Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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NM : 859802874

1. Buatlah dialog singkat antara anda dengan teman anda yang menggambarkan
situasi percakapan tentang kegiatan yang telah dilakukan dalam bentuk present
perfect tense.

Rifda : Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Me : Wa'alaikumussalaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, how are you Rif?
Rifda : Thank God, i am fine, ma'am, oh yes, ma'am. Thank God, the tahsin
coaching at school has been started to run
Me : Thank God, how long has been coaching Rif ?
Rifda : It's been 3 weeks, ma'am
Me : Maa Shaa Allah, I hope that teachers and student guardians will always be
steadfast following his tahsin coaching, and making it easier for schools to produce
a generation of memorizers of the Qur'an
Rifda : Aamiin Yaa Allah, yes ma'am

2. Buatlah dialog singkat antara anda dan waiter di sebuah restoran mulai dari anda
memasuki restoran, memesan makanan, dan menikmati makanan.

A few days ago my family and I went to dinner at a restaurant

Waiter : Good evening ladies and gentlemen, please choose your seat
Me : OK, thank you
Waiter : Please. This is the menu list, ma'am
Me : OK, we ordered 2 grilled fish, 1 grilled chicken, 1 glass of orange ice, 2
glasses of avocado juice
Waiter : Sorry ma'am, the grilled chicken menu is out of stock, would you like to
replace it with another menu
Me : Do you have any menu recommendations that are children like it ?
Waiter : There is fried chicken and fried fish with sweet and sour sauce
Me : Just fried fish in sweet and sour sauce, please
Waiter : OK ma'am, please wait, we will immediately prepare the order, would you
like some water ?
Me : Could you bring 3 glasses of water
Waiter : Of course ma'am, please wait a moment

Some time later the waiter came with the food we ordered
Waiter : This is your order ladies and gentlemen, enjoy
Me : Thank you

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