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From Good to Great

Article · June 2017

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1 author:

Jesus Gilberto Concepcion

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña


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Published by the Human Development and Leadership Division of ASQ



Special Interest Articles

Letter from the Chair
Letter from the Chair
Social Media Minute…
Getting more from LinkedIn

Highlights Thank you, There are teams addressing the

Thank you, defined topics of our Leadership Body
Letter from the Chair ...............1 Thank you of Knowledge, which include:
Treasurer’s Corner ..................3 for your
great • Visioning,
From Good to Great ................3 participation • Communication,
Leading through Conflict- and • Motivation,
reflections ................................5 engagement • Appreciate a System,
at the World • Strategic Planning,
What can we learn from
military leadership? .................8
Conference • Change Management,
in Charlotte, • Conflict Management
Social Media Minute…. NC in May! I • Coaching/Mentoring
Getting more out of LinkedIn do not want to reiterate here what I
....................................................9 • Theories of Leadership.
wrote in my article on LinkedIn, so the
link will offer the opportunity for you to
review a summary of our activities as a There will be primers published to our
division and my perspective. website for each of the topics. Two
Emanating from the WCQI are available currently – Motivation and
experience is enthusiasm to Conflict Management with several
continue meeting our challenging more on the horizon for on-line
Business Plan Goals for 2017. publication. During the months of May
One of those key goals is to and June, Brooks also led two
Increase Services to Membership. webinars on the Motivation primer that
To accomplish this, we continue he authored. During WCQI, we
with the Body of Knowledge writing engaged with ASQ Headquarters to
teams led by Brooks Carder (also participate in ASQ’s version of e-
our Chair Elect). Harmony. As a division, we are paired
with a Section to determine how we
can offer more services to our



Letter from the Chair, continued

passionate about our own care and
tending. That if we want to develop
into the people that leave a legacy
for others to embrace and learn
from, then we need to ensure we
are selecting those areas in which
we want to produce and plant
ourselves in the best soil for our
growth. We must choose to engage
with others that enrich our soil and
feed us the needed nutrients.
We also must consider the level of
intervention that will truly enable us
rather than distract us from our
desired production and be vigilant in
our watch over ourselves (all
opportunities will not lead to
success). Just as grapes are
selected to be incorporated into
Our Section pairing is #1414 of Austin, Texas wine, we must select those areas of engagement to
and to date we have held the formal kick-off incorporate into our lives to achieve our desired legacy.
session and are engaged in ongoing dialogue Just as we savor wine on our palates, we must savor
to build a plan to enhance our offerings to our the learning and the interactions focused on our
membership. We are learning from one personal human development. ASQ’s Human
another and considering various best practices Development & Leadership Division is one of those
to leverage and bring to you. This is an interactions that I savor! The knowledge I have gained in
excellent collaboration effort and we are thrilled my time with the Division and the personal relationships
to be a part of this ground-breaking approach. built provide me a passion for ongoing development.
We are in the process of drafting and Won’t you further engage to continue to build your
producing a Voice over PowerPoint that development?
describes the value Human Development and
Leadership brings to its members. This is
based on the feedback you provided as to
what was most important to you from the 2014
Member Survey...The areas you selected are
Training, Ability, Publications, Welcoming and
Use. In the production, we define these areas
and share what we are doing to address each Wanda R. Sturm
one of them. To close I would like to offer an Chair, HD&L
observation regarding Human Development. I
recently returned from a trip to Italy’s Tuscany
Region. While there, I had the opportunity to
visit a vineyard, Pieve De’Pitti. Caterina, the
Vinegrower, spoke with us and walked us
through the vineyard on a wine tour prior to a
tasting and dinner at the Villa. As she
described the care and tending of the vines, I
was struck by the fact that we should be as



Treasurer’s Corner

“Throughout your live advance daily, becoming more skillful than yesterday, more
skillful than today. This is never-ending.”

