIEH) fusion generating great (Q recycting@hkt SMR BRA MKD energy by merging, the : {PEEISIGSRIAEM © five dance lovers joined as Ft PGE ET wy At Hr HS HR LUpeysioa blanete Ie not valid n conjunction wih othorciscounts oor. o2 meee LASBE-AR DA BHS EB SBS BRM, Ra Tt Las te Pig » SBIR ‘ft ASE » 28 BIBER» EP IRIE R : RIERA WE B RRL AD HNMe ROBWAR! , MAMMA BRA RSA BA RAS * PARRA SeOAR » EUR + LEILA DL EEE SH RRR RAR ° #838 3 HRB: Nuclear Crew if BETZ > CEREAL LORE HIPBARE BRAA|V)\ WARAR: AAA AR: HRS ST RARE ih SAAR SMRA— KK 8, Ge RADAR: BARA ARMS» BARSARAE’ BEBRSHREX VRERHE- HERSRII ° | BRB DHE BIR ‘BAR SHARIR MATE HERR ! BNEHKTR BESS + BEE B Boy, RUE BPN ARANTELR - PR ODER: RE ARS ABBE + ET 9 eS a sO his eb ft) B-Boy BE—BMBAESE FR BUSSHAA SeNRIESAR » NRRSKAR > EE SEAS + HESPERIA + PGES ASSES » AR A BGM MERE Every move and step come from painstaking practic. a team and together their passion for dancing multiplies, creating cohesive force that keeps them move towards their dreams, Dancing Changes your Mind These five young men were once a group of unmotivated students who interested in nothing but video games and pop stars. In order to find some ways to help them, their school asked social workers to put these boys in some interest classes. Influenced by their pop star idols, the boys suggested leaming to dance. Unexpectedly, they fell in love with it as soon as they started. Team member Tsui Kam-wun has deep feelings for this experience. “You can be motivated when you're really into something. And results can really show if practising hard.’ Talking about the early days when he first started dancing, Lai Sheung-yat describes them as a ‘painful’ experience, ‘During the first three months, we did so much stretching that our legs hurt. The strength training with repetitive movements was also boring. But later | realise these are essential for building a solid foundation.’ A ROT AEE AMAR | BIE - Team mendes ae invited ta perform in a basketball match. Their performance impressed the ‘audience Induding a pop star. Upon repetitive practice, Nuclear Crew was gradually taking shape. Encouraged by Salvation Army social workers, these young men began taking part in various public performances. Cheers and applause from the audience have always been giving them a sense of satisfaction since then, and yet they treasure the not-so- good experiences as well. ‘Once we were doing a flash mob street dance. The passers-by weren't very amused, some watched as if we were weirdos, and the police came to drive us away from the spot. It was quite embarrassing,’ 435 Special p> wa Be, [A Nuclear Crew 2:S:4250087 Dream Pure SHBIMETEBSBEIN + H/MBRAEERD /ISEBEAE - Nuclear Crew gave a street performance fer The Salvation Army ‘Dream Puzzle project last year Some chien stepped forward and lent some cance moves form the team RLSM BERRY aA TMF BERFED 1 DCE | ALB RRER | BRR LES PRS Se ARHHS RSM RAR "BRS cSOR! . kESAS —fi#iB Nuclear Crew BESS QUHRE ¢ © HPS ES SBP PIB ER» EROS RASA) SARA! | © 38 BD & A "Youth Infinity 75 SBR Facebook # Fl» BHAT Dream Puzzle st aA ATE | Visit the ‘Youth Infinity’ Facebook fan page for the latest. news of young participants of The Salvation Army ‘Dream Puzzle’ project. So Hing-wang said smilingly. They did not win applause for their performance on that occasion, but they gained an invaluable courage training experience. Empowering Cheers Boys who do street dance would call themselves ‘B-Boy’, a term that signifies a sense of innovation and playfulness, and creative in the steps and movements. Nevertheless, team performance requires choreography and teamwork. Despite the passion for dancing, intensive practice prior to performances is still an annoying process for the free loving B-Boys. ‘We keep practising for months before a performance, repeating the same moves intensively. Rehearsal time is really tight. We rush to the rehearsal room as soon as we get off work, but we finish work at different time. Sometimes some teammates may miss the practice because of work or family matters. The process isn't easy...’ said Pun King-man. ‘That's why having goals matters a great deall’ he added firmly. They were once ignorant boys, but since they fell in love with street dance, these young men have become confident dancers. They said frankly that they will never gat tired of hearing the cheers of the audience. Sin Pak- hong thanks everyone who has watched the performance of Nuclear Crew, ‘They are witnesses of Nuclear Crew at different stages. Their cheers show their recognition that empowers us even more!’ @ POSTAGE PAID E | HoNeKone PORT PAYE PERMIT No.2953 te ee a Ne ener ua oe ee oh tet ae ee COC Pre tM SP aLeL EL ARIA MEM A Bias Donate to Support The Salvation Army and Help the Needy iiss) es THANK You [] RRR MS Te ALE RIOT © | would like to be a donor of The Salvation Army to help people with the most need. {8 —/QMB4880 | would like to contribute a one-off donation: OHK$1,000 COHK$800 CHK$500 OHKS (1 3822,9 788) My monthly donation is: CHK$500 COHKS200 DHKS100 OHKS SSL RIB Please write in BLOCK letters BEB Name RE Ms) EF cannare iti Address: Bis Email: RRA MAGE Donor No.: RE, MIERRIERE -) By Cheque (Please make cheque payable to "The Salvation Army’ and send us with this completed form.) SZ5238K8 Cheque No. 887-28 Bank Name: Cl SRIF GSAS (052/278 0969 - AMIEANEMIEM | BIER] REIT HEAL « ) By Credit Card (Piease fax to (852)2783 0363. Regular donations will be charged automaticaly to your card unfi further notice.) OVISA © MasterCard EAR Cardholder s Name: Fae Cathie Siar {SFR SREB Card No.: AAUAZ Expiry Date: Month 0 ASR ABNOR: SERNA | ASN (EL) By Direct Debit (Only anpliceble to monthly donations. Direct Debit Authorisation Form willbe sent to you soon.) ee ee ee PR NOBARHILNe RIN ACE RIL” KSI" IIOSE TES 2008 ~ ‘yo For ona pease a S279 2.

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