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Elixir: Nature’s Healing Herbs

By Sarim Ibn Salahadhin

“To all those striving to master themselves, may the

Source give us all that which we were
created to possess.”

As salaamu alaikum!

Once The “Image” Has Been Internalized the

Manifestation Of The “Likeness” Is Inevitable
~ Sarim the Sage ~
Table of Contents
Introduction……………………………………………………………………… .. 1
Herbal Preparations…….……………………………………………………..5
Rosemary…………………………………………………………………….. 47
Fennel………………………………………………………………… 58
Catnip……………………………………………………………... 78
Chives………………………………………………………………………… 84
St. John’s Wort……………………………………………………………….86
Bay Laurel…………………………………………………………………… 97
Dandelions………………………………………………………………….. 105
Ginseng……………………………………………………………………... 115
Green Tea………………………………………………………………. 117
Peppermint ……………………………………………………………………. 125
Wheatgrass……………………………………………………………………… 131
Safflower……………………………………………………………………. 134
Cloves……………………………………………………………………….. 141
Aloe Vera……………………………………………………………………...154
Asarum …………………………………………………………………………....168
Dong Quai………………………………………………..…………………….174
Pennyroyal. …………………………………………………………..……………178
Garden Cress………………………………………………………………….228
Kaffir Lime…………………………………………………………………....249
Coptis Chinensis………………………………………………………………261
Sea Buckthorn…………………………………………………………………272
Milk Thistle…………………………………………………………………....293

“A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from
maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express
the universal healing power that every human being
naturally possesses.”
~ Eric Micha'el Leventhal ~

Are you tired of the seemingly endless barrage of GMOS, artificial

chemicals, and the dis-eases that have been the side effects of
consuming them? many of us have decided that it is better to turn
to ancient natural solutions to heal us. the holistic result of the
utilization of herbal medicines has proven to be beneficial beyond
clinic medicinal practices.

What are herbs?

Herbs are any plants used for food, flavoring, medicine, or perfume.
culinary use typically distinguishes herbs from spices. herbs refer to the
leafy green parts of a plant, while a "spice" is a product from another
part of the plant (usually dried), including seeds, berries, bark, roots
and fruits.

Herbs have a variety of uses including culinary, medicinal, and in

some cases spiritual usage. general usage of the term "herb" differs
between culinary herbs and medicinal herbs. in medicinal or spiritual
use any of the parts of the plant might be considered "herbs",
including leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, resin, root bark, inner bark
(and cambium), berries and sometimes the pericarp or other
portions of the plant.

Medicinal herbs

Some plants contain phytochemicals that have effects on the body.

There may be some effects when consumed in the small levels that
typify culinary "spicing", and some herbs are toxic in larger
quantities. Characteristics vary widely with soil type and cropping
strategy, so much care is required to obtain satisfactory yields.
Many plants are often tough and fibrous, which requires some form
of preparation to make them more convenient.

For instance, some types of herbal extract, such as the extract of St.
John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum) or kava (Piper methysticum) can be
used for medical purposes to relieve depression and stress.

However, large amounts of these herbs may lead to toxic overload

that may involve complications, some of a serious nature, and
should be used with caution.

Herbs have long been used as the basis of traditional herbal

medicine. Medicinal use of herbs in many cultures has its roots in
elemental healing system, based on a quaternary elemental healing

Certain herbs contain psychoactive properties that have been used

for both religious and recreational purposes by humans for
thousands of years.

Culinary herbs
Culinary herbs are distinguished from vegetables in that, like spices,
they are used in small amounts and provide flavor rather than
substance to food.

Herbs can be perennials such as thyme or lavender, biennials such as

parsley, or annuals like basil. Perennial herbs can be shrubs such as
rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, or trees such as bay laurel, Laurus
nobilis –this contrasts with botanical herbs, which by definition cannot
be woody plants.

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine, also known as herbalism or botanical medicine is a
medical system based on the use of plants or plant extracts that
may be eaten or applied to the skin. Since ancient times, herbal
medicine has been used by many different cultures throughout the
world to treat illness and to assist bodily functions.

While herbal medicine is not a licensed profession in the United
States, herbal remedies in the form of extracts, tinctures, capsules
and tablets as well as teas may be recommended by healthcare
practitioners of many different disciplines as a practical way to
address a wide variety of medical conditions.

Herbal medicine blurs the line between foods and medicines - a line
that, in many cultures, was never drawn in the first place. Using
herbs and spices that have disease-preventive effect in foods is one
of the best ways to take advantage of their healing power. Herbal
medicine has been used to treat or alleviate virtually every possible
medical condition. Some of the most popular herbal remedies and
the conditions for which they are used include:

• aloe used topically for minor burns, sunburns, skin irritation

or inflammation

• arnica used topically for bruises, sprains, sore muscles and


• chamomile tea ingested for upset stomach, heartburn,

indigestion and colic

• comfrey, in a topical poultice only, for bedsores, diabetic

ulcers, certain spider bites and staph infections contracted on
tropical beaches

• dong quai for women and ginseng for men and women,
ingested to improve general health and stamina - in this
application, these are known as tonics. Other tonics include
eleuthero and rhodiola.

• echinacea ingested for colds, flu, sore throat

• garlic ingested to possibly reduce cholesterol and blood
pressure, treat fungal infections and colds

• ginger ingested for nausea and motion sickness and as an


• mullein ingested for chest congestion and dry, bronchial


• passionflower ingested for non-sedating relaxation

• peppermint tea ingested for indigestion, nausea and other

digestive problems

• peppermint oil (in enteric-coated capsules) ingested for

irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic intestinal ailments

• tea tree oil applied topically for fungal infections such as

athlete's foot and fungal infections of the toenails and

• turmeric ingested to combat inflammation and protect

against cancer and Alzheimer's disease

• valerian ingested for sleeping problems.

Elixir: Nature’s Healing Herbs is a comprehensive book of various

effective herbal remedies.

Herbal Preparation Methods

First, before we take this journey into various medical plants, because
it is important to consider how herbs are prepared and the best
method for taking them, lets’ go over a few important necessary things
so that we can better use the herbs listed within.

Herbal preparations methods include:

• infusions
• tinctures
• teas and tisanes
• powders
• capsules
• poultices
• balms and salves

The method used in herbal preparation depends on what the herb is

being used for, how it’s being stored, and how long does it need to
last. As processing herbs is necessary to preserve potency and make
their use more practical.

Herbal infusions prove an easy method for consuming the oils and
flavors from favorite herbs. Infusion is the process of soaking/steeping
herbs in water until the water absorbs the oils and flavors, then
utilizing its’ medicinal value.

Herbal tea is a form of infusion, in that it is created by steeping herb

leaves in hot water. Infusions use roots, shoots, leaves, and flowers
of the plant, while teas use only the leaves in the steeping process.

Uses for Herbal Infusions

Herbal infusions can be used for a variety of purposes. You can drink
it for the medicinal value, consuming either cold or rewarmed.
Infusions are used in many homemade cosmetics and remedies,

including topical salves. They can also be used in natural and organic
home products, such as garden fertilizers and insect repellents.

There are many common medicinal herbs that are used for treating
various physical conditions. For instance, the following herbs can be
used for healing certain ailments:

• Aloe vera: Pulp can be used to treat minor cuts and burns or
to moisturize dry skin, infusions of aloe vera are known to
prevent constipation and relieve symptoms of ulcerative colitis
and irritable bowel syndrome.
• Mint: Can be used to soothe an upset stomach and relieve gas
pains. It is also said to prevent nausea and vomiting.
• Thyme: Used as an infusion of thyme, as a gargle to combat
bad breath and mouth sores, and to help with tonsillitis and
laryngitis. Pure extracts of thyme can also relieve bronchitis and
• Chamomile: Often used as a tea, ingesting the infusion helps
with anxiety as well as insomnia. It helps with stomach pain.
Can be used as a gargle to relieve mouth sores.
• Sage: As an infusion of sage helps a sore throat. Besides its
anti-inflammatory effects, it has antioxidant benefits, and can
help boost memory and cognitive functioning.
• Lavender: Used as an infusion, has antiseptic and antibacterial
properties that can be used to wash skin. Helps clear up acne
and will speed the healing of wounds.
• Echinacea: Use flower buds to make an infusion to help stave
off a cold and the flu.
• Nettle: Used as an infusion, or tea, strengthens adrenal
function, and helps with eczema, arthritis, gout, and joint pain.
• Comfrey: An infusion made from comfrey leaves is very high
in protein and contains nearly every necessary vitamin, except
for B-12. It is said to aid healing of skin and can ease pain when
used topically. Please note there are concerns about ingesting

comfrey so keep it on the outside of your body and/or consult
a physician.

It is important to also remember that some medicinal herbs can be

dangerous if you consume too much and combining the wrong herbs
can also lead to problems. For this reason, always do your research
before making any infusion that you intend to drink.

How to Make an Herbal Infusion

Herbal infusions take very little time to prepare, but you will have to
wait for the herbs to steep thoroughly. Be sure to follow the
recommended times and measurements in your herbal infusion recipe.

In order to make an herbal infusion, you will need three things:

• 1 tablespoon dried herb of your choice

• 1 cup boiling hot water
• Glass jar with a tight lid

The quantities of herbs and water can be increased proportionately to

make a larger infusion if you wish. If you want to make 1 quart at a
time, for example, this will require about 1 cup of dried herb and 1
quart of water. However, it's best to start with a small volume on your
first infusion of any herb to avoid waste if you find you don't like it.

While making the infusion, be sure to keep the jar covered at all times
to contain the steam. The heat that's trapped inside is crucial to
releasing those beneficial compounds in the herbs.

1. Place the herbs in a glass container.

2. Pour boiling water over the herbs so they are completely
3. Seal the jar with a tight-fitting lid to keep the steam and
volatile oils from escaping.
4. Allow the infusion to steep until the water cools to room
5. temperature or for the time recommended by the infusion
recipe. In general, roots and barks require the longest infusion
(or a decoction) of about 8 hours. Leaves should be infused for
a minimum of 4 hours, flowers for 2 hours, and seeds and fresh
berries for at least 30 minutes.
6. Strain the spent herbs out of the water using cheesecloth or a
fine-mesh strainer (or both). Repeat if necessary to remove all
of the herbs.
7. The resulting liquid is called an infusion. Clean out the jar and
pour the infusion back into it for storage. An infusion can be
refrigerated for up to 48 hours. After this, it should be

To avoid the straining, you can make a sachet to contain the herbs
during the steeping process. Place the herbs inside a small piece of
cheesecloth, tie it closed with a string, and place the bundle inside
your jar of boiling water. You can even let the string hang over the
side for easy removal.

A Decoction: A Stronger Infusion

A stronger beverage, called a decoction, can be made by using roots,

barks, dried berries, and other plant materials that require stronger,
more prolonged heat in order to extract the oils.

To make a decoction, combine the herbs and water in a small

saucepan. Cover with a lid and slowly bring to a simmer. Allow the mix
to simmer gently for 20 to 45 minutes (or according to your recipe).
Remove from the heat, strain, and pour the liquid into the storage jar.


Herbal tinctures are age-old remedies that can help soothe and heal
whatever might ail you. Tinctures are surprisingly easy to make, and
fresh herbs make the most powerful tinctures. Here’s how to make
herbal tinctures using plants from your garden.
What is an herbal tincture?

A traditional herbal tincture is made by steeping herbs in high-proof

ethyl alcohol (sometimes vinegar) to extract and concentrate their
medicinal constituents—molecules that plants have manufactured for
self-protection and that we humans expropriate for our own
medicinal use.

Ethyl alcohol tinctures are generally intended for internal use. Herbs
tinctured in rubbing alcohol (isopropyl), witch hazel, or oil are called

The advantage of tinctures

Depending on the condition being treated (or prevented), medicinal

herbs can be brewed into teas or simmered into decoctions, mashed
into poultices and salves, smoked (so their medicinal constituents
enter the body through the lungs), or extracted into tinctures.
Tinctures are generally taken internally a few drops at a time, several
times a day, often in tea or juice. Some tinctures work well applied
directly to wounds or skin infections.

Tinctures offer several advantages over other herbal formulations:

• Alcohol generally extracts and concentrates more of the

valuable medicinal compounds than water extracts (e.g., teas,
infusions, tisanes).
• In such concentrated form, tinctures are fast-acting.
• Alcohol tinctures made with at least 80-proof ethanol don’t
spoil, and they maintain their potency for a long time if properly
• Tinctures are portable and easy to tuck into a purse or
traveling bag.

What you’ll need

• The plant parts you plan to tincture. To avoid diluting the

alcohol with water, don’t wash them. (Roots are the exception;
you may need to rinse or even scrub them lightly before
chopping.) If the plant parts are already wet, lay them out and
blot gently with a clean towel to dry them off. Discard any
diseased or damaged material.
• A bottle of 80-proof (or higher) ethyl alcohol. Many herbalists
prefer vodka because it’s relatively colorless, tasteless,
and odorless.
• A glass jar with a tight lid. You don’t need large bottles for
making an alcohol tincture; a tincture is a potent plant medicine
administered only a few drops at a time. Start with small
containers such as pint canning jars or empty peanut-butter or
jam jars.
• Some small, dark bottles for storing the decanted tincture(s).
Storing them in the dark helps protect their potency.

How to Make an Herbal Tincture

Chop large leaves, flowers, or roots; leave delicate leaves and flowers
whole. Then fill the glass jar loosely with the plant material and add
enough alcohol to cover the plant materials. Seal the jar tightly.

Label and date the jar. Include the plant parts tinctured and the type
of alcohol used. Set the jar in a cool, dark place for a month or longer,
shaking or stirring occasionally and adding more alcohol if needed to
keep the plant materials covered.

Strain the tincture over a clean cheesecloth into a glass or ceramic

container twisting the cloth to remove as much of the tincture as
possible. Funnel the tincture into dark glass bottles and cap (or cork)
tightly. Label and date each tincture and store in a cool, dark place.

To increase the concentration of a tincture by straining out the original
plant materials and adding fresh material.


Like any healing agent, herbal remedies in any form can pack a lot of
power, which includes adverse reactions. Learn as much as possible
about the herb you’re using before you try it. Your homemade
tinctures don’t offer a standard “dose.” Begin with a new tincture by
trying a few drops in warm water or tea and work up slowly until you
experience the desired results.

If you’re pregnant, nursing, taking prescription medicine, or suffering

from a chronic illness, don’t start on an herbal remedy without
consulting a health professional. Always include your use of herbs in
the information you provide to your medical and dental professionals.


Types of Tisanes / Herbal Teas

Tisanes are split into categories, which are determined by what part
of the plant is used to make the tea or infusion. The following list gives
you the rundown of the main types of tisanes along with a few
examples of each type.

Leaf: French verbena, lemon balm, mint, lemongrass

Flower: Rose, chamomile, hibiscus, lavender

Bark: Cinnamon, black cherry bark, slippery elm

Fruit/Berry: Raspberry, blueberry, peach—any type of fruit infusion,


Seed/Spice: Cardamom, fennel, caraway

Root: Ginger, chicory, echinacea

Sometimes tisanes are concocted from a combination of different parts

of the same plant. Kombucha tea is commonly considered a tisane,
but it is actually a symbiotic yeast colony and is made from what is
basically a living bacteria.

How to Make Your Own Tisanes

Tisanes are typically made in one of two ways: an infusion or a

decoction. An infusion is made by pouring boiling or nearly boiling
water over dried or fresh plant matter, then steeping for a specific
amount of time. For decoctions, instead of pouring hot water over the
plant matter, place the plant material directly into the boiling water.
The decoction technique is usually reserved for making a tisane when
a plant would be complicated to infuse, such as those with small
surface areas or ingredients shielded by tougher exteriors. Infusion is
usually the method for making teas with leaf, flower, or seeds, and
decoctions are used for bark, root, and berry teas.

Steeping times vary widely depending on the type of tisane that you
are making. Some tisanes only need a quick steep for as few as two
minutes, while others can range up to 15 minutes until they’re fully
brewed and ready for consumption. The amount of plant product you’ll
need to make a cup of herbal tea fluctuates as well, depending on the
type of tisane you’d like to make.

For most herbs, it is recommended to use around 3g of herbs per 8fl

oz (240ml) of water. In the case of a hot brew, use water between
190F and 205F and brew 3-5mins. If it gets hotter than that (or if brew
time is extended), it may interrupt the infusion and give you a bitter
result. In the case of a cold brew, use the same ratio in room
temperature water and let infuse for 4-12 hours.”


Powdering herbs is a three step process - drying, grinding and sifting.

Powders are used to make herbal capsules, in body powders, tooth
powders, and for making spices for cooking and baking recipes. This
may seem like a lot of work considering that most herbs and spices
are widely available for sale already finely powdered. The problem is
powdered herbs lose their potency, flavor, and aroma very quickly -
even when properly stored. The quality of freshly powdered herbs
makes it is well worth the effort

How To Make Herbal Powders and Capsules

1. Start with herbs that are dried and brittle. Break them into small
enough pieces to fit into a coffee/herb grinder either by hand,
or by using a food processor.

Grind the plant material into a fine consistency as you can with
an electric coffee/herb grinder.

2. Often there will be still some gravel-like chunky pieces left in

the mix. This may not be a concern when using the herbs in a
body powder or in capsules, but for spices used in cooking such
as cinnamon, allspice and ginger you want to be sure take the
next step.
3. Position a fine mesh kitchen strainer over a bowl and use a
pestle (or the back of a spoon) to sift and press the ground
spices through the mesh. Store the powder in a clean jar with
a tight-fitting lid. You can save any small, hard pieces that
remain in the strainer for use in tea.


What is a Poultice? For making a poultice, herbs are usually crushed

into a pulp or made into a paste that is spread directly onto the surface
of the skin, up to an inch thick, and held in place with gauze or muslin
wrapped around the area to keep the poultice from rubbing off. A very
basic poultice can even be made with a whole leaf held in place with
an adhesive bandage!

By changing the temperature of the poultice, the healing actions can

be altered. A warm or hot poultice will help to increase circulation to
the area, and a cold poultice can help soothe inflammation. Adding
skin tingling, stimulating herbs like ginger is another way to use herbs
to help increase circulation to the area.

Although most herbs can be used as a poultice if the situation calls

for it, it’s important to remember that if it’s an herb you would not
take internally you should not apply it as a poultice either. The herb
will still be absorbed into the bloodstream even though it’s being
applied topically. So herbs that shouldn’t be used internally while
pregnant, or because they might interfere with prescriptions or a
preexisting condition, are still a poultice.

Make sure to get to know your herbs before you try them as a poultice
(a good way to learn about herbs is going through the list of herbs
listed here in Elixir: Nature’s Healing Herbs, and if you have any known
allergies to herbs, please take that into careful consideration before
you try a poultice.

How To Make A Poultice

• Determine which herbs you would like to use and estimate how
much you will need. The number of herbs to use depends on
the size of the area that needs to be covered, so just give it
your best guess.
• Take the herbs you have chosen and chop them into small
pieces on a cutting board. Transfer the herbs to a mortar and
pestle and crush the chopped herbs until they become a pulp.
As you chop and mash, the herbs will release their juices and

the leaves will become softer. Herbs can also be diced using a
blender instead of a cutting board and mortar and pestle.
• Spread the crushed herbs onto the desired area of the skin.
Ensure that the poultice is applied evenly across the area.
• Wrap the area with a layer of gauze to hold the paste in place.
If you wish, you can also apply a layer of plastic wrap to the
outside of the finished poultice, to make sure the juices don’t
leak out.

How To Make A Poultice With Dried Herbs

Making a dried herb poultice requires less work than using fresh herbs,
because there is less chopping and mashing. As fresh herbs are usually
stronger than dried and have a more complex make up, dried herbs
will still work well, and it’s also nice to know that you can make a
poultice even when fresh herbs aren’t available.

• Take desired dried herbs and combine with just enough hot
water to moisten them. For roots, it’s better to use a powdered
form. Simply add hot or cold water a little at a time to create a
thick paste.
• Spread the paste evenly over the desired area.
• Wrap with gauze or muslin.

How to Make A Quick Poultice

Often, an easier type of poultice will do the trick: one simple leaf and
an adhesive bandage! This type of poultice is great for little cuts,
scrapes, splinters, or after care for an insect bite or sting.

• Select a leaf from the plant you wish to use. Plantain, mullein,
bee balm, or lemon balm are good candidates.
• Roll and knead the plant between your fingers so that it is
crushed and begins to feel damp.

• Smooth the crushed leaf over the affected area and secure it in
place with a bandage.
• Change for a new leaf in a few hours if desired or remove with
the bandage when it is time to let the area breathe for a bit.

Poultices are a basic part of the herbal healers bag, because they are
quick and easy to prepare. Whether they are made using fresh or dried
herbs, or even just a simple leaf and a bandage, they are versatile and
well worth learning to make.

Balms And Sauves

How to Make Herbal Salves

Herbal salves are a simple, effective, and useful way to take in herbal
goodness! They can easily be slipped into a purse, pocket, or first aid
kit. Although semi-solid at room temperature, salves soften once
applied to the skin, making them less messy than oils.

Make Herb-Infused Oil

To make a salve, first you must make your herb-infused oil(s). This
can be taken anywhere from about a day to several weeks, depending
on the method used.

How to Make Herb-Infused Oils

Simply infusing a carrier oil with herbs will transform it into a versatile
ingredient. There are several ways to infuse oils, but a simple method
utilizes the sun to naturally infuse oil with herbal properties.

Herbal healing oils can be used to create marinades, massage oils,

salves, lip balms, facial serums, hair treatments, body creams, soaps,
and more!

Oil Infusing Basics:

• While most herbs can be infused either dried or fresh (with

proper preparation), some lend themselves better to one form
than the other. For example, St. John's wort makes quite an
effective herbal oil.
• Herbal oils can turn rancid or grow mold, especially if the carrier
oil used is not very shelf stable. Infused oils that exhibit any
change in color, scent, clarity, or taste must be discarded for
safety. Using the alcohol intermediary infusion method or
adding a preservative like vitamin E can help keep oils stable
longer, but it will also make them unsuitable for eating.
• Herbs with natural dyes may be infused in oil for use in adding
color to soaps and other body care formulations.
• Gloves should be worn when it comes time to strain a finished
herbal oil because while you can use your bare hands, working
with oils is a very messy process, and certain kinds of herbs,
may temporarily stain your hands.
• Even after finishing straining, many fine herb sediments can
make the oil a bit gritty, so you can strain again through a
coffee filter. This is a slow-drip process, and it may require more
than one coffee filter to strain all the oil.
• Herbs can be blended together for synergistic infusions. For
example, hops flowers, lavender flowers, and chamomile
flowers infused together in jojoba oil makes an awesome
relaxing blend for use in massages.

How to Infuse Oil with Herbs (3 Methods)

Solar-Infused Oils

Use the sun to naturally infuse oil with the goodness of your organic
herbs! Herbal oils made using this method can be used for both
culinary and body care recipes.


1. Place herbs in a clean, dry quart jar. Leave at least 1 to 3 inches

of open space above your herbs to cover with oil.
2. Fill remaining space in jar with oil of choice, making sure to
cover herbs by at least 1 inch or more. If the herbs emerge
above the surface of the oil at any point while infusing, pour
more oil on top to ensure the herbs remain covered.
3. Cap the jar tightly and shake well.
4. Place jar in a sunny, warm windowsill and shake once or more
per day.
5. After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the herbs out of the oil using
cheesecloth or a mesh strainer. Make sure to squeeze out as
much of the precious oil as possible!
6. Pour into clean glass bottles.
7. Label your jars with the date, type of oil, and herbs used.
8. Store in a cool, dark place. The oil may keep for up to a year.
Vitamin E oil at a concentration of up to 1% may also be added
to prolong shelf life for oils to be used topically.

Quick Method for Heat-Infused Oils

The quick method utilizing heat is sometimes necessary when herbal

oils need to be created in a pinch. Much care needs to be taken when
crafting herbal oils this way because you don't want to deep-fry your
herbs! As with the folk method above, heat-infused oils can be used
in both culinary and apothecary preparations, as long as both the oil
and the herb(s) you choose are suitable to ingest.


1. Place herbs in crock-pot, double boiler, or electric yogurt maker,

and cover with organic extra virgin olive oil (or other carrier
oil of choice), leaving at least an inch or two of oil above the

2. Gently heat the herbs over very low heat (preferably between
100° and 140° F for 1 to 5 hours, until the oil takes on the color
and scent of the herb. Some texts recommend heating the oil
48 to 72 hours at a controlled temperature of 100° F. Turn off
heat and allow to cool.
3. Once oil is cooled, strain using cheesecloth.
4. Bottle in dry, sterilized glass bottles. Be sure to label your
bottles with the date and contents before storing them.
5. Store in a cool, dark, dry place for up to six months. Vitamin E
oil at a concentration of up to 1% may also be added to prolong
shelf life for oils to be used topically.

Make Your Salve

Once you've created your herbal oil, you're just a few simple steps
away from your finished salve! You can make a salve with a single
herb or multiple herbs, depending on your needs. It’s useful to make
a variety of herbal-infused oils so that you can easily craft a salve
whenever you need it!

How To Make An Herbal Salve

Makes approximately 9 ounces.

You will need:

• 8 oz. infused herbal oil

• 1 oz. beeswax, either grated or pellets
• a double boiler
• clean metal tin or glass jars
• essential oils, if needed


1. Warm oil in double boiler. Add beeswax and stir until melted.
Test the consistency of your salve by dipping a clean spoon into
the mixture and putting it in the freezer for a few minutes. If
it’s softer than you’d like, add more beeswax.
2. Pour the still-warm salve into containers (old jam jars or small
metal tins work well). If adding essential oils, do so now (only
a few drops are need) and stir with a chopstick or other clean
3. Put the cap on the containers, and store in a dark, cool place.
Salves will last up to a year.

How To Make An Herbal Cream

Makes approximately 16 ounces.

You need:

• 1 cup distilled water or rosewater

• 3/4 cup carrier oil (almond, or an herb-infused oil)
• 1/2 oz.–1 oz. beeswax (less for a thinner consistency, more for
a firmer cream)
• a double boiler
• blender or immersion blender
• clean glass jars
• essential oils, if needed


1. Combine the oil and beeswax in a double boiler and gently heat
until the beeswax melts. Pour the oil mixture into a blender and
let cool to room temperature. The mixture will turn cloudy and
2. When the mixture has cooled, turn the blender on high speed
and slowly add the water to the oil at the center of the vortex

in a smooth, thin stream. If your blender tends to get hot, you
may need to pause and let it cool off before continuing — the
heat will re-melt the oil and beeswax, preventing a proper
3. Watch the mixture for when it turns white and develops a thick
consistency. The blender will start to stutter as the cream
becomes too stiff to take more. You may not use all of the
water, and that’s fine!
4. If you’d like to add essential oils, you can gently fold in 1–2
drops now.
5. Pour your cream into the glass containers, using a spatula to
get all of the cream out of the blender. Cap and store in a cool,
dry place. Creams will last up to a month, and that can be
prolonged by storing in the refrigerator.

Salve For Scrapes And Burns

Note: Severe burns require medical treatment. This salve is best

suited for mild burns and scrapes. If you have any concerns, seek
medical treatment.

You need:

• 8 oz. herb-infused oil using equal parts comfrey leaf

(Symphytum sp.), oregon grape root (Berberis aquifolium), and
calendula (Calendula officinalis)
• 1–2 drops lavender essential oil (Lavandula sp.)

Rash Cream Recipe

For this cream, replace some of the water with aloe for a cooling and
soothing experience.

You need:

• 2/3 cup distilled water

• 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
• 3/4 cup herb-infused oil with equal parts lemon balm (Melissa
officinalis), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), and marshmallow
root (Althea officinalis)
• 1–2 drops tea tree essential oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Face Cream Recipe

You need:

• 1 cup rosewater
• 3/4 cup herb-infused oil with equal parts yarrow (Achillea
millefolium) and calendula (Calendula officinalis)
• 1–2 drops clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea)

Now that we have covered know a few basics for preparing various
herbal healing methods, to following pages contain many kinds of
healing herbs and their medicinal uses.


Mint has more than two dozen species and hundreds of varieties. It
is an herb that has been used for thousands of years for its remarkable
medicinal properties.

The market is full of products like toothpaste, chewing gum, breathe

fresheners, candy and inhalers which have mint as their base element.
Most of us are familiar with the refreshing application of mint, but
it has far more to offer than that.

Health Benefits of Mint Leaves

The health benefits of mint include the following:

Digestion: Mint promotes digestion. It also soothes stomachs in

cases of indigestion or inflammation. When you feel sick to your
stomach, drinking a cup of mint tea can give you relief. Also, the
menthol oil derived from mint can be very soothing for nausea and
related motion sickness.

The aroma of mint activates the salivary glands in our mouth as well
as glands which secrete digestive enzymes, thereby facilitating

digestion. These attributes are why mint is extensively used in the
culinary arts. Much of the world includes mint as a part of
appetizers or as an element of palate cleansers, to be eaten before
the main course so the food will digest comfortably.

Nausea & Headache: Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of

mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea. Even just the smell
of mint oil or freshly crushed mint leaves or the use of any product
with mint flavor, and your stomach issues will be alleviated. In fact,
many people keep menthol oil or mint-flavored products with them
at all time to avoid nausea. A balm with mint base or basic mint oil,
when rubbed on the forehead and nose, gives quick relief in case of
headache. Mint is a naturally soothing substance, so it can alleviate
the inflammation and temperature rise that is often associated with
headaches and migraines.

Good for more than just mojitos, mint freshens breath, calms the
stomach and plays numerous other valuable roles in herbal home

Respiratory Disorders and Coughs: The strong aroma of mint is

veryeffective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi
and lungs, which gives relief for respiratory disorders that often
result from asthma and the common cold. As mint cools and soothes
the throat, nose and other respiratory channels, it relieves the
irritation which causes chronic coughing. This is the main reason why
so many balms are based on mint. Unlike the inhalers that are based
on aerosols, those with mint as the fundamental component tend to
bemore effective and eco-friendlier as well.

Asthma: Regular use of mint is very beneficial for asthma patients, as

it is a good relaxant and relieves congestion. Be caution though
because too much mint in this way can also irritate the nose and throat.

Breast Feeding: For many women, breastfeeding is a beautiful part
of raising a child, but it can seriously damage your breasts and nipples.
Studies have shown that mint oil can reduce the nipple cracks and
nipple pain that so often accompany breastfeeding.

Depression and Fatigue: Mint is a natural stimulant, and the

smell alone can be enough to charge your batteries and get your
brain functioning on a high level again. If you are feeling sluggish,
anxious, depressed, or simply exhausted, mint and its derivative
essential oilscan help. It can be ingested, applied topically in a salve
form, or inhaled as a vapor, and all of those techniques can give you
a much-needed boost! A popular way to get good results in an easy
manneris to put a few drops of mint essential oil or menthol oil on
your pillow at night and let it work on your body and mind while
you sleep.

Skin Care and Pimples: While mint oil is a good antiseptic and anti-
pruritic material, mint juice is also an excellent skin cleanser. Itsoothes
skin, and helps to cure infections and itchiness, as well as being a good
way to reduce pimples, and it can even relieve someof the symptoms
of acne. Its anti-pruritic properties can be used for treating insect bites
like those of mosquitoes, honeybees, hornets, wasps, and gnats. The
cooling sensation will relieve you of theirritating sensation to scratch,
and the anti-inflammatory nature of mint will bring down swelling! In
that same vein, mint oil is often a basic component of bug repellent
products like citronella candles, because the strong aroma is
unappealing to most insects.

Memory Loss: A recent study explored the effects that mint has
onalertness, retention, and cognitive function. It found that people
who frequently use chewing gum, whose major active ingredient is
mint, had higher levels of memory retention and mental alertness
than those who did not. The stimulant qualities of mint, once again,
have shown yet another reason to pop that stick of gum in your mouth

or chew some leaves when you’re feeling less than brilliant!

Weight Loss: Aside from all the other health benefits of mint, it also
can help in your efforts to lose weight in a healthy way! Mint is a
stimulant, as we’ve already mentioned, but it also stimulates the
digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients from food and consume fat
and turn it into usable energy. Therefore, by adding mint to your
diet, you are increasing the amount of fat that is being consumed
and put to use, rather than being stored and contributing to your
weight gain!

Female Sterility: There are mixed opinions regarding the role of

mint in treating this condition. Some argue that prolonged use of
menthol may cause sterility, reducing a woman’s ability to conceive
by interfering with the production of ova and killing these gametes.
This is due to the germicidal and insecticidal properties of mint,
which are beneficial for so many other health concerns. Other
research has claimed that men who smoke menthol cigarettes are
more likely to suffer from impotency than those who smoke normal
cigarettes. It is not certain whether this is due to the tobacco alone
or if the mentholated aspect has anything do with it. Another group
or researchers suggest that mint may be used to treat sterility in
females. Suffice to say, a great deal of further research must be
done on the effects of mint in both male impotency and female

Oral Care: Improving the health of a person’s mouth is a well-known

benefit of mint. Since it has germicidal qualities and quickly freshens
breath, it adds to oral health by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth
inside the mouth and by cleaning the tongue and teeth. This is why
mint used to be rubbed directly on the teeth and gums to refresh
the mouth and eliminate dangerous forms of growth. Today, mint is
one of the most common elements in toothpastes, mouthwashes,
and other dental hygiene products. Of course, the easiest way to
get these results is to simply chew on the leaves.
Allergies and Hay Fever: Season allergies and hay fever (also known
as rhinitis) affect millions of people around the world at certain times
of the year. Extracts from mint leaves have been shown to inhibit the
release of histamines, which often spur on the severenasal symptoms
that are associated with hay fever and seasonal allergies.

Cancer: Current research shows that certain enzymes that can be

found in mint may help prevent and treat cancer.

Other Benefits: Besides its wide industrial use in foods like ice-cream
and chocolates, as well as in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages,
cosmetics, medicines, inhalers and breath fresheners, it is also used
as a condiment and a decorative item in culinary preparation around
the world. Drinks and foods containing mint cool you off in the

One peculiar property of mint is that it induces sweating if

consumed during fever, thereby speeding the rate of recovery. Mint
juice can also be applied to heal and soothe burns. It is also
beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism. Furthermore, mint is also
said to improve the activity of the brain, although legitimate and
consistent research on its neurological impact has yet to be

Dill has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
Both the seeds and the leaves can be used. Apart from giving a
strong, tangy, appetizing flavor and taste, dill has many medicinal
properties, which mainly come from certain compounds called
Monoterpenes, as well as flavonoids, minerals and certain amino

Dill can be a perennial or annual herb, depending on where it is

cultivated in the world. This herb is used in almost every continent
on the planet in some capacity, and although it is called many
different things, it serves similar purposes in much of the world
cuisine. It can be used dry as a topping for a number of meals, but it
is also used as an ingredient in many meals.

For those herbalists that want to grow their own dill, it is important
to cultivate this herb in warm to hot summers, with plenty of

Nutritional Value of Dill

The health benefits of dill are derived from its organic compounds,
vitamins, and minerals. These include powerful monoterpenes like
limonene, carvone, and anethofuran, as well as flavonoids like
vicenin and kaempferol. As for vitamins and minerals, dill has a
significant amount of vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as trace
amounts of folate, iron, and manganese.

Health Benefits of Dill

Digestion: Dill itself is an appetizer and therefore extensively used

in culinary applications. The essential oils present in dill are
stimulating and they activate the secretion of bile and digestive
juices. These oils also stimulate peristaltic motion of the intestine,
easing the passage of bowel movements and relieving constipation.

Insomnia: The essential oils found in herbs have peculiar and

powerful properties. They are simultaneously stimulating, sedative, and
hypnotic, that is, they stimulate as well as pacify. The essential oils in
dill are no exception. The flavonoids and vitamin-B complex present in
its essential oils, since they are stimulating in nature, activate the
secretion of certain enzymes and hormones which have calming and
hypnotic effects, thereby helping people get a good night’s sleep.

Bone Health: The calcium content of dill means that it is an

important element in protecting you from bone loss and the loss of
bone mineral density. Osteoporosis affects millions of people each year,
and calcium, along with other essential minerals, are a key component
in the proper growth and development of bones, and the repair of
injured bones as well.

Diabetes: Dill has long been associated with diabetes and the
management of insulin levels. Despite the fact that research is
somewhat limited in this area, particularly on human subjects,

studies have indicated that they can help reduce the fluctuations of
serum lipids and insulin levels in corticosteroid-induced diabetes.

Excess Gas: As a well-known carminative, dill can help prevent the

embarrassing condition of excessive gas. It is not only an
uncomfortable condition to experience in public, but if gas continues
to build up, it can actually be a dangerous situation whereit presses
on the delicate organs of the chest cavity. A carminative forces gas
downward through the digestive tract and allows it to leave the body
in a safe way.

Immune System: Dill has long been associate with antimicrobial

activity, and it has been shown to prevent a number of microbial
infections throughout the body, both those in various organs and
those potential infections that land in wounds or small cuts on the

Hiccups: Hiccups occur for various reasons, but primarily, they occur
due to trapped gas and repeated upward movement of gases
through the food pipe. The second cause is due to certain allergies,
hypersensitivity, hyperactivity and nervous malfunctioning. Dill can
actually help in all of these situations. As a carminative, dill helps the
expulsion of gases and also reduces gas formation while as a
sedative, dill helps to calm down hiccups due to allergies,
hyperactivity, or nervous disorders.

Diarrhea: Diarrhea is mainly caused by two thing, indigestion and

microbial action. In terms of indigestion, dill can be quite helpful, as
it has very good digestive properties. Secondly, dill can help due to
the monoterpenes and flavonoids present in its essential oils, which
are germicidal or bactericidal in nature. They can help cure diarrhea
by inhibiting microbial infections that try to attack the body.

Dysentery: Dysentery is primarily caused due to fungal infections.
For this condition as well, dill can help, since its essential oils are
disinfectant in nature and help to inhibit fungal infections

Arthritis: Dill has long been known as an anti-inflammatory herb,

meaning that it helps to reduce the inflammation and the associated
pain of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and arthritis. Dill
has been used since ancient times for precisely this reason.

Menstrual Disorders: The flavonoids in the essential oil of dill are

stimulating and Emmenagogic in nature, and therefore, dill
stimulates the secretion of certain hormones that help maintain
proper menstrual cycles in women.

Respiratory Disorders: Kaempferol and certain other components

of flavonoids and monoterpenes in the essential oils of dill are
anticongestive and antihistaminic in nature and help clear
congestion in the respiratory system due to histamine, allergies or

Oral Care: Dill seeds and leaves are very good mouth and breath
fresheners. Apart from that, the essential oils in it are germicidal,
antioxidant and disinfectant in nature. Due to these properties, they
help end microbial infections in the mouth and their antioxidants
minimize the damage caused to gums and teeth by free radicals.

Cancer: Let’s turn our attention to these monoterpenes we’ve been

talking about. Monoterpenes are chemo preventive, and since they
are stimulating by nature, they activate the secretion of an enzyme
called glutathione-S-transferase (the radical glutathione is an effective
antioxidant) which is very effective in neutralizing carcinogens.

It is particularly effective at neutralizing Cyano- and Benzo-
derivatives and free radicals, thereby protecting the body from
cancer. The other antioxidants in the essential oils of dill also
contribute to this cancer protection that people enjoy from adding
dill to their diet.

Dill is a relaxant, increases strength, and increases urination to helpin

the removal of toxins, excess salts, and water from the body.
Furthermore, it is carminative (helps remove excess gas), anti-
spasmodic (prevents cramps), and an antiflatulent substance. It
stimulates lactation (galactagogue) and endocrinal secretions,
enhances the libido due to the presence of Arginine, and ensures
bone and dental health since it is a good source of calcium.

The health benefits of basil, also known as tulsi, include oral care, relief
from respiratory disorders, as well as treatment of fever, asthma, lung
disorders, heart diseases and stress. Basil is undoubtedly one of the
best medicinal herbs that have been discovered. It has endless
miraculous and medicinal values and has been worshiped and highly
valued in India for thousands of years.

Even going close to a Tulsi plant alone can protect you from many
infections. A few leaves dropped in drinking water or foods canpurify
it and can kill germs within it as well. Even smelling it or keeping it
planted in a pot indoors can protect the whole family from
infections, coughs, colds and other viral infections.

Health Benefits of Tulsi

Fever: The miraculous healing properties of Basil come mainly from

its essential oils and the phytonutrients contained in it. Basil is an
excellent antibiotic, germicidal, fungicidal and disinfectant agent
and very efficiently protects our body from all sorts of bacterial, viral
and fungal infections. Fever is mainly caused due to infections
from protozoa (malaria), bacteria (typhoid), viruses (flu) and even

allergic substances and fungus. Fever is not actually an ailment in itself.
It is just a symptom which shows that our body is fighting against less
visible infections. The tremendous disinfectant, germicidal and
fungicidal properties of Tulsi destroys all those pathogens discussed
above and heals the resulting fever.

Respiratory Disorders: Tulsi, along with curing viral, bacterial and

fungal infections of the respiratory system, gives miraculous relief in
congestion due to the presence of components like Camphene, Eugenol
and Cineole in its essential oils. It is very effective in curing almost all
varieties of respiratory disorders including bronchitis, both chronic and

Asthma: Tulsi is very beneficial in the treatment of asthma, since it

relieves congestion and facilitates smoother breathing. The
phytonutrients and essential oils, along with the other minerals in it,
help cure some of the underlying causes of asthma as well.

Lung Disorders: The compounds like vitamin-C, Camphene,

Eugenoland Cineole that are present in the essential oils of Tulsi do
not onlycure the infections in the lungs, but also cure congestion of
the lungs. Furthermore, they are found to be effective in healing
the damages caused to the lungs due to smoking, tuberculosis, and
lung cancer. It also helps to cure tuberculosis due to its antibiotic

Heart Diseases: Holy Basil contains vitamin-C and other

antioxidants such as eugenol, which protect the heart from the
harmful effects of free radicals. Additionally, eugenol is very
beneficial in reducing the cholesterol levels within the blood.

Stress: Vitamin-C and other antioxidants in Holy Basil, apart

from repairing damages done by free radicals, also minimizethe
stress caused by these oxidants. They soothe nerves,

lower blood pressure reduce inflammation and thus reduce stress.
One such component is Camphene. Potassium also reduces blood
pressure-related stress by replacing sodium and loosening the
tense blood vessels.

Oral Care: Tulsi is an excellent mouth freshener and oral disinfectant,

and its freshness lasts for a very long time. Basil destroys more than
99% of the germs and bacteria in the mouth and this effect can last
all day. It also cures ulcers in the mouth. Finally, it is also known to
help inhibit the growth of oral cancer which can be caused by
chewing tobacco.

Dental Care: Basil destroys the bacteria that are responsible for
dental cavities, plaque, tartar, and bad breath, while also protecting
the teeth. It also has astringent properties which make the gums
hold the teeth tighter, thereby keeping them from falling. However,
Tulsi also has certain compounds like mercury, which has rich
germicidal properties, that can actually be harmful for the teeth if kept
in direct contact for too long. Therefore, it is advised to avoid chewing
these leaves.

Kidney Stones: Tulsi, being a detoxifier and a mild diuretic, helps to

reduce the uric acid level in the body, which is the main culprit as
far as kidney stones are concerned. It also helps to clean out the
kidneys through increased frequency of urination. Acetic acid and
certain components in Tulsi essential oils also facilitate dissolution of
the stones. Finally, it has pain-killer effects and help bear the pain from
kidney stones as they pass.

Skin Care: Try taking a daily bath with Basil mixed with your
bathwater, washing your face with it, or simply applying the paste of
its leaves on an infected area of the skin in case of skin diseases. You
can also just consume Tulsi leaves, and still manage to keep your skin
free from all infections. You may not believe this but rubbing Basil

leaves or its extracted oils on the body keeps mosquitoes and other
insects away. It cures skin disorders both internally and externally,
without any side effects.

This property mainly comes from its essential oils, which are highly
antibiotic, disinfectant, antibacterial and antifungal in nature. External
application on the skin also removes extra oil from the skin surface.
Camphene in it also gives a soothing, cooling effect.

