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A Working Catalogue of the Berlin

Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script1

E ’M , Torino

The Cataloguγ’ oδ’ thγ’ Iranian’ Manuscripts’ in’ Manichγan’ Script’ in’ thγ’ Gγr-
man’ Turδan’ Collγction by M ’B was a pioneering work at the time
when it appeared in 1960: not only did it make available to scholars a large
mary sources for the study of Manichaeism and greatly advance the under-
standing of the languages in which they were written, but it had also the great
merit of providing a comprehensive system of individual manuscript signature
and’linking’it’to’the’previously’used’methods’of’quoting’the’texts. 2 Long after
this admirable tool, which inaugurated a new era for the study of the Berlin
have been published by S.’N.’C.’L 3
and D.’W 4
. Regarding the Sogdian
are fully satisfactory, as B concentrates more on the Middle Persian and
Parthian fragments, often listing the Sogdian ones only in a perfunctory man-
the unpublished ones.
The preparation of a full, updated catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Turfan
it’ is’ difficult’ to’ have’ a’ comprehensive’ picture’ of’ the’ state’ of’ study’ of’ these’

1 I am greatly indebted to N ’S -W for much help and support and for

allowing me to use his material when I was working on the Sogdian database for the
burgische Akademie der Wissenschaften for allowing me to consult the manuscripts and
in’particular’the’Akademienvorhaben’ Turfanforschung ’and’its’sta ’for’their’help’and’
the’kind’hospitality’they’always’o er’me.’C ’R and E ’P helped
der old signatures.
2 See P 2005, p. 102.
3 L 1998, pp. 196–245.
4 Photo Ed. 2, pp. 11–52.
240 E ’M

To remedy this situation in part, I decided to prepare the present working

give at least an updated and comprehensive picture of the state of publication
the publication for those fragments which are entirely edited, and some updated
information on the contents, when possible, and references to secondary litera-
ture for those which are still unpublished or only partly published.5
I am glad to dedicate this contribution to the memory of a great scholar, Prof.
R ’E , who ever since my student days in Cambridge encouraged
me to research in’Turδanicis.

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

Publ. G  ,’236–237’{photo p. 119,
MIK III 4970 b MSogd.
L ’C ,’Man.’Miniaturen,’Taf.’5’c}
Publ. G  ,’225’{photo p. 72; /R/ L ’
MIK III 4971 a–c MSogd., /V/ blank
C ,’Man.’Miniaturen,’Taf.’5’b1}
Publ. G  ,’236–237’{photo’p.’119}; /R/
one Sogd. word, /V/ one Sogd. name: rest
WMIr. and Turk., with miniature of Four
WMIr., Turk., Kings’of’Heaven;’/V/’miniature’of’Bēma’
MIK III 4979
MSogd. scene with names L ’C , Man. Miniaturen
154–155, colour L ’C , Man. Miniaturen
8’a ,a’and’8’b,b}
Publ. L ’C ,’Man.’Miniaturen’39’{ph.’
MIK III 4981 a, c, Photo Ed. 1 156 a, L ’C , Man. Miniaturen
d, f 4’b};’republ.’G  ,’242–243’{photo
pp. 72–73}
MIK III 4981 b MSogd.
photo G  , p. 163}

5’ Legend:’In’the’first’column:’†’=’lost’fragment;’ffff’before’signature’=’text’in’Sogdian’script.’
which is entirely published; UnpMSogd. = the fragment contains unpublished Sogdian
Sogdian script; UnpMSogd. capt./headl. = the fragment contains one or more unpublished
Sogdian captions or a Sogdian headline.
’ ’ Only’ new’ identifications’ of’ manuscripts’ quoted’ in’ GMS’ with’ general’ signatures’ are’
given here, and repeated in a concordance at the bottom of the list. Those already given in
Cat. are not included here.
(Par.) = Paralipomγna’Manichaica.’In’some’GMS’quotations’it’refers’to’G s
private’ system’ of’ numbering’ small’ fragments’ with’ general’ signatures,’ see’ GMS,’ xi’ and’
Cat. XXXI.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 241

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

MIK III 4981 c MSogd. See above
MIK III 4981 d MSogd. See above
MIK III 4981 e MSogd. Publ.’W.’S.,’SLN’<am>,’131’{ph.’XL}
L ’C , Man. Miniaturen 39 (transcription
MIK III 4981 f MSogd.
156 b, L ’C , Man. Miniaturen 4 c, upper
part’only};’republ.’G  , see above
MIK III 4990 MSogd. see M 178
Pe., Pth., Publ.’M ,’Mahrnâmag’{Taf.’I–II;
MSogd. Photo’Ed.’1,’pl.’1–2}
MSogd., Publ.’W./L.’ii,’547–548’{Taf.’II;’Photo’Ed.’1,’
M 14
Pth. words pl.’14}
Pth. parables with Sogd. caption; publ.
Pth, C ’1987,’300’f.;’Sogd.’capt.’quoted’by’
M 44
MSogd. capt. H.,’Fasts,’155’{ph.’X–XI;’Photo’Ed.’2,’
M 50 Pth. cantillated hymns with Sogd. capt.
UnpMSogd. capt.
Pe., Pe. cantill. hymns, Sogd. captions. Same MS
M 52 a
UnpMSogd. capt. as M 61, 449 a and others with no Sogd.
Pth., Pth. cantill. hymns of supplication, Sogd.
M 53
UnpMSogd. capt. capt. Same MS as 230 and 2091, with no Sogd.
Headline’only,’possibly’Pth.:’/A/’ ncywg’
M 55 a(?) Pth., MSogd.?
sxwn; /B/ (cxš b)[yβ?]
M 58
UnpMSogd. capt.
I Pe, UnpMSogd.
I: Pe hymns, Sogd. capt.; II: Pth. cantill.
M 59 capt.; II Pth.,
Monday hymns, Sogd. capt.
UnpMSogd. capt.
M 61 Cantill. Monday hymn
UnpMSogd. capt.

