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“The Spirit of Place of the Sta. Monica Church in Sarrat, Ilocos

Norte: Qualitative Approach”










Submitted to:

Ar. Emerson V. Bolibol, uap


NOVEMBER 18, 2023



A. Review of Related Literature

The sense of place consists of four elements: emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and

social (Kyle et al., 2004). Place attachment, the emotional element, involves a connection to

the environment. Place identity, the cognitive element, encompasses individuals' values,

attitudes, and beliefs about their surroundings, affirming one's identity. Place dependence, the

behavioral element, refers to a functional reliance on the environment for goal achievement.

Social bonding, a social element, suggests that environments gain meaning through social

relationships and shared experiences (Kyle et al., 2004). Place identity can be enhanced

through people's experiences, memories, and activities, with its structure shaped by

reflections on these social structures (Butina Watson & Bentley, 2007).

From the interviews with the participants, it was found that spirituality was conceived

as being connected with God, who is believed to be loving, kind, providential, and powerful.

All participants expressed that this connection means being obedient to the will of God (e.g.,

"I endeavor to remain in the path by the grace of God and by his strength"). They also

expressed that being connected with God means living out the message of the Bible (e.g.,

"We should not fool ourselves and only act as hearers of the Bible verses. We should practice

what we learn."), and recognizing the presence of God in one’s life (e.g., "Realizing that the

Lord is in your heart," or "Even if there are problems, he is always there."). Many of the

participants also believed that being connected with God means one should express

gratefulness for the blessings and the gift of life received (e.g., "God provides in every aspect

of your life"), and one should please God in one’s life by serving others, contributing to
society, giving one’s best at work, and living a lifestyle pleasing to others (e.g., "The purpose

of life is to live to glorify God.") (de la Peña & Ouano, 2015).

In the work by Anna Marie Sullivan (Sullivan, 2016) published in the Encyclopedia

of Conservation and Restoration, the focus is on the conservation-restoration of cultural

heritage, which involves the protection and care of tangible cultural elements such as

artworks, architecture, archaeology, and museum collections. According to an older author,

restoration is described as an ongoing objective to appreciate and preserve a work of art,

considering its material form, historical context, and aesthetic duality, with the intention of

transmitting it to future generations. The conservation of cultural heritage encompasses the

collection of art, the establishment of museums, and the care and management of these

collections through various processes, including tracking, examination, documentation,

exhibition, storage, preventative conservation, and restoration (Szczepanowska, 2013).

This perspective aligns with the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and

Artistic Works (AIC) Preamble, where the primary goal of conservation is articulated as the

preservation of cultural property, whether individual objects, structures, or aggregate

collections. Cultural property is defined as material with significance in artistic, historical,

scientific, religious, or social contexts, representing an invaluable and irreplaceable legacy

that must be safeguarded for future generations. In the pursuit of this goal, conservation

professionals bear certain obligations to the cultural property, its owners and custodians, the

conservation profession, and society at large. The Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice

of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works (AIC) articulates the

principles guiding conservation professionals and others involved in the care of cultural

The preservation and promotion of cultural heritage in various communities in the

Philippines stand out as notable achievements despite the extensive colonial influences that

shaped the nation's cultural landscape. Vigan's Mestizo District in Ilocos Sur is acknowledged

as the premier historical district in the country. Similarly, the Kamestisuhan District of

Malolos, Bulacan, has earned recognition as a heritage site of considerable prestige. Iloilo

City has embarked on a gradual revitalization of its historic downtown area, and San

Fernando, Pampanga, has initiated an urban renewal program aimed at preserving heritage for

progress. Silay, Bacolod, takes pride in its Heritage Conservation Project, positioning itself as

the "Paris of the East," while Taal, Batangas, continues to safeguard its heritage legacy

through the Heritage Village. Despite initial perceptions that cultural heritage could impede

development, these communities have successfully transformed their rich historical past into

a catalyst for economic progress (Cruz, 2019).

B. Research Framework

The research framework for this study involves a qualitative approach, utilizing semi-

structured interviews and a Concept-Construct table for data collection and analysis. The

study aims to explore and understand the diverse perspectives on the spirit of place at Sta.

