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MYP Unit Planner, 2023 – 2024

Teacher(s) Mayssa Ayoubi Subject group and discipline Sciences - Biology

Unit title Human Body Systems MYP year 2 Unit duration (hrs) 30

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context
Personal and Cultural Expressions
Systems Balance - Function Exploration – Ways of Life

Statement of inquiry

By understanding how our body systems function, people can learn to make decisions for balanced and healthy lifestyles.

Inquiry questions

1. How do our body systems work together?
2. What are the structures and functions of the different body systems?
1. How can understanding body systems help us make decisions for balanced and healthy lives?
2. How can people effectively share information about human body processes

To what extent should people follow traditions, culture, science or personal preferences when making lifestyle choices?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) including Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
i. outline scientific knowledge assessment criteria: and statement of inquiry:
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding
For Criterion A:
to solve problems set in familiar situations and
- Students will be able to outline how
suggest solutions to problems set in unfamiliar Summative task 1:
different body systems work
situations iii. interpret information to make Criteria A: Assessment of this objective must be done - Students will apply knowledge of motion
scientifically supported judgments. using tests, quizzes, solving questions and problems, and forces to solve problems set in familiar and
and analyse and evaluate information. unfamiliar situations..
Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing
Summative task 2: Criteria B,C - Students will be able to analyze and
i. outline an appropriate problem or
interpret information from data and diagrams to
research question to be tested by a Murder Mystery make scientifically supported judgments to support
scientific investigation
GRASPS their understanding of homeostasis.
ii. outline a testable prediction using
scientific reasoning Your goal is to show how by understanding how our For Criteria B,C,D:
iii. outline how to manipulate the variables, body systems function, people can learn to make
and outline how data will be collected - The learners will share scientifically based
decisions for balanced and healthy lifestyles.
iv. design scientific investigations information about how body systems work to help
teens in their school make decisions for more balanced
Your role is a chemist/ detective
Criterion C: Processing and Evaluation and healthy lifestyles. They will share the information
i. present collected and transformed data in a way that is appropriate and ethical for the culture
The targeted audience is KFS crime Squad
ii. interpret data and outline results using to influence the teens decision making for balanced
scientific reasoning and healthy lifestyles.
iii. discuss the validity of a prediction based
on the outcome of the scientific Mary was murdered. An autopsy was performed on the
investigation victim that revealed what she ate prior to her time of
iv. discuss the validity of the method death. Two suspects have a connection with the
v. describe improvements or extensions to murder: Sally, who is Mary’s best friend; and Linda, who
the method. is Mary’s colleague. To help identify whom the potential
murderer is, the KFSs Crime Squad obtained stomach
samples from each suspect early Sunday morning.

Your goal is to analyze stomach samples from the two

suspects that have been linked to the crime and

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

compare them to Mary’s stomach sample. The
murderer is believed to have shared Mary’s final meal.
Criterion D : Reflecting on the Impacts of Science
i. summarize the ways in which science is Standards & Criteria for success B,(All) C(All)
applied and used to address a specific
problem or issue Summative task 3: Criterion D
ii. describe and summarize the various
implications of using science and its PBL: Human Body System
application in solving a specific problem GRASPS:
or issue Your goal is to “Understand how our body systems
iii. apply scientific language effectively function, so people can learn to make decisions for
iv. document the work of others and balanced and healthy lifestyles.”
sources of information used Your role will be an “Doctor” who will explain the body
system, disease and cure.
Your audience consists of a hospital department staff.
The situation you find yourself in is to make a
presentation about the body system, explain a disease
and propose a cure.
The product is a 3-D model of a human body system,
that shows the location of a disease or malfunction.
Standards and criteria for success: Your work will be
judged by Criterion D (Reflecting on the impacts of

Standards & Criteria for success D(all)

Approaches to learning (ATL)

ATL Category: Research
Cluster: Information literacy skill (collect, record and verify data)

In order for the students to apply scientific language effectively on Human Body Systems and solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations, students must
research and collect information about an investigation of identification of macromolecules, and about human body systems, their diseases and their treatments.
(Summative Assessments for Criteria B, C & D)

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Students will learn how to evaluate their researched information through CRAAP Test.
PPT: Testing your knowledge about craap | PPT
Youtube video: Evaluating Sources
Worksheet: CRAAP Test Worksheet to evaluate websites from: Online Research: Evaluating Example Websites

Implicit (Guided)
Research Topic: The effects of a healthy diet on the gut health
Apply the CRAAP Test worksheet to evaluate The Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on Gut Microbiota and Human Health - PMC
to collect your information.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process
Students will be able to: Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Cycle 2
● identify the functions of the skeletal system, Unit 1- Chapter 14, L1: The Skeletal System (TB: 486→493)
muscular system, excretory system , ● MiniLab p. 488
digestive system and skin. ● Making a foldable p. 489
● Interactive Table p. 491
● Analysing articles about keeping healthy bones (on Google Classroom)
● recognize how the parts of the skeletal , ● Bone health: Tips to keep your bones healthy - Mayo Clinic
digestive, and excretory systems work Cycle 3
together. Unit 1- Chapter 15, L2: The Muscular System (TB: 497→501)
● Inquiry: Launch Lab p. 497
● differentiate between the types of muscles ● Collaborate: Making a foldable p. 499
● Explore: Mini Lab p. 500
and layers of skin.
● Exploring ways to keep healthy muscles
Cycle 4
● determine how the skeletal system, muscular Unit 1- Chapter 15, L2: The Muscular System (TB: 497→501)
system, digestive system, excretory system ● Collaborate:Making a foldable p. 499

