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14 November 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

We are writing to remind everyone how to report a student absence for Years 7-11.

In the first instance please email stating your child's name and form.
State the absence reason and if illness please give brief symptoms. Unless you are aware of the length of
absence please do this daily. There is no need to email year teams with this information because it is
distributed as necessary from the Attendance Team. If you receive a text message regarding absence then we
have not received your email and are required under Safeguarding to check your child's whereabouts. For
those who cannot use email please state the details on 01283 735181 answerphone.

For medical appointments please email with an attachment/photo of

the appointment card/letter/text message. We require this for our records. There is no need to write to the
form tutor if you inform us in this way.

For any other leave of absence such as holidays, requests for trips etc please use the Leave of Absence form on
our website under Attendance. We prefer prior notice of two weeks where possible.

If you require your child to leave school without being collected we MUST have an email to stating that you 'absolve John Port Spencer Academy of all
responsibility' and how your child is to get home/to their appointment. Without this being sent prior to their
leaving we will not allow them to leave the school premises.

All this information is also under Attendance on our website home page and our newsletters.

Thank you for your assistance.

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