Monica Church in Sarrat. The Concept-Construct table serves as an organizing tool to

systematically categorize and interpret qualitative data obtained from the interviews, focusing

on key concepts such as the significance of the church, memorable events, and architectural

features. This framework allows for a comprehensive and structured analysis of the rich,

qualitative insights gathered from participants, providing a nuanced understanding of the

spiritual and cultural significance of the church within the community.

C. Theoretical Underpinning

The theoretical framework for this study is grounded in phenomenology, cultural

geography, and architectural theory. Phenomenology informs the exploration of individuals'

lived experiences and perceptions of the spiritual significance of Sta. Monica Church.

Cultural geography theories are employed to analyze the impact of physical space and

cultural context on participants' connections with the church. Additionally, architectural

theory is integrated to understand how the design features contribute to the overall sense of

place and spiritual experience at the church.

D. Research Paradigm

The research paradigm for studying the spirit of place at Sta. Monica Church in Sarrat

is grounded in a constructivist-interpretivist framework. This paradigm recognizes that reality

is socially constructed, and individuals interpret their experiences based on their unique

perspectives and cultural contexts. The study acknowledges the subjective nature of the spirit

of place and embraces the idea that participants actively contribute to the creation of meaning

associated with the church. Through a lens of constructivism, the research seeks to unravel
the diverse and subjective layers of significance attributed to Sta. Monica Church, offering a

dynamic and contextually rich exploration of the spiritual and cultural dimensions within the

community. This paradigm invites an engaging and participatory approach, encouraging

participants to actively shape the narrative surrounding the spirit of place.

E. Research Problem/Objectives

The aim of this study is to explore and understand how the community in Sarrat perceives

the spirit of place at Sta. Monica Church. goal is to provide a nuanced and contextually rich

understanding of the spiritual and cultural significance of Sta. Monica Church, emphasizing

the active role of the community in shaping these perceptions.

The study aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What is Sta. Monica Church to you? Why is it important?

The other sub-questions are as follows;

a) Are you familiar with the Sta. Monica Church? Do you know its history?

What can you say about the structure?

b) Who owns the structure?

c) Do you know of any historical/ memorable event or person linked with the


d) What are the activities being held at the structure? How was it used/being


e) Do you have some cherished memories/stories/rumors about the structure?

f) Is there any part of the structure important to you?

g) What are the issues/challenges affecting the Site/Structure?

h) In your opinion, how can we conserve the structure?

i) Other information/stories/recollections about the structure?

F. Assumptions/Hypothesis

The Spirit of Place at the Sta. Monica Church in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte is deeply

influenced by a combination of historical, cultural, and architectural factors, creating a unique

and spiritually significant environment. A qualitative approach will reveal that the church's

historical roots, cultural context, and architectural features contribute synergistically to

cultivate a distinct spiritual ambiance, fostering a sense of connection and reverence among

the local community and visitors. The qualitative analysis will uncover the nuanced ways in

which the church serves as more than a physical structure, acting as a spiritual anchor that

reflects and shapes the collective identity and ethos of the community.
Chapter II


A. Research Design

A qualitative study approach is especially useful for investigating the "Spirit of Place" in

Santa Monica Church, Sarrat, since it provides for a thorough understanding of the subjective

experiences and perceptions linked with this cultural and spiritual monument. The qualitative

approach will assist the examination of the complicated ties people have with the church by

using methods such as interviews, participant observations. This approach allows scholars to

dive into the complex tales, emotions, and cultural circumstances that define Santa Monica

Church's distinct spiritual ambiance. Qualitative research is ideal for capturing the many and

often subtle characteristics of the "Spirit of Place," providing light on how the church is

tightly knit into the fabric of the community and contributes to a shared sense of identity and

history. The research project intends to present a comprehensive and contextually rich

portrayal of the spiritual value and cultural legacy inherent in the Santa Monica Church in

Sarrat using this technique.

B. Participants

The participants for this study are randomly selected individuals from the community

surrounding Sta. Monica Church in Sarrat, representing diverse age groups, cultural

backgrounds, and levels of involvement with the church. In this research, we need to consider

the following potential participants:

 Local Residents: Individuals who have been living in the vicinity of Sta.

