Sherwin v. 2

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Sherwin V.

Macaliag Grade 10 Aristotle

Story#2 Date started:09/11/23
Date started:09/11/23

The Wisdom of King Solomon

Character: King David is the ruler of the Esrael and he was a great man of God
Bathsheba his wife
Solomon the third king ruler of Esrael
Theme: Fantasy
Conflict : man vs man
Woman vs woman
Sittings: Esrael

Exposition: Once upon a time, there was a king named David who ruled over the land
of Israel. While David was the king of Israel, the country expanded ten times greater
than it had been during King Saul's administration.
As time passed by, David had grown old and sickly, and he realised his life on this earth
was nearing its end.
One amongst David's many sons, Adonijah, plotted to usurp the throne. He wasn't,
however, a good man. He attempted to usurp David's throne despite David's weakness.

Rising action: David became concerned. He desired to pass on his throne to a worthy
successor. David's wife had an idea when he was worried. She suggested that their son
Solomon become the next king.David consented right away. He convened a conference
of the officials and proclaimed Solomon as the ruler of Israel. Since David had
nominated Solomon, the people were willing to accept him as their leader.Before he
died, David counselled Solomon to follow God's way and he would be successful in
everything he did. David died not long after.Solomon had a vision one night. "What do
you want?" said a voice in Solomon's dream.Solomon only responded by requesting the
wisdom he needed to be a good king. Solomon received everything he asked for, and
God blessed him.Two women entered the courtroom one day while Solomon had been
seated there. They were quarrelling about a little baby boy. Both of them claimed to be
Climax: The two had come before the emperor in search of a solution."This woman's
baby passed away in the middle of the night." Then she swapped my son for hers! One
of them cried, "I am the mother of this baby!"The other said, "No!" "I am the mother of
the child, who is still alive." This debate went on for quite a while. The king had no way
of knowing who the baby's mother was! But King Solomon, ever smart, devised a
plan.He asked abruptly, "Give me the sword."As per the command the sword had been
brought in.

Falling action: ."Now cut the infant in two," he advised. He said, "Present one portion
to each of the women" One of the women was taken aback when she heard this. She
pleaded, "No, my king." "Don't do that, the boy will die." Kindly give the boy to the
second woman, but do not murder him." The second woman, on the other hand,
responded, "Let that be." That way, neither she nor I will be the parent of the child."

Resolution: The king rescinded his command at that crucial time. Then he handed the
kid to the first woman. He then addressed the court, saying that a mother would never
abandon her child. That's how he found out who his biological mother was.The
members of the royal family recognised how clever their king was and respected his

Moral lesson: King Solomon's story for kids teaches us the lesson of the victory of
truth over lies. The story is also an important example of teaching kids the importance of
kindness and unrequited love. It was because of the love of the mother that she was
able to get her son back.King Solomon's story for kids also sets an example of clever
thinking and understanding. Parents must encourage kids to understand the importance
of critical thinking and making the right decisions.We hope to have provided an
interesting and engaging version of the story that could help in the overall development
of the kids.

Submitted by : Sherwin V. Macaliag

Submitted to:Ritchel Jimenez

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