Headache: Headaches caused due to migraines, sinus pressure,

cough and cold, or high blood pressure can be effectively controlled
by the use of a single Tulsi serving. Camphene, Eugenol, Cineol,
Carvacrol and Methyl-Chavicol have excellent analgesic, sedative,
anticongestive and disinfectant properties.

Anti-Aging: Vitamin-C, A, phytonutrients and the essential oils in

Basil are excellent antioxidants and protect the body from nearly all
the damage caused by free radicals in the body, which are
hazardous byproducts of cellular metabolism that are responsible
for a wide swath of diseases, including cancer.

Immunity: Basil is so good for boosting up the immune system that

it is hard to describe in words. It protects against nearly allinfections
from viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Recent studiesshow that
it is also helpful in inhibiting the growth of HIV and carcinogenic

Eye Care: Wash your eyes daily with a few leaves of basil soaked in
water and you will be free from conjunctivitis, boils and many other
problems of the eyes which are caused due to viral, bacterial or fungal
infections. It also soothes eye inflammation and reduces stress.
Regular consumption can protect your eyes from much of the damage
done by the free radicals, such as cataracts, macular degeneration,
glaucoma, vision defects, and ophthalmia, due to the

high antioxidant content of its essential oils, vitamin A, and vitamin

Basil can protect your body from radiation poisoning and also heal
and damages from that sort of condition. It can be given after
surgery to help heal wounds quickly and also to protect those
healing areas from infections. It acts as a vaccine against pox if
consumed regularly. It is anticarcinogenic and found to be effective
in healing nearly all types of cancer and tumors.

Being an expectorant is one of the most prized properties of Holy Basil,

making it very efficient in curing coughs and colds. It is beneficial in
reducing labor pain, destroying rabies germs, treating gastroenteritis,
cholera, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rheumatism, nausea,
septic, urinary and genital infections, destroyingworms in the stomach.
Furthermore, its dried leaves can be mixed with food grains to be used
as an insect repellant. Apart from these many functions, more
alternative applications and uses of this truly miraculous plant are
always being discovered or experimented with.

The health benefits of parsley include controlling cancer, diabetes,
and rheumatoid arthritis, along with helping prevent osteoporosis.
Furthermore, it acts as a pain reliever with anti-inflammatory
properties. Parsley also provides relief from gastrointestinal issues
such as indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating, and nausea, while
helping to strengthen the immune system. Parsley is also a highly
nutritious plant and has ample vitamins and antioxidants which can
greatly improve our health.

Parsley, a predominantly tropical plant, needs moisture and ample

sunlight to grow. It is used as herb, a green leafy vegetable, and as a
spice. Parsley is actually used in two forms: leaf parsley and root

It is consumed in many different ways, including garnishing, salads,

stocks, and sandwiches. The leaf is further divided into two more types:
curly leaf and flat leaf.

The nutrients found in parsley include vitamin A, vitamin K, vitaminC,
vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12,
pantothenic acid, choline, folates, calcium, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and copper.

Parsley is also a very good source of volatile compounds such as

myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. Parsley leaves
contain energy, carbohydrates, fat, and protein.

Parsley, known for its use as a garnish, has many nutrients that provide
health benefits to people. Some of these benefits include:

Anti-Diabetic Properties: Traditionally, parsley was used as a

medicine for diabetes and can be used for diabetic control.

Controls Rheumatoid Arthritis: Parsley has also been

particularly effective against rheumatoid arthritis. Compounds such
as vitamin C and beta-carotene found in parsley possess anti-
inflammatory properties that help in controlling arthritis. Consuming
parsleyregularly is also believed to speed up the process of uric acid
removal, which has been linked to symptoms of arthritis.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Parsley has traditionally been

used infor toothaches, bruises, insect bites, and rough skin. Parsley
also displays anti-inflammatory and anti-hepatotoxicity properties.
The anti-inflammatory properties reduce in internal inflammations,
whilethe anti-hepatotoxic properties help to cleanse the liver.

Osteoporosis: Parsley is effective in cases of osteoporosis and is

helpful in maintaining bone health. Osteoporosis occurs due to
depleted levels of calcium in the bones and also due to an amino acid
called homocysteine. This amino acid can be broken down by the
intake of folic acid.

Due to this aspect, apart from dairy products and vegetables, parsley
is regarded as one of the best sources of calcium. It also contains an
appropriate amount of folic acid, which may break down

Diuretic effects: For many centuries now, parsley has been used as
a diuretic that helps in controlling various diseases such as kidney
stones, urinary tract infections, and gallbladder stones. Edema is a
medical condition where a patient retains fluid in the body morethan
what he or she is supposed to hold under normal circumstances.

The body swells because of fluid accumulation. If you are afflicted

by this condition, a few teaspoons of parsley juice can provide some
quick relief. The roots of parsley are also very much useful in
counteracting kidney stones. Adding parsley roots to boiling water
and drinking it on a daily basis is known to be effective as a general
cleanser for the body.

Strengthens the Immune System: The vitamins, minerals, and

antioxidants found in parsley are helpful for strengthening
immunity. Vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, folate,
and niacin each act on different aspects of the immune system.
Vitamin A acts directly on lymphocytes or white blood cells, thereby
increasing their effect. The chlorophyll contained in parsley has anti-
bacterial and anti-fungal properties as well. Parsley also contains
antioxidant properties and antibacterial properties, making it an
ideal source for various home remedies.

Possible Risks of Eating Parsley

Consumption of parsley especially in large quantities, may have side

effects and disadvantages. Some of them include the following:

Risky for Pregnant Women: The consumption of large quantities
ofparsley may induce uterine contractions during pregnancy. At any
stage of pregnancy, this can be very risky. Large amounts of parsley
are not safe for women who are breastfeeding. Avoiding excessive
consumption of parsley during pregnancy and breastfeeding is
strongly advised.

Oxalate Over-consumption: Parsley has a high quantity of

oxalates.This high concentration can be particularly problematic for
people who suffer from kidney stones.

Antioxidant: This is perhaps the most valuable aspect of this essential
oil and the reason behind its extensive use in anti-aging and skin
treatment products. Antioxidants, as the name suggests, act against
the oxidants or free radicals in the body, which are the main causes
behind aging.

These antioxidants slow down aging and prevent symptoms of aging

like wrinkles, sagging skin and muscles, reduction in vision and
hearing capabilities, malfunctioning of the brain, memory loss,
degeneration of tissues, macular degeneration, and nervous

Antiseptic: Since it has antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal

properties, it serves as an antiseptic for wounds, surgical incisions,
post-natal injuries, ulcers, and sores.

Anti-inflammatory: It reduces inflammations on the skin,

inflammations due to fever, and the entry of poisonous material in

the blood stream. It also reduces the effects of excessive intoxicants
and narcotics, ingestion of excessive salty or spicy food, influence of
very hot winds etc. It helps cure inflammations in stomach, intestines
and excretory tracts too.

Antispasmodic: This property of sage essential oil is useful in treating

all problems that arise from spasms, including pain in the stomach,
chest and intestines, as well as coughs, convulsions, and cramps.

Cholagogue & Choleretic: Both of these properties mean the same

thing, which is a substance having that promotes the discharge of bile.
This helps in digestion, soothing the stomach and improving the
functionality of the whole digestive system against inflammations
caused by excessive acids. It also neutralizes acids in the stomach
and the blood stream, thereby providing relief from acidity and
acidosis, which in turn protects us from peptic ulcers due to acidity,
as well as from boils, eruptions and skin diseases that occur when acid
levels rise in the blood.

Cicatrisant: This is yet another property which has made a strong

place in the world of cosmetics as a key ingredient of anti-mark and
anti-spot cream. This property helps eliminate scars, fat cracks, post-
natal abdominal crack marks and after-spots left by boils, pox, and
sores. This also helps in quick healing of wounds and incisions.

Depurative: Sage essential oil speeds up the removal of toxins from

the blood through excretion or through sweating and thus purifies
the blood, acting as a depurative.

Digestive: It acts as a digestive medicine in case of indigestion by

facilitating the decomposition of food by promoting secretion of bile
and gastric juices and by inhibiting microbial growth in the digestive
system, which interferes with the digestive process.

Disinfectant: The antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial and
antiseptic properties of essential oil of sage make it an effective
disinfectant, as it gives sound protection from both internal andexternal

Emmenagogue: This essential oil regularizes menstrual cycles and

helps to relieve obstructed menses. This oil activates certain hormones,
such as estrogen, which helps bring about clearmenstruation and
gives relief from problems like headaches, nausea, weakness, fatigue,
depression, mood swings and other associated symptoms of periods.

Expectorant: It can give you relief from coughs, colds, and infections
in your chest and respiratory tracts. It also provides relief from
congestion that results from the common cold.

Febrifuge: Sage essential oil reduces fevers by fighting infections and

reducing inflammation from fevers.

Laxative: It facilitates excretion and eliminates constipation by

promoting the discharge of certain fluids, as well as stimulating the

Stimulant: If all the properties of this Essential Oil are to be

described with a single term, then ‘Stimulant’ would be the
appropriate one. Most of the properties it displays are different
expressions of this property. It stimulates the brain, nervous system,
liver, spleen, circulatory and excretory systems, thereby activating
and optimizing them.

Other Benefits: Sage essential oil helps to manage dermatitis, herpes,

psoriasis, sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis, accumulation of phlegm,
cerebral palsy, depression, sciatica and lumbago as well as inducing
mental stability, alertness.

A Few Words of Caution: Being a nervous stimulant, those with
epilepsy, hysteria, or a history of either, should avoid using it.
Furthermore, since it contains camphor and camphene, which are toxic
in nature, it should be avoided during pregnancy.

Blending: Essential Oil of Sage blends well with the essential

oils of Clary Sage, Geranium, Ginger, Lavender, Orange, Vetiver,
Neroli, Rosemary and Tea Tree.

Sage, or Salvia Officinalis, as it is known in botanical nomenclature

system, is a well-known and frequently heard name in the world of
cosmetics, particularly in the field of skin care. Innumerable beauty
treatment products claim that they contain the oil of sage, which is
actually sage essential oil.

This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of sage leaves and

is constituted mainly of Aesculetinen, Alpha Humulene, Alpha
Thujene, Alpha Thujone, Alpha Terpineol, Alpha Terpenines, Alpha
Pinene, Alpha Maaliene, Aromadendrene, Beta Pinene, Beta
Copaene, Beta Thujone, Borneol, Camphor, Cineole, Caryophyllene
Oxide, Camphene, Delta Cadinenes, Linalool, Limonene, Myrcene,
Ocimenes, Octenol, Paracymene, Para Cymenol, Salviol, Terpinenol,
Thujene and Terpinolene.

Health Benefits of Sage Essential Oil

This oil has a number of non-cosmetic medicinal uses which are

listed below.

Antifungal: The presence of camphor and camphene in this essential

oil gives it an antifungal property. This oil is capable of inhibiting fungal
infections both internally and externally, and gives relief from fungal
infections like dysentery, skin diseases, Athlete’s Foot, or dermatitis.
This property is one of the causes behind its use in skin care products.

Antimicrobial: The components in sage essential oil which give
protection against fungal infections also provide protection against
microbial infections too. Therefore, you can protect small wounds
or cuts from developing irritating or potentially dangerous

Antibacterial: This oil is equally useful at countering bacterial

infections, since it kills bacteria and inhibits their growth in the body.
This property can also be used to heal ailments like bacterial
infections in the ears, nose, throat, eyes, genitals, urethra, colon,
intestines as well as on the skin and in wounds.

Sage is a very common addition to home herb gardens due to its value
as a flavoring agent and easy care. But many do not realize that it also
helps relieve cuts, inflammation, memory issues and other health
problems in need of addressing.

Some of the most interesting and unique health benefits of rosemary
include its ability to boost memory, improve mood, reduce
inflammation, relieve pain, protect the immune system, stimulate
circulation, detoxify the body, protect the body from bacterial
infections, prevent premature aging, and heal skin conditions.

Health Benefits of Rosemary

One of the earliest reported or documented uses of rosemary for health

reasons was as a cognitive stimulant. It was said to improve memory
and help to increase intelligence and focus. While many of those claims
are still being researched and studied, its effects on the brain do
indicate an increase in memory retention, which is never a bad thing;
keeping your mind quick will help to keep it young. Inthat same
vein, rosemary has been linked to stimulating cognitive activity in the
elderly, as well as those suffering from more acute cognitive disorders,
such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Mood and Stress: The aroma of rosemary alone has been linked
to improving mood, clearing the mind, and relieving stress in those
with chronic anxiety or stress hormone imbalances. When the plant
is consumed or applied topically in some sort of salve of the leaves,
it can have similar effects. Aromatherapy also uses rosemary
essential oil for this purpose, but that concentration of active
components isn’t necessary to have positive effects on stress and

Immune System Strength: The active components in rosemary

are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic in nature.
This represents a three-pronged attack against many different
diseasesand pathogens that could threaten the immune system or
damage the integrity of the body. Antioxidant compounds form a
secondaryline of defense behind the body’s own immune system,
and rosemary contains a significant amount of those powerful
compounds, including rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, betulic acid, and

Antibacterial Potential: While the general immune boosting

qualities of rosemary are impressive enough, it is specifically powerful
against bacterial infections, particularly those in the stomach. H.
pylori bacteria is a common and very dangerous pathogen that can
cause stomach ulcers, but rosemary has been shown to prevent its
growth when consumed. Similarly, rosemary is linked to preventing
Staph infections, which kill thousands of people each year.

Stomach Soother: Rosemary has traditionally been used by

dozens of cultures as a natural remedy for upset stomachs,
constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and everything in between. Its anti-
inflammatoryand stimulant effects are largely the cause of these
effects, so adding rosemary to your weekly diet can quickly help you
regulateyour bowel movements and your gastrointestinal system.

Breath Freshener: As a natural antibacterial agent, rosemary
worksas a wonderful breath freshener that also improves your oral
health. Steep rosemary leaves in a glass of hot water and then
gargle or swish the water in your mouth to eliminate bacteria and
give you naturally fresh and clean breath all night!

Stimulate Blood Flow: Rosemary acts as a stimulant for the body

and boosts the production of red blood cells and blood flow. This
helps to oxygenate vital organ systems and areas of the body,
ensuring that the metabolic activities in those areas are running
smoothly, inaddition to stimulating the movement of nutrients to
cells that require repair.

Pain Relief: As an analgesic substance, rosemary has been topically

applied in a paste or salve for hundreds of years to the affected area
of the pain. When consumed orally, rosemary acts as a pain reliever
for harder to reach spots, such as headaches and pain from a condition.
In fact, one of the most popular uses of rosemary is forthe treatment
of migraines. Applying a decoction to the temples, or simply smelling
the aroma of rosemary has been linked to reducing the severity of
migraine symptoms.

Anti-Inflammatory Qualities: Perhaps the most important

function of rosemary is as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body.
Carnosoland Carnosic acid are two powerful antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory compounds found in rosemary that have been linked
to reducing inflammation of muscles, blood vessels, and joints. This
makes rosemary an effective treatment for many things, including
blood pressure, gout, arthritis, and injuries sustained during physical
exertion or surgery. Rosemary is effective in oral or topical form for
these anti-inflammatory effects. Furthermore, the reduction in
inflammation in the cardiovascular system can help to boost heart
health and prevent atherosclerosis from appearing.

Detoxify the Body: Rosemary is slightly diuretic in nature, meaning
that it can help flush out toxins more efficiently during urination.
Furthermore, by increasing the rate at which water leaves the body,
it can also help push out pathogens, salts, toxins, and even excess fat
when consumed regularly (or when you’re feeling particularly
“toxified”). In terms of the particular organ it benefits, rosemary has
been linked to lower levels of cirrhosis and a faster healing time of
the liver, which is one of the slowest organs to heal.

Skin Health: The anti-aging properties of rosemary are quite well

known. Although more commonly thought of in the essential oil
form, the leaves of rosemary can also effect the skin internally or
topically, and has been shown to improve the youthful quality of the
skin, while also healing blemishes and increasing the natural shine
and hydrated appearance of your body’s largest organ.

Some of the most interesting health benefits of thyme include its
ability to reduce respiratory issues, boost the strength of the
immune system, protect against chronic diseases, stimulate blood
flow, prevent fungal infections, improve heart health, and relieve

The most common form of thyme has the scientific name Thymus
vulgaris and is an evergreen shrub that has been used in medicinal and
culinary applications for thousands of years. The herb is nativeto the
Mediterranean region and certain parts of Africa, and its use dates back
to the Egyptian empire. In terms of its culinary use, the stems and the
leaves are used in various dishes, either in whole or dried form. It is
usually added to soups, sauces, meat dishes, and is used as a flavorful
garnish. The leaves can be removed from the stems and ground into a
finer spice, or the entire sprig can be added to flavor a larger dish or

Its medicinal history includes the use of its essential oil, but the full
list of health benefits of thyme essential oil can be found in a

separate article on Organic Facts. The leaves can be brewed into a
useful tea and a decoction can be made with carrier oils or creams
to apply topically to the body. Now, let’s take a more detailed look
at some of the health benefits of thyme.

Health Benefits of Thyme

Anti-fungal Ability: The most famous active ingredient found in

thyme is thymol. This organic compound has a wide range of effects
on the body, including the ability to prevent fungal and viral
infections, thereby reducing strain on the immune system.

Antioxidant Capacity: With one of the highest antioxidant

concentrations in any herb, thyme has been praised for thousands of
years as an overall health booster. The phenolic antioxidants found
in thyme, including lutein, zeaxanthin, and thymonin all contribute
to neutralizing and eliminating free radicals throughout the body.
Free radicals are the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism
that can-do major damage to your healthy cells by causing apotosis
or spontaneous mutation. These antioxidants help to prevent
oxidative stress in all of your organ systems, as well as your neural
pathways, heart, eyes, and skin.

Circulation: The high concentration of iron and other essential

minerals in thyme make it ideal for stimulating the production of red
blood cells, thereby boosting your body’s circulations and the
oxygenation of essential organ systems and extremities throughout
the body.

Heart Health: The rich blend of antioxidants, minerals, and

vitamins in thyme have many small effects on the heart, but the
potassium and manganese are particularly important. Potassium is
a vasodilator, meaning that it can reduce the stress on the
cardiovascular system by relaxing blood vessels and lowering blood

pressure. This can extend your life by preventing atherosclerosis and
avoiding strokes, heart attacks, and coronary heart disease.

Vision Booster: The concentration of carotenoids and vitamin A

found in thyme make it an effective antioxidant agent for your
visions health. Carotenoids can neutralize the free radicals in your
ocular system and slow the onset of macular degeneration and
prevent cataracts!

Immune System: The high levels of vitamin C found in sage make it

a natural immune system booster. Vitamin C stimulates the
production of white blood cells, which are the first line of defense in
the body’s immune system. Vitamin C also plays a crucial part in the
production of collagen, which is essential for the creation and repair
of cells, muscles, tissues, and blood vessels.

Reduce Stress: One of the vitamins in thyme (B6) has a powerful

effect on certain neurotransmitters in the brain that are directly
linked to stress hormones. Regular inclusion of thyme in your diet
can help to boost your mood and ease your mind when stressful
thoughts come calling.

Respiratory Issues: One of the most well-known and long-

standinguses for thyme in traditional medicine is as a respiratory
health agent. If you are suffering from bronchitis, chronic asthma,
congestion, colds, flus, blocked sinuses, or seasonal allergies, thyme
acts as an expectorant and an anti-inflammatory substance,
eliminating phlegm and mucus from the respiratory tracts, easing
inflammation to help breathing, and prevent microbial development
that can lead to illness. Brewing thyme leaves into a powerful tea is
the best way to achieve this sort of relief for respiratory ailments.
This herb is not known as an allergenic substance and can be
consumed regularly in your diet.

The health benefits of Coriander Essential Oil can be attributed to
its properties as an analgesic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, carminative,
depurative, deodorant, digestive, fungicidal, lipolytic, stimulant and
stomachic substance.

Coriander essential oil is extracted from the seeds of coriander with the
help of steam distillation. Coriander essential oil consists of compounds
like Borneol, Cineole, Cymene, Dipentene, Linalool, Phellandrene,
Pinene, Terpineol and Terpinolene, and these are the causes behind its
medicinal properties.

Coriander is famous worldwide as a spice, and we are aware of some

its medicinal properties as well, such as its digestive and stomachic
properties. But seldom do we care to know about its other health
benefits, those mainly enjoyed when its essential oil is used.

Health Benefits of Coriander Essential Oil

Aphrodisiac: Coriander oil can make your married life heavenly. It

arouses and increases the libido, as well as cures temporary impotency,
frigidity of both males and females, erectile dysfunctions, and general
loss of interest in sex. It stimulates certain hormones that activate the
sleeping Cupid in you and puts you in a frisky or naughty mood that is
ready for some bedroom fun!

Lipolytic: People who are fed up of trying all possible methods to

lose weight need to pay attention to this property of coriander oil.
It promotes lipolysis, which means hydrolysis of lipids, which in turn
means hydrolysis or breaking down of fats and cholesterol. The
faster the lipolysis, the faster you get slim and lose weight. The best
part of it is that you don’t need to get liposuction, which has terrible
adverse effects on overall health, and costs a fortune.

Antispasmodic: Tired of endless coughing? Are you unable to

putyour best effort into sports due to frequent cramping? Then it is
high time for you to try coriander oil. It will relieve you of spasmodic
cramps, both of the limbs and intestines as well as coughs. It will also
prove beneficial in cases of spasmodic cholera. Finally, it also relieves
nervous cramps, convulsions, and generally relaxes your body and

Carminative: Coriander oil literally gives the gases built up in your

body a healthy outlet. Only those who suffer from gas will know
how it feels when you are finally relieved of it. You might be surprised
to know that each year; many people die of gas, since it becomes
particularly dangerous when it rises upwards, rather than downwards.
It can cause severe pain in the intestines, stomach, chestand even in
the muscles. It is a good idea to have a small tea spoon full of coriander
oil and eliminate excess gas in your system.

Depurative: Coriander Oil cleans the blood of toxins and thus acts
asa detoxifier or blood purifier. It helps to remove regular toxins like
uric acid, heavy metals and certain compounds and hormones
produced by the body itself, as well as other foreign toxins which
get into the blood accidentally.

Analgesic: Components like Terpineol and Terpinolene make

coriander oil an analgesic, which means any agent that reduces pain.
This oil has been found to be effective for curing toothaches,
headaches and other pain of the joints and muscles, as well as those
resulting from injuries or collisions. It reduces pain by desensitizing the
affected area.

Deodorant: Like coriander, coriander oil is a good deodorant. It

reduces bad breath and eliminates mouth and body odor when used
either internally or externally. When consumed or ingested, the
typical aroma of coriander oil mixes with sweat and fights body odor
as well as oral odor coming up from your stomach, filling your
mouth. This also helps to inhibit bacterial growth in your mouth and
around your sweat glands, thereby fighting odor. It can be mixed in
water, then externally applied or used as a mouthwash to get all of
these benefits.

Stimulant: It stimulates and warms up the organ systems and various

functions going on inside the body. It stimulates hormone and enzymes
secretions, digestion, excretion, brain functions and nervous system
activity. It also fights depression and boosts your spirits.

Stomachic: It ensures good health of the stomach by regulating

allstomach functions and toning up the stomach.

Digestive: Coriander oil has very good digestive properties. It gives
prompt relief of indigestion and flatulence and its aroma also acts as
an appetizer.

Fungicidal: It inhibits the growth of fungus and helps to cure fungal

infections. This property helps cure a number of skin diseases, most
of which are caused due to fungal infections. It also helps to cure
dysentery, which is often caused by fungal growth.

Coriander oil improves appetite, regulates endocrinal secretions,

cures nausea and eliminates vomiting as a symptom of many
conditions. There is nothing serious in terms of health risks, but if
taken in excess, coriander oil can make you lose control over your
senses for a while, as if you are spell bound. It is a powerful agent
that impacts the body, but it can also impact the mind and cause
you to lose the ability to think clearly or make decisions, so be

The health benefits of Fennel essential oil can be attributed to its
properties as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, aperitif, carminative,
depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactagogue,
laxative, stimulant, stomachic, splenic, tonic and vermifuge substance.

Fennel seeds have been in use in culinary applications and as a

mouth freshener since ancient times. They are also widely used for
medicinal purposes. These medicinal properties come from the
various components of the essential oil of fennel, including Alpha
Pinene, Anisic Aldehyde, Cineole, Fenchone, Limonene, Myrcene,
Methyl Chavicol and Trans Anethole.

Health Benefits of Fennel Essential Oil

Antiseptic: The essential oil of fennel has certain compounds which
contribute to its antiseptic properties. By virtue of this property,Fennel
Oil can protect wounds from becoming septic. It is also

found to be effective in preventing incisions from becoming septic
or getting infected with tetanus, particularly after surgeries,
caesarian deliveries and other more serious wounds.

Antispasmodic: Spasms can be fatal if not treated properly. Spasms

are unwanted and abnormal contractions in respiratory tracts,
intestines, muscles, or nerves, resulting in continuous coughing,
hiccups, acute pain and pulling sensation in the intestines, cramps,
muscle pulls, convulsions, or epileptic attacks. If not treated in time,
a patient may have acute pain in the intestines or may run out of breath
in cases of coughs and hiccups and could even die. Fennel essential oil
has a relaxing effect on nerves, muscles, intestines and the respiratory
system and pacifies spasmodic attacks, giving quick relief for the
previously mentioned situations.

Aperitif: Aperitif is a similar property to purgative, but a little milder.

An aperitif acts more on the intestinal peristaltic motion, rather than
by adding to the bulk of bowel. Fennel oil can help to clear thebowels
and cure constipation.

Carminative: As a carminative, fennel oil makes gases escape from

intestines and can give a person immense relief from problems such as
indigestion, restlessness, pain in the abdomen, stomach, and chest,as
well as lessen hypertension. It also has another benefit of not letting
additional gases form. It is very good for people with chronic gas

Vermifuge: Fennel oil is an effective worm destroyer. It kills the

worms and their spores in the intestines and the excretory tracts.
This is great for children, who most frequently suffer from parasitic
worms, and can prevent malnourishment or stunted growth.

Diuretic: Fennel Oil increases the frequency of urination and the

quantity of urine, thus helping not only remove excess water,

sodium, uric acid, bile salts and other toxic elements from the body,
but also lowering blood pressure, cleansing the kidneys and
reducing fat. There is just one thing to remember; if you are not
suffering from swelling or accumulation of water in the body, then
you should drink more water when taking fennel oil, since very
frequent urination can cause dehydration.

Emmenagogue: Women who have problems with irregular,

obstructed or painful menstruation can benefit from the
emmenagogue property of fennel oil. Not only does it help to clear
obstructed menses and make them regular, it also gives relief from
the other symptoms associated with periods such as headaches, pain
in the abdominal area, dizziness, and mood swings. It also helps to
prevent untimely or premature menopause.

Galactagogue: This oil can play an important role for lactating

mothers. It can increase the amount of milk in them by boosting
production of a hormone called estrogen. This benefits the baby as well
as the mother. This milk also inherits some of the carminative
and digestive properties of fennel oil and protects the baby from
flatulence, indigestion and gas, which are very common in infants.

Laxative: Fennel oil is a good laxative and benefits in both chronic

and acute constipation. However, unlike synthetic laxatives, it has no
side effects and can be used regularly.

Stimulant: The properties of fennel oil like emmenagogue,

galactagogue and diuretic are due to a single property of this oil, its
stimulating quality. Being a stimulant, it promotes all the activities
going on inside the body. It stimulates the brain and neural activity,
nervous system, secretions from endocrine and exocrine glands
(including the secretion of milk, sebum, sweat, tears, urine and
discharges during menses), digestive system and excretory system.

This stimulating effect also helps to overcome fatigue, dizziness and

Stomachic: Being a stomachic simply means being a protector of the

stomach. Fennel oil helps keep the stomach healthy and functioning
properly and maintains the normal function of all the secretions of
digestive acids and bile. Furthermore, it protects the stomach from
infections and ulcers, thus ensuring the all-around health and
wellness of the stomach.

Splenic: Just as stomachic means something is good for the stomach,

splenic means something that is good for the spleen. The spleen
plays a vital role in our body as it is involved in the production of
lymphocytes and red blood cells. A healthy spleen results in a good
level of red blood cells and a healthier and active life. Fennel oil
helps to maintain the spleen and keeps it toned. It also protects it
from various infections.

Tonic: This means an agent which tones and boosts health. Fennel
oil works as a tonic by toning all the systems that function in the body,
such as the respiratory, digestive, nervous and excretory systems,
while also facilitating the absorption of nutrients in the body, thereby
increasing strength and boosting immunity.

Depurative: Fennel Oil does the work of a detoxifier and purifies the
blood and is therefore considered a depurative. Actually, it helps blood
empty itself of blood urea, uric acid and certain unwanted hormones,
which are the primary toxins found in our bloodstream. Apart from this,
it also balances sodium level in the blood and helpsin the removal of
other toxic substances which get into blood from external sources.

Expectorant: Fennel oil has proven to be effective in providing

relief from the depositions of mucus and phlegm that lead to
congestion of the nasal tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi and lungs due
to cold and viral infection. It is particularly effective in treating
frequent or chronic coughs.

Fennel oil reduces obesity, wrinkles on the skin, and can be used to
treat insect bites and colic, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, hiccups,
dyspepsia, rheumatism and excess cellulite.

An organic component called Trans Anethole, which present in

fennel essential oil, boosts the production of the estrogen hormone.
Although this is beneficial for lactating mothers, it is harmful for
pregnant women and women with breast cancer or uterine cancer
or tumor, since excess estrogen is the main cause of such cancers. In
heavy doses, it may have narcotic effects and can result in
convulsions, hallucinations and mental imbalance. People suffering
from epilepsy or with a history of that condition should avoid using
fennel essential oil.

Fennel Oil blends well with Sandalwood, Lavender, Geranium and

Rose oils. Many parts of the lovely, licorice-tinged fennel plant– the
seeds in particular – find their way into herbal remedies as a breath
freshener, natural pesticide and defense against upset stomachs.

The term Chamomile actually refers to a range of different daisy-
like plants, which are a member of the Asteraceae family. There are
many different species of chamomile, the two most commonly being
German chamomile (Marticaria recutita) and Roman chamomile
(Chamaemelum nobile).

They have been used since Ancient times for their calming and anti-
inflammatory properties, and each offer their own additional health

Health Benefits

Chamomile has been used for centuries in teas as a mild, relaxing

sleep aid, treatment for fevers, colds, stomach ailments, and as an
anti-inflammatory, to name only a few therapeutic uses. Chamomile
may be used internally or externally. Extensive scientific research
over the past 20 years has confirmed many of the traditional uses
for the plant and established pharmacological mechanisms for the

plant's therapeutic activity, including antipeptic, antispasmodic,
antipyretic, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-allergenic activity.

Recent and on-going research has identified chamomiles specific

anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic,
anti-allergenic and sedative properties, validating its long-held
reputation. This attention appears to have increased the popularity
of the herb and nowadays Chamomile is included as a drug in the
pharmacopoeia of 26 countries.

Specifically, chamomile may:

• As a tea, be used for lumbago, rheumatic problems and

• As a salve, be used for hemorrhoids and wounds.
• As a vapor, be used to alleviate cold symptoms or asthma.
• Relieve restlessness, teething problems, and colic in children.
• Relieve allergies, much as an antihistamine would.
• Aid in digestion when taken as a tea after meals.
• Relieve morning sickness during pregnancy.
• Speed healing of skin ulcers, wounds, or burns.
• Treat gastritis and ulcerative colitis.

• Reduce inflammation and facilitate bowel movement without

acting directly as a purgative.

• Be used as a wash or compress for skin problems and

inflammations, including inflammations of mucous tissue.

Promote general relaxation and relieve stress. Animal studies show

that chamomile contains substances that act on the same parts of
the brain and nervous system as anti-anxiety drugs. Never stop

taking prescription medications, however, without consulting your

Control insomnia. Chamomiles mildly sedating and muscle-relaxing

effects may help those who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep more

Treat diverticular disease, irritable bowel problems and various

gastrointestinal complaints. Chamomiles reported anti-inflammatory
and antispasmodic actions relax the smooth muscles lining the
stomach and intestine. The herb may therefore help to relieve
nausea, heartburn, and stress-related flatulence. It may also be
useful in the treatment of diverticular disorders and inflammatory
bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease.

Soothe skin rashes (including eczema), minor burns and sunburn. Used
as a lotion or added in oil form to a cool bath, chamomile may ease the
itching of eczema and other rashes and reduces skin inflammation. It
may also speed healing and prevent bacterial infection.

Treat eye inflammation and infection. Cooled chamomile tea can be

used in a compress to help soothe tired, irritated eyes and it may
even help treat conjunctivitis.

• Heal mouth sores and prevent gum disease. A chamomile

mouthwash may help soothe mouth inflammations and keep
gums healthy.

• Reduce menstrual cramps. Chamomiles believed ability to

relax the smooth muscles of the uterus helps ease the
discomfort of menstrual cramping.

Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile oil is an essential oil extracted from the chamomile


Chamomile essential oil is extracted from the blossom (flowers) of
the plant.

To extract oil from the plants, most manufacturers use steam

The flowers are placed in a still, where hot steam is then applied.
The steam — which must be hot enough to penetrate the plant
without burning it — forces the essential oil out of the plant so it
can be collected independently.

The amount of oil each plant yields depends on the variety - fresh
Roman chamomile flowers tend to yield 1.7% essential oil, while
German chamomile flowers yield only 0.2–0.4% essential oil.


The oil serves many medicinal purposes, but one of the best-
documented uses is for relaxation. The oil has a calming effect on
people, and can be used to help induce sleep, ease frayed nerves,
and promote a general sense of calmness and well-being. It is great
for those with nervousness or anxiety problems.

Aside from having mental calming properties, chamomile is also good

at relaxing sore muscles and tight joints. It can ease menstrual cramps
and back aches, as well as relax the digestive system to ease upset
stomach or indigestion issues.

When applied topically to the skin, it soothes redness and irritation.

For this reason, it is a common ingredient in skincare. It also
eliminates itchiness and is good for those with allergic reactions.
Sometimes chamomile is used on rashes. Because of its anti-
inflammatory properties, it can work to take down swelling caused
by rashes or skin irritants.

Finally, the oil has antibacterial properties and can help to clean and
protect wounds from infections. It is commonly used as an all- natural
remedy for dental abscesses, conjunctivitis, and other infections.

There are a wide variety of ways in which chamomile essential oil

can be ingested or applied on the body, depending on the reason
the product is being used. For example, the oil can either be applied
topically—when dealing with skin problems or ingested orally—for
upset stomach or other gastrointestinal issues.

To ingest the oil, it should be diluted into water, as only a small

amount is highly potent. One to two drops in a glass of water should
be sufficient for using as a mouthwash or ingesting for stomach
problems. To use in a bath as an aromatherapy agent and muscle
relaxant, less than 1 0 drops should still be sufficient.

The scent of the essential oil can be inhaled as a form of aromatherapy.

The oil can be vaporized for aromatherapy use. This method works well
to soothe nerves and headaches. It can be blended with another oil,
such as such as sesame, mineral, or olive, to be used for massaging
aching muscles and joints. Finally, the oil can be blended with other
cream-based lotions to provide relieffrom rashes and irritated skin.

Head Automatica was a little bit right when they promoted

“chamomile for nerves of steel.” This popular flower frequently finds
itself playing a starring role in herbal teas to stimulate muscle
relaxation, quell depression and anxiety and promote sleep – all of
which a body needs to remain alert and operating at peak

The health benefits of jasmine tea include a reduced risk of heart
attacks, a stronger immune system, and the prevention of diabetes.
Jasmine tea also helps prevent cancer, while reducing stress, improving
digestive processes, and lowering cholesterol. It has also been found
to eliminate harmful bacteria and ease chronicinflammation like muscle
aches and pains.

Jasmine tea is not considered an “herbal tea”, because it is actually

normal tea (green, white, black, or oolong) that is flavored with
jasmine flowers to create the unique scent and taste.

The tea can be made in a number of ways, of varying strengths and

grades. Some are made as loose-leaf teas, while others are cut up
and put into teabags. Some are rolled or bound in different shapes,
like the very common “jasmine pearl”, usually composed of two tea
buds and one tea leaf.

All of the varying types, regardless of shape, need to be scented

before becoming “jasmine tea”. There are a number of methods to
do this; from very simple physical mixtures, to complex air filtering
and aroma mixing for a pure, light taste.

The creation of delicious and effective jasmine tea truly is an art in

itself. Jasmine tea extract, which can also be added to drinks in
order to gain the health effects of jasmine tea, without having to
brew the tea.

One reason jasmine tea is so popular is due to its many benefits to

overall health, which come from the nutritional elements in the organic
tea buds themselves. Jasmine tea is a wonderful means of adding
somewhat uncommon antioxidants to your system like catechins and
epicatechins, which can have a wide range of beneficial effects on
your system.

Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea

Antioxidant Properties: Perhaps the most praised aspect of

jasminetea is the high level of antioxidants within this delicate and
deliciousbeverage. The most notable antioxidants found in jasmine
tea are catechins. Green tea is the most commonly used base flavor
for jasmine tea but depending on which type of tea is used as a
base,different antioxidant properties can be accessed. For example,
black tea has high levels of theaflavins, while green tea has high
levels ofcatechins, but they have similar effects on the body.

Antioxidants work within the body to detect and destroy harmful

agents or free radicals that can cause disease and compromise the
immune system. Catechins, as mentioned above, are the
antioxidants most jasmine tea users are seeking, since catechins have
been shown to be integral in preventing certain serious diseases in
the body.

Cardiovascular Health: For those with a personal or family history
of cardiovascular issues, tea consumption such as jasmine tea can be
a huge help in preventing further problems. The catechins found
within many types of jasmine tea have been shown to be a key factor
in inhibiting LDL-oxidation, which is when “bad” cholesterol in your
arteries gets inflamed after being oxidized. That inflammation within
veins and arteries can lead to heart attacks or strokes. The catechins
found in jasmine tea inhibit this oxidizing process, so blood pressure
and cholesterol levels decrease, and long-term threats like heart
disease can be prevented.

Cancer Prevention: The fight against cancer is one of the unifying

health problems around the world, so anything that can help prevent
cancer is always popular. Research studies suggest thatconsumption of
tea, such as jasmine tea, may help in preventing cancer. All green teas,
of which jasmine tea is most often made, have been widely shown to
have cancer preventative properties,because they contain polyphenols,
like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Polyphenols like EGCG are key
lines of defense against free radicals and other harmful or carcinogenic
invaders in the body. Green/Jasmine tea has been shown to reduce
risks of breast cancer, lung cancer, and many others.

Besides the addition of EGCG to the system, elements of green tea

also inhibit the over expression of dangerous enzymes commonly
found in cancerous tumors and cells.

Diabetes: In the fight against diabetes, jasmine tea has also shown
itself to be a valuable tool. Drinking jasmine/green tea can reverse
the negative effects that diabetes has on certain serum proteins,
working as a regulator for those with diabetes, and as a preventative
measure for those not diagnosed but still consuming jasmine tea as
a regular part of their daily or weekly health regimen.

The ability to metabolize glucose is the fundamental mechanism
that causes diabetic conditions, so regulating agents like jasmine tea
can be very helpful in preventing or treating the disease.

Stress Relief: The olfactory system is often something we

overlook,but it can be a very powerful sense, and studies have shown
that the odor of jasmine can be very beneficial or relaxing to certain
test subjects. Those test subjects who have a natural predilection for
thesmell of jasmine have a parasympathetic response to the odor,
andtheir body releases chemicals that allow them to naturally relax
or improve their mood. However, the smell of jasmine is what some
call “an acquired taste”, and some of the studies have shown that
those people who don’t enjoy the smell of jasmine can actually
become more anxious if exposed to it in high intensities.

Gastrointestinal Disorders: Adding jasmine tea to your normal

diet can improve your chances of having a healthy stomach, digesting
allyour food, and preventing gastrointestinal forms of cancer. As
stated before, green tea, and therefore most types of jasmine tea, is
packed with powerful antioxidants called catechins. These have
effects on multiple areas of health, including the gastrointestinal
system. They activate a number of intracellular antioxidants and
interact well with the gastrointestinal enzymes to promote healthy
bowel function. Drinking green tea and jasmine tea can reduce
intestinal anomalies and various diseases and cancers from forming
in the stomach and related digestive processes.

Immune System: The numerous benefits of drinking jasmine tea

extend to improving the strength of the immune system as well! Many
forms of cancer and carcinogenic diseases can have an
immunosuppressive effect, meaning that the body’s overall immune
system is compromised, making the body vulnerable to many other
pathogens that complicate the treatment of cancer. Jasmine tea has

been shown to protect the immune systems of frequent users due
to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The immune
system is the first line of defense against all types of illnesses, so
bolstering that system can benefit the body in countless ways.

Arthritis and Joint Pain: One of the other positive effects of

jasminetea is the reduction in chronic discomfort associated with
joint pain and arthritis. The anti-inflammatory nature of certain
organic elements in jasmine tea can reduce swelling and
inflammation of joints by inhibiting unwanted cellular oxygenation.
This can mean a reduction or elimination of these conditions if a
regular amount of jasmine tea is introduced into a person’s diet!

Weight Loss: Everyone is looking for the secret to reduce their

weight easily and quickly, and jasmine tea can be a good addition to
any diet as an aid to weight loss. The antioxidant properties of
jasmine tea help to increase your metabolism, and this increase in
metabolic efficiency makes exercise more effective and helps your
body process nutrients quicker. Faster or more efficient metabolisms
do help with weight loss, but jasmine tea must be used in addition
to other weight loss techniques, as a complementary element, not
as a stand-alone solution.

Antibacterial Properties: Jasmine tea, which is occasionally

formed by simply adding jasmine essential oil to tea buds, can provide
a defense against bacterial infections, making jasmine tea an
unexpected antibiotic that you can safely add to your diet. Studies have
shown that the properties of jasmine oil can eliminate theeffects
of E.coli in certain test subjects, which can be a very dangerous
bacterium that is commonly found in poorly preserved foods or
unsanitary cooking conditions. Jasmine tea may also provide relief in
cough, cold and throat infections.

Jasmine Tea – Health Risks

Pregnancy: Although many aromatherapy techniques are popular

during pregnancy, the strong odors and chemicals of jasmine tea
are not recommended while pregnant. There have been cases
where the use of jasmine tea or essential jasmine oil (sometimes
used to make jasmine tea) has caused premature contractions in
pregnant women. Consult your doctor about any use of
aromatherapy or foods involving those olfactory elements before
adding them to your diet.

Intestinal discomfort: Many people choose to use jasmine tea

to boost their metabolism, or even as a workout aid to stimulate
additional weight loss, but jasmine tea is highly acidic, so consuming
it on an empty stomach to spur on weight loss or metabolic function
can cause intestinal pain or discomfort.

Caffeine: Despite its’ relaxing and mood-altering properties, jasmine

tea is a source of caffeine, which is a stimulant that affects people in
different ways. Caffeine is meant to block certain neurotransmitters
in the brain that cause the feelings of alertness or energy that most
people want from caffeine. However, some people are very sensitive
to the effects of caffeine, particularly in large doses.

Jasmine mainly comes accompanied by the always valuable green

tea, making it a nice way for home gardeners to add a touch of
delicate flavor to their antioxidant intake. Many also claim that it
greatly benefits ocular and dermatological health and well-being,

Nearly forty plants with the mint family are technically classified as
lavender, although the most common version of lavender is
Lavandula angustifolia, which is the variety on which the color
“lavender” is based. This genus of flowering plants is found in Europe,
Africa, the Mediterranean, and parts of Asia, as well as other small
corners of the “Old World”. The reason that lavender is so widely
used is its massive range of applications, from food and fragrance to
cosmetics and herbal medicine; this plant is chock full of essential
oils that can have powerful effects on the human body, as well as
one of the most unique and beloved scents in the world.

