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Machiavellian leadership is a term derived from Niccolò Machiavelli's influential book "The

Prince." It encompasses a leadership style that prioritizes self-interest, strategic thinking, and
manipulation of others to achieve desired outcomes. Machiavellian leaders are known for
their cunning approach to power and their ability to navigate political landscapes.
Under Machiavellian leadership, individuals are viewed as mere pawns in the pursuit of
power. Machiavellian leaders are not bound by traditional moral values and are willing to
employ deceit, manipulation, and even cruelty to achieve their goals. They understand that
the ends justify the means and act accordingly.
Machiavellian leaders possess exceptional political astuteness, exploiting opportunities and
vulnerabilities to consolidate their power. They are master strategists who excel at
maintaining and expanding their influence by understanding the dynamics of both internal
and external environments.
However, Machiavellian leadership can be controversial due to its emphasis on self-interest
and ruthless tactics. Critics argue that it can breed distrust, damage relationships, and erode
organizational culture. Nevertheless, in certain contexts, Machiavellian leadership can be
effective in achieving short-term goals and securing personal or organizational success.

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