6 M s’reading’(HRii,’92)’of’the’caption’/R/1/’ yny’sr’pṭsr’ my’xrwhw n does not make

sense, and he left it untranslated. I propose reading yny’sr’pṭ’sr’ m(β)’xrwhw n “These
(hymns should follow) strophe by strophe (the tune of) ‘There came the Preacher’”. The
phrase sr’pṭ’sr, which occurs in other captions, e.g. M 195, must be a Pth. or Pe. technical
metrical’expression’meaning’ heading’by’heading,’strophe’by’strophe ’or’the’like.’In’
fact, the only Sogd. word of the caption is yny.
242 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

/R/ WMIr.,
Cantill. hymn with /R/10/ Sogd. caption,
M 62 MSogd. capt. /V/
publ. Cat., 6
Pth. cantillated hymns with Sogd. captions. 6
Pth, MSogd. capt. Publ.’HRii’92–93,’MSt.’14’{Photo’Ed.’1’
M 65 Pth. cantill. hymns, Sogd. capt.
UnpMSogd. capt.
Pth. cantill. hymns to Living Self, Sogd. capt.
M 66 Pth, Sogd. capt. Publ. D -M ’HLS,’l.’1210,’
pl. 1
Pe. hymns with Sogd. capt., not Turk. as in
M 74/I Pe., MSogd. capt. Cat.,’7’and’Photo’Ed.’2,’13.’Publ.’HRii,’
75–77’{Photo’Ed.’1,’pl.’55’a ,’56’a}
I UnpMSogd., I/V/ numbered list of Pth. Dominions
M 107 Pth.; II UnpM- followed by Sogd. [see I.G. rev. Cat. and
Sogd. MHC(S),’n.’3’to’text’3.5]
M 108 UnpMSogd.
M 109 Pe., Pth., MSogd.
M 110 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
Joins M 725. Pe./Pth. and Sogd. glossary.
I Pe., Pth., MSogd.;
M 111/I Publ.’H.,’Sogdica,’b,’21’{Photo’Ed.’2,’
II Turk.
Joins M 146 a and M 336 c. Letter, publ. W. S.,
M 112+M 146 a /R/ MSogd.;
Briefe, I (14–42), 305–306; tr. GSR 262
+M 336 c /V/ Turk.
M 113 I MSogd.; II blank
I MSogd., Pe., Pth.,
M 114 151’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’26}’II:’[Sogd.’version’in’
II Pe.,
M 776]
Publ.’M ’1907,’458–465’{Taf.’vi;’Photo’
M 115 MSogd.
Ed.’1’72’c –d}
M 116 UnpMSogd. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’238–239
UnpMSogd., /V/ Precepts. 11–14 = M 765k/V/1–5 [I.G. rev. of
M 117
blank Cat.]
M 118 UnpMSogd.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 243

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

Joins M 1867 a–b, publ. W. S., Briefe (II 5.19),
M 119 a, b MSogd. 309’f.,’Engl.’tr.’GSR’262’{Photo’Ed.’2,’
M 120 UnpMSogd.
M 121 UnpMSogd.
M 122 UnpMSogd.
M 123 UnpMSogd.
†M 124 Pe, Pth., MSogd.
M 125 UnpMSogd.
M 127 MSogd.
Publ. M ’forth.’{Photo’Ed.’2,’30}
M 128 UnpMSogd.
M 129 MSogd. Publ.’W.’S.,’Eva,’318’ .’{Photo’Ed.’2,’30}
M 130 a MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 130 b MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 131 MSogd. Ed.’2,’pl.’33–34};’tr.’HG’191’(M’131’fi’M’395’
+ M 5865), GSR 149–150, 13 §4 & 5
Publ.’W.’S.,’SLN’<ak>,’128’ .’
M 133 MSogd.
Double sheet. Sogdian with some Pth. words
M 134 UnpMSogd., Pth.
M 135 MSogd. Ed.’2,’pl.’35–36};’tr.’ML’(A)’42,’(B)’29,
GSR 194–196
M 136 UnpMSogd. On the hours of day and night
[Same MS as M 280 and M 5264].
I Pth. (publ. R ’2004,’93).
M 137 II UnpMSogd.
II’Song-hymn’(znβp šyk).’/V/10–15:’H.,
M 138 UnpMSogd. Possibly a letter.
M 139 I – II MSogd. GSR 151–152]; II: (liturg.) publ. BBB f 50–51
Joins M 1501: /R/6–12 B , Sadwes, 909;
M 140 MSogd. Publ.’W.’S.,’BAI’1998,’187’ .’{ g.’1–4;
244 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

Joins M 6795, see Photo Ed. 2, p. 15. Dis-
cussed in R , NGGW 1922, 255.
M 141 UnpMSogd.
/V/11–13/’H.’STP,’718;’mentioned’in’S -
M 142 UnpMSogd.
M 143 UnpMSogd.
M 144 UnpMSogd. Same MS as M 110
Joins M 1521. Pe.–Pth. and Sogd. glossary,
M 145 MSogd.
M 146 a MSogd. v. M 112
M 147 MSogd.
M 148 MSogd.
= TM 151. Same MS as M 112. /R/ (Sogd.
/R/ MSogd., /V/
M 162 a = TiD51 letter) publ. W. S., Briefe I (38–40), 306
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 162 b = TiiK
/V/ blank.
M 169 I UnpMSogd. II WMIr.
II Turkish. I: Pe. and Sogd. interl., from
Mani’s Evangelion: McK., I, Mani … 185, cf.
M 172 I = MIK HR’ii,’100–101,’MSt.’19,’Sogd.:’W./L.’ii,’23’
Pe., MSogd.
III 196 I {ph.’HR’ii,’Taf.’2,’I,’Mani’…,’196–197;’Photo’
184–185, GSR 146
MSogd. 311–312’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’149–150;’tr.’GSR’
M 182 + M 450 Pe., MSogd. Two fragments, glassed with M 450, from the
Pth., UnpMSogd.
M 195 Pth. cantill. hymn, Sogd. capt.
I Pe., Pth.; II II/V/’liturgical,’publ.’H.,’Fasts,’154
M 197
UnpMSogd. {Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’48}
UnpMSogd. /V/
M 207
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 245

