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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

complicated healthy clear believable
answered acceptable kind finished
employed used afraid furnished
able comfortable expected happy

 Complete the sentences below. Use the prefix ‘un-’ with the words in the box.

1. Smoking isn’t good for your body. It’s very __________________.

2. The company’s annual report is __________________. I have to finish it by tomorrow.

3. I was __________________ to go to the meeting yesterday because I as sick. I couldn’t go.

4. Of course, my teammates were __________________ after we lost the game.

5. We like our math teacher. He makes difficult problems seem easy and __________________.

6. The new apartment we moved into doesn’t have any furniture. It’s __________________.

7. My brother doesn’t have a job. He’s still __________________.

8. It snowed yesterday … and it’s August! It’s __________________!

9. I don’t understand how to use this new machine. The instructions are __________________.

10. Ouch! My new shoes are a little too small. They feel __________________.

11. Sue forgot to answer all the test questions. There were two questions __________________.

12. The car I bought is new. It’s completely __________________.

13. I don’t like Sam. He’s not very nice. Sometimes, he can be __________________.

14. Mikey is only three years old but he is __________________ of the dark.

15. You’re always late for work! It’s __________________! You must come on time!

16. I was quite surprised when our boss gave us a holiday. It was __________________.

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Grammar Focus Prefixes: Un-

Level Intermediate to Advanced


1. unhealthy 9. unclear
2. unfinished 10. uncomfortable
3. unable 11. unanswered
4. unhappy 12. unused
5. uncomplicated 13. unkind
6. unfurnished 14. unafraid
7. unemployed 15. unacceptable
8. unbelievable 16. unexpected

Grades as
16 / 16 = 100%
15 / 16 = 94
14 / 16 = 86
13 / 16 = 81
12 / 16 = 75
11 / 16 = 69
10 / 16 = 63
9 / 16 = 56
8 / 16 = 50
7 / 16 = 44
6 / 16 = 38
5 / 16 = 31
4 / 16 = 25
3 / 16 = 19
2 / 16 = 13
1 / 16 = 6
0 / 16 = 0%

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingsgrammar.com

Name: _______________________ Date: __________

Prefix -un Worksheet

A prefix is a letter or group of letters that is added to the beginning of a

The prefix un- means “not” or “the opposite of.”
un+happy=unhappy- the prefix is “un” and the base word is “happy.”

Directions: Underline the word with the prefix in each sentence. Write
the base word on the line provided.

Example A: I was unamused when my brother fell down.

Answer: I was unamused when my brother fell down. base word=

1. We were unsure as to where to stand. ___________________

2. I wanted to uncover the truth. ___________________
3. I had to untie my shoes. ___________________
4. The man decided to unload the truck. ___________________
5. My dad unplugged my video game. __________________
6. I decided to unwrap my gift. _________
7. The janitor came to unlock the door. ___________________
8. The town had a lot of unrest. ___________
9. Our team was undefeated last season. ___________________
10. The woman had unfinished business. _______________

Copyright www.englishlinx.com
1. unsure- sure
2. Uncover- cover
3. Untie- tie
4. Unload- load
5. Unplug- plug
6. Unwrap- wrap
7. Unlock- lock
8. Unrest- rest
9. Undefeated- defeated
10. Unfinished-finished

Copyright www.englishlinx.com
Name: ______________________________

Spelling Rules: Words with -IBLE

Many English words use -ible and not -able. Often writers are confused as
to when they should add -able or -ible. We usually use -ible in a word when
the main part of the word does not form a complete or recognizable word
(tangible). This is just a general tip; we also use -ible where the main part is
a recognizable word (response responsible)

Circle the correct spelling of each word below.

1. impossible impossable 11. convertible convertable

2. sensible sensable 12. credible credable

3. portible portable 13. debatible debatable

4. adorable adorible 14. permissible permissable

5. terrable terrible 15. pleasurable pleasurible

6. payable payible 16. denible deniable

7. horrible horrable 17. serviceable servicible

8. compatable compatible 18. divisible divisable

9. adaptable adaptible 19. illegable illegible

10. accessable accessible 20. durible durable

Copyright © 2016 K12reader.com. All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.
Name: ______________________________

Spelling Rules: Words with -IBLE

Many English words use -ible and not -able. Often writers are confused as
to when they should add -able or -ible. We usually use -ible in a word when
the main part of the word does not form a complete or recognizable word
(tangible). This is just a general tip; we also use -ible where the main part is
a recognizable word (response responsible)

Circle the correct spelling of each word below.

