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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

Design Techniques of Super-wideband Antenna

–Existing and Future Prospective
Warsha Balani1, Mrinal Sarvagya1, (Senior Member, IEEE), Tanweer Ali2, (Senior Member,
IEEE), Manohara Pai M M3, (Senior Member, IEEE), Jaume Anguera4, (Senior Member,
IEEE), Aurora Andujar5, (Member, IEEE), Saumya Das6
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Reva University, Bangalore, India
Department of Electronics and Communication, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India
Department of Information & Communication Technology, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India
Technology Department, Fractus Antennas and Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Universitat Ramon LLull, Barcelona, Spain
Technology Department, Fractus Antennas, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim, India

Corresponding authors: Tanweer Ali (e-mail:

ABSTRACT With the recent advancement and phenomenal progress in the field of wireless communication technology,
there is an ever increasing demand for high data rates and improved quality of service for the end users. In recent times
various designs of super wideband antennas (SWB) fulfilling diverse objectives have been proposed for modern wireless
networks. Design of compact and wideband antenna for high speed, high capacity, and secure wireless communications
presents a challenging task for designers of fixed and mobile wireless communication systems. In this paper, a
comprehensive review concerning antenna structures and the technologies adopted for design and analysis of SWB antennas
for wireless application is reported. Comparative parameters in terms of electrical dimension, bandwidth, Fractional
bandwidth (FB) and Bandwidth Dimension Ratio (BDR) (BDR) are presented which introduces the researchers to the
technical challenges in the design of a compact wideband antenna. This paper contributes to present existing novel approaches
along with its adequacy in the design techniques.This review exercise will assist the researchers with valuable support for
further research and to achieve better impedance matching, wide bandwidth, high gain and good efficiency along with well
directive radiation characteristics.

INDEX TERMS Bandwidth Dimension Ratio, Compact Design, Fractal Antenna, Monopole Antenna,
Super Wideband Antenna
The designed antenna should be compact in dimension to be
integrated into portable wireless devices and RF circuits
I. INTRODUCTION used for both civilian and military applications [4].
In the present modern era of wireless communication
due to the increase in demands for higher data rate, capacity In recent years, UWB systems have fascinated the new
and resolution, the design of wideband antennas with wireless world with its attractive features like multiband
enhanced radiation characteristics are capturing great communication, high data rate and minimal requirement of
importance [1, 2]. With the exponential growth of mobile operational energy[5]. According to the Federal
systems toward the fifth-generation (5G), there is a great
demand for compact, multiband and enhanced bandwidth
antenna with high gain and good radiation efficiency [3].
Communication Commission (FCC) regulation, Ultrawide UWB (7.5 GHz) is used potentially, the maximum power
band (UWB) antennas are functional over a frequency range that can be transmitted by UWB transmitter is 0.566 mW or
of 3.1-10.6 GHz (ratio bandwidth of 3.4:1) for remote even less. This amount of transmitted power is not even a
sensing, radar imaging and wireless personal area network fraction of transmitted power, required for applications
applications [6,7]. falling under ISM bands. UWB antennas also exhibit slow
adaptation rate and long signal acquisition time. Due to
An appropriate UWB antenna should attain an absolute these
minimum bandwidth of 500 MHz or a minimum fractional
bandwidth of 20% [8]. In spite of having a wide frequency 1
range, UWB antennas are not suitable for a large number of
communication systems. Even if the entire bandwidth of

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

has been done in terms of Bandwidth dimension ratio (BDR)

which illustrates the compactness and wideband properties
issues UWB systems are restricted to use for indoor
of any proposed antenna [11, 23]. BDR measures the
communication only. SWB antennas can play a crucial role
amount of fractional usable bandwidth provided per
to overcome the limitations of UWB communications.
electrical unit area. A high value of BDR in antenna
Present users of wireless personal area network emphasize a
designing is desired to confirm wideband antenna
strong desire for SWB antenna as it is good enough for both
characteristics with compact structure. BDR can be
short and long range communication [9]. SWB antennas can
expressed as [39]
support a large number of wireless applications with a single
device[10]. Also,in recent times, there is a demand for ×λλ
sensors in public surveillance domain that could provide
extremely high data rate, large range, higher and better =%(1)
Doppler resolution to screening. To meet the aforesaid length width

demand SWB radio technology could be the best key

solution as it provides high resolution imaging, sensing and whereλlengthand λ widthare the length and width of the
screening in free space as well as lossy medium [11]. antenna in terms of wavelength corresponding to the lower
cut off frequency.
SWB antenna supports high channel capacity and
delivers voice and video transmission at a higher data rate. Antenna bandwidth is the range of frequency, over
Due to its large bandwidth, SWB technology can be used for which the value of antenna performance parameters such as
spectrum sensing in cognitive radios and it is suitable for input impedance, beamwidth, radiation efficiency,
various wireless frequency applications such as Amature polarization, gain, and sidelobe level is achieved within its
Radio, Global Positioning System(GPS), Global System for standard acceptable limit [24]. In wireless communications
Mobile communication (GSM), Personal communications system the antenna should have return loss less than -10 dB
service (PCS), Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM), over its entire bandwidth [25,26]. Bandwidth of the antenna
Bluetooth, Wireless local area network (WLAN), Satellite can be determined in terms of fractional usable bandwidth
communication systems, Defense systems, Doppler and bandwidth ratio. Fractional usable bandwidth (FBW) is
navigation aids, Radio astronomy, Aeronautical radio a measure of bandwith with respect to centre frequency
navigation [12]. whereas bandwidth ratio (RB) is a comparison of lower and
upper frequency bound.SWB antenna needs to maintain a
SWB antenna does not have a predefined range of minimum bandwidth ratio of 10:1[11]. FBW & RB can be
operating frequency. Antenna having bandwidth ratio 10:1 calculated by following formulae [25] respectively.
maintaining a return loss less than -10 dB and VSWR less
than 2, over the entire range of operating frequency is
Comparative analysis of different proposed antennas
− )(
considered as SWB antenna[11,12]. This 100
type of antenna

can be used for both long and short f
range of communication. Factors that f
influence the wideband antenna RB c
designing are lh (3)
resistance to jamming, high data rate, transmission power,
multipath performance etc.[13].
and fc denotes the center frequency. Higher the FBW
Miniaturization and wideband behavior of antenna can percentage, broader the bandwidth of antenna achieved.
be achieved by fractal geometry techniques [14,15]. This To assure a reasonable comparison among the proposed
technique is based on self-similarity and space filling SWB antennas, their performances characteristics in terms
property [16]. Self-similarity leads to an increase in of bandwidth ratio, fractional usable bandwidth, electrical
impedance bandwidth while its space filling property dimension and bandwidth dimension ratio are included and
expands the electrical dimension of the antenna structure presented in Table 2 of Section 5. The research article aims
without affecting its physical dimension [17]. Various fractal to introduce the existing approaches and techniques of SWB
configurations such as Koch structure, Sierpinski structure, antenna designing and to ease future research on SWB
Dragon structure, Minkowski curve, Hilbert curve and antenna designing by providing a direction for the decision
Fractal tree have been reported for reduction of size of the on design aspects.
antenna [18, 19].
There are several factors which determine the The main contributions of this paper are as follows. ∙ It
performance of antenna such as gain, radiation pattern, provides an overview of contemporary techniques used
directivity, polarization, return loss and bandwidth [20]. In for SWB antenna designs to achieve wide bandwidth
antenna designing, the structure of radiator and ground operation with smaller dimension.
plane, position of feed, and dielectric constant of substrate ∙ The paper also describes the present challenges in
are optimized to achieve the desired antenna achieving compact size, high gain and omnidirectional
characteristics[21, 22]. wideband antenna.


