ADAS5 ConfigManPlan

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No. DP-JPSI-1800069T

AD/ADAS System Design Department

Configuration Management Plan Sheet

Project name: (Rn)/(N)ADAS5.0 Project

Software Purchase Order No.

Control System development

Ver. 004


Prepared by : AD/ADAS System Design Department

Software Design Department

Approval Audit Make

2019/07/18 2019/07/18 2019/07/18

AD シ設部 吉田 AD シ設部 関澤
AD シ設部 高田
2019/07/02 2019/07/02
ソ設部 平井 ソ設部 海谷
ソ設部 宮田
Approval Audit Make

2019/07/18 2019/07/18 2019/07/18

AD シ設部 吉田 AD シ設部 関澤
AD シ設部 高田
2019/07/02 2019/07/02
ソ設部 平井 ソ設部 海谷
ソ設部 宮田

Change History

No. Version Change Approval Audit Make Reamarks

SI-Contros SI-Contros SI-Contros
System Design System Design System Design
Newely developed common and system part Dept. Dept. Dept.
Kawakami Sekizawa Takada
2019/1/29 2019/1/29 2019/1/29
1 001
Software Software Software
Development Development Development
Newely developed common and software part Dept. Dept. Dept.
Hirai Kaiya Onitsuka
2019/01/28 2019/01/28 2019/01/28
System Design System Design
Changed baseline registration schedule and Configuration Dept. Dept.
Management/ Baseline Audit Plan for System Kawakami Takada
2019/04/09 2019/04/09
2 002
Changed baseline registration schedule and Configuration Development
Management/ Baseline Audit Plan for Software Dept.
Updated svn directory structure 2019/4/5
Configuration Items are erased because of out of scope in this
- Evaluation table for design change importance of ECU
- Opening notice of DR/TR meeting and DR/ TR deliberation
request and implementation report
- Control system development project plan_update based on task
- Review implementation reports of task plan System Design System Design System Design
- System_target ECU Dept. Dept. Dept.
- Shipping Judgment (by each task, by each event) Yoshida Sekizawa Takada
- Delivery report (by each task, by each event) 2019/07/05 2019/07/05 2019/06/21
3 003
- Traceability record (at the end gate)
Table3-1, update the person in charge of the SYS.

Table3-1, update the person in charge of the SW. Software Design Software Design Software Design
Dept. Dept. Dept.
Hirai Kaiya Miyata
2019/7/2 2019/7/2 2019/6/25
Table3-1, update the baseline Auditor. AD/ADAS AD/ADAS AD/ADAS
System Design System Design System Design
4 004 Dept. Dept. Dept.
Yoshida Sekizawa Takada
2019/07/05 2019/07/05 2019/07/18

The purpose of this configuration management is to establish and maintain the completeness of all work products generate

2.Configuration management strategy

For details of this section, refer to "SI-22A-201 Configuration Management Procedure 4.1.".

3.Structure of configuration management activity

The structure of configuration management is shown below.

Table 3-1 Allocation of configuration management activity

# Phase Task
Common part

1 Prepare SYS&SW

2 Planning Review SYS&SW

3 Approval SYS&SW

Registration for
4 each configuration SYS&SW
item (CI)
status report
5 (Monitor and SYS&SW
follow registration
of CI)
6 management/Base SYS&SW
line audit
7 Tool management SYS
8 Baseline SYS&SW
9 Branch & Merge SYS&SW

4.Configuratioin management activity plan

About the configuration management activities, project members operate it based on the department standard (SI-22A-201
For the registration and audit schedule of baseline, refer to "ADAS5_ConfigItemsAndStatusReport.xlsx" and "ADAS5_ConfigM
These activities are managed in Redmine task, so please refer to ADAS5 Redmine project (
5.Configuration management tool
The tools to use for configuration management and a plan of configuration management methods in related to the tools are
(1) Applied tool information
Use [Subversion 1.9.7] as the configuration management tool.

Table 5-1 Server information list

No. Item Explanati
1 Server name
2 License information This tool is open source software, it builds an SVN server by incorporateing source co
3 Repository (storage place)

(3) Support in multiple environments

No. Item Explanati
It can be used at the following bases participating in this project.
1 Base to use (1)HIAMS (Sawa)
(2)HIAMS (Yokohama)
(3)HIAMS (Atsugi)

Cooperation with system and

2 software developments Since the organizational structure of the software development is not yet determined

cooperation with relevant

3 project and supplier Cooperation with related projects(N)AD2 and (N)ADAS4 will be considered as necessa

(4) Configuration management method (Directly structure etc.)