1. impossible impossable 11. convertible convertable

2. sensible sensable 12. credible credable

3. portible portable 13. debatible debatable

4. adorable adorible 14. permissible permissable

5. terrable terrible 15. pleasurable pleasurible

6. payable payible 16. denible deniable

7. horrible horrable 17. serviceable servicible

8. compatable compatible 18. divisible divisable

9. adaptable adaptible 19. illegable illegible

10. accessable accessible 20. durible durable

Copyright © 2016 K12reader.com. All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.

Stormi Giovanni

n Suffixes -ible, -able

• Generalization When adding the suffix -ible or -able, there is no sound clue to help you decide
which form to use: flexible, agreeable.

Word Sort Sort the list words by their suffixes.

-ible -able
1. sensible
1. 7. 2. washable
3. available
2. 8. 4. agreeable
5. fashionable
6. valuable'
3. 9. 7. flexible
8. reasonable
4. 10. 9. favorable
10. breakable
5. 11. 11. convertible
12. forgettable
6. 12. 13. laughable
0 14. sociable
15. allowable
16. divisible
17. hospitable
14. 18. reversible
a:"' 19. responsible
15. 20. tolerable
u 16.


w 17.

@ 18.


~,, ~
~ Ho':e Home Activity Your child is learning about the suffixes -ible and -able. Say and spell the list words
~ with your child.

Suffixes -ible, -able DVD•211

Stormi Giovanni
..... .... """'·;-.'~("7~~~~·"!.~~.
_...,_....,,__-~ ~ _._..,...._._._
....... .._.................

0 Suffixes -ible, -able

sensible washable available agreeable fashionable

valuable flexible reasonable favorable breakable
convertible forgettable laughable sociable allowable
divisible hospitable reversible responsible tolerable

Crossword Puzzle Use clues to find the list words. Write each letter in a box.
Across Down
6. friendly 9. welcoming 1. stylish 4. prec10us
7. levelheaded 10. positive 2. bearable 5. bendable
8. silly 3. unmemorable

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.


0 7.



~ Definitions Write the list word that fits the definition.

@ 11. anything that can be cleaned with soap and water 11.
~ 12. separable into equal parts 12.

13. able to obtain 13.

14. fragile and delicate 14.

:~·::::~ Home Activity Your child has learned to read, write, and spell words with suffixes. Have your child
~ pick out the five hardest words to review with you.

Suffixes -ible, -able DVD•217


() Suffixes -ible, -able


sensible washable available agreeable fashionable

valuable flexible reasonable favorable breakable
convertible forgettable laughable sociable allowable
divisible hospitable reversible responsible tolerable

Synonyms Write the list word that has the same or nearly the same meaning.
1. in style 1.
2. bendable 2.
3. welcoming 3.
4. ridiculous 4.
5. car with top down 5.
6. positive 6.
7. permissible 7.
8. able to tum inside out 8.
0 9. can be cleaned 9.
10. accountable 10.

Antonyms Wlite the list word that has the opposite or nearly the opposite meaning.
11. memorable 11.
12. unfriendly 12.
13. disagreeable 13.
14. unreasonable 14.
15. unbreakable 15. £
16. unavailable 16. ""
17. intolerable 17. !'
18. can't be divided 18.
19. foolish 19.
20. worthless 20.

~I ~
5:.hool Home ~ctivity Your child ~sed meanin~s to select list words that were synonyms and antonyms. Have
~ your child tell you the meaning of three list words and spell the words.

284 Spelling Suffixes -ible, -able

' . " . ..

Name Unit 4Week 4.lnter-a~tive Review

0 Suffixes -ible, -able

sensible fashionable favorable laughable hospitable
washable valuable breakable sociable reversible
available flexible convertible allowable responsible
agreeable reasonable forgettable divisible tolerable

Words in Context Complete each sentence with a list word.