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

UnpMSogd., one
M 214 I Colophon
side blank, II/V/ Pe.
M 247 UnpMSogd.
M 252 b MSogd.
d,’ll.’5–8’and’20–24’[H.’apuβ Cat., 17]
M 252 c (?) Pe., MSogd. (?) {Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’53,’but’the’fragment’labelled’
M 252 c does not correspond to the descrip-
List of Pth. Dominions, one Sogd. word.
M 259 c Pth., MSogd.
Publ. M ’1982,’12’{Photo’Ed.’1,’pl.’89}
M 264 a UnpMSogd. Same MS as M 141, etc.
Pe., UnpMSogd. Pe. cantill. hymns, Sogd. capt. [same MS as
M 271
capt. M 65]
I Pth. (publ. R ’2004,’95), II Sogd., Poem.
M 280 II UnpMSogd. [same’MS’as’M’137’and’M’5264,’q.v.]’{R ’
2004, Taf.’I}
Double’sheet’in’two’di erent’hands.’I/V/10’ .’
M 286 UnpMSogd., Pth.
Pth., see I.G., rev. Cat.
M 296 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 299 f UnpMSogd.
/V/ two fragments stuck together not yet
/R/ Pe., /V/
split, with Sogdian (in Man. and Sogd. script),
**M 309 a UnpSSogd.,
Pe.’and’Chinese’texts,’see’R ,’MH1,’n.’416’
UnpMSogd., Chin.
/R/ UnpMSogd.;
M 309 b
/V/ Chin.
Pe., Pth., MSogd. Pe., Pth. hymns with Sogd. capt. Publ.’R ’
M 311
capt. 2004,’141’{Photo’Ed.’1,’pl.’92’a –b}
Pe.–Sogd. gloss. [/R/(?)ii = M 356, 5–6]. Publ.
M 329 c Pe., MSogd.
M ’2005,’218–219’{ g.’2’p.’225}
/R/ MSogd.; /V/ Sogd. letter, publ. W. S., Briefe, I (1–13), 305
M 336 a
Turk. {Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’61–62}
/R/ MSogd.; /V/ Letter. Publ. W. S., Briefe, I (33–37), 306
M 336 b
Turk. {Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’61–62}
/R/ MSogd.; /V/
M 336 c v. M 112
246 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 337 UnpMSogd.
Pe., UnpMSogd.
M 340 b Pe. hymns, Sogd. capt.
Pe., Pth., MSogd. Pe., Pth. hymns with Sogd. Capt. Publ. R ’
M 341 a
capt 2004,’146’{Taf.’XIX}.
M 343 UnpMSogd.
M 356 MSogd., /V/ blank [5–9 = M 329 c/R/(?)ii]. Publ. M 2005,
217’{ g.’1’p.’224}
M 358 UnpMSogd.
M 363 MSogd.
M 370 UnpMSogd.
M 372 UnpMSogd.
M 373 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
Pe., Pth.,
M 375 Pe. hymns, Pth. and Sogd. capt.
UnpMSogd. capt.
M 378 MSogd. Hist.,’publ.’KG’§’25.1,’137–168’{ph.’78}
M 388 Pe., MSogd. capt.
MSt.’23–24’{Photo’Ed.’1,’97’a –b}.’See’STi,’98
Pe.’Bēma’hymns,’Sogd.’capt.’Publ.’R ’
M 394 Pe., MSogd. capt.
M 395 MSogd.
M 399 UnpMSogd. Cat.].’/R/’publ.’W.’S.,’Evang.’403–404’{ph.’
with’art.’pl.’8,’ g.’12;’Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’65}
/R/ MSogd.?, /V/ Iranian and Turk. names. Publ. W. S., Die
M 406
blank Sprache,’270’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’65}
M 410 MSogd. Hist.,’publ.’KG’§25.2,’138–139’{ph.’78}
/R/ UnpMSogd., Confessional; late hand; tr. A , Xuāst.,’
M 420
/V/ blank 242
M 423 UnpMSogd.
fr. y. From the same page as M 2066. Publ.
M 425 Pe., MSogd.
M ’2005,’219–220.’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’66}.’
Cf. M 6450
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 247

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 427 b UnpMSogd. Confessional. Transl. A , Xuāst.,’242
M 428 a UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 429
/V/ UnpSSogd.
M 430 a UnpMSogd.
Pe., Pth., MSogd. Pe.,’Pth.’Bēma’hymns,’Sogd.’capt.’Publ.’
M 449 a
capt. R ’2004,’147’{Taf.’XIX}.
M 450 Pe., MSogd. Joins,’and’is’glassed’together’with,’M’182,’q.v.
M 452 b UnpMSogd.
M 459 d UnpMSogd.
Pe., Pth. hymns, Sogd. name, W. S., AoF 6,
M 476 Pe., Pth., MSogd.
n. 140
/R/ UnpMSogd., Colophon’to’a’Pth.’work’entitled’Qolasta’
M 481
/V/ blank over awareness and wisdom
/R/ UnpMSogd., Possibly Man. Letter iii [same MS and same
M 483
/V/ Pe. texts’as’M’513]
M 485 b UnpMSogd. Same MS as M 141, M 264, etc.
according to Cat., but p š q is clearly Turk.
[M 496 a] Pth.,’Turk.’Headl.’
Publ. D -M ’HLS,’l.’749’
and 765, pl. 5
M 498 b MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 498 c MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
/R/ blank, /V/ Pe.,
M 500k See’M’752’a’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’70}
M 500l MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 500m UnpMSogd.
From the Book’oδ’thγ’Giants.’/R/’publ.’H.,’
Gi, I, 70; /V/ letters only according to Cat.,
but in fact a piece of paper is stuck to the
M 500n UnpMSogd.
fragment, covering almost the entire verso
M 501 g UnpMSogd.
M 501 h UnpMSogd.
M 501 i MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 501j UnpMSogd. Late hand, perhaps colophon
248 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 501k UnpMSogd. Headl.’only
M 501l UnpMSogd.
M 501m MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 501n MSogd. Pe.–Sogd.’gloss.,’publ.’H.,’Sogdica,’fr.’k.
M 502l UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 502n
/V/ blank
M 502o UnpMSogd. Confessional. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’243
M 502p UnpMSogd.
M’502q UnpMSogd.
M 503 o UnpMSogd. Not Turk. as in Cat., 36. /B/3/ ryc[yk
M 503 p UnpMSogd. Not Turk. as in Cat., 36. /A/2/ wm tyš
M’503q Pe., MSogd.
M 504 UnpMSogd. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’243
/R/ UnpMSogd.; Possibly Man. Letter iii, late hand. [Same MS
M 513
/V/ Pe. as M 483]
M 521 a UnpMSogd.
M 521 b UnpMSogd.
M 528 MSogd.
M 530 UnpMSogd. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’244
On the fruits of the limbs of the soul (I.G., rev.
M 540 e UnpMSogd.
Cat.). Partly publ. Y.Y., Acta Asiatica 78, 75.
M 548 MSogd.
M 1760 described as Pe. in Cat. Joined by
M 549+M 1760 UnpMSogd. W.’S.,’AoF’5,’202.’II:’publ.’H.,’Murder,’
I Pth., UnpMSogd. I Pth. hymns, Sogd. capt.; II Pth. cantill.
M 558
capt., II Pth. hymns
M 568 UnpMSogd.
M 575 UnpMSogd.
M 579 UnpMSogd.
Sogd. hymn, publ. W./L. ii, 545–547 + Taf. 2
M 583 MSogd.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 249