Yamamoto Tsunetomo (1659-1719)

From Hagakure: the book of the Samurai

By Richard F Uphoff, HD&L Treasurer

These words, written over 300 Coming out of our audit last year, we needed to better
years ago, continue to inspire share documents between the treasurer and the
me. Even though I will never auditors. Sending documents and attachments via e-
be a Samurai, the spirit mail was cumbersome and time-consuming. With this
expressed in these words year’s audit, we began using DropBox to share
should act as a guide for the documents for tracking and reconciliation of our financial
work of quality professionals activity. While this may not seem radically innovative to
everywhere. These words you (DropBox has been around since 2007), it is a first
even apply to treasurers and for our division and an improvement over how we did it
volunteers of our organization. before. While the division remains in a strong financial
As the treasurer of our division, the spirit of position, we will continue to look for ways to improve
Tsunetomo often acts as a guide for the work I do upon how we manage the finances of the division, and,
on behalf of division members. For example, as always, strike the right balance between maintaining
earlier this year we successfully completed our prudent resources for the future while providing value to
annual audit. While we passed the audit members in the present
successfully, there was no doubt room for

From Good to Great

By Jesús Gilberto Concepcion G., PhD., PE
HD&L Global Engagement Chair, ASQ Country Councilor for
Dominican Republic

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins indicates that in order to become great you need great ideas, have the
correct people on the bus, great management and Leadership. First you need the correct people and then you
can develop the ideas.
In May, I was at the ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement where I participated in the Member-
Leader training offered and presented an After Five Conference “Personal Well-being: Your Unique Journey to

From Good to Great, continued

In the leadership training conducted by Stephen Hacker it was emphasized that to transition the ASQ into the
future Transformational Leadership is needed. Four main words define Transformational Leadership; Vision,
Creativity, Result Oriented and Knowledge. Hacker showed some examples of both good and bad leaders -
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Fidel Castro, and Adolph Hitler - that had the same
turning point. They were all in jail when they developed the leadership characteristic to be considered
transformation leaders. We all need a turning point to see a clearer vision. Leaders are responsible for teaching
others to understand complexity, clarify vision and improve mind models.

In my presentation, I used a scientific approach to simplify a mental model based on results, process, people
and ideas. In order to reach our vision, we need knowledge, persistence, patience and passion. However, this
approach requires a cyclical not random process. In this scientific approach, I call it the conservation of the
symmetry between the states. It has to go from knowledge to passion, knowledge to persistence, from
persistence to patience and from patience to passion. The combination persistence and passion, and
knowledge and patience are crossed.

In the beginning of my presentation, I showed a picture of a mountain reflected on a lake for five seconds.
Everybody saw the beauty of the picture, however in order to the see the reflection we have to return to the
picture. A live poll of the attendees was done twice, at the beginning and at the end. We used the four words of
knowledge, persistence, patience and passion asking for the better combination. At the beginning 44%
answered crossed, and 26% answered knowledge and passion. We continue with the presentation indicating
the importance of permitted traditions as they are described by scientific rules. The most important transition for
management and leadership development is knowledge and passion. We gave examples in education,
business, sports and art. At the final live pool, the results showed a decrease of non- permitted transitions from
44 to 21 %, and an increase the percentage of knowledge to passion from 26 to 50%. For me that was
unbelievable. I have never seen a change like this in a conference.

A month later I received the session evaluations. Of 90 participants, 20 responded to the presentation
evaluation questionnaire; 50% answered between 1 and 6, and 50% between 7 and 10. Some complained
about talking to fast and others about the scientific approach. I really like these answers since we are exposed
that the understanding of science is decreasing worldwide and we must deal with this every day. If we want to
go to develop transformation leadership, a different approach is needed and a science-oriented process may be
that good approach.

What is bad today may be great today or tomorrow. On June 8-9, I participated in the XIII International Science
Congress of the Dominican Republic. I have the privilege to be in a conference of Dr. Aaron Ciechanover, a
physician from Israel that was selected as 2004 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry. He told us that Thalidomide
was the most dangerous drug ever. It was responsible of fetus malformation in the 1950-1960 and was sold
worldwide except USA. Today this drug it is considered as one of the most important drugs for some cancer
elimination. Only with a scientific approach, he concluded, may the change from bad to great be achieved.