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and skin interact together and with other ● Explore: Mini Lab p. 500
body systems. ● Exploring ways to keep healthy muscles

● understand the six groups of nutrients and Cycle 5

the importance of eating a balanced diet Unit 1- Chapter 15, L 3: The Skin (TB: 504→510)
● Explore Functions of the Skin Video: What is the structure and function of the skin? | Biology |
pp. 505-506
● Structures of the Skin p.507
● Inquiry: What are some Skin Injuries and Repair p. 508
● Explore: Keep Your Skin Healthy | NIH News in Health Healthy Skin/ Homeostasis p. 510
Cycle 6
Unit 1, Lesson 3: “The Skin”- continued - Worksheet 3
● Science Summative Assessment Criterion A
● ATL Skill: Students will learn how to evaluate their researched information through CRAAP Test
● Launching of Science Project (PBL-Criterion D)
Cycle 7
Unit 1, Chapter 15, Lesson 1: Nutrition
● Science Project start: Planning
● Solve Notebook Pages correction (The Skin)
● Solve Notebook Pages Homework (Nutrition)
Cycle 8
Chapter 15, L2: The Digestive System
● Inquiry: What are the functions of the digestive system?
● Explore (Gismos) Gismos Digestion Types of digestion
● Design (organize cutouts): Organs of the digestive system
● Solve Notebook Pages (pp. 149-150-151)- given as worksheet in the Classroom
● Start of Project
Cycle 9
Chapter 15, L2: The Digestive System-continued
● Summative Task, Criteria B & C - Lab Investigation

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

● Checking the progress of Summative Task- Criterion D- PBL

Learning Service

Disease Awareness: During their project presentation, students will increase awareness about diseases that can
occur in each body system, including both common and less well-known conditions.

● They will discuss the development of comprehensive educational content, including visually engaging
presentations and 3D models.
● Target Audience: They will present for Year 3 students.
● Future Expansion: Students will outline the potential for expanding the learning service to cover
additional body systems and diseases in the future, based on feedback, emerging research, and evolving
healthcare needs.
● Conclusion: Summarize the significance of the project in raising awareness about diseases affecting
different body systems, emphasizing the potential to empower individuals with knowledge to make
informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Formative assessment
- Cooperative learning activities, which involve student discussion and interaction to learn the concepts of this
unit like group work, watching videos and taking notes, exit slips, concept organiser.
- Quick Check and Lesson Review questions that range from easy to complex to keep track of the students’
understanding of the different parts of the unit.

o In activities that include teamwork, each group will be heterogeneous; a group will include advanced, on-
level, and below-level students.
o Learning experiences allows each student to build new knowledge based on his/her existing knowledge.
o Learning experiences are designed to target different types of learners (visual, auditory, and

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6

o Learning experiences provide students opportunities to work both independently and as part of a team.
o Learning experiences enable students to take responsibility of their own learning by participating in self-
assessments and completing a student reflection sheet


- Instructional materials and classroom technologies such as Smartboard.

- Science Laboratory and Laboratory equipment
- Sciences textbook, McGraw-Hill.
- Games and simulations.
- Media resources; videos (EDpuzzle)
- Internet resources; McGraw website, other websites, online books

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Overall, I found the unit plan on Human Body Systems ● What difficulties did we encounter while ● What were the learning outcomes of this unit?
for MYP Year 2 to be comprehensive and informative completing the unit or the summative ● How well did the summative assessment task
for the students. The unit effectively covered the key assessment task(s)? serve to distinguish levels of achievement?
concepts related to the major body systems and their ● Was the task sufficiently complex to allow
functions. It provided opportunities for students to ● What resources are proving useful, and what students to reach the highest levels?
explore the global context of personal and cultural other resources do we need? ● What evidence of learning can we identify?
expression, which allowed for connections between ● What artefacts of learning should we
the content and the students' own experiences ● What student inquiries are emerging? document?
● ● Which teaching strategies were effective?
● What can we adjust or change? Why?
● ● What was surprising?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 7

● What skills need more practice? ● What student-initiated action did we notice?
● ● What will we do differently next time?
● What is the level of student engagement? ● How will we build on our experience to plan
● the next unit?
● How can we scaffold learning for students ● How effectively did we differentiate learning
who need more guidance? in this unit?
● ● What can students carry forward from this
● What is happening in the world right now with unit to the unit? to the next year/ level of
which we could connect teaching and learning study?
in this unit? ● Which subject groups could we work with
● next time?
● How well are the learning experiences aligned ● What did we learn from standardising the
with the unit’s objectives? assessment?

● What opportunities am I hearing to help
students explore the interpretative nature of
knowledge, including personal biases that
might be retained, revised or rejected? (DP
Theory of knowledge skills development)

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