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 591 UnpMSogd. Questions’and’answers
UnpMSogd., a,b,c from same MS. Confessional,
M 594 a
Pth. word cf. A , Xuāst.,’244
M 594 b UnpMSogd.
M 594 c UnpMSogd., Turk. Confessional.
M 598 UnpMSogd. Confessional, tr. A , Xuāst.,’245
M 599 UnpMSogd.
M 600 UnpMSogd.
M 601 Sogd., Turk. Tale. Publ. M forth.
/R/ Pth., /V/ Pth.,
**M 608 b
M 614 WMIr., MSogd.
M 617 UnpMSogd. Double’sheet.’Homilies?
M 625 a Pe., UnpMSogd. Sogd.–Pe. bilingual, from GGZ; cf. M 776
M 628 b =
UnpMSogd. Not Turk. as in Cat. /A/3/ w nw’w( )[
(M 8440)
/R/ MSogd. /V/ /R/ 2 lines in Man. script, publ. Cat., 44. /V/
M 632
UnpSSogd. see R ,’MH1,’n.’417
M 635 UnpMSogd.
Pe., UnpMSogd.
M 640 Pe. hymns, Sogd. capt.
M 648 b MSogd. Publ.’H.,’Gi,’C,’65–66’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’81–82}
M 655 c UnpMSogd.
II is not mentioned in Cat., 45. See Z ,
I Turk.,
M 657 II BTT’V,’p.’55’Anm.’521.’{Photo:’Z ,
II UnpMSogd.
M 659 MSogd.
**M 660 UnpSSogd.
M 662 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
On the fruits of the limbs of the soul (I.G., rev.
M 664 UnpMSogd.
Cat.). Partly publ. Y.Y., Acta Asiatica 78, 75
M 670 UnpMSogd. Confessional. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’245–246
I Pe., UnpMSogd.
M 671 I I Pe., Sogd. bilingual
II Turk.
250 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 672 a Pe., UnpMSogd. Pe.–Sogd. bilingual [Same MS as M 672 b]
[Same MS as M 672 a]. Cf. A , Xuāst.,’
M 672 b UnpMSogd.
M 674 UnpMSogd.
rev. Cat.]
M 684 UnpMSogd. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’246’ .
Publ.’H.,’Gi,’V,’74;’re-ed.’S  ’1995,’204
M 692 MSogd.
M 697 UnpMSogd. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’249
M 699 Pe., MSogd.
Gl.’c,’24’ .’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’85–86}
M 704 UnpMSogd.
M 707 a Pth. cantill. hymns, Sogd. capt.
UnpMSogd. capt.
M 712 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 715 c UnpMSogd. Double sheet
M 716 b UnpMSogd.
= W. S., KPT 3.3]
M 725 I Joins’M’111,’q.v.
Pe., Pth.,
M 727 c Pe., Pth. hymns, Sogd. capt.
UnpMSogd. capt.
M 746 c UnpMSogd. Medical’text
M 750 UnpMSogd. Confessional? cf. A , Xuāst.,’249
M 752 Pe., Sogd.
Pth. cantill. hymns, Sogd. capt., publ.
M 759 Pth., MSogd. capt. D -M ’HLS,’ll.’1317,’1621,’
1631 and 1637, pl. 13
M 760 MSogd., Turk. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 765 c UnpMSogd.
M 765 d UnpMSogd.
M 765 f UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 765j Pth. /V/ /V/ only a few letters in Sogd. script
M 765k UnpMSogd. Precepts [/V/1–5 = M 117, 11–14, I.G., rev. Cat.]
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 251

