IELTS Recent Actual Tests August 2022

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Đề thi ngày 6/8
01 SPEAKING ......................................................................................................1
WRITING TASK 1 ............................................................................................5
WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................................7

Đề thi ngày 11/8

02 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................9
WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................12
WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................15

Đề thi ngày 20/8

03 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................16
WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................19
WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................21

Đề thi ngày 27/8

04 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................23
WRITING TASK 2 (Paper-based) ..................................................................27
WRITING TASK 2 (Computer-delivered) ......................................................29
Part 1 - Meeting places

1. Where is your favorite place to meet with your Vocabulary


I'm a regular at a cozy coffee house in my neighborhood. regular (noun): khách hàng
This place's a great choice for a get-together with friends. quen
The drinks are excellent and the selection is quite varied,
though it is a tad too pricey. get-together (noun): cuộc
họp mặt
2. Do you think there are some places that are more
suitable for meeting others?
pub (noun): quán rượu
Well, it depends on what the meeting is for. I mean, you
probably wouldn't meet your business partner at a pub, refined venues (noun): địa
right? Such occasions call for more refined venues, such điểm tao nhã, lịch sự
as a quiet restaurant or cafe.


3. Are there any differences between your favorite arcade (noun): viết tắt cho
meeting places in the present and in your childhood? video arcade, khu vực trò
chơi điện tử
Back when I was a kid, I used to love hanging out in the
arcade with my friends since there were so many cool crowded (adjective):
games we could play. But now, I've come to appreciate đông đúc
not too crowded settings where I can talk with my friends
over food and beverages. beverages (noun): đồ uống

4. Why are some meeting places better than others? introverts (noun): người
hướng nội
It's essentially a matter of personal choice. Introverts, for
example, like quiet environments, while extroverts prefer extroverts (noun): người
more dynamic surroundings. Also, when comparing hướng ngoại
meeting places, service and location are very important
factors. I know I wouldn't want to hang out in a place with dynamic (adjective): năng
poor service and that is too far away from my house. động

poor service (noun): dịch

vụ kém

Part 2 - A person
Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society

You should say:

Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What type of work he/she does
And explain why you think his/her work is useful to society.

Sample Vocabulary

So, I know a guy who is particularly concerned about environmental protection

environmental protection. He's one of my neighbors, and (noun): sự bảo vệ môi
he's only in his early twenties. I must say that he is truly a tường
unique kind of guy since I have never encountered
someone who is as passionate about environmental passionate (adjective):
matters as he is. nhiệt huyết

Every weekend without fail, I will see him on his way to without fail (idiom): dùng
the neighboring river to pick up the trash there. He is để nhấn mạnh một thứ gì
unconcerned about the weather. Rain or shine, he’ll be đó luôn xảy ra
there to clean up the riverbank. I recall being curious and
asking him why he would do something so physically rain or shine (idiom): luôn
exhausting when it was so hot outside. Surely it wouldn't luôn xảy ra hoặc được
hurt anyone if he skipped a day, would it? But all he did thực hiện trong bất kỳ
was smile and tell me that if he skipped one day, he'd feel hoàn cảnh nào.
fine about skipping another.
physically exhausting
Day by day, everyone, including myself, copies what he (adjective): mệt mỏi về
does because they watch him do it so often. So, there is thể chất
now a group in my town whose sole purpose is to remove
trash from the riverside on weekends. sole purpose (noun): mục
đích duy nhất
This, in my opinion, is very useful to society since it not
only helps to protect the environment, but it also helps sense of community
people build a better sense of community. Moreover, (noun): ý thức cộng đồng
various types of hazardous waste, like needles and
syringes, are also cleaned up, making the area a safer place hazardous waste (noun):
for people, especially children, to hang out. chất thải nguy hại
Part 3

1. What sort of jobs do you think can get high salaries? Vocabulary

I suppose the best-paying jobs include positions in advanced education (noun):

healthcare, management, finance, and law. This is because giáo dục nâng cao, tiên tiến
these occupations typically require advanced education,
extensive work experience
training, and extensive work experience in the field. (noun): kinh nghiệm làm việc
Companies, therefore, will need to pay these employees a dày dặn
higher wage.

2. What do you think are the major changes in today’s

working conditions? remote working (noun): sự làm
việc từ xa
As far as I can tell, there are a lot of changes in working
cafeterias (noun): nhà ăn
conditions nowadays. First, with the rise of remote
working, more workspace is freed up. So many companies virtual meetings (noun): cuộc
have come to install game rooms, exercise equipment, or họp ảo
even upgrade their cafeterias in that extra space. Second,
I think smart workplaces with new technologies, like slowly but surely (idiom): một
cách chậm rãi nhưng hiệu quả
virtual meetings, are slowly but surely becoming the

3. What are the impacts of the epidemic on the work

struggle (verb): gặp khó khăn
Well, I believe one of the most significant impacts of the
epidemic was the quick shift to working from home. Over childcare (noun): chăm sóc trẻ
the past year, employees around the world have struggled
work-life balance (noun): sự
to manage childcare and work-life balance while working cân bằng cuộc sống và công
during the outbreak. Also, the epidemic highlighted the việc
need for technology, especially communication tools like
Zoom, as it offers a means of communicating or holding communication tools (noun):
công cụ giao tiếp
work meetings.