J. Collins, Good to Great, Harper Business, NY (2001).
J. Concepcion, Wellbeing, your unique journey to success, ASQ WCQI, Charlotte (2017)
T. Ito, N. Nanda, Another action of a thalidomide derivative, Nature, 523, 167 (2015)



Before sharing that story, it’s helpful to share an

Leading through analogy about how sailboat design is a model for

Conflict: Reflections There are three parts of a typical sailboat that are
most relevant to this story. The keel, mast, and
rudder are critical parts that determine stability,
By Justin Shingleton PhD., speed, and direction. The keel design is critical for
HD&L member stability and must be deep enough for the purpose
of the boat and to balance the mast height. The
keel represents the depth of our leadership ability
resulting from character, skills, and practice. The
mast height represents the speed and complexity
At the ASQ 2017 World
of a situation that we as leaders may be called to
Conference on Quality and
navigate. The rudder represents the decisions
Improvement, I found myself reading through the
made to accomplish a goal. If a sailboat is out of
schedule for the last day and trying to make a
balance because the keel, the depth of our
decision on what workshops or sessions to join.
leadership ability, is not suited to the mast height,
When I previewed the Leading through Conflict
the magnitude of the challenge, then steering
workshop, I initially thought conflict resolution was
towards our goal is not our focus. We become
already in my leadership toolbox, so I’d probably
stressed and unable to perform due to interference
pass on it. I actually enjoy conflict because it can
from our own thoughts. The professional golfer
lead to decisions that help an organization or
who has to make a 15-foot put to win a
community make progress towards its goals. My
championship has interference from his own
thinking at the time was to develop an area of
thoughts in the way of success. Because of
weakness and not to over-develop an area where I
stress, we can waste time and be unable to
perceived myself as strong. Eventually, I decided
perform to our potential. Understanding if our
to go to the Leading through Conflict workshop for a
leadership ability, our keel, is suitable for a given
couple of reasons:
situation requires self-awareness and humility. It
1) I had met the speaker the previous day, and
takes practice and study to improve our abilities.
she encouraged me to attend.
As leaders, we will be called to manage tough
2) Something inside me was also telling me
conflicts, and we need to be prepared.
that I would learn something and to stop being
arrogant about my perceived strength in conflict
This article shares an example of ineffectively
responding to conflict and how the Leading
through Conflict method could have helped a
At the beginning of the workshop, we were
manufacturing team be more successful. Through
reviewing some of the reactions to conflict, such as
such examples, others can better see and
stress, health issues, helplessness, and poor
navigate similar situations. It’s critical to provide
decisions. During this conversation, I recalled a
opportunities for our teams to understand the
tough, poorly navigated conflict. It can happen to
impact that conflict can have in an organization
anyone and probably has if we are honest. Looking
and to seek continuing education because it leads
back, our site was in the middle of a culture
to new skills and refreshes existing skills. With
change, and there was some resistance to that
practice, our teams can be better prepared for
change. While that resistance contributed to the
times when a conflict arises.
conflict, this article will focus on my reaction to that
conflict and how my decisions contributed to the
problem and inhibited our response.