One of the problems with lavender is that it can grow and spread
quickly, which is why it is actually considered a weed in certain parts
of the world, particularly if that varietal isn’t one of those prized for
their scent. Lavender essential oil is highly sought after and widely
available; the full range of health benefits of lavender essential oil
can also be found on a separate health benefits page on Organic

Facts. As a culinary element, lavender is used in salad dressings,
honey, sauces, beverages, various teas, and as a flavoring spice for a
number of other cultural dishes. The scent and flavor is wonderful,
but the real bonus of lavender comes from its health benefits, which
we will explore in greater detail below.

Health Benefits of Lavender

Anxiety and Stress: There are a number of methods to use

lavender to soothe anxiety and stress. The natural organic
compounds in the leaves and flowers of lavender can be ground
between the fingers and then rubbed into the temples. This topical
application can soothe the body and mind, relieving anxious thoughts
and balancing out mood. Aside from this topical application of the
flowers themselves, you can also brew lavender tea and achieve
much thesame effect. The antioxidant components of lavender can
impact the endocrine system of the body to lower the levels of stress
hormones in the body.

Sleep Issues: If you regularly struggle with insomnia, apnea, or

restless sleep patterns, it can seriously impact your life. By brewing a
few lavender flowers in hot water, you can steep a wonderful tea
that has been used to induce sleep and relaxation for thousands of
years. This is closely linked to the flower’s impact on the nervous
system and can also help to clear your mind of negative thoughts or
clutter. Lavender is commonly combined with meditation
techniques, either in essential oil or aromatherapy form.

Anti-Inflammatory Qualities: Everyone is looking for a reliable

way to relax the body and mind, and lavender takes care of both. If
youadd flowers to your bath water and take a nice long soak, the
anti-inflammatory components of lavender can help to reduce

inflammation throughout the body and easy hurting muscles. The
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of lavender are quite
potent, and this is one of the most trusted applications of lavender

Skin Care: An easy, mobile way to always take care of your skin is
tofill a spray bottle with lavender flowers. When your skin is feeling
dry or irritated, simply spray some of the infused water on the area
and enjoy the quick relief that it can provide. This can also work for
chronic conditions, like psoriasis, eczema, and even acne.

Antiseptic Ability: Although many people turn to lavender to

relaxation and aroma therapeutic applications, its effect on infection
is impressive, to say the least. Many people apply crushed lavender
leaves on wounds and injuries to promote not only quick healing of the
wounds, but also to prevent the development of infections at those
sites. This has been a popular use for lavender since antiquity.

Hair Health: If you suffer from hair loss or any other condition that
affects the quality and health of your hair, seek out a lavender-
based shampoo. However, some of those organic cosmetic products
can be quite expensive, while others may claim to be derived from
lavender and still contain harsh chemicals. One of the best options is
to steep lavender flowers as though you are brewing tea and then
apply that mixture to your hair. It will function as an effective
shampoo and significantly boost the health of your follicle beds and

Heart Issues: The relaxing qualities of lavender, which come from its
organic compounds and antioxidants, also help the heart by reducing
blood pressure and easing the tension of blood vessels. Thiscan prevent
atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular issues, thereby lowering your
risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Bloating and Digestive Issues: The polyphenols found in
lavender have a wide range of effects on the body, including anti-
aging impacts, but it can also help prevent the development of
harmful bacteria in the gut. Essentially, this will prevent the
accumulation of gas in the gut from the emissions of those bacteria.
This will ease stomach discomfort, reduce bloating, and eliminate
cramping. Either chewing on lavender leaves or drinking a lavender tea
can be effective in this way.

A Final Word of Warning: Although not commonly considered an

allergenic substance, if you are susceptible from allergens in the
mint family, you could experience negative side effects from
lavender as well. These are usually mild in nature and include
headaches, constipation, and increased appetite, while topical
application can cause mild irritation and redness.

Gentle lavender boasts a sweet, soothing scent perfect for inspiring

relaxation and promoting healthy sleep patterns – so much so that
many herbalists recommend it as a natural treatment for headaches
and migraines.


The flowering perennial known commonly as catnip, catmint, or

catswort actually has the scientific name of Nepeta cataria, and
although most people don’t realize, this treat so commonly reserved for
its sedative, calming effects on cats, also has extensive benefits
for human beings. Its native range is quite extensive, stretching
across much of Europe and parts of Asia, including China, but it has
since become a global export and can be found throughout the world.
It is primarily potent due to a certain terpenoid, called nepetalactone,
but various other chemical constituents and nutrients also affect
various aspects of human health.

Catnip can be applied topically via the leaves or the essential oil,
while catnip tea brewed from the leaves is also popular. The extracts
and essential oils are also quite popular. The historical range of catnip
uses include teas, juices, tinctures, extracts, salves, and even asan herb
to be smoked, in addition to its culinary applications. The various forms
of catnip have been used for generations in alternative medicine, and

modern research has also shown it to be areliable treatment for some
common maladies. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best health
benefits of catnip.

Health Benefits of Catnip

Stress Relief: The same quality that makes catnip so attractive to

cats, namely because it makes them slightly “high” and sedates them,
can also apply to humans in a more controlled way. Catnip can
provide stress relief and reduce chronic anxiety as an herbal remedy
when eaten, consumed in the form of a juice or tea, or when
smoked as an herb. This can also help to reduce the secondary
symptoms of chronic stress and strengthen your immune system.

Sleep Aid: Catnip has been used by people with insomnia or sleep
restlessness for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The sedative
nature helps to slow down the body’s natural cycles and induce a calm,
relaxed state. People are better able to sleep through the night
for undisturbed, restful sleep. Many people choose to drink a cup of
catnip tea before bed to ensure a refreshing sleep.

Digestive Issues: Catnip is particularly effective in clearing up

digestive issues, especially constipation, excess flatulence, cramping,
and bloating. The relaxing, anti-inflammatory effects of catnip’s
organic compounds can ease the knots and inflammation in your
gastrointestinal system and relieve tightness and discomfort.

Menstrual Cramps: For women suffering from particularly painful

menstrual cramps, catnip tea is often recommended as analternative
treatment, because it can quickly relieve those crampsand stresses
on the body. Furthermore, the sedative, calming effects of catnip can
also soothe other symptoms of menstruation, such as mood swings and

Headache Reliever: Although the exact mechanism isn’t completely
understood, catnip has proven to be very effective in the treatment
of headaches, even chronic migraines. Rubbing the essential oil on the
affected area can work but drinking catnip tea or rubbing a catnip leaf
salve on the temples can also offer quick relief.

Speeds the Healing Process: In terms of colds and flus, one of

thefastest ways to clean out the body is to induce sweating and get
thetoxins flushed from the system. This is particularly true in the case
of fevers, when the lack of sweating before the fever breaks is only
keeping those toxins and pathogens in the body. Catnip induces
sweating, so is often recommended by alternative practitioners for
treating the common cold.

Anti-Inflammatory Activity: As mentioned above, the chemical

constituents of catnip are particularly effective as anti-inflammatory
agents. This means that catnip can be effective in the treatment of
arthritis, gout, sprained muscles, aching joints, and even
hemorrhoids. Topical application or normal consumption of leaves,
juice, or tea can be effective for all of these situations.

Conditions: The natural repellent quality of catnip makes it ideal

for keeping bugs away from gardens when kept as an ornamental
plant, but the organic compounds in the plant make it ideal for
soothing bug bites and relieving irritation on the skin. Applying
salves or extracts to irritated or broken skin can speed the healing
process and reduce inflammation quickly.

Complete Nutrient: Although eating catnip leaves is the least

common form of consumption for human beings, catnip actually has
a rather impressive collection of nutrients, from beneficial chemicals
and unique organic compounds to essential acids, minerals, and
vitamins that our bodies need. In other words, the plant can do a lot
more than knock out a cat!

A Final Word of Warning: For people suffering from liver or
kidneydisorders, the use of catnip may be risky, particularly if you
are regularly consuming the tea. Furthermore, pregnant women
shouldavoid catnip, as it can prematurely induce labor. Other than
those specific concerns, catnip is generally considered non-
allergenic andharmless to users. The high potency of the essential
oil should be considered, however, and extracts should always be
mixed with carrier oils.

Grown primarily as a stimulant for feline friends to go entertainingly

insane, but humans can take advantage of the plant’s minty
goodness as a relaxing agent, diuretic and laxative to enjoy while
watching their cats absolutely lose it.


Some of the most important health benefits of chives include their

ability to boost heart health, improve the strength of bones, protect
against a wide range of cancers, ease the digestive process, boost
vision, protect against birth defects, and boost the immune system.

Chives are bulbous plants, but their stems are long and hollow,which
is the edible part of the plant. These hollow stems are commonly sliced
and added fish, soups, sauces, salads, Mexicancuisine, potato dishes
and a wide range of other meals. The unopened flower buds can also
be ground into a useful spice, but the most commonly seen chives are
freshly chopped stems.

The taste of chives isn’t very similar to typical members of the Allium
genus, and they are generally considered to have a mild, pleasant
flavor that is subtle in culinary applications.

Health Benefits of Chives

Digestive Issues: The allyl sulfides and other unique organic

compounds found in chives deliver similar benefits to the body as
garlic, and as such, can effectively ease digestive discomfort.
Furthermore, chives have natural antibacterial qualities that can
eliminate a wide range of bacteria, particularly those in the
salmonella family, which can wreak havoc on your gastrointestinal
system. More specifically, chives can increase the nutrient uptake
efficiency of your gut, ensuring that you get as many of the
nutrients from your food as possible.

Heart Health: One of the most important organic compounds found

in chives is allicin, which has recently been linked to reduced levels
of “bad” cholesterol in the body and improved heart health. Allicin is
also connected to lowering blood pressure; when combined withthe
vasodilatory effects of the potassium found in chives, this unassuming
herb can have a major impact on reducing cardiovascular strain.
Furthermore, another organic compoundfound in chives, quercetin,
has been directly connected to lowering cholesterol levels and plaque
in the arteries, effectively preventing atherosclerosis and lowering your
risk for stroke and heart attacks.

Immune System Booster: Most of the attention gets thrown at

theorganic compounds in chives, but the traditional nutrients are
important too! The high levels of vitamin C found in chives help to
boost the efficacy of the immune system by stimulating the
production of white blood cells and stimulating the production of
collagen, which is an essential component in the creation of new
blood vessels, cells, tissues, and muscles.

Bone Health: There is a wide range of vitamins and minerals found

in chives, but one of the most important is certainly vitamin K, an
essential nutrient that isn’t widely found in many common foods.

Vitamin K is very important in the maintenance of bone mineral
density and bone integrity.

As we age, our bone mineral density begins to drop, leading to

conditions like osteoporosis and exacerbating inflammatory
conditions like arthritis. High levels of vitamin K, like those found in
chives, can help to produce osteocalcin, which is a key part of
maintaining mineral density in the bones.

Cancer Prevention: One of the most exciting areas of research

for all members of the Allium genus is the role of quercetin in
preventing certain types of cancers. Although research is still
ongoing, early results show that quercetin can effectively prevent a
wide range of cancers, including breast, prostate, colon, lungs, and
ovaries. The antioxidant activities of vitamin C and vitamin K
contribute to this prevention as well, helping to reduce levels of free
radicals in the body that can hasten the spread or appearance of
cancerous cells. Zeaxanthin and lutein, two other antioxidant
compounds found in chives, have been linked to lower chances of
oral cancers.

Vision Health: The carotenes found in chives, namely lutein and

zeaxanthin, are directly responsible for reducing oxidative stress in
the ocular system and delaying the appearance of cataracts in the
eye. They also help to slow or prevent macular degeneration,
keeping your eyes healthy well into your old age.

Birth Defects: Another of the essential nutrients in chives, folic

acid, is essential for pregnant mothers who want to ensure the
health development of their infant. Folic acid prevents neural tube
defectsin newborn infants, and chives is a rich source of folic acid
for conscientious mothers.

Detoxify the Body: Chives have mild diuretic properties, and

combined with the other free-radical scavenging and antibacterial
qualities, chives are a wonderful way to detoxify the body. By
stimulating urination, chives can help the body get rid of excess
toxins, salts, water, and even fat, keeping the organ systems running
smoothly and clearing out any dangerous substances that could do
us harm.

Chives are not typically considered to be an allergenic substance

and very few reports of negative reactions exist. However, an
excessive amount of chives, with a high concentration of powerful
organic compounds, can cause stomach discomfort. If you are
allergic to onions or other members of the Allium genus, consult a
medical professional before adding chives to your regular diet.

St. John’s Wort
St. John's wort is a perennial plant native to Europe, but now found
throughout the US and parts of Canada. The plant is an aggressive
weed found in the dry ground of roadsides, meadows, woods, and
hedges. It generally reaches a height of 0.3 to 0.61 m, except on
the Pacific coast of the US where it has attained heights of 1.5 m.

The plant has oval-shaped leaves and yields golden-yellow flowers. The
petals contain black or yellow glandular dots and lines. Thereare
about 370 species in the genus Hypericum, which is derived from the
Greek words, hyper and eikon meaning “over an apparition,” alluding
to the plant’s ancient use to ward off evil spirits. Perforatum refers to
the leaf's appearance.

When held up to light, the translucent leaf glands resemble

perforations. Harvest of the plant for medicinal purposes must occur
in July and August; the plant must be dried immediately to avoid loss
of potency. The dried herb consists of the plant's flowering tops.

General Uses:

A wide range of studies support Hypericum's place in the treatment

of depression. Effectiveness is comparable with standard
antidepressants, while adverse events are lower than with conventional
antidepressants. Interactions with other drugs and quality control
issues may limit use. Other areas of therapeutic research for St. John's
wort include smoking cessation, premenstrual symptoms, physical
symptoms due to mental disorders, andattention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, as well as its possible role in treating cancer and HIV.

What is the recommended dosage?

Preparations vary greatly in chemical content and quality and may

be standardized to quantity of hyperforin (commonly 3% to 5%) or
hypericin (commonly 0.3%). Clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of
St. John's wort in depression have commonly used 900 mg of
extract daily in 3 divided doses, both in short-term treatment and
for ongoing therapy, for periods of up to 1 year (range, 600 to 1,200
Avoid use. The use of St. John's wort in depression associated with
childbirth has been considered; however, insufficient data on
effectiveness or safety argue against its use. St. John's wort should be
avoided during pregnancy and lactation until further long-term
studies demonstrate a lack of toxicity in the developing fetus and
breast-feeding newborn.
St. John's wort has been reported to interact with numerous drugs.
Patients should be cautioned on the potential for interactions and
the need to consult their health care provider before taking St.
John's wort with prescription or nonprescription drugs. Drugs that

are most affected should not be used with St. John's wort include
protease inhibitors (eg, saquinavir) and nonnucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors (eg, nevirapine) used in HIV, and cyclosporine,
tacrolimus, irinotecan, and imatinib mesylate. Ethinyl estradiol also may
interact with St. John's wort. The risk of developing serotonin
syndrome and other CNS adverse reactions cannot be ruled out;
extreme caution is needed with combinations of psychotropic
medications. Reviews of interactions with St. John's wort are available.
Side Effects
Adverse reactions are usually mild. Potential reactions include dry
mouth, dizziness, constipation, and other GI symptoms, andconfusion.
Sensitivity to sunlight also may occur. In clinical trials, adverse
reactions with St. John's wort were usually less than those seen with
standard antidepressants. Other possible rare adverse reactions include
induction of mental excitement and effects on male and female
reproductive capabilities. Moderate amounts of St. John’s Wort are
believed to alleviate depression and anxiety. Muscle pain as well.

Garlic has a pungent smell, and is good in certain dishes, but is there
more too it? Why is garlic so often considered a great, healthy herb?
Well, for one, it has the vital chemical compound allicin, whichis a
wonderful therapeutic ingredient with many medicinal qualities.

The allicin compound contains sulfur, which gives the garlic its pungent
savor and peculiar smell. The health benefits of garlic are innumerable.
It helps fight heart ailments, fight cold, cough, and lowers blood
pressure. Garlic is the oldest known medicinal plant variety or spice in

Health Benefits of Garlic

Diabetes: Diabetes can harm the kidneys, inhibit nervous system

functions, cause heart disorders, and even lead to poor eyesight. The
oil extracted from garlic may protect diabetic patients from these side

High Cholesterol Levels: Of the two kinds of cholesterol –LDL and
HDL, the former is bad for human health. Garlic, rich in the allicin
compound, effectively prevents LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. All
those who have high cholesterol levels should include garlic in their
daily diet.

Hypertension: Garlic is an herbal ingredient for curing hypertension.

When exposed to high levels of pressure, the allicin present in garlic
relaxes the blood vessels. Garlic also fights against thrombosis by
reducing platelet aggregation.

Eye Care: Garlic is rich in nutrients like Selenium, Quercetin and

Vitamin C, all of which help treat eye infections and swelling.

Ear Aches: Garlic is commonly used for curing ear aches, as it has
several antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic properties. Garlic oil can be
made at home by squeezing the juice of garlic cloves and adding it
to olive oil. The mixture should be kept at room temperature for a
few days, but shouldn’t be saved indefinitely, if made at home.

Intestinal Problems: Garlic clears up most intestinal problems like

dysentery, diarrhea and colitis. Its role in dispelling worms is
phenomenal. It does not affect the functioning of useful organisms
in the intestine, which aid in digestion, but it does destroy theharmful
bacteria present in the intestines.

Cold: Raw garlic is used to treat colds and coughs. At the very onset
of a cold, you should eat at least two cloves of crushed garlic, which
will thereby help in lessening the severity of your cold.

Infected Wounds: Garlic can be placed on infected wounds as an

herbal treatment. It should be mixed with three drops of water, rather
than using it in raw form, as the undiluted juice can irritate the skin.

Digestion: Daily inclusion of garlic in your diet aids in eliminating
any digestive problems. Garlic assists in the normal functioning of
the intestines for good digestion. Even swelling or irritation of the
gastric canal may be rectified with garlic as a treatment.

Acne: Half the people in the world suffer from mild to severe forms
of acne. Garlic may be used, along with other ingredients like honey,
cream and turmeric, to treat acne scars and prevent the initial
development of acne. Garlic acts as a cleanser and an antibiotic
substance for soothing skin rashes.

Asthma: Boiled garlic cloves are wonderful as an alternative asthma

treatment. Each night before going to sleep, a glass of milk with 3
boiled cloves of garlic can bring subsequent relief for patients with
asthma. The asthma attacks may be brought under control by
having crushed garlic cloves with malt vinegar as well.

Sexual Problems: Garlic has certain aphrodisiac properties, so this

helpful herb can be utilized as an effectual sex rejuvenator. The health
benefits of garlic are further known to enhance the libido of both men
and women. People who overindulge in sexual activities should
consume garlic in their diet or in supplemental form to protect
themselves from nervous fatigue.

For a simple, cheap, healthy and extremely flavorful way to prevent

cancer and swab out dangerous free radicals in one fell (if stinky)
swoop, bite down on this beloved bulb.

Onions have been known to possess curative value since ancient
times. Health experts acknowledge the fact that onions provide a
great respite for patients with chronic asthma, allergic bronchitis,
common cold-related cough and cold syndromes.

Onions contain a number of antioxidant compounds that are very

effective in neutralizing the free radicals present in the human body.
Onions have been used for millennia by human beings for medicinal
purposes. Onions have been one of the staple plants in the diet of
humans for more than 7,000 years, and during much of that time,
onions were actually cultivated. There are still wild species in certain
areas of Asia, but for the most part, onions are a globally grown and
cultivated plant.

The antibacterial properties of onion include extensive antifungal

applications, which have made it a household name in antifungal
relief. The onion plant can be grown on well-drained and moist soil.

You can even grow them in your own backyard or garden to reap its
health benefits. They form an important part of many culinary
preparations in cuisines around the world, and they are alsoknown as
‘companion plants’, meaning they grow well when around other
vegetables and plants.
Nutritional Value of Onions

Onions have so many valuable medicinal applications because of the

nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds contained in
them, including the presence of sulfuric compounds and quercetin
in traces of the essential oils. Onions also contain mineral
components such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium,
selenium and phosphorus, and they are a good source of vitamin C,
vitamin B6, and dietary fiber!

Health Benefits of Onions

Some of the most valuable and well-known health benefits of onions
are as follows:

Good Oral Health: Onions are often used to prevent tooth decay
and oral infections. Chewing raw onions for 2 to 3 minutes can
potentially kill all the germs present in the oral area and surrounding
places like the throat and lips.

Immune System Strength: The phytochemicals that are present

in significant amounts in onions act as a stimulant to vitamin C
withinthe body. The efficacy of vitamin C, and subsequently your
immune system, is boosted when you eat onions, since it
supercharges your immune system against toxins and various
foreign bodies that canlead to disease and illness.

Treatment for Heart Ailments: Onions act as anticoagulants, also

known as blood thinners, which in turn prevents the red blood cells

from forming clumps. These blocks and clots can lead to heart
disorders or cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes: Onions contain chromium, which is a relatively unusual

mineral to find naturally in food. Chromium helps the body manage
blood sugar levels and ensure a slow, gradual release of glucose to the
muscles and the body cells. Therefore, eating onions can help modulate
your blood sugar levels, which is vitally important for diabetic patients.

Used as Insect Repellent: You can apply onion juice to reduce

the pain caused from honeybee stings. Fresh onion juice or paste can
be used for external applications for other insect bites and scorpion
stings as well. The smell of onions also causes insects to flee, which is
why onions can be used as insect repellents as well as a form of sting

Cancer: Onions are rich in active compounds that successfully inhibit

the development and spread of cancerous cells. Quercetin is a very
powerful antioxidant compound that has been consistently linked to the
prevention or reduction of the spread of cancer, Onions have a
significant amount of quercetin! Vitamin C is also a strong antioxidant,
which can reduce the presence and impact of free radicals throughout
the body. Free radicals are the chemical byproducts of cellular
metabolism, and they can cause healthy cellsto mutate into cancerous
cells. Therefore, any food rich in antioxidants, which neutralize these
free radicals, are beneficial for anyone, since every person is
susceptible to this internal attack dueto oxidative stress!

Earache: A few drops of onion juice may actually prove immensely

beneficial to individuals suffering from acute earache. The ringing
sound in the ear may be cured by applying onion juice through a
piece of cotton wool.

Skin: Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil is said to be best
treatment for treating symptoms or signs of acne. Onions are also
notorious anti-inflammatory vegetables, so the active compounds in
onions can reduce the redness and swelling that is commonly
associated with skin conditions like acne. It also helps to reduce the
associated pain and inflammation of conditions like gout and

Cough: Consuming an equal mixture of onion juice and honey can

relive sore throats and coughing symptoms.

Boosts Sexual Drive: Onions are said to increase the urge for a
healthy sex life. One table spoon of onion juice along with onespoonful
of ginger juice, taken three times a day, can boost the libido and
sex drive.

Anemia: Even anemic conditions can be improved by eating onions

along with jaggery and water, because this adds to the mineral content
of the body, especially iron, which is an essential part of producing new
red blood cells. Therefore, anemia, also known asiron deficiency,
can be prevented by having a health amount of onions in your diet.

Stomach Aches: Onions have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial

properties that give relief to upset stomach and other related gastric
syndromes. This is due to the saponins that can be found inonions.
These saponins have anti-spasmodic capabilities that ensure that
stomach disturbances do not continue and that your bowels are
clear and smoothly functioning.

Urinary Disorders: For those suffering from a burning sensation

during urination, onions can provide considerable relief. People
suffering from this condition should drink water boiled with 6 to 7
grams of onions.

According to Peace Health, onions have long been useful for treating
various human diseases such as tumors, persistent coughs

and colds. Medical practitioners consider this plant form as a perfect

home remedy for relieving various metabolic disorders and disease

Onions Consist of Sulfur Rich Compounds- Medical studies have

revealed that these sulfuric compounds stop biochemical chain
formations that could possibly lead to asthmatic conditions. The
sulfuric content of onions facilitates the melting of phlegm in a
patient suffering from severe coughing. Fresh onion juices are
recommended for patients who lose consciousness, because the
aroma and inhalant qualities of onions bring immediate vigor and
energy into people.

In terms of onions’ role in various culinary delights, onions have been

used for thousands of years in many food preparations. It is
especially used for preparing non-vegetarian food in order to hide
some of the harsher tastes and smells of meat. Onions can be
consumed raw, pickled in vinegar, fried in oil, baked or boiled.

Onions have quite a lot to offer the human body. This anti-
inflammatory anti-bacterial benefit the cardiovascular, skeletal, and
digestive systems while simultaneously working to prevent cancer.

Bay Laurel

Most of the impressive health benefits of bay leaves include their ability
to detoxify the body, slow the aging process, speed wound healing,
protect the body from bacterial infections, manage diabetes, improve
heart health, reduce inflammation, alleviate respiratory issues, optimize
digestion, and prevent certain types of cancer.

There are many different types of plants whose leaves are referred
to as “bay leaves. Many other leaves have a similar appearance and
aroma to true bay leaves, but not the same nutrient content. This
plant is an evergreen shrub or small tree that is native to the
Mediterranean region. Laurel trees used to be everywhere in the
region but changing climates have shrunk their natural growth
region. However, bay leaves have been a part of culinary and
medicinal culture for thousands of years.

The uses of bay leaves including grinding the leaves into a spice to

flavor soups and stews, but the leaves are most commonly added in
whole form as a flavoring for certain Italian dishes and are then
removed or used as a garnish. Whole leaves are not commonly
consumed. There is not an extensive range of culinary applications
for bay leaves, although extracts of bay leaves have numerous
medical applications for topical application. It is also a popular
element of aromatherapy and herbal treatments for various skin and
respiratory conditions.

Health Benefits of Bay Leaves

Digestive Health: Bay leaves have a very strong effect on the

gastrointestinal system, both stimulating urination as a diuretic,
which decreases the toxicity of the body, but also stimulating
vomiting (as an emetic) when something toxic has been consumed.
Furthermore, the organic compounds found in bay leaves are very
effective for settling upset stomachs, soothing irritable bowel
syndrome, or even lessening the symptoms of celiac disease. Some
of the more complex proteins in our modern diet can be difficult to
digest, but the unique enzymes found in bay leaves help to facilitate
efficient digestion and nutrient intake.

Respiratory Conditions: When the essential oil of bay leaves is

extracted, it can be mixed into a salve and applied to the chest to
help alleviate various respiratory conditions. This can also be
achieved with a poultice made of the leaves. Spread it on the chest
and allow it to remain overnight. Inhaling the vapors has a similar
effect to aromatherapy and can loosen up phlegm and eliminate
dangerous bacteria that may be trapped in your respiratory tracts
thanks to its natural antibacterial quality.

Health: If you want to improve the health of your hair follicles and
eliminate dandruff, steep bay leaves in water and then rub that on
your scalp after shampooing. The chemicals and volatile ingredients

in bay leaves can help to eliminate dry skin and dandruff.

Anti-Inflammatory Activity: One of the most important benefits

of bay leaves is their ability to reduce inflammation throughout the
body. Bay leaves contain a rather unique phytonutrient, called
parthenolide, which can quickly reduce inflammation and irritation
when topically applied to affected areas, such as sore joints or areas
affected by arthritis. This effect can also be achieved through
normal consumption of bay leaf spice.

Heart Health: Caffeic acid and rutin are both important organic
compounds found in bay leaf that greatly boost heart health. Rutin
strengthens capillary walls in the heart and the body’s extremities,
while caffeic acid can help eliminate “bad” cholesterol from the
cardiovascular system.

Cancer Prevention: The unique combination of antioxidants and

organic compounds in bay leaves, including phytonutrients, catechins,
linalool, and parthenolide, helps to protect the body from the effects of
free radicals. Free radicals can cause healthy cells to mutate into
cancerous cells, which bay leaves are particularly adeptat preventing.

Anxiety and Stress: One of the least commonly known benefits of

bay leaves is their naturally soothing quality. Linalool is often
associated with thyme and basil, but it is also present in bay leaves and
can help to lower the level of stress hormones in the body, especially
when used in aromatherapy.

Excess stress hormones can be dangerous for long-term health, so

bay leaves can help you calm down and remain relaxed even in your
most high-anxiety moments.

Diabetes Management: Bay leaves have been directly connected
with improved insulin receptor function and regulated blood sugar
levels. For patients at risk of developing diabetes or for those who
have already developed the condition, regular consumption of bay
leaves can significantly lower the chances of diabetic episodes.

“Bay leaf” is a commonly used term that applies to many different

plants around the world; however, to achieve all of the health benefits
listed above, it is essential that you find true bay leaf,derived from the
laurel tree, with the scientific name Laurus nobilis. Other varieties can
actually be toxic when consumed, so be certain that you’re getting the
real thing! In terms of allergies, bay leaves aren’t widely known as an
allergenic substance, but contact dermatitis and eczema breakouts
have been sporadically reported. If you’re allergic to other members of
the Lauraceae family, you will likely be allergic to bay leaves as well.

Teas brewed from bay laurel leaves have been known to help those
suffering from dandruff slough off their itchy white flakes and stave
off the pain caused by arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Many of the most important health benefits of kava root include its
ability to reduce anxiety, help in weight loss goals, prevent premature
aging, help quit smoking, reduce menopause symptoms, aid sleep,
relax muscles, prevent headaches, and protect the kidneys.

The kava plant is well-known throughout the world as a medicinal

remedy, one of the rare plants that doesn’t actually have non-
medicinal uses, such as a food source. The scientific name of this useful
plant is Piper methysticum, and it is also commonly called kava-kava.
The plant itself resembles a shrub, but the most usefulpart of the
plant cannot be seen above ground. Kava root is packed with a range
of organic compounds and specific nutrients that make the plant so
valuable, including minerals, water, starch, dietary fiber, protein, and
kavalactones. It is this final constituent that is accessed when preparing
kava root for consumption.

The kava root is dried, pounded, ground, or chewed to release the

chemical constituents from the root, and this is then quickly placed
in water to “catch” the kavalactones in their starchy shell. Once
these are mixed with water, the beverage is drunk as quickly as
possible for the best possible effect. The taste isn’t necessarily
pleasant, but nor is it foul. Most importantly, you’ll be able to enjoy
a wide range of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Kava Root

Pain Relief and Muscle Spasms: One of the most under-

reported benefits of kava root is actually its anti-inflammatory and
analgesic qualities. While these are mild in comparison to other
effects, these might be the most widely needed by the general
population. If yousuffer from arthritis, or have recently had surgery
or an injury, thenhaving a quick kava root decoction could be just
what the doctor ordered to relieve inflammation and pain.

Sleep Aid: The soothing quality of kava root, which is largely derived
from its kavalactones, can have a major impact on your sleeping
patterns and habits. If you tend to duffer from insomnia or
restlessness while you sleep, why not try adding some kava root to
your daily or weekly regiment? It can ease muscle tension and body
aches, allowing you to find a comfortable position, while also
soothing the mind and allowing you to drift off into uninterrupted

Anxiety: The anxiolytic effects of kava root are probably the most
well-known and desired by users herbal practitioners. By managing
the hormonal balance in the body and easing the release of stress
hormones into the bloodstream, kava root extracts and decoctions
can keep your body and mind feeling calm and content, not to
mention eliminating the potential dangers of having too many stress
hormones in your system!

Headache: Kava root has shown its efficacy against headaches and
migraines, offering quick relief from those suffering from the conditions
in laboratory tests.

Kidney Health: Brewing from the rootstock of kava has long been
used in traditional medicine to prevent urinary tract infections. As
these infections tend to come back quite often for some individuals,
having a simple solution like a kava root decoction is a wise choice.

Menopause: As women age, they enter a period of life called

menopause, when they stop menstruating. However, this transition can
be long and uncomfortable, including hot flashes, cramping,hormonal
swings, and anxiety. Kava root has been tested positivelyin individuals
going through menopause and has shown itself to be superior to
placebo and over-the-counter menopause treatments.

Weight Loss: Although this is a second-generation health benefit,

kava root can help you lose weight by eliminating stress and anxiety.
One of the most common triggers for overeating is stress, so by
removing the stimuli, kava root can help people lose weight and
avoid snacking between meals.

Premature Aging: Antioxidants are powerful organic compounds

that can help our bodies stay safe by eliminating or neutralizing free
radicals around our systems. Free radicals are the dangerous
byproducts of cellular respiration and can cause the mutation or
apoptosis of healthy cells. This can lead to premature aging, chronic
disease, and even cancer. In terms of kava root, it has often been
praised for its life-giving qualities, and studies have shown that free
radical activity is decreased with kava root application, as the
concentration of antioxidants is so high.

Quit Smoking: Kava root is a popular tool to help people quit

anything (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.), as it can help curb cravings
and eliminate the anxiety so often caused when all you want in the
world is a cigarette. Kava root decoction can calm the nerves when
you are particularly desperate to break the promise to yourself.

While kava root almost sounds too good to be true, there are a few
considerations of which people should be aware. You should not
combine kava root with alcohol, as it is already quite potent and
gives you a small “high” of energy and clarity when you drink it.

The health benefits of dandelion includes relief from liver disorders,
diabetes, urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia. It
also helps in maintaining bone health, skin care and is a benefit to
weight loss programs. These and other health benefits are currently
being studied for complete validation by a number of international

There are many varieties of dandelion, but the common dandelion

is scientifically known as Taraxacum Officinale. Dandelion, which
literally translates into “lion’s tooth” in French, is rich in vitamin-A, C,
iron and calcium and detoxifiers which explains its common inclusion
in medicines. Below, we will discuss the different things that benefit can
do for us, besides decorating our gardens.

Health Benefits of Dandelions

The health benefits of dandelions include the following:

Bone Health: Dandelions are rich in calcium, which is essential for

the growth and strength of bones, and they are rich in antioxidants
like vitamin-C and Luteolin, which protect bones from age-related
damage. This inevitable damage is often due to free radicals, and is
frequently seen as bone frailty, weakness, and decreased density.

Liver Disorders: Dandelions can help the liver in many ways.

While the antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin keep the liver
functioning in optimal gear and protect it from aging, other
compounds in dandelions help treat hemorrhaging in the liver.
Furthermore, dandelions aid in maintaining the proper flow of bile,
while also stimulating the liver and promoting digestion. Proper
digestion can reduce the chances of constipation, which in turn
reduces the risk of more serious gastrointestinal issues.

Diabetes: Dandelion juice can help diabetic patients by stimulating

the production of insulin from the pancreas, thereby keeping the
blood sugar level low. Since dandelions are diuretic in nature, they
increase urination in diabetic patients, which helps remove the
excess sugar from the body. Diabetics are also prone to renal
problems, so the diuretic properties of dandelion can help removing
the sugar deposition in the kidneys through increased urination.

Furthermore, dandelion juice is slightly bitter to taste, which effectively

lowers the sugar level in the blood, as all bitter substances do.
Consistently lower blood sugar and a more regulated system of insulin
release prevents dangerous spikes and plunges for diabetic patients,
so dandelion extracts can be a perfect solution!

Urinary Disorders: Dandelions are highly diuretic in nature, so

theyhelp eliminate deposits of toxic substances in the kidneys and
the urinary tract. The disinfectant properties of dandelions also
inhibit microbial growth in the urinary system. In fact, the diuretic
properties of dandelions are so strong that in France, the flower is
also called “pissenlit” which means “urinate in bed”.

Skin Care: Dandelion sap, also known as dandelion milk, is useful
intreating skin diseases which are caused by microbial and fungal
infections. This treatment stems from the fact that the sap is highly
alkaline and has germicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties.
You should be careful while using this sap and avoid any contact
with the eyes. This sap can be used on itches, ringworm, eczema,
and other skin conditions without the risk of side effects or
hormonal disturbances commonly caused by pharmaceutical skin

Some of the most impressive health benefits of arrowroot include its
ability to promote growth and development, help with weight loss
goals, ease stomach issues, prevent birth defects, boost the
metabolism, increase circulation, reduce blood pressure, and promote
a healthy digestive system.

Arrowroot is not technically a plant in itself, but rather a type of

starch that can be readily obtained from the roots of numerous
different plants and rhizomes. This high nutrient density starch has
been very valuable to a number of indigenous cultures dating back
more than 7,000 years, but despite the fact that so many herbal
remedies have been disproven or have gone out of use, arrowroot
remains an important and effective remedy for many different
health conditions. It can be used as a replacement in many foods,
rather than flour or corn.

Essentially arrowroot powder can be a healthier alternative to the

more common cooking ingredients for breads, pastas, and cakes.

Arrowroot is also gluten-free, which makes it all the more valuable
today with the rising incidence of Celiac disease in many countries.

One of the most common uses of arrowroot is as a food thickener,

but it can also be eaten on its own, even for infants in their formula
rather than other less nutritious forms of starch. You can eat the
root of these various tubers raw, roasted, boiled, or stewed without
losing the potency and nutrients.

Health Benefits of Arrowroot

Circulation: The rich nutrient mixture found in arrowroot includes

significant levels of copper and iron. These two essential minerals
are important parts of red blood cells, which makes arrowroot very
good for preventing anemia, which is characterized by weakness,
fatigue, and cognitive disorders. Furthermore, by increasing
circulation, you encourage oxygenation of your body’s organ
systems and extremities, which can boost your energy levels.

Metabolic Processes: The high concentration of vitamin B within

arrowroot makes it an important enzymatic and metabolic
substance. The B-vitamin family is very important in regulating
processes throughout your body, from hormonal release to
circadian rhythms, meaning that you never want a deficiency in that

Birth Defects: One particular member of the B family of vitamins

isfolate, and it is found in high levels within arrowroot. Studies have
shown that folate is important for expecting mothers, as it can help
to prevent neural tube defects in their unborn child. Folate is also an
important factor in DNA synthesis and healthy cell division, thereby
promoting rapid healing and healthy growth.

Stomach Concerns: Celiac disease seems to be the new global

pandemic, and as the numbers continue to climb around the world,

people are seeking gluten-free alternative to traditional starches
and wheat. Arrowroot is a gluten-free substance, making it very
popular in recent years, as it can prevent the gastrointestinal
discomfort, pain, and danger that those handling a gluten
intolerance must face every day.

Growth and Development: As compared to other root

vegetablesand starches acquires from tubers, arrowroot has a higher
concentration of protein, an essential component of any diet. By
increasing our dietary intake of plant proteins, which are easier to
process than animal proteins, we can guarantee healthy growth and

Weight Loss Concerns: Arrowroot is extremely low in calories as

compared to other starches like yams, potatoes, or cassava. For this
reason, people trying to remain on a diet can get complex
carbohydrates and a wealth of nutrients, as well as a healthy dose of
dietary fiber, and eliminate the desire to snack between meals.
Arrowroot fills you up and gives you the minerals and vitamins your
body needs.

Digestion: Dietary fiber is one of the most important parts of our

digestive process, as it helps move food through the bowels in an
efficient manner, while also stimulating the uptake of nutrients. It
can eliminate issues of constipation and diarrhea, and manage blood
sugar levels to prevent the onset of diabetes. Finally, dietary fiber
can help to clear out excess cholesterol, further promoting
cardiovascular health.

The health benefits of ginger root oil can be attributed to its digestive,
carminative, expectorant, antiseptic, analgesic, anti- inflammatory,
stimulating and aphrodisiac properties. The benefits of ginger oil
include its ability to treat stomach problems, nausea, heart strokes,
indigestion, inflammation, respiratory problems, and menstrual

Ginger is commonly used as a spice, and it has its origins in Asia. It is

especially helpful in digesting food items such as meat and poultry, and
it is frequently added to recipes for cooking meat as it softens the
meat considerably, making it easier to digest. Ginger root and ginger
oil are also used as preservative and flavoring agents.

Ginger oil is obtained from the root of the herb Zingiber Officinale.The
peculiar hot and pungent taste of ginger can be attributed to the
presence of an acrid compound called Gingerol. Most of the health
benefits of ginger are actually due to the presence of Gingerol.

Health Benefits of Ginger Root Oil

Stomach: Ginger root and ginger oil are often used for upset
stomachs. It is one of the best remedies for indigestion, stomach ache,
dyspepsia, colic, spasms, diarrhea, flatulence and other stomach and
bowel related problems. Ginger or ginger oil is often added to recipes,
especially in India, as it helps in improving digestion. Ginger tea is also
used for relieving stomach problems. Furthermore, it can increase your
appetite, which is great for people who are trying to put on weight.

Food Poisoning: Ginger is an antiseptic and carminative

substance.As a result, it can be used to treat food poisoning. It is
also used fortreating intestinal infections and bacterial dysentery.

Nausea and Vomiting: Research has shown that ginger root and
its oil are also effective against nausea, motion sickness and
vomiting.Use of ginger may also result in a reduction of pregnancy-
related vomiting in women.

Malaria: Ginger root and ginger oil are also effective against yellow
fever and malaria.

Respiratory disorders: Since ginger root and ginger oil are both
good expectorants, they are effective in treating various respiratory
problems such as cold, cough, flu, asthma, bronchitis and
breathlessness. Ginger is very effective in removing mucus from the
throat and lungs, so it is often added to tea in India.

Inflammation and Pain: The extract of ginger is often used in

traditional medicine to reduce inflammation. Research has now
proven that its anti-inflammatory properties can be attributed to the
presence of a substance named Zingibain. It is analgesic in nature
and reduces the pain caused by muscle aches, arthritis,

rheumatic conditions, headaches, and migraines. Ginger oil or ginger
paste is often topically massaged on aching muscles to remove muscle
strain. It is further believed that regular use of ginger leads to the
reduction of prostaglandins, which are the compounds associated with
pain. Therefore, ginger helps in pain relief, and also ginger can be
very effective in treating inflammationof the testicles.

Menstruation Problems: Irregular and painful menstrual

dischargescan be treated with ginger.

Heart ailments: Many people use ginger oil as a measure to

prevent as well as cure various heart conditions. Preliminary
research has indicated that ginger may be helpful in reducing
cholesterol levels and preventing blood clots. With reduced
cholesterol levels and blood clotting, the chance of blood vessel
blockage decreases, thereby reducing the incidences of heart attacks
and strokes.

Stress: Ginger oil, being an essential oil, is stimulating and therefore

relieves depression, mental stress, exhaustion, dizziness, restlessness
and anxiety.

Kidney: It is also believed that ginger root juice is able to dissolve

kidney stones.

Hair care: Ginger is useful for hair care as well. Ginger juice is
usefulin controlling dandruff.

Cancer: According to the American Cancer Society, preliminary

research on animals has shown that ginger may be useful in treating

It should be noted that ginger oil is very strong and should

therefore be used carefully and sparingly.

Ginger oil blends well with many other essential oils including

lemon, cedar wood, lime, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium,
rosemary, sandalwood, patchouli, myrtle, bergamot, rosewood, neroli,
orange and ylang-ylang.

One of the cornerstones of herbal medicine, tangy ginger serves as

a natural relief for nausea, menstrual, heartburn and migraine pain
in addition to potentially killing off ovarian cancer cells.

The health benefits of ginseng tea include a reduced risk of developing
cancer, relief from menstrual problems, reduction in obesity,
improvement of digestive disorders, and a boosted immune system, as
well as improving signs of mental distress, asthma, arthritis, and sexual
problems. Ginseng tea is quite popular as a digestive aid and it boosts
the immunity levels as well.

The health benefits of ginseng tea include a number of curative and

healing properties. The tea is derived from a perennial plant root.
The major health benefits of ginseng tea are due to the naturally
occurring chemicals called ‘ginsenosides’ that are present in this

Ginseng tea has become a popular beverage all over the world as an
herbal drink. Ginseng tea is rich in herbal lysimachiae, panax
quinquefolium and radix glycyrrhizae. And according to research,
ginseng is also beneficial in managing diabetes.

Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea

Ginseng tea is considered as one of the most nutritious herbal

supplements available in the world. There are 3 main types of ginseng
tea – American, Asian and Siberian Ginseng. All are beneficial for
human health and vitality.

Menstrual Problems: Ginseng tea is well known for its cooling

effect.It is recommended for young women who suffer from menstrual
cramps and distress. It also minimizes the stomach pain associated with

Low Blood Pressure: Ginseng tea is a strong beverage. It is very

effective for people who have low blood pressure. This energetic drink
keeps you active and on your toes all day long by increasing your blood
pressure and boosting your energy.