Monica Church for an extended period. Those with a deep understanding

of the local history, traditions, and cultural practices associated with the

 Local Authorities: Officials from the local government or cultural

heritage preservation departments. Those involved in the management,

conservation, or promotion of historical sites like Sta. Monica Church.

C. Research Instrument

Designing an instrument to capture the spirit of place at Sta. Monica Church in Sarrat

involves conducting random interviews to gather diverse perspectives and experiences related

to the site. The instrument should include open-ended questions that encourage respondents

to reflect on the unique qualities, historical significance, and personal connections they

associate with the church. These inquiries might explore aspects such as the architectural

features, cultural events held at the church, and the emotional impact it has on individuals. By

incorporating randomness into the selection of interviewees, the instrument aims to capture a

broad range of insights, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the varied ways in which

people perceive and connect with the spirit of place at Sta. Monica Church.

D. Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering process will involve administering a professionally crafted

instrument through semi-structured interviews with a randomized sample of 15 individuals

from the Sta. Monica Church community in Sarrat. The interviews will cover diverse

demographics, ensuring a broad spectrum of perspectives. Structured yet open-ended

questions will be employed to explore participants' personal experiences, memories, and

perceptions of the church's spirit of place, encompassing its significance, attended events, and

notable architectural features. Qualitative analysis of the collected data will unveil recurring

themes and insights, providing a concise yet comprehensive understanding of the

community's diverse perspectives on the spiritual significance of Sta. Monica Church.

E. Data Analysis

The data analysis will involve the construction of a Concept-Construct table to

systematically organize and interpret qualitative insights derived from the interviews. Key

concepts such as "Significance of Sta. Monica Church," "Memorable Events," and

"Architectural Features" will be outlined. Each concept will be further detailed with

constructs representing specific themes or sentiments identified during the interviews. This

structured approach aims to uncover patterns and variations within the data, offering a clear

and comprehensive understanding of the diverse perspectives on the spirit of place at Sta.

Monica Church in Sarrat.

F. Ethical Considerations

This study on the spirit of place at Sta. Monica Church in Sarrat upholds a commitment to

ethical standards through a meticulous adherence to informed consent, confidentiality,

anonymity, and community engagement. Rigorous protocols will be implemented to secure

voluntary and informed consent from participants, providing comprehensive information

about the study's objectives and potential implications. Confidentiality and anonymity will be

rigorously maintained through the application of coding and pseudonyms, safeguarding the

privacy of participants. Moreover, cultural and religious sensitivities will be approached with

a high degree of consideration to avoid any potential harm. To facilitate community

engagement, collaboration with local leaders will be pursued, seeking their endorsement and

insights to address any concerns and establish a constructive research partnership with the




Dhrinmel Anthony T. Reyes, 31 Mr. Reyes believes that the The church is one of the oldest Preservation of Important
y/o church is one of the oldest churches in the country and it Cultural Property
“Ti simbaan ket mesa mga churches in the country and it needs to be preserved since it
kadakkelan nga simbaan iti is important to preserve since has part of the country’s history.
pagilyan. Importante detuy nga it has become part of the
mapreserbar gapo ta naging part country’s history
iti history ti Pilipinas”
Mariel Ashley C. Ganal, 18 y/o Ms. Ganal believes that the The church is one of the tourist Historical and tourist
“Maysa nga tourist spot ken church is one of the tourist spots, and one of the oldest significance of a church in the
pagshootingan dagiti artista ken spots and it was used to be a churches in the province. Also, province
kababayagan nga simbaan tit shooting place by celebrities it was used to be a shooting
entero nga Ilocos Norte” and it is one of the oldest place by celebrities.
churches in Ilocos Norte.
Melae Ares R. Ramel, 29 y/o – Ms. Ramel said the church is The church symbolizes the Religious or spiritual
“Balay iti Apo ken the home of God and it is one “Home of God.” Also, one of significance and architectural
kakaattidugan nga simbaan iti of the longest churches in the longest churches in the uniqueness
entero nga Pilipinas” entire Philippines. entire country.
Lee Gwen G. Bolibol, 19 y/o At a young age, Lee believes The church is known for the History and its culture.
“The history and it’s culture” that the church is known for history and its culture.
the history and its culture.
Jeffrey Entrina, 27 y/o – Mr. Entrina said that the Church is the place for mass Religious Function of the
“Pagmisaan kada domingo” church is the place for mass every Sunday. Church
every Sunday.
Judiel R. Pabalan, 23 y/o – Ms. Pabalan said that one of The earthquake is one of the Resilience and enduring
“Ti mesa nga memories nga dik the memories that she will events occurred in the past that beauty of the church's structure
malipatan iti daytoy na simbaan never forget in the church is some parts of the church
ket daydi napasamak nga the earthquake that was suffered damage from the
gingined ata ado iti naperdi nga happened in the past and some earthquake. Despite the
partes na, ngem maibagak nga parts of the church suffered damage, the church's structure
paintas latta iti struktura na ita damage from the earthquake remains beautiful to this day.
nga adgama. but she can say that the
church’s structure is still
beautiful up until to this day.
Edna R. Sonajo, 55 y/o – Mrs. Sonajo said that the The church is a sacred place for Sacredness and Divine
“Ti Santa Monica Church ket church is a sacred place for the people who believes in God, Presence
simbaan, nasagraduan a the people who believes in and asking for God’s mercy for
struktura para iti kadagiti God, and asking for God’s the sake of improving their
mamati iti Dios, nga amin nga mercy for the sake of lives.
adda iti uneg na ket addan ti improving their lives.
pakasaritaan nga isu ti intay
pagsarmingan nga mangtunda
kadatay ti nainkappian a

