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Case study 1 \

1. Explain the high points of the case.

The high points of the case include:

 Pre-Implementation Scenario: The organization faced challenges in the pre-

liberalization era, with a focus on quantity production rather than innovation. The
market conditions changed with the government's policy shifts, increased
competition, and globalization.
 Proactive Approach: The organization adopted a proactive approach,
recognizing the need for change in the face of increased competition and market
 Implementation of TQM: The company implemented Total Quality
Management (TQM) in three phases - Introduction, Promotion, and
Development. The implementation started with quality circles, involving
employees in problem-solving, leading to improvements in quality, safety,
housekeeping, and cost reduction.
 Strategic Planning: The organization developed a ten-year strategic quality plan
with a well-defined mission and vision. This plan involved a customer-focused
approach, process control, and initiatives like Juran's process of quality
improvement and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).
 Infrastructure Development: In the second phase, the focus shifted to creating
a sound infrastructure, including the implementation of Quality Management
Systems, obtaining certifications (ISO 9000, QS 9000, ISO 14001), and policy
deployment/daily work management.
 Continuous Improvement: The organization placed a strong emphasis on
continuous improvement, achieving almost 100% employee involvement in the
second phase.
 Achieving Market Leadership: The TQM initiatives led to substantial reductions
in rework, rejections, improved field quality, increased productivity, customer
satisfaction, and the introduction of new models. The organization achieved
market leadership around 2000 and has maintained this position.
 Global Expansion: The success of TQM allowed the organization to expand its
market globally with outstanding success.

2. Discuss whether the case followed the "Theory of Holistic Management for
World-class Performance'?
Yes, the case aligns with the Theory of Holistic Management for World-class
Performance. Holistic management involves considering the entire organization and its
various components in the pursuit of excellence. In this case:

 Comprehensive Approach: The organization adopted a comprehensive

approach by implementing TQM across different levels - from quality circles for
day-to-day problem-solving to strategic planning for long-term objectives.
 Employee Involvement: The emphasis on total employee involvement, reaching
almost 100%, reflects a holistic approach, recognizing the importance of
engaging every employee in the organization's improvement journey.
 Infrastructure Development: The case demonstrates a focus on building a
sound infrastructure, incorporating Quality Management Systems and obtaining
relevant certifications, aligning with the holistic approach to world-class
 Global Expansion: The global expansion indicates a holistic view of market
leadership, not limited to a specific region.

3. Explain the factors that helped the organization to defend and retain its market

The factors that helped the organization defend and retain market leadership include:

 Strategic Planning: The development of a ten-year strategic quality plan with a

clear mission and vision provided a roadmap for sustained success.
 Customer Focus: The organization improved product quality based on customer
requirements, implemented statistical process control, and enhanced the quality
of bought-out components through supplier support.
 Continuous Improvement: The focus on continuous improvement, problem-
solving, and employee involvement contributed to a reduction in rework,
rejections, and improved field quality.
 Infrastructure Development: The implementation of Quality Management
Systems, obtaining certifications, and the introduction of policy deployment and
daily work management enhanced the organization's overall efficiency.
 Introduction of New Models: The introduction of 15 new models in three years
demonstrated innovation and responsiveness to market demands.
 Global Expansion: Expanding globally with success stories indicates adaptability
to changing market conditions and a commitment to sustained growth.

4. Enumerate the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of the organization.

Critical success factors for the organization include:

 Strategic Planning: Developing a comprehensive ten-year strategic quality plan

with a clear mission and vision.
 Total Employee Involvement: Achieving almost 100% employee involvement in
TQM activities.
 Customer Focus: Adapting processes to meet customer requirements and
implementing statistical process control.
 Infrastructure Development: Introducing Quality Management Systems,
obtaining relevant certifications, and implementing policy deployment/daily work
 Continuous Improvement: Emphasizing continuous improvement in quality,
safety, housekeeping, and cost reduction.
 Innovation: Introducing 15 new models in three years, showcasing the
organization's commitment to innovation.
 Global Expansion: Successfully expanding the market globally.

5. What have you learned from this case study?

From this case study, one can learn several lessons, including:

 The importance of being proactive in responding to market changes and

increased competition.
 The effectiveness of Total Quality Management (TQM) in achieving continuous
improvement, customer satisfaction, and market leadership.
 The significance of strategic planning in guiding long-term objectives and
 The value of holistic management, involving all levels of the organization and
considering various aspects such as infrastructure development, employee
involvement, and global expansion.
 The critical success factors that contribute to sustained market leadership,
including customer focus, innovation, and continuous improvement.

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