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24 Working scientifically

Patterns in data Key facts

In some experiments, you might look to see if there ✓ A correlation is when one variable
is a relationship between two variables. In other changes as the other variable does.
words, if you change one variable, how does it ✓ A correlation does not show that one
affect the other? change causes the other.
✓ A relationship between two variables
is linear if the points form a straight
line when plotted on a graph.
When two variables appear to be linked, we say they are
correlated. Plotting a scatter graph of your data is a good way ✓ A relationship is proportional if a
to spot correlations. A correlation between two variables doesn’t straight line goes through the origin.
show that one causes the other. For example, ice cream sales and
swimming accidents are positively correlated, but this is because
ice cream and swimming are both more popular in hot weather and
not because ice cream causes swimming accidents.

No correlation Weak correlation Strong positive Strong negative

The data points are scattered The points look as if they might correlation correlation
around randomly and show no be grouped around a diagonal The points form a diagonal The line formed by these
pattern. There is no correlation line. The large scatter means line, showing that one points shows that one variable
between the variables. this is only a weak relationship. variable increases as decreases as the other increases.
the other one does. This is a negative correlation.

Linear and proportional relationships

Graphs showing correlation can reveal other interesting
patterns in a relationship, depending on their shape.


Linear Proportional Inversely proportional Checking
A correlation where the If the points form a straight In an inversely proportional To check whether a relationship
points form a straight line line through the origin (where relationship, one variable is inversely proportional, plot
is described as linear. x and y both equal zero), the halves when the other doubles. one variable against the inverse
relationship is described as This forms a curved line. of the other (1 divided by the
proportional. This means that value). The graph should be a
if one variable doubles, so straight line through the origin.
does the other.

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