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Animals of North America

There are eight different kinds of bears in the world. Black bears and brown
bears live in many areas of North America and polar bears live in parts of
Canada and Alaska. Many kinds of bears hibernate, or sleep in the
winter. This helps them save energy. In the winter the baby bears, or cubs,
are born.

The raccoon is a small mammal that looks like it's wearing a mask. It has a striped
tail. Raccoons are omnivorous, which means that they can eat many different
things. They have very dexterous paws which they can use to open containers to
get at the food inside.

The beaver is a large rodent with a flat tail that it uses for swimming and for
balancing. The beaver is famous for its ability to build dams in rivers and

The bison, which is also called the buffalo, has a big head and curved
horns. Bison live in herds, or groups of animals, in the western United
States and Canada. An adult bison can weigh up to 2000 pounds and a
large bison can eat as much as 60 pounds of grass a day!

A moose is a member of the deer family. In the spring the male moose grows a
set of antlers on its head which he loses in the following winter. Moose can grow
to be 7 feet tall and 1500 pounds. Moose are herbivores, which means that they
eat plants.

Selecciona la respuesta correcta.

1. What does "hibernate" mean?

2. Why do bears

3. Which animal looks like it's wearing a


4. What do moose eat?

5. What does "herd"


6. Which animal builds dams?


One Saturday, Sarah woke up early. She had breakfast with her family, she had a quick shower,
and left home to work.

On her way to the office, a handsome man asked her if she knew where the closest bank
was. She told him where it was. The man asked her if she could go with him to the bank and to have
a cup of coffee afterwards. She said yes.

Sarah and the man had coffee. After that, they went to the cinema and then to a disco.
They danced for 3 hours. Sarah didn’t ask the man’s name, she didn’t add him on Facebook or
Whatsapp. At midnight, the man said he had to go to the bathroom, but he didn’t come back.

Sarah fell in love with the man; she wanted the man to come back. She waited for him for 5 years,
but he didn’t come back. Sarah had lost all hope about love. She prayed to God frequently.

One day, Sarah was waiting in line in the bank when a man came up to her and asked her what time
it was. His voice sounded familiar, it was the same man; his name was Joseph.

They married 8 months later and had 2 beautiful daughters.

Anwer de Questions:
1. Who did Sara have breakfast with?
- With her family
- With Joseph
- With her daughters

2. Which sentence is NOT true about Sarah and Joseph?

- They added eanch other to Facebook.
- They danced.
- They drank coffee.

3. What did the man do after going to the bathroom?

- He drank coffee.
- He went to the bank.
- Not mentioned.

4. What did Sarah want?

- She wanted to see the man again.
- Se wanted to come back.
- She wanted to go to the bank.

5. How long did Sarah wait for the man?

- For some years.
- For only a couple of months.
- She didn´t wait for the man.
6. Did Sarah and Joseph meet again?
- Yes, they did.
- No, they didn´t.
- We don´t know.

7. What did Sarah and Joseph did after they met again?
- They had coffee.
- They went to the bank.
- They started a family.

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