Where fh and fl are the higher and lower bound of bandwidth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

Section V presents a comparison based on the performance

B. Isolation coefficient (S12):
∙ Constraints and associated complications with the design
It is an important parameter that measures the coupling
of SWB antenna followed by a discussion of all
in the structure of the antenna. A large value of isolation
relevant research articles are presented.
gives non-correlated transfer of signals at both the ports
This paper is organized as follows. In Section III, [29]. Isolation Coefficient (S12) should be less than -13 dB
parameters for the design of SWB antenna is discussed. over the entire frequency band. Isolation of a two port
Section IV, presents the key literature of SWB antenna. device can be calculated by following formula [30]
dimension ratio. Section VI summarizes
characteristics in terms of bandwidth the contributions and interprets the
Isolation −=
ratio, fractional usable bandwidth, observations. In Section VII, concluding 10 log dB (7) 2 S1 21 0
electrical dimension and bandwidth remarks have
maximum to minimum voltage along the transmission line.
Ideally, VSWR should be one [27, 28].
been drawn from the aforesaid study.
Reflection coefficient (S11) is the ratio of reflected field
III. PARAMETERS FOR DESIGN OF SWB ANTENNA to incident field. It measures how much of the incident
energy is reflected back. Zero Reflection coefficients
A. VSWR and Reflection coefficient: indicate perfect impedance matching between the source and
As electromagnetic waves travel from the source to the the load which in turn results in unity standing wave ratio.
antenna through the feedline and finally the antenna radiates Reflection coefficient must be lower than -10 dB in the
electromagnetic waves in free space. In this process, EM entire band of frequency. In order to support wireless
waves may confront distinct impedance at each interface. communication even in unfavorable and mobile
Rely on the impedance mismatch part of some energy will environment, it is always a good practice to enable the
get reflected back to the source producing a standing wave. bandwidth of the antenna considering below -14dB return
Voltage standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is the ratio of loss [29]. Reflection coefficient (S11) and VSWR can be
calculated through antenna input impedance as a function of and receiving antenna are taken into account. For time
frequency. domain analysis it is considered that the transmitting
Expression for Reflection coefficient can be mentioned antenna is excited with a Gaussian impulse signal[34].
as [27,28] Fidelity factor indicates the correlation or resemblance
between the transmitted and received pulses. The
S equivalence between the normalized amplitude of
+− transmitted and received pulse signal indicates the value of
C. Time domain analysis fidelity factor for that specific communication. Higher the
SWB antenna transmits short duration pulses which are in value of fidelity factor lesser the distortion presents in the
the order of few hundreds of pico-seconds [31]. Time received pulse [35].
domain analysis is performed in-line to assure that the To analyze pulse distortion of a signal, time domain
obtained pulse is a clone of the transmitted pulse [32]. So in characteristics of an antenna are very important. Pulse
order to validate the performance of SWB antenna in terms distortion of a signal can be quantified by a parameter called
of time domain various parameters are evaluated such as Fidelity Factor (FF). FF is the maximum magnitude of the
fidelity factor, group delay and phase response [33]. In cross correlation of the radiated E-field and the input signal.
performing these analyses, two similar antennas separated The normalized transmission signal pulse and reception
by some distance signal pulse is defined by following equations [35]
are considered as transmitting and receiving antenna. To respectively.
examine the performance of the system, two distant tT
orientations (face to face and side to side) of transmitting )(
^ s
ZZ )(
tT = (8)
(4) 11
= AL ZZ ⎢
⎣⎡ ∫∞ 21

s 2

tT dt

ZAis the characteristics impedance of antenna and ZLis


the load impedance of the transmission line.

tR s )(
)( VSWR is defined as = ⎢ tR dt
For a transmission line [27,28] s ⎣⎡ ⎥
(9) ⎦⎤
∫ ∞

VSWR 1 )(
−+ S s
1 11 ∞−

= S (5)

WheretT )(sis the transmitted pulse andtR )(sis the pulse at

Return loss can be evaluated by following formula [29] the receiving antenna port.
Return Loss, 20 Slog dB (6) RL−= 1 11 0


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

of pulse with minimum distortion.

The cross-correlation between both signals is done at every IV. REVIEW OF SWB TECHNIQUES
point in time and the maximum value of this correlation is
obtained when both pulses overlap. The Fidelity Factor can To fulfill the requirement of broadband services, many
be expressed by equation [35] mentioned as
frequency. This linear phase response ensures transmission

∞ have been introduced by
bandwidth enhancement techniques
FF tRtT dt ss
= +τ )()(max (10)
various researchers which include suitable selection of φωφω
substrate and feeding techniques. Bandwidth enhancement
can also be obtained by overlapping of multiple
The value of FF lies between 0 and 1. When the value
resonances. Multiple overlapped resonance can be
of FF is 1, the received signal pulse is exactly same as
introduced by inserting slots in the patch and by
the input signal pulse at the transmitter without any
modification in the ground plane and patch. Dimension
system loss. If the value of FF is 0, then the received
of structures and locations of the slots should be
signal pulse is completely different from that of
optimized so as to introduce resonances in the
transmitter input signal. The received pulse becomes
frequency band.
completely unrecognized if the FF value is less than
To achieve good impedance matching between the
feed and patch, an impedance matching network can be
Group delay evaluates the phase distortion between utilized. Lower portion of the patch near the feed can be
the transmitted and received signals. The time required
trimmed linearly, stepped, circularly or exponentially to
for a signal to travel from one antenna terminal to
attain wide bandwidth operation. The impedance
another antenna terminal gives the average group delay.
bandwidth of the antenna also relies on the ground
It is mathematically computed as the negative
plane due to coupling effect between the ground plane
derivative of phase response with respect to frequency
and the lower part of the radiator. The edge of the
and is specified as [35]
ground plane below the patch can be stepped, linear or
exponentially tapered which leads to depletion of
=−=− 2 capacitance between the lower portion
(11) of the radiator and the ground plane.
d df
Whereφdenotes the phase response of the transmitted signal In order to improve the impedance matching in SWB
and ω represents the frequency in radians per second. By antennas, distinct variety of feeding techniques such as
observing at the antenna group delay, the phase linearity linearly tapered feed, symmetric and asymmetric coplanar
within the range of frequency of interest can be calculated. waveguide feed are used. Wide bandwidth can also be
The phase response and group delay are associated with the achieved by applications of Fractal geometries in the patch.
antenna gain response. The group delay must be almost Table 1 includes the novel approaches adopted for the design
constant or its deviation should be less than 1 ns, which of SWB antenna over the years.
implies a linear phase response over the entire range of

Ref. Year Design Methodology and Focus on Inferences Structure Proposed
Existing Study

[36] 2017 Elliptical ground plane with notch and The electrical dimension of the
tapered microstrip feedline along with reported antenna is large i.e.0.16λ ×
modification in conventional rectangular 0.13λ. As the frequency increases,
monopole antenna is proposed for super the gain increases while radiation
wideband application. The proposed efficiency decreases. Simulation FIGURE 1 Modified rectangular
antenna is designed by loading a circular results show maximum radiation monopole patch with notch
loaded elliptical ground plane
base and including two stubs along the efficiency of 58% at 2.5 GHz.
conventional rectangular monopole antenna
which in turn provides good impedance
bandwidth over the entire frequency range
of 0.96-13.98 GHz with a bandwidth ratio
of 14.56:1. The proposed antenna has the
highest Bandwidth Dimension ratio of