The diagram shows the process of making wool.

Phân tích đề bài
Dạng bài: Quy trình

Độ khó: Trung bình – Thoạt nhìn thì đề bài có phần khó do chứa nhiều thông tin về các
bước nhỏ, các sản phẩm phụ. Tuy nhiên nếu chú ý thì hầu hết các bước trong quy trình
vẫn đều nằm theo trình tự, vì vậy việc miêu tả hầu như không gây nhiều khó khăn.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Overview: Khái quát bước đầu, cuối và các sản phẩm được tạo ra..
Body 1: Miêu tả từ bước 1 đến bước “spinning”
Body 2: Miêu tả phần còn lại của sơ đồ.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Vocabulary

The diagram depicts how wool is made from sheep. Shear (verb): xén lông

In general, the process involves various steps, Woven into (verb past
commencing when sheep are raised and then sheared for participle): được dệt thành
their wool. The process finishes with the making of (nguyên thể là weave)
woollen yarns which are either used for knitting or woven
into carpets and jackets.

At the beginning of the process, sheep are raised on Fleece (noun): bộ lông cừu
farms, and when their fleece grows to a certain length, it
is cut off to be used in later steps. The fleece is then Tufts (noun): búi
cleaned with water to get rid of contaminants before
being left to dry. Later, it undergoes a spinning stage By-product (noun): sản phẩm
where it is tied into separate tufts. This stage also phụ, phó phẩm
produces string – a by-product which is recycled

In the next stage, the tufts are stored in warehouses and

later spun into balls of yarn. These balls are finally used
for knitting or commercial production of carpets and

150 words

There are many factors that motivate people in the workplace. Among
these, money is the most important.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Agree or Disagree

Keywords cần lưu ý: factors that motivate people, workplace, money, the most important
Độ khó: Trung bình
Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:
Ý kiến tổng quan: Không đồng ý với ý kiến trong đề bài.
Body 1: Tiền chỉ là yếu tố tạo động lực ngắn hạn cho nhân viên.
Hầu hết mọi người đều cần tiền để chi trả cho các nhu cầu hàng ngày.
Một số người mang gánh nặng tài chính như trả nợ hoặc lo lắng cho gia đình.
Body 2: Tuy nhiên, khi những nỗi lo về tài chính được xóa bỏ, tiền sẽ không còn là
động lực chính nữa. Thay vào đó, những yếu tố khác sẽ trở nên quan trọng hơn.
Đối với một số người, họ sẽ có động lực để làm việc khi nhìn thấy được sự thăng
tiến trong công việc..
Đối với một số người khác, họ sẽ có động lực hơn khi thấy công việc của mình
được công nhận.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Vocabulary

Motivation at work stems from many factors, and money short-term motivator (noun
is believed to be the major one for many employees. In phrase): nguồn động lực
my opinion, money can be a short-term motivator for ngắn hạn
employees, but it is not a key factor motivating them at
work in the long run.

Money can be necessary for keeping employees carry the burden (verb
motivated. Regardless of their position, all workers need phrase): mang gánh nặng
money to cover their basic needs, such as housing, food,
and healthcare. In addition, some people also carry the
burden of paying off debts or supporting their families
financially. Therefore, money can motivate these workers
to keep contributing to an organisation as it can enable
them to satisfy their needs and ease their financial

However, once employees are free from financial burdens

or their material needs are fulfilled, money as a reward no career progression (noun
longer serves its purpose. In this case, a clear path of phrase): sự thăng tiến trong
career progression can be a motivator for employees. sự nghiệp
When employees see the opportunities for promotion,
they can be more motivated to put in the extra effort. a sense of recognition
Another way to encourage employees to work hard is to (noun phrase): cảm giác
give them a sense of recognition. This can be in the form được công nhận
of either praises or formal recognition like certificates for
the best employees of the month. Such encouragement foster (verb): bồi đắp
can foster a sense of meaning and purpose at work,
which will keep them motivated in the long run.

In conclusion, although money can be a good motivator at

work, I believe other factors, including career progression
and recognition, can further motivate employees to work
harder and contribute to a company in the long run.

265 words

Part 1 - Boring things
1. What kinds of things are boring to you? Vocabulary

I get bored when watching sports. I’ve never been a sporty person (noun): người
sporty person and I have no particular interest in any kind thích thể thao
of sports whatsoever. So, I can't bring myself to sit
through any sports programs or competitions on TV. sit through (phrasal verb): ở
lại cho đến khi kết thúc một
cuộc họp hoặc buổi biểu
2. What will you do when you feel bored? diễn tẻ nhạt và kéo dài.