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

I UnpMSogd., Double sheet in two hands. Chronological
M 767
II MSogd. calculations.’II’publ.’H.,’Compendium,’203.
M 769 UnpMSogd. Confessional. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’250
M 771 UnpMSogd.
M 776 UnpMSogd., Pe.
ii, cf. also M 625 a = GGZ
M 778 b UnpMSogd. Confessional. Tr. A , Xuāst.,’251
Same MS as M 794 b,c. Tale. Publ. M
M 794 a MSogd.
Same MS as M 794 a,c. Tale. Publ. M
M 794 b MSogd.
Same MS as M 794 a,b. Tale. Publ. M
M 794 c MSogd.
I Astronomical treatise, on lunar and solar
M 796 UnpMSogd. years;’II’Calendar’tables,’Publ.’H.,’Fasts,’
Pe., Pth.,
M 797 Pe., Pth. cantill. hymns, Sogd. capt.
UnpMSogd. capt.
M 798 e UnpMSogd.
M 801 a = MIK
Pe., Pth., MSogd. Publ. BBB, 18–41
III 53
M 802 UnpMSogd. /R/7 Pth. (bwynβy), I.G. rev. Cat., 159
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 807 a /V/ confused lines in large Sogdian script
/V/ UnpSSogd.
M 807 d UnpMSogd.
M 810 UnpMSogd.
M 813 I UnpMSogd., Pth.
Giants. II Turkish.
M 814 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
Pth.–Sogd. biling. hym. cyc. AR Ia 7–8,
M 815 Pth., MSogd.
12–13;’publ.’W.’S.,’MHC(S),’§’14’{pl.’23’a ,’23’b}
M 821 UnpMSogd.
M 834 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
Pe.–Sogd.’glossary.’H.,’Sogdica,’g,’35’ .’
M 835 Pe., MSogd.
M 840 c UnpMSogd. Double sheet
252 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 840k UnpMSogd. cited in GMS as 840 b
M 840p UnpMSogd.
M 849 a UnpMSogd.
[M’857’and’M’857’II’quoted’in’B ’
M 857 UnpMSogd.
1977, 137, 169 are a mistake for M 5860 (Pth.)]
Joins L75 (R ’1980, 52, facs. 154).
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 858 a Letter? /V/ Turk. in Sogd. script, see I.G., rev.
/V/ Turk.
Cat. See also W. S., Briefe, n. 1
M 870 c Confessional? see A , Xuāst.,’251
M 871j UnpMSogd.
M 875 Pe., MSogd.
M 880 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
M 882 d UnpMSogd.
M 891 a UnpMSogd. Letter?
Double sheet. Confessional. See A ,
M 894 UnpMSogd.
M 896 UnpMSogd.
Pe., UnpMSogd.
M 897 Pe. hymns, Sogd. Capt.
M 900 UnpMSogd.
M 904 MSogd. Publ.’W.’S.,’SLN’<y>,’60–61’{ph.’XX,’XXI}
M 910 UnpMSogd. Double sheet in two hands
/R/ Pe.,
/R/ Pe., Sogd. interlinear capt., /V/ Pth.
M 912 UnpMSogd. capt.;
/V/ Pth.
M 915 MSogd.
M 916 b UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd., Quoted’in’GMS’§§’30,’733,’1056fiA:’wyjṭr ’
M 1060
/V/ Pe. nxwy (R/7) as Ti
I/R/Pe., I/R/’glossary,’Pe.’words’only;’publ.’H.,’
M 1063 I/V/MSogd., Sogdica, w, 54. I/V publ. M 2005, 220
II UnpMSogd. {Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’114}
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1064
/V/ Chin.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 253

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1070 Same MS as 1071. /V/ see R ,’MH1,’n.’418
/V/ UnpSSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1071 Same MS as 1070. /V/ see R ,’MH1,’n.’419
/V/ UnpSSogd.(?)
M 1082 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1087 /V/ UnpMSogd., Late hand
M 1088 UnpMSogd. Late hand
M 1101 UnpMSogd.
M 1102 UnpMSogd.
M 1103 UnpMSogd.
M 1112 Pth., UnpMSogd. Pth. and Sogd. hymns
Not confessional, as in Cat. (see item below).
M 1134 MSogd., Turk. Quoted’in’GMS’§§’584,’618,’622’and’810’as’
Ti. Joins M 3611.7 Tale. Publ. M forth.
Confessional. Cf. A , Xuāst.,’251’
M 1135 UnpMSogd.
(given as M 1134)
M 1170 UnpMSogd.
M 1173 UnpMSogd.
/V/4’quoted’in’GMS’§’724’as’Tiα:’ šm x’
M 1200 UnpMSogd.
rṭ[ ]sk and /R/1/ § 399 (Par. 12): z kṭ(yy)
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1204 Letter
/V/ Turk.
M 1207 UnpMSogd.
šy ẖ’s r’ nyy
M 1212 UnpMSogd., Pe. /R/’Sogd.’with’Pe.’quotations
M 1225 MSogd.
See M 752. Publ. M 2005, 220–221.
M 1340 Pe., MSogd.
M 1372 UnpMSogd. same MS as 1373
M 1373 UnpMSogd. Same MS as 1372
M 1374 UnpMSogd. Quoted’in’GMS’§’942’as’Tiα:’mrṭ ny (= Par. 19)
M 1375 UnpMSogd.

7 Kindly pointed out to me by E ’P .

254 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 1400 UnpMSogd.
M 1405 UnpMSogd.
M 1422 UnpMSogd.?
M 1459 UnpMSogd.
M 1469 UnpMSogd.
M 1501 MSogd. Joins’M’140,’q.v.
M 1513 Pe., UnpMSogd.(?) Pe., Sogd. words (?), Cat., 72
I: Words and letters only. Sogd. II: Letters
M 1517 UnpMSogd.
only. Sogd. (?)
M 1546 UnpMSogd.
/R/? UnpMSogd.,
M 1565
/V/? blank
Publ. KG § 8. On side /B/ imprint (hardly
visible on the printed photo) of two Sogd.
M 1608 Pth., MSogd.
words written vertically in two lines in red
ink: pṭymṭ’yw(.)[’/’ xšy(w)]’{Taf.’49}
/R/? Pe., /V/?
M 1695
/R/ Pe., MSogd. Pe. and Sogd., perhaps glossary; late hand.
M 1696
/V/ Chin. Publ. M ’2005,’222’{ g.’3,’p.’226}
M 1697 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1698
/V/ blank
M 1699 Sogd.’with’WMIr.’quotations
M 1700 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 1701 UnpMSogd.
M 1719 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1755
/V/ blank
Described as Pe. in Cat. I/R/1–6 joined to
M 1760 UnpMSogd.
M 549 by W. S., AoF 5, 202
M 1762 UnpMSogd.
M 1763 UnpMSogd.
M 1764 UnpMSogd.
M 1765 UnpMSogd.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 255

