Case Study 3

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Case Study 1 – India's largest healthcare products company


Coverage 2 entities (1 listed and another unlisted)

Spend base 200 – 350 Cr for 4000+ field employees

Area Head office and Field employee travel expenses

Clients Requirement
• Client was struggling to manage different policies and systems for both entities and willing to integrate the entire expenses
reimbursement process from National Sales Manager till Field executives.
• Client wanted to automate all controls in newly in-house developed expense reimbursement tool and wanted to validate the controls from
experience professional firm.
• They wanted to establish disciple in employee to claim genuine expenses on timely basis.

Value add to the Client

• Identified and streamlined existing policies for all levels

• Implemented highest level of control in expense reimbursement tool
• Helped in smooth integration of tool with SAP
• Highlighted disallowed and incorrect expenses and helped client in identifying trend.

© 2018 KPMG,an IndianRegisteredPartnershipand a member firm of the KPMG networkof independentmemberfirms affiliatedwithKPMGInternationalCooperative(“KPMGInternational”),a Swiss entity. All rights reserved
Case Study 2 – World's leading research based pharmaceutica

Coverage 1 listed entity

Spend base 120 – 150 Cr for 3000+ field employees

Area Travel and Entertainment expenses

Clients Requirement
• Client was audited on quarterly basis by its global parent for all expenses incurred for travel and entertainment by field employees. Client
wanted to establish a process which helps in identifying all exception by meaning full and specific data analysis.
• Client existing policies and procedure required updation as per industry best practices.
• Client wanted to identify duplicity in its master database for standard fare routes and doctor list to identify double expenses
reimbursement for single visit in a period.

Value add to the Client

• Developed KPIs for identification of exception with enhanced efficiency

• Strengthening and aligning client process with industry best practice.
• Identified duplicity in route master for KMs and same doctor with different identification number and daily visit plan.

© 2018 KPMG,an IndianRegisteredPartnershipand a member firm of the KPMG networkof independentmemberfirms affiliatedwithKPMGInternationalCooperative(“KPMGInternational”),a Swiss entity. All rights reserved

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