I'll hop onto my scooter and head to the park. I'll most sports programs (noun):
likely bring my headphones. There's something just so chương trình thể thao
peaceful and liberating about listening to music in a lovely
park. liberating (adjective): tự do

3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were
tedious (adjective): tẻ nhạt
When I was a kid, I absolutely hated going to the library
torture (noun): sự tra tấn
since I believed it to be the most tedious thing ever. I mean,
for a child, what could be more of a torture than being
comic books (noun):
forced to sit quietly? It also didn't help that my local library
truyện tranh
didn't have any comic books, only thick history books.

monotonous (adjective):
4. Do you think school is boring?
đơn điệu
Well, while I believe some school subjects, like History and
engaging (adjective): hấp
Physics, are boring, I do understand that they are boring
dẫn, thu hút
because of the monotonous teaching method. If there were
more engaging ways to teach, schools wouldn't be so
boring anymore.
Part 2 - An experience
Describe something you did that helped you to learn
another language

You should say:

What it is
What language you learned
How it helped you learn the language
And how you felt about it

Sample Vocabulary

To be honest, I have a hard time learning Japanese. Like don't get me started on…:
most others, I find learning a new language to be Đừng để tôi bắt đầu nói về
fascinating. It’s something I know I can accomplish with chủ đề nào đó, (vì nó có thể
relative ease. The challenge of learning Japanese, dẫn đến một cuộc thảo luận
however, is on an entirely different scale. You know, it has kéo dài hoặc khó chịu.)
not one, not two, but THREE different alphabets. And
don't even get me started on Kanji. For someone like me, a whole new ballgame
who has no foundation in Mandarin, Kanji is a whole new (idiom): một tình huống
ballgame. hoàn toàn khác lạ, thường
So, in order to improve my Kanji, I decided to subscribe to là một tình huống gây khó
an online learning package that I found on the website of khăn
a well-known Japanese language center. I was hesitant at
first because the course was a bit pricey. But honestly, I'd subscribe (verb): đặt mua,
do anything if it meant I could finally write a full sentence đăng kí
in Japanese. And so, I hit the subscribe button and paid for
the whole course. online learning package
At this point, I could only cross my fingers and hope that I (noun): g
​ ói học trực tuyến
didn't just get scammed. Much to my relief, the course
was surprisingly useful and detailed. It organized the Kanji cross my fingers (idiom): hy
letters in such a way that made learning them much easier vọng về sự may mắn
for me. The course also included vocabulary flashcards
and a word bank, which helped me customise my learning get scammed (verb): bị lừa
experience and focus on words that I struggled with.
I'm really glad I signed up for the course. Now I can see customise (verb): tuỳ chỉnh
that the reviews I read back then were accurate. If I find
the time, I will most certainly give the center a positive signed up (verb): đăng kí
rating and review.
Part 3
1. What difficulties do people face when learning a Vocabulary
off the top of my head
I suppose there are a lot of challenges when it comes to (idiom): bật ra trong đầu tôi/
learning a new language. Off the top of my head, I can tôi có thể nghĩ ngay đến
think of how people struggle with all of the complex
grammatical structures. Also, different languages have adapt (verb): thích nghi
different sounds, which people must adapt to. And some
sounds can be physically very difficult to pronounce.

2. Do you think language learning is important? Why? crucial (adjective): quan

Language learning is absolutely crucial in my opinion. This
is because knowing multiple languages can open up more career opportunities (noun):
career opportunities in different nations. Also, I believe cơ hội nghề nghiệp
that learning languages can help broaden people's
worldview by allowing them to comprehend the culture comprehend (verb): hiểu
and history of other nations in more depth.

3. What is the best way to learn a new language?

immersion (noun): sự đắm
I think immersion is the most effective method for chìm vào, sự ngập vào
acquiring a foreign language. Well, for example, reading
books written in the language, listening to music, radio, or get a feel for (idiom): bắt đầu
audiobooks, and even watching movies in the target hiểu biết về một vấn đề gì
language are all simple ways to immerse yourself in said đó
language, and even get a feel for the culture.


The graph below shows the value of clothing exported from Bangladesh
between 1988 and 2012, and the pie chart shows the destination and
values of exported clothing in 2012.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Biểu đồ kết hợp có sự thay đổi về thời gian

Độ khó: Dễ - Cả 2 biểu đồ Line và Table đều có khá ít thông tin, vì vậy việc miêu tả nội
dung trong đó sẽ khá đơn giản.
Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:
Giá trị xuất khẩu quần áo của Bangladesh tăng đều từ 1988 đến 2012.
EU và Mỹ là 2 thị trường xuất khẩu lớn nhất của Bangladesh.
Body 1: Miêu tả biểu đồ đường - sự thay đổi của giá trị xuất khẩu quần áo từ
Body 2: Miêu tả biểu đồ tròn - so sánh số liệu xuất khẩu đi các địa điểm khác nhau.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0


Bài mẫu Vocabulary

The line graph illustrates the clothing export value from

Bangladesh from 1988 to 2012, while the pie chart details
the export value of each destination in 2012.