Brain Food: Ginseng tea is an herbal drink that acts as a stimulant to

the brain cells. It improves your powers of concentration and cognitive
capabilities. For improved functioning of the brain cells, ginseng tea is
highly recommended for students.

Obesity: If you want to shed those extra pounds, ginseng tea would
certainly help you in your dietary habits. This herbal tea is popular
as a natural appetite suppressant. Consuming ginseng tea would also
provide slimness to the body by boosting your metabolic rate and
burning fat at a higher rate.

Sexual Dysfunction: Men with erectile dysfunction disorder

should consume ginseng tea, since it lessens the symptoms of such
sex- related conditions.

Cancer: Ginseng is also rich in anticancer properties. Medical experts

highly recommend people to drink such herbal teas in order to
eliminate the risk of cancerous growth in the body.

Green Tea

The many well-researched health benefits of green tea make it a

great beverage to include in your diet for the prevention and
treatment of cancer, heart problems, cardiovascular diseases, high
cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, tooth decay, and
many others.

Green tea contains an antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3 gallate

(EGCG) which is helpful in treating a variety of diseases.

Green tea has acquired a prestigious place among beverages and it

is one of the first drinks that come to mind in terms of antioxidant

Within a relatively short time, it has gained a global following of

billions and many lovers of normal tea have switched over to green
tea because of its undeniable health benefits.

What is Green Tea?

Unbeknownst to many, green tea actually comes from the same

plant where normal tea is obtained. Scientifically, it is known as
Camellia Sinensis. In fact, it is the same tea but it is processed
differently. The normal black tea is obtained by fermenting the tea
leaves. This fermentation changes its color and flavor, while raising
the level of caffeine and tannin in it. On the other hand, in the case
of Green Tea, the tea leaves are dried or slightly steamed but not
fermented. This is what makes it look green when it’s brewed.

Nutritional Value:

Along with caffeine, which gives green tea its characteristic taste,
bitterness and stimulating effect, green tea is also rich in a group of
chemicals, called Catechin Polyphenols (Commonly known as Tannins,
which contribute to bitter taste and astringency). These Catechin
Polyphenols include Catechin, Epicatechin, Epicatechin Gallate (ECG),
Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), and various Pro- Anthocyanidins. They
are also known as Flavonoids and are very powerful antioxidants.
Flavonoids, together with some amino acids like Thianine, are
responsible for the potent flavor of green tea. Furthermore, green tea
also contains Amino Acids such as Theanine, Butyric Acid & Liganin;
Xanthine Alkaloids such as Adenine, Dimethylxanthine, Theobromine,
Theophylline and Xanthine; Pectin (also found in fruits); saccharides
(sugar), Chlorophyll and Triterpene Saponins. Some vitamins, like
vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C and vitamin
E are also found in green tea.After that impressive list, perhaps you
are beginning to understand how packed green tea is with nutrients
and beneficial components.

Health Benefits of Green Tea:

The health benefits of green tea are primarily due to its antioxidant
properties that come from its caffeine, Catechin Polyphenols and

Theonine content. The major health benefits stemming from
antioxidant effects are listed below.

Anti-Aging: The free radicals created in the body are responsible

forcorroding the body in various ways, one of which we see as the
signs of aging and the related symptoms. The main job of
antioxidants isto neutralize the oxidants or free radicals present in
the body and green tea is very rich in antioxidants. The Catechin
Polyphenols present in green tea are hugely responsible for the
antioxidizing effects, the most powerful among them being the
Epigallocatechin Gallate. Therefore, regular consumption of green
tea can effectivelydelay the signs and symptoms of aging.

Stimulating: One of the primary reasons for the popularity and

consumption of all kinds of tea by human civilizations is its
stimulating effect. This effect, again, is due to the Caffeine and
Tannins present within the tea leaves. Caffeine & Tannins, despite
their potentially adverse effects on health in the long run, act as
very powerful stimulants. That is why a cup of tea makes you feel
fresh and highly energized. Tea is an easy and ideal solution to
counter fatigue, laziness, sleepiness and lack of energy, and to
improve blood circulation.

Immunity Boosting: Research shows that people who regularly

drinkgreen tea do not fall victim to common bacterial and viral
infections as easily as those who do not add green tea to their diet.
The message is clear. Green Tea boosts the strength of the immune

The Catechins present in green tea prevent bacteria and viruses

from attaching themselves to cell walls in order to infect them.
These Catechins also counter the toxins released by microbes.

This antimicrobial property also protects you from bad breath,

dysentery, diarrhea, tooth decay, indigestion, flu, cough & cold, and

colitis, all of which are caused, in some way, by microbial & fungal

Astringency: This is yet another powerful benefit of green tea.

stringent substances trigger contractions in muscles and tissues,while
toning up muscles and skin. Even if you do not wish to drinkgreen
tea, a simple, daily mouthwash with green tea can causesufficient
contraction in your gums to keep them firm and tight onthe teeth,
thus preventing loosening and loss of teeth. You can alsowash your
hair with green tea and feel it grow stronger andhealthier every day.

Anti-carcinogenic: Apart from causing premature aging, free

radicals are also responsible for causing certain types of cancer. The
Catechins present in green tea neutralize these free radicals,prevent
formation of carcinogens like nitrosamines and reduce the risk of
cancer for people who regularly consume green tea. Green tea is
now being clinically used and prescribed as a home remedy toaid in
the prevention of cancer, particularly for those patients at high risk
for cancer in the colon, rectum, pancreas and intestines.

Reducing Cholesterol: Green tea has been shown to be effective

inreducing cholesterol levels to some extent, probably due to its

Cardiac & Arterial Health: Certain components in green tea

preventthickening of the blood, thereby reducing chances of Arterial
Sclerosis, Thrombosis, as well as Cardiac and Cerebral Strokes.

Anti-diabetic: If not taken with sugar, the alkaline nature of green

tea helps to reduce the blood glucose level. Moreover, the
antioxidant and astringent qualities of green tea ensure good health
and better functioning of the pancreas. Improving the function of
the pancreas means a more efficient and regulated secretion of
insulin and the subsequent improvement in decomposing and

absorbing of sugar. This increase in effective functions can help
prevent the onset of diabetes.

Weight Loss: Believe it or not, but green tea also helps people lose
weight by enhancing the rate of metabolism, thereby promoting a
faster consumption of the fat storage of the body. Recently, green
tea has replaced many other beverages in the western world as its
helps in weight loss, and obesity is still a chronic problem in many
places. Drink a cup or two of green tea every morning and you are
bound to lose a few pounds of excess weight over a week or so.

Stamina & Endurance Booster: You can prove this quality to

yourselfquite easily. Just have a cup of hot green tea after some
rigorous exercise and within no time, you will be ready for a few
more sets.Furthermore, it effectively counters muscular pain due to
overexertion of muscles.

Detoxifying: Green tea is the best cure for particularly savage

hangovers and fatigue caused by the consumption of alcoholic
beverages and lack of sleep due to late night parties. Start your
hangover with a large cup of green tea with lemon, and the
hangover will quickly fade to a bad memory. Green tea with lemon
juice is a very good and popular remedy to eliminate the exhausting
effects of alcohol almost instantly.

Types of Green Tea: Green tea has four main varieties prepared in
Japan, which depend upon its leaf-length, method of processing, and
season of harvesting. They are as follows;

Gyokurocha: In this variety, the tea leaves are plucked from the tip
of the branches. When brewed, the color is clear green. Being picked
from the tip, this variety has the best taste and fragrance,and this
variety is also considered the best in terms of health. Furthermore, it
is less bitter, as it contains less tannin and caffeine,

since the plucked leaves are younger and still budding. The only
drawback to gyokurocha is the high cost, but as we all know, truly
high quality solutions for health never come cheap!

Sencha: Sencha Comes from the same plant, but in this green tea
variation, the leaves are from the middle of the branch and are bigger,
older and less tender than Gyokurocha. This variety gives a clear, light
green tea when brewed as well. Naturally, it is more bitter and
stronger than the former variety. Being of less noble origin (middle
of the branch) and having more caffeine and tannin,it is cheaper and
more popular than Gyokurocha.

Bancha: Bancha is made from the tender twigs of the tea plant
which makes it very strong and bitter. When brewed, it gives a
golden-brown tea. This is an even cheaper version of green tea than
the previous two.

Matcha: This is the leftover powder of green tea, also called “Dust”.
It makes a beautifully green-colored tea and forms a lot of foam (froth)
but has a weaker aroma than the leafy varieties. This varietyof green
tea is very popular in traditional ceremonies and is sometimes also
called Ceremonial Green Tea. It is far less bitter than the other three
varieties, so when you sip it, it seems to hold a natural sweetness,
particularly if you are familiar with the other varieties.

Houjicha: Also spelled as “Hojicha”, this is not a pure or absolute

green tea. Rather, it is mixture of green tea and powdered roasted
cereals such as wheat, barley, or rice. The quality and price of this
variety depends upon the percentage or ratio of green tea to cereal
content. The better ones, having more green tea in them, are more
expensive and give greener tea when brewed; while those having
higher grain, contents yield a golden-brown color and are cheaper.

Genmaicha: Like Houjicha, it is not a pure tea either. It is mixture of
green tea and roasted brown rice. Upon steeping, it yields a golden
yellow tea, very pleasant in both taste and aroma, due to the presence
of roasted brown rice.

The risks associated with green tea are the same as those associated
with any other kind of tea (common black tea, White Tea etc.) and
are primarily due to the content of Caffeine and Tannin. The contra-
indications may vary with the percentage of caffeine and tannins in
it. Most people might be familiar with these adversities, but it is still
important to review and summarize the components responsible, as
well as the associated risks.

Triterpene Saponins: These compounds destroy the Red Blood

Corpuscles (Erythrocytes), which may aggravate preexisting conditions
of anemia, and cause fatigue.

Caffeine: Everyone knows that caffeine is an external stimulant and

raises blood pressure and is actually toxic in nature (it may be fatal
for lower animals). Caffeine is also addictive and can have adverse
effects on the liver and internal organs over the course of many years.
That being said, it is the component of tea which makes it energizing
and refreshing, which is why people are willing to risk it.

Tannins: Tannins interfere with the breakdown of complex proteins

into simpler proteins and their subsequent absorption into the body.

Xanthine Alkaloids: Some researchers believe that these alkaloids

aggravate and stimulate the formation of uric acid in the body, and
thereby they may trigger and aid the formation of stones in the
gallbladder and kidneys.

Long-term consumption in excessive quantities may give rise to

problems such as insomnia, restlessness, annoyance, irritability,
headaches, hypertension, abnormal heartbeat, loss of appetite,

spasms, constipation and acute addiction to caffeine. Many times,
people who are addicted to caffeine do not feel normal without the
substance and suffer from acute constipation, irritation and lack of
concentration on anything in the absence of green tea.

The health benefits of peppermint oil include its ability to treat
indigestion, respiratory problems, headache, nausea, fever, stomach
and bowel spasms, as well as for pain relief. Due to the presence of
menthol, menthone and menthyl esters, pepper-mint and
peppermint oil find wide applications in the manufacturing of soap,
shampoo, cigarettes, toothpaste, chewing gum, tea and ice cream.

Peppermint is a cross between watermint and spearmint and is native

to Europe. Historically, the herb has been known for its medicinal uses,
and its impressively long history often gives it the prestigious title as
the world’s oldest medicine.

Unlike many other herbs and essential oils, numerous health benefits
of peppermint and peppermint oil have been studied and proved by
the scientific community. As a result, peppermint oil is also sold in
the form of capsules and tablets and is even prescribed by doctors
of alternative and modern medicine.

Peppermint oil can also be used as a flavoring agent. You will find

very few people who find peppermint unsuitable to their palate.
Peppermint oil contains numerous minerals and nutrients including
manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, folate, potassium, and
copper. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin A and C.

Health Benefits of Peppermint Oil

Indigestion: Peppermint oil is very helpful as an aid for digestion.

People often put a few drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water
and drink it after their meal for its beneficial digestive properties. It
is carminative and therefore helps in removing excess gas. Peppermint
oil is also a good tonic for those who have a low appetite, and it helps
treating motion sickness, nausea and upset stomachs. Preliminary
research has proved that peppermint oil, when combined with
caraway oil can be used for treatingheartburn. Peppermint oil can
relax the smooth muscles of the GI tract, which is why it is so commonly
a component of “over-the- counter” medications.

Dental care: Peppermint oil, due to its antiseptic properties, is very

useful in dental care. It also eliminates bad breath and helps teeth
and gums fight off hazardous germs. Unsurprisingly, these attributes
mean that peppermint oil is added to numerous toothpastes, and it has
also been shown to be useful in the treatment of toothaches. At times,
the inhalation of peppermint oil vapor can be anti-inflammatory and
pain relieving, so it can even be added to postoperative oxygen,
particularly after oral surgeries.

Nail Care: The antifungal properties of peppermint oil are well

studied, and there is significant research that shows peppermint oil,
when topically applied, can reduce the chances of fungal nail infection,
which affects many people around the world.

Nausea and headache: Peppermint oil is a good home remedy for

nausea and headaches. To quickly alleviate the pain of a headache,
simply apply peppermint oil in a diluted form directly on the forehead.
Inhaling peppermint oil can eliminate the effects of nausea and
motion sickness, simply because of its relaxing andsoothing effects. Its
cooling and anti-inflammatory properties arepart of the reason why it
is so successful at relieving headache symptoms, and it is even used to
reduce the pain of migraines in certain patients within 15 minutes of
topical application, accordingto a study done in 2007.

Stress: Like most other essential oils, peppermint is able to provide

relief from stress, depression and mental exhaustion due to its
refreshing nature. It is also effective against anxiety and restlessness.
Furthermore, it stimulates mental activity, clears the mind, and
increases focus on cognitive tasks.

Antispasmodic: Peppermint oil is very effective for gastroscopy,

colonoscopy and during double-contrast barium enema, where it is
applied intraluminally. Further benefits of peppermint oil that might
stem from its antispasmodic properties are being studied.

Urinary tract infection: Peppermint oil can be used to treat

urinary tract infections (UTI). Although it is traditionally used,
formalscientific research is still underway to understand the details
of thisspecific attribute. Peppermint oil has a wealth of antibacterial
qualities, which may be the underlying reason why it can reduce the
effects and frequency of urinary tract infections in alternative

Respiratory problems: Menthol, which is abundantly present in

peppermint oil, helps to clear the respiratory tract. It is also an effective
expectorant and therefore provides instantaneous, though

temporary, relief for numerous respiratory problems including nasal
congestion, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, cold and cough. As a result,
it is used in numerous cold rubs and balms. When these cold rubs
are applied to the chest, they can quickly remove nasal and
respiratory congestion. In one study, the use of peppermint oil
proved to be antispasmodic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory in
nature, and considerably soothed the trachea inflammation and
coughing in rats. Obviously, more human-based studies need to be
made, but it has been a frequent part of alternative medicine for
generations and is highly respected for its use in relieving
respiratory issues.

Pain relief: Peppermint oil can be used externally in order to provide

relief from pain. It is believed that the presence of calcium antagonism
in peppermint oil helps remove pain from affected areas. It is also
cooling in nature and is subsequently used to help reduce fever. It is
frequently called a “refrigerant”, meaning that it can provide an
intensely cold sensation to any affected area. In case of injury, wound,
or healing process, topically apply peppermint oilto the area to reduce
swelling, relieve pain, and eliminate the chances of uncomfortable

Immune system: Peppermint oil can increase a person’s immunity to

various diseases and is commonly employed by those people with weak
immune systems or who seem to frequently suffer from illness.
Peppermint oil is also known to have powerful antiviral, antibacterial,
and antifungal effects, which is why it is used in so many alternative
treatments. It is composed of camphor, menthol, and carvacrol, which
are resistant to certain dangerous bacterial strains like E. coli,
salmonella, and staph infections.

Blood circulation: The stimulating effects of peppermint oil have

been shown to increase blood circulation. Studies have shown that

as soon as the essential oil vapor touches the end of the olfactory
nerve endings, there is an almost instant increase in pulse rate and
blood circulation. The stimulating effect of increased blood
circulation helps to oxygenate the body’s organs and increase
metabolism, as well as oxygenate the brain. This leads to higher
cognitive function and protection against neutrally degenerative
diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Furthermore, increased
blood circulation can prevent diabetic patients from complications
they are already at risk of due to their glucose level imbalances.

Hair care: Peppermint oil is very useful for hair care as it gives a
cooling effect to the head, while removing dandruff and lice.
Peppermint oil has antiseptic, regenerative, and stimulating effects,
which means that it can relieve the scalp of irritation and dry skin,
stimulate hair growth for those suffering from baldness, and give
relatively healthy hair a shiny, fresh look. Peppermint oil can be
found in many hair products and alternative solutions for baldness,
dandruff, and other hair-related conditions. Increasing blood circulation
to the scalp can also promote healthy hair growth.

Skin care: Peppermint oil contains menthol, which is good for the
skin because it creates a cooling sensation. Furthermore, it nourishes
dull skin and improves the texture of oily or greasy skin.

It is also believed that peppermint oil is useful in the treatment of

cancer and tuberculosis, although more research needs to be done
in these areas. Furthermore, peppermint oil has been a part of some
preliminary studies as an antiviral agent that can reduce the chances
of herpes infections and recurring outbreaks.

Peppermint blends well with various other essential oils including

eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, marjoram, so many aroma therapists

and herbalists commonly use peppermint oil in their medicinal or
aromatic combinations.

There are some risks in using too much peppermint oil, including an
allergic reaction, heartburn, and headaches. Basically, the same rules
apply to using peppermint oil as to any other alternative
supplement or dietary change; speak to a doctor, and if you don’t
consult a professional, start with small topical doses or skin patch
tests to see how it affects your system.

As with many of the other members of its family, peppermint is

particularly notable for its ability to promote proper digestion and
agreeable breath. However, many do not realize that it also stands
as a nice source of Vitamin B, calcium and potassium as well.


Wheatgrass, a herb that is known for various health benefits, is

prepared from the cotyledons of the wheat plant, which are biologically
known as Triticum aestivum.

Wheatgrass is usually harvested before the wheat plant grows and

turns brown. Wheatgrass has proven to be one of the best health-
reviving herbs and its benefits include the treatment of bowel
problems, high blood pressure, nausea, constipation, and acidity. It
also aids in weight loss, oral care, and detoxification of the body.

Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

Bowel Problems: The basic benefit of the herb is that it is helpful in

treating issues in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also known to ease the
problems that occur in the bowels. It also has the properties of treating
rectal bleeding and stimulating smooth bowel movements, while
reducing constipation.

Detoxification: Wheatgrass can be consumed in the form of
powder,which has high amounts of chlorophyll. This chlorophyll is
responsible for the detoxification of the body. Apart from the
detoxification, it also ensures that there is an increased amount of
oxygen sent to every cell.

Premature Aging: Cancer-causing agents are also nullified by

chlorophyll, so wheatgrass defends the body from harmful
carcinogens, thereby preventing malfunctioning and premature

Nutrition: Wheatgrass is also said to be extremely nutritious and

only two ounces of the herb contains the same amount of nutrients
present in four pounds of organic vegetables.

Oral Care: The toxins present in the gums and teeth are also
removed when you gargle with the juice squeezed from wheatgrass.

Constipation: The fiber content present in the herb is known to

treat constipation and revitalize various metabolic procedures.

Nausea: Drinking the juice of wheatgrass can also help in cleansing

and detoxifying the body. The lymph nodes are drained of all their
toxins and the mucus in the body can be broken up and eliminated,
thus eliminating the nausea.

Weight Loss: Wheatgrass juice encourages weight loss, since it is rich

in fiber content. It also provides the body with so much energy that the
excess fat caused by an improper diet comprised of junk food is burnt
out, resulting in weight loss. This can thus be included in various
weight loss diet plans like an all-protein diet plan, for example.

Blood Pressure: The consumption of wheatgrass also lowers the
blood pressure because the count of red blood cells is increased.
This subsequently reduces the risk of various cardiac diseases.

Acidity: The acidity of the body is also maintained, since wheatgrass

is said to be extremely alkaline. This balances the pH levels of the body,
thereby promoting better function in various parts of the body.

Some of the health benefits of safflower oil include its ability to lower
cholesterol levels, manage blood sugar, aid in weight loss, improve hair
health, boost skin health, reduce the symptoms of PMS, control muscle
contractions, and improve the immune system.

Safflower is an annual, thistle-like plant with many branches and

little known use except for its oil, safflower oil. Fortunately, this oil is
extremely valuable and is extracted from the seeds. In the past,
safflower seeds were typically used for dyes, but they have had a range
of uses over the last few thousand years.

The vegetable oil that is extracted from the seeds is the most
valuable element of the plant, and the majority of production is used
for that purpose. The oil, however, is a good replacement for other,
less healthy vegetable oils that are widely used, so the market
continues to increase around the world. The health benefits of this
oil, rather than more traditional vegetable oils, are significant and
are outlined in more detail below.

Health Benefits of Safflower Oil

Heart Health: Safflower oil has been shown to have a very high content
of omega-6 fatty acids, which is a beneficial type of fatty acid that our
body needs. It is otherwise known as linoleic acid. This acid can
help the body to keep a healthy balance of cholesterolin the body,
which also decreases the odds of one developing atherosclerosis, as
well as the other health conditions, such as heart attacks and strokes,
that are often the result of this condition.

Diabetes: The omega-6 fatty acid has also been shown to manage
blood sugar levels, thereby helping those people who suffer from
diabetes to keep their blood sugar even. This can also prevent
people from developing diabetes.

Obesity: This has long been known as a good choice for those people
who are trying their best to lose weight. Omega-6 fatty acids, of which
safflower oil is rich, helps the body to burn fat, rather than store it. This
makes safflower oil very valuable, since vegetable oil is used in so many
cooking preparations, and it can be used by people suffering from
obesity to lose weight without having to make too many changes to
their diet.

Hair Health: Safflower oil is also rich in oleic acid, which is very
beneficial for the scalp and hair. This vitamin increases circulation on
the scalp, stimulating hair growth and strength in the follicles. It can
also help to keep your hair shiny and vibrant, so it is often used in
cosmetic applications. However, it also does the same thing if
consumed as food.

Skin: The high content of linoleic acid in safflower oil makes it ideal
for boosting the quality and appearance of your skin. The linoleic
acid can combine with sebum to unclog the pores and reduce

blackheads, as well as acne, which is a result of sebum build-up
under the skin. Furthermore, linoleic acid stimulates the
regeneration of new skin cells, meaning that it helps to clear up
scars and other blemishes from the surface of the skin, leaving you
looking younger and more attractive!

PMS: For women going through menstruation, it can be a painful

and uncomfortable time. Safflower oil’s linoleic acid regulates the
prostaglandins in the body, which can cause such dramatic hormonal
fluctuations and symptoms during menstruation. Therefore, safflower
oil can decrease the severity of the PMS symptoms and can also
regulate menstrual cycles, just like hormonal supplements, without the
dangerous side effects.

Immune System Health: Although they regulate the function of

prostaglandins, safflower oil also contributes the omega-6 fatty acids
that create prostaglandins. These are hormone-like substances that
help the body to function normally, including the processes of the
immune system, therefore leaving our body more protected.


Rhubarb is a strange-looking plant with a very interesting history,

and belongs to the Polygonaceae family of plants. It is widely
considered as a vegetable, but it is also considered a fruit, since it is
mainly used as a fruit in culinary practices. Scientifically, they are
herbaceous perennials with leaves growing off the top of a thick
rhizome. The leaf stalks are actually the most commonly used parts
of rhubarb, sometimes as a dessert or an ingredient in sweet dishes.

They are cultivated throughout the year in different parts of theworld,

so they are widely available in almost any season. They can be grown
in greenhouses or outdoors, resulting in “hothouse” rhubarb, which is
sweeter and a deeper red, as well as traditional rhubarb that is grown

Interestingly enough, the stalks are the only things eaten, because
the triangular leaves are extremely high in oxalic acid, which can cause
severe illness in people, resulting in the common belief that rhubarb is
poisonous. If the plant is subject to extreme cold, the dangerous acid

can migrate into the stalk, so be sure to store rhubarb in a warm or
temperate space, just like the climate it normally grows in.

Nutritional Value of Rhubarb

One of the main reasons why people cultivate and eat rhubarb is
actually for its astounding nutritional value. Rhubarb is packed with
minerals, vitamins, organic compounds, and other nutrients that
make it ideal for keeping our bodies healthy. Some of these precious
components are dietary fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, B
complex vitamins, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. In
terms of organic compounds, rhubarb is a rich source of
polyphenolic flavonoids like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin,
Now, let’s see how those components add up to the long list of
health benefits that rhubarb can impart!

Health Benefits of Rhubarb

Weight Loss: Rhubarb is one of the lowest caloric vegetables on

themarket, and as such, it is often recommended for people who
are struggling to lose weight, but still want to remain healthy.
100 grams of rhubarb contains only 21 calories, so feel free to load up
on the rhubarb without packing on any pounds. The impact that the
various organic compounds in rhubarb have on the body’s
metabolism can also dramatically increase the rate that the body
burns fat, thereby helping you lose weight in another way!

Cardiovascular Diseases: Rhubarb is extremely low in fat and

cholesterol, the vegetable poses no threat to cardiovascular health,
and it can actually increase the levels of good cholesterol due to the
presence of dietary fiber, which is known to scrape excess
cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels and arteries.
Furthermore, the impressive amount of antioxidants in rhubarb

ensure that free radicals don’t cause heart disease and a wide range
of other dangerous health conditions.

Digestion: Our digestive system plays a huge part in our overall

health, so it is important to keep the digestive system healthy and
regulated. The high amount of dietary fiber found in rhubarb can
help guaranteed a healthy digestive system by bulking up stool and
making sure that bowel movements are smooth and regular.
Rhubarb has traditionally been used as a cure for constipation, but it
was only recently discovered why it had such a powerful effect. By
easing constipation and other digestive issues, you can prevent a
wide range of more serious gastrointestinal disorders, including
bloating, cramping, and even colorectal cancer.

Alzheimer’s disease: The most prominent vitamin in rhubarb is actually

vitamin K, and while it doesn’t often get as much attentionas some
of the other vitamins, Vitamin K plays a very significant role in brain
and neuronal health. It can prevent the oxidation of braincells and
stimulates cognitive activity, thereby helping to delay or even prevent
the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Bone Health: Along with its role in protecting the brain from neural
degeneration, vitamin K also promotes osteotrophic activity,
meaning that it stimulates bone growth and repair. Combined with
the rich amount of calcium and other minerals found in rhubarb, the
vegetable as a whole is a major player in bone protection.

Cancer Prevention: Antioxidants have been widely studied in

recentyears due to their ability to neutralize free radicals throughout
the body. Free radicals are byproducts of cellular metabolism that
can cause healthy cells to mutate or die, often resulting in cancer
or other chronic diseases. Rhubarb is a good source of beta-
carotene and other polyphenolic compounds like lutein and

which act in a similar way to vitamin A, protecting the skin and eyes
from the effects of free radicals. A decent number of antioxidants in
your diet can help delay premature aging, cataracts, macular
degeneration, and wrinkles. Furthermore, these polyphenolic
compounds have been connected to preventing oral and lung

Blood Circulation: The trace amounts of copper and iron found in

rhubarb are enough to stimulate the production of new red blood
cells, increasing the total RBC count in the body and increasing
oxygenation of essential areas of the body, thereby improving their
function and boosting the overall metabolism of the body. Due to
the potent nature of rhubarb, you should avoid it if you have a pre-
existing kidney condition or certain gastrointestinal conditions, as it
can make them worse. Also, be careful that children or pets do not
eat the rhubarb leaves if you grow the plant yourself. There have
been some cases of death due to the toxic levels of oxalic acid
contained in the leaves.

Cloves offer many health benefits, some of which include providing
aid in digestion, having antimicrobial properties, fighting against
cancer, protecting the liver, boosting the immune system,
controlling diabetes, preserving bone quality, and containing anti-
mutagenic properties, as well as fighting against oral diseases and
headaches, while displaying aphrodisiac properties as well.

Cloves are one of the spices indigenous to Asian countries like

Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and even areas of East Africa. It is native to
the Maluku islands in Indonesia. Cloves are a popular flavoring agents
used in a variety of ways across the world, particularly in Asia.Cloves
form the culinary base in a number of different Asian cuisines.

Scientific Facts about Cloves

Clove, as we know it, is the dried bud of the flower from the tree
Syzygium aromaticum. It belongs to the plant family named Myrtaceae.
The plant is an evergreen plant growing in tropical and subtropical
conditions. Clove is an herb and people use various parts of the plant,
including the dried bud, stems, and leaves to make medicine. Clove oil
is also famous for its medicinal properties. Clove has been used for
thousands of years, not only as a spice and condiment, but also as
a medicine for many ailments. Ayurvedicmedicine used cloves for
tooth decay, halitosis, and bad breath.

Nutritional Value of Cloves

According to the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference,

the nutrients found in 100 grams of cloves include 65g of
carbohydrate, 6g of protein, 13g of total lipids, 2g of sugars, 274 kcal
of energy and 33g of dietary fiber. Minerals in cloves include calcium,
iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. The
vitamins found in cloves include vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,
folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, and
vitamin K.

Certain bioactive compounds have been isolated from clove

extracts. Some of them include: flavonoids, hexane, methylene
chloride, ethanol, thymol, eugenol, and benzene. Many of These
biochemicals have been reported to possess various properties,
including antioxidant, hepato-protective, anti-microbia, and anti-
inflammatory properties.

Health Benefits of Cloves

Better Digestion: Cloves improve digestion by stimulating the secretion

of digestive enzymes. Cloves are also good for reducing flatulence,
gastric irritability, dyspepsia and nausea. Cloves can be roasted,
powdered, and taken with honey for relief in digestive disorders.

Antibacterial Properties: Cloves have been tested for their

antibacterial properties against a number of human pathogens. The

extracts of cloves were potent enough to kill those pathogens. Clove
extracts are also effective against the specific bacteria that spreads

Chemo-Preventive Properties: Cloves are of interest to the

medical community due to their chemo-preventive or anti-
carcinogenic properties. Tests have showed that cloves are helpful
in controllinglung cancer in its early stages.

Liver Protection: Cloves contain high amounts of antioxidants, which

are ideal for protecting the organs from the effects of free radicals,
especially the liver. Metabolism, in the long run, increases free
radical production and lipid profile, while decreasing the
antioxidants in the liver. Clove extracts are helpful in counteracting
those effects with its hepatoprotective properties.

Diabetes Control: Cloves have been used in many traditional

remedies for a number of diseases. One such disease is diabetes. In
patients suffering from diabetes, the amount of insulin produced by the
body is not sufficient or insulin is not produced at all. Studies have
revealed that extracts from cloves imitate insulin in certain ways and
help in controlling blood sugar levels.

Bone Preservation: The hydro-alcoholic extracts of cloves include

phenolic compounds such as eugenol and its derivatives, such as
flavones, isoflavones and flavonoids. These extracts have been
particularly helpful in preserving bone density and the mineral
content of bone, as well as increasing tensile strength of bones in
cases of osteoporosis.

Anti-Mutagenic Properties: Mutagens are those chemicals that

change the genetic makeup of the DNA by causing mutations.
Biochemical compounds found in cloves, like phenylpropanoids,
possess anti-mutagenic properties. These were administered on cells

treated with mutagens and they were able to control the mutagenic
effects to a significant rate.

Boosts the Immune System: Ayurveda describes certain plants to

be effective in developing and protecting the immune system. One
such plant is clove. The dried flower bud of clove contains compounds
that help in improving the immune system by increasing the white
blood cell count, thereby improving delayed type hypersensitivity.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Cloves possess anti-inflammatory

and pain-killing properties. Studies on clove extracts being
administered in lab rats suggest that the presence of eugenol
reduced the inflammation caused by edema. It was also confirmed
that eugenol has the ability to reduce pain by stimulating pain

Cure for Oral Diseases: Cloves can be taken for gum diseases
like gingivitis and periodontitis. Clove bud extracts significantly
controlled the growth of oral pathogens, which are responsible for
various oral diseases. Cloves can also be used for toothaches due to
their pain-killing properties.

Aphrodisiac Properties: Spices such as clove and nutmeg have

been said to possess aphrodisiac properties, according to Unani
medicine.Experiments on clove and nutmeg extracts were tested
against standard drugs administered for that reason and both clove
and nutmeg showed positive results.

Cure for Headaches: Headaches can be reduced by using cloves.

Make a paste of a few cloves and mix it with a dash of rock salt. Add
this to a glass of milk. This mixture reduces headaches quickly and

Side Effects of Using Clove

Clove Oil: Clove oils must not be used directly; instead they must be
diluted either in olive oil or in distilled water. Clove extract oil is
generally considered to be safe, but certain studies have revealed that
they possess cytotoxic properties. There are two major components
present in clove extract oil, eugenol and B- caryophyllene. These
compounds were particularly effective against fibroblasts and
endothelial cells.


Chervil is a rich source of certain minerals including potassium,

phosphorus, copper, selenium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and
calcium. It is also a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin
D. It is low in essential oil content, which is 0.3%, but this may be
extracted from its seeds. Some of the prime chemical constituents
of chervil are methylchavicol (or estragole) and hendecane (or
undecane). The herb may be used in various culinary preparations
due to its aroma and flavor, in limited amounts though. The plant is
highly resistant to insect and mites.

Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses of Chervil herb

Chervil is known for its expectorant-like properties. It helps remove

mucous from the respiratory tract. As such, the herb helps prevent
coughs and bronchitis.

Chervil herb is also a diuretic. It helps in the processes of excretion by

promoting frequent urination. This leads to the removal of toxins

and waste materials from the body, thereby preventing a variety of

Chervil stimulates the various biological systems of the body,thereby

maintaining the overall physiology of the body. In this sense, chervil is
like a tonic for the body. It also tones the epithelial lining of the
body, thereby soothing all the internal organs.

Chervil is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It serves as

a mild analgesic, relieving pain and inflammation caused by a variety
of ailments.

Chervil herb is also used in the treatment of constipation. It helps

relieve irritable bowel syndrome by regulating bowel movements.

Chervil is used in the treatment of a variety of skin conditions

including eczema and acne.

Being a detoxifying agent, chervil helps reduce the appearance of

early signs of ageing like dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. It also
helps purify blood and makes your skin look smoother and younger.

Chervil is a rich source of vitamin A, making it useful to enhance


Chervil herb may be used to improve blood circulation and in the

treatment of hemorrhages and varicose veins. It also helps prevent
low blood pressure.

Chervil also helps prevent water retention during the menstrual phase,
thus preventing bloating and other related symptoms. Chervil may be
used in the treatment of herpes and amenorrhea.

Chervil is known to help in the treatment of cystitis, kidney, and

bladder stones. Chervil reduces the effect of allergic reactions and
helps in the treatment of allergies. Chervil herb is also used in the

management of liver diseases. Chervil may be used to relieve the
pain caused by insect bites.

Chervil also promotes the state of skeletal system, attributed to its high
content of potassium and calcium. Chervil is very effective against
common cold and flu. You may chew fresh chervil leaves to stop

Chervil herb also prevents and cures mouth ulcers and gum diseases.

Chervil may provide a bit of a bolster to human brain functioning as

well as a bit of depression alleviation. Some use it to create eyewashes
to relieve soreness and swelling.

The health benefits of Hyssop Essential Oil can be attributed to its
properties as an astringent, stimulant, anti-Spasmodic, anti- rheumatic,
antiseptic, carminative, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue,
expectorant, hypertensive, nervine, sudorific, tonic, febrifuge,
vermifuge and vulnerary substance.

The essential oil of Hyssop is extracted with the help of steamdistillation

of the leaves and flowers of a shrub called Hyssop. In the botanical
world, it is known by the name Hyssopus Officinalis. Thisshrub grows
mainly in the Mediterranean region and was known asa holy or sacred
herb in ancient times.

Hyssop, due to its disinfectant and antimicrobial properties, wasclearly

mentioned even in the Old Testament as a purifying substance. The
chief constituents of Hyssop essential oil are Alpha Pinene, Camphene,
Beta Pinene, Sabinene, Myrcene, Limonene, Pinocamphone, Iso-
Pinocamphene, Gamma Terpineol, Cineole andThujone.

Health Benefits of Hyssop Essential Oil

Ancient people were not wrong when they identified the medicinal
properties of this essential oil. We can also benefit from thefollowing
medicinal properties of Hyssop oil.

Astringent: The function of an astringent is to contract or cause

something to shrink. Hyssop essential oil, being an astringent, makes
the gums, muscles and limbs, abdomen, intestines, skin, tissues and
blood vessels to contract. This can help you in many ways. This can
prevent muscles and skin from sagging down due to age, loosening or
loss of teeth, wrinkles, and hemorrhaging, all by quickly contracting
the blood vessels.

Antispasmodic: Being an antispasmodic, Hyssop essential oil gives

relief in spasms of the respiratory system, thereby curing spasmodic
coughs. it also cures spasms of the nervous system in order to cure
convulsions and related problems, as well as reducing muscular
spasms, which cures cramps, and spasms of the intestines, giving relief
from acute abdominal pain. It is also beneficial in curing spasmodic

Anti-rheumatic: Since Hyssop oil improves and promotes

circulation,it helps cure diseases associated with poor circulation,
such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and swelling.

Antiseptic: Whenever we are wounded or get a cut or abrasion, our

first worry is that the wound might become septic. If it is from an iron
object, then there remains a chance of it becoming infected by tetanus.
Hyssop oil, applied on wounds, might help us avoid both of the above
situations. Since it is an antiseptic substance, it prevents infections from
developing in the wounds.

Cicatrisant: Deep cuts will heal quicker and the scar marks left by
them will disappear sooner if Hyssop oil is applied to them. It is

equally beneficial to fade away the after spots of boils, pox, infections,
and insect bites.

Digestive: This oil facilitates digestion. Being a stimulant, it stimulates

the secretion of gastric juices like acids, enzymes, and bile into the
stomach, which speeds up the decomposition of complex proteins,
carbohydrates and other nutrients. It also facilitates the passage of
these foods through the intestines by stimulating peristaltic motion,
thereby optimizing the absorption of these nutrients by intestinal

Diuretic: Hyssop essential oil can also speed up detoxification of

your body, removal of excess water and sodium, loss of fats and
reduction in blood pressure just by promoting a single thing –
urination. It increases the frequency of urination and the quantity of
urine as well. This has other benefits too. Hyssop essential oil keeps
your heart healthy, aids digestion and also reduces the formation of

Emmenagogue: This property of Hyssop essential oil can help

women with irregular, obstructed, painful, or exhausting menstruation.
This oil opens up menses, makes it regular and also helps overcome
symptoms related with menses like nausea,headache, pain in lower
abdomen, fatigue, loss of appetite, and mood swings.

Expectorant: This is yet another beneficial property of Hyssop

essential oil. It is an expectorant. This is a good remedy to loosen
phlegm that has been tightly deposited in the respiratory tracts. This
keeps the respiratory warm and stops any further deposition of phlegm
in it. Moreover, it helps to cure the infections due to the common cold.

Carminative: This oil, having carminative properties, helps clear
gases from the intestines and relieves you of problems like uneasiness,
heaviness, indigestion, stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, loss of
appetite, and even heart troubles. Furthermore, Hyssop oil does not
allow the formation of gas. It actually stimulates the downward
passage of gas for safe expulsion from the body.

Febrifuge: When fever is due to infections, it helps reduce it by

fighting infections. When fever is due to an accumulation of toxins
in the body, this oil reduces it by promoting the removal of toxins
from the body through urination. Hyssop oil also brings about
sweating, which helps bring down a person’s temperature in cases of
very high fever.

Hypertensive: Now, this property may not be welcome for normal

or hypertensive people, but it is beneficial for hypotensive people
(people who suffer from low blood pressure). This essential oil can raise
blood pressure and help get rid of problems associated with low
blood pressure, such as headaches, tendency of vomiting, fatigue, and
swelling in the limbs.

Nervine: Being a Nervine means serving as a tonic for the nervous

system. This keeps the nervous system healthy and in good, working
order and helps to avoid nervous disorders. It is effective in cases of
vertigo, nervousness, and convulsions as well. Hyssop essential oil is a
good nervine and tones up the entire nervous system.

Stimulant: Hyssop oil stimulates all the systems running inside the
body. It stimulates the nervous, circulatory, digestive, endocrine,
neural, and excretory systems. Thus, it stimulates the body’s
metabolism as a whole and helps in optimal consumption and
absorption of the nutrients. It also stimulates and activates the
immune system and protects your body from infections and

Sudorific: If someone is suffering from very limited perspiration,
obstructed perspiration, or no perspiration at all (something teenagers
have always wanted), he or she could be in big trouble. It simply means
that toxic elements, excess water and sodium is accumulating in your
body, which is paving the way for bigger or chronic trouble. So, get
going and use Hyssop essential oil. Being a sudorific, it helps bring
about a lot of perspiration and frees yourbody of toxins, water and
extra salts. It also can help you to slim down.

Vermifuge: It kills worms, intestinal and otherwise, while helping

those children enjoy a better life who were suffering from obstructed
growth due to these worms. Nutrients can actually beput to good
use, and children can begin to develop properly.

Vulnerary: Hyssop essential oil protects wounds from infections

andhelps them heal quicker.

Other Benefits: It is very effective against diseases resulting from

viral infections such as coughs, colds, flu, mumps, tonsillitis, and sore
throat, as well as on bronchitis, asthma, eczema, dermatitis and

A Few Words of Caution: This oil should be avoided by people with

epilepsy or during pregnancy, since this oil contains a compound called
Pinocamphone, which can stimulate the nerves.

Aloe Vera
The health benefits of Aloe Vera are numerous, beginning with
improving the digestive system all the way to preserving food; it can
result in optimal health in the long run. Aloe Vera strengthens the
immune system, delays the aging process, cures dermatitis, alleviates
menstrual problems, reduces arthritis pain, heals wounds, cures
nausea, eliminates ulcers, lowers blood sugar levels, prevents diabetes,
reduces oxidative stress, inhibits cancerous growth, heals the side
effects of radiotherapy treatments, promotes hair growth, and
soothes acid reflux symptoms.

This widely useful plant also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides,

improves cardiovascular functions, alleviates joint and muscle pain,
enhances life span, and cures gum diseases. This plant has been used
for ages to alleviate pain, since it has excellent anti-inflammatory

Aloe Vera is also known as medicinal aloe, and some of its common
names are Lily of the Desert, Burn Plant, and Elephant’s Gall. It belongs
to the family of succulent plants in the genus ‘Aloe’.

The origin of Aloe Vera is believed to be in Sudan and has been
used for more than 6,000 years. The great virtues of this plant have
been recognized by many civilizations.,

This species has a wide usage in herbal medicine. The Aloe Vera plant
has compounds such as mannans, polysaccharides, lectins, and
anthraquinones that are extremely beneficial for human health.

Aloe Vera plant is often a stemless or sometimes very short- stemmed

juicy plant that grows 60–100 cm (24–39 in) height, and the offsets
spread out wide. The leaves of this plant are thick and fleshy; and the
color varies from green to grey-green. Some varieties of this plant
have white flecks on the upper and lower portions of the stem surfaces.

The margin of the leaves is like saw-tooth and the flowers bloom
during the summer. This plant can be easily grown both indoors and

For decades, the soothing nature of Aloe Vera has been known and
respected by the people who believe in naturopathy. Aloe Vera has
18 amino acids that work in association with other compounds of
the human body to deliver numerous health benefits. Aloe Vera is
best known for its natural healing of the skin, wounds and other skin
issues. However, it also has many other benefits like curing heart
diseases, diabetes, asthma and arthritis. If you include Aloe Vera
products in your regular nutritional plan, you will automatically
notice a regenerated body and an attractive, youthful appearance.

Health Benefits:

Improves Digestive System: Aloe Vera helps in the proper

functioning of the digestive system. The adapt genic properties of
this plant are beneficial for proper digestive function. It ensures

better nutrient absorption and also eliminates harmful elements
through smooth excretion. A healthy digestive process positively
affects your thoughts and actions, thus promoting overall health.
Thus, Aloe Vera cures irritable bowel syndrome and keeps
constipation, piles and other gastrointestinal conditions from
damaging your system.

