Statistical Population

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aSksEtal Imstiaat the Imtrext ujkally

bnohe Stuey u ytiAtn ith uapectto.
haraceriS4ic relatins

u m o iv .oluul under Study1A Calu

6 cSOmi mote r naninmae under shud
populsdim aray be inide or fni

Pebulatn I SthitiS maang ' wkslk9 t

u i c n (omel undcY uieo
e tedhgti muistaadàm
PePulacamniyere A Populatim om np
mdividual u t ad leat me hracr itica in Catninun
dishauiSha9 it soa 0 r helividualh.

ucit 0 25 eA O females In he KoskmY

e n h e Pebulatm
se1 Csn
Pohlabm (ehla nj
Poalasan Jeler tothjn
The TAt ofany thn undv
ia calluA pehulatm Study
tot no uShdnts 1n a Claa3 uy
e psatin of studnts n eptecls
fopn lattam c e s t r s dpeg not
CmRi dev Um Peron iE CoRidtr cnyttu
1 ma tot It ma1 be no.

So on

The fpu latin may fnte, 'mfin'it

& potetial

Fivite Poan £f he
Pshulatiom Can Count4 eaRi ly
en et po ulation will finitk paputetn
No 9 sthudemk a clas
No as
ofinite Poputs he nits efne
Peatin amt Counte4 eAily r diffinlt
Cnt hen heP9«ta'on i fnitoo.
No No ars i Sky
Sne me
Petetnt paf.urtnt
we nead a
pohu lattonu uukich ma h reat
e(D Amtto Knu hon many rads
CAn t_In 10,0D a tos of la Cin,
to nna Coin 10,oUD tme
S1 taaRhaads hem
c aA
A Sampk 1
Popvlati m.i
selec-te4Portion af Hho
A Sampla draun d'orn a polatin pmvideG
in ation. abt HS Parent oplet-
tn a
airl aLLuTAt H{wt and
Pictre O hattolal obervtng nder n aTeliabl

the Cxspsndina arauteriste3 of Partn

when Yhe Samble. doawm s
paAetly »tsedi
iduvrtius, urlh r forent poads almoit m evtry
sei ects extett CxCetthat t is Smaller Jhante hulat
ACallA Pat o4 e popalatim seleete4 rtudy 1
le ction. o{
apotoulatsim. np of individualf or i Hery
Suc wa
that mie
emts h popu Latim R R Callo
SAMPLE * Page.

19 a Sonall er ort a Populatn ukieh 13 Supbeie=

to eprese nladine ohe PapuWcion hich

Aampla mhe bag a handi o ico

we de Cidd o buy_ geectt
a gaAn
iLe ana» be midered-
a m p l 2 be.cauk i has p he adequate
In quatih SeTe 09 aMp
noe a t a Sampla lided
repselendade- uloaticn ui

A Sonnpl has to b e mall odoguat and

erndaive he pobulchln

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