In general, the clothing export values of Bangladesh

increased during the 24 years. In 2012, the US and the Export market (noun
European Union were the biggest export markets of phrase): thị trường xuất
Bangladesh’s clothing. khẩu

Bangladesh only earned around 2.5 billion dollars from

exporting clothing in 1988, but this number increased Soar (verb): tăng vọt
slowly in the following years, reaching over 5 billion in
2004. This upward trend continued afterwards, as the
export value soared to 20 billion dollars eight years later.

In 2012, the European Union accounted for 60% of the

exported clothing from Bangladesh (with a value of 11.38
billion dollars), followed by the US with 24% (4.35 billion One billion dollars worth of
dollars). In contrast, the shares of Canada, Turkey, and clothing: 1 tỷ đô la giá trị
Japan were much lower, at 5%, 1%, and 2%, respectively, quần áo
as Bangladesh only exported less than one billion dollars
worth of clothing to each of these countries. The export
value to other countries was 1.52 billion dollars,
accounting for 8% of the total figure.

182 words

Some people think that good planning is the key factor for life success.
Others think other factors, such as hard work, are more important.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Discussion

Keywords cần lưu ý: Good planning - key factor - life success - other factors - more

Độ khó: Khó – Nội dung đề bài có phần “trừu tượng” và một số thí sinh có thể gặp khó
khăn trong việc định nghĩa “good planning”. Ngoài ra, cụm từ “other factors” cũng khá khó
để hình dung, đặc biệt với những bạn chưa có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong cuộc sống.
Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:
Ý kiến tổng quan: Đồng ý với ý kiến thứ hai - những yếu tố khác quan trọng hơn so với
việc lên kế hoạch tốt.
Body 1: việc lên kế hoạch tốt là cần thiết để thành công.
Kế hoạch giúp cho mọi người hình dung chi tiết được những việc cần làm để đạt
mục tiêu.
Ngoài ra, kế hoạch tốt còn giúp mọi người lường trước được những rủi ro có thể
gặp phải trong quá trình thực hiện.
Body 2: Tuy nhiên, kế hoạch tốt không là chưa đủ để đạt được thành công và cần có
những yếu tố khác.
Kế hoạch dù tốt đến mấy cũng chỉ là lý thuyết và sẽ trở nên vô nghĩa nếu không có
sự làm việc chăm chỉ.
Sự linh hoạt khi thực hiện cũng rất cần thiết do kế hoạch cần phải được liên tục
điều chỉnh để thích ứng với tình huống.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Vocabulary

Some people believe that good planning is crucial for a sense of direction (noun
one’s success in life, while others think other factors play phrase): cảm nhận về mục
a more important role. Personally, I agree with the latter đích
visualise (verb): hình dung
On the one hand, having good plans is necessary for
people to be successful. Planning can give people a sense deem something as …
of direction, as they can visualise the stages they must go (verb): coi một thứ gì đó
through to achieve their goals. For example, if a person như…
deems success as achieving financial freedom, a plan will
help them detail the investments they should make at financial freedom (noun
certain times to reach their final targets. In addition, phrase): tự do tài chính
planning allows people to anticipate problems, lower the
risks and eventually achieve success faster. During the detail something (verb
planning process, one often needs to predict all the phrase): chi tiết hóa việc gì
scenarios that may occur and therefore can better prepare đó
when issues arise.
anticipate (verb): lường
However, good planning alone is not enough, and other trước điều gì
factors are required for people to reach success. A plan,
no matter how complex it can be, is only theory and will
turn useless if no action is taken. Hence, besides a good turn useless (verb phrase):
plan, people also need to work hard according to it to trở nên vô giá trị
achieve their dreams. Moreover, flexibility is another
quality that one needs to succeed. Even a carefully carefully crafted (adjective
crafted plan is imperfect in some ways and needs phrase): tạo ra một cách cẩn
modifications at times. If people are too rigid with their thận
plans and not open to changes when necessary, they may
be one step closer to failure rather than success. one step closer to
something: một bước gần
In conclusion, though planning is important, I believe it is hơn tới điều gì đó
not the major element we need for success. One also
needs other factors to succeed in life, such as hard work
and flexibility.

275 words

Part 1 - Collecting things

1. Do you collect things? Vocabulary

Well, yeah, I enjoy collecting books, especially thrillers. aesthetics (noun): tính thẩm
The aesthetics of books in general appeal to me — you mỹ
know, the smell of the pages, and the feel of flipping
through them. That's why I've been amassing quite a appeal to someone (verb):
collection of books over the past few years. hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn đối với ai
2. Are there any things you keep from childhood?
amass (verb): tích luỹ
A lot, actually. Most of what I keep from childhood are the
stuffed animals I used to carry around with me stuffed animals (noun): thú
everywhere. Those plushies were my dearest buddies and nhồi bông
protectors, keeping me safe from scary nightmares.