Leading through Conflict: Reflections, continued During the meeting, I heard that the
improvement was moving too slowly from
Background someone who did not seem to appreciate the
I was brought into to help improve a manufacturing effort and time required to shift quality culture.
area with weak quality performance. The extent of This was the first emotional trigger because
the problem was more than first glance revealed, manufacturing personnel often feel criticized by
and we found ourselves in a tough situation. I took others who lack understanding of the effort
ownership of solving the problem. In previous and required to make product and to change
current roles, I had been a change agent for quality behaviors of everyone on the team; this leads to
improvement and quality ownership in frustration. Then, the boss’ boss spoke up and
manufacturing. asked for new ideas. After I expressed ideas,
the Quality Leader immediately launched into a
The team had already made progress that was solution that felt to me like a pre-determined
recognized by site leadership and customers, but action. Next, the Quality Leader said, “We are
quality performance was not yet at expected levels. all here to support you,” but at the time, I did not
Then one day someone complained to a human feel like that was a genuine offer of help and
resources partner about a quality problem in the support. This led to even more frustration, the
area. The HR partner scheduled a meeting with my second emotional trigger, because a recent
boss, the boss’s boss, a peer in the quality request for help from site leadership to improve
organization, and the site Quality Leader. Even quality performance had been rejected. So I
before the meeting began, I started to question and was wondering how exactly they were going to
fear: Why didn’t the human resources partner bring help. At this point, I could not engage and
the problem directly to me first before getting the effectively steer the conversation because I had
senior leadership involved? Although I had trained too much mental interference and had not
previously in conflict resolution, had successfully prepared for the conflict.
worked through conflict before, and had enjoyed
tough discussions that resulted in alignment on After the meeting, I started the mental debrief
business goals and how to achieve them, those and reflection:
skills were not adequate for what happened next. i. What just happened in that meeting?
ii. Whom do I trust to help mework through
In the meeting, the conflict started with the this?
human resources partner describing how a iii. Why did my HR partner not talk to me first?
recent quality problem was just another example
of ongoing problems in manufacturing and that Outcome
manufacturing finally needed to do something to As a leader, I implemented some next steps
fix it. Dr. David Cook in Mindset of a Champion from the meeting and kept working to move
said that performance = potential – interference, production and improve the quality mindset of
and stated that “The issue in most organizations the team. How successful was I in leading the
is not one of potential. No, the issue is how to next steps? Not so great. By not reengaging
have potential emerge on ‘game day’ when the with the same team to discuss the original
interference is the loudest.” This connects with conflict and to progress toward improvement of
what we learned in the Leading through Conflict our quality culture, improvement was slow and
workshop about emotional triggers. Interference trust with leadership was damaged. Despite my
is present during conflict through the emotional feelings of frustration, the way I handled the
triggers that impact your behavior unfavorably, conflict was my responsibility, and this story
such as frustration and fear. serves to highlight my leadership failure during
that conflict.


rather of when you will find yourself in a tough
Leading through Conflict: Reflections, continued conflict, and it’s likely to be a surprise. When the
tough conflict arrives, there will be some level of
What Could Have Happened stress. Kelly McGonigal in her 2017 WCIQ keynote
Culture changes would have moved faster had talk, “The Upside of Stress and The Willpower
my skillset included the ability to change the Instinct,” presented some thoughts to consider
direction and tone of the meeting using the when under stress:
process and tenets from the Leading through i. Stress is your body preparing to perform at a
Conflict workshop. It would have been a great high level
first step to better understand all interests ii. You don’t have to be alone; ask for support
represented at the table before jumping into iii. Connect with others
solutions. The Leading through Conflict Process iv. Help others you see going through stress
outlined in the workshop emphasizes the role of v. Sometimes stress is bigger than us, and we
curiosity, data, powerful questions, open need to ask for help using relationships in our
discussions, reflection, and understanding the community
root cause of an issue. In this example, my
natural curiosity for root cause methods would When you find yourself in a tough conflict and you
have been useful and could have triggered feel internal struggle and negative emotions, know
questions like, “What actually happened in the that there is someone who can empathize with you
area? Do we think we understand the root and that there is a way to achieve success in
cause for the behavior? Have our expectations leading through the most difficult conflicts. Put
been clearly communicated to the manufacturing yourself in a position to succeed by learning more
team? Have they had the training necessary for about the Leading through Conflict process and by
them to understand our expectations?” These practicing it, so that when a defining conflict
would have been useful first questions to engage arrives, you’ll be ready to succeed. Your spiritual
the team and to define the problem and leader or mentor is a great resource for discussing
understand better as a team the current state of conflicts before engaging in them. Because they
the environment we were trying to improve. are uniquely interested in your spiritual and
leadership growth, they can help you clarify your
Summary own personal interests in each conflict and help
This example reminds us that we need to recognize alleviate stress.
when a conflict is more complicated than we may be
prepared to handle without study and practice even As we improve our leadership abilities and
though we may have been trained in conflict resolution continue to seek new challenges, know that tough
and successfully managed conflicts in the past. This is situations will find us eventually and our leadership
not a sign of weakness, rather of maturity. By thinking keel must be ready to handle the mast height,
about and planning for the conflict, we become which represents the speed and complexity of a
engaged and more curious about the conflict, which situation. If we do not maintain our leadership
then empowers us to embrace the pressure and abilities through study and practice, our leadership
perform at a high level. keel weakens and will no longer be designed for
the situation we are called to navigate, and we will
It is important to reflect on your own leadership be ineffective in managing conflict. Periodic team
ability and commit to improving skills in leading training, communities of practice, webinars, and
through conflict. It requires humility and practice the ASQ Human Development and Leadership
to be a strong leader through conflict. The lesson workshop on “Leading through Conflict” are great
presented in this article can help others avoid the options for studying and practicing skills needed
same trap. We must continue to learn and for navigating conflict successfully
practice key leadership skills in order to use them
effectively with our teams. Reference: Leading through Conflict: Connecting,
Collaborating and Innovating.
For those in positions of leadership and in
challenging situations, it is not a matter of if, but 17_conflict.pdf

