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O c u l a r E m e r g e n c i e s i n Sm a l l

Animal Patients
Rachel Matusow Wynne, DVM, MS

 Canine  Feline  Ophthalmic  Examination  Emergency  Glaucoma  Uveitis

 Ocular emergencies vary from relatively benign to vision or life threatening, with significant
overlap in clinical signs.
 Careful ophthalmic examination in dim light conditions with a bright light source and
competent head restraint are crucial to diagnosing ocular disease.
 Adjunctive ophthalmic diagnostic testing should be performed to rule out corneal ulcera-
tion, glaucoma, and dry eye before empiric topical antibiotic or steroid medications are
 Most emergency conditions present with ocular redness, cloudiness, discomfort,
apparent bulging, or vision loss. Differential diagnoses can be considered on this basis.


Diverse emergent ophthalmic conditions present with similar or overlapping clinical

signs, but underlying ophthalmic diseases range from the relatively benign to those
with the potential to cause permanent blindness if not promptly addressed.
Ophthalmic emergencies may represent primary ocular conditions or ocular manifes-
tations of potentially life-threatening systemic disease. Emergency practitioners must
become familiar with differential diagnoses, develop strong ophthalmic examination
skills, and understand when to apply ancillary diagnostic testing to rule out conditions
that threaten vision, comfort, globe, or life. This article reviews practical tips for small
animal ophthalmic examination, differential diagnoses by presenting clinical signs,
and basic treatment strategies for a selection of ophthalmologic emergencies.


An effective ophthalmologic examination requires adequate patient restraint, a dimly

lit room, a bright light source, methodical inspection of periocular and ocular struc-
tures, and appropriate ancillary testing.1–3 Staff should be instructed to immobilize

Cornell University Veterinary Specialists, 880 Canal Street, Stamford, CT 06902, USA; b Cornell
University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY, USA
E-mail address:

Vet Clin Small Anim 50 (2020) 1261–1276
0195-5616/20/ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1262 Wynne

the patient’s head with both hands while holding the patient’s body with their own
trunk, arms, and an assistant if necessary (Fig. 1). Care should be taken to avoid
compression of the jugular veins or excessive eyelid manipulation, because both
have a significant impact on intraocular pressure.4,5 Lights should remain bright during
initial examination of the head, adnexa, and menace response but should be dimmed
before attempting detailed corneal or intraocular examination. Dim lighting is particu-
larly important for patients with corneal opacification (pigment, edema), because
bright room light dramatically reduces corneal transparency in these conditions. The
ophthalmic examination should be performed in a consistent order regardless of pre-
senting clinical signs, typically moving from extraocular structures to ocular surface to
anterior segment to posterior segment or fundic examination.
Assessment of intraocular pressure, fluorescein staining, and Schirmer tear values
should be considered in every ophthalmic emergency case. Patients eventually diag-
nosed with glaucoma commonly have a history of treatment with topical antibiotic or
steroid medications prescribed for a red eye. Performing tonometry at the initial visit
could prevent ongoing pressure-related discomfort and have a significant positive
impact on prognosis for vision. Similarly, fluorescein staining is important for the
detection of unsuspected ulcerations before administration of topical steroids. Early
detection and treatment of dry eye can improve prognosis for response to other ther-
apies (for conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration) and reduces the risk of disease progres-
sion over time.


Common presenting signs for ophthalmic emergencies in small animals include ocular
redness, cloudiness, discomfort (squinting, third eyelid elevation, rubbing/scratching
at the eye, increased tearing), perceived globe enlargement, and vision loss. The chal-
lenge for emergency clinicians is to determine the specific underlying cause and
initiate appropriate medical or surgical management.

The Red Eye

Ocular redness is present in most ophthalmic emergencies. Identifying the precise
anatomic location of this redness narrows the differential list for underlying conditions.