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 1766 UnpMSogd.
M 1767
M 1768 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1769
/V/ blank
M 1770 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 1771 UnpMSogd.
M 1772 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1773 Quoted’GMS’§’1082,’n.1’as’T’i’α’(Par.’53)
/V/ blank
[M 1775] Turk. Not Sogd. as in Cat., 79
M 1775 a UnpMSogd. Not listed in Cat., /A/2/ ](p)wṭy(š)ṭyy’b[
M 1777 UnpMSogd. similar to M 1778, and from the same MS
M 1778 UnpMSogd. similar to M 1777, and from the same MS
M 1779 UnpMSogd.
M 1780 UnpMSogd.
M 1822 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1825
/V/ Chin.
In two hands. One side cited in GMS §§ 254,
M 1826 UnpMSogd.
1059, 1103 as TiDa [TiD]
M 1828 MSogd.
M 1843 UnpMSogd., Pth. In /B/ three lines in Pth.
Confessional, partly tr. A , Xuāst.,’
M 1846 UnpMSogd.
M 1857 UnpMSogd. Confessional, tr. A , Xuāst.,’252
Letter, publ. W. S., Briefe, II (19–21) 310
M 1867 a, b MSogd. {Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’120}.’See’M’119’and’Photo’
Ed. 2, p. 33.
Pe., UnpMSogd.
M 1900 Pe. cantill. hymns, Sogd. capt.
I Pth., II UnpM-
M 1909
256 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 1910 Letter, late hand
/V/ blank
**M 1917 UnpSSogd. Letters and numerals in Sogd. script
M 1920 UnpMSogd.
M 1922 UnpMSogd.
M 1950 UnpMSogd. Quoted’GMS’§’165’(wcnyy) as TiD
M 1958 UnpMSogd., Pth.
M 1960 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
M 1961 UnpMSogd.
( rṭš ) as TiD (Par. 35)
M 1962 UnpMSogd. from same MS as 1961
M 2003 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd., Precepts.’/R/3–4’quoted’by’H.,’BBB,’68’on’
M 2005
/V/ blank 544 and GMS § 27 as TiD
M 2006 UnpMSogd.
M 2009 UnpMSogd. Double sheet [from same MS as 2010]
M 2010 UnpMSogd. [from same MS as 2009]
**M 2011 UnpSSogd.
Letters’of’Headl.’in’Sogd.’script.’Publ.’R ,
**M 2019 SSogd.
M 2022 UnpMSogd.
M 2025 UnpMSogd.
M 2026 MSogd.
M 2064 UnpMSogd.
M 2065 UnpMSogd.
M 2066 Pe., MSogd. From’the’same’page’as’M’425.’{Photo’Ed.’2,’
M 2073 UnpMSogd., Pe. Sogd.’with’Pe.’quotations
M 2074 UnpMSogd. On the elements
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 2076
/V/ blank
M 2083 UnpMSogd.
M 2085 UnpMSogd.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 257

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 2090 UnpMSogd. Quoted’GMS’§’1572’as’TiD20’(=’Par.’43)
M 2151 UnpMSogd.
M 2155 UnpMSogd.
M 2159 UnpMSogd.
M 2162 UnpMSogd.
M 2163 MSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 2166
/V/ blank
M 2167 UnpMSogd.
M 2204 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 2207 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 2214 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
Glassed together with U135 [TM 184], not
M 2215 UnpMSogd. described in Cat. The two fragments are
evidently from the same MS
Tale. Publ. M ’forth.’Quoted’in’GMS’
M 2219 MSogd.
§ 247 n. 1 (qncyy) as TiD16
**M 2233 UnpSSogd. See R ,’MH1,’n.’421
**M 2234 UnpSSogd. See R ,’MH1,’n.’422
M 2242 Pe., UnpMSogd.
**M 2305 UnpSSogd.
M 2308 UnpMSogd. from same MS as M 141, M 5701 etc.
M 2313 UnpMSogd. from same MS as M 2316
M 2316 UnpMSogd. from same MS as M 2313
M 2319 UnpMSogd.
M 2320 UnpMSogd.
M 2329 UnpMSogd. Late’hand.’Quoted’in’GMS’as’Tii’(for’i)’D32
Double sheet. Confessional. Cf. A ,
M 2333 UnpMSogd.
M 2403 UnpMSogd.
M 2405 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 2408 Quoted’as’TiD’in’GMS’§§’857’and’219
/V/ blank
M 2417 UnpMSogd., Pe. Pe.–Sogd. glossary?
258 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 2452 UnpMSogd.
M 2608 Pe., MSogd.
M 2804 UnpMSogd. [4 frgm. from one MS]
M 2805 UnpMSogd. [4 frgm. from one MS]
M 2806 UnpMSogd. [4 frgm. from one MS]
M 2807 UnpMSogd. [4 frgm. from one MS]
M 2891 MSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 3028
/V/ blank
M 3030 UnpMSogd.
M 3031 UnpMSogd.(?) Centre of a double sheet
M 3033 UnpMSogd.
M 3034 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 3035
/V/ blank
M 3220 UnpMSogd.
M 3221 UnpMSogd.
M 3222 UnpMSogd.
M 3223 UnpMSogd.
M 3224 UnpMSogd.
M 3225 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 3226 /R/ 3 lines of Man. script, late hand
/V/ UnpSSogd.
M 3227 UnpMSogd.
M 3229 UnpMSogd., Pth.
M 3234 Pe., MSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 3502
/V/ blank
M 3600 UnpMSogd.
M 3601 UnpMSogd.
M 3602 UnpMSogd.
M 3603 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 259