Aloe Vera has compounds called polysaccharides that have the ability
to cure a host of digestive disorders and even ulcers. Ulcers are one
of the most prominent consequences of digestive problems that are
effectively cured by this plant extract. Many studies have proved that
Aloe Vera cures issues like Crohn’s disease, peptic ulcers and other
digestive tract disorders. If you suffer from ulcers and consume Aloe
Vera extract for at least 3 – 4 weeks, you are sure to notice positive

Boosts Immune System: Drinks made from Aloe Vera juice

possess natural detoxifying properties that effectively cleanse the
digestivesystem and the circulatory system. As the absorption level
of nutrients accelerates, it results in better blood circulation and also
improves the body’s nutritional quality within the cells. When the
blood is oxygen rich, it automatically provides nutrients within the
cells more proficiently. These healthy cells ensure your body’s ability
to ward off infections, thereby strengthening your immune system.
Aloe Vera has the capability to neutralize harmful bacteria; its
rejuvenating properties work within your body to keep it fresh and
active throughout the day. Many studies have shown that these
antitumor and immunomodulatory properties are due to Aloe Vera

Halts Cancerous Growth: As discussed in the previous sections, Aloe

Vera helps in strengthening your immune system; the use of aloe gel
also destroys cancerous tumors effectively. Aloe Vera

polysaccharides contain some effective macrophages that produce
huge volumes of nitric oxide, which has antitumor potential. In
naturopathy, there are innumerable methods of cancer preventionand
the Aloe Vera-based method has proven to be one of the most
successful ones.

Heals Side Effects of Radiotherapy Treatments: In cancer

treatment, radiotherapy is inevitable in most cases. Cancer
treatment patients often experience many uncomfortable side
effects due to radiotherapy. Topical application of Aloe Vera gel to
the radiation area will make the patient immediately feel the
soothing effect andit also accelerates the healing response. If you
drink Aloe Vera juicein such conditions, it will also help you in healing
the radiation burns.

Cures Dermatitis: Aloe Vera has been used for skin ailments since
ancient times. The pure inner gel extracted from the aloe leaf is the
best natural remedy for skin abrasions and it also helps to diminish
the symptoms of aging skin conditions. Today, many topical skin
care products and even personal care products, toiletries, and skin
cosmetics include Aloe Vera extract. Aloe is now recommended as
the most widely used ingredients for popular skin care products. In
fact, if you have an Aloe Vera plant in your home, simply tear a
small part of the leaf, take the gel and apply it in raw form on your
face. This therapy will prove to be far better and more effective than
many expensive skin creams on the market. Most people prefer
drinking Aloe Vera juice, which also enhances skin health, as the
properties of the plant work internally. Aloe Vera also helps in curing
stings, rashes, acne, and psoriasis.

Promotes Hair Growth: Aloe Vera has proven to be an excellent option

for promoting hair growth naturally. The hair products that contain Aloe
Vera are essential to retain voluminous and healthy hair. You can
apply Aloe Vera gel on the entire scalp and hair to

treat hair loss. Aloe Vera has an enzyme that is beneficial in
stimulating hair growth. Aloe Vera shampoo improves blood
circulation and keeps you away from stress and mental strain. In
fact, Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively
treat ‘Androgenetic Alopecia’. If you use Aloe Vera regularly as your
shampoo and conditioner, you are sure to prevent the disturbing
problem of premature hair loss.

Reduces Arthritis Pain: Aloe Vera is noted for its amazing anti-
inflammatory properties that work instantly on the pain and swelling
resulting from arthritis. Aloe Vera juice is extremely effective in
calming the swelling and inflammation that are closely associated
with arthritis conditions. In fact, topical application on swelling or
drinking Aloe Vera juice both show positive results in curing arthritis

Relieves Joint and Muscle Pain: The anti-inflammatory

properties ofAloe Vera help it to work efficiently on joint and muscle
pains. Applying aloe gel topically eases inflammation of the joints.
Aloe juice can also be consumed to reduce inflammation throughout
thebody, thus revitalizing your body. In some studies, it has been
reported that people who regularly consume Aloe Vera juice for at
least two weeks experience a drastic improvement in inflammation
issues. However, Aloe Vera works efficiently only when your diet is
also regulated for the same goals. You need to reduce your intake
of red meat, sugar, milk, fried foods, and white flour consumption.

Cures Wounds: Aloe Vera has been considered a natural healer ever
since it was discovered thousands of years ago. If used externally, Aloe
Vera is the best option for wound dressing. In fact, in manycases
it is seen that Aloe Vera works like magic, even in the most serious of
emergency room wound cases. The juice instantly seals the wound
while drawing the flow of blood to the wound, thus

enhancing the process of wound healing. In many studies, it has
been proven that aloe effectively treats third-degree burn victims
and it restores the burned skin faster. In some instances, it is also
known that large amounts of Aloe Vera gel can heal wounds of
gunshots and tissue tears.

Cures Menstrual Problems: The extract of Aloe Vera has been

shown to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus. Intake of Aloe Vera
juice is very beneficial during painful menstruation.

Alleviates Nausea: Nausea can occur due to a host of reasons,

including consuming contaminated food, having a virus or flu, or
even due to chemotherapy treatments. There are many man-made
medicines for nausea, however nowadays doctors are also
prescribing natural options for treatment. Oftentimes, nausea
feelings originate from disorders in the stomach or in the digestive
tract. Aloe Vera juice is excellent for a sick stomach and makes you
feel better by bringing a calm feeling throughout the body. This
indirectly helps to alleviate the feelings of nausea.

Reduces Blood Sugar Level: Aloe Vera is also used for lowering
blood sugar levels. Consumption of Aloe Vera has beneficial effects
on reducing blood sugar levels. A result of the study of effects of
Aloe Vera on diabetic rat models suggests that it is useful in the
treatment of diabetes.

Prevents Oxidative Stress: Aloe Vera gel is rich in vitamins like B12,
B1,B2, B6, A, E and C, niacin and folic acid. These vitamins are required
for a proper functioning of human body. The body’s defensive system
is thus kept intact with the regular intake of Aloe Vera juice and thus
keeps you away from the dangerous impact of oxidative stress.

Soothes Acid Reflux Symptoms: Acid reflux is often wrongly known

to be a disease, while it is actually just a symptom that involves heart
burn and discomfort. Initially, you can try the natural remedy of
consuming the soothing Aloe Vera juice, which usually works effectively
and initiates proper functioning. However, you should also avoid
eating fried foods and processed foods.

Lowers Cholesterol and Triglycerides: Aloe Vera gel, when

used internally, automatically improves the blood quality and thus
helps in re-balancing the other components in your blood like
cholesteroland glucose. Aloe Vera effectively lowers cholesterol and
total triglyceride content. Blueberries are also powerful, cholesterol-
lowering agents, thus you can imagine how great a natural remedy
it can be if you combine blueberries and Aloe Vera. Before starting
the powerful pharmaceutical drugs immediately, you should try out
this natural remedy.

Improves Cardiovascular Functions: Aloe Vera extract

accelerates the supply of blood and purifies it at the same time. This
blood accelerates the delivery of oxygen to the organs in the body,
thereby maximizing their functionality. Organs like the brain and the
heart need oxygen compulsorily that is supported by this purified
blood. Therefore, Aloe Vera indirectly keeps the blood freshand rich
in oxygen to serve these purposes perfectly.

Cures Gum Diseases: Dental and gum diseases can also be cured by
Aloe Vera. You can try out this natural remedy at home; put some Aloe
Vera powder on your toothbrush, then do your normal brushing. The
Aloe Vera powder will soothe your gums inside andcure any kind
of infection or bruises. Even if you only drink Aloe Vera juice, your
gums will still be very healthy. Just gargle the liquid around your mouth
before swallowing. Also, try to increase your vitamin D intake; both
these measures will be enough to get your gums back in shape within
a few months.

Preserves Food: Professor Daniel Valero, from the University of
Miguel Hernández in Alicante, Spain has proved that a thin layer of Aloe
Vera gel can act as a natural food preservative. In the experiment, they
immersed some table grapes into a bowl of Aloe Vera gel and then kept
it in the refrigerator temperatures. The table grape without aloe
vera gel went bad in 7 days, but the gelled ones stayed fresh for more
than 35 days and left its taste intact.

Many scientists say that this one benefit of Aloe Vera can bring a
new dimension to the food safety regulations around the world.
Further experiments showed that dipping fruits and vegetables in
Aloe Vera gel effectively eliminated E.coli, retained the freshness,
and extended its shelf life.

Boosts Oxygenation of the Blood: Blood oxygenation benefits

the supplying of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to vital organs.

Delays the Aging Process: Aloe Vera has been a primary

componentin many skin products that help in retaining youthfulness
through healthier skin. The anti-aging properties of Aloe Vera works
on theskin and keeps it fresh, supple, wrinkle-free and bright. The
properties of Aloe Vera make it penetrate quickly within the various
layers of the skin, even down to the muscles of the body. In fact, it’s
penetrating ability can even go deep into the bones. Thus, Aloe Vera
is probably the best natural way to nurture and rejuvenate theskin

Health benefits of red rooibos tea include its use as a cure fornagging
headaches, insomnia, asthma, eczema, bone weakness, hypertension,
allergies, and premature aging. The tea is free from caffeine content
and is low in tannins. You can enjoy the refreshing beverage all day
long with no possible side effects. Drinking rooibos tea can further
ease severe stomach cramps, as well as bring reliefto asthma and
other related conditions. It also boosts the immune system of the
human body.

The health benefits of red rooibos tea are abundant. This form of
tea has traditionally been popular due to its great taste and unique
color, while also boosting the health of the body. Rooibos tea or red
tea is a medicinal, herbal beverage that is acquired from the Aspalathus
linearis bush plant that is found in South Africa. According to the South
African Rooibos Council, rooibos is not a true tea, but an herb. The
fermented tea is red in color.

Its medicinal attributes confirmed , red rooibos tea is capable of
reducing cancer, heart disease, premature aging and other serious

Nutritional Value of Red Rooibos Tea

Red rooibos tea has no oxalic acid and therefore, people who have
kidney stones can consume it. Rooibos tea is rich in many mineral
contents such as iron, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, zinc,
magnesium and alpha hydroxy acid. It also contains antioxidants like
aspalathin and nothofagin, and the extremely potent and versatile
phenolic compounds.

Health Benefits of Red Rooibos Tea

Red rooibos tea is one of the best health drinks or beverages for
those who care about their health and fitness. Some of the
beneficial factors that have been positively correlated with red
rooibos tea can be found below.

Polyphenols: Rooibos contains polyphenols that have anti-

inflammatory, antiviral and antimutagenic qualities. Polyphenols are
organic chemicals that are most often praised for their antioxidant
capabilities. Rooibos tea has many phenolic compounds within it,
and polyphenols are some of the most important. They act as
scavengers of free radicals throughout the body, which are
detrimental byproducts of cell metabolism that can cause diseases
like cancer and heart disease. Aspalathin and nothofagin are two
other vital antioxidants that rooibos tea contains, making this a
great beverage to boost your immune system and protect your body
against all types of diseases and conditions.

No Caffeine: Rooibos tea is completely caffeine-free, therefore it is

recommended by doctors for patients suffering from insomnia. A
cup of rooibos beverage just before going to bed can help you

sleep better, and by removing caffeine from your diet, you can also
improve your stress levels, mood, and heart health. Being dependent
on caffeine is the most common addiction throughout the world, but
people don’t realize the dangers that it can pose. Rooibos tea gives you
the energy and health benefits, without the dangerously addictive

Hypertension: Rooibos tea is known to relieve stress, nervous tension

and hypertensive conditions. Hypertension is more commonlyknown
as high blood pressure, and rooibos tea is known as a bronchodilator,
which not only relieves respiratory conditions, butalso generally
reduces blood pressure, which can lead to dangerous cardiovascular
diseases like heart attacks and atherosclerosis.

Bone Health: Red rooibos tea is rich in calcium, manganese and

fluoride minerals that assist in maintaining good bone structure and
stronger teeth. By increasing the bioavailability of minerals in your
system, you can reduce your chances of developing conditions like
arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic joint pain. Manganese actually
works on an even deeper level and stimulates the enzymes which
are required to build new bones and repair damage. Fluoride is
related more commonly to dental health, which is why fluoride
compounds are so often found in mouthwashes and toothpastes.
Whether it is teeth or bone structure, red rooibos tea gives you an

Cardiovascular Health: Quercetin, another powerful antioxidant

found in rooibos tea, has been linked to preventing a wide variety of
heart conditions. It is anti-inflammatory, which reduces blood
pressure, and it also scavenges free radicals like other antioxidants. It
promotes an increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and
inhibits the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) from binding to the
walls of arteries and blood vessels. This means added protection

against various heart conditions, including atherosclerosis, heart
attacks, and strokes.

Infant Health: Rooibos tea can be useful for small children who
suffer from colic or stomach pains. You may add some sweetened
milk to the tea to improve the flavor and make it more palatable.
This is actually what first began rooibos tea as a well-known health
aid. Various South African women claimed that this plant was very
soothing for their colicky infant. Word began to spread, and rooibos
tea was suddenly being thrown at any number of health issues to
see what else it could help. 50 years later, the world knows all about
this powerful little herb!

Diabetes: Aspalathin is one of the rare antioxidants that are found in

rooibos tea, and it has a number of unique qualities. It can help to
balance blood sugar, improve insulin resistance, improve the glucose
absorption by muscles, and boosts the insulin secretion from the
pancreas. This all results in an ideal defensive shield against developing
type II Diabetes, one of the most widespread and dangerous conditions
that is currently sweeping the world. By balancing blood sugar, rooibos
tea can also protect people that already have diabetes by preventing
the spikes and drops of blood sugar that are so detrimental to their
overall health.

Good for Skin: The alpha hydroxy acid and zinc content of red tea
are very good for the skin. You can also try applying some red tea
powder directly to the skin to relieve acne, pimples, sunburns or
related skin conditions. Alpha-hydroxy acids are not found naturally
from too many sources, but in terms of cosmetic products, it has
become very popular, particularly because it can reduce the signs of
wrinkles and other premature aging symptoms. Also, they are
commonly found in chemical peels, which revitalize the skin and
leave it fresh and invigorated with a healthy glow. However, there

has been some controversy about commercial uses of alpha hydroxy
acid, so it is always better to get it from a natural source, like red
rooibos tea!

Kidney Stones: Even people with kidney stone problems can drink as
much red rooibos tea as they want as there is no oxalic acid in the
beverage. Many times, people with kidney stones are discouraged
from drinking too much tea of other varieties because of that
exacerbating ingredient. Oxalic acid is a crystal-forming substance,
so it can make the presence of calcium stones or other painful
growths in the kidney even worse by making them larger.

Antispasmodic properties: The tea is rich in antispasmodic agents,

which can ease severe stomach cramps and abdominal pains. This is
mainly due to the activation of K+ (potassium ions) in the body without
antagonizing the activities of Calcium. Together, this can reduce the
presence of hyperactivity in the gastrointestinal tract, preventing
diarrhea and other intestinal issues.

Allergies: In many parts of South Africa, red tea is used as an

effective curative to treat allergies like eczema, hay fever and
allergy-related bronchitis. It has anti-inflammatory qualities, thanks
to its phenolic content, and this is why it is also prescribed for
asthma and topical allergic reactions of various types throughout
the body.

Premature aging: The antioxidants present in rooibos tea slow

downthe human aging process and they boost the strength of the
immune system. Antioxidants seek out the free radicals that damage
skin, hair, bones, and other organ systems by making them
vulnerable to disease and degeneration. Rooibos tea is one of the
most potent beverages in terms of antioxidant content. It also has
anti-aging effects in terms of cognitive ability, because it reduces
the impact of oxidative byproducts in neural pathways, stimulating
concentration and focus!
Great beverage: Red rooibos tea is an excellent thirst quencher and
does wonders for active people like professional athletes, hyperactive
children and those who travel often, whether for pleasure or business.
Most people prefer to drink rooibos tea in its natural form without any
sweeteners, and those who simply want a refreshing drink without a
caffeine boost, rooibos is the ideal choice.

Rare nutrients: Rooibos tea is said to contain rare nutrients like

Quercetin and Bioflavonoids that assists in good blood circulation
and obstructs hemorrhaging.

Despite all of these health benefits of rooibos tea, there can be a

downside for some people. Since rooibos is so powerful, it can
interfere with treatments for various conditions, including
chemotherapy for cancer patients. Also, rooibos has shown
estrogenic activities in certain studies, so it might not be a good
idea to use if you have a hormone-sensitive cancer like breast
cancer. Finally, if you have existing kidney or liver conditions,
rooibos might be more harmful than helpful. It should be used as a
preventative measure for these conditions, not a cure.


Asarum europaeum, is a species of wild ginger with single axillary

dull purple flowers, lying on the ground. The root is ash-colored, 2
or 3 lines in thickness, 4-angled, contorted, rough; has a pepper-like
odor, a biting, spicy taste, and yields an ash-colored powder. Its
properties are taken up by water or alcohol; boiling evaporates, and
age impairs them. The leaves have virtues similar to those of the root;
they have a very feeble odor, a taste like that of the root, with some
bitterness, and produce a green powder, having a yellow tinge.
Asarum europaeum is a European plant, wherein, it rangesfrom
southern Finland to northern Russia. Asarum europaeum also grows in
Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and southern France and in Republic of
Macedonia. To an extent, this species of wild ginger also grows in UK,
Sweden, Norway, Netherlands and Denmark.

Asarum europaeum grow in moist, hilly woods, and presenting a

single, bell-shaped, dingy-brownish-red flower from May to August.
The root and leaves are used in medicine, and when recent are

quite acrid. They should always be carefully dried for preservation.

Asarum europaeum has been widely used as a medicinal herb and

repellent. Asarum europaeum has been used to ward off moths, as
rat poison, textile dye, and in folk medicine as e.g. a diuretic, emetic
and to end pregnancy.

The desired effect comes from administering the right dose, which
has demanded knowledge and long experience.

Benefits of Asarum Europaeum For Health

Asarum Europaeum (Asarabacca) has a long history of herbal use
dating back at least to the time of the ancient Greeks, though it is
little used in modern herbalism.

Asarum europaeum produces nasal irritation, followed by free

secretions, which flow persistently. It is emetic, cathartic, and errhine.
Used principally as an errhine in certain affections of the brain, eyes,
face, and throat, toothache, ophthalmia, and paralysis of the mouth
and tongue. Asarum europaeum is said to be used in France by
drunkards to produce vomiting.

Despite serious safety concerns, asarum europaeum is used for

bronchitis, bronchial spasms, and bronchial asthma. Women use
asarum europaeum to start their menstrual periods and cause an

Side Effects when using Asarum Europaeum

Asarum europaeum can result in skin irritation when handled with
bare hands; hence, it is advisable to take care and wash the hands
immediately after holding the herb or any of its parts.

Asarum europaeum that is not contaminated with aristolochic acid

is possible unsafe when taken by mouth in large amounts or for
longer durations. Large amount of Asarum europaeum, even if it is

free from contamination, may cause nausea, vomiting, burning of
the tongue, diarrhea, rash, and paralysis.

Cell mutation can be caused by kidney failure and cancer that are a
result of consuming this herb’s flowers, which contain the harmful
aristolochic acid.
Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It is unsafe to take asarum
europaeum if you are pregnant. It might start your period or cause the
uterus to contract. These effects might cause a miscarriage. Avoid

Not enough is known about what effects asarum europaeum might

have on a nursing infant if taken while breast-feeding. Stay on the safe
side and avoid use. Stomach or intestinal (gastrointestinal, GI)
problems: asarum europaeum can irritate the GI tract. Do not use it
if you have ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, or Crohn’s disease.

Asarum Europaeum (Asarabacca) cannot take any responsibility for any

adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice froma
professional before using a plant medicinally.

Asarum promotes improved circulation in addition to many of the

other benefits offered by the fellow plant with which it shares a

The health benefits of rue essential oil can be attributed to its
properties as an antidote to poison, as we as an anti-arthritic, anti-
rheumatic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, insecticidal, sedative, digestive,
anti-epileptic, and anti-hysteric substance.

The essential oil of rue is extracted by steam distillation of the fresh

plants of Rue, which has a botanical name of Ruta Graveolens. Themain
components of this oil are Bergaptene, Butanone, Nonanone, Nonyl
Acetate, Psoralen, Undecanone, and Xanthotoxin.

Rue, or Ruta as it is commonly known, has been a well-known item

in various homeopathic systems of medicine, and like most of the
herbal extracts which these medicines are made from, it is very
poisonous. Again, ironically, it is this toxic or poisonous effect of Rue
that makes it useful as a medicine. The utmost care should be taken
while handling this essential Oil of Rue and direct contact with the
skin or eyes, as well as smelling or ingestion, should be avoided.

The poisonous quality of the plant is the negative aspect of Rue

essential oil, but let’s explore some of the positive points.

Health Benefits of Rue Essential Oil

Antifungal: The same toxic nature of this essential oil explains its
anti-fungal properties as well. It can effectively terminate fungal
growth both inside and outside of the body and can provide
protection against fungal diseases like Athletes foot, dermatitis,
decomplexion of the skin, and various types of food poisoning.

Antidote to Poison: Rue essential oil, since it is poisonous to begin

with, acts as an antidote for a number of other poisons and can be
administered against symptoms of poisoning. However, it is effective
on neurotoxins, not on hemotoxins. It can also be helpful to counter
poisoning and induce vomiting in case any poisonous substances are
ingested. It is particularly beneficial against intoxication by narcotics,
venomous snake bites (snakes like cobras and king cobras, which
have neurotoxic venom, not vipers which have hemotoxic venom),
insect bites, and stings.

Antibacterial: The toxic nature of Rue essential oil is effective in

killing bacteria and preventing bacterial infections. If it has been
taken orally, which is normally recommended against, it should be
taken in very, very mild concentrations and under supervision by an
expert. It can help you get rid of food poisoning by bacteria like
salmonella, bacterial infections in the colon, intestines, and urinary
tract, as well as those on the skin.

Insecticidal: This is yet another bright aspect of the toxic properties

of this oil. It is more poisonous to insects and is thus effective in killing
and driving them away. It can be used in vaporizers, fumigants,
burners, and incense sticks to keep away insects.

Anti-Arthritic & Anti-Rheumatic: It is effective in reducing pain

in the joints associated with arthritis and rheumatism due to
desensitizing effects, which work in a similar way to an anesthetic.

Nervous Sedative: The neurotoxic nature of this oil acts as a sedative
for the nerves and calms down nervous disturbances and afflictions,
convulsions, and nervous hyper-activity, that can often result in
trembling limbs and uncontrolled involuntary actions.

Anti-epileptic & Anti-hysteric: Being a nervous sedative, it is

very effective in countering epileptic and hysteric attacks. The
neurotoxins in this oil induce numbness in the nerves and make
them completely relaxed and de-sensitized, thereby making the
patient calm, inactive and tranquilized.

Other Benefits: It can be used as a disinfectant and in the

treatmentof boils and warts, as well as swelling that results from
insect bitesand stings.

Words of Caution: It acts as an irritant to the skin and mucus

membrane and it is phototoxic, neuro-toxic and abortifacient. Being
an abortifacient, it can result in accidental abortions, so it should be
strictly avoided while pregnant.

Pregnant women must avoid rue, as it triggers a natural abortion.

Everyone else, though, may appreciate it when they need a
stimulant, an antiseptic or a conduit for relieving gas and worms.

Dong Quai
Some of the most interesting health benefits of Dong Quai include
its ability to balance hormone levels, detoxify the body, ease the
menstrual process, boost energy levels and circulation, improve
mood, reduce signs of aging, protect skin health, lower blood
pressure, improve sex drive, and protect the heart.

If you’ve ever heard of “female ginseng”, then you’ve heard of dong

quai, which has the scientific name Angelica Sinensis. This powerful
herb grows primarily in Asia and has been in use for thousands of years
as a sacred herbal remedy. While many traditional Chinese herbal
medicines are largely discounted by western medical professionals,
dong quai remains quite viable and continues to prove its value as more
and more medicinal benefits are identified. The yellow root of the dong
quai plant is where the most valuable chemical components are found.
This root is then dried and used to make a number of powders,
tinctures, tonics, and other herbal supplements, notably for female
health issues, but more recently for an impressive array of benefits.
The plant actually belongs to arather normal family, Apiaceae, which

is commonly known as the carrot, parsley, and celery family, but the
unique chemical composition of dong quai gives it far more benefits
than your average green stalk.

The active ingredients in dong quai, which include ferulic acid, various
polysaccharides, and more than 70 other powerful chemical
compounds result in significant effects on our system, and it’s
becoming harder to deny! Now, let’s take a closer look at this
mysterious and powerful plant to investigate the many health benefits
of dong quai.

Health Benefits of Dong Quai

Hormonal Balance: For thousands of years, dong quai has mainly

been turned to by the fairer sex, as it has a very unique ability to
regulate estrogen levels within the body. Whether you’re too high
or too low in the estrogen department, dong quai extracts and
supplements can get your system back on track, effectively
protecting feminine health by helping to regulate periods.

Aphrodisiac: This is one of the benefits that certainly helps men and
women – dong quai’s use as an aphrodisiac. Studies have shown that
dong quai in various forms can increase male and female libido levels,
as well as their fertility likelihood. Instead of going to expensive fertility
centers and paying thousands of dollars or spending years trying to
conceive, adding some powerful dong quai to your diet can help boost
your chances of conception, and increase your interest in the act

Detoxify the Body: One of the most common places for toxins
and potentially harmful substances to appear in the body is in the
blood.It can be difficult to detoxify the blood, but the high levels of
nutrients and vitamins in dong quai, such as folic acid, biotin, and
vitamin B12, actually work to clear out the blood and reduce toxicity
throughout the body.

Circulation: The significant levels of iron found in dong quai mean
that it can significantly boost circulation throughout the body. Iron
is a key component of red blood cells, and without it, people often
suffer from anemia, characterized by headaches, muscle weakness,
unexplained fatigue, and cognitive disorders. By increasing
circulation throughout the body, you can boost energy levels and
promote healing as extremities in the body become oxygenated and
energized with nutrients.

Menstruation Issues: One of the other reasons why dong quai has
been called female ginseng is because of its effects on the symptoms
of premenstrual syndrome and menopause. The cramping, mood
swings, and general discomfort of menstruation is alleviated by the
antispasmodic properties of dong quai, while also helping to replenish
the blood after your menstruation period so that you don’t feel weak
or tired for days afterwards. For women who have chosen to get off
birth control pills, dong quai can actually help to naturally regulate and
ease your cycle.

Anxiety and Stress: One of the other valuable functions of dong quai
that has emerged in recent years is its ability to improve mood and
lessen anxiety and stress. For women undergoing the hormonal
rollercoaster of menopause or menstruation, as well as men suffering
from anxiety and stress, dong quai can help to regulate hormones to
reduce mood swings and ease our minds.

Depression and Mood Swings: Dong quai, perhaps due to its

invigorating and arousing properties, has been linked with reducing
depression and lessening the effects on our system. There is a
relationship between dopamine and serotonin releases in our body
from certain active components of dong quai, which can explain this
wonderfully uplifting quality of this supplement!

Antioxidant Capacity: As mentioned earlier, dong quai is chock
full of powerful chemical compounds that have a wide range of
effectson our body, including eliminating free radicals before they
can damage our organ systems and cause chronic diseases. This
meansthat dong quai has the potential to reduce our chances of
everything from heart disease to cancer due to these important
antioxidant compounds.

Heart Health: Dong quai can help with heart health in a number of
ways. Firstly, it has been directly connected with lowered blood
pressure in research studies, and it can also treat abnormal heart
rhythms due to its antispasmodic capabilities. Finally, dong quai can
reduce excess platelet build-up in the arteries and blood vessels, which
is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis, strokes, and heart attacks.

Skin Health: While the antioxidant compounds mentioned before

also have some role in keeping the skin young and healthy in
appearance, dong quai more specifically works as an anti-
inflammatory and antibacterial substance for skin conditions like
alopecia, psoriasis, and eczema, lessening the discomfort and
appearance of these skin afflictions quickly.

It seems like there is something good for everyone in dong quai, but
for those women suffering breast cancer, men suffering from
prostate cancer, as well as those women pregnant or nursing, this
herbal supplement shouldn’t be used.

Furthermore, as it can act as an anticoagulant, it can cause

complications for people taking blood pressure medication, like
warfarin, and may cause excess bleeding.


Both plants are members of the mint family and both are referred
to as pennyroyal. H. pulegioides (American pennyroyal) grows in woods
through most of the northern and eastern US and Canada while M.
pulegium is found in parts of Europe. Pennyroyal is a perennial,
creeping herb with small, lilac flowers at the stem ends. The leaves
are grayish green and, like other mint family members, very aromatic.

Pennyroyal oil has been used as a flea-killing bath, hence the name
pulegioides (from the Latin word meaning flea) and has been used
externally as a rubefacient (counter-irritant). In addition, the oil has
found frequent use among natural health advocates as an abortive and
as a means of inducing delayed menses. The oil and infusions of the
leaves have been used in the treatment of weakness and stomach

Pennyroyal has been used as an insect repellent, antiseptic,

fragrance, flavoring, as an emmenagogue (to stimulate menstrual
flow), carminative, stimulant, antispasmodic and for bowel disorders,
skin eruptions, and pneumonia.

The abortive effect of the oil is thought to be caused by irritation of
the uterus with subsequent uterine contraction. Its action is
unpredictable and dangerous.

The dose at which the herb induces abortion is close to lethal, and
in some cases it is lethal. Pennyroyal is not considered safe for ingestion
for any use. Pennyroyal usually is used as the volatile oil as an abortive.
Because of severe toxicity at doses of 5 g, it should not be used.

Pennyroyal may cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, lethargy,

increased blood pressure and increased pulse rate, and dermatitis. In
tea form, small amounts have been used without reported side effects.


In large portions, pennyroyal can cause abortion, irreversible renal

damage, severe liver damage and death. A small amount of oil can
produce delirium, unconsciousness, shock, seizures and auditory and
visual hallucinations.

Because pennyroyal is toxic under certain circumstances, extreme care

must be taken when incorporating it into an alternative medicine

Teas brewed from the plant have been known to relieve the pain from
multiple diseases, including cancer and indigestion.

The most important health benefits of reishi mushrooms include
their ability to slow the aging process, detoxify the body, reduce
blood pressure, eliminate inflammation, prevent cancer, improve
cognitive ability, and boost energy.

Although some people don’t like the idea of eating fungi,

mushrooms are one of the most popular and beneficial types of food
on the planet. Reishi mushrooms, in particular, have been relied on
for thousands of years in the Asian region, but has recently come to
the attention of the wider world.

Scientifically know as Ganoderma lucidum, “reishi” is the name by

which these beneficial mushrooms are known in Japan, while in China,
they are called lingzhi mushrooms.

Lingzhi mushrooms as a group actually represent a species complex

of fungal entities, many of which are in use throughout the world.

These fascinating fungi are so potent because of their unique collection
of organic compounds and components, which include triterpenes,
alkaloids, sterols, and various essential polysaccharides.

Although most mushrooms are eaten in order to enjoy the health

benefits and nutrients, the most popular means of using reishi
mushrooms includes crushing dried mushrooms and steeping them
in water. The mushrooms are extremely bitter in taste, which makes
them somewhat unpleasant to consume directly or in a highly
concentrated liquid form. For this reason, and because traditional
herbal remedies in most western nations have been replaced by
more efficient herbal supplements, you can mainly find reishi
mushroom supplements in pill or capsule form, but there are plenty
of places in the world where reishi mushrooms are still processed
and administered directly.

Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms

Anti-Aging: With popular names such as “king of herbs” and the

“1 0 , 0 0 0 -year mushroom”, reishi mushrooms have been highly
praised in herbal medicine for thousands of years for its effects on
longevity. In ancient times, those seeking immortality often used
reishi mushrooms because of this belief. However, modern studies
have positively linked reishi mushrooms to certain life-span
expansion, namely due to the impressive polysaccharide content of
these fungi. This is accomplished by boosting the health of the
immune system and preventing certain abnormal blood vessel

Furthermore, certain antioxidant properties of other organic

compounds in reishi mushrooms neutralize free radicals, which can
cause chronic diseases and premature aging.

Cancer Prevention and Treatment: There are thousands of active

studies on cancer, as it is one of the most widespread and fatal
diseases faced by our society. A handful of those studies have also
focused on reishi mushrooms and it has been determined that the
triterpenoids found in reishi mushrooms have the ability to reduce
the metastasis of cancerous cells and prevent tumor growth.

Furthermore, a second study found that the active ingredients of

reishi mushroom extract can seek out and neutralize cancerous cells
within the body.

Detoxify the Body: Our livers are delicate and essential organs,
so decreasing the level of toxins in our body and liver is a huge goal
for human health. Studies have linked reishi mushroom extracts to
faster regeneration of healthy liver cells and a release of free
radicals that have built up in that organ, thereby promoting overall
health and wellness in our system.

Cognitive Disorders: Neurological diseases can be some of the

most painful and unsolvable mysteries in human health, and for
cognitivedisorders like Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s disease, there is no
proven cure. However, research has shown that the extracts in reishi
mushrooms can stimulate cognitive activity and display certain
neuroprotective effects, particularly in the stimulation of nerve
growth factor, which is a key part of health cognitive function.

Anti-Inflammatory Qualities: One of the most important side

effectsof reishi mushroom extracts is its anti-inflammatory capacity.
This is partially why it can help with cognitive disorders, by
increasing the amount of blood flow to the brain, but for people
suffering from arthritis or gout, reishi extracts can also be helpful.
By reducing inflammation, reishi mushrooms have also been relied
on for headaches and injury healing.

Respiratory Conditions: For those suffering from asthma,
bronchitis,or other chronic respiratory conditions, reishi mushroom
extract can have a strong effect on reducing irritation and
eliminating the allergic reactions from this part of the body. By
preventing the release of histamine from mast cells in the body,
reishi mushrooms prevent allergic reactions, from mild skin irritation
to potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

High Blood Pressure: Hypertension is one of the most common and

pervasive problems in the world today, and cardiovascular disease and
complications remains the major killer in our global society. Reishi
mushrooms have been proven to improve the efficiency of blood flow
to the heart and lower blood pressure; it also reducesthe amount of
oxygen consumed in the heart, meaning that there is more oxygenation
for the rest of the body and organ systems.

Furthermore, certain elements of reishi mushroom extract can

reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in your system, further
protecting you from strokes and heart attacks.

Immune System Aid: Although we’ve already mentioned

antioxidants, which are a key component of the immune system,
reishi mushrooms also contain beta-glucans, one of the most
effective and powerful immune system boosters that we know of.
By increasing the number of beta-glucans in your body, you can
protect against a vast range of potential diseases and reduce the
signs of aging. Some experts believe that it is this high glucan
content that linked it historically with immortality and vitality.

Energy Booster: In addition to lengthening life, traditional

medicinealso suggested reishi for energy-boosting. As we get older,
our energy levels do tend to drop, but adding a boost of life and
spirit in our golden years would be wonderful.

As with anything with so many good qualities, there is almost inevitably
a flip side. As it happens, extended use of reishi mushrooms (1-2
months) has been connected with some side effects throughout
history, including headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds, and dry mouth.

Watercress is a cruciferous plant grown for centuries as a mineral
rich green leafy vegetable. A brassica family member of plant genus,
Watercress has the health benefits of other brassica’s.

This health benefit is obtained from the high content of vitamins

and minerals and the antioxidant properties of the phyto chemical
structure of watercress plant.

Nutritional value of Watercress

Weight for weight, watercress contains more vitamin C than anorange,

more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach and more folate than
bananas. Each phyto nutrient is where the health benefits of
watercress are contained.

These phyto nutrients and their benefits will now be discussed.

Watercress contains vitamin A, vitamin B6, B12, iron, magnesium,
calcium, phosphorus which are all required for a healthy body.

Health Benefits of Watercress

Breast Cancer: Watercress has such effective cancer preventive

phytonutrient that even eating a single salad shows increase of
molecules into the body’s circulatory system that may prevent and
stop the recurrence of breast cancer.

Studies on the anti-carcinogenic abilities of watercress showed great

benefit when added to the diet as a cancer preventive for stomach
and lung cancer as well as breast cancer.

Watercress is shown to be effective in reversing DNA damage to white

blood cell. In studies, cells were abler to protect themselves as shown
when hydrogen peroxide was introduced to the cells and the damage
was 9.4 percent lower than expected.

These studies suggest that the phytochemical compound that gives

watercress and other cruciferous vegetables is also what gives them
their bitter flavor. This phytochemical stimulates the bodies’ natural
defense promoting cellular protection, the same study states that
the anti-carcinogenic benefits may be from the antioxidant’s lutein
and beta carotene since these were determined to be at elevated
levels in the blood stream of participants. These studies conclude
that there are benefits in the addition of watercress to the everyday
diet including preventing the recurrence of breast cancer as well as
preventing onset.

Watercress is rich in vitamin C that may also be beneficial in

reducing oxidative stress caused by cancer in high concentrations
and preventing tumors. Folate also is associated with low risk of
cancer. Daily increased consumption of folate over a ten-year period
by women showed results in of 22% reductions in breast cancers.

The increased daily consumption of folate did not pose any health
risks and proved most beneficial protection against estrogen
negative receptor breast cancer tumors rather than estrogen
positive receptor tumors.

Colorectal cancer: Though studies have shown mixed results, many

have concluded that the dietary intake of folate over as part of a
daily diet may act as a preventive against colorectal cancer. This benefit
was seen more often when folate was taken for 15 years or greater.

Thyroid health: Watercress is a member of the brassica family of

cruciferous vegetable which has shown beneficial effect in thyroid
health. Watercress like other brassicas may work by reducing
thyroid hormone production and are most beneficial when eaten
raw. Water cress may also be lightly steamed so not to lose
nutritional value.

Cardiovascular health: In addition to the nutrient content of

watercress many secondary metabolites that may help lower risk of
many chronic diseases. Cruciferous plants like watercress are shown to
be beneficial in lowering LDL-Cholesterol which reduces risk of
cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and other chronic heart
disease. Watercress contains vitamin C which works as anantioxidant
and help in reducing heart tissue damage caused by oxidative stress.
Vitamin C is active in the process of embryonic cells developing into
cardiac myocytes and improving heart health.

Bone health: Studies show that inclusion of calcium rich food such as
watercress works in reducing risk of osteoporosis. Calcium works in
repairing and building bone by effecting the increase in the production
of osteoblasts, the cells responsible for this beneficial activity. This
benefit of calcium is essential for the aging population though the

population may also benefit if their lifestyle sedentary which promotes
bone density loss. Watercress is also a good source of folate which
plays a direct role as an interactive nutrient in maintaining bone
density. Post-menopausal women may have benefit from folate in
their diet as a preventive against osteoporosis.

Watercress and Calcium: Calcium through dietary intake is

necessary and perhaps most beneficial in the prevention of many
diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and
hypertension. Calcium through food sources such as watercress is
also shown to be safe against adverse cardiac effects which is a
concern for some that take high dose supplements. If supplemental
calcium is added to the daily diet 500 mg daily is enough for most
women to supplement their daily food intake. Though amounts up
to 10 0 0 mg daily are taken by some risks of calcium deposits and
resulting health problems may occur. Overall food sources remain
the best way to maintain healthy levels of calcium in the body.

Studies have shown that the benefit of regular consumption of

watercress may be from secondary metabolites and other phyto
nutrients which repair cellular damage and work effectively as a
preventive against certain cancers, cardiovascular, and thyroid disease.

Watercress and Folate: Folate is an essential nutrient that plays

a role in preventing birth defects and in daily health maintenance.
Folate levels are affected by alcohol consumption. A diet rich in folate
containing foods such as watercress and other cruciferous vegetables
may work as a preventive and even to resolve certain health conditions.

Intake of folate containing food such as watercress may help in

reducing risk of depression, stroke, breast cancer, colorectal cancer,
osteoporosis, cognitive decline and neural tube deficiency in babies.

Antidepressant: Low folate levels may cause by lack of dietary intake
or excess alcohol intake. A meta-analysis of studies 19 studies, inclusive
of 15,315 participants, showed that low folate level increases risk of
depression. Folate works with the neurotransmitters pathways of the
central nervous system effecting production of suchneurochemical such
as serotonin. With depression affecting a significant percentage of the
world populations the addition of foods with high folate content such
as watercress is an important dietary supplement in reducing risk of
this chronic disease.

Stroke prevention: A cross sectional study of 662 adults showed

beneficial results of foods fortified with folate in preventing stroke. If
not eating fortified foods, large amounts of folate containing foods such
as watercress would need to be consumed in order to reachthe
same level of beneficial nutrient status and health benefit.

Pregnancy: Folate is important to the development of a healthy

embryo as it plays an important role in normal cellular division.
Consumption of at least 400mcg of folate daily by pregnant women
is shown to reduce incidence of neural tube deficiency. Watercress
with its high content of folate may help in reducing risk of ailments
such as neural tube deficiency during pregnancy.

Cognition: Folate may act a preventive against cognitive decline.

Results of a study, of males aged 50 -7- years of age, showed that
participants given 800 mcg of folate daily were shown to have
beneficial effect on cognition and verbal fluency. Inclusion of
watercress which has a high folate content may protect against the
cognitive decline.

Watercress and Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin

which indicates that it is excreted through urinary excretion on a
daily basis. Studies have shown both dietary and supplemental daily
intake may have benefits to preventing disease in and treating many

physiological systems when vitamin C is kept in high concentrations
in the blood. Water cress contain higher amounts of vitamin C than
an orange and is beneficial to providing and maintain blood levels
of vitamin C necessary for beneficial health effects.

Intake of vitamin C rich food such as watercress is beneficial in

repairing brain tissues, reducing risk of blood cell damage and common

Brain: Consumption of vitamin C rich foods may be beneficial in

preventing cognition changes as related to Alzheimer’s and aging
and protecting and repairing brain tissue. It also works to reduce
bleeding when stroke has occurred. Other results have shown that
those having sustained traumatic head injury often have lower
blood concentrations of vitamin C. These studies suggest that daily
intake of vitamin C rich food such as watercress may benefit in
preventing damage and improving the outcomes of brain injury and
function. High concentrations of vitamin C may play a role in neuron
building activity.

Blood: Research study suggests that vitamin C along with vitamin E is

effective in reducing oxidative damage to red blood cells. Though study
is based on supplements it is also suggests that consumption of foods
such as watercress with these nutrients may be beneficial to health.

Eyesight: A European sturdy suggests that vitamin C might be

effective in reducing risk of cataract development. Inclusion of
watercress with good amount of vitamin C may be beneficial in
protecting against cataract.

Common cold: Vitamin C rich food is an effective remedy of

common cold. A study on this the immune protective ability of

vitamin C shows that consuming food rich in vitamin C may reduce the
risk of cold by 66 %. Watercress is a good source of vitamin C and its
intake may help in reducing risk of cold.

Pediatric Asthma: A study on children with asthma’s showed

results of significantly increased forced expiratory volume expiratory
(FEV) with vitamin C of at least 0.2g daily. These results varied with
each child’s history of mold and dampness exposure. Those having no
exposure with 37% increase and those with exposure a 21% increase
of FEV per second. Intake of food such as watercress may provide relief
from pediatric asthma.


Watercress is a beneficial food that is a strong preventive medicine

when eaten daily. Doing so effects many body systems, repairs cellular
damage, and prevents cardiovascular, cancer and thyroid imbalance
with the nutritional value it imparts. The nutrients in watercress are
also beneficial to women in the post-menopausal years to improve
cognition and reduce risk of osteoporosis. Water cress could be
consumed by those wanting to prevent as well astreat these types
of conditions and is recommended as a powerful “super food.”

The health benefits of Wintergreen Essential Oil can be attributed
to its properties as an analgesic, anodyne, antirheumatic,
antiarthritic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aromatic, astringent,
carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue and stimulating substance.