[37] 2017 Authors proposed a crescent shaped Gain of the proposed antenna varies
radiating patch with a rectangular slotted over the entire range of frequency.
partial ground, fed by microstrip line to Radiation Efficiency decreases at
achieve wide bandwidth of 2.5 GHz to 29.0 frequency above 7 GHz.
GHz with an overall dimension of 32 mm × Omni-directional pattern of the
22 mm and bandwidth ratio of 11.6:1 antenna becomes directive at FIGURE 2 Crescent shaped
which results in BDR of 3462.02. frequencies above 14.5 GHz. radiator with rectangular
Minimum gain of 2 dBi at 7 GHz and Variation in isolation with respect to slotted ground plane [37]
Maximum gain of 6.10 dBi at 16 GHz is frequency and variation in group
observed. Measured efficiency of 75% and delay for both arrangements (side to
simulated efficiency of 81% is achieved. side and face to face) with respect to
frequency need to be addressed.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

[38] 2018 Partial circular monopole antenna with The impedance bandwidth of
elliptical slot which enhances the lower proposed antenna is less and a very
operating frequency, which in turn low gain of 0.5 dBi is observed at
increases the bandwidth dimension ratio to the lowest resonant frequency. As
6975.22, is proposed. In order to augment well as efficiency of the proposed FIGURE 3 Segmented circular
the impedance bandwidth and to reduce the antenna needs to be further explored. patch antenna with elliptical slot
and notch loaded elliptical
coupling effect, tapered microstrip line feed ground plane [38]
with notch loaded elliptical ground plane is
suggested. The proposed antenna achieves
a frequency range of 0.96 GHz to 10.9 GHz
with a bandwidth ratio of 11.35:1.

[39] 2018 Authors presented a co-planner waveguide Negative gains are observed at lowest
fed square monopole antenna which is resonant frequency due to poor
modified by adding two stubs at the impedance matching at lower
opposite side, which in turn increases the resonant frequency. Radiation
electrical length of monopole resulting in efficiency is slightly decreasing as
large BDR 7871.49.The designed antenna frequency increases which is due to
consists of semi-circular base which the lossy nature of Rogers
provides smoother impedance variation and RT/Duroid 5880 substrate material
helps in providing bandwidth greater than a and also due to the presence of FIGURE 4 CPW fed modified
decade. Corner truncated ground plane losses in the surface wave. square monopole radiator [39]
which creates capacitive coupling, which
void the inductive effect created by
modified radiator and thus provides the
resistive impedance. The designed antenna
operates at a frequency range of 0.95-13.8
GHz with a radiation efficiency of 80% and
gain of 5.8 dBi at 13.8 GHz.

[40] 2017 Authors reported a 30 mm × 30 mm design The presented antenna is incapable to

of microstrip monopole antenna for band cover the important lower frequency
notch rejection by carving a rectangular band such as L-band. Above 30GHz,
slot on the patch radiator. Author proposed the cross-polarization level
that impedance matching bandwidth and increases. In order to ensure received
characteristics of radiation pattern can be pulse is the exact replica of
enhanced by making use of tapered transmitted pulse, time domain
microstrip feed line and by employing analysis needs to be further
modification in the lower edge of the patch. performed.
The average gain of proposed radiator is FIGURE 5 Tapered Microstrip
5dbi. The proposed antenna has operating fed rectangular slot monopole
antenna [40]
frequency over the range of 3-50 GHz
having band-notch frequency from
4.85-5.83 GHz.
[41] 2016 A Compact fractal SWB antenna with CPW At frequency above 10 GHz distorted
fed asymmetric ground plane is omni-directional radiation patterns
proposed.The proposed hexagonal shaped are observed, also impedance
patch loaded antenna comprises of three matching is not so good over the
iteration of circular slot to achieve entire frequency band of operation.
operating frequency range from 2.75-71 The future prospective of this
GHz with a large bandwidth ratio of research could be carried out to
25.82:1. Minimum gain of 4 dBi at 24 GHz analyze antenna performance over
and maximum gain of 12 dBi at 71 GHz is the time domain. FIGURE 6 CPW fed Hexagonal
obtained. shaped fractal SWB antenna
with inscribed circle [41]

[42] 2017 A complementary triangle Sierpinski Gain varies over the entire range of
geometry is proposed. In order to achieve frequency. A higher gain deviation is
coupling over the entire bandwidth noticed for the frequencies above 15
semicircular sectors are enclosed on both GHz due to reflection effects. Total
sides of the radiating patch. Truncation in efficiency decreases up to 50% with
the ground plane is done to produce respect to frequency due to the high
capacitive effect which in turn is used to dielectric losses of the FR4 material FIGURE 7 Complementary
nullify the inductive effect of patch that increases with frequency. The triangular Sierpinski fractal
resulting in an improved impedance proposed antenna could not attain antenna [42]
matching by improving the return loss. It miniaturization. Time domain
operates over a wide range of frequency analysis of the presented antenna
1.68-26 GHz with a bandwidth ratio of needs to be analyzed.
15.47:1 and minimum gain of 0.5 dBi at 6
GHz and maximum gain of 5.5 dBi is
obtained at 24 GHz.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

[43] 2016 Circular shaped patch antenna with a Negative gains at lower frequencies
rectangular slot ground plane fed by a are observed. Impedance bandwidth
microstrip feed line is presented to operate matching is not fairly good between
at a frequency range from 2.4-28.4 GHz 16- 24 GHz which results in decrease
with bandwidth ratio of 12:1. in gain with increasing frequency
above 16 GHz. Experimental
validations needs to be accomplished
to assess the performance of the
antenna. FIGURE 8 Microstrip fed
Circular shaped patch radiator

[44] 2016 In order to achieve wide bandwidth of 3.5- With increase in frequency, efficiency
37.2 GHz a π-shaped radiator is designed is observed to be decreased up to
with the modification of traditional 55% due to improper impedance
elliptical monopole radiator and CPW fed bandwidth matching at higher
ground plane. Simulation results shows frequency and also due to varying
minimum gain of 2 dBi at 3.5 performances of the radiating
GHz and maximum gain of 8 dBi at 37.2 GHz. structure, substrate and SMA
connector at different frequency.
Fidelity factor for face to face FIGURE 9 CPW fed Phi-shaped
configuration is less as compared to monopole patch antenna [44]
previous reported references. Less
fidelity factor causes broadening of
pulse and produces more distortion
of the transmitted signal. Unstable
radiation patterns are noticed at
frequency greater than 10 GHz.
[45] 2015 Hexagonal-triangular fractal antenna with Low gains are observed in the range
tapered microstrip feedline and modified of 10-20 GHz. Impedance bandwidth
partial ground which is an integration of matching is not fairly good at
semi-circular and rectangle shape has been frequencies above 20 GHz.Also it
presented to achieve wide frequency band does not support lower frequency
from 3-35 GHz. bands. Isolation characteristics,
efficiency and time domain analysis
of the presented antenna needs to be
FIGURE 10 Hexagonal shaped
further delve into. triangular slot fractal antenna

[46] 2017 A Compact star-star fractal microstrip-fed The proposed antenna does not cover
monopole antenna with notch loaded semi the lower range of frequencies. Time
elliptical ground plane is designed and is domain analysis to study the
investigated to operate over a wide performance of antenna over the
frequency range of 4.6–52 GHz. Gain of 2 specified frequencies need to be FIGURE 11 Star fractal geometry
dBi at 4.6 GHz and 11 dBi at 52 GHz are carried out. Also, as the frequency is patch antenna with
observed. increased beyond 10 GHz; the semi-elliptical notch loaded
patterns started achieving distorted ground plane [46]
omnidirectional nature in both planes.
As reported these distortions at
higher frequencies are due to the
higher order modes and feed line
radiation at those frequencies.
Efficiency of the antenna need to be

[47] 2017 Band notch SWB antenna with tapered At frequency above 20 GHz, antenna
feedline has been designed. Band notch generates multi-nulls in the E-plane
function has been achieved by placing C and H-plane and also the
shaped parasitic element near the ground cross-polarization level increases
plane and by etching two L shaped slot on with higher frequencies. Negative
the ground plane. The proposed antenna gains are noticed at lower frequency.
provides a large impedance bandwidth with
a bandwidth ratio of 111.1:1. FIGURE 12 Tapered radiating
patch with chamfered ground
plane band notched SWB
antenna [47]

