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Summer Holidays Homework

Class: O3
Q1. Describe the structure and function of the following

a) Red Blood cells

b) Phagocytes
c) Lymphocytes
d) Platelets
e) Plasma

Q2.Differentiate between the following

a) Arteries, veins and capillaries

b) Arteries and Arterioles
c) Veins and Venules
d) Atrium and Ventricle
e) Tricuspid valve and Bicuspid valve

Q3. What is Tissue fluid. How it bathes the surrounding cells for energy and growth?

Q4. Discuss Double circulation of Heart? Also mention the role of valves in it.

Q5. Describe the functions of the following

a) Pericardium
b) Coronory Artery
c) Pulmonary Artery and vein
d) Semilunar valves
e) Vaccines

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Q5. What is Heart attack? Discuss its causes and ways of prevention.

Q6. Differentiate the following

a) Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration

b) Pharynx and Larynx
c) External Intercoastal muscles and Internal Intercoastal muscles
d) Inhalation and Exhalation
e) Photosynthesis and Respiration
f) Active immunity and passive immunity
g) Antibiotics and Antigen
h) Rods and Cones
i) Endocrine and exocrine glands
j) Glycogen and insulin

Q7. Describe the functions of the following

a) Goblet cells
b) Nostrils
c) Alveoli
d) Diaphragm
e) Lactic acid in Muscles
f) Antibiotics
g) Reproductive hormones in males and females

Q8. Prove experimentally that

a) Carbon dioxide is given out in Respiration

b) Heat is produced during respiration
c) Oxygen is used during respiration

Q9. Describe the process that how Nephron is involved in process Blood purification?
Q10. What is Reflex action? Describe the steps involved in this process.

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