3. Would you keep old things for a long time? houseware (noun): đồ gia
It depends on what they are. If they are merely typical
houseware, like cooking utensils, I would rather toss them cooking utensils (noun):
away and replace them with new ones, since it's not really dụng cụ nấu ăn
safe to keep using those for a long time. But if we're
talking about items with sentimental values, such as
photos, I think it's important to hold on to them.
couldn't care less (phrase):
4. Where do you usually keep things you need? không quan tâm đến điều gì
I always put my essential daily stuff, such as my phone
and wallet, in my pocket. For everything else, I must say, I organized (adjective): ngăn
couldn't care less where I put it. I often simply leave it nắp, có trật
lying around my house. Honestly, I'm not exactly the most
organized person.
Part 2 - An item
Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend
You should say:
What gift you would like to buy
Who you would like to give it to
Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her
And explain why you choose that gift

Sample Vocabulary

My best friend's birthday is coming up next month, and vintage (adjective): cổ điển
I'm thinking about getting him a new watch, since he really
likes collecting watches, especially vintage ones. He is so thrilled (adjective): cảm
enthusiastic about watches that all of his postings on động
social media are dedicated to discussing them. So, I think
he would be thrilled to receive a watch on such a special go for something (verb):
day. chọn thứ gì đó

I don't know much about watches, so I had to do quite a stainless steel (noun): thép
lot of research to find an appropriate one for my friend. không gỉ
Finally, I decided to go for a Rotary wrist watch since
Rotary is a good brand and its products come with quality leather strap (noun): dây da
warranty (noun): bảo hành
The watch I'm having in mind has a chrome plated case,
with a stainless-steel case back. It also comes with a new reputable (adjective): có
leather strap and a one-year warranty. The watch is a danh tiếng
touch pricy, but that is to be expected given that I
purchased it from a reputable retailer. Overall, I believe thoughtful (adjective): chu
this is a good deal. đáo

Actually, I have always wanted to give him something and highs and lows (phrase):
thank him for all the things that he's done for me. My best những thăng trầm
friend is the most thoughtful person I've ever met, and he
has been there for me through all the highs and lows of suffice (verb): Đủ, có thể
my life. I truly cannot thank him enough, but for the time đáp ứng nhu cầu
being, this watch will suffice.

Part 3
1. When do people normally send gifts to others? Vocabulary

People typically send gifts to others on special occasions special occasions (noun):
like weddings and birthdays, or on holidays such as những dịp đặc biệt
Christmas. But sometimes people don't wait for a special
event to gift their beloved ones. They may do so anytime when the mood strikes
the mood strikes to show how much they care. (phrase): khi bạn cảm thấy
muốn làm một điều gì đó
2. Do people give gifts or red packets at traditional
festivals? Lunar New Year (noun): Tết
Nguyên Đán
Definitely, in East and Southeast Asian cultures, it's
tradition to give red packets to friends and family at casual acquaintances
festivals such as Lunar New Year. It is most common for (noun): người bạn đã gặp và
parents and grandparents to give red packets to children, biết đôi chút, nhưng không
but coworkers and even casual acquaintances can send quá thân thiết
each other a red packet as well.

3. Is it easy to choose clothes as gifts? tricky (adjective): khó khăn

Clothing, in my opinion, is a tricky gift to choose for particular (adjective): để ý

someone unless you know them very well. Some people cặn kẽ
are very particular about how their clothes fit and have a
distinct style. Therefore, there is a good risk that the
present will not appeal to the recipient.

4. Do people feel happy when receiving an expensive getting along (verb): thích
gift? và thân thiện với nhau

Most probably, yes, but not all of the time. Some people there's every chance that
might feel uncomfortable when receiving an expensive (phrase): việc gì đó có khả
gift because they believe they are expected to return năng cao sẽ xảy ra
something of equal value. Furthermore, it also depends on
the relationship between the giver and the recipient. For regardless of (phrase): bất
example, if the two are already getting along well, there's kể
every chance that the receiver would be happy with
whatever gift they receive, regardless of its cost.

The table shows the weekly food consumption per person in a European
country in 1992, 2002, and 2012.

Unit: Grams 1992 2002 2012

Vegetables 2140 2190 2220

Meat 1148 1211 1132

Wheat 837 920 977

Beans 532 546 590
Cheese 113 125 125

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Bảng số liệu có sự thay đổi theo thời gian.
Độ khó: Dễ - Đề bài không có quá nhiều nhóm số liệu, đồng thời thông tin cũng được thể
hiện rất rõ ràng với sự thay đổi qua các thời điểm.
Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:
Việc tiêu thụ vegetables là cao nhất trong khi mức tiêu thụ cheese thấp nhất.
Số liệu ở hầu hết các nhóm đều tăng, ngoại trừ meat.
Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu của vegetables và meat.
Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của các nhóm còn lại.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Vocabulary

The table illustrates how much food was consumed ranked first: xếp hạng
weekly by a person in a European country in 1992, 2002, nhất
and 2012.
gap: khoảng cách
In general, the consumption of vegetables ranked first in
all three years, while the opposite was true for cheese. widen: nới rộng
The figure for most types of food increased after ten
years, except for meat.