(a) Construct the following directory structure in the repository of the SVN server beforehand, and the person in charg
product in a "list of configuration items and configuration status report" of the configuration management plan. For d

(b) Each person who created a work product should be working and updating it on SVN from the initiation.
(c) The latest work products always can be referred on the portal site by collaborating with the portal site of SI-Contro
( and SVN repository. Project members have alrea
configuration management ragarding how to acess, a request of new access right, and other query about configuratio

Figure 5-1 (Rn)/(N)ADAS5.0 Project Portal Site

(5) Recording method of change history (change log, change history, etc.)
(a) Chage history of a document
When there is a change of a work product that is already approved, describe the following items in a chage history she
* Version
* Outline of change content and change point (Indicate the version number in changed part.)
* Affiliation and name of an approver of cahnge content, and approved date
* Affiliation and name of an examinor of cahnge content, and examined date
* Affiliation and name of a person who made a change, and changed date
If there is no change history sheet, use the following format to manage change history.

Table 5-3 Change history (Sample)

No. Version Content of change

(b) Change history at committing SVN

When committing to the SVN repository, describe the following items in the message column.
- summary of change (briefly)
- relating redmine ticket number in the following format: "refs #nnn" (#nnn: relating redmine ticket number)

- change the path of SVN: refs #109616
- reflect the review comments: refs #109573, #109574, #109575

(6) Introduction plan

As a SVN environment using as a configuration management tool, use the environment provided by So-gi-bu (Softowa
For technical matters such as repository and access right etc., assign a person in charge of the configuration managem
Also, as for how to use SVN, refer to "TortoiseSVN_manual.pptx", which will be prepared separately.
If there is anything unclear, contact a person in charge of configuration management.

6.Access control
(1) Members involved with the project (including stakeholders) should fill in a prescribed application form and submit it to a
charge of configuration management requests a repository manager of ADAS 5 so that a person in charge of the configuratio
a correspondingdepository. A person in charge of the configuration managment tools authorize an acess right to an applican

(2) When the members have been changed, promptly a person in charge of configuration management about it. A person in
the onfiguration management tools to authorize or delete the access right, so that it remains the updated and appropriate

7.Configuration item (CI) and identification rule of configuration item

Describe the identification rule of configuration item in the [CI list and report (SYS/SW)] sheet.

8.Creation method of baseline

Describe that the baseline object is defined in the attached “list of configuration items and configuration status report” shee
After establishing the baseline, perform the change manaement of the configuration elements according to the prescribed m

(1) Identify the work products to be placed under baseline control among the CI extracted in 7. and clarify them on the confi
items and configuration status report" sheet.
(2) For the work products specified in (1), describe the version of the work product to become the base and the planned dat
configuration management plan "list of configuration management items and configuration status report" sheet.

(3) According to the process definition, implement a review, and taking the approved work products as a baseline, describe
of configuration items and configuration status report" sheet.

(4) All configuration items are registered in svn, person in charge of configuration management copy configuration items an
(5) Regarding creation activities of each baseline, implement an audit to check whether these activities are operated proper
Plan an implementation phase and implementation date of an audit in advance, and describe it in the configuration manage
audit according to the plan, and record the auditors, the person in charge of the audit, and the implemented date in the co
and get an approval.

(6) When a change has occurred to each work product which is under the baseline control, implement the work according to
a change has been made, describe the updated date and the version of its work product in the "list of configuration manage

(7) When the work products have been released to (Rn)/(N) according to the planned milestones, create a release tag as req

9.Rules of chek-in / check-out

For details of this section, refer to "SI-22A-201 Configuration Management Procedure".

The path of the check-out folder of the working copy are different among individuals.
So, when you commit files which have long path, you should consider the total length of the path.
If the total length of the path become long, please compress the files and folders to a Zip file when you register those.
In addition, recommendation is to make the path of the check-out folder as shorten as possible like "C:\svn\ADAS5".

10.Branch / merge management strategy and build method

For details of this section, refer to "SVN directory structure"

11.Generation (revision/version) management strategy

The revision number of each cofiguration items are defined as follow.
- The author of each documents describe the revison number in the change history part.
- The revision number of the documents which are the targets of baseline management starts from '001'. And then at the tim
-The format of the revision number shall be 3 digits like 001, 002,....
-The revision number is not necessary for the configuration item that is not targeted for baseline management.
-The revision number of subversion system is used for internal management and is not used for the revision number of the
-For the revision number of the configuration items that can not describe the revision history, such as source or binary file, s

12.Configuration change management

For details of this section, refer to "SI-22A-201 Configuration Management Procedure 4.12.".