[48] 2013 To attain wide impedance bandwidth of Cross polarization level increases at
2.18- 44.5 GHz a novel design of higher frequencies and thus radiation
circular-hexagonal fractal antenna with characteristics become unstable at
partial ground plane and asymmetrical those frequencies. Also the
patch towards the substrate has been performance of this antenna needs to
introduced. The average gain of 4.38dBi is be validated through time domain FIGURE 13 Circular shaped
obtained. The presented antenna has a good analysis. metallic patch with hexagonal
efficiency over the entire range of frequency slot fractal antenna [48]
band, a large BDR of 2461 and high ratio
bandwidth of 20.4:1.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

[49] 2011 A microstrip fed line, asymmetrical ground Nevertheless, the major bottleneck of
plane loaded with triangular and a fractal the designed antenna is its large size
complementary semi-elliptical slot is with an area of 2695 mm2and there is
designed to provide a good impedance poor difference in its co and
bandwidth from 1.44-18.8 GHz with a ratio cross-polarization level even at
bandwidth of 13.06:1 and BDR of 2735. It lower frequencies. Even radiation
provides a gain of 1 dBi at 1.44 GHz to 7 characteristic are not stable over the
dBi at 12 GHz. operating frequency band. Reported
study has not been assessed through FIGURE 14 Egg shaped
efficiency, group delay and isolation monopole radiator with
asymmetrical ground plane [49]

[50] 2014 Novel SWB monopole antenna design has Variation in group delay is observed
been presented to obtain a broad impedance between 18 - 19 GHz due to improper
bandwidth from 2.5-80 GHz with a impedance matching. Even at
bandwidth ratio of 32:1 and measured gain frequencies above 20 GHz the cross
of 2 dBi at 2.5 GHz and 6 dBi at 25 GHz. polarization level increases and few
The proposed design consist of expanding nulls are also observed. In spite of
tapered feed region and triangular tapered this, wide bandwidth of 77 GHz the
feeding line. presented antenna structure is not
applicable for low frequency
FIGURE 15 Triangular tapered
wireless application such as Global fed triangular shaped monopole
positioning System, Bluetooth, and radiator [50]
Global system for mobile

[51] 2011 A novel SWB antenna with functional In spite of this wide impedance
section block techniques is introduced to bandwidth, the designed antenna is
acquire the desired performance. The not appropriate for low frequency
proposed antenna structure provides a band applications. Performance of
broad bandwidth from 5 the proposed antenna in terms of FIGURE 16 SWB radiator with
functional section block
GHz till 150 GHz. gain and efficiency needs to be approach [51]

[52] 2011 A fractal antenna based on second iteration Lower Bandwidth ratio (5:01) and
of octagonal geometry has been presented less BDR(33.25) are reported due to
to operate over the entire range of 10-50 large electrical dimension of
GHz with a gain of 7 dBi at 10 GHz and 2 antenna. Impedance matching is not
dBi at 40 GHz. Although it has wide good at the lower range of frequency
bandwidth of 40 GHz yet it is not and gain decreases with increase in
applicable for L Band(1-2 GHz),S band (2 frequency. Moreover the FIGURE 17 Octagonal circular
to 4 GHz)and C(4 to 8 GHz) and UWB performance of this antenna needs to fractal geometry microstrip
band applications. Also the size of the be validated experimentally. radiator [52]
antenna is large(60 mm × 60 mm) which
makes it difficult to be integrated in
portable devices.

[53] 2015 Authors proposed a CPW fed monopole The gain and efficiency of proposed
antenna. The proposed antenna consists of antenna are not discussed. Time
an inverted triangle above which includes domain analysis has not been carried
two notches and a parasitic element of out to validate the antenna
rectangular shape which is placed to performance. Inconsistency between
improve the reflection coefficient at lower the measured and simulated result
frequency. The ground plane contains slits shows, poor impedance matching
notch at the sides which improves the between 10 GHz to 20 GHz due to
impedance matching at higher frequency. which omnidirectional radiation
The designed antenna operates over the patterns are not recognized over the FIGURE 18 CPW fed inverted
frequency range of 3.06-35 GHz and entire range of frequency and also at triangular shaped patch antenna
provides a bandwidth ratio of 11.43. frequency above 10 GHz cross [53]
polarization level increases.

[54] 2015 Semicircular shaped patch with trapezoid Impedance matching is good only in
ground plane which is top rounded at the the range of 4.90 GHz to 10.95 GHz.
corner to achieve good impedance At frequency higher than 10 GHz
bandwidth matching is proposed. The current density is not evenly
proposed antenna is fed with tapered distributed on the patch and the
feedline to shift the lower operating ground plane, which results in
frequency and to provide SWB increased level of cross polarization.
FIGURE 19 Semicircular shaped
characteristics. It covers frequency Also the phase variation across the radiator with partial trapezoidal
spectrum from 1.30 GHz to 20 GHz and entire operating band is not linear, shaped ground plane [54]
provides a gain of 2 dBi at 1.3 GHz to 5 leading to pulse distortion. Gain
dBi at 20 GHz. Average efficiency of fluctuations in between frequencies
98.8% is reported across the entire are also observed. Input impedance
operating band. phase variation is not linear at 17.50
GHz which may lead to pulse


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
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[55] 2018 An octagonal shaped Sierpinski SWB Above 20 GHz efficiency reduces to
antenna with single band-notch 70% due to lossy nature of FR4
characteristics for C band was designed by substrate. Even negative gains are
using the techniques of slot loading, observed at lower operating
symmetrical rectangular microstrip feedline frequency. Also proposed antenna
and multiple notch-loaded reduced ground has less bandwidth ratio as
plane. The proposed antenna structure considered to the other references.
operates at 3.68 GHz to 31.61 GHz with
band notch function for the frequency FIGURE 20 Fractal geometry
range of 7.86 based octagonal Sierpinski
GHz to 11.08 GHz with ratio bandwidth of antenna with defected ground
8.58:1.Increase in radiation efficiency from structure [55]
93% to 99% up to 20 GHz is observed.

[56] 2014 A novel design of transparent antenna has Gain varies over the entire range of
been reported. Staircase approach on the frequencies and negative gains are
rectangular patch is adopted to achieve observed throughout the bandwidth.
wide bandwidth of 3.15 GHz to 32 GHz. Lower BWR is reported as compared
The CPW fed partial ground is modified by to other references.
quarter-circle slots to reduce the capacitance
effect. In order to enhance the lower
resonant frequencies and to increase the
FIGURE 21Modified ground
bandwidth, two symmetrical major and plane CPW fed staircase
minor rectangular stubs were placed above shaped patch antenna [56]
quarter-circle slot ground by virtue of dual

[57] 2017 An octagonal shaped Sierpinski band Low gains are observed at lower
rejection fractal antenna fed by operating frequency. Study has not
asymmetrical rectangular microstrip for been focused on efficiency of the
super wideband application is designed and proposed antenna. The designed
analyzed. In order to increase the antenna has not been experimentally
impedance bandwidth slot loading and validated.
truncation of partial ground method are FIGURE 22 Band notched
utilized. The proposed antenna provides a asymmetrically fed octagonal
shaped Sierpinski fractal
wide impedance bandwidth of 3.87 GHz to antenna [57]
35 GHz with band notch from 7.24 GHz to
11.11 GHz.