A person in the surveyed country ate 2140 grams of

vegetables per week in 1992, nearly double the amount of
meat (1148 grams). The weekly vegetable consumption
then increased gradually to 2220 grams per person in
2012, while the figure for meat dropped to 1132 grams in
the same year, despite a growth to 1211 grams in 2002.

837 grams of wheat was eaten per person per week in

1992, around 300 grams higher than the consumption of
beans. This gap widened to nearly 400 grams in the
following years, as the amount of wheat consumed rose
quickly to 977 grams per week in 2012, compared to only
590 grams of beans. The figure for cheese was lowest in
all three years, standing at over 100 grams per person per

185 words


Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will no longer be
necessary because people can see historical objects and works of art using a

Do you agree or disagree?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Agree or Disagree

Keywords cần lưu ý: public museums - art galleries - no longer necessary - see historical
objects - work of art - computer.

Độ khó: Khó – Đây là một đề với nội dung hẹp và xa lạ với nhiều thí sinh (không phải ai
cũng quan tâm đến bảo tàng hay triển lãm nghệ thuật). Ngoài ra bài còn có yếu tố so sánh
và nội dung so sánh cũng có phần trừu tượng (giữa việc xem hình trên máy tính và trực
tiếp đi tới các bảo tàng hay triển lãm). Thí sinh với vốn kiến thức và trải nghiệm xã hội hẹp
có thể sẽ gặp nhiều khó khăn với đề bài này.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Hoàn toàn không đồng ý với ý kiến trong đề.
Body 1: Hình ảnh trên máy tính chỉ có thể cho mọi người thấy được một phần của cuộc
trưng bày, trong khi bảo tàng và triển lãm giúp cho mọi người thấy được bức tranh
toàn cảnh và ý nghĩa đằng sau các đồ vật trưng bày.
Body 2: Ngoài ra bảo tàng và triển lãm còn có giá trị giáo dục, cái mà hình ảnh trên máy
tính khó có thể truyền tải.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Vocabulary

Some people believe that public museums and art

galleries have become obsolete as people can now use a fragment (noun): mảnh vụn
computer to search for images or videos of historical
items and artworks. I completely disagree with this chronological (adjective):
statement for the reasons below. liên quan đến thời gian

Regardless of the quality, images on a computer can only spatial (adjective): liên quan
show people fragments of an exhibition, and only by đến không gian
visiting a museum or gallery can one view the big picture
or the story behind it. The collections displayed in overall message (noun
museums and galleries are often arranged in certain phrase): thông điệp tổng
orders, be it chronological or spatial, to convey an overall quan
message. These often come with clear instructions and
descriptions to help visitors understand the underlying underlying meaning (noun
meanings and draw lessons for themselves. However, phrase): ý nghĩa tiềm ẩn
pictures on computers can hardly do the same as they can
only capture certain objects or corners of the exhibitions.
They can never bring the whole lesson and experience to
people like physical museums and galleries do.

In addition, museums and galleries are much more than mere places of exhibition
mere places of exhibitions as they can also serve the (noun phrase): chỉ đơn
purpose of educating the next generations. It is not rare thuần là nơi trưng bày
to see schools organising field trips to museums so that
students can learn the history and culture of their home artefacts (noun): đồ tạo tác
country through the collections of artefacts there. Art
fans and students can also enrich their knowledge by art masterpiece (noun
visiting galleries and learning how the art masterpieces phrase): kiệt tác nghệ thuật
there are made. Once again, digital pictures can barely
serve the same purpose since they cannot provide people
with a physical space with sufficient materials to study.

In conclusion, I believe public museums and art galleries

are still far from being out-of-date. They can provide
people with unique experiences and valuable lessons
which digital images can hardly bring.

288 words

Part 1 - Computers

1. In what situations would you use a computer? Vocabulary

Most of the time, it’d be for my job. I’m working as a prepare the materials
teacher and I mostly teach online, which means the (phrase): chuẩn bị tài liệu
computer is with me all the time when I teach or prepare
the materials. I’m also a gamer myself, so I also use the
computer when playing.

2. When was the first time you used a computer? fortunate (adjective): may
If I’m not mistaken, I think it was over 20 years ago.
Computers were rare and pricey back then, so not an eye-opening experience
everyone was fortunate enough to own one. The (noun): trải nghiệm mở
computer I used belonged to my uncle, and it was really mang tầm mắt
an eye-opening experience to me.