1. Be careful with that vase because it is _ _ __ _ __ _

2. It is hot in the desert, but the dry air makes it _ _ _ _ _ __ _
3. Jim's mom was _ _ _ __ _ _ _ and invited us to stay for dinner.
4. You can wear the jacket with that side in or out because it is _ _ __ _ _ __
5. A(n) _ _ _ __ _ __ car is not practical in a cold climate.
6. Anita didn 't go to the party because she was not feeling _ __ _ _ __ _
7. Gold and silver are _ _ _ _ __ _ _ metals.

0 8. The critic liked the movie. so he gave it a(n) _ __ _ _ _ __ review.

9. Is that number _ _ _ __ _ _ _ by ten?
10. Jt's all right to get your uniform muddy because it is _ __ _ _ _ __
11. Tue magician's tricks were so obvious they were _ _ _ __ _ _ _
12. The soccer team took care to make plays that were _ _ _ __ _ __
13. Lizzy often wears new styles because she likes to be _ _ __ _ _ __
14. I can't recall the story's characters because they were _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1:5. The Henrys asked Carla to baby-sit, but she was not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that day.
16. lJnlike the unpleasant dog next door, our pet is always _ __ _ _ _ __
17. Who is _ _ _ __ _ _ _ for setting the table?

18. It is to wear sturdy shoes on a long hike.

19. If you work on the problem, you will think of a(n) - - - - - - -- answer.
20. Rubber is used for many items because it is _ _ _ _ _ _ __

0 S' Home Actlvtty You• child has learned to spell wo•ds with the suffixes -Ible and -able. Ask you• child to
~ make up several sentences containing list words and to spell each list word used.

30B Spelling
Name: ___________________________
Fact and Opinion 2
Directions: Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or opinion. Explain your answer.
1. Eating fast food isn’t bad if you only eat it once a week.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

2. The chicken sandwiches are more expensive than double cheeseburgers.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

3. Skateboarding on public property is against the law.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

4. Copying homework assignments is wrong.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

5. Students who are caught cheating in college can be kicked out of the university without a refund.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

6. Sometimes curly hair looks better than straight hair.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

7. Each year more people are taken to the hospital for injuries while playing football than basketball.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

8. Justin Bieber is a very talented entertainer.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

9. Cursing in school is inappropriate behavior.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

10. The Sony Playstation 2 is the best selling video game console of all time.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

11. It is worth sacrificing some personal liberties to protect our country from terrorism.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

12. The average giant tortoise will outlive the average human.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

13. Talc is a softer substance than quartz.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

14. Rock music lyrics are more poetic than rap music lyrics.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

15. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

16. A human being will die sooner from lack of sleep than from lack of food.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

17. Burning the flag should be a crime.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

18. There are more cell phones in Japan than people.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

19. It is much harder for someone who is sixteen to raise a child than it is for someone who is 30.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

20. The video game industry generated more money than the film industry last year.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

21. Playing video games is more fun than doing homework.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

22. There are more calories in a latte from Starbucks than in a Snickers bar.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

23. People who graduate from college are smarter than people who drop out of high school.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

24. Filet mignon steak tastes better than Ramen noodles.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

25. On average, college graduates earn more money in their lifetimes than high school graduates.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________


WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Introduction to Imperatives

Activity Type Introduction

Grammar Exercises: This introduction to imperatives worksheet helps students to learn
labelling, rewriting and practice imperatives.
sentences, gap-fill,
identifying, multiple Procedure
Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet.

Focus Read through the grammar box called 'About imperatives' with
the class.
Students then write 'I' (for imperative) next to the sentences that
contain imperatives.
To learn and practice Exercise A - Answer key
1, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 have imperatives.
2, 3, 5, and 9 don't have imperatives.
Next, students rewrite the unmarked sentences from Exercise A
Make one copy of the
as imperatives.
two-page worksheet for
each student.
Exercise B - Answer key

Level 2. Follow the instructions exactly.

3. Always look both ways before you cross the road.
Pre-intermediate (A2) 5. Please pick me up at 7 o'clock this evening.
9. Don't cut down that tree!

Time After that, students complete imperatives with words from a box
30 minutes and then underline the imperatives in each sentence.

Exercise C - Answer key

1. quiet 7. After / Remember

2. turn / Continue 8. Look / cross
3. Always 9. wake
4. Don't 10. Never
5. Please 11. First / Then
6. be late 12. smoke

In the last exercise, students circle the correct form of the verbs
in bold and then underline the imperatives.