[58] 2016 A CPW fed Hexagonal shaped Sierpinski The reported antenna has large
fractal antenna loaded with two iteration of dimension of 30 mm × 28 mm which
square slot to achieve wide bandwidth from makes it difficult to be integrated in
3.4-37.4 GHz is designed and fabricated. hand held devices. Also the
efficiency of the proposed antenna
decreases up to 45% with increase in
frequency. This antenna could not
support lower frequency range of FIGURE 23 Sierpinski hexagonal
application. shaped fractal antenna with
CPW feed [58]

[59] 2014 In order to refine the performance The proposed antenna has lower
bandwidth, triangular sectors are replaced bandwidth dimension ratio of 890.93
with circular sectors in the proposed due to large electrical dimension of
antenna. Full structure of circular sectors is 135 mm × 135mm. Impedance
utilized to directly match the impedance to matching over the entire range of
50 ohm feed line. By appropriately frequency band is not good
optimizing the geometrical parameters of especially in the range of 9 GHz to
the antenna, the bandwidth achieved is 1.0 11 GHz as VSWR > 2 which results
GHz to 19.4 GHz. in poor return loss. Gain reduces FIGURE 24 Circular coupled
sectorial loop radiator for SWB
with increase in frequency between 3 applications [59]
to 4.5 GHz and 6.5 to 8.5 GHz.
Efficiency and time domain analysis
of the design antenna needs to be
[60] 2018 Bevel shaped radiator with tapered Due to high dielectric losses gain
microstrip feed line is designed and decreases as the frequency increases
analyzed to achieve SWB performance. above 17 GHz. In the radiation
Two ground plane on the top side and a pattern of the proposed antenna a
partial ground plane on the bottom side are large amount of ripples are observed
used to present wideband characteristics. at frequency above 7.85 GHz. Also
FIGURE 25 Bevel shaped patch
The presented design provides a ratio the electrical dimension of the
radiator with modified ground
bandwidth of 66:1 with an impedance proposed antenna is large (80 mm × plane [60]
bandwidth of 0.3-20 GHz. An average gain 80 mm).The performance of the
of 7 dBi is observed over the entire antenna needs to be evaluated using
frequency range of 0.3-17 GHz. time domain analysis.


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publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

[61] 2018 A circular metallic patch nested with three Although the peak gain increases
iteration of apollonius circles is designed with increasing frequency, however
and analyzed. In order to greatly enhance experimental design validation of the
the bandwidth, the ground plane is loaded proposed antenna is not obtained.
with a rectangular notch and two The designed antenna needs to be
semicircular notches. The antenna is fed by further examined for time domain
a tapered microstrip feedline to achieve analysis.
better impedance matching over all around
frequency range of 3 GHz to 60 GHz.
FIGURE 26 Circular shaped
metallic patch with Apollonius
fractal geometry [61]

[62] 2016 An octagonal radiating patch loaded with The peak gain increases linearly with
four iteration of octagonal slot is designed increasing frequency, however
to achieve impedance bandwidth of 0.3 -20 maximum radiation efficiency
GHz. Good impedance matching over a obtained is 58% at 2.5 GHz. For the
wide frequency bandwidth is achieved by frequencies greater than 10 GHz, the
utilizing a pair of rectangular notch-loaded radiation patterns become distorted
modified ground plane and coplanar and at some angles, the level of
waveguide feedline. cross-polar patterns is greater than
that of co-polar patterns due to
excitation of hybrid modes at higher
frequencies. FIGURE 27 CPW fed octagonal
shaped fractal radiator with
defective ground structure [62]

[63] 2018 Planar monopole SWB antenna based on The gain is relatively flat up to 40
Hanning window function is designed to GHz. However according to the
provide wide bandwidth of 2.5 GHz to 110 measured result impedance matching
GHz. In order to improve radiation and is not fairly good over the entire
reduce reflection, microstrip line is defined frequency range.
narrowed down at the feeding point.

FIGURE 28 Hanning function

based tapered microstrip
monopole antenna [63]
[64] 2018 Novel compact CPW-fed Semi-circular The reported antenna has less
triangular antenna for Super Wide Band dimension of 15 mm × 20 mm.But
communication applications is proposed to this antenna could not support lower
achieve good impedance bandwidth from frequency range application such as
4.9- 25 GHz. The proposed structure L and S bands. Measured reflection
provides an average gain of 4 dBi. coefficient in the frequency range
between 4.9-7 GHz is-5 dB.


semi-circular and triangular
shaped antenna [64]

[65] 2015 Radiating patch with diamond shape slot Experimental design validation of the
and modified edges using slits and corners proposed antenna is not presented.
truncations is presented. Gain of the antenna Efficiency and time domain study
is enhanced over the entire frequency band needs to be carried out for the
from 3-20 GHz by using an FSS reflector. proposed antenna.
FSS array of 30 elements (i.e. 6 × 5) is
placed below the antenna. Maximum gain
enhancement is around 7.5 dB is achieved
for the complete operational band.

FIGURE 30 SWB patch antenna

with frequency selective


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

[66] 2018 A Compact SWB trapezoid shaped radiator In spite of support for wide
with a triangular tapered feedline and a bandwidth, the omnidirectional
semicircular ground plane is designed and radiation pattern becomes distorted
investigated. The proposed antenna at higher frequencies. At some
structure covers a wide frequency angles, the level of cross-polar
bandwidth from 1.42 GHz to 90 GHz and patterns is greater than that of
provides maximum gain of 7.67 dB at 23 co-polar patterns. The performance
GHz and the average gain of about 4.77 dB. of the antenna needs to be analysed
in time domain.

FIGURE 31 Trapezoid shaped

patch antenna with semicircular
ground plane [66]

[67] 2015 A novel compact hut-shaped radiating patch Gain degrades with increase in
with a diamond shaped slot at its center is frequency from 2 GHz to 12 GHz.
designed for super wideband applications. Efficiency of the design antenna has
To achieve the enhanced bandwidth, partial required to be explored.
ground plane with a rectangular notch is
proposed. The designed antenna operates in
the frequency range of 0.92 GHz to 22.35
GHz and provides a bandwidth ratio of
FIGURE 32 Hut shaped patch
antenna with diamond shaped
slot for SWB applications[67]
[68] 2015 A novel fractal textile antenna design based Antenna performances such as phase
on genetic algorithm for SWB applications variation of the far-field and transient
is proposed. In order to boost the radiation response in time-domain needs to be
resistivity which improves the radiation further explored to reveal the real
power, gain and efficiency a fractal ability of SWB antennas in receiving
geometry consisting of triangular–circular pulses.
patch with an elliptical ground plane is
FIGURE 33 Equilateral triangle
developed. The designed antenna provides
with inscribed circle fractal
a broad impedance bandwidth of 1.4 GHz geometry radiator with elliptical
to 20 GHz. ground plane [68]

[69] 2018 A compact polygonal shaped patch antenna The peak gain of designed antenna is
of 40 mm × 38 mm dimension which 5.05 dBi. However efficiency of the
covers the frequency range of 2.25-11.05 designed antenna drops with increase
GHz is designed. The ground plane consist in frequency and even the
of circular and rectangular shaped slot performance of the antenna needs to
which helps to expand the bandwidth and be evaluated using time domain
gain of the designed antenna. analysis. FIGURE 34 Polygonal shaped
patch radiator with circular
slotted ground plane[69]

[70] 2009 Elliptical shaped patch fed with tapered The peak gain is high, but the
microstrip feedline is designed to exhibits antenna structure is large (150 mm ×
extremely broad bandwidth from 640 MHz 150 mm) to be integrated into
to 16 GHz. Two corners are rounded in the portable devices. Also for face to
ground plane for bandwidth enhancement. face configuration critical antenna
Gain of the antenna evenly increases from characteristics such as antenna
3 to 10 dBi with slight fluctuation. transfer function decreases
substantially at frequency greater
than 1.5 GHz, as a result the
received signals undergo distortion.
Hence in spite of extremely broad FIGURE 35 Half circular and half
bandwidth only the spectrum in low elliptical patch with corner
frequency can be transmitted and rounded ground plane[70]
received by the antennas

[71] 2013 A compact star-triangular fractal monopole The gain is stable along 1–14 GHz of
antenna is proposed, which is fed by a the antenna operating range.
microstrip-feedline. The designed antenna is However fluctuation in gain are
appropriate to cover from 0.5 GHz to 30 observed in intermediate frequency
GHz frequency with a measured bandwidth from 14 to 30
ratio of 60:1.To achieve a good impedance GHz.