13.Configuration status report

For details of this section, refer to "SI-22A-201 Configuration Management Procedure 4.6".
Configuration status accounting is performed in weekly ADAS5 Software meeting.

14.Configuration management baseline audit plan

For details of this section, refer to the "Configuration management plan", "Configuration management_baseline audit plan (

15.Methods of quality assurance request / release

(1) Quality assurance request
Implement the release work according to "SI-22A-201 Configuration Management Procedure".
(2) Release method
Implement the release work according to "SI-22A-201 Configuration Management Procedure".
If it is necessary to restore the data due to an accident or the like, request a restoration to So-gi-bu (Softoware Engine

16.Backup management of the configuration item

(1) Storage method
Implement the version management for the configuration management items by SVN server provided by So-gi-bu.
(2) Backup method
Perform backup of SVN server everyday automatically under management of So-gi-bu and store its backups by the 14
If it is necessary to restore the data due to an accident or the like, request a restoration to So-gi-bu that manage SVN

ss of all work products generated in the project and make it available to affected parties.

Person in charge
SYS part SW part SYS SW
Common parts are newly prepared
by SYS person, then SW person add
SYS SW Takada Miyata information in the view point of
Common parts are review by both
SYS-PM,PL SW- SYS and SW person. When changing
SYS SW MAN.3 PM, the part, it is necessary to confirm
PL each other.
Common parts are approved by
SYS SW (Hirai)K both SYS and SW person.

SYS-Project SW-
SYS SW member Project
Common configuration items are
described in both SYS and SW CI list
SYS SW Takada Miyata and report sheet. Both SYS and SW
are in charge of those items.

H.Sakamoto Susuki

- - Y.Mori(HiICS) -

- - Takada Miyata

- - Takada Miyata

epartment standard (SI-22A-201 Configuration Management procedure).

eport.xlsx" and "ADAS5_ConfigManBaseAudit.xlsx".

ethods in related to the tools are shown below.


ver by incorporateing source code released for free.

his project.

elopment is not yet determined, it will be discussed after the plan on the software side is determination.

S4 will be considered as necessary.

rehand, and the person in charge of configuration management describe the storage place of each work
uration management plan. For details of the SVN directory structure, refer to "SVN directory structure"

N from the initiation.

with the portal site of SI-Contros System Design Department
ory. Project members have already access to SVN and the portal site. Contact the person in charge of
other query about configuration management.
wing items in a chage history sheet.

Approved Examined Prepared Remarks

edmine ticket number)

t provided by So-gi-bu (Softoware Engineering Department).

e of the configuration management tools and implement necessary work.
ed separately.

plication form and submit it to a person in charge of configuration management. A person in

son in charge of the configuration management tools gives an applicant person full-access right to
rize an acess right to an applicant after confirming the spplied information.

anagement about it. A person in charge of configuration management asks a person in charge of
s the updated and appropriate condition.

onfiguration status report” sheet and implement a baseline audit.

nts according to the prescribed management procedure.

7. and clarify them on the configuration management plan "list of configuration management

me the base and the planned date of registration to SVN under the configuration control into the
status report" sheet.

products as a baseline, describe the actual registered date and an approved version of into the "list

ent copy configuration items and create tags as baseline.

e activities are operated properly.
e it in the configuration management plan "Baseline audit plan (SYS/SW)" sheet. Implement an
he implemented date in the configuration management plan "Baseline audit plan (SYS/SW)" sheet

mplement the work according to "SI-22A-203 Change Request Management Procedure.docx". After
he "list of configuration management items and configuration status report" sheet.

ones, create a release tag as required in order to identify the release version easily.

when you register those.

ble like "C:\svn\ADAS5".


ts from '001'. And then at the timing of change management, increment by one.

eline management.
for the revision number of the configuration items.
y, such as source or binary file, substitute the revision number of Subversion system.

nagement_baseline audit plan (SYS/SW)" sheet.

n to So-gi-bu (Softoware Engineering Department) that manage SVN server forthrough the person in charge of the configuration management tool.
server provided by So-gi-bu.

and store its backups by the 14th generation.

n to So-gi-bu that manage SVN server forthrough the person in charge of the configuration management tools.
the configuration management tool.
No. Sheet name Contents overview

1 Plan Define the configuration management plan.

2 CI list and report (SYS) Define the configuration items, baseline, and status.

3 CI list and report (SW) Define the configuration items, baseline, and status.

4 Naming convention of CI Naming convention of the configuration items

5 Baseline audit plan (SYS) Plan for baseline audit in control system development

6 Baseline audit plan (SW) Plan for baseline audit in software development


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