Exercise D - Answer key (imperatives are underlined)

1. put / collects
2. bring / run / feel
3. remember / take / closes
4. want / walk / rained
5. flying / hurry / get / waiting

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WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Introduction to Imperatives

About imperatives
Imperatives tell people what to do and what not to do. Instructions are often in imperatives.
If they are used at the wrong time, imperatives can sound too direct or rude.
Imperatives do not have a subject in them. The subject is the person that the speaker says
the sentence to.
Verbs in imperatives are in their base form. This means that they have no -s, -ed, or -ing
form. For am, are, and is, the base verb is be.
Negative imperatives have don't or do not before the verb.
Imperatives can also have words or phrases such as always, never, please, first, after that,
and remember to in them.
Here are some examples of imperatives:
Close the door.
Please close the door.
Don't close the door.
Always close the door after you leave.

A. Write I (for imperative) next to the sentences that contain imperatives.

........ 1. Stir the milk and egg into the cake mixture.

........ 2. You need to follow the instructions exactly.

........ 3. I want you to always look both ways before you cross the road.

........ 4. Be careful with that box. It's very heavy.

........ 5. Can you please pick me up at 7 o'clock this evening?

........ 6. Pass the ketchup, please.

........ 7. Please don't go yet.

........ 8. Don't forget to charge your phone before you leave.

........ 9. I don't want you to cut down that tree.

........ 10. Stop fighting!

B. Rewrite the unmarked sentences above as imperatives.

1. ...............................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................

3. ...............................................................................................................................

4. ...............................................................................................................................

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WORKSHEETS, ACTIVITIE S & GA ME S Introduction to Imperatives

C. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Then, underline the imperatives.

after always be continue cross don't first late look

never please quiet remember smoke then turn wake

1. Be ...................! This is a library. People are studying.

2. W
 hen you get to the corner, ................... right. ................... until you see the park on
your left.

3. ................... wear a helmet when you ride your bike, even just for short distances.

4. ................... come with us unless you really want to.

5. Thank you for coming. ................... take a seat.

6. The bus leaves on time every day. Don't ................... ...................

7. ................... that, turn it on to see if it works. ................... to plug it in first.

8. ................... out! A car is coming! Don't ................... the road now!

9. Where's mum? She's taking a nap. Please don't ................... her up.

10. I can't believe you took some money from my purse. ................... do that again!

11. ..................., boil some water. .................., put coffee into a cup.

12. If you want to smoke, go outside. Don't .................. in your room!

D. Circle the correct verb forms. Note that only some of the verbs are imperatives.
Then, underline the imperatives in each sentence.

1. Please put / puts / putting your used paper in the recycling bin. The cleaning person
collect / collects / collecting / collected it every day.

2. Bring / Brings / Bringing / Brought me a glass of water. I have just ran / run / running
five kilometers, and I feel / feels / feeling / felt so thirsty.

3. P
 lease remember to take / takes / taking / took all your books with you before the
school close / closes / closing / closed.

4. I f you want / wants / wanting / wanted to keep your shoes dry, don't walk / walks /
walking / walked on the grass. It rain / rains / raining / rained hard here last night.

5. A
 re you fly / flies / flying / flew on the next flight? Please hurry / hurries / hurrying
/ hurried to get / gets / getting / got to the airport in time! Your brother is
wait / waits / waiting / waited for you there.

Teach-This.com © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Second person imperative
Exercise 1. Use positive or negative imperatives to rewrite the
following sentences. ____________________________________________
You can take my umbrella. - Take my umbrella.
You mustn't use your dictionary. - Don't use your dictionary.

You must have a shower first.


You mustn't do such things.


You can't go this way.


No problem if you get a taxi.


You can make dinner earlier today.


You mustn't think I'm stupid.


You must take Jim with you.


You'll be in trouble if you come late.


It isn't a good idea to use phones in English lessons.


It's all right if you give it to me tomorrow.


Answer key
Exercise 1

Have a shower first.

Don't do such things.

Don't go this way.

Get a taxi.

Make dinner earlier today.

Don't think I'm stupid.

Take Jim with you.

Don't come late.

Don't use phones in English lessons.

Give it to me tomorrow.

Our tip: www.e-grammar.org/pdf-books/ All PDF exercises + grammar rules in one place.


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