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

semielliptical ground plane loaded with

rectangular notch is introduced.

FIGURE 36 Star shaped fractal

semi-elliptical ground plane
monopole antenna [71]
[72] 2016 A compact octagonal shaped patch This antenna contained no validation
inscribed with Koch fractal geometry has experimentally. Gain, efficiency and
been proposed to achieve wide bandwidth time domain analysis has not been
operation. The proposed fractal antenna presented.
design can be used in the frequency range
of 2-30 GHz.

FIGURE 37 Octagonal shaped

patch with koch fractal
geometry [72]

[73] 2013 A CPW fed propeller shaped monopole The gain of the antenna varies from
antenna for SWB application is presented. 4dBi at 3 GHz to 6 dBi at 13 GHz.
The designed antenna provides a wide However at higher frequency due to
bandwidth from 3 to 35 GHz with a ratio dielectric loss of the substrate the
bandwidth of 11.6:1. gain gradually decreases to 3.9 dBi
at 25 GHz.The designed antenna
structure is not appropriate for L
band wireless applications. The
proposed antenna has fair impedance
bandwidth however it suffers from
lower BDR value (809) due to its
FIGURE 38 Propeller shaped
large electrical dimensions.
monopole radiator with CPW
feed [73]

[74] 2014 A rectangular patch with Giusepe Peano The proposed antenna structure is not
fractal geometry on its boundary is suited for wireless applications such
designed to operate over a wide frequency as GSM, GPS and Bluetooth.
range from 3 GHz to 26 GHz. In order to Radiation efficiency and time
improve the current distribution in the domain analysis needs to be carried
exterior of the antenna, Sierpinski Koch out for the proposed antenna.
snowflake slots of different size are further
applied on the surface of patch. To achieve
the wide impedance bandwidth the ground FIGURE 39 Giusepe Peano
of proposed antenna consists of rectangle fractal geometry radiator with
combination of circular and
and semi-circle. rectangular ground plane [74]

[75] 2016 A snowflake structure is achieved using star Simulated structure is be fabricated
shaped fractal antenna. The designed and measured results need to be
antenna is useful for 5G communication as verified. In spite of operating over a
it operates over the entire frequency range wide bandwidth, the designed
of 17.22 GHz to 180 GHz.The obtained antenna does not support lower
peak gain of the proposed antenna is 10 dBi frequency range applications.
and average gain is 6.4 dBi.

FIGURE 40 Star snowflake

structured fractal antenna[75]


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publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE


All the antennas considered in Table 1, are compared on the basis of different design parameters and listed in Table 2. It
is found that the dimension and substrate material have a great influence in the super wide band antenna designing.

Ref SIZE (mm3) Size in λ2 Freq. range BW (%) Bandwi BDR Substrate Material
(λ is free space (GHz) dth
wavelength Ratio
calculated at

[36] 52×42×0.94 0.16λ × 0.13 λ 0.96 - 13.98 174 14.56:1 7468.5 Rogers RT/Duroid 5880
���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.009

[37] 32×22×1.60 0.27 λ × 0.18 λ 2.5 - 29.0 168.25 11.6:1 3462.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[38] 52×42×1.575 0.17λ × 0.13λ 0.96 - 10.9 167.22 11.35:1 6975.2 Rogers RT/Duroid 5880
���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.009

[39] 52×46×1.6 0.17 λ × 0.13 λ 0.95 - 13.8 173.96 14.52:1 7871.4 Rogers RT/Duroid 5880
���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.009

[40] 30×30 × 1.6 0.3 λ × 0.3λ 3-50 177 16.66:1 1966.6 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =
(Band-notch 0.02
is from

[41] 28×27 ×1.6 0.256λ × 0.247λ 2.75-71 185 25.82:1 2912.2 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[42] 62×64×1.58 0.34λ × 0.36λ 1.68-26 175.72 15.47:1 1435.6 FR4, ���� = 4.08,tan�� =

[43] 30×40×1.6 0.24λ × 0.32λ 2.4- 28.4 169 12:1 2200.5 Dielectric, ���� =
2.22,tan�� = 0.0009

[44] 22×18.5× 1.6 0.2785λ × 0.234λ 3.5-37.2 164 10:1 2541.1 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[45] 20×33.3×1.5 0.35λ × 0.20λ 3-35 168 11.6:1 2400.0 Rogers RT/Duroid 5880
7 ���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.009

[46] 19.7×19×1.6 0.30λ × 0.29λ 4.6 -52 168 11.31:1 1903.2 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[47] 30×40×0.787 0.09λ × 0.12λ 0.9 - 100 196 111.1:1 1814.8 RT/Duroid5870
(Band-notch is ���� = 2.23,tan�� = 0.009
from 4.7-6)

[48] 31×45×1.575 0.33λ × 0.23λ 2.18 - 44.5 181.32 20.4 :1 2461.0 Rogers/Duroid 5870
���� = 2.3,tan�� = 0.0012

[49] 35×77 ×1.6 0.17λ × 0.37λ 1.44 -18.8 172 13.06: 1 2735.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[50] 40×30×1.6 0.33λ × 0.25λ 2.5 -80 187.88 32:1 2254.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[51] 16.55×15.72 0.27 λ × 0.26λ 5 - 150 187 30:1 2663.8 RT/Duroid 5880
×0.787 ���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.0027

[52] 60×60×1.524 2λ × 2λ 10 - 50 133 5:1 33.2 Rogers TMM

���� = 4.5,tan�� = 0.001

[53] 32×26 × 1.6 0.326λ × 0.265λ 3.06 – 35 168 11.43:1 1944.6 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[54] 52.25×42×1.57 0.18λ × 0. 22λ 1.30 -20 175.58 15.38:1 4261.0 RT/Duroid 5870
���� = 2.23,tan�� = 0.0012

[55] 25×19×1.6 0.30 λ × 0.23λ 3.68 - 31.61 158 8.58:1 2289.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =
(Band-notch is 0.02
from 7.86-11.0)
[56] 30×45×0.175 0.31λ × 0.46λ 3.15 -32 164 10.16:1 1102.9 Polyethylene
���� = 3.24

[57] 25×19×1.6 0.32λ × 0.245λ 3.87-35 160.40 9.04:1 2041.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =
(Band 0.02
rejection is

[58] 30×28×1.6 0.32λ × 0.34λ 3.4 - 37.4 166.67 11:1 1531.8 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[59] 135×135×0.8 0.45λ × 0.45λ 1.0 - 19.4 180.40 19.4:1 890.9 FR4 , ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[60] 80×80×1.57 0.08λ × 0.08λ 0.3 - 20 194 66.6:1 3233.0 RT/Duroid 5880
���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.0027

[61] 19×31×1.6 0.19λ × 0.31λ 3 - 60 181 20:1 3073.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

[62] 18.5×20×1.6 0.23 λ × 0.25λ 3.8 – 68 179 17.89:1 3015.0 FR4,���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[63] 40×50 ×0.254 0.33 λ × 0.416λ 2.5 – 110 191 44:1 1391.0 RT/Duroid 5880
���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.0027

[64] 15×20×1.6 0.23 λ × 0.31 λ 4.9 – 25 126 5.10:1 1767.0 FR4, ���� = 4.3,tan�� =