Christian Tulio, 18 y/o – At a young age, Christian The church is the “Home of The Religious and Spiritual
“Balay iti Apo” believes that church is the God” Significance of the Church
“Home of God”
Unad Sonajo, 54 y/o – Mr. Sonajo believes that the The church was built on Architectural heritage of that
“Ito ay itinayo noong panahon Church was built around the Spanish Era. time period.
ng mga Kastila” time of Spanish.
John Rey, 28 y/o – Mr. John Rey believes that the The church is one of the Historical and religious
“Maysa daytoy nga historical church is one of the structures structures that was built by significance of the church.
nga istruktura nga inpatawid that was built by early early Christians.
dagiti immuna nga Cristiano.” Christians
Jerm Balaay, 43 y/o – Mr. Balaay believes that the Church is one of the important Religious and cultural
“Importante daytoy nga church is one of the important structures for Catholics. significance of the church for
istruktura para kadakam nga structures especially for the Catholics
Katoliko.” Catholics.
Bernarda Bolibol, 72 y/o – Mrs. Bolibol believes that the The church is the place for Seeking divine intervention or
“Pagkararagan ti kayat church is the place for prayers prayers for their requests. assistance.
dawaten” for their requests.
Macrina Tagaca, 55 y/o – Mrs. Tagaca believes that the The church was once used as a Historical significance of the
“Ti simbaan ket nagbalin nga church was once used as a Capitol of Ilocos Norte in the church building beyond its
kapitolyo ti Ilocos Norte idi Capitol of Ilocos Norte in the past. religious use.
ununa nga panawen.” past

In conclusion, the importance of Sta. Monica Church extends far beyond its historical

and architectural significance—it is deeply intertwined with the lives and identity of its local

residents. Through interviews and community surveys, it becomes evident that the church

plays a central role in the collective consciousness of the people in Sarrat. The residents not

only view the church as a tangible link to their rich heritage but also as a source of pride and

a symbol of cultural continuity.

Sta. Monica Church serves as a gathering place for communal events, religious

ceremonies, and cultural celebrations, fostering a sense of community cohesion. The shared

history and traditions associated with the church contribute to a strong local identity, creating

a sense of belonging among the residents. Moreover, the church often serves as a backdrop

for various personal milestones, from baptisms to weddings and funerals, further embedding

its importance in the daily lives of the local population.

Additionally, the preservation and promotion of Sta. Monica Church have become a

communal responsibility, with residents actively participating in initiatives to maintain and

protect this cultural treasure. Their efforts reflect a commitment to ensuring that future

generations can continue to experience the church as a living testament to the community's


In essence, the Sta. Monica Church is not just a historical landmark; it is a living,

breathing entity that weaves itself into the social fabric of Sarrat. Its importance to the local

residents transcends time, serving as a constant reminder of their shared history, values, and

the enduring strength of their community.

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