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Improving the Education System, in Indonesia; Obstacles and Solutions

The education system in Indonesia faces challenges that require attention to achieve
higher standards. One key challenge is the access to education throughout the country. If we
don't take measures to tackle this issue, we run the risk of neglecting potential in different
regions that could contribute to our nations progress. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize
changes in resource allocation and educational infrastructure.

The second challenge lies in the quality of teaching and curriculum across all levels.
Many students, those in areas do not receive adequate education. By revamping the
curriculum providing teacher training and implementing teaching methods we can bridge the
gap in educational quality, between urban and rural areas.

Moreover, there is a need to fully realize the integration of technology, in education in

Indonesia. In this era where technology plays a role incorporating technology in education
can enhance access to information. Improve students’ digital skills. It is crucial for the
government and educational institutions to collaborate in developing policies that facilitate
the implementation of technology in education.

Another significant aspect is preparing students for the workforce. Education should
prioritize the development of skills that're relevant to various industries. By offering
internship programs and establishing partnerships with companies’ students can gain hands
on experience in real world settings. This equips them with skills. Enhances their prospects in
the job market.

Lastly it is essential to establish a merit-based evaluation system. Currently there are

limitations within the assessment system that tend to prioritize memorization, then
comprehensive understanding of concepts. Making changes, to how assessments conducted,
allowing for the recognition of student’s various abilities and evaluating progress in a
comprehensive manner are crucial measures to ensure fair evaluation.

In general, by addressing these concerns and presenting solutions we can create an

education system that's more impactful, inclusive and aligned with the future requirements of
Indonesia. This responsibility falls not on the government but on all those who have a vested
interest, in shaping the prospects of our nations upcoming generation.

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