[65] 40 × 25×1.6 0.4 λ × 0.25λ 3 - 20 147 6.66:1 1470.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[66] 57×34× 1 0.16λ × 0.27λ 1.42 - 90 193.70 63.38:1 4483.8 F4B ,���� = 2.65,tan�� =

[67] 40 × 25×1.6 0.12 λ × 0.07λ 0.92 - 22.35 184.5 24.8:1 20502.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[68] 60×80×2.5 0.28 λ × 0.285 λ 1.4 - 20 173.8 14.2:1 2178.0 Polyester Nonwoven
Fabric ���� =
1.18,tan�� = 0.004

[69] 40×38×1.6 0.30λ × 0.285λ 2.25 - 11.05 132.33 4.9:1 1547.7 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[70] 150×150 ×0.5 0.32 λ × 0.32 λ 0.64 - 16 184.6 25:1 1802.7 Dielectric,
���� = 2.65,tan�� = 0.001

[71] 20×20×1 0.033 λ × 0.033 λ 0.5 - 30 193 60:1 175818 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[72] 50×54×1.6 0.33 λ × 0.36 λ 2 - 30 175 15:1 1473.0 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =
[73] 38×55×1.6 0.38 λ × 0.55 λ 3 - 35 168 11.6:1 803.8 FR4, ���� = 4.4,tan�� =

[74] 22 x 33.4 x 0.35λ × 0.23λ 3 - 26 158 8.66:1 1962.7 RT/Duroid 5880

1.57 ���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.009

[75] 20×20×0.787 1.148 λ × 1.148 λ 17.22 - 180 165 10.45:1 125.2 RT/Duroid 5880
���� = 2.2,tan�� = 0.009


In this review article, the antenna research targeting to

super wide bandwidth has been addressed with sufficient
number of relevant research articles. In TABLE 1,
yearwise arrangement of super wide band antenna is made
including their design methodology, main design focus and
structural picture. Also inferences have been drawn for
individual work illustrating some observations and
research gaps. In TABLE 2, all relevant works are
rigourously compared based on size of the structure, size
in terms of wavelength, frequency range, percentage
bandwidth, bandwidth ratio, BDR and substrate material
used. Some interpretations can be made from this
comparison table as mentioned below.

1. As the antenna area reduces, bandwidth percentage

increases. A graph has been drawn in Figure 41 to
illustrate the relation between bandwidth percentage
and antenna structure area. It can be concluded that SWB antenna can support high data rate for voice and
bandwidth percentage is inversely related to antenna video transmission because of its greater channel capacity.
structure area. Due to its large bandwidth, SWB technology can be used
2. Dielectric with relative permittivity around 2.2 and for spectrum sensing in cognitive radios, Amature Radio,
thickness 1.6 mm is the most suitable substrate for Global Positioning System (GPS), Global System for
achieving high value of BDR for SWB antenna Mobile communication (GSM), Personal communications
designing. service (PCS), Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM),
Bluetooth, Wireless local area network (WLAN), Satellite
The utilisations of this review article can be expected communication systems applications, Defense systems,
for (i) referring different structures to achieve super wide Doppler navigation aids, Radio astronomy, Aeronautical
band antenna; (ii) deciding the area of a new SWB antenna radio navigation. This article presents a comprehensive
structure; (iii) choosing a substrate material to attain high illustration of different design techniques for SWB
BDR with SWB antenna. antenna.



FIGURE 41 Area (λ2) Vs BW%

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

The detailed comparison tables in this article guides Considering the investigation carried out in this review
researchers in choosing geometries of antenna structure article, the following discussions concerning the presented
and material properties for desired gain, bandwidth and antennas can be highlighted.
time domain response according to the applications of the
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
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VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE Access
12th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and
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Advanced Electromagnetics, Progress in Electromagnetic Research
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Journal of Microwave andWireless Technologies, Frequenz, Radio
engineering etc.

TANWEER ALI is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of

Electronics & Communication Engineering at Manipal Instituteof MRINAL SARVAGYA, Professor, School of
Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal. He is an ECE at REVA University holds PhD degree
active researcher in the field of microstrip antennas, wireless communication in Wireless Communication from IIT
and microwave Imaging. He has published more than 60 papers in reputed Kharagpur, M.Tech degree in digital
peer reviewed international journal and conferences. He is a senior member Communication, IIT Kanpur and B.E degree
IEEE (SMIEEE), and Associate Member of IETE in Electronics and communication
Engineering from Government Engineering
antenna for wireless body area networks. Journal of College Ujjain. She received the best thesis
Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 29(13), 1728-1740. [69] award from IIT Kharagpur in the year 2009
Syeed, M. A. A., Samsuzzaman, M., Islam, M. T., Azim, R., & Islam, for her thesis titled “QoS based packet
M. T. (2018, February). Polygonal Shaped Patch with Circular Slotted scheduling and resource allocation schemes
Ground Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications. In 2018 for WCDMA UMTS”. She is the member of Professional bodies
International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, WIE,IEEE, IETE, IEEE ComSOC (Executive Committee Member
Material and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. Bangalore Chapter). She is on the editorial board of various international
[70] Dong, Y., Hong, W., Liu, L., Zhang, Y., & Kuai, Z. (2009). journals. She has 23 years of teaching experience, with expertise in
Performance analysis of a printed super‐wideband antenna. various subjects like Wireless communication, Advanced Digital
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 51(4), 949- 956. Communication, Computer communication and networking, channel
estimation and modelling, Adhoc wireless networks, Protocol
[71] Waladi, V., Mohammadi, N., Zehforoosh, Y., Habashi, A., &
Engineering. Her area of research is Wireless communication, channel
Nourinia, J. (2013). A novel modified star-triangular fractal equalization in OFDM-IDMA / SCM receivers, Cognitive Radio
(MSTF) monopole antenna for super-wideband applications. networks.
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation Letters, 12, 651-654. She was Principal Investigator for project funded by VGST Karnataka
[72] Chitra, R. J., & Nagarajan, V. (2016, April). Design and title “Zero padding OFDM signals for Cognitive radio Networks” (2012
development of koch fractal antenna. In 2016 International -2014), Principal Investigator, IEEE Hyderabad “Multimedia
Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) Communication over Fibre Optical link” (2012) exhibited at Birla
(pp. 2294-2298). IEEE. science Museum Hyderabad. She has completed the sponsored Project
[73] Gorai, A., Karmakar, A., Pal, M., & Ghatak, R. (2013). A CPW fed in the area of Underwater communication from Naval research Board,
propeller shaped monopole antenna with super wideband Ministry of defense India (2015). Her name is included in Marquis who
is who in the world directory from 2007 onwards. She has received
characteristics. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 45, 125-
many awards like young research scientist from VGST Karnataka in
2013, Bharat Jyoti award from international friendship society of India
[74] Shahu, B. L., Pal, S., & Chattoraj, N. (2014). A compact super Recently. She received Outstanding faculty in engineering Award from
wideband monopole antenna design using fractal geometries. Venus International foundation India 2017.
Microwave Review, 20(2), 20-24. She has more than 85 publications in international journals and
[75] Malik, R., Singh, P., Ali, H., & Goel, T. (2018, April). A Star conferences. She has guided 3 PhD, and currently guiding 5 PhD
Shaped Superwide Band Fractal Antenna for 5G Applications. In students.
2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in
Technology (I2CT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

WARSHA BALANI is currently pursuing her

Ph.D. in the field of Antenna Design at the
School of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore. She
holds a B.E degree in Electronics and
Communication, Jabalpur Engineering College
and M.Tech in Digital Communication from
R.G.P.V Bhopal. During her 7.5 year long
career in the teaching and academia, she has
been involved in a number of different roles and
projects. Her research interests are in the field
of RF and Microwave, Antenna Design and Wave propagation, analog
electronics and optical communication.
India. He is on the board of reviewers of journals like the IEEE
VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