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 3604 UnpMSogd.
M 3605 UnpMSogd.
M 3606 UnpMSogd.
M 3607 UnpMSogd.
M 3608 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 3609 UnpMSogd.
M 3610 UnpMSogd.
M 3611 MSogd., Turk. Joins’M’1134’q.v.’Tale.’Publ.’M forth.
M 3612 UnpMSogd.
M 3701 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 3823
/V/ blank
M 4153 UnpMSogd.
M 4158 UnpMSogd.
M 4162 UnpMSogd.
/R/ Pe., MSogd.,
M 4164 M 500k and Photo Ed. 2, p. 36 (belonging to
/V/ blank
752 a–c) See M 752. Publ. M 2005,
M 4435, M 4436, /R/ UnpMSogd., Possibly Man. Letter [all three fragments are
M 4437 /V/ blank from the same page and glassed together]
M 4512 UnpMSogd.
M 4551 UnpMSogd.
M 4701 UnpMSogd.
M 4720 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 4721
/V/ blank
M 4722 UnpMSogd.
M 4723 UnpMSogd.
M 4724 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
M 4725 UnpMSogd.
M 4751 UnpMSogd.
M 4823 UnpMSogd.
M 4862 UnpMSogd.
260 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 4867 UnpMSogd.
M 4868 UnpMSogd.
M 4869 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 4870 UnpMSogd.
M 4874 UnpMSogd.
**M 4905 UnpSSogd. See R ,’MH1,’n.’423
**M 4906 SSogd.
see R ,’MH1,’n.’424
Pe. according to Cat. But see W. S., PB, 47 s.v.
M 4908 Pe., UnpMSogd.??
M 4910 UnpMSogd. Quoted’in’GMS’§’569’as’TiiD52’ci
M 4911 UnpMSogd.
( ns [ ]) as TiiD52cii
M 4917 UnpMSogd.
M 4922 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 4950
/V/ blank
Parable. Publ. M ’forth.’{Photo’Ed.’2,’
M 5030 MSogd.
M 5051 UnpMSogd.
/V/4–9: I.G., rev. Cat., 81
†M 5052 Pe., MSogd.
M 5073 UnpMSogd.
M 5074 UnpMSogd.
M 5075
/V/ blank
M 5093 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 5166 UnpMSogd.
M 5224 Pe., UnpMSogd.
M 5229 UnpMSogd.
M 5264 UnpMSogd. Poems [same MS as M 280 and M 137]
Two’pp.’in’di .’hands.’/R/’on’the’gods’of’the’
M 5266 UnpMSogd.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 261

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 5268 MSogd. (/R/’only)’with’art.,’pl.’XIV}{Photo’Ed.’2,’
/R/ Pe.,
**M 5269
/V/ UnpSSogd.
M 5270 MSogd.
M 5271 UnpMSogd. Quoted’in’GMS’as’TiiD66’c
M 5384 UnpMSogd.?
I /R/ Toch B, /V/ Mani, /V/ Pe. installation hymns with Sogd.
†M 5436 Pe., MSogd. capt.; capt.’II’Pth.,’cantill.’hymns.’I/V’publ.’H.’in’
II Pth. ’G /W ’1958,’34’ .’{ibiβ.,’Taf. II;
Pe, UnpMSogd.
†M 5437 Pe., Sogd. capt.
†M 5446 UnpMSogd.
†M 5452 UnpMSogd.
†M 5453 UnpMSogd.
†M 5454 UnpMSogd.
**†M 5457 UnpSSogd. See R ,’MH1,’n.’425
M 5542 Pe., MSogd.
M 5563 UnpMSogd.
M 5571 UnpMSogd.
M 5588 UnpMSogd.
M 5591 UnpMSogd.
M 5592 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 5595 UnpMSogd.
M 5596 UnpMSogd.
M 5597 UnpMSogd.
M 5606 UnpMSogd.
On the religion and hearers. /R/2–7: BBB,
M 5690 UnpMSogd.
From same MS as M 2308. Joins M 6796, see
M 5701 UnpMSogd. Photo’Ed.’2,’p.’39’with’n.’52’{Photo’Ed.’2,’
262 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 5730 MSogd. joins’M’5731,’q.v.
M 5731 MSogd.
M 5779 Pe., Pth, MSogd. Publ.’BBB’(c)’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’137}
See under M 131. Publ. BBB, frgm. II A and
M 5865 MSogd. II’B,’43–44;’tr.’see’under’M’131’{Photo’Ed.’2,’
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 5885
Pth., /V/ blank
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 5886
Pth., /V/ blank
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 5887
Pth., /V/ blank
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 5888
Pth., /V/ blank
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 5889
Pth., /V/ blank
M 5912 UnpMSogd. From the same MS as M 5913
M 5913 UnpMSogd. From the same MS as M 5912
M 5920 UnpMSogd.
M 5928 UnpMSogd.
M 5991 UnpMSogd.
M 6067 UnpMSogd.
Pe., Pth,
M 6095
M 6099 UnpMSogd. Same MS as 6100
M 6100 UnpMSogd. Same MS as 6099
M 6102 UnpMSogd.
M 6132 MSogd. Publ. R ’2003,’329–330’{Taf.’8’a ,’b}
M 6133 UnpMSogd.
M 6134 UnpMSogd.
M 6136 UnpMSogd.
Publ. G  ,’231,’n.’38’{ g.’38.1,’38.2,’
M 6290 MSogd.
M 6291 UnpMSogd.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 263