3. What would your life be like without computers? miserable (adjective): khổ
Miserable, I guess. It’s because I can’t work without a
computer. And if I can’t work, I won’t make money an indispensable part
and will of course live a miserable life. Computers (noun): phần không thể
have become an indispensable part of almost thiếu
everyone’s lives, you know, whether we like them or

4. In what situations would it be difficult for you to

use a computer? impossible (adjective): bất
khả thi
There are a lot. For example, no one uses a computer
when travelling because it’s too inconvenient. I also a blackout (noun): sự mất
won’t use a computer when having a meal with điện/ cúp điện
others because it’s disrespectful to whoever is eating
with me. Also, it’s almost impossible to use a
computer during a blackout.

Part 2 - An item
Describe a situation when something in your house was
broken or stopped working
You should say:
What it was
What item was broken
When it broke/stopped working
And explain how you felt about it

Sample Vocabulary

I’ve had a lot of broken things so far, but the one that I unprecedented
remember the most is my fridge. Well, I’ve fixed it and am still (adjective): chưa từng có
using it right now, but the time it was broken was
unforgettable to me.
layoffs (noun): sự sa thải
It all happened last year when everyone was under lockdown
because of Covid. It was really an unprecedented time: no one
was allowed to leave their homes; a lot of people lost their an uphill battle (noun):
jobs because of companies’ layoffs; access to daily necessities một trận chiến khó khăn
was extremely limited due to travel restrictions. Buying food
back then was like an uphill battle, so we needed to keep the
food fresh for as long as possible before we could buy
something again. That’s why the fridge was invaluable for my
whole family.
panicked (adjective):
However, one day, my fridge just suddenly stopped working. I hoảng sợ
realised that when the ice started to melt. I was really
panicked because we might have no place to store the food spoiled (adjective): bị hư
and the existing food in there would get spoiled very quickly.
It was also impossible to get a technician because they were
under lockdown too.
moment of desperation
In a moment of desperation, I decided to fix it myself because (phrase): trạng thái tuyệt
there was no other way. I looked for some Youtube videos, vọng dẫn đến hấp tấp
found the problems, and then tried to fix it by following the
instructions there. After 2 days of struggling, the fridge over the moon (idiom):
suddenly went back to life, and I was over the moon when I rất sung sướng
saw that happen. Things then went back to normal, and we
could manage to live through that tough time. It was truly a
once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. 25

Part 3
1. What are the most common home appliances that people Vocabulary
use these days?
high-end appliances
I think most households will have at least a fridge, a microwave (noun): đồ gia dụng cao
oven, and a stove. People in more wealthy families may get cấp
themselves more high-end appliances like pizza ovens and
dishwashers. That’s all I can think of right now. dishwashers (noun): máy
rửa bát
2. Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

I don’t think so. I think modern gadgets are created to free up gadgets (noun): dụng cụ
our time so that we can focus more on some productive
activities rather than repetitive ones. It also depends on how productive (adjective): có
people define the word “lazy”. If you think being lazy is not năng suất
washing the dishes, then yeah, having a dishwasher would
mean “lazy” to you. But that’s not what I think. repetitive (adjective): lặp
đi lặp lại
3. What can people do to protect their equipment from
technical problems? prevention is better than
cure (idiom): Phòng bệnh
They should read and follow the instructions properly. Most of hơn chữa bệnh
the technical problems occur because people don’t really know
how a piece of equipment really works. Also, we need to check gives out (phrasal verb):
it frequently to see if there are any bad signs. Prevention is ngừng hoạt động
better than cure, you know.
for good (idiom): vĩnh
4. When an electronic item does not work, would people in viễn
your country repair it or buy a new one?
thrifty (adjective): tiết
My impression is that Vietnamese people will try to fix kiệm
anything and everything until it finally gives out for good. One
possible explanation is that Vietnamese people are taught from make the most of
an early age to be thrifty. And they believe that being able to something (idiom): tận
keep using an item, including electronics, for as long as possible dụng thứ gì đó nhiều
without purchasing a new one is a good way to make the most nhất có thể
of the products they have paid for.

WRITING TASK 2 (Paper-based)
As transport and accommodation problems are increasing in many cities,
some governments encourage businesses to move to rural areas.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Advantages - Disadvantages
Keywords cần lưu ý: transport and accommodation problems - cities - governments -
businesses - move to rural areas.
Độ khó: Trung bình - Đề bài nói về một vấn đề xã hội không quá xa lạ với nhiều người, tuy
nhiên thí sinh cần lưu ý việc định nghĩa và cụ thể hóa “transport and accommodation
problems” trong bài để bài viết tránh bị trở nên “chung chung” hoặc thiếu cụ thể.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Xu hướng này mang lại nhiều lợi ích hơn thiệt hại.
Body 1: Việc dời các công ty ra khu vực nông thôn có thể ảnh hưởng tới kinh tế của
các thành phố
Sự di dời các công ty sẽ kéo theo sự sụt giảm công việc và các khoản đầu tư của
thành phố.
Thành phố sẽ trở nên vắng vẻ hơn và các doanh nghiệp địa phương có thể sẽ mất
Body 2: Tuy nhiên việc này mang lại nhiều lợi ích hơn về lâu dài vì nó giải quyết được
những vấn đề lớn ở thành phố.
Nhiều người ở thành phố không có nhà do giá nhà ở quá cao và kẹt xe thường
xuyên xảy ra.
Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp ở một số khu vực nông thôn còn cao.
=> Những vấn đề này sẽ được giải quyết khi doanh nghiệp di dời về khu vực nông thôn.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Vocabulary