What can we learn Those strategic goals must be broken down by

from military year, quarter, and month. Those monthly goals
must be flowed down to departments and
individuals as weekly and, ideally, daily goals so
leadership? every employee knows how she is contributing to
the enterprise strategic goals each day.

By Art Bierschbach HD&L

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what
As I work with different to do and they will surprise you with their
companies, I often hear people ingenuity.
in leadership positions tell me
“Leadership was easy when you General George S. Patton
were in the military; you just
order people to do something and they have to do
it.” I am always amazed by that statement because
a leader in the military will never succeed if she or Those strategic goals flowed to the departments
he depends on ordering people around. In fact, the and individuals told each employee what they and
only times I remember anyone giving direct orders the company needed to accomplish, the “what”
was during Basic Training, or as a formation lead in they need to do. The next task of the leader is to
flight. Military leaders spend a great deal of time make sure each employee can apply his or her
communicating the mission to those they are ingenuity to determine the best “how.” Leaders
leading. When the members of the unit understand must encourage employees to make
the mission, they understand the plan for the improvements and ensure they know how much
mission much better. More importantly, they can latitude they have to try improvements. Most
make appropriate adjustments to the plan as the importantly, Leadership must encourage
situation changes. I always try to find out, as I visit reasonable risk taking, help the organization learn
companies, how much the workers know about the when the improvement doesn’t work out as
strategy of the business. If the workers do not know expected, and reward ingenuity. True, some
the company strategy, I find they are not very businesses have less flexibility than others – for
engaged. They tend to do what they are told, and instance, processes that are certified by a
when the task is finished, they wait for further government agency (such as the FDA or FAA)
direction. When the situation changes, the really must remain compliant with the certification. It is
good employees will try to make adjustments, but also true that these businesses have a procedure
without understanding the strategy they are to consider and approve changes. Military leaders
sometimes just guessing. If they guess wrong, they explain the mission and expect subordinates to
are usually reprimanded and thereby trained to wait adjust the plan to take advantage of changes in the
on direction. These workers quickly become tactical scenario. Business leaders can get better
disengaged, to the great detriment of the business results by explaining the strategy, setting SMART*
(more on employee engagement on a future goals rolled down to departments and individuals,
posting). Like the military leader who must make and let employees contribute their creativity and
sure the team understands the mission, business ingenuity to make the business successful.
leaders need to make sure everyone understands
the strategy. The strategy should be clear, and have *SMART Goals – Specific, Measurable,
specific goals. Achievable, Relevant, Timely (or Time bound).



