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Curriculum Vitae
Personal info
Name / Surname Aleksandra Rakocevic
Address Djoka Mirasevica 9-17 81000 Podgorica
Phone Fix: +382 (0)20 66 55 26 Cell: +382 (0)67 21 00 10

Nationality Montenegrin

Date of Birth 5 July 1975

Sex Female

Str. 1/7 - Rakocevic Aleksandra

Curriculum Vitae
Work experience

Period January 2013 - present

Title or function Licensed Auditor

Main activities and responsibilities Cost verification of NGO implemented projects financed by the EU and other international donors;
Audit of financial statements of legal entities, subject to annual financial audit, in accordance with the
Law on Accounting of Montenegro and the Law on Audit of Montenegro. License issued by the
Ministry of Finance of Montenegro. Participated in the audit, independently or as a team member, of
joint stock companies (AD Plantaze, AD Zeljeznicki prevoz CG, COTEE AD ..), municipalities (Capital
Podgorica, Ulcinj, Danilovgrad, Budva…), and medium and large companies with limited liability
(Tehnoplus, IGP Fidija, Mil-pop)

Name and address of employer HLB MONT AUDIT DOO, Aerodromska 2j-23, P. fah 247, 81000 Podgorica

Sector or industry Services

Period 2014 - present

Title or function Auditor

Main activities and responsibilities Auditing activities regarding the IPA partner states of the South-East Europe Transnational
Cooperation Programme, DANUBE programme, INTERREG etc. in accordance with Article N. 62 of
the COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1083/2006

Name and address of employer Hydea Consulting LTD Budapest, Hungary, AESA LTD Budapest Hungary

Sector or industry Public and private

Period January 2018 - present

Title or function Authorized Valuer of property, plant and equipment

Chamber of Valuers of Montenegro, Aerodromska 2j-23, 81000 Podgorica

Sector or industry Services

Period January 2012 - onwards

Title or function Court Expert Witness in Finance and Economy

Court Expert Witness’ Association of Montenegro

Sector or industry Judiciary

Period Jun 2018. -

Title or function Member of the Audit Committee of MFI „Alter modus“ Podgorica

Main activities and responsibilities Review and adoption of reports, plans and strategies of the Internal Audit of IFIs, review and adoption
of the strategy, plan and reports of the Sector for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist
MFI Alter modus Podgorica, Studentska bb 81000 Podgorica
Sector or industry NGO / Financial institutions

Str. 2/7 - Rakocevic Aleksandra

Curriculum Vitae
Period September 2010 - present

Title or function Member of the Supervisory Board of Institute of Internal Auditors of Montenegro

Main activities and responsibilities Monitoring the activities and operations IIAMN, its governing bodies and members.
Institute of Internal Auditors of Montenegro (IIA Montenegro)

Sector or industry Civil society

Period March 2009 – May 2012

Title or function Internal Auditor

Main activities and responsibilities Internal audit of all business activities and business areas based on risk assessment; reviewing the
risk assessment and management system; assessment of the internal control system and
management system; compliance assessment; assessment of financial reporting; improving the
overall efficiency and quality of the Company's operations by making recommendations based on
conducted audits; revision of the application of the provisions of the Law on Personal Data Protection
and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
Merkur osiguranje A.D. Podgorica, Bul.Dzordza Vasingtona 2A

Sector or industry Financial Services / Insurance

Period May 2008 – February 2009

Title or function Head of Finance Department of the Ministry of Finance

Main activities and responsibilities Ha The CFCU unit was recently established within the structures of the future EU Decentralized
Implementation System (DIS) for the management of pre-accession funds (IPA). Considering that
during the period of my engagement in the Ministry of Finance, the management of IPA funds was
organized centrally, through the Delegation of the European Commission in Montenegro and thus the
CFCU was not fully operational; therefore, my basic tasks and responsibilities within the CFCU were
aimed at getting acquainted with the relevant laws, regulations, manuals and PRAG, as the basic tool
for public procurement of services, goods, works and grants with pre-accession assistance funds. I
led several study visits to DIS structures in candidate countries and EU member states, as well as
participated in field trainings in tender commissions and working groups in the field of programming -
preparation of TOR, Project Fiche, etc.
Through the above tasks, I established close cooperation with high officials both from the Ministry of
Finance and Delegation of European Commission.

Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, CFCU-Central Financing and Contracting Unit Podgorica,

S.Dragojevica 2
Sector or industry Public Finances

Period January 1996 – May 2008

Title or function Financial controller for IT and engineering

Main activities and responsibilities In the financial sector, my main responsibilities were the preparation of financial plans and short- and
medium-term budgets and quarterly forecasts; preparation of daily, weekly and monthly reports on
expenses for the needs of management; participation in the drafting of lease, rental, leasing and
procurement contracts; monitoring of tender procedures, contracting, execution, implementation and
financial management of contracts; etc.