Many governments are now encouraging businesses to

relocate to the countryside to address the current
transport and accommodation problems in cities. Though
this trend may pose a challenge to big cities at first, I
believe it brings more benefits in the long run. investments (noun): các
khoản đầu tư
Moving businesses to rural areas can hurt the economy of
big cities in the short term. As companies relocate, their family-owned stores
jobs and investments will follow, reducing cities’ GDP and (noun): cửa hàng thuộc sở
incomes. Workers will also move to new places with their hữu của gia đình
companies, which means cities will become less crowded.
As a result, many local businesses, such as family-owned real estate agents (noun):
stores, restaurants, and small real estate agents, will lose đại lý bất động sản
many customers and even struggle financially.

However, the benefits brought by this trend are far more exorbitant (adjective):
significant as major problems will be solved once Quá cao, cắt cổ (giá...)
companies move out of big cities. Most people in cities
cannot afford their own accommodation due to the exceed (verb): vượt quá
exorbitant housing price, while many others have to share
tiny living spaces. Traffic congestion is also an everyday flock (verb): lũ lượt kéo
issue in cities because the number of vehicles exceeds the đến
road capacity. All these problems are caused by people
flocking to cities in search of jobs and therefore will be
addressed when companies move to rural areas. In
addition, the unemployment rate in the countryside will be
reduced if businesses open their offices and factories
there because it will generate more jobs for the locals.

In conclusion, I believe that encouraging businesses to mitigate (verb): giảm nhẹ

move to the countryside is a beneficial trend. It may have
negative implications on urban economies at first but will
mitigate pressing issues in the long run.

268 words

WRITING TASK 2 (Computer-delivered)

Most urgent issues can only be solved by international cooperation.

Do you agree or disagree?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Agree or Disagree
Keywords cần lưu ý: urgent issues - only be solved - international cooperation.
Độ khó: Khó – Đề bài này tuy ngắn nhưng nội dung được đưa ra mang tính vĩ mô và trừu
tượng, từ đó có thể gây khó khăn cho những thí sinh nhỏ tuổi hoặc có ít kiến thức xã hội.
Ngoài ra các cụm từ “urgent issues” và “international cooperation” cũng rất mơ hồ. Thí
sinh không định nghĩa rõ các cụm từ này có thể gặp nhiều khó khăn trong việc lựa chọn và
trình bày ý tưởng.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Hoàn toàn không đồng ý với ý kiến trong đề vì việc cần đến sự phối
hợp quốc tế phụ thuộc vào phạm vi của vấn đề.
Body 1: Sự phối hợp quốc tế chỉ cần thiết khi vấn đề có ảnh hưởng tới nhiều quốc gia
hoặc nằm ngoài khả năng xử lý của một chính phủ.
Body 2: Tuy nhiên có những vấn đề khẩn cấp nhưng có phạm vi nhỏ và trong trường
hợp này thì sự phối hợp quốc tế là không cần thiết.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Vocabulary

Some people think international cooperation can address urgency (noun): sự khẩn
most urgent issues. I disagree with this statement because cấp
whether international cooperation is needed depends on
the scale of the problems, not just the urgency.

Some urgent issues lie beyond the ability of a single cross-country cooperation
government to handle and therefore require cross- (noun): sự hợp tác xuyên
country cooperation. For example, an extreme natural quốc gia
disaster, such as a 10-Richter degree earthquake, may
wreak havoc on an entire city, causing numerous wreak havoc (phrase): tàn
casualties or even disrupting the country’s economy. In phá
this situation, international aid is crucial to help the
country recover and lessen the economic impacts on the disrupt (verb): làm gián
neighbouring countries. A large financial crisis also đoạn
requires international cooperation to be contained, as the
effect can quickly spread to other countries or even the financial crisis (noun): cuộc
whole world. khủng hoảng tài chính

However, international support is unnecessary for urgent

but small-scale issues. For instance, reducing crime rates
in an area is a serious problem, but it lies within the
responsibility of the local government. International help
is only needed when the crimes go beyond a country’s
border. Other issues, such as the collapse of a large collapse (noun): sự sụp đổ
building and multiple-vehicle collisions, are also urgent to multiple-vehicle collisions:
any country but can eventually be solved by the locals tai nạn xe liên hoàn
most of the time. Some problems are only urgent on a
personal scale and therefore only require individual efforts
to be solved.

In conclusion, I disagree with the idea that the majority of

urgent issues require international cooperation. Such
large-scale support is only necessary when a problem
affects multiple countries or is too much for one
government to address.

255 words

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