The oil of wintergreen is a world famous name, and it is extremely

popular with the people suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, gout
and pain in their bones and joints from any number of reasons.

This oil can usually be found in every household because it has so many
common applications.

This oil is readily available and can be found in a wide variety of

stores. Wintergreen is a tree native to North America and it is
believed to have been Native Americans who discovered the use of
its oil to eliminate pain in the muscles and joints.

The botanical name of this shrub is Gaultheria Procumbens. The
essential oil of this plant is extracted by steam distillation of its
leaves. Menthyl Salicylate and Gaultherilene are the two main
components of this essential oil and Menthyl Salicylate forms an
integral part of almost every antiarthritic and analgesic balm for
muscle and joint pain that is available on the market.

Let us quickly examine some of the most notable medicinal

properties of this highly poisonous, yet very useful, essential oil.

Health Benefits of Wintergreen Essential Oil

Analgesic: I doubt that I need to introduce this property of

Wintergreen essential oil to anyone, since it is one of the major
properties for which it is known around the world. When rubbed on the
affected area, this oil is readily absorbed through the outer skin and
the presence of Menthyl Salicylate induces numbness and an anesthetic
effect on the nerves there. It also increases circulation of the blood and
brings warmth to the area. In this way, it fights pain.

Anodyne: This property means that an agent can eliminate pain and
induce relaxation. Therefore, it is a combination of an analgesic and
a relaxant. Wintergreen essential oil will eradicate pain and drive out
stress and tension. This is a very pleasant way of getting a sound sleep
at the end of the day for those who often lose sleep due to pain or

Antirheumatic & Antiarthritic: These characteristics of the

essentialoil of wintergreen are based on the stimulating property of
this oil.This oil fights rheumatism and arthritis in two ways. First,
when applied externally, it easily penetrates through the skin
around themuscles and tissues and stimulates circulation of blood
in that location. This activity, apart from bringing warmth to the
affected area, helps to clear obstructions in the flow of blood, which
is one ofthe major causes behind rheumatism and arthritis, and it

does not let toxins like uric acid accumulate at that spot. Secondly,
although it is absorbed through the skin, it eventually reaches the
blood stream, where it stimulates and increases urination, acting as a
diuretic. This speeds up the removal of toxins like uric acid from the
body through urination. The removal of excess water, fats and salts
through urine helps lose weight, which also reduces the effects of
rheumatic conditions.

Antispasmodic: The relaxing and stimulating effect of this oil

reduces spasms in the respiratory, muscular, digestive and nervous
systems, while providing relief from congestion in the chest, breathing
trouble, asthma, spasmodic coughs, muscular cramps, digestive
disorders, spasmodic diarrhea, convulsions and various nervous

Antiseptic: The high degree of toxicity of this oil can make it fatal
tohuman beings, but that means that it is fatal to bacteria and other
microbes such a virus, fungi and protozoa as well. This quality is
utilized to fight infection that causes sepsis. It also kills the bacteria
Staphylococcus Aureus and cures sepsis. However, care should be
taken to avoid direct contact with blood and it should never be
applied to open wounds. Neither should it be taken orally to fight
sepsis in the internal organs. Just applying this oil on the skin will be
enough, as it will easily penetrate the skin, be absorbed by the
tissues and will then be absorbed in the blood stream, thus
spreading into the internal organs as well.

Aromatic: Although it has a pungent aroma, it is not unpleasant.

Incertain cases, it can be used to overcome or mask foul smells, but
this oil is not for regular application, as it is quite powerful.

Astringent: Astringents like the essential oil of wintergreen has a
lotto offer. It induces contractions in muscle tissue, skin, blood vessels
and hair roots. This results in the contraction of muscles and skin which
adds firmness to the muscles and lift to the skin, making you feel better
and look younger. When it comes to blood vessels, this contraction
helps to curb hemorrhaging from wounded or impacted vessels.
The hair roots are also contracted and strengthened by this astringent
effect. I have deliberately not mentioned its effects on the gums since
it should never be taken orally, under any circumstances.

Carminative: You may want to enjoy its carminative effects, but

never take this oil orally, even in very light dilutions. Instead, once it
is diluted in water, it can be rubbed on the belly which will eventually
expel the gases.

Diuretic: The diuretic property of essential oil of wintergreen comes

from its stimulating qualities. It stimulates the organs in the urinary
system and filtration of water by the kidneys, thereby increasing the
frequency and quantity of urine. This is of great help as it speeds up
the removal of toxins like uric acid and protects from diseases like
rheumatism, arthritis and others which are caused due to the
accumulation of toxins. It also removes excess water, fat and salt from
the body, thus helping cure edema, water logging, and hypertension,
while aiding in weight loss. This also keeps kidneys and the urinary
bladder clear and prevents formation of stones in those places.

Emmenagogue: Obstructed menstruation is a big problem faced by

many women, more so in large cities. This condition should not be
taken lightly as it may give rise to very serious problems like uterine
ulcers and even uterine cancer. It results in pain in the abdominal
region, irritation, annoyance, hair loss, failing health and various

feminine problems. This problem can be sorted out with the help of
an agent that can clear this obstruction and restart the menses.
Furthermore, it can also make them regular. Luckily, there are many
essential oils which can do this, and the essential oil of wintergreen is
one of them. It opens up menstruation and also helps get rid of
problems like nausea, fatigue, and pain associated with difficult

Stimulant: Wintergreen essential oil is basically a stimulant and it

promotes the discharge of gastric juices, bile, hormones, enzymes,
ovarian and uterine discharges and even urine by stimulating the liver,
gall bladder, endocrinal glands and the uterus. It also stimulates
circulation of blood and lymph, digestion, excretion and the nerves. It
is frequently used to treat snake bites, dog bites, stings from poisonous
insects like scorpions, wasps, and bees. It is also beneficial for infected
and rotting wounds, sores, and ulcers. Furthermore, it can also be used
to counter obstructed blood circulation resulting from frostbite and
extremely low temperatures, since it has a warming effect.

The essential oil of wintergreen is highly poisonous due to the

presence of Menthyl Salicylate. It should never be ingested and
should not be used in aromatherapy. External application is
sufficient for making this oil work inside since it easily seeps through
the skin and is absorbed by the muscles and tissues. Furthermore, if
accidentally ingested, it can cause severe damage to internal organs
like the liver and kidneys. One more cautionary note, excessive
external application on the skin can also turn fatal because of
absorption of excessive Menthyl Salicylate in the tissues and
consequently in the blood stream. There have been examples of
death of sportsmen who rubbed too much of a relaxing ointment on
his thighs which contained Menthyl Salicylate. It should never be
given to patients who are hyper-reactive to salicylates.

Bupleurum is a traditional Chinese herb dating back to the firstcentury
BC and is one of the most commonly used herbs in traditional Chinese
medicine. One of China's harmony herbspurported to affect organs
and energy in the body, bupleurum has been used as a liver tonic, with
spleen and stomach toning properties.

Bupleurum has also been used to promote perspiration and treat

fever, flu, distending pain in the chest, and menstrual disorders.

The plant Bupleurum is being investigated for its antipyretic,

immunomodulatory, GI tract, and hepatoprotective effects, as well
as its potential in the prevention and treatment of cancers. Clinical
trials are generally lacking.

Side Effects

Mild lassitude, sedation, and drowsiness. Large doses may increase

flatulence and bowel movements. Allergy to injected bupleurum has
been reported.

The toxicity profile appears to be low; however, information is
limited. Bupleurum may contain some excellent, healthful facets,
but it is best known as an alternative remedy to treating various
liver ailments.


Health benefits of Tarragon Essential Oil can be attributed to its

properties as an anti-rheumatic, aperitif, circulatory, digestive,
deodorant, emmenagogue, stimulant, and vermifuge substance.

The medicinal uses of Tarragon were known long ago, and this herb
has also been used in cooking for generations. Doesn’t the name sound
strangely close to “Dragon”? There is a reason for that, actually.

The common name is “Little Dragon” and the botanical name of

tarragon means that as well. By the way, its botanical name is Artemisia
Dracunculus, and Dracunculus means “Little Dragon”. The exact reason
behind this name is unknown.

The Essential Oil of Tarragon is extracted by steam distillation of its

leaves and flowering tops. The essential oil is made up of cineol,
estragole, ocimene, and phellandrene. Perhaps it is these medicinal
properties that gave this plant this peculiar name. Who knows? Let’s
find out a bit more about this unique essential oil.

Health Benefits of Tarragon Essential Oil

Anti-rheumatic: There are two main causes behind rheumatism

andarthritis. The first is improper circulation of blood and lymph,
especially in the limbs, and the second is the accumulation of toxins,
such as uric acid, in body. Therefore, it is obvious what the cure
would be. It should primarily be a circulatory, that is, it should
increase or facilitate circulation. Secondly, it should be a detoxifier,
meaning that it should help remove toxins from the body.

Tarragon Essential Oil helps with the first solution. It has good
circulatory properties and increases circulation, which brings
warmth to the affected parts of the body and it does not let uric
acid accumulate in any one place. It also helps detoxification by
stimulating urination and excretion, which both help to remove

Aperitif: This essential oil stimulates the secretion of digestive juices

into the stomach, which increases appetite. This starts right from the
mouth, where the production of saliva is stimulated.

Down below, gastric juices and bile are secreted into the stomach,
which speeds up digestion of the food that is already present, if any,
in the stomach. This helps to empty the stomach, which then
increases appetite.

Circulatory: The Essential Oil of Tarragon improves the circulation

ofblood and lymph and helps in the proper distribution of nutrients,
oxygen, hormones, and enzymes throughout the body.
Furthermore, it does not let toxins accumulate at particular places,
such as the joints.

Digestive: This oil speeds up digestion by stimulating the secretion

of digestive juices (gastric juices such as acids and bile) into the
stomach, which helps break down food into various nutrients and

stimulates peristaltic motion in the intestines. This facilitates the
motion of food through the whole digestive system.

Deodorant: The spicy smell of tarragon is used to keep body odor

away. It also inhibits the growth of microbes on the skin, which
further reduces body odor.

Emmenagogue: This essential oil eases menstruation, clears

obstructions in menses, and regulates periods. Furthermore, it also
gives relief from the problems like abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, and

Stimulant: It stimulates the brain, nervous, digestive, circulatory, and

endocrinal systems. This means that it stimulates the whole metabolic
system and as a result, growth and immunity are stimulated.

Vermifuge: The toxicity of this oil kills any worms in the body. These
include roundworms and tapeworms that are found in the
intestines, hookworms that can live in any part of the body, and
even maggots on wounds. It is alright to use this essential oil
externally, but extreme care should be taken when taking it orally,
since it is a toxic substance.

It increases the appetite and treats anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence,

gas, and infections in the urinary system. This oil is poisonous due to
the presence of estragole, which is another name for methyl chavicol.
Hence, it should not be given to young children and pregnant women.

Some of the most important health benefits of stinging nettle include
its ability to detoxify the body, improve metabolic efficiency, boost
immune health, increase circulation, improve energy levels, manage
menstruation, minimize menopausalsymptoms, heal skin conditions,
protect kidney and gallbladder health, lower inflammation, increase
muscle mass, regulate hormonal activity, prevent diabetes, lower
blood pressure, soothe hemorrhoids, and improve respiratory

Stinging Nettle

This herbaceous flowering plant may be considered as an annoyance

to many when they brush against its sharp, stinging leaves, but for
thousands of years, people around the world have used stinging
nettle to treat a wide variety of health conditions. The scientific
name of stinging nettle is Urtica dioica, and the plant is one of six
subspecies within the Urtica genus. The native range of stinging
nettle, also known as common nettle in some places, is extensive,
including Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. The plant itself is
relatively small, rarely growing past five feet in height. The leaves and

stems in some of the subspecies have long stinging hairs that inject an
array of chemicals when touched, including histamine, formic acid,
serotonin, and acetylcholine. This produces an irritating,
uncomfortable sensation in the skin, which is why some of the other
common names for stinging nettle are burn weed and burn nettle.

Menstruation and Menopause: Stinging nettle has a number of

active components that affect feminine health. For painful
premenstrual symptoms, stinging nettle can soothe cramping and
bloating, while also minimizing blood flow during menstruation due
to its astringent capabilities. For women undergoing menopause,
stinging nettle is also useful as it can smooth the transition and act
as a restorative so the hormonal shift isn’t as dramatic in the body.

Circulation: The combination of high vitamin C and iron content in

stinging nettle makes it ideal for stimulating red blood cell
production. Vitamin C optimizes iron uptake in the gut, while iron is
a crucial component of hemoglobin. By increasing the RBC count in
the body, circulation increases, wound healing speeds up, and the
body’s extremities receive essential oxygenation to boost energy
levels. For the same reason, stinging nettle is often recommended to
relieve fatigue or anemia, which is characterized by general muscle
weakness, exhaustion, cognitive difficulties, and headaches.

Kidney and Gallbladder Health: Stinging nettle has long been

known as a diuretic substance, but it also affects the kidneys in a
different way. Stinging nettle has nephritic qualities, meaning that it
can help to break down the stones in the kidneys and gallbladder,
preventingthose painful conditions from worsening or requiring those
stones to be either passed or surgically removed. Also, as a diuretic,
stinging nettle helps to eliminate toxins quickly, thereby protecting
against bladder infections and excess fluid retention (edema).

Anti-inflammatory Activity: Stinging nettle is a stimulant and

rubefacient substance, making it very effective against various
inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis or chronic muscle pain.
Research has shown that stinging nettle tea or herbal
supplementation can effectively treat gout, soothe muscle pain, and
reduce symptoms of arthritis.

Osteoporosis and Bone Health: Although we don’t hear much

aboutboron, it is still an important mineral element in our bodies that
canbe found in stinging nettle. Boron has been scientifically linked
to maintaining calcium content in our bones, which means that
stinging nettle can help slow the onset of osteoporosis. When you
combine that effect with the hormone-regulating impact that
stinging nettle has, which helps to regulate and monitor bone health
as well, it seems like this herb truly can do it all.

Respiratory Issues: Stinging nettle has also been connected to

the treatment of a variety of respiratory conditions, including hay
fever,asthma, and other seasonal allergies. Studies have shown that
certain extract combinations from stinging nettle can significantly
reduce allergic reactions in patients. Regular consumption of stinging
nettletea has been used to treat asthma in Australia for generations.

Heart Health: It only makes sense that this amazing cure-all herb
would also be able to positively affect the heart. Research has
revealed that regular consumption of stinging nettle tea can help
lower systolic blood pressure and relieve tension and stress on the
cardiovascular system.
Prostate Health: Prostate enlargement and cancer are both
seriousfactors to consider as men age, but stinging nettle has proven
to bean effective means of preventing prostate growth. However,
due to the chemical pathways that this treatment takes, stinging
nettle canonly prevent the growth, not reverse it once the growth
factor andtestosterone-stimulation has occurred.

Gastrointestinal Health: Stinging nettle extract supplements
have been suggested for reducing nausea and diarrhea, and as with
themenstruation and menopausal effects, stinging nettle can also
soothe ulcers and hemorrhoids.

Skin Health: When the extracts are applied to the skin, stinging
nettle has been proven to reduce the severity of acne and can even
prevent bacterial infections of various types. Due to its antioxidant
properties, it can also speed healing, reduce the appearance of scars
and blemishes, and promote anti-aging to reduce wrinkles and age

While many of these health benefits seem miraculous, it is important

to remember that some of these remedies for high blood pressure,
high blood sugar, and menstruation can also have a flip-side. For
example, if you have low blood pressure, low blood sugar, or are
early in your pregnancy, stinging nettle can be dangerous. Before
adding such a potent and comprehensive herbal remedy to your
normal diet, be sure to consult a physician and ensure that you
won’t be complicating any ongoing treatments or conditions.

The health benefits of lemongrass include relief from stomach
disorders, insomnia, respiratory disorders, fever, aches, infections,
rheumatism and edema. The defensive antioxidant activity of the
lemongrass herb protects against antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus and helps in maintaining optimum cholesterol levels, cellular
health, nervous system, healthy skin and immune system.

Lemongrass is effective in treating type 2 diabetes, cancer, and

obesity, while also aiding in detoxification. It is extensively used in
aromatherapy and helps to combat fatigue, anxiety and body odor.

Lemongrass – An Aromatic Healer

Cymbopogon citratus also known as Lemongrass is an herb which

belongs to the grass family of Poaceae. It is well known and utilized
for its distinct lemon flavor and citrusy aroma. Lemongrass is a tall,
perennial grass which is native to India and tropical regions of Asia.
It is a coarse and tufted plant with linear leaves that grows in thick
bunches, emerging from a strong base and standing for about 3 meters
in height with a meter-wide stretch.

In addition to its culinary usage, lemongrass offers a wide array of
medicinal benefits and is in extensive demand due to its antibacterial,
anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties across Southeast Asia, as well
as the African and American continents.

The genus Cymbopogon comprises of 55 species of grass, two of which

are referred to as Lemongrass. These are West Indian lemongrass or
Cymbopogon citratus which is famously preferred for culinary use and East
Indian lemongrass or Cymobopogon flexuosus which is used in the
manufacturing of various products such asfragrances because of its
extended shelf life, owing to the low amount of myrcene in that variety.

Nutritional Value of Lemongrass

Lemongrass is an aromatic storehouse of essential nutrientsproviding

a wide array of health benefits. It is a source of essential vitamins such
as vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) B5 (pantothenic
acid), B6 (pyridoxine), folate and vitamin C. It also provides essential
minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous,
manganese, copper, zinc and iron, which are required for the healthy
functioning of the human body. It offers no harmful cholesterol or fats.

Health Benefits of Lemongrass

Lemongrass contains antioxidants, flavonoids and phenolic compounds

such as luteolin, glycosides, quercetin, kaempferol, elemicin, catechol,
chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid, all of whichhelp in providing an
impressive range of medicinal aids. The main component of lemongrass
is lemonal or citral, which has anti-fungal and antimicrobial qualities,
while also providing a distinct lemony smell. Some of the most well-
known health benefits of lemongrass include:

Cholesterol: Lemongrass possesses anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-
hypercholesterolemic properties that support healthy cholesterol

Studies have shown that the regular consumption of lemongrass has

shown significant results in sustaining healthy levels of triglycerides and
reducing the LDL cholesterol in the body. This helps in preventing the
accumulation of lipids in the blood vessels and promotes the
unobstructed flow of blood in the arteries and prevents various
cardiac disorders such as atherosclerosis.

Detoxification: Lemongrass helps in cleansing and flushing

harmful toxic wastes out of the body, as a result of its diuretic
properties. Detoxification helps in better regulation of various
organs of the body, including the liver and kidney, while also helping
to lower thelevels of uric acid. The diuretic effect of lemongrass
helps in increasing the quantity and frequency of urination, which
helps in maintaining digestive health, eliminating accrued fats, and
assistingin maintaining a clean system.

Cancer: Lemongrass is effective in treating various types of cancers

without affecting the healthy normal cells of the body. Research
conducted to prove the anti-cancerous activity of lemongrass has
shown promising outcomes in the prevention of skin cancer. Studies
have shown that a certain component, citral, which is present in
lemongrass, helps in inhibiting the growth of hepatic cancer cells
during the initial phases and prevents any further production of
cancerous cells. Another study has provided supporting evidence
regarding the anti-proliferative effect of citral in impeding the
growth of human breast cancer cells and the induction of apoptosis.

Staphylococcus aureus: Studies have shown that lemongrass

essentialoil has an anti-biofilm capacity and is beneficial against the
infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Lemongrass contains
which possess the capability to spread quickly through the body
tissues and cure biofilms located anywhere in the body. Lemongrass
disrupts the growth and communication of germs which helps in
inhibiting the formation of biofilms.

The essential oil of lemongrass is useful for application both topically

as well as internally in the diseases diagnosed with biofilms, such as
Lyme disease.

Stomach Disorders: Studies have shown that lemongrass essential

oil has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties which help in
fighting the infections caused by various pathogens such as
Helicobacter pylori and Escherichia coli. Lemongrass is beneficial in the
prevention of gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric ulcers, helps in
stimulating the bowel function, and improves digestion. The anti-
inflammatory properties of lemongrass are beneficial for treating
constipation, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, nausea and stomach aches.

Insomnia: Lemongrass aids in calming the muscles and nerves which

helps in inducing deep sleep. Research has shown that lemongrass tea
has sedative and hypnotic properties which help in increasingthe
duration and quality of sleep.

Respiratory Disorders: Lemongrass is widely used in Ayurvedic

medicine for its healing effects in treating coughs and colds. Along
with other beneficial components, the vitamin C content present in
lemongrass helps in providing relief from nasal blockages, flu and
other respiratory disorders such as bronchial asthma.

Fever: Lemongrass is a febrifuge and is also known as the ‘fever grass’,

owing to its beneficial effects in lowering fevers. The anti- pyretic and
diaphoretic effect of lemongrass is extensively used in Ayurvedic
medicine for curing fevers by inducing sweating.

Infections: Lemongrass works as an antiseptic and is effective in
treating infections such as ringworm, sores, Athlete’s Foot, scabies, and
urinary tract infections because of its antimicrobial and anti- fungal
properties. Studies have shown that lemongrass exerts healing effects
on dermatological infections, such as yeast infections, by inhibiting the
growth of pathogens. Another study provided supporting evidence that
demonstrated the efficacy of lemongrass over thyme, patchouli and
cedar wood oil in the treatment of various diseases such as oral or
vaginal candidiasis.

Aches: Lemongrass helps in alleviating the pain and discomfort

caused by headaches and migraines due to its analgesic properties.
The phytonutrients present in lemongrass improve the blood
circulation and help in relieving spasms, muscle cramps, sprains, and
back aches. Lemongrass is valuable in treating sports wounds,
including dislocations, internal injuries and bruises.

Nervous System: Lemongrass is a nervine and has been proven to

be an excellent tonic for the nervous system. It stimulates the mind
and helps in combating convulsions, nervousness, vertigo and various
neuronal disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Lemongrass is used in therapeutic baths, which assist in calming the
nerves and help in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and fatigue
caused by stress.

Type-2 Diabetes: Lemongrass has been proven beneficial in

treatingType-2 diabetes. Studies have shown that the citral present
in lemongrass helps to maintain optimum levels of insulin and improves
the tolerance of glucose in the body.

Rheumatism: Lemongrass is effective in relieving the pain and

discomfort caused by rheumatism. It can be applied topically on
both lumbago and sprains and helps in relieving neuralgia and other
painful sufferings.

Immune System: Lemongrass helps in restoring the vital systems
which are operational in the body, including digestion, respiration,
excretion and nervous system. This assists in better absorption of
nutrients and strengthens the immune defense mechanism of the
body. Lemongrass extracts have a beneficial effect on the
inflammatory actions of cytokines, which are the signaling molecules
through which the cells communicate and respond in the body.
Studies have shown that lemongrass exerts anti-inflammatory action
and its constituents such as citral may be the cause behind its
inhibitory effects on cytokine production.

Skin Care: Lemongrass has been treasured as a skin tonic and makes
an effective cleanser for oily or acne-prone skin, due to its
astringent and antiseptic qualities. It helps in strengthening the skin
tissues and toning up the pores while also sterilizing them. Care
should be taken while using lemongrass products, as the undiluted
application might lead to dermal irritation in some cases.

Cellular Health: Lemongrass possesses antioxidant qualities and help

in protecting the body cells from the oxygen-derived free radicals.
It also helps in the cleansing of blood and strengthens the spleen to
discard the tarnished red blood cells. It supports the function of the
thymus glands which helps to produce white blood cells. Lemongrass
helps in stimulating regeneration of cells. The folate and potassium
content in the stem and leaves of lemongrass aids in DNA synthesis
and promotes cell division.

Edema: Lemongrass is effective in curing the condition of water

retention or edema. It has a cleansing effect on lymphatic
congestion and helps to soothe the swelling.

Aromatherapy: Lemongrass consists of the beneficial ingredients

of essential oils such as nerol, citronellol, myrcene, dipentene,
geranioland methyl heptanone which possess anti-fungal, insecticidal

and antiseptic properties. Lemongrass oil is extensively used in
aromatherapy, due to its therapeutic effects, which help inrevitalizing
and refreshing the body. The cooling effect of lemongrass oil is
beneficial for the body during hot weather and promotes the revival of
both the mind and soul. Lemongrass oil possesses natural astringent
and toning qualities which help in stimulating blood circulation and
tones up the dermal tissues. It also helps in tightening, uplifting and
firming lethargic or sagging skin.

Obesity: Lemongrass contains citral, which has been proven to be

effective in combating obesity. It prevents the accumulation of
abdominal fat and promotes the use of stored energy, which helps
in preventing diet-induced weight gain. It aids in healthy
metabolism and enhances the oxidation of fatty acids in the body.

Body Odor: Lemongrass is used in the manufacturing of deodorants

due to its cleansing and antibacterial properties which help to
combat unpleasant body odor and prevent fungal and bacterial
infections. It can also be added to foot baths to for sanitizing sore
and odorous feet.

Insect Repellant: Lemongrass is used as a natural insect repellant

andhelps in preventing the occurrence of insect-borne diseases such
as malaria, dengue and Lyme disease. Studies have provided
supporting evidence regarding the anti-malarial and anti-protozoan
properties of lemongrass, which makes lemongrass oil an effective
ingredient in mosquito repellants.

Culinary Usage: Apart from folk medicines, lemongrass is commonly

used in Asian cuisines, especially those of Vietnam, Thailand, and
Malaysia. It is used for adding flavor to beverages such as teas, curries
and soups, and also finds extensive use in the preparation of pudding,
meat products, candies and baked goods.

Lemongrass is used in the manufacturing of perfumes, deodorants,
polishes, candles and waxes. It is also used to add fragrance to soaps
and cosmetic products. Lemongrass is used to lure and attract
honey bees for various commercial purposes.

Hydrophobic Properties: Lemongrass is used for preserving ancient

palm leaf manuscripts and protects them from the damage caused by
microorganisms. It strengthens the leaves by providing the required
moisture to the fragile palm leaves without letting the humidity cause
any loss to the stored text. This protective effect can be attributed to
the hydrophobic properties of lemongrass oil.

Pet Products: Lemongrass is used in the manufacturing of shampoos

and grooming products for pets due to its repellant effects on lice
and ticks.

Lemongrass: Side Effects

Although considered safe, the topical use of lemongrass oil or the

ingestion of herbal tea made of lemongrass can result in allergic
reactions in some people. In the event of any allergic symptoms, it is
always advisable to discontinue the use of lemongrass oil and seek
immediate medical attention. Undiluted or concentrated lemongrass
oil should not be applied directly on the body as it may result in
harmful reactions. It is always advisable to keep pure lemongrass
oil out of the reach of children.

It is strongly recommended to consult a health professional before

considering lemongrass oil for therapeutic usage during special
conditions such as pregnancy, when trying to conceive,breastfeeding,
and during the course of any ongoing medical treatments. Lemongrass
also has galactagogic properties, whichpromote the formation of milk
in the breasts. It is also effective in stimulating the menstrual flow and
helps in soothing menstrual cramps and discomfort.

The health benefits of hibiscus tea include relief from high blood
pressure and high cholesterol, as well as digestive, immune system,
and inflammatory problems. It helps to cure liver disease and reduces
the risk of cancer. It can also speed up the metabolism and help in
healthy, gradual weight loss. Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C, minerals
and various antioxidants, while also helping in the treatment of
hypertension and anxiety.

Hibiscus tea is prepared by boiling parts of the hibiscus plant, known

by its scientific name Hibiscus sabdariffa, particularly the flower.
Hibiscus tea is a very popular drink throughout the world and is
often used as a medicinal tea. However, hibiscus flowers have various
local names, and it might be called by its other rather common
name, “Roselle”.

Hibiscus tea is ruby red in color and has a sour taste. Therefore, it is
also known as sour tea and has a flavor similar to cranberry. It is widely
available on the market throughout the tea-drinking world and can
be consumed hot or cold depending on your preference.This tea is
low in calories and caffeine-free.

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Blood Pressure Management: A report from the AHA (American

Heart Association) that was published in November of 2008 states
that consuming hibiscus tea lowers the blood pressure in pre-
hypertensive and mildly hypertensive adults. It also states that 1/3 of
adults in the United States suffers from high blood pressure, which is
also called hypertension. A study conducted suggests that it has
anti-hypertensive and cardio-protective properties that can be
beneficial to people suffering from hypertension and those at high
risks of carious cardiovascular diseases.

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, hibiscus tea can reduce

blood pressure by up to 10 points, according to research done at
Tufts University in Boston. For this drastic improvement to occur,
you need to consume three cups every day for a few weeks. Also,
hibiscus tea has diuretic properties that increase urination,
simultaneously lowering blood pressure.

Lowering Cholesterol: Hibiscus tea also has impressive

antioxidant properties. It helps to lower levels of “bad” LDL
cholesterol from thebody, thereby helping to protect against heart
disease and protecting blood vessels from damage. The
hyperlipidemic and hypoglycemic properties of hibiscus tea can be
beneficial for those who suffer from blood sugar disorders like

A research study conducted on patients with type II diabetes suggests

that consumption of hibiscus sour tea lowers cholesterol, triglycerides
and low density lipo-protein cholesterol, which helps to manage this
unpredictable disease.

Protects Liver: Research studies have also suggested that the

antioxidant properties of hibiscus tea may also help in treating liver
disease. Antioxidants help to protect your body from diseases

because they neutralize the free radicals present in body tissues and
cells. Therefore, we can confidently say that drinking hibiscus tea
could increase your lifespan by maintaining good overall health in
many organ systems.

Anti-Cancer Properties: Hibiscus tea contains hibiscus

protocatechuic acid which has anti-tumor and antioxidant
properties. A study conducted by the Department and Institute of
Biochemistry at the Chung Shan Medical and Dental College, in
Taichung, Taiwan suggests that hibiscus slows down the growth of
cancerous cells by inducing apoptosis, commonly known as
programmed cell death.

Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties: Hibiscus tea

is richin ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C. It is an essential
nutrient required by your body to boost and stimulate the activity
of your immune system. Hibiscus tea is also known for its anti-
inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it prevents
you from catching the cold and flu. Hibiscus tea is also used to treat
discomfort caused by fever, due to its cooling effect.

Menstrual Pain: The health benefits of hibiscus tea also include relief
from cramps and menstrual pain. It helps in restoring hormone
balance as well, which can reduce other symptoms of menstruation
like mood swings, depression, and overeating.

Antidepressant Properties: Hibiscus tea contains vitamins and

minerals like flavonoids which have antidepressant properties.
Consumption of hibiscus tea can help to calm down the nervous
system, and it may reduce anxiety and depression by creating a relaxed
sensation in the body and mind.

Aids Digestion: Many people drink hibiscus tea to improve

digestion.It increases both urination and bowel movements. Since
it has diuretic properties, it is also used to treat constipation, which

Helps you lose weight and improve the health of your
gastrointestinal system and avoid colorectal cancer.

Satiates Thirst: Hibiscus tea is also used in the same way as sports
drinks in order to satiate thirst. For this purpose, an iced form of
hibiscus tea is typically consumed. Many people include it in their
diet since this variety of the tea has the ability to cool down the
body very fast. Also, it is rich in medicinal properties, like being a
diuretic, which flushes out excess fluids and toxins from the body and
guarantees that you will perform at your best!

Weight Loss: Hibiscus tea is also beneficial for losing weight. If you
consume food that is rich in carbohydrates, that means that it contains
sugar and starch, so you are likely to gain weight. However, research
studies have suggested that hibiscus extract lowers the absorption of
starch and glucose and may help with weight loss. Hibiscus inhibits the
production of amylase, which helps in the absorption of carbohydrates
and starch, so drinking hibiscus tea prevents that absorption from
occurring. Therefore, hibiscus tea is found in many weight loss

Good for Both Summer and Winter: You can drink hibiscus tea as
either a hot tea or an iced tea. If you want to keep yourself warm in
the winter, brew it and drink it straight away. It only takes few minutes
to make. In case you do not want to drink it hot, perhaps in the
summer, you have the option to drink hibiscus iced tea. It takes about
20 minutes to prepare it properly, and then you can cool yourself off in
a healthy, refreshing way.

Hibiscus Tea – Side effects

Blood Pressure: The health benefits of hibiscus tea include lowering

blood pressure. Therefore, it is not recommended for people that
already have low blood pressure, a condition called hypotension. It

may cause faintness, dizziness and can even damage the heart or
brain if it is consumed by an individual with low blood pressure.

Pregnancy and Fertility: Hibiscus tea is not recommended for

pregnant women, particularly due to its emmenagogue effects
which may stimulate menstruation or blood flow in the uterus or
pelvic region. For those undergoing hormonal treatments or taking
birth control pills, it is recommended to consult your health
specialist regarding any consumption of hibiscus tea, and let him
give you a yes or no.

Hallucinatory Effect: Some people may feel intoxicated or

experience hallucination when drinking hibiscus tea. Therefore, you
should be somewhat cautious until you know how your body react
to the tea. Don’t drive a car or try anything particularly dangerous
until you know what its effects are on your system.

Allergy: Some people might develop allergic reactions such as itchy

red eyes, sinus, or hay fever when consuming hibiscus tea. Not many
people are aware that almost 1 5-30 of hibiscus tea is composed of
organic acids. These acids are malic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid.
These acids are commonly found in many fruits such as grapes and
wine. They help in boosting immunity, promoting better skin, lowering
blood pressure and cholesterol, managing inflammation, and improving
digestive issues. Hibiscus tea has diuretic and choleretic effects, thus
controlling blood viscosity by reducing blood pressure and enhancing

The health benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil can be attributed to
its properties as an analgesic, antispasmodic, an anaphrodisiac,
antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, carminative, cephalic, cordial,
diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, fungicidal,
hypotensive, laxative, nervine, sedative, stomachic, vasodilator and
vulnerary substance.

This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of both fresh and

dried leaves of the marjoram plant, also known as Knotted Marjoram,
which has the scientific name Origanum Marjorana. The main
components of marjoram oil are Sabinene, Alpha Terpinene, Gamma
Terpinene, Cymene, Terpinolene, Linalool, Sabinene Hydrate, Linalyl
Acetate, Terpineol and Gamma Terpineol. This is a plant of the
Mediterranean region that has been well known and respected for its
medicinal uses for many years.

Health Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil

Analgesic: marjoram oil reduces the pain associated with colds,

fevers, inflammation, overexertion of muscles, toothaches, headaches
and numerous other sources. The best thing about this is

that it does not have any adverse side effects, unlike the other
analgesic pain relievers available on the market.

Antispasmodic: Marjoram essential oil is helpful in curing nearly all

types of spasms and related problems. It efficiently relieves spasm in
the respiratory system and intestines, and muscular spasms in the
limbs. It also helps to cure convulsions, pulled muscles, cramps, and
spasmodic cholera that are caused from uncontrollable spasms.

Anaphrodisiac: As you can probably guess, this is the exact opposite

of being an aphrodisiac. Marjoram essential oil helps to suppress or
control sexual desires. This property is beneficial for those who are
suffering from abnormal and extreme sexual urges.

Antiseptic: The antiseptic properties of marjoram oil make it a good

application for both external and internal wounds. It also functions well
as an ingredient of antiseptic lotions and creams. This protects the
wounds against becoming septic and developing tetanus.

Antiviral: Furthermore, can be effective in curing infections from

viruses and ailments associated with them, such as the common
cold, influenza, mumps, measles and even pox.

Bactericidal: Marjoram oil kills bacteria, so it can protect you from

food poisoning, typhoid, malaria, colic, and bacterial infections in the
colon, skin, digestive system, urinary tract and other parts of the
excretory system.

Carminative: Marjoram essential oil can efficiently handle any gas

trouble you may have. It provides the gases a safe downward passage
by relaxing the muscles in the abdominal region and also stops further
gas from forming. This help get rid of a number of related problems
such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, chest pain,
hypertension and excessive flatulence.

Cephalic: Marjoram oil is very good for the functioning of your
brain. It keeps it healthy and active and does not let it get dull with
advanced age, thereby relieving debilitating conditions like
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. This quality also relieves you of

Cordial: It has a general warming effect on the body’s systems, and

it improves circulation to increase blood flow, furthering warming
your cells. This property helps to get rid of coughs and excess phlegm,
while simultaneously relieving the pain of arthritis and rheumatism.

Diaphoretic: Marjoram Oil promotes perspiration and keeps you

healthy by aiding in the removal of toxins, sodium salts and excess
water from the body. This also helps bring down fevers and even
helps you lose weight, since urine is composed of approximately 4%

Digestive: Marjoram seeds have been in use as a remedy to facilitate

digestion for many years. This digestive property of marjoram seeds
comes from its essential oils. Marjoram oil promotes digestion by
stimulating the secretion of digestive juices like gastric juices, acids
and bile in the stomach, while its aroma alone can stimulate the
salivary glands and thus aid in the primary digestion of food in the
mouth. Lastly, this oil stimulates the peristaltic movement of the
intestines and helps the ingested food to advance through digestive
tract, thereby facilitating digestion and regular bowel movements.

Diuretic: Marjoram Oil increases the frequency of urination and the

quantity of urine, thus helping to remove excess water, sodium, uric
acid, bile salts and other toxic elements from the body. Increased
urination also lowers blood pressure, cleans kidneys and reduces fat.
Just one thing to remember, if you are not suffering from swelling or

accumulation of water in the body, then you should drink more
water if you are taking marjoram oil, since frequent urination can
lead to dehydration, which is also quite dangerous for your health.

Emmenagogue: Ladies who have problems with irregular, obstructed

or painful menstruation can benefit from the emmenagogue
property of marjoram oil. Not only does it help to clear menses and
make them regular, it also provides relief from other symptoms
associated with periods, such as headache, pain in the abdominal
area, dizziness, and mood swings. Finally, marjoram oil can help
prevent untimely or premature menopause from setting in.

Expectorant: Marjoram essential oil has been shown to be quite

effective at giving relief from the deposition of mucus and phlegm
in the throat and sinuses, as well as congestion of the nasal tract,
larynx, pharynx, bronchi and lungs due to colds and viral infections.
It is particularly effective on chronic coughing.

Fungicidal: It inhibits the growth of fungus and helps to cure fungal

infections. This property helps cure a number of skin diseases, most
of which are caused due to fungal infections. It also helps cure
dysentery, which is often caused due to dangerous fungal growth.

Hypotensive: It helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk

ofheart attacks, strokes, and brain hemorrhaging

Laxative: It helps to clear out the bowels by stimulating the large

intestine and relaxing the excretory system as a whole.

Vulnerary: Marjoram Essential Oil acts as a vulnerary by promoting

the quick healing of wounds, both external and internal, and protecting
them from infections.

Sedative: marjoram oil induces a calming, relaxing and sedative

effect on both the mind and body while relieving nervous stress and
anxiety. It also generates a happy feeling in cases of anger or sadness.

This property can be helpful to pacify people who suffered some sort
of shock, trauma, or major setback in life.

Nervine: It strengthens the entire nervous system, tones it, and keeps
you active, while protecting you from various nervous disorders.

Stomachic: Marjoram oil is stomachic, meaning that it keeps the

stomach in proper order. It cures stomach disorders and ulcers and
ensures proper flow of bile, gastric juices, and acids into the stomach.
Sometimes, the inner lining of the stomach becomes corroded due to
prolonged acidity and can result in the formationof ulcers. This
happens due to a lack of bile, which neutralizes the acids. Marjoram oil
can help you avoid this situation as well, since it maintains those proper
secretions in the stomach.

Vasodilator: This is a very important medicinal property of

marjoram oil and can be a blessing for those who are at high risk for
heart attacks, atherosclerosis, or brain hemorrhaging due to
hypertension. This widens and relaxes the blood vessels, eases the flow
of blood, and reduces blood pressure, thereby lessening the strain on
the entire cardiovascular system.

Other Benefits: This powerful essential oil helps to cure headache,

sinusitis, colds, bronchitis, asthma, stress, insomnia, pain in muscles
and joints, and fatigue.

Some of the most interesting health benefits of astragalus include its
ability to protect heart health, alleviates allergies, prevent certain
types of cancer, boost energy levels, lower stress, increase the
strength of the immune system, slow the aging process, and prevent
chronic illnesses.

The extract of astragalus comes from one of more than 3, 000

species of small shrubs and plants belonging to the Astragalus genus. It
is widely considered an herb, however, and is a member of the
legume family.

You may know the plant by its more common names, such as
locoweed or goat’s-thorn, particularly if you live in the northern
hemisphere, which is where the genus originated. Although it was
commonly used in Chinese traditional medicine, the most common
form of astragalus is primarily in the extract of its root, which is
where the most important nutrients and unique components are
concentrated. As in the image below, astragalus in its natural, un-
powdered form, looks a bit like tree bark.
In the west, this herbal supplement has recently become highly
sought after due to certain claims that it is both an adaptogenic and
anti-aging substance. Adaptogens are able to actually change the
chemical nature of the body and help it adapt to different stimuli,
making a body healthier. Added to the claims that it can reverse
aging, these controversial effects created a huge demand for this
powerful herbal extract. You can still find it in many countries of the
world. Let’s take a more detailed look at these impressive health
benefits of astragalus.

Health Benefits of Astragalus

Heart Health: Although most people are looking for ways to prevent
serious heart conditions from arising in the first place, the reality is,
cardiovascular problems are some of the most common critical illnesses
in the modern world. For that reason, an herb like astragalus, which
has been shown to protect the heart after a serious episode, like a
stroke, is also very valuable.

Research has shown that consuming astragalus extract following a

stroke can help to strengthen the artery walls and preserve nerve
functionality once blood returns to certain parts of the brain. This
can also help to regulate the functionality of the heart. This is largely
attributed to the antioxidant effects of this essential herb. This herb
is also important for people who suffer from chronic heartfailure, as
it can prevent the frequency of episodes in hearts that arealready

Allergy Relief: Millions of people spend much of their fall and spring
suffering through seasonal allergies. Hay fever is something that no
one ever seems able to full solve, but astragalus root extract has shown
great promise in reducing the severity of allergic reactions. Although
the chemical pathway isn’t completely understood, it isbelieved that
the chemical components in astragalus can prevent the release of

histamines, which cause the allergic reactions, such as runny noses,
itchy eyes, and other irritating symptoms.

Prevent Gastric Cancer: Seeking the cure for cancer has

obsessed the medical world for decades, and as one of the great
mysteries of modern science, it continues to mystify us. Many people
have begun turning to herbal remedies, due to their undeniable
effects, including astragalus extract. Research has shown that the
saponins found in astragalus are able to prevent the proliferation of
gastric cancer cells by preventing them from attaining the necessary
oxygen they need to survive. This is in the early stages of development,
but this is extremely promising for other types of cancer as well.

Reduce Stress: High anxiety and chronic stress can be very

dangerous, as stress hormones can wreak havoc on a healthy system
when not kept in check. Therefore, finding ways to relax is important,
and astragalus has been attributed to reduced stress levels and a
general promotion of peace and calm. For those suffering from mood
swings and constant nervous tension, astragalus can rebalance your
hormonal levels.

Sleep Issues: If you suffer from insomnia, sleeplessness, or

interruptedsleep patterns, regular consumption of astragalus root
extract can quickly get you back into a healthy Circadian rhythm. By
promoting overall health, metabolic efficiency, and hormonal
balance, astragalus can help to deliver uninterrupted, restful sleep.

Anti-Aging: This is perhaps the most important and popular use of

astragalus, namely because everyone wants to “live forever”. There
has been a great deal of research done on the effects of astragalus
and its antioxidant potential. It can significantly help to reduce signs
of aging on the face, promote regrowth of tissue, eliminate free
radicals, and

prevent or reverse chronic illness symptoms. The proofis becoming
too difficult to ignore, and more and more people are turning to
astragalus for its obvious anti-aging effects. This is particularly true for
the skin, and for blemishes, wrinkles, and age spots, astragalus extract
can be a powerful remedy.

Immune System: Aside from its antioxidant effects that help to

protect the immune system from major attacks, the adaptogenic
qualities of astragalus can actually help your immune system
become smarter and more effective in its handling of any foreign
pathogen and substance, therefore boosting the general strength of
your immune system for simple colds and infections.