Social Media Minute…. Getting more out of

By Stephanie Gaulding, HD&L Marketing and Communication Chair

In our last newsletter, I offered tips on basic features of and navigating LinkedIn. Now that you
are a pro at the basic features and moving around the site, let's talk about more advanced
features. First, let's talk about company pages. They are great way to stay up-to-date on news
and information from a specific company or organization. To find a company page, search for
the company or organization in the search bar. You will see, like in the example below, that
searching for ASQ brings up a number of results including a company page for ASQ-World

When you click on the ASQ-World

Headquarters result, LinkedIn directs you to
that company page. There you will find basic
information about the organization including
links to any organizational website. You will
also see two buttons at the top: "See Jobs"
and "Follow" (or "Following" if you are
already following the organization). Clicking
"See Jobs" takes you to current openings
within that organization and posted on
LinkedIn (very helpful if you're looking for a
new job) whereas clicking "Follow" means
that news and announcements published on
the company page will appear in your
personalized LinkedIn feed on your

The advantage of following companies and

organizations that you are interested in or
work with/for is that content they published is
automatically pushed to your feed. You don't
have to seek it out...Yay! The only downside
is the more companies you follow, the more
information appears in your personalized
feed. This means if you are not checking
your feed periodically (and no, I do not mean
every 5 minutes), then you might miss out on
an announcement of interest. Our division,
like ASQ-World Headquarters, has a
company page and is another means we use
to communicate upcoming events, archived webinars and new publications.



Social Media Minute… Getting more from LinkedIn profile, continued

Now if you are a writer (or even if you are not... I never thought of myself that way), LinkedIn also has a
publishing platform where you can post short articles you have written. It is free (yay!) and easy (double yay!).
You get to the publishing platform by clicking the "Write an article" button right on your LinkedIn home page.


Social Media Minute… Getting more from LinkedIn profile, continued

From there, you are taken to a simple publishing platform. As you can see in the picture of the Publishing
Platform, you have limited formatting options but I've found it's all I've needed

The basic Publishing Platform functions available include:

• An area to insert a photo or image (not required to publish and beware of copyright restrictions)
• A title or "Headline"
• A space to write text or add quotes within the article.

Next Click on the Icon to get the following additional tool bar that allows you insert images,
slides, videos, etc. within the article.

The basic Headline functions available include:

• Basic formatting buttons (toolbar near the top of the page – bold, italics, underline, heading styles,
bullets, numbering, quotes, links)
• A "More" button that allows you to access saved drafts (note – LinkedIn automatically saves drafts as
you're writing) or get to your previously published articles (in case you need to edit something)
• And last but not least, the "Publish" button which will publish your article to all your connections



Go ahead – try it out and publish something!

Now for one last advanced feature – the mobile app. Regardless of the device or platform you use
(smartphone, tablet, Apple, Android, etc.), LinkedIn
likely has an app that can help you stay connected
while on the go. In my line of work, I find this
extremely helpful to stay on top of my notifications
and personalized feed. I also tend to post from
events, like WCQI, directly to my LinkedIn account. If
you love your mobile technology, I encourage you to
check it out. You'll find you have access to everything
you do on the desktop version except for the
publishing platform (currently available on desktop
only) and access to one feature not available on the
desktop version – bookmarking of articles. I use this
feature to save something I don't have time to read
but want to be able to easily find it later (just look for
the little bookmark flag and click it …. you can get
back to them by tapping your profile picture and
scrolling down to your saved items).

I realize it can be challenging to learn through articles

so I'll be doing an interactive webinar where you can
see many of these features in actions and ask me
any other questions you may have. Hope to “see”
you on my webinar later this year (tentatively
scheduled for September)!

If you have questions, on social media topics that you

would like to see answered here or in a future
webinar, please send an email to and we'll address your
question/topic in an upcoming newsletter.


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