Associate Professor in 2016. He is currently teaching Antenna Theory

(since 1999 to date), Electromagnetic Propagation (2013 -2016), and
Design and Applications of Antennas (2013 to date). Since 2001, he is
leading research projects in the antenna field for handset and wireless
applications in a frame of Industry-University collaboration: Fractus
and the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of
Universitat Ramon Llull-Barcelona, Spain. Several of his supervised
students have been awarded by Best Bachelor and Master Thesis by the
Spanish Ministry as well as other Spanish Institutions. He has authored
three academic antenna books.
Since 1999-2017, he was with Fractus (founder partner), Barcelona,
MANOHARA M. M. PAI holds Ph.D. in
Spain, where he held the position of R&D manager and has developed
Computer Science and Engineering and has been the Professor in the
various cutting-edge antenna technologies. At Fractus, he leaded
Department of Information and Communication Technology at Manipal
projects on antennas for base station systems, antennas for automotive
Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education,
and currently directing the Research and Innovation activities in
Manipal, India for the last 27 years. He holds 6 patents to his credit and
particular in the field of handset and wireless antenna projects. His
has published 80 papers in National and International Journals/
current research interests are multiband and small antennas, broadband
Conference proceedings. He has published two books, guided 5 PhDs
matching networks, diversity antenna systems/MIMO, electromagnetic
and 65 Master thesis. His areas of interest includes Data Analytics,
dosimetry, genetic optimized antennas, and antennas for wireless
Cloud computing, IoT, Computer Networks, Mobile Computing,
handset devices. He also has experience in patent engineering,
Scalable Video Coding, Robot Motion Planning. He is Senior Member
including licensing and litigation.
of IEEE, Life member of ISTE and Life member of Systems Society of
Between 2003 to 2006, he was also assigned to Fractus in Korea to
India. He is also the Chair of IEEE Mangalore SubSection (2019).
head up the research team. One of his main tasks was to provide
training, education and development of the team’s core competency,
and to provide R&D vision to address the rapidly growing mobile
device market. Under his leadership, the company had secured major
contracts with companies such as Samsung, LG, Bellwave to name a
few. He published a book about “Korean Experiences” in 2015.
Since July 2017 Chief Scientist and Co-Founder at Fractus Antennas,
Barcelona, Spain.
He holds more than 130 granted invention patents (USA, Asia, Europe)
and 28 more pending patents in the antenna field, many of them have
been licensed to antenna companies. He is author of more than 220
JAUME ANGUERA (S'99-M’03-SM’09) was
journals, international and national conference papers (h-index=46 with
born in Vinaròs, Spain, in 1972. Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at
more than 6000 citations based on google-scholar). He has also given
Fractus Antennas; Associate Professor at Universitat Ramon LLull, all
more than 14 workshops on small/multiband antennas using antenna
institutions in Barcelona, Spain.
boosters. He has directed more than 100 bachelor and master thesis,
He received the Technical Engineering degree (3 years degree) in
3PhDs, and more are underway.
Electronic Systems and Engineering degree (5 years degree) in
Dr. Anguera has participated in over 20 national/international
Electronic Engineering, both from the Ramon Llull University (URL),
projects and research grants valued over €6 million, in which he was the
Barcelona, Spain, in 1994 and 1998, respectively, and the
principle researcher for €3 million of the funding.
Telecommunication Engineering degree (5 years degree) and Ph.D
Dr. Anguera was member of the fractal team that in 1998 received
degree in Telecommunications, both from the Polytechnic University of
the European Information Technology Grand Prize for the Applied
Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 1998 and 2003, respectively. In
Science an Engineering for the fractal-shaped antenna application to
1997-1999 he joined the Electromagnetic and Photonic Engineering
cellular telephony. 2003 Finalist to the Best Doctoral Thesis on UMTS
Group of the Signal Theory and Communications Department of the
(Fractal and Broadband Techniques on Miniature, Multifrequency, and
UPC as a researcher in microstrip fractal-shaped antennas. In 1999, he
was a researcher at Sistemas Radiantes, Madrid, Spain, where he was
Directivity Microstrip Patch Antennas); prize promoted by “Technology
involved in the design of a dual-band dual-polarized fractal-inspired
plan of UMTS promotion” given by Telefónica Móviles España). New
microstrip patch array for mobile communications. In the same year
faces of Engineering 2004 (promoted by IEEE and IEEE foundation). In
1999, he became Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics
the same year he won the Best Doctoral Thesis (Ph.D) in “Network and
and Telecommunications, Universitat Ramon Llull-Barcelona and
BroadBand Services” (XXIV Prize Edition "Ingenieros de
Telecomunicación”) organized by Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Systems in 2005, the Master degree in
Telecomunicación (COIT) and the Company ONO (national price). In Telecommunications Engineering in 2007 and
2011, he received the Alè Vinarossenc, recognition given by Fundació the Master of Science in Telecommunication
Caixa Vinaròs (city of Vinaròs - Spain). In 2014, together with four Engineering and Management in 2007 from the
other Fractus inventors, he received the “2014 Finalist to European Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC),
Patent Award”. Barcelona, Spain. She has completed her Ph.D.
He is reviewer for several IEEE journals as well in others. He is degree in 2014 in the field of small and multiband antennas for handsets
associate editor at Electronics Letters, editor of International Journal on and wireless devices. In 2004–2005, she received a research fellowship
Antennas and Propagation (IJAP) and International Journal on in the field of electromagnetic compatibility from the Signal Theory and
Electronics and Communications. His biography is listed in Who’sWho Communications Department, UPC. In 2005, she worked as a Software
in the World, Who’sWho in Science and Engineering, Who’sWho in Test Engineer for applications intended for handset wireless devices. In
Emerging Leaders and in IBC (International Biographical Center, 2006, she worked as a Software Engineer designing a load simulation
Cambridge-England). tool for testing Digital Campus in academic environments and
His detailed information can be found at: developing improvements in the performance of web servers referred to the management of static and dynamics contents. Since 2007, she is
working as R & D Engineer in Fractus, Barcelona, Spain, where she
actively contributes to the prosecution and growth of the patent
portfolio of the company. She is also involved in several projects in the
AURORA ANDUJAR (S’11) was born in field of small and multiband handset antenna design. Since 2009, she is
Barcelona, Spain, 1984. She received the leading research projects in the antenna field for handheld wireless
Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication devices in the
Engineering specializing in Telecommunication

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2943655, IEEE

Professor at Sikkim Manipal Institute of

Technology, India in the department of
collaborative university-industry framework. She has published more Electronics and Communication Engineering.
than 50 journals, international and national conference papers. She is His research interest includes different feeding techniques for microstrip
also author of 7 invention patents in the antenna field. She has directed and dielectric resonator antennas, Flexible and wearable antenna for
6 bachelor and master thesis. Ms. Andújar is a member of the COIT tracking and medical application, Computational Mathematics for
(Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación) and AEIT antenna designing, RF exposure testing on human bodies,
(Asociación Española de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación). She is an Electromagnetic Compatibility, Ultra wideband antenna designing etc.
Editor of International Journal on Antennas and Propagation (IJAP). He is an Associate Member of IETE India. He is a reviewer of
Microwave and optical Technology letters (MOTL), Wiley. He has
Saumya Das received B.Tech degree in published more than 10 papers in reputed peer reviewed international
Electronics and Telecommunication from journal and conferences. He has more than 15 years of teaching
Institute of Electronics and experience with expertise in various subjects like Electromagnetic field
Telecommunication Engineers (IETE, India) theory, Antenna Theory, Microwave Devices and Circuits, Signals and
and M.E in Electronics and Communication System, Digital Signal Processing, Adaptive Signal Processing.
from Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi
University. Presently he is an Assistant
VOLUME XX, 2017 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see

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