While many of these benefits seem almost too good to be true,

there is one that can work against the body. If you suffer from an
autoimmune disease, such as lupus, HIV, MS, or rheumatoid arthritis,
astragalus can actually exacerbate your symptoms by boosting the
activity and strength of your immune system, so you should avoid
use of this herb.

Garden Cress

In India and Europe, the medicinal properties of garden cress (Lepidium

sativum) have been recognized for centuries. This culinary and healing
herb has a tangy, peppery taste similar to leaf mustard and watercress,
which is actually not surprising considering that garden cress is
botanically related to both.

Potential Anti-Cancer Effects

A study funded by Australia's Rural Industries Research and

Development Corporation (RIRDC) assessed the anti-cancer
potential of a number of Brassica vegetables, including garden cress.
For each tested vegetable, an anti-cancer score was calculated
based on the vegetable's glucosinolate content. While glucosinolates
themselves have limited biological activity, their metabolites –
particularly isothiocyanates – appear to have significant cancer-
fighting potential due to their ability to promote the elimination of
potential carcinogens from the body. However, many Brassica
species, including garden cress, contain epithiospecifier protein (ESP),
a compound that promotes the conversion of glucosinolates into
nitriles (which have no anti-cancer properties) rather than

isothiocyanates. However, despite containing ESP, garden cress still
had significant anti-cancer potential relative to many other vegetables
tested. Even when the potential effects of ESP were taken into account,
garden cress still appeared to have as much or more anti-cancer
potential than radishes, turnips, cabbage, kohlrabi, Chinese broccoli,
mizuna, komatsuna, or choy sum.

Carotenoids (Excellent for Vision and Eye Health)

If you're still not impressed by the nutritional value of garden cress,

then consider this: by eating just one ounce of garden cress you'll be
supplying your body with nearly 40% of the Daily Value of vitamin
A (in the form of carotenoids). As you may already know, vitamin A
and carotenoids are considered one of the best nutrients for the
eyes due to their ability to reduce the risk of impaired night vision,
cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, and even age-related macular
degeneration, a common cause of blindness in older people.

Garden Cress Contains Even More Vitamin C Than Oranges

So you thought oranges are the ultimate vitamin C champion? Well,

guess what, fresh garden cress contains much more vitamin C than
fresh oranges! Just one ounce of garden cress delivers a whopping
32 of the Daily Value of vitamin C – that is 7% more than what you
would get from an equal amount of fresh orange. Vitamin C iscrucial
to keeping your skin, bones, and gums strong and healthy,but it
also helps prevent iron deficiency by improving your body's capability
to absorb iron from foods.

Eating Garden Cress Provides Cardiovascular Benefits

Scientific research suggests that vitamin C may also help keep your
cardiovascular system healthy, so adding garden cress to your diet
may be a smart thing to do if you're trying to improve your
cardiovascular health. A study published in the April 2004 edition

of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reported that the study
participants who received a daily supplement containing
500 milligrams of vitamin C experienced a 24% drop in their plasma
CRP levels after just two months. Recent evidence suggeststhat CRP
levels (C-reactive protein levels) are a good measure of a person's
heart disease risk, potentially even better than cholesterollevels.

In addition, garden cress is supercharged with vitamin K, another

nutrient that is thought to play a key role in maintainingcardiovascular
health. By adding just half an ounce of garden cressto your salad
you'll be covering almost 100% of the Daily Value of vitamin K!


Glucotropaeolin, one of the main glucosinolates found in gardencress,

is a a pre-cursor to benzyl isothiocyanate (BIT), a compound that may
help fight dental caries. A study published in Microbios Letters in 1988
found that BIT inhibited the growth and acid production of
Streptococcus mutans, a bacterium that has been linked to the
development of dental caries.

How to Maximize Nutritional Value of Garden Cress

The nutritional value of garden cress begins to deteriorate

immediately after harvest. Therefore, one of the best ways to
maximize the health benefits of garden cress is to grow your own
cress and harvest it as needed. And the best part is, you can easily
grow garden cress indoors, any time of year.

Some of the most impressive and important health benefits of
oregano include its ability to protect the immune system, prevent
the onset of chronic disease, improve digestion, detoxify the body,
strengthen the bones, improve heart health, increase energy levels,
and even protect against diabetes.

Oregano is a popular herb that many people think of as merely a

spice to improve or enhance the flavor of their food, but in truth,
this perennial herb, with the scientific name of Origanum vulgare, has
a wealth of health benefits that most people don’t realize at all. Native
to southwest Eurasia and the Mediterranean area, oreganohas been
a valuable part of both culinary and alternative medicine treatments for
thousands of years.

Oregano is actually closely related to mint, and its genus is actually

in the same family as Mentha. For this reason, the two share many
similar organic components and have many of the same health

The leaves of oregano are the most commonly used part of the plant,
but strangely, the aroma and flavor of the leaves is far greater when
the herb is dried than when the leaves are fresh, which is somewhat
unusual for an herb.

In folk medicine and herbal remedies from Australia to Egypt,

oregano has developed a popular following as a veritable cure-all
for many health concerns, but the research to back up all of those
claims is still hotly debated. However, there are a number of potent
active ingredients in oregano that have been deeply studied, and
their effects on the body are not in question.

Oil of oregano is an extremely concentrated form of oregano, and

is used to treat a number of conditions, but it should always be diluted,
as it is very potent. In culinary applications, where it is most commonly
seen, it is used to flavor everything from soups, sauces, and curries to
meat dishes, pizza, pasta, vegetables, and even salads.Now, let’s dig a
little deeper into the diverse and impressive health benefits of oregano.

Health Benefits of Oregano

Immune Health: Two of the most important components of oregano

are rosmarinic acid and thymol, both of which are powerful
antioxidant compounds that have been closely linked to reducing
oxidative stress in the body. Free radicals are the destructive
byproducts of cellular metabolism that can cause cancerand other
chronic diseases, so adding oregano to your diet by sprinkling it on
your meals can seriously improve your immune health and keep
your body safe from some of the most dangerous and silent killers.

Antibacterial Activity: On a more basic immune system note,

oregano also has clear antibacterial properties, which are again due

to the presence of thymol and carvacrol. These important organic
compounds can defend the body against a wide range of bacteria
that can affect the skin, the gut, and other parts of the body.
Oregano is also a slightly stimulating agent, which can increase the
production of white blood cells and speed up the metabolism,
making recovery from illness even faster.

Digestive Health: Oregano is packed with fiber, so despite its small

size, it can have a major impact on your digestive system. Fiber is an
essential element of a healthy digestive system, as it can increase the
bulk of your stool and stimulate peristaltic motion, which moves food
through the digestive tract and excretes it efficiently.

Heart Health: Oregano is a natural form of omega-3 fatty acids,

the beneficial type of cholesterol that actually improves your heart
health, whereas omega-6 fatty acids have a negative impact.
Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids help to rebalance your cholesterol
levels and reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system,
thereby helping to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and

Detoxify the Body: The nutrient-rich makeup of oregano,

including high content of manganese, calcium, iron, vitamin K, fiber,
and a wide range of other organic compounds, makes this helpful
herb an ideal candidate for detoxifying the body. Research has
shown that oregano can help liver function and speed up the
process of toxin elimination.

Bone Health: As we get older, our bones begin to weaken and break
down, so ensuring that we get enough vitamins and minerals in our
early years is important. Calcium, iron, and manganese are some of
the most crucial

minerals for bone health, and oregano has significant amounts of all
of them, making it great for people who want to protect themselves
against osteoporosis later in life.

Energy Levels: By improving the functionality of the metabolism,

thanks to B-vitamins and its unique organic composition, the body is
rejuvenated and energized. The increase in circulation, due to the
presence of iron and increased levels of hemoglobin, helps to fully
oxygenate the cells and muscles of the body, thereby increasing
energy and strength.

Although some people who are allergic to mint and other

herbaceous perennial plants may experience some discomfort while
eating or touching oregano, it is not commonly known as an
allergenic substance and the symptoms of an allergic reaction to
oregano are very mild.

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, a
group of vegetables including cabbage, collards, and Brussels sprouts
that have gained recent widespread attention due to their health-
promoting, sulfur-containing phytonutrients. It is easy to grow and
can grow in colder temperatures where a light frost will produce
especially sweet kale leaves.

There are several varieties of kale; these include curly kale, ornamental
kale, and dinosaur (or Lacinato or Tuscan) kale, all of which differ in
taste, texture, and appearance. The scientific name for kale is Brassica
Curly kale has ruffled leaves and a fibrous stalk and is usually deep
green in color. It has a lively pungent flavor with delicious bitter
peppery qualities.

Ornamental kale is a more recently cultivated species that is oftentimes

referred to as salad savoy. Its leaves may either be green, white, or
purple and its stalks coalesce to form a loosely knit head. Ornamental
kale has a more mellow flavor and tender texture.

Dinosaur kale is the common name for the kale variety known as
Lacinato or Tuscan kale. It features dark blue-green leaves that have
an embossed texture. It has a slightly sweeter and more delicate
taste than curly kale.

Kale can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering

benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related
components in kale do a better job of binding together with bile
acids in your digestive tract when they've been steamed. When this
binding process takes place, it's easier for bile acids to be excreted,
and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw kale still
has cholesterol-lowering ability—just not as much.

Kale's risk-lowering benefits for cancer have recently been extended

to at least five different types of cancer. These types include cancer
of the bladder, breast, colon, ovary, and prostate. Isothiocyanates
(ITCs) made from glucosinolates in kale play a primary role in
achieving these risk-lowering benefits.

Kale is now recognized as providing comprehensive support for the

body's detoxification system. The ITCs made from kale's glucosinolates
can help regulate detox at a genetic level.

Researchers can now identify over 45 different flavonoids in kale.

With kaempferol and quercetin heading the list, kale's flavonoids
combine both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits in way
that gives kale a leading dietary role with respect to avoidance of
chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

You'll want to include kale as one of the cruciferous vegetables you

eat on a regular basis if you want to receive the fantastic health
benefits provided by the cruciferous vegetable family. At a
minimum, include cruciferous vegetables as part of your diet 2-3
times per week, and make the serving size at least 1-1/2 cups. Even
better from a health standpoint, enjoy kale and other vegetables

from the cruciferous vegetable group 4-5 times per week, and
increase your serving size to 2 cups.

Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables around and one way to be

sure to enjoy the maximum nutrition and flavor from kale is to cook
it properly. We recommend Healthy Steaming kale for 5 minutes. To
ensure quick and even cooking cut the leaves into 1/2" slices and the
stems into 1/4" lengths. Let them sit for at least 5 minutes to
enhance their health-promoting qualities before steaming. See our
Healthiest Way of Cooking Kale in the How to Enjoy section below.

Health Benefits

While not as well researched as some of its fellow cruciferous

vegetables like broccoli or cabbage, kale is a food that you can count
on for some unsurpassed health benefits, if for no other reason than
its exceptional nutrient richness.

Antioxidant-Related Health Benefits

Like most of its fellow cruciferous vegetables, kale has been studied
more extensively in relationship to cancer than any other health
condition. This research focus makes perfect sense. Kale's nutrient
richness stands out in three particular areas: (1) antioxidant nutrients,
(2) anti-inflammatory nutrients, and (3) anti-cancer nutrients in the
form of glucosinolates. Without sufficient intake of antioxidants, our
oxygen metabolism can become compromised, and we can
experience a metabolic problem called "oxidative stress." Without
sufficient intake of anti-inflammatory nutrients, regulation of our
inflammatory system can become compromised, and we can
experience the problem of chronic inflammation. Oxidative stress
and chronic inflammation—and the combination of these metabolic
problems—are risk factors for development of cancer. We've seen
research studies on 5 specific types of cancer—including bladder
cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate

cancer—and intake of cruciferous vegetables (specifically including
kale). As a group, these studies definitely show cancer preventive
benefits from kale intake, and in some cases, treatment benefits as

Kale's cancer preventive benefits have been clearly linked to its unusual
concentration of two types of antioxidants, namely, carotenoids and
flavonoids. Within the carotenoids, lutein and beta-carotene are
standout antioxidants in kale. Researchers have actually followed the
passage of these two carotenoids in kale from the human digestive
tract up into the blood stream, and they have demonstrated the ability
of kale to raise blood levels of these carotenoid nutrients. That finding
is important because lutein and beta-carotene are key nutrients in the
protection of our body from oxidative stress and health problems
related to oxidative stress. Increased risk of cataracts, atherosclerosis,
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are three such
problems. Also, among these chronic health problems is cancer since
our overall risk of cells becoming cancerous is partly related to oxidative

Within the flavonoids, kaempferol is a spotlight antioxidant in kale,

followed by a flavonoid called quercetin. But recent research has
also made it clear that at least 45 different antioxidant flavonoids
are provided in measurable amounts by kale. This broad spectrum of
flavonoid antioxidants is likely to be a key to kale's cancer-
preventive benefits and benefits that we expect to be documented
for other health problems stemming from oxidative stress.

Anti-Inflammatory Health Benefits

We have yet to see research on kale's omega-3 content and

inflammation, but we would expect this kind of research to show
the omega-3s in kale to be an important part of kale's anti-
inflammatory benefits. It only takes 1 00 calories of kale to provide

over 350 milligrams for the most basic omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-
linolenic acid, or ALA).

Glucosinolates and Cancer-Preventive Benefits

What we have already seen in the health research on kale is ample

evidence that its glucosinolates provide cancer-preventive benefits.
Kale is a top food source for at least four glucosinolates, and once
kale is eaten and digested, these glucosinolates can be converted by
the body into cancer preventive compounds.

Kale's glucosinolates and the ITCs made from them have well-
documented cancer preventive properties, and in some cases, cancer
treatment properties as well. At the top of the cancer-related research
for kale are colon cancer and breast cancer, but risk of bladder
cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer have all been found to
decrease in relationship to routine intake of kale.

Cardiovascular Support

Our liver uses cholesterol as a basic building block to product bile acids.
Bile acids are specialized molecules that aid in the digestionand
absorption of fat through a process called emulsification. These
molecules are typically stored in fluid form in our gall bladder, and when
we eat a fat-containing meal, they get released into the intestine where
they help ready the fat for interaction with enzymes and eventual
absorption up into the body. When we eat kale, fiber-related nutrients
in this cruciferous vegetable bind together with some of the bile acids
in the intestine in such a way that they simply stay inside the intestine
and pass out of our body in a bowel movement, rather than getting
absorbed along with the fat they have emulsified. When this
happens, our liver needs to replace the lost bile acids by drawing
upon our existing supply of cholesterol, and, as a result, our
cholesterol level drops down.

Kale provides us with this cholesterol-lowering benefit whether it is
raw or cooked. However, a recent study has shown that the
cholesterol-lowering ability of raw kale improves significantly when
it is steamed. In fact, when the cholesterol-lowering ability of
steamed kale was compared with the cholesterol-lowering ability of
the prescription drug cholestyramine (a medication that is taken for
the purpose of lowering cholesterol), kale bound 42% as many bile
acids (based on a standard of comparison involving total dietary
fiber). Amongst all of the cruciferous vegetables, only collard greens
scored higher at 46%.

Kale has a definite role to play in support of the body's

detoxification processes. The isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from kale's
glucosinolates have been shown to help regulate detox activities in
our cells. Most toxins that pose a risk to our body must be detoxified
by our cells using a two-step process. The two steps in the process
are called Phase I detoxification and Phase II detoxification. The ITCs
made from kale's glucosinolates have been shown to favorably modify
both detox steps (Phase I and Phase II). In addition, the unusually large
numbers of sulfur compounds in kale have been shown to help support
aspects of Phase II detoxification that require the presence of sulfur.

By supporting both aspects of our cellular detox process (Phase I

and Phase II), nutrients in kale can give our body an "edge up" in
dealing with toxic exposure, whether from our environment or from our

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Nutrients

Kale's antioxidants are both traditional as well as recently

discovered. In addition to conventional antioxidants like vitamin C,
beta-carotene, and manganese, kale also provides us with at least 45
different recently discovered flavonoids, including kaempferol and

quercetin. Many of the flavonoids in kale are also now known to
function not only as antioxidants, but also as anti-inflammatory

Fiber and Anti-Inflammatory Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fiber and omega-3s are two macronutrients largely deficient in the

U.S. diet and provided by kale in impressive amounts. It only takes
200 calories' worth of kale to provide 14 grams of fiber, substantially
more than the average U.S. adult gets in an entire dayafter a diet of
2,000 calories. While kale is not as concentrated in omega-3s as
some of the other cruciferous vegetables, and certainly not in the
same category as walnuts or salmon, it still provides us with a
significant amount of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA),the basic building
block for all omega-3 fats. From less than 100 calories' worth of
kale, we can get over 350 milligrams.

Kale and its Cancer-Preventing Phytonutrients

Kale's special mix of cancer-preventing glucosinolates has been the

hottest area of research on this cruciferous vegetable. Kale is an
especially rich source of glucosinolates, and once kale is eaten and
digested, these glucosinolates can be converted by the body into
cancer preventive compounds. Some of this conversion process can
also take place in the food itself, prior to consumption.

In addition to the above cited nutrients, kale is an excellent source

of vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin C, vitamin K, copper,
and manganese. It is a very good source of vitamin B6, dietary fiber,
calcium, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, iron, magnesium, vitamin
B1, omega-3 fatty acids phosphorus, protein, folate, and niacin.

The health benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil can be attributed to its
properties as an antimicrobial, astringent, expectorant, antifungal,
stimulant, carminative, stomachic, anticatarrhal, diaphoretic,
vulnerary, antiseptic, immune booster, circulatory, tonic, anti-
inflammatory and antispasmodic.

The essential oil of myrrh is extracted from the resin. Myrrh, in the
scientific nomenclature system, is called Commiphora Myrrha and is native
to Egypt. While the resin was frequently used in incense and perfumes
in ancient Egypt, and the oil obtained from it was used for healings
wounds in ancient Greece. The main components of this essential oil
are Alpha Pinene, Cadinene, Limonene, Cuminaldehyde, Eugenol,
Cresol, Heerabolene, Acetic Acid, Formic Acid and Sesquiterpenes.
Apart from being a very reputable oil in the field of aromatherapy, it
has plenty of medicinal uses too.

Health Benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil

Antimicrobial and Antiviral: Myrrh essential oil do not allow

microbes to grow or infect your system. It can be used to prevent

any ailment resulting from microbial infection, such as fever, food
poisoning, cough & cold, mumps, measles, pox and infections of
wounds. It has no adverse side effects, unlike other antibiotics, such
as weakening of liver, or digestive malfunction.

Astringent: Myrrh Essential Oil is an astringent, meaning that it

strengthens the hold of gums on teeth, contracts the skin, muscles,
intestines and other internal organs. It also strengthens the grip of
scalp on hair roots, thereby preventing hair loss. One more serious
aspect of this astringent property is that it stops hemorrhaging in
wounds. When this astringency makes the blood vessels contract
and check the flow of blood, it can stop you from losing too much
blood when wounded.

Expectorant: Myrrh essential oil is good against coughs and colds. It

fights the viral infections that can cause coughs and colds, as well as
relieves congestion and reduces the deposition of phlegm in the lungs
and respiratory tracts.

Antifungal: Myrrh essential oil acts as a fungicide as well. It can be

used either internally and externally to fight fungal infection.

Stimulant: Myrrh essential oil stimulates thoughts, blood

circulation, digestion, secretions, nervous activity and excretion. It
stimulates the pumping action of the heart, the secretion of digestive
juices and bile into the stomach, and it keeps you alert and active
by stimulating the brain and the nervous system.

Carminative: This essential oil helps to relieve you of those gases

which often result in embarrassing situations in public. It also has an
expensive toll on your health by stealing your appetite, slowing down
digestion, giving you stomachaches and headaches and sometimes
chest pains as well by raising your blood pressure.

Stomachic: Myrrh oil is beneficial for the all-around health of your


Anti-catarrhal: This property of Myrrh essential oil relieves you of
excess mucus and phlegm and troubles associated with that sort of
mucus deposition, including congestion, breathing trouble, heaviness
in chest, and coughs.

Diaphoretic: It increases perspiration and keeps your body free

fromtoxins, extra salt and excess water from your body. Sweating
also cleans the skin-pores and helps harmful gases like nitrogen

Vulnerary: This property of myrrh essential oil protects wounds from

infections and makes them heal quicker.

Antiseptic: If you have a health amount of myrrh essential oil, you

don’t need to worry about small cuts and wounds becoming infected.
This oil can take care of them and will not let them become septic,
since it is an antiseptic substance. It can protect you from tetanus as
well to some extent.

Immune Booster: Myrrh oil strengthens and activates the immune

system and keeps the body protected from infections.

Circulatory: This powerful essential oil stimulates blood circulation

and ensures the proper supply of oxygen to the tissues. This is good
for attaining a proper metabolic rate as well as for boosting the
immune system. Increasing the blood flow to the more obscure
corners of your body, the better the nutrients and oxygen reach
those body parts, so they function better and stay healthy.

Tonic: This property means a boost to your overall health. As a tonic,

myrrh oil tones up all the systems and organs in the body, gives them
strength and protects them from premature aging and infections.

Anti-inflammatory: Myrrh essential oil sedates inflammation in

various tissues in cases of fever or viral infections, in the digestive
system resulting from ingestion of too much spicy food and in the

circulatory system when something inflammatory or toxic enters the
blood stream.

Antispasmodic: It also provides relief from unwanted contractions or

spasms and therefore eases cramps, aches, and muscle pain.

This oil is highly valued in aromatherapy as a sedative, antidepressant

and as a promoter of spiritual feelings. This oil takes care of uterine
health and stimulates that organ, helps fading awayof scars and spots,
is good for treating skin ailments, pyorrhea, diarrhea and skin diseases
such as eczema, ringworm, and itches. It is also an emmenagogue
which means that it normalizes menstruation and relieves the
associated symptoms like mood swings and hormonal imbalances.

Despite the many benefits of myrrh essential oil, it can have toxic
effects if used in excess. It should be avoided by pregnant women since
it stimulates the uterus and could result in miscarriage.

Resin crafted from the myrrh tree – definitely difficult to grow in

many regions – nurtures the production of “good cholesterol” and
helps combat the negative effects of the bad.

Bindweed is a twining vine with its funnel shaped flowers that open
their petals to the sunrise and close them to sunset. Their flowers,
called morning glory, appear in pink and white hues. The vine grows
around the year and very quickly lets out its long roots. It is widely
seen across North America and Canada.

Owing to its rapid multiplication, bindweed is now considered a

nuisance that is hard to eradicate. The plant grows around hedges
and corners and can overtake all vegetation at an extremely rapid

Bindweed has been known since long for its properties to purify and
cleanse the body and calm the mind. Bindweed can also be used to
purify and make cultivable chemical-laden and overly-used
agricultural land. It gets rid of the heavy metals in the soil and
restores the fertility and balance of the soil. Thus, bindweed is a
good detoxifying agent that eliminates toxins internally as well as
externally. The plant is also a rich source of many compounds like
tropine, pseudotropine, aspartic acid, cysteine, alanine and Arginine.

Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses

A plant that is considered a bane to agriculturists can also have

multiple health benefits and medicinal uses. Some of these are as
follows. The roots of bindweed act as a good purgative, and if used
in right doses, it can be effective even in children. Native Americans
would use the plant as an antidote to spider bites, and the leaves of
the plant were believed to enhance the secretion of bile. The extract
of bindweed is believed to arrest the growth of tumors, and its
anticancer properties are presently being researched.

Bindweed also exhibits actions similar to that of anti-diabetic

medications as it is considered to inhibit the action of beta-
glucosidase and alpha galactosidase. This, in turn, aids in lesser
absorption of carbohydrates into the intestine, thus checking the
blood sugar levels. Similar to sweet potato, the insulin-like
compound in bindweed aids in effective diabetes management.

Bindweed, especially its flowers, is believed to exhibit antibacterial and

antifungal properties against a broad spectrum of microbes,including
E. coli, salmonella species, and candida albicans.

Bindweed also finds its therapeutic use for treating the effects of
stress in individuals. Bindweed can be used to soothe and calm the
mind and nerves. It helps bring about a feeling of being at peace
with oneself. However, similar to other tranquilizers or antipsychotic
medications, bindweed should be used with caution for treatment
of depression, anxiety and stress.

Bindweed is a boon to agriculturists. Most of its other uses can be found

in this industry. Some of the common uses of bindweed are as follows.
Bindweed finds other uses in restoring the fertility of agricultural land
that has been subject to the extensive use of chemicals and pesticides.
It is researched and believed to eradicate chromium, copper, and
cadmium from the soil.

Bindweed also exhibits properties similar to that of nitrogen fixing
plants. The presence of calystegins in the roots of bindweed act as a
source of carbon and nitrogen to the rhizobacteria that is
responsible for nitrogen fixation. Thus, the fertility of the soil is
enhanced for agricultural use.

In certain parts of Asia, the tender shoots and leaves of the bindweed
plant are also used for culinary purposes. The strong twining vine can
also be used for weaving or making strong ropes. Bindweed galvanizes
bile when taken internally and eases abscesses and bleeding when
applied externally.

Kaffir Lime
Some of the most important health benefits of kaffir lime include its
ability to promote oral health, detoxify the blood, boost skin health,
improve digestion, ward off insects, lower inflammation, aid the
immune system, reduce stress, and improve the health of the hair.

Kaffir limes is the common name of Citrus hystrix, a tropical fruit that
is native to various parts of Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, and the
Philippines. Aside from its many culinary uses, due to its uniquely tart
and pleasant flavor, kaffir lime is also highly respected in herbal
medicine, due to its high content of beneficial organic compounds that
can positively affect the body’s systems.

The oil, leaves, fruit, and rind of kaffir limes are all utilized for
different purposes.

You’ll often find kaffir limes being used in soups and sauces, such as
Tom Yum soup, particularly the leaves, which are frequently utilized
in Thai cooking. The leaves and rind are so powerful, however, that
they can often overwhelm the flavor of the dish.

This strong flavor is due to the high concentration of alkaloids,
citronellol, limonene, nerol, and other organic compounds in kaffir
limes. Not only do these provide the unique aroma and flavor, but
also the wide range of health benefits.

The extracted oil from the leaves, as well as the leaves themselves, are
commonly used for medicinal purposes. The oil is often mixedinto
shampoos, soaps, salves, fragrances, and other cosmetic products,
while the leaves are usually applied topically or orally to induce a
specific healthy result. Now, let’s take a slightly closer look at the many
health benefits of kaffir lime.

Health Benefits of Kaffir Lime

Oral Health: The most widespread use of kaffir lime is in the

protection of oral health. However, it is not the fruit itself that should
be eaten for this, but rather the rind and the leaves. The leaves can
be directly rubbed onto the gums to promote good oralhealth and
eliminate harmful bacteria that can build up in the mouth. The oil
extracted from kaffir limes can also be mixed in with organic
toothpastes and mouthwashes to promote more potent oral and
gum care.

Detoxify the Blood: The oil of kaffir limes is often mixed in various
decoctions for those suffering from blood-borne illnesses or chronic
blood-related diseases. The unique mix of volatile compounds is
known to eliminate those pathogens or foreign agents in the blood,
while also helping the liver and lymphatic system strain out
dangerous substances and improve your overall health.

Digestive Issues: There are a number of components found

within kaffir limes that are also found in lemongrass and related
herbs. These organic constituents are anti-inflammatory in nature, but
they are also stimulating for the digestive system. If you are suffering

from constipation or indigestion, some kaffir lime decoction can
clear your symptoms up and get your bowels back on a regular
track. This can help prevent more serious gastrointestinal issues in
the future, such as colorectal cancer, hemorrhoids, or gastric ulcers.

Insect Repellant: In the countries where kaffir lime was

traditionallygrown, insect-borne diseases can kill thousands of people
each year. For that reason, kaffir limes are often used for their insect
repellant properties. The citronellol and limonene found in kaffir
limes are very unappealing to most insects, and when you put a
lotion or a salve containing kaffir lime juice/oil on your skin, you can
significantly decrease your chances of being bitten by bugs, whether
they may infect you or not.

Skin Care: Kaffir lime juice and extracts are mixed into many
cosmetic and bath products for its wonderful smell, as well as its
antioxidants properties. Some of the acids found in kaffir limes can
help to neutralize free radicals, the dangerous byproducts of cellular
respiration that can cause cell mutation or apoptosis, as well as

Antioxidant compounds also slow the breakdown of cells and

minimize the appearance of age marks, scars, and pimples. If you
want your skin looking healthy and fresh well into your old age, then
perhaps some kaffir lime juice is precisely what you need!

Lower Inflammation: For those suffering from rheumatism,

arthritis,edema, gout, or some other inflammatory condition, kaffir
limes canbe a very effective remedy. You can use the juice, leaves,
or oil extracts topically on the area where you are experiencing
discomfort or pain, and you can also consume the fruit and the
juices to enjoy a similar effect. This anti-inflammatory effect also
makes kaffir lime juice beneficial for headaches and migraines.

Stress Reduction: Although most people don’t think of kaffir limes as
being particularly useful in aromatherapy, the oil extracted fromthese
powerful fruits can be used aromatically with great effect. If you
suffer from anxiety or various nervous disorders, spending some time
inhaling these soothing vapors can calm the body and mind.

Immune System: The antibacterial and antioxidant qualities of

kaffirlimes make them powerful tools to boost the immune system.
Not only does the topical application prevent infections and bacteria
from accumulating on the skin, but when consumed, kaffir limes can
help prevent a wide variety of gastrointestinal illnesses and stimulate
the immune system via antioxidant effects.

Hair Health: One of the less well-known applications of kaffir lime

juice and leaves is in the hair. You can apply decoctions and
mixtures to the scalp and hair to slow the onset of male pattern
baldness and strengthen the follicles of the hair. This also moisturizes
the skin to prevent dandruff and improves the appearance and

Due to the potency of the extracted oil of kaffir limes, it is not

recommended for direct consumption, as it can result in nausea,
vomiting, dizziness, lightheadedness, and other unpleasant side
effects. Always mix the essential oil with water or another diluting
agent. Other than that, there are no reported side effects of kaffir lime
use. As with any herbal remedy, consult a medical professional before
making a major change in your supplement schedule.

The leaves of kaffir lime reinforce dental hygiene and can serve as a
natural cleanser for improved hair and skin health – not to mention
all the scurvy-fighting goodness of the limes themselves!

Some of the most important health benefits of turmeric include its
ability to heal wounds, protect cognitive abilities, ease menstrual
difficulties, reduce inflammation, eliminate depression, alleviate pain,
slow the aging process, protect the digestive tract, and prevent cancer.

Closely related to other members of the ginger family, turmeric is a

perennial herb that is native to India and has the scientific name of
Curcuma longa. The herb itself is derived from the rhizome of the plant,
which is dried before the useful powdered form can be acquired. It
needs a rather specific temperature and environment to thrive, so it is
not widely cultivated throughout the world, but it is exported around
the globe due to its desirability. The color of turmeric powder is
perhaps the most striking characteristic, as it is bright yellow. You’ve
certainly seen it, even if you haven’t recognized it, and if you have
ever enjoyed Indian food, you have almost certainly consumed it.
Turmeric smells slightly like mustard but has a hot, almost pepper-
like bitterness to it that complementsa variety of dishes and makes
turmeric very popular in soups, sauces, curries, meat dishes, biscuits,

rice preparations, and as a general spice flavoring for dozens of other
cultural dishes and specialties.

Aside from its wide usage in food preparation, it has also beenpraised
as one of the most comprehensive and powerful herbal medicines in
Ayurvedic treatments and other traditional cultural remedies. Curcumin
is the most important and active ingredient of this “super herb”.

Turmeric juice is perhaps the most common form of the herb in

medical use, but it can also be mixed into topical salves and creams.
The essential oil of turmeric is also a powerful health agent, but the
entire list of the health benefits of turmeric essential oil can be found
on its own page within Organic Facts. For now, let’s look at the
health benefits of turmeric itself.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Anti-Inflammatory Capacity: One of the most well-known

applications of turmeric is as an anti-inflammatory agent. The active
ingredients in turmeric are extensive, but a particularly crucial
compound is curcumin. This substance has received considerable
attention in the medical community due to its potent anti-
inflammatory abilities. in fact, the strength of this substance is
likened to some of the strongest pharmaceutical options for
reducing inflammation. For this reason, consuming turmeric is often
suggested for the reduction of arthritic pain, gout, and muscle pain
following exercise or injury. Turmeric can achieve this relief in either
topical form or when normally consumed. A topical salve can also
be made to reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Turmeric has long been used as a

stomach soother, and is particularly useful for constipation,
cramping, and irritable bowel syndrome. The anti-inflammatory
activity of curcumin also comes into play here, as it lowers the chances

of developing ulcers, bleeding in the bowels, and generally eliminates
irritation throughout the gut. Turmeric is often recommended for
patients suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease and even more
serious conditions, such as Crohn’s disease. The dietary fiber content
found in turmeric, although not off the charts, is still significant and can
help smooth your digestive processes.

Menstrual Issues: If you suffer from severe menstrual discomfort,

cramping, bloating, excessive bleeding, or mood swings, turmeric
may be precisely what you’ve been looking for. The anti-inflammatory
and soothing nature of the herb’s natural compounds can relieve most
symptoms of menstruation.

Cystic Fibrosis: Although this crippling, fatal disease is not discussed

as often as cancer or heart disease, this particular condition attacks the
lungs with thick mucus, as well as the pancreas. The curcumin found
in turmeric has been shown to correct the protein folding mutation that
can cause the development of this deadly disease.

Cancer Treatment and Prevention: It seems that the whole

world issearching for a cure for cancer, as well they should be, and
turmericis one of the best herbal approaches to the treatment or
prevention of various types of cancer. Curcumin is a powerful
antioxidant agentthat has been directly linked with a reduction in
colon cancer cells and is also a direct inhibitor for a protein that is
essential for tumorgrowth.

This makes turmeric a wonderful addition to any diet as a

preventative measure and as a means of slowing metastasis of
cancerous growth. The most extensive research on turmeric’s cancer
prevention effects has been on colon cancer, but other types of
cancer research related to curcumin are currently underway.

Detoxification of the Body: Turmeric and its active organic
compounds have also been found to improve liver function and
reduce the levels of toxicity in the body. By stimulating the
lymphatic system and ensuring that toxins are removed efficiently,
the antioxidant activities of turmeric are an ideal solution for liver
ailments or toxicity.

Heart Health: There are a few different angles by which turmeric

can boost your cardiovascular health – curcumin and vitamin B6.
Vitamin B6 can efficiently inhibit the production of homocysteine, which
is a negative bodily byproduct that seriously damages cell walls. These
weakened walls can cause a number of complications in the heart,
particularly when exacerbated by high blood pressure or plaque build-
up. Secondly, curcumin directly balances your cholesterol levels by
eliminating excess LDL (“bad cholesterol”) from the arteries and blood
vessels. This can help to prevent atherosclerosis, so when combined
with stronger blood vessels, turmeric represents a comprehensive
solution for a wide range of heart issues.

Cognitive Abilities: In traditional medicine, turmeric was often

relied on to boost cognitive abilities, increase concentration, and
boost memory retention. Many of those traditional beliefs have
ended up being legitimated by research, and turmeric is still
considered a brain boosting herb. Aside from increasing general
cognitive ability,it can also protect the neural pathways from long-
term oxidative stress and the build-up of plaque.

As a powerful antioxidant herb, turmeric can stimulate neural activity

and prevent cognitive degradations, which often comes inthe form
of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Numerous studies have shown that
curcumin is highly efficient in clearing out amyloid plaque, which is a
major indication of Alzheimer’s progression.

Depression: Curcumin truly is a versatile substance, and the research
has even stretched into its effects on the hormonal balance in the
body. Studies have shown that curcumin has a similar effect as
Prozac on patients suffering from depression, mood swings, anxiety,
and stress. This makes it a powerful alternative to pharmaceutical
routes, which often have dangerous or addictive side effects.

Although not commonly considered to be an allergenic substance,

turmeric can have certain side effects on the body, including nausea,
dizziness, or diarrhea, particularly when consumed in large quantities.
In limited cases, excessive amounts of turmeric consumed in a
medicinal capacity has caused heart irregularities. Always speakto a
medical professional before adding a powerful substance to your diet
or supplement regiment and remember – everything should be taken
in moderation!

Magnolia bark (Magnolia officinalis) is a traditional Chinese medicine
used since 100 A.D. to support the body and nurture wellbeing
and to treat a plethora of ailments. Magnolia bark has been used to
treat menstrual cramps, abdominal pain, abdominal bloating and gas,
nausea, and indigestion. The bark is also an ingredient in formulas
used for treating coughs and asthma. Thebark is used internally in
the treatment of abdominal distension, loss of appetite, gastro-
enteritis, vomiting, diarrhea, asthma and coughs with acute phlegm.
The bark and flower buds of Magnolia officinalis have been used to treat
coughs and colds and intestinal problems.

Active ingredients

Researchers have determined that "honokiol" and "magnolol", two

chemicals found in Magnolia Bark, are up to 1000 times more
potent than Vitamin E in antioxidant activity. These two active
compounds are thought to contribute to the primary anti-stress and
cortisol-balancing effects of the plant.

Numerous animal studies have demonstrated honokiol to act as an
anti-stress agent at lower doses. Magnolol, a compound isolated
from the cortex of magnolia, has been found to possess anti-allergic
and anti-asthmatic activity.

Weight loss

Magnolia bark is getting much press as a "cortisol", the stress

hormone-lowering supplement. Cortisol has also been associated
with weight gain (particularly fat in the abdominal area), sugar
control problems, memory problems, and a host of other stress
induced disorders.

In studies, honokiol was compared with diazepam (Valium), a well-
known pharmaceutical anxiolytic. Honokiol was found to be five
times stronger than diazepam in reducing anxiety without the side
effects of diazepam. While diazepam does reduce anxiety, it also
induces muscle relaxation, an effect not shared by honokiol.

It would seem that honokiol is less likely than diazepam to induce

physical dependence, central nervous system depression, motor nerve
disruption, or amnesia at doses eliciting the anxiolytic effect. Because
honokiol reduces anxiety without disruption of motor activity, it is
postulated that the mechanism of the anxiolytic effectof honokiol is
at least partially different from that of diazepam.

Alzheimer’s Disease
Magnolia has several powerful effects on acetylcholine levels in the
brain, offering potential benefits for victims of Alzheimer's Disease.
Alzheimer’s Disease is characterized by insufficient levels of
acetylcholine, accompanied by the buildup of amyloid plaque in the
brain, disrupting normal brain functioning.

Two biphenolic compounds found in Magnolia, Honokiol andmagnolol,
increase choline acetyltransferase activity, inhibitacetylcholinesterase,
promote potassium-induced acetylcholine release and exhibit
neurotrophic function in in vitro studies. Choline acetyltransferase is an
enzyme involved in the cellular synthesis of acetylcholine, an increase
of which can up-regulate the production of acetylcholine necessary
for proper brain function.

Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine,

the inhibition of which preserves available acetylcholine. Honokiol
and Magnolol also exhibited neurotropic effects in vitro, which could
translate into enhanced brain cell growth and reduced brain cell
death in vivo.


Magnolol was found in studies to support the body's natural

production of adrenal steroids (corticosteroids) which suppress
inflammation. This anti-inflammatory effect is thought responsible
for alleviating the allergic inflammatory response in cases of asthma.
Increases in corticosteroids may be a concern for those wishing to
use magnolia as a weight loss product, but in a patented product
combining the herb with philodendrons this effect was reversed,
resulting in corticosteroid reduction, and reduced cortisol-induced
food cravings.

The magnolia is such a pretty flower that few realize the medicinal
potential that lay beyond its ivory petals. When used properly, it
may actually serve as a great stress reliever that discourages
anxiety-related weight gain.

Coptis Chinensis
Coptis chinensis is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Sometimes referred to as huang lian or goldthread, extracts of the
herb's roots are available in dietary supplement form.

Often used to treat gastrointestinal problems, Coptis chinensis is also

said to protect against some forms of cancer.

Coptis chinensis contains several compounds thought to enhance

health, including berberine (a chemical found to possess
antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties).

Uses for Coptis Chinensis

In alternative medicine, Coptis chinensis is said to aid in the treatment

of the following health conditions: diabetes, diarrhea, ear infections,
heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, psoriasis,
respiratory infections

In addition, Coptis chinensis is purported to prevent cancer and

protect against liver disease.

Benefits of Coptis Chinensis

In preliminary research on animals and human cells, scientists have

found that Coptis chinensis may offer a variety of health benefits.
Although there's currently a lack of clinical trials testing Coptis
chinensis and its health effects, studies suggest that the herb shows
promise in certain areas:


A number of animal-based studies indicate that Coptis chinensis may

have anti-diabetic effects. In a 2011 study from the American Journal
of Chinese Medicine, for instance, tests on rats demonstrated that
Coptis chinensis may help protect against diabetes, in part by
improving insulin resistance.

Chinese herbalists frequently use the root of a Coptis Chinensis plant

in the treatment of maladies as diverse as insomnia and acne,
though many of its benefits tend to involve digestive or cramping

Celandine is a part of the poppy family with blue-green leaves. Its
flowers have four yellow petals which yield a pod-like fruit. The
plant has an orange colored juice that turns red when it comes into
contact with air. It has an unpleasant odor with a bitter and pungent
taste. It is indigenous to Europe and also grows in North America,
where it was brought by settlers in the seventeenth century as an
herbal remedy for skin ailments like warts.

The word celandine derives from the Greek word Chelidon, 'a
swallow'. It refers to the tradition of Chelidonium, when the herb
blooms with the arrival of the swallow and fades with their
departure. The whole plant contains a range of alkaloids like
chelerythrinet. Stylopine, present in the leaves has been used to
treat warts and papillomas as well as for liver disease in the orient.
Other compounds present are berberine, chelidonic acid, ergosterol,
sanguinarine and hydroxysanguinarine to name a few.

The herb has been used as a sedative, an antispasmodic, antibiotic and

anti-tumor agent, as well as an analgesic, diuretic and a purgative.

Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses of Celandine

Celandine has been used in the treatment of warts. A paste made from
powdered celandine is applied directly to the wart and left todry. Its
caustic properties have been used in an ointment form as a cleansing
agent and to treat skin eruptions like ringworm, eczema, psoriasis,
malignant sores and tubercular skin eruptions. It has also been used
as a rinse for dandruff.

Its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties have

been used to treat a variety of ailments. It has long been used by
the Russians for cancers. It has been used as an antispasmodic to
treat spasticity in the gastrointestinal tract and is supposed to
reduce gallbladder inflammation and inflammation of the biliary
duct. It has also been used in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism
and out

Celandine extracts have been used as an ingredient in anantiretroviral

drug that may act against the Herpes and Epstein-Barr viruses. Ukrain,
a celandine derivative that is available in Europe, is used to treat

The typical dose depends upon the patient's immune status and is
given as an intravenous injection. The dose ranges from 5 - 20 mg. and
also depends upon the tumor mass, rate of tumor growth and the
extent of the disease. Research has indicated that Ukrain is
effective against cancers of the esophagus, testes and ovaries, breast,
cervix and colon, as well as colorectal cancer, malignant melanoma and
Kaposi's sarcoma.

It may also prove to be effective in treating AIDS patients. It has not

yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use
in the US.

Celandine can have some serious side effects. There have been some
documented cases of liver failure and digestive problems which can
only be attributed to its use. Oral consumption has been known to
cause abdominal cramps and has even resulted in poisoning and death.
It can also cause skin inflammation and eye diseases and for these
reasons should not be self-administered.

Some other side effects of celandine that have been reported are
dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, restlessness, insomnia and nausea.
Patients taking Ukrain should not use other opiates, digitalis drugs,
sulfa drugs and oral medication for lowering blood sugar.

And lastly, celandine should not be taken by children and pregnant

and lactating women and should only be taken under medical

Home herb gardeners in search of detoxifying agents and the

stimulation of various organs may want to plant a celandine or 2 in
their yards.