Str. 3/7 - Rakocevic Aleksandra

Curriculum Vitae
Firm and address of the employer ProMonte (Telenor) GSM, Podgorica, Bul.Dzordza Vasingtona 83

Sector or industry Private sector / telecommunications

Period February 2004 – January 2006

Title or function Assistant advisor to the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, Internal Audit Department, MoF MN

Main activities and responsibilities As an assistant advisor, I participated in the establishment of the Internal Audit Department of the
Ministry of Finance of Montenegro. This activity includes the preparation and translation of relevant
documents (Internal Audit Charter, Internal Audit Manual, operational agreements, regulations on
internal organization and systematization. Job descriptions of employees in the Sector); preparation
and training on conducting the audit (performing the audit, drafting the audit report, preparing the final
report, recommendations and follow-up audit); assisting in recruitment of auditors; trainings.
In connection with this basic task, I participated in the drafting of the Law on the State Audit
Institution, as the supreme body in charge of the overall audit of the state administration.
During this period, I coordinated activities in drafting and adopting the proposal of the new Law on
Accounting and Auditing, through the organization and coordination of working groups and
cooperation among relevant stakeholders (Ministry of Finance, Institute of Accountants and Auditors,
Chamber of Commerce, Secretariat for Legislation, Ministry of Justice). …); preparation of a number
of versions of the Draft Law on Accounting and Auditing, including reference and relationship with
other regulations (Law on Companies, Law on Misdemeanour Procedure, Criminal Code, IAS, IFRS,

Title and address of the employer USAID/ BearingPoint

Sector or industry Public and private sector / accounting and auditing

Period May 2003 – February 2004

Title or function Public Sector Reform Team assistant

Main activities and responsibilities I have supported various activities in the area of transition and institution building of public
administration bodies, including the Public Revenue Directorate and the Ministry of Finance. These
activities included a strong active participation in the organization and provision of training and
translation and interpretation to employees and officials of the Public Revenue Directorate in the part
of the Law on Personal Income Tax and the Law on Profit Tax, as well as the Law on VAT.

Title and address of the employer USAID/ BearingPoint

Sector or industry Public sector

Period July 2002 – May 2003

Title or function Member of the Ministry of Finance / State Treasury / Public Debt Management Sector

Str. 4/7 - Rakocevic Aleksandra

Curriculum Vitae
Main activities and responsibilities I was engaged in activities related to the implementation of the Law on Public Debt and the
establishment of the Public Debt Management Sector, including the establishment and coordination
of working groups, whose members are senior government officials and representatives of the
Central Bank of Montenegro; establishing a system for analysis and archiving of data related to the
public debt of Montenegro, both domestic and foreign; close cooperation with the National Bank of
Serbia in the part of the Paris and London Club of Creditors of Montenegro; organizing data and
establishing an archive of individual creditors, etc.

Title and address of the employer USAID/ BearingPoint

Sector or industry Public sector

Period August 2001 – July 2002

Title or function Clearing and settlement specialist / Capital Markets Development team

Main activities and responsibilities My main tasks and responsibilities, as a member of the Capital Market Development Team, were
related to providing support in the establishment of the NEX Montenegro stock exchange and
relevant laptop market structures, as well as close cooperation and partnership with brokerage
houses; establishing business relationships and designing standardized forms for the operational
activities of relevant capital market institutions. Also, I assisted the Central Depository Agency in the
organization, classification and analysis of data on companies from the Privatization List. These
activities included providing advice on the establishment of the archive, the organization of the
database, and the classification and analysis of information from the archive.

Title and address of the employer USAID / PriceWaterhouseCoopers / Centralna depozitarna agencija

Sector or industry Private sector

Period February 2001 – August 2001

Title or function Trainee

Main activities and responsibilities Assistant in preparing monthly and quarterly reports

Title and address of the employer Telekom Crne Gore / Financial Plsnning and Analysis Sector

Sector or industry Private sector / services

Period July 1996 – present

Title or function Accountant

Main activities and responsibilities Accounting records, complinig financial statements

Title and address of the employer Mont Audit – former “19.Jul” – Podgorica

Sector or industry Private sector

Str. 5/7 - Rakocevic Aleksandra

Curriculum Vitae
Education and training

Period 2016 - present

Professional title or certificate Licensed Auditor

Main skills External audit of financial statements of companies; audit related services, including expenditure
verification and assurance engagements

Name of education services provider Ministry of Finance of Montenegro

Nation al or international qualification Internationally recognized professional


Period 2013 - present

Professional title or certificate Certified Accountant

Main skills Preparation of financial reports

Name of education services provider Institute of Certified Accountants of Montenegro

Nation al or international qualification Internationally recognized professional


Period 2009

Professional title or certificate Authorized Internal Auditor – Specialist for banks and financial institutions (BA)

Main skills Risk-based internal auditing

Name of education services provider Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, recognized by the IIA Montenegro

Nation al or international qualification level In line with national regulations

Period 1994 -2000

Professional title or certificate’ Bachelor in Economics – Major in Finance and banking

Name of education services provider Economic faculty in Podgorica, University of Montenegro

Language skills

Mother language Montenegrin

Other languages English(*)

Self-assessment Understanding Talking Writting
European level (**) Listening Reading Verbal interaction Expressing
English C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Str. 6/7 - Rakocevic Aleksandra

Curriculum Vitae
Social skills and competences Good team spirit, gained through engagements in goal-oriented teams. Also, I have a good ability to
adapt to multicultural, multinational environments, acquired through work engagements in and in
cooperation with international organizations.
Good communication skills, which result from the coordination of several differently structured
working groups, are one of my strengths.

Organizational skills and My organizational skills and competencies are at a high level, in terms of coordination and
competences administration of people, projects and budgets. During my engagement in the Ministry of Finance, I
was responsible for a team of 4 employees. I have good organizational skills and logistical
experience, as well as some experience in project and team management. These skills were acquired
through formal training, and through work, seminars and through my engagement in organizing and
providing training.

IT skills and competences Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ i PowerPoint™); basic knowledge of graphic design tools

These skills were acquired through formal training (MS Office Tools) and through work engagement,
as well as volunteering and leisure activities.

Driving licence B category

Additional information Full list of references available on request

Str. 7/7 - Rakocevic Aleksandra

Curriculum Vitae

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