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Sample report about theft loss

The company is engaged in providing customized loans with flexible repayment terms to its members.
The society operates during two shifts each day, from 00:00 am to 00:00 pm and 00:00 pm to 00:00
pm, with a staff of four individuals working in various departments, six days a week. The insured
premises, covering an area of approximately 0000 square feet, are divided into different sections.

The building, which poses an insured risk is constructed with reinforced concrete (RCC) and brick walls.
Additionally, asbestos sheets are installed on a portion of the upper section to allow sunlight to pass

On dated , the officials closed the society at around 00:00 hrs after completing their work and
returned to their homes. Since the society observes a holiday on next day, no employees were present
on that day.

On dated , at approximately 00:00 hrs, the building owner discovered that the asbestos sheets on
the roof were damaged, and there were signs of forced entry with tools used to damage the doors and
locks. Upon information from neighbours, the team arrived at the premises and observed that
unknown individuals had broken in, causing damage to a locker. They also noticed the absence of
money amounting to Rs.

The information about this incident was reported to the local police station, and a complaint was filed
against the culprits.

In this specific situation, it appears that the loss has been caused by an act of burglary perpetrated by
unidentified individuals. The damaged asbestos sheets on the roof and the signs of forced entry, such
as the damage to the door and lock using sharp tools, indicate that the intruders illicitly entered the

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