Milfoil is an ancient medicinal herb and it gets its name from the Greek
mythological figure Achilles. He is supposed to have used this herb to
heal the wounds of his soldiers. It is an herbaceous plantwith a
hairy stem that can grow up to 1m in height. Its flowers are white with
a rosy tint and have a very distinctive smell and a bittersweet taste.

Milfoil grows in Europe, North America and West Asia and has been
used for centuries to heal wounds. It was also a popular ingredient
in some of the 17th century cuisines. It is useful when grown in gardens
as it helps improve soil quality and keeps it free of bugs.

The flowers of milfoil have the largest concentrations of beneficial

compounds and are the most commonly used part of the plant.
Some of the compounds present are salicylic and folic acid, ascorbic
acid (vitamin C), flavones, amino acids, proteins, tannins and minerals
like iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, silicon and calcium. It has a
strong astringent effect that has been used to heal wounds and

today, it is used to treat a variety of illnesses and disorders, from
stomach and liver ailments to circulatory problems and even cancer.
It can stimulate the curative effects of other medicinal herbs and
can also help in the removal of toxins from the body.

Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses

Milfoil is used today to treat many illnesses. It has been used to treat
hemorrhoids, stomach ache and distension, liver disorders, intestinal
parasites, angina pectoris and circulatory disorders as well as
pulmonary bleeding and lung cancer.

The flowers help improve venous circulation and can also be used as
an aid to digestion. This makes them useful in the treatment of
anorexia and other eating disorders.

They are sometimes used as an expectorant, anti-spasmodic, sedative,

hemostatic and to decrease gastric secretions. Milfoil is also used in
the treatment of menstrual cycle disorders. Its high salicylic acid
content also makes it useful as an analgesic and in the treatment of
fevers, common colds and flu. It is also used in cases of cough,
bronchitis, allergies and hepatic and biliary colic, ulcers and stomach

When applied externally, the herb acts as a disinfectant and an anti-

inflammatory, helping to kill microorganisms and heal wounds including
ulcerative wounds. It can also heal eczemas, burns, contusions and
dental abscesses.

Milfoil tea is made by infusing two spoons of milfoil with a cup of

boiling water for ten minutes. Consuming two to three cups of milfoil
tea every day is said to be good for treating multiple sclerosis and
other diseases of the spinal cord. It is supposed to help in the
formation of new cells and stimulates blood renewal in the marrow.

It may also help in cases of paralysis. The tea is also used to treat
common cold and flu and inhaling the vapors while preparing the
infusion are said to be good for treating asthma and bronchitis.

A concentrated infusion of milfoil (10 gm. Milfoil in 100 gm. water)

can be used to eliminate intestinal worms and must be consumed
first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Milfoil tincture can be used to treat urinary disorders. It is made by

placing the flowers in a bottle of rye or fruit brandy. The bottle is
left in the sun or in a hot place for about 14 days to prepare the

High doses have been known to produce headaches. It may also cause
allergic skin rashes and should not be used by pregnant or lactating

Alternately known as yarrow, milfoil primarily works as an anti-

inflammatory that also staves off the symptoms of aging and
regulates blood pressure and metabolism as well.

Some of the most impressive health benefits of calendula include its
ability to speed healing, protect oral health, improve the appearance
of the skin, boost vision, lower inflammation, reduce the risk of certain
cancers, and eliminate cramps.

You may not recognize the name calendula, but perhaps you have
heard of marigolds, which is the broad classification of the flowering
plants found within this genus. Calendula officianalis is the most
common species within the genus, but all possess certain compounds
and substances that make them a valuable part of herbal health in
certain parts of the world. You may hear the name marigold in
reference to a different genus, but Calendula specifically refers to 15-
20 different species of pot marigold found throughout Western
Europe, the Mediterranean region, and parts of southern Asia.

In terms of the parts of these small, yellow-flowered plants that are

consumed, the petals are edible and have traditionally been used in
soups and stews and salads, while a powerful chemical extract can

be removed from the stems and leaves of calendula plants. This
extract is rich in a variety of organic compounds, including
glycosides, saponins, and other powerful anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant compounds. Now, let’s take a closer peek at the diverse
health benefits of calendula.

Health Benefits of Calendula

Healing Properties: One of the best reasons to keep calendula handy

is due to its healing abilities. If you apply calendula flower oil to your
cuts, scrapes, bruises, and insect bites, you can quickly speed the
healing process, partially due to the anti-inflammatory properties of
the oil, in addition to the unique antioxidant compounds found in
this miraculous plant. By protecting against infections, calendula oil
keeps wounds and scrapes safe, allowing them to rapidly heal.

Oral Health: There are also certain antibacterial properties of

calendula that have made it very popular in recent years. You will
often find calendula on the ingredients list of various herbal health
and hygiene products, including toothpastes, mouthwashes, soaps,
and shampoos. In terms of oral health, toothpastes and
mouthwashes that contain calendula are very effective in killing
bacteria that cause everything from gingivitis to cavities.

Improve the Appearance of Skin: Aside from stimulating healing,

calendula oil can significantly boost the appearance of your skin. It can
affect blood flow to the skin cells, provide antioxidant protection that
reduces the appearance of wrinkles and ages spots, and even the
visibility of scars. If you want smooth, even-toned skin that glows with
youthful vitality, consider adding some organic products that contain
calendula or consume calendula in another form, such as tea.

Vision Health: Research has shown that calendula contains certain
antioxidant compounds that directly impact your vision. Beta-
carotene is essential for the health and functioning of your eyes, and
calendula is a wonderful source of this compound. You can prevent
macular degeneration and the development of cataracts in this way.

Inflammation: Regardless of where you inflammation is

occurring, calendula can significantly reduce the discomfort. If you
are suffering from a cough or congestion, calendula tea can be a
wonderful remedy. If your joints are hurting from arthritis or gout,
add some calendula oil to a skin balm and enjoy a rapid reduction in
pain. Finally, if your stomach is upset, calendula can help normalize
your gastrointestinal system and eliminate any inflammation that
may be causing discomfort.

Cancer Prevention: Calendula oil has certain anti-tumor

properties that make it very valuable in new cancer research
exploring naturalsolutions to this global epidemic. Cancer remains
one of the great mysteries of our species in terms of collective
health, and compounds like those found in calendula offer an
interesting new angle on this critical issue. It certainly can’t hurt to

Cramping: There are also some anti-spasmodic properties of

calendula that are also taken advantage of by many people. If you
suffer from a nervous system disorder, have painful cramping in
relation to menstruation, or some other type of spasmodic
condition, adding calendula to your diet may be a wise choice.

Some people have shown allergic reactions to the use of calendula

oil, particularly in high doses and concentrations. However, if you
consult a trained herbalist or medical professional before adding
calendula to your health regiment, you should be able to avoid any
major side effects.

Sea Buckthorn
Some of the most important health benefits of buckthorn berry
include its ability to reduce inflammation, prevent certain cancers,
soothe gastrointestinal issues, heal the skin, lower blood pressure,
improving sight, slowing the aging process, and aid the immune

Buckthorn berries are the most valuable part of sea buckthorn plants,
which are a part of the Hippophae genus. The most commonly used
species of the seven in the genus is Hippophae rhamnoides, which is a
deciduous shrub and is found throughout Europe, Mongolia, and parts
of China. Depending on where you are in the world, you may know
the name of this plant as sea berry or sand thorn, but they’re all quite
similar in terms of nutrient composition and physiological

The branches are stiff and thorny, while the leaves are of a long,
thin, silver color. The berries of sea buckthorn, however, are small,
orange, and only found on female plants. These berries are

actually considered super fruits due to their unbelievable
concentration of nutrients, including flavonoids, phenolics, amino
acids, and carotenoids. This diverse range of nutrients has also made
buckthorn berries extremely versatile in the treatment of various
health conditions and illnesses.

An extract can be taken from the berries to be used in medicinal

treatment, the berries can be consumed directly, or a tea can be
made from the leaves, which also contain some of the same nutrient

Health Benefits of Buckthorn Berry

The juice from buckthorn berries has been found to be extremely

valuable in the reduction of cancer or slowing down its spread. The
organic components of buckthorn berry have a high antioxidant
content, which helps to neutralize free radicals, the dangerous
byproducts of cellular metabolism. However, in the case of
buckthorn berry juice, the anti-cancer abilities cause cell-cycle
arrest, so cancer cannot progress; however, it doesn’t induce
apoptosis, like many other antioxidant substances.

Aside from the boost to your immune system that buckthorn berry
juice provides, as explained above, this powerful fruit is also able to
help improve the health of your skin, the strength of your bones,
and the resilience of your gums and teeth.

Vitamin C is an integral part in the formation of collagen, which is a

crucial component of growth and repair throughout the body.
Therefore, the high concentration of vitamin C in buckthorn berry
makes it an all-around body booster that helps to speed wound
healing and recovery from injuries.

Carotenoids are another important antioxidant compound that is

found in buckthorn berry, and this important nutrient can protect

vision in a major way. Carotenoids are able to slow down the
progression of macular degeneration, and can prevent the
development of cataracts, in addition to improving night vision!

Buckthorn berry oil has been found to significantly improve cholesterol

levels by helping to reduce LDL cholesterol levels and keeping the fatty
acid balance even in the body. By eliminating bad cholesterol, you can
reduce your chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes,
because there is less blockage in the arteries and blood vessels.
Therefore, your blood pressure is also lowered, reducing tension on the
entire cardiovascular system.

Although research is still relatively new on this particular topic,

buckthorn berry is very good at regulating blood sugar, meaning
that for people suffering from diabetes, adding this delicious fruit to
their diet is a great choice. By eliminating the peaks and drops in
blood sugar, super berries like buckthorn can help people live a
more normal life!

Circulation: Studies have also shown that the high levels of vitamin C
in buckthorn berry can help to increase the uptake of iron by the
body, thereby ensuring a high, steady blood flow, as iron is a key
ingredient in red blood cells.

Stomach Health: If you suffer from upset stomach or gastric

distress of any kind, buckthorn berry juice can quickly relieve
discomfort and soothe inflammation. The anti-inflammatory
capacity of this super berry also helps relieve joint pain and sore

Aging Process: The final bonus of this antioxidant-filled berry is

its impact on the aging process. For those people seeking younger-
looking skin, or who want to eliminate age spots and wrinkles, the
free radical-neutralizing antioxidants in buckthorn berry are perfect!
Drinking buckthorn berry juice, adding the concentrated oil to

other foods, or eating the berries themselves are all viable ways to stay

Stomach Health: If you suffer from upset stomach or gastric

distress of any kind, buckthorn berry juice can quickly relieve
discomfort and soothe inflammation. The anti-inflammatory
capacity of this super berry also helps relieve joint pain and sore

Aging Process: The final bonus of this antioxidant-filled berry is

its impact on the aging process. For those people seeking younger-
looking skin, or who want to eliminate age spots and wrinkles, the
free radical-neutralizing antioxidants in buckthorn berry are perfect!
Drinking buckthorn berry juice, adding the concentrated oil to other
foods, or eating the berries themselves are all viable ways to stay

If you suffer from a bleeding disorder, buckthorn berry can be

dangerous, as it slows down blood clotting. Also, if you already are
taking blood pressure medication or suffer from hypotension, this super
berry might not be a great choice. Rich in vitamins and other integral
nutrients, the sea buckthorn has plenty to offer in terms of keeping
skin healthy and free of redness, pain, itchiness and swelling.

Meadowsweet is a perennial herbaceous plant. The stems are erect,
grooved, and reddish to purple in color. The stems grow up to one
to two meters in height. The leaves are pinnately compound with
serrate leaflets – usually three to five-lobed. The leaflets are dark green
in color on adaxial side and whitish on the abaxial side. The flowers are
arranged on a cymose inflorescence, which are beautiful, delicate, and
creamy-white in color. The flowers have very sweetand strong
smell. Whole plant; however, the commonly used plant parts are fresh
leaves, dried leaves, flowers, and roots.

Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Meadowsweet

Filipendula ulmaria is believed to have various medicinal properties

such as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic diuretic,
haemostatic, sanative, stomachic, and tonic.

The fresh root is frequently utilized in small amount in many

homeopathic preparations for various ailments. The active
ingredients present in this medicinal plant are essential oils,
flavonoids, phenolic glycosides, salicylic acid, and tannins.

Meadowsweet was one of the three holiest medicinal herbs of the
Druids. The flowering twigs and leaves are used various medical
preparations. The plant parts can be dried and store for future use.
The inflorescence consists of salicylic acid, which is used in the
synthesis of the drug aspirin. The medicinal plant is a valuable herbal
remedy for diarrhea, and it is believed to be very effective in the
treatment of diarrhea in children.

Meadowsweet seems to be an effective stomachic, which is used in the

treatment of gastritis, heartburn, hyperacidity, and peptic ulcers; for
such ailments, this medicinal herb is one of the most powerful
traditionally used herbal remedies.

In addition, this medicinal plant is a frequently used natural treatment

for afflictions of the blood. It is also believed to be very effective against
the pathogens that cause diphtheria, both amebic and bacillary
dysenteries, and pneumonia. The entire plant is a natural treatment
for an acidic stomach.

This herb has been used for natural pain treatment and to reduce
fever. Small amount of the meadowsweet root can be used to get
rid of headaches; this is believed to be effective because of the
aspirin-like components present in the herb.

A tisane prepared from the meadowsweet flowers can render

comfort to individuals affected by flu. A strong decoction prepared
from the boiled root is used externally to get rid of sores and various

Dosage and Administration

It is advised to take one cup of meadowsweet infusion two to three

times a day. In the form of tincture, two to four drops of
meadowsweet tincture can be applied two to three times a day.

Side Effects and Possible Interactions of Meadowsweet

In some in individuals, meadowsweet may induce tightening of the

air ducts present in the lungs; the tightening is known as
bronchospasm, which may worsen the asthmatic condition.

People that are allergic to aspirin-like medicines and asthmatic

patients should not take meadowsweet medical preparations. At
high doses, it may induce gastric ulceration in some cases.

Herbalists praise the meadowsweet plant for its aspirin-like properties,

using it in the exact same ways as mainstream physicians use the little
white pills.

Some of the most important health benefits of Rhodiola rosea include
its ability to boost energy levels, boost immune system, relieve
depression, strengthen the nervous system, improve cognitive
function, aid in weight loss efforts, and increase libido.

There are many common names for this versatile and globally
available herb, including golden root, Arctic root, king’s crown, and
roseroot, but they all describe the same flowering plant. You can
typically find this small, hardy perennial in cold regions, including
Siberia, the Arctic, as well as northern parts of Asia, North America,
Europe, and the UK. You can identify these plants by several stems
growing from the same root, topped by small flowers of yellowish-
white, and the plants commonly grow in cliffs or rocky sea regions.
Rhodiola rosea has been used for thousands of years in certain
traditional medicine treatments due to the high concentration of
organic compounds, such as phenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, and

There has been a wide variety of research studies conducted on the

roots of these plants, as they are where most of the nutrients can be

found. These roots have been sought out because they can be dried,
powdered, and made into a very beneficial tea, which has been used
in Indian and Chinese traditional medicines for centuries. It was
initially popularized for its impact on stress and anxiety, but subsequent
research has identified a number of other health concerns that can
be treated with this versatile herb. You can also find Rhodiola rosea
supplements in many herbal shops, which is themost popular way of
consuming this herb in western cultures. Now, let’s take a closer look
at the many health benefits of Rhodiola rosea.

Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea

Stress Relief: The calming effects of Rhodiola rosea tea have been
known for thousands of years, and from the stress of life in rural
China to the depression-inducing weather of Siberia, this particular
herbal tea has been soothing and calming people for generations.
The chemical constituents found in Rhodiola rosea can affect the
hormonal levels of the body and induce relaxation.

Depression: One of the side effects of Rhodiola rosea is an increase

in energy levels, and for those people suffering from fatigue- induced
depression, this herbal approach can be life-changing. For people
pursuing alternative medicine solutions to their depressive symptoms,
Rhodiola rosea tea can be extremely effective. Some ofthe organic
compounds in this widely available herb are considered adaptogenic,
which means that it can actually cause long-lasting effects on our
hormonal and metabolic states. In other words, rather than treating
certain forms of depression and chronic stress, it can actually cure
them! In fact, the proven usefulness of Rhodiola rosea extract has led
it to be combined with numerous antidepressants on the market, and
the results have been very encouraging.

Cognitive Abilities: The two health benefits listed above certainly
have an effect on the brain and hormone levels that affect mood,
but the actual health of the brain is another major concern in
modern medicine. Research has shown that Rhodiola rosea can have
an effect on numerous aspects of cognitive health, including
memory and concentration. For aging populations suffering through
the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s, Rhodiola rosea tea can
become a daily treatment to boost cognition and memory, thereby
keeping your faculties intact for longer.

Weight Loss Efforts: Recent research has shown that using Rhodiola
rosea extracts and teas for weight loss efforts can be highly effective.
The release of adipose tissue is one of the keys to losing weight, and
while researchers have been looking for a natural product containing
the essential enzymes to do that, golden roothas been under their
nose the whole time. Essentially, Rhodiola rosea speeds up the fat-
burning cells in your body, and when combined with exercise, this can
seriously speed up your slim down results.

Some of the active compounds found in Rhodiola rosea have been

directly linked with increasing metabolism and stimulating greater
circulation of blood and oxygen within the body. When organ systems
receive more oxygen, they function more efficiently, particularly when
muscles, nerve cells, and the brain receive the benefit of that oxygen
boost! This has even been relied on by professional athletes in Asia and
Russia as a safe and legal energy enhancer.

One of the most dangerous substances for our body is actually

already inside of us – stress hormones. By reducing the amount of
corticosteroids and catecholamines released by the body, we are
able to reduce the effects of those hormones on all

of our organ systems, including the heart. Excess stress hormones can
cause higher blood pressure, heart disease, and dangerous levels of
potassium. Research has also shown that Rhodiola rosea can regulate
the heartbeat and eliminate heart arrhythmias, as well as a reduction
in the chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

By increasing the body’s natural resistance to toxins, in conjunction

with the high concentration of antioxidants found in the roots of
Rhodiola rosea, this herb has become closely linked to preventing
and treating certain types of cancer. Anti-tumor activity is just as
important as antioxidant effects, and this herb boasts both of those.

Immune System: In addition to all of the other impressive health

benefits of Rhodiola rosea, it also has a variety of effects on the
immune system. This herb can stimulate the production of NK cells
in the stomach and spleen, thereby improving the immune response
and establishing homeostasis within the body.

Sexual Health: In some traditional and modern applications,

Rhodiola rosea has also been prescribed for erectile dysfunction and
premature ejaculation. This can lead to increased fertility, boosted
libido, and a generally healthier sex life, which comes with its own
range of psychological, emotional, and physical health.

Side effects are quite rare following the use of Rhodiola rosea, but
when they do occur, they are typically mild and include insomnia,
irritability, chest tightness, and increased blood pressure. As always,
before adding a new herbal element to your health regimen, you
should consult a trained medical professional, and always get your
herbal supplements from a trusted herbalist.

Perilla frutescence, commonly referred to as perilla, is a food and
traditional medicine in Asian countries, particularly Japan and China.
A member of the mint family, the leaves are used in Chinese herbal
medicine for symptoms of asthma and cough and contain calcium,
iron, and vitamin C. Its seeds support healthy immune function and
are a rich source of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Benefits of Perilla Frutescence

Research has found that perilla is effective at fighting harmful

organisms, especially in the mouth. Japan’s Asahi University School of
Dentistry tested the action of perilla seed and found that it contains a
compound, Luteolin, which may help reduce cavities and lessenthe
occurrence of some dental problems.

Like many botanicals, perilla is a great source of antioxidants. Also

known as nature’s answer to aging, antioxidants help lessen the
systemic damage caused by free radicals. Japanese research suggests
that perilla’s antioxidant action supports healthy circulation and has
a positive effect on cholesterol. Perilla contains rosmarinic acid, which
is known to resist redness and swelling. If you have allergies,

you’ve liked experienced allergic rhinitis, an irritation of the airways.
Perilla leaf extract has been reported to promote a healthy response
when such irritations flare up.

Most “Westerners” recognize perilla as the leaf uses to beautify

plates of sushi but noshing on these plants can serve as an anti-
inflammatory that also helps keep allergies in check.

The health benefits of flaxseed oil include its ability to protect the
body from cancer, prevent premature aging, boost the immune
system, improve heart health by decreasing cholesterol, regulate
digestion, reduce inflammation and gout, regulate hormones in
post-menopausal women, lowers blood pressure, prevents various
gastrointestinal diseases, and also positively affects eye health.

Flaxseed oil, which is also known as linseed oil in much of the world,
has been known to humans for a surprisingly long time. Flax, which is
scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum, has many uses and has been
a part of various cultures around the world for thousands of years. It
is cultivated around the world, although originally, it most likely came
from the Mediterranean region. Now, the world’s largest producers of
flaxseed oil, which is the concentrated vegetable oilthat is commonly
obtained from flax, are Canada, Russia, France, and Argentina.
Obviously, it is a very versatile plant, since it grows in such diverse
climates, but it is also extremely useful. For thousandsof years, it was
used not only as a key ingredient in linen, but also as a very beneficial
and easily accessible food source.

Now, flaxseed oil is one of the most common alternatives for
traditional vegetable oil, partly because it has the most impressive
list of health benefits attributed to it. It can be used in the exact
same way as any other vegetable-based oil, but the flavor is
particularly pleasant and unobtrusive, it cooks evenly, keeps the
body healthy, and is relatively simple to extract.

While linen used to be the major area where you would encounter
flax, the nutritional and dietary market around the globe is starting
to see a marked increase in interest.

Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Cholesterol Levels: Out of all the vegetable oils on the market, flaxseed
oil actually has the highest content of omega-3s, which is very
important. While both forms of cholesterol are necessary in the body,
omega-3 is considered the “good” form. Omega-3 fatty acid helps to
scrape off the bad form of cholesterol (LDL) and helps to increase the
healthy balance of cholesterol in your body. This means that you don’t
have as much plaque buildup on the walls of your arteries and blood
vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure,lowering your chances of
developing atherosclerosis, and effectively preventing heart attacks
and strokes. In other words, protect your heart with flaxseed oil!

Cancer Prevention: One of the other important elements of

flaxseedoil is its high antioxidant content. Flaxseed oil is rich in plant
sterols, also known as phytosterols. These act as very powerful
antioxidants, which means that they can help prevent the damage
that free radicals do to our healthy cells in various parts of
the body,including turning them into cancerous cells. Furthermore,
three of the lignans found in flaxseed oil have a direct impact on
the hormonal balance in our body. That means that hormone-related

cancers are far less likely to occur, since our bodies endocrine system
is running smoothly.

The high fiber content of flaxseed means that the digestive system is
regulated. Fiber helps to bulk up the stool and move it through the
digestive tract, thereby preventing constipation, as well as diarrhea,
since it absorbs watery stool. Furthermore, the lignans are able to
help reduce your chances of colon cancer! Keeping enough fiber in
your diet is important for cholesterol benefits as well. There isn’t
much fiber in oil, but the seeds themselves are full of it!

Eye Health: Some of the hormones in flaxseed influence the amount

of fluid in your eyes, which can be a very annoying condition. Dry
eyes can be prevented with consistent use of flaxseed oil in the diet.
It can also prevent more serious forms of this condition, such as
Sjogren’s syndrome.

Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory capacity of flaxseed oil

meansthat it can prevent various forms of inflammation in the body,
including the natural aches and pains in the joints and muscles, as
well as more serious conditions like arthritis and even gout! Flaxseed
oil is a natural anti-inflammation agent, so make sure to include it in
the diet if you suffer from these types of conditions.

Crohn’s Disease: Although we have already covered some of the

gastrointestinal benefits of flaxseed oil, Crohn’s disease is a terrible
condition that afflicts people all around the world. Flaxseed oil
research has shown a positive relationship between the
inflammation of the colon and intestinal tract with consumption of
this oil.

Post-Menopausal Women: After women go through menopause, their
bodies change in dramatic ways, particularly in the balance of their
hormones, such as estrogen. The lignans in flaxseed oil,
secoisolariciresinol, matairecinol, and pinoresinol, have a dramatic
effect on the hormonal balance, thereby helping many post-
menopausal women function better and struggle less with the
fluctuations of estrogen in their bodies.

Although most specialists regard flaxseed as a generally healthy oil,

there is still a great deal of research being done. It is shown to increase
bleeding because it is a vasodilator, including wound healing speed
after surgery. Furthermore, it is unclear as to whether women should
consume flaxseed oil during pregnancy or breast- feeding, since the
hormonal contributions of flaxseed oil can bedramatic, and the effects
have not been adequately researched.

Some of the most unique health benefits of feverfew include its ability
to treat headaches, relieve stress, lower inflammation, reduce pain,
break fever, ease menstrual discomfort, increase appetite, and boost
respiratory health.

While some people grow feverfew as an ornamental flower, due to

its aesthetically appealing flowers, this plant scientifically known as
Tanacetum parthenium is far more commonly used in traditional
medicine and modern herbal therapies.

These are hardy flowers and can often spread to large areas of land
quickly, which is why some cultures see it as an invasive weed.
However, people who recognize the value of feverfew appreciate
this durable and resilient nature.

Native to Eurasia, feverfew now enjoys a global presence and can be

found on all major continents. It is particularly popular in the west,
where the desire for herbal remedies has increased significantly in
recent decades.

Research on feverfew has been extensive, but some of the medicinal
claims have been controversial. Parthenolide is the active ingredient
that receives the most attention, but feverfew also contains a variety
of variety oils and tannins that also have effects on human health. In
terms of application, feverfew can be administered as its dry or fresh
form, but extracts of the volatile oils is also used for skin washes,
tinctures, and pill supplements. Despite the many potential benefits
of feverfew, use should be closely monitored and overseen by a trained
profession, as it can interact with other medicines or treatments in
many ways, some of which can be dangerous. Now,let’s take a more
in-depth look at the many health benefits of feverfew.

Health Benefits of Feverfew

The oldest and most commonly praised benefit of feverfew is its
clear effect on headaches and migraines. One of the effects of the
active ingredients in feverfew is its prevention of platelet build-up in
capillaries and blood vessels. This is what causes tension in the
cardiovascular system and causes headaches and migraines. By
relieving and relaxing these vessels, feverfew can quickly eliminate
these painful conditions.

Although the pathway for this particular benefit is not fully understood,
feverfew has been known to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety in some
users. This is very important for those who suffer from chronic stress,
as the presence of stress hormones in the body can be dangerous over
long periods.

Some of the volatile compounds in feverfew have anti-inflammatory

abilities, which effectively reduces inflammation throughout the
body. For those who suffer from chronic joint pain, arthritis, gout,
and other inflammatory conditions, herbal treatment with feverfew
is a painless and effective solution.

Pain Reduction: This is closely related to the anti-inflammatory
effects of feverfew, but any analgesic substance deserves some
recognition. For thousands of years, feverfew has been used to
prevent pain throughout the body, not just the pain of headaches
and migraines. Following surgery or an injury, feverfew can be
successfully utilized for rapid and long-lasting relief.

Fever Symptoms: Traditionally, feverfew has been used to break and

eliminate fevers. The name of the plant should be some indication
of this ability. If you are suffering from a fever, whether it is linked to
another more serious illness or not, feverfew can help to promote
sweating and eliminate toxins from the body, speeding the healing
process and reducing inflammation.

Menstrual Discomfort: One of the popular uses of feverfew is in the

reduction of discomfort during menstruation. For billions of women
around the world, menstruation can be a painful monthly occurrence
that includes cramps, bloating, hormonal swings, pain, and excessive
bleeding. Feverfew can effectively lower inflammation, eliminate
cramps, and induce calm to reduce mood swings and anxiety.

Appetite Booster: For people trying to gain weight or recovering

from an injury/surgery, increasing one’s appetite can be very
important. Feverfew has been linked to certain hormonal activity
that induces hunger. While this may not be ideal for people trying
to stay on a diet, it can certainly help the healing process and weight
gain efforts for those individuals who may be underweight or calorie

Respiratory Function: The soothing ability of feverfew also

extendsto the respiratory tract, where this herb is able to reduce

inflammation and irritation, which can often exacerbate conditions
like asthma or coughing. By allowing the respiratory tracts to relax,
feverfew can help soothe these symptoms and improve overall
respiratory health.

Skin Guard: One of the more recent health benefits of feverfew is

its role in skin health. Research is ongoing on the full effects of
feverfew on the skin, but when it comes to dermatitis and other
common forms of irritation, feverfew has been shown to improve
symptoms when topically applied.

Feverfew can inhibit the production of certain prostaglandins in the

body that are responsible for increasing blood pressure. By reducing
symptoms of hypertension, feverfew can protect overall hearthealth
and lower the chances of experiencing atherosclerosis, and the
consequent heart attacks and strokes linked to that particular
blockage of the cardiovascular system.

Feverfew is closely related to the ragweed family, which is a

common allergen for many people. If you are allergic to plants in
the ragweed family, feverfew should not be used. Common side
effects include mouth ulcers in certain people, and if this occurs,
discontinue use and see a medical professional. This herb should also
not be used while pregnant, despite its analgesic and soothing
qualities. As always, consult a medical professional or a trained
herbalist before adding a new element to your herbal health
regimen, as there is always the chance of negative pharmaceutical
interactions with such powerful herbs.

Milk Thistle
Some of the most important health benefits of milk thistle include
its ability to detoxify the liver, speed organ repair, treat certain
symptoms of cancer, treat fungal infections, cure hangovers, protect
against side effects of pharmaceuticals, slow the onset of Alzheimer’s
disease, reduce the risk of heart disease, and manage the symptoms
of diabetes.

You may know milk thistle by any number of other names, depending
on where you are in the world, including Marian thistle, Mediterranean
milk thistle, Scotch thistle, and many others. Scientifically, it is known as
Silybmom marianum, and it is an annualflowering plant with reddish-
purple flowers. Although this plant was once native to southern Europe
and certain parts of Asia, it has now been naturalized in many places
around the world. This plant is so widely known and highly praised due
to the powerful organic components found in its seeds. It is from these
seeds that milk thistle extract is derived, which includes high
concentrations of sylimarin, the most unique and active ingredient
in the extract. The extract also contains various fatty acids, including
linoleic acid.

Although research is widespread concerning the medicinal benefits
of milk thistle, many of the results are contradictory or hotly debated.
What has been agreed on is the significant impact that milk thistle
extract can have on liver function and health, for which this plant has
been used for centuries. The roots are occasionally eaten raw or boiled,
and the shoots can be boiled down to something like asparagus. Even
the leaves can be used as a replacement for spinach, but none of these
culinary uses are nearly as popular as the use of the extract for various
herbal and alternative health remedies. Let’s take a closer look at some
of these important health benefits of milk thistle.

Health Benefits of Milk Thistle

Detoxify the Body: Perhaps the most common usage of milk

thistleextract is as a detoxifying agent, due to its strong impact on
the liver. As you know, the liver is responsible for handling many of
the toxins in the body and eliminating them safely. Milk thistle’s
range of organic components is very effective at stimulating the
function of the liver and cleaning out the lymphatic system to keep
your body running right.

Organ Repair: When people suffer from liver disease or cirrhosis, the
liver is essentially compromised, and its functions suffers. While this
damage to the liver can be reversed, it is a slow process. Milk thistle
extract can help to speed up the healing process in the liver, undoing
much of the damage from excessive drinking or other damaging
behaviors on the liver.

Cancer: Although research into milk thistle’s effects on cancer is still

in its early stages, it appears that milk thistle extract can have an
inhibitory effect on the growth of cancer cells and tumors on the
skin and can also help prevent cancerous growth in the prostate,
breast, and cervix. Given the rapidity and mortality rates of those

particular types of cancer, milk thistle extract may be a major herbal

Anti-fungal Activity: There are certain fungal infections that milk

thistle has been shown to neutralize, and that probably relates to
milk thistle’s traditional use as a remedy for mushroom poisoning.
Many varieties of mushrooms are dangerous, and the “death cap”
mushroom is particularly toxic, but milk thistle can be administered
to prevent mortality.

Diabetes Management: The mixture of antioxidants, fatty acids,

and silymarin in milk thistle extract can actually work to regulate
the levels of insulin and maintain even blood sugar levels for people
who suffer from or are at risk of developing diabetes.

Heart Health: As mentioned earlier, milk thistle extract contains

high concentrations of beneficial fatty acids and omega-3s, which
are essential for maintaining heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids are
able to balance the cholesterol levels in your body, which can
prevent atherosclerosis, thereby lowering your risk of experiencing a
stroke or a heart attack.

Pharmaceutical Side Effects: Many people who suffer injuries

are required to take pharmaceuticals to manage the pain. Very
strong painkillers not only have a profound effect on your body’s
perception of pain, but also on your liver. When taken for long
periods of time, which can happen if patients become addicted, milk
thistle extract can help to protect the liver, which can easily be
damaged by excessive pharmaceutical use.

Alzheimer’s Disease: This is a relatively new area of research for milk

thistle, but some researchers believe that using milk thistle extractcan
stimulate cognitive ability and open up new neural pathways, effectively
slowing the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

It is not a commonly allergenic substance, although it has been
known to cause nausea, cramping, diarrhea, and excess gas. Also, if
you are allergic to ragweed, you should avoid using milk thistle, as
they are closely related. Finally, women with estrogen deficiencies or
endometriosis should avoid this extract, as it can cause estrogen
levels to fluctuate.

Papayas grow in tropical climates and are also known as papaws or
pawpaws. Their sweet taste, vibrant color and wide variety of health
benefits are just a few reasons to add them to your diet. The
possible health benefits of consuming papaya include a reduced risk
of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, aiding in digestion, improving
blood glucose control in diabetics, lowering blood pressure, and
improving wound healing.

Health Benefits of Papaya

Papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C and one single medium
fruit provides 224% of your daily needs.

Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been

associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health
conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing
consumption of plant foods like papayas decreases the risk of
obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes
a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower

Age-related macular degeneration: The antioxidant
zeaxanthin,found in papaya, filters out harmful blue light rays and is
thought toplay a protective role in eye health and possibly ward off
damage from macular degeneration. A higher intake of all fruits (3
or moreservings per day) has also been shown to decrease risk of
and progression of age-related macular degeneration.

Asthma prevention: The risks for developing asthma are lower in

people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of
these nutrients is beta-carotene, contained in foods like papaya,
apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, pumpkin and carrots.

Cancer: Consumption of the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene

(found in papayas) has been shown to have an inverse association
with the development of colon cancer in the Japanese population.
Among younger men, diets rich in beta-carotene may play a
protective role against prostate cancer, according to a study
conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health's Department of

Bone health: Low intakes of vitamin K have been associated with

ahigher risk for bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption is
important for good health, as it acts as a modifier of bone matrix
proteins, improves calcium absorption and may reduce urinary
excretion of calcium.

Diabetes: Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume

high-fiber diets have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics
may have improved blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels. One medium
papaya provides about 4.7 grams of fiber. The Dietary Guidelines for
Americans recommends 21-25 g/day for women and 30-38 g/day for

Digestion: Papayas contain an enzyme called papain that aids in
digestion and can also be used as a meat tenderizer. Papaya is also
high in fiber and water content, both of which help to prevent
constipation and promote regularity and a healthy digestivetract.

Heart disease: The fiber, potassium and vitamin content in papaya

all help to ward off heart disease. An increase in potassium intake
along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary
change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular

Inflammation: The choline is a very important and versatile nutrient

in papayas that aids our bodies in sleep, muscle movement, learning
and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cellular
membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the
absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation.

Skin and healing: When used topically, mashed papaya appears

to be beneficial for promoting wound healing and preventing
infectionof burned areas. Researchers believe that the proteolytic
enzymes chymopapain and papain in papaya are responsible for its
beneficial effects. Ointments containing the papain enzyme have
also been used to treat decubitus ulcers or bedsores.

Papaya is also great for your hair because it contains vitamin A, a

nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized.
Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues,including
skin and hair.

Cumin is a small greyish-brown seed of a plant from the coriander
family. It is spicy in taste and is used commonly for adding flavor to
food. Cumin is rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and
sodium. It also has good amounts of iron and a small amount of zinc,
copper, manganese, and selenium.

Vitamin Content of Cumin Seeds

Cumin is rich in vitamin A, C, E, and choline. It also contains niacin,

vitamin K, B6, thiamin, riboflavin, and folate. 100 grams of cumin
has 375 calories. Calories from fat are 186.

Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are a good to cure for digestive disorders and as a means
to detoxify the human body. It reduces the risk of stomachand liver
tumors, and also helps to cure flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea,
morning sickness, the common cold, and atonic dyspepsia. Cumin,
when boiled with water, makes a good tonic for overall heath.


The health benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil can be attributed

to its properties as an antiseptic, disinfectant, astringent, carminative,
cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, as well as
expectorant, sedative, tonic, uterine and vulnerary substance.

Frankincense Oil is extracted from the gum or resin from Frankincense

or Olibanum trees, whose scientific name is Boswellia Carteri. The
main components of this essential oil are Alpha Pinene, Actanol, Bornyl
Acetate, Linalool, Octyl Acetate, Incensole and Incensyl Acetate.

Frankincense has been a popular ingredient in cosmetics and incense

burners for centuries.

Frankincense has even been found in the remains of ancient Egyptian

and Anglo-Saxon civilizations. Furthermore, it is closely associated with
religious traditions and rites, particularly in the Christian tradition.

Health Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil

Apart from being used as a cosmetic and as a fragrance, frankincense

oil has numerous medicinal uses, which are summarized below.

Immune System: Frankincense Oil is effective as an antiseptic,

and even the fumes or smoke obtained from burning it have
antiseptic and disinfectant qualities that eliminate the germs in the
space where the smoke filters out. It can be applied on wounds
without any known side effects to protect them from tetanus and
becomingseptic. It is equally good on internal wounds and protects
them from developing infections.

Oral Health: Those same antiseptic qualities also make

frankincenseoil a useful preventative measure against oral issues, like
bad breath, toothaches, cavities, mouth sores, and other infections.
Look for natural oral care products that include frankincense oil if
you enjoy the flavor or aroma, and want to include a strong
antiseptic in yourhealth regimen. You can even create your own all-
natural toothpaste with frankincense oil and baking soda, or a
mouthwash with water and peppermint oil.

Astringent: The astringent property of Frankincense Oil has many

benefits, because it strengthens gums, hair roots, tones and lifts skin,
contracts muscles, intestines and blood vessels, and thereby gives
protection from premature losses of teeth and hair. This astringent
quality also reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and combats the
loss of firmness of intestines, abdominal muscles, and limbs associated
with age. Above all, frankincense acts as a coagulant, helping to stop
bleeding from wounds and cuts. This astringent property also helps to
relieve diarrhea of various types.

Emmenagogue: Frankincense essential oil reduces obstructed and

delayed menstruation and delays the advent of menopause. It also
helps curing other symptoms associated with menses and Post

Menstrual Syndrome, such as pain in the abdominal region, nausea,
headache, fatigue, and mood swings.

Carminative: Frankincense oil eliminates gas and prevents it from

building up in the body. This removal of excess gas from the intestines
also gives relief from associated problems like stomach aches, pain in
the abdominal region and chest, abnormal amounts of sweating,
uneasiness, indigestion and many other related conditions.

Cicatrisant: This is an interesting property of Frankincense Oil, and

since skin health and anti-aging are such hot topics these days, this
essential oil has become even more important! When applied topically
or inhaled, it can makes the scars and after marks of boils, acne and
pox on the skin fade at a much faster rate. This also includes the fading
of stretch marks, surgery marks, and fat cracks associated with
pregnancy and delivery of children.

Digestive: Suffering from indigestion due to that turkey last night?

A patient of chronic indigestion and acidity? Fed up with those
antacids? Then you should try Frankincense Oil instead. This oil has
digestive properties without any side effects, and it facilitates
digestion the way most medicines should, unlike common antacids
which only suppress the symptoms. This oil speeds up the secretion
of digestive juices (gastric juices, bile and acids) in the stomach and
facilitates movement of food through the intestines by stimulating
peristaltic motion. This means an all-around improvement in the
digestion of food.

Anti-Aging: As a Cytoplastic, Frankincense Oil promotes

regeneration of healthy cells and also keeps the existing cells and
tissues healthy. When you combine this aspect of frankincense oil
with its powerful astringent capabilities, you have a potent anti-
aging quality that frankincense oil is often used for. It can help you
to eliminate sun spots, remove micro-wrinkles around the eyes and

cheeks, and generally tone and tighten skin all over your body, while
simultaneously replacing old or dying cells with new, healthy ones!

Tonic: Overall, frankincense essential oil tones and boosts health and
is therefore considered a tonic. It benefits all the systems operating
in the body, including the respiratory, digestive, nervous, and excretory
systems, while also increasing strength by aiding the absorption of
nutrients into the body. Furthermore, frankincense oil strengthens the
immune system and keeps you strong andprotected for the future.

Diuretic: If you thought that Lasix and its variants were the only
drugs that could help you release water from the body through
urination, you were incorrect. Those pharmaceutical options may be
instantaneous, but not very safe.

Frankincense essential oil is a natural and safe alternative. It promotes

urination and helps you lose that extra water weight, as well as fats,
sodium, uric acid and various other toxins from thebody, with the
added advantage of lowering blood pressure. The best part about
this is that frankincense essential oil is completelysafe and has no
adverse side effects.

Respiratory Issues: It soothes coughs and eliminates phlegm

deposited in the respiratory tracts and the lungs. Frankincense
essential oil also provides relief from bronchitis and congestion of nasal
tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, and lungs.

Its antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties also help relax

the breathing passages, which can reduce the dangers of asthma
attacks, and its antiseptic qualities are what give it the reputation of
being an immune system booster! It also eases body pain,
headaches, toothaches and balances the rise in body temperature
commonly associated with colds.

Stress and Anxiety: Frankincense Oil is very effective as a
sedative, because it induces a feeling of mental peace, relaxation,
satisfactionand spirituality. It also awakens insight, makes you more
introspective and lowers anxiety, anger and stress. When feeling
anxious or if you anticipate some sort of stressful episode, add some
frankincense oil to a diffuser or a vaporizer. Frankincense essential
oil promotes deep breathing and relaxation, which can open your
breathing passages and reduce blood pressure, moving your mental
state back to calmness.

Uterine: This oil is very good for uterine health. Since it regulates
the production of the estrogen hormone, it reduces the chances of
post-menopause tumor or cyst formation in the uterus, also known
as uterine cancer. In terms of the pre-menopause period, it keeps a
woman’s uterus healthy by regulating proper menstrual cycles. It
also treats or regulates gynecologic conditions or stressors that can
lead to complicated dysfunctions in certain women.

Vulnerary: Simply apply a diluted solution of this oil on wounds, or

use it blended with a skin cream, and your wounds will heal faster
and be protected from infections. This oil is equally beneficial in healing
internal wounds, cuts and ulcers.

Other Benefits: It relieves pain associated with rheumatism and

arthritis. It helps heal boils, infected wounds, acne, circulatory
problems, insomnia and various types of inflammation.

Frankincense Oil blends well with Lime, Lemon, Orange and other
Citrus oils as well as Benzoin, Bergamot, Lavender, Myrrh, Pine and
Sandalwood oil. This makes it a very popular element of many
herbalists for various aromatherapy combinations.

In putting this book together, I had quite a few things in mind. The
first thought being that humanity is sick and is in desperate need of
healing. Although no one knows all the answers, it behooves us to
work as one to seek, and apply, the solutions to alleviate some of this
discord and discomfort that we experience in our daily lives.

Secondly, my desire to help others, especially since my own personal

experiences with ailments throughout my life, and not having a clue
that out in my own yard, there were herbs and plants that could have
alleviated, if not healed, some of them.

Source willing, you have found this book educational and enlightening.

“Wisdom is the fruit of applied knowledge “

~Sarim Ibn Salahadhin~

Other publications from author centered on self-mastery:

Equilibrium: Art of Mastering Self: Master’s Edition
Holistic Veganism: Living In the Midst of the Garden
Holistic Salaat: Recalibrating the Inner Elements of Being

And many more publishings available online.

Author: Sarim Ibn Salahadhin, Metaphysician



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