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 6320 UnpMSogd.
M 6330 UnpMSogd. /V/1–7: BBB, 77 on 623
M 6450 Pe., Pth(?), MSogd.
Cat., 28. Publ. M ’2004’{Photo’Ed.’2,’
Not išnōhr as in Cat., see W. S., SSeele, 50.
M 6451 Pe., UnpMSogd.
TiiD406 a. In Cat. given as Sogd., but in /R/1
Pe.’text:’ (y)g’ky’psδyβ’u’wbβyβ
†M 6457 (?) [not /R/ UnpMSogd., [TiiD406].’Possibly’lost.’Quoted’I.G.,’rev.’
in Cat.] /V/ blank Cat.
Tales. Pth., Sogd. capt. Publ. W. S., KPT § 28
M 6470 Pth., MSogd. capt.
M 6610 UnpMSogd., Turk. Man. script and Turk. in Sogd. script
interlined, /V/ glossar Sogd.–Turk.
Same MS as M 6671. Calendar tables. /V/
M 6670 UnpMSogd.
same’text’as’in’M’115/R/ii/2’ .
Same MS as M 6670. Calendar tables. /V/
M 6671 UnpMSogd.
same’text’as’in’M’115/R/i/3’ .
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 6672 Same MS as M 6673
/V/ blank
M 6673 Same MS as M 6672
/V/ blank
M 6702 UnpMSogd.
M 6760 UnpMSogd.
M 6761 UnpMSogd.
M 6762 UnpMSogd.
M 6763 UnpMSogd.
M 6764 UnpMSogd.
M 6765 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
M 6766 UnpMSogd.
M 6790 UnpMSogd. Late hand
/R/ Pth.,
**M 6791 Late hand. /V/ see R ,’MH1,’n.’426
/V/ UnpSSogd.
264 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 6795 UnpMSogd.
[Same MS as M 6796, 6800]
M 6796 UnpMSogd. Same’MS’as’M’6795,’6800;’joins’M’5701’q.v.
M 6800 UnpMSogd. Same MS as M 6795, 6796
† M 6803 UnpMSogd.
† M 6807 UnpMSogd.
M 6847 UnpMSogd.
M 6856 UnpMSogd. Double sheet
M 6857 Pth., UnpMSogd.
M 6858 UnpMSogd.
M 6860 MSogd. Tale. Publ. M forth.
M 6862 UnpMSogd.
M 6864 UnpMSogd.
M 6865 Pth., MSogd.
M 6887 Pe., UnpMSogd.
M 6896 UnpMSogd.
M 6934 UnpMSogd. Same MS as M 6937
M 6937 UnpMSogd. Same MS as M 6934
M 6939 UnpMSogd.
M 6940 UnpMSogd.
M 6957 UnpMSogd.
M 7107
/R/ UnpMSogd., Two joining fragments of letter formulae
M 7391+ M 7392
/V/ Chin. written’as’exercise.
/R/ MSogd., Abbreviated version of āzanβ-nāmγ. Publ.
M 7420
/V/ Chin., MSogd. W. S., PB,’36’{ph.’XXIV}
/R/ MSogd., Letter (one line only, reconstructable from W. S.,
M 7440
/V/ blank Briefe, 301); publ. S -W /H  , 7
Gi, G, 68–69; II publ. S ’1994,’
†M 7800 MSogd., Turk.
M 7905 UnpMSogd.
Working Catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian Fragments in Manichaean Script 265

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

M 7950
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 8000 Late hand. Letter. Same MS as 8001
/V/ blank
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 8001 Same MS as 8000 (glassed together)
/V/ blank
M 8005 MSogd. Publ.’H.,’Gi,’E,’66’{Photo’Ed.’2,’pl.’147–148}
M 8151 UnpMSogd.
M 8170 MSogd. Publ.’W.’S.,’SSeele,’cd’(146–149)’{Taf.’xliii}
M 8200 MSogd. Publ. G  , 238, n. 56’{ g.’56.1–2’p.’131}
M 8224 UnpMSogd.
Not listed in Cat. /A/ has 2 lines in Turk. in
Sogd. script; /B/ has 3 lines in Sogdian in
M 8225 UnpMSogd., Turk.
W. S., Briefe, 296
M 8430 II UnpMSogd. Double sheet in two hands. I Pe.
M 8440 =’M’628’b,’q.v.
I /R/ Toch. B., Joins’M’5436’I.’/V/’publ.’H.’in’ ’G /
M 8533
/V/ Pe., MSogd. W ’1958,’34’ .’{ibiβ.,’Taf. II; Photo Ed. 2,
[TM 177]
capt. pl.’147–148’(two’upper’lines’lost)}
/R/ description of paradise, late hand; /V/
/R/ UnpMSogd.,
M 8600 Buddhist’text’in’Sogd.’script.’/R/1/:’KG,’184’
/V/ UnpSSogd.
[M 9006, not in
[Pth.]. KG,’184,’quoted’erroneously’=’M’8600,’q.v.
M 9110 UnpMSogd.
M 9150 UnpMSogd.
M 9151 UnpMSogd.
/R/ UnpSSogd.
**M 9185
/V/ Chin.
Quoted’in’GMS’§’810:’sr ng’wnwnyy’w y(ṭ)
= M 1134/V/3; §§ 584 and 618: w z m (Par. 10)
= M 1134/R/3; § 622: pṭyxw yy = M 1134/V/4;
Ti UnpMSogd.
§§ 30 and 733: nxwy = M 1060/R/7;
§ 1056+A: wyjṭr ’nxwy (= Par. 10)
= M 1060/R/7
266 E ’M

Signaturγ Languagγ(s) Contγnts’anβ’sγconβary’litγraturγ

Quoted’in’GMS’§’724:’ šm x’ rṭ[ ]sk
= M 1200/V/4; § 1629: kw’ šy ẖ’s r’ nyy
Tiα UnpMSogd. = M 1207/II/R/4–5; § 399: z kṭ(yy) (= Par. 12)
= M 1200/R/1; § 942: mrṭ ny (=Par. 19)
= M 1374/A/4
Quoted’GMS’§’27:’nyznβy = M 2005/R/2;
§ 163: wcnyy = M 1950/R/3; § 1253: nδryṭ =
M 1843/B/7; § 1194: šyrw (= Par. 27) =
M 1846/A/6; § 1374: rṭš (= Par. 35) =
TiD UnpMSogd. M 1961/A/2; § 1014: (s)ngcyk’zyrn (= Par. 41)
= M 2074/A/1; [t] yw qcyq (= Par. 42) =
M 2151/B/2; § 1068: r znṭyy (= Par. 41) =
5): r’rw ng n = M 1857/A/4. See also M 2408
TiD16 UnpMSogd. Quoted’GMS’§’247’n.1:’qncyy = M 2219/A/2
Quoted’GMS’§’1572:’ rδ’ yc (= Par. 43) =
TiD20 UnpMSogd.
M 2090/A/3
[M number not UnpMSogd. Quoted’GMS’§’995:’ nβ(ry)kṭ
identi ed]
Quoted’GMS’§’785’[TiiD52’cii]:’ ns [ ]
TiiD52 UnpMSogd.
= M 4911/II/R/2

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