Fig. 1. Complete, three-dimensional immobilization of the head is critical to performing an

effective ophthalmic examination in small animals.
Ocular Emergencies in Small Animal Patients 1263

Common sources of increased ocular redness include conjunctival hyperemia, epis-

cleral injection, corneal neovascularization, and hemorrhage (conjunctival, subcon-
junctival, anterior chamber [hyphema], iridal, vitreal, or retinal).
Conjunctival hyperemia is the least specific finding and should be differentiated
from episcleral injection, because the latter typically indicates intraocular disease
(uveitis or glaucoma). Conjunctival vessels are mobile, branching, smaller in diameter,
and more likely to cause a diffuse redness, whereas episcleral vessels are relatively
immobile, branch minimally, and run in an anterior-posterior direction over the perilim-
bal sclera.2,6–8 Subconjunctival hemorrhage results in focal or multifocal regions of
redness that obscure conjunctival vasculature and underlying sclera; underlying
causes include trauma, strangulation, vasculitis, and coagulopathy (Fig. 2).
Corneal neovascularization patterns can also provide clues to the underlying dis-
ease process: superficial vessels tend to be long and branching, whereas deep stro-
mal vessels form straighter/denser hedgelike configurations. Superficial corneal
neovascularization indicates ocular surface disease (eg, superficial ulceration, fric-
tional irritation, keratoconjunctivitis sicca), stromal vessels indicate stromal inflamma-
tion (ulcers, immune mediated), or intraocular disease if circumferential (glaucoma,
uveitis)7 (Fig. 3). Dense corneal neovascularization is frequently mistaken for
hyphema. Care should be taken to differentiate redness (blood vessels) in the cornea
from extravasated blood in the anterior chamber.
Hyphema and vitreal or retinal hemorrhages typically arise secondary to uveitis/cho-
rioretinitis (infectious disease, neoplasia), coagulopathies/clotting disorders, ocular
trauma, systemic hypertension,9,10 or chronic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
Patients with poor choroidal pigmentation naturally have a red appearance to their
fundus, which can be differentiated from retinal or vitreal hemorrhage by the vascular
pattern of the redness (the blood being contained within the choroidal vessels radi-
ating from the region of the optic nerve head).10

The Cloudy Eye

A clear visual axis is maintained by highly specialized anatomic and physiologic prop-
erties of the cornea, anterior chamber, lens, and vitreous.11,12 Ophthalmic disease
often permanently or temporarily disrupts these mechanisms, leading to loss of trans-
parency and reduced vision. Cloudy eyes are best evaluated in dim light with a bright
light source. A front-to-back, stepwise approach facilitates localization of cloudiness:
look for loss of transparency in the cornea first, followed by the anterior chamber, lens,
and vitreous. To accomplish this, establish whether structures posterior to the area in

Fig. 2. Sources of extraocular redness. (A) Conjunctival hyperemia, (B) episcleral injection,
(C) conjunctival and subconjunctival hemorrhage.
1264 Wynne

Fig. 3. Superficial corneal vessels are long and branching (A), whereas stromal neovascula-
rization tends to be hedgelike in appearance (B).

question are easily visible: for example, if the iris detail is easily visible, the cornea and
anterior chamber are likely transparent and ocular cloudiness is more likely a result of
lens or vitreal opacity (Fig. 4).
Primary differentials for corneal cloudiness with concurrent discomfort include
corneal edema secondary to ulceration, anterior uveitis, or glaucoma; comfortable
eyes with corneal cloudiness should be evaluated for scars, lipid or mineral deposits,
or chronic corneal edema secondary to corneal endothelial disease. Diffuse cloudi-
ness of the anterior chamber is most likely caused by aqueous flare, whereas hypo-
pyon, fibrin, and anteriorly prolapsed vitreous form discrete opacities within the
aqueous humor. Lenticular (nuclear) sclerosis appears cloudy from afar but causes
no significant obstruction of the tapetal reflection or fundic examination, whereas sig-
nificant cataract blocks passage of light and prevents visualization of the posterior
segment. Clinically relevant vitreal opacities are rare in dogs and cats, although retinal
elevation into the vitreal space can appear cloudy and obscure visualization of the op-
tic nerve and choroid/tapetum lucidum.

The Acutely Blind Eye

Detailed ophthalmic evaluation including fundus examination and maze testing in dim
and brightly lit environments is indicated for patients with acute-onset vision loss. The
most urgent conditions to be ruled out are glaucoma, anterior lens luxation, uveitis,
hyphemia, and retinal detachment secondary to systemic hypertension. To narrow a
differential diagnosis list, it is helpful to determine whether (1) vision loss is affecting
1 or both eyes and (2) whether there is concurrent discomfort. See Table 1 for differ-
ential diagnoses.

The Uncomfortable Eye

Ocular discomfort typically manifests with some combination of rubbing, scratching,
blepharospasm, enophthalmia, third eyelid elevation, or reduced appetite/lethargy.
Trauma, ocular surface irritation (eg, trichiasis, foreign material, dry eye), corneal ulcer-
ation, corneal laceration, corneal foreign body, uveitis, glaucoma, anterior lens luxa-
tion, and orbital cellulitis/abscess are common causes of ocular discomfort.
Ocular Emergencies in Small Animal Patients 1265

Fig. 4. Ocular cloudiness can be localized by determining which structures lie anterior and
posterior to the opacity. (A) Corneal edema impairs visualization of the anterior chamber,
iris, lens, and posterior segment. (B) The cornea is transparent but lipemic aqueous flare ob-
scures the iris, lens, and posterior segment. (C) Lenticular opacity (mature cataract) prevents
visualization of the posterior segment, whereas corneal, anterior chamber, and iris details
remain crisp. (D) Retinal detachment creates a veil within the vitreous space that is seen
here through the transparent cornea, anterior chamber, and lens.

Application of a topical anesthetic agent such as proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5%

ophthalmic solution facilitates examination, reduces risk of falsely increased intraoc-
ular pressure measurements caused by blepharospasm, and minimizes the risk of
further trauma (such as rupture of a deep corneal ulcer) during examination. Applica-
tion of a second drop 1 minute after the first has been shown to extend the duration
topical anesthesia,13 and corneal culture is not significantly affected by proparacaine
application.14 If planned, Schirmer tear testing should be performed before adminis-
tration of topical anesthetic agents.

Corneal ulceration
Fluorescein staining should be performed in every uncomfortable eye. Corneal ulcers
frequently cause acute-onset conjunctival hyperemia, corneal edema,
1266 Wynne

Table 1
Differential diagnoses for acutely blind eyes in small animals

Causes Eyes Affected

Painful Causes
Glaucoma (primary, secondary) Unilateral or bilateral
Anterior lens luxation Typically unilateral
Uveitis Unilateral or bilateral
Trauma Typically unilateral
Hyphema Unilateral or bilateral
Non–overtly Painful Causes
Glaucoma Unilateral or bilateral
Progressive cataract Unilateral or bilateral
Sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome Bilateral
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment Unilateral or bilateral
Exudative/serous retinal detachment Unilateral or bilateral
End-stage progressive retinal atrophy Bilateral
Retinal toxicity (fluoroquinolone (cat), Bilateral
ivermectin, and so forth)
Optic neuritis Unilateral or bilateral
Central nervous system lesion Unilateral or bilateral
Data from Refs.

blepharospasm, and epiphora or purulent ocular discharge. Corneal neovasculariza-

tion develops over days to weeks after initial development of the corneal wound
and varies from superficial to stromal depending on ulcer depth. Reflex uveitis varies
from minor (mild miosis) to severe (hypopyon, hyphema), typically mirroring the
severity of corneal ulceration. If a visible corneal defect (divot) is present, the ulcer
should be considered deep12 and likely infected (Fig. 5). However, fluorescein stain
can pool in a healed stromal ulcer (corneal facet), so thorough rinsing is important.
If active ulceration is present (fluorescein positive), the emergency clinician should
rule out ongoing underlying causes (conjunctival foreign body, trichiasis, keratocon-
junctivitis sicca, lagophthalmos, infection), establish depth (superficial vs stromal),
and tailor topical and oral therapy to severity of ulceration7: an uncomplicated super-
ficial ulcer may heal on 3 times daily prophylactic topical antibiotic alone, whereas a
septic stromal ulcer should be addressed with topical antibiotic and antiproteolytic
(serum, plasma, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [EDTA], acetylcysteine) drops every
2 to 6 hours, topical cycloplegic medication (atropine, cyclopentolate) every 12 to
24 hours, and oral analgesics. Referral should be offered for any patient with a stromal
ulcer or potential corneal perforation; surgical stabilization is often recommended for
ulcers with greater than or equal to 50% stromal loss.7,12 Drops are preferable to oint-
ments for deep ulcers to minimize risk of ointment entering the anterior chamber in the
case of perforation. If corneal perforation is suspected, broad-spectrum oral antibiotic
therapy should be initiated. Only superficial, nonhealing ulcers with loose epithelial
edges and without ongoing underlying disease are candidates for cotton-swab
debridement; if a deep ulcer is not healing, ongoing infection is likely and debridement
is contraindicated.7,12
Ocular Emergencies in Small Animal Patients 1267

Fig. 5. Corneal ulcers vary in depth and diameter. (A) A superficial ulcer does not alter
corneal curvature. (B) A wide, flat-appearing stromal (deep) ulcer. (C) A narrow-diameter
but deep stromal ulcer. (D) A deep stromal ulcer with central progression to descemetocele.

Corneal foreign body

Patients presenting with corneal foreign bodies typically have a history of contact with
brush, leaves, or thorny plants. Superficial to full-thickness foreign material (typically
brown plant matter) will be visible in the cornea, with accompanying discomfort,
discharge, and anterior uveitis. Superficially embedded (flat-appearing, nonpenetrat-
ing) corneal foreign bodies can often be removed via hydropulsion with eyewash in a
syringe fitted with a 25-gauge needle with the needle tip removed.7,19 Penetrating
corneal foreign bodies (Fig. 6) should be referred to a veterinary ophthalmologist for
slit-lamp biomicroscopy; partial-thickness objects may be removed with topical anes-
thesia alone, whereas perforating foreign bodies require microsurgical intervention
with primary wound closure. Medical treatment is similar to that for corneal ulceration.

Corneal laceration
Corneal lacerations in dogs and cats are frequently caused by a fellow cat in the
household, broken glass, or projectile objects thrown from landscaping equipment.
Cat-claw injuries are particularly common in young puppies that have not yet
1268 Wynne

Fig. 6. Perforating corneal foreign body (thorn) in a young hunting dog after a day in the

developed a strong menace response. Ophthalmic examination reveals a linear,

partial-thickness to full-thickness corneal wound, variable degree of corneal edema,
blepharospasm, ocular discharge, and reflex uveitis (Fig. 7). Referral to a veterinary
ophthalmologist should be considered for all corneal lacerations. Full-thickness
corneal lacerations are commonly associated with concurrent lens capsule rupture,
requiring aggressive medical and/or surgical treatment to prevent severe intraocular
inflammation or septic endophthalmitis. Corneal lacerations may require primary
microsurgical repair, particularly in the face of ongoing aqueous humor leakage or

Fig. 7. Perforating corneal laceration with fibrin plug and iris prolapse causing secondary
dyscoria in a dog after unwitnessed trauma.
Ocular Emergencies in Small Animal Patients 1269

poor apposition of wound edges.20 Concurrent phacoemulsification may be indicated

when lens trauma is present. Inadequate treatment of phacoclastic uveitis or septic
implantation into the lens can result in an eye that heals well initially but becomes pain-
ful and blind within several weeks of injury.7 If the laceration is superficial or referral is
not available, treat as for a similar-depth corneal ulceration; therapy should include
oral antibiotic therapy if corneal perforation is suspected.

Significant intraocular pressure increase typically results in vision loss, corneal edema,
and episcleral injection. Once increased intraocular pressure has been diagnosed, ex-
amination should focus on differentiating primary from secondary glaucoma in dogs:
primary glaucoma is hereditary in certain breeds; typically presents in middle-aged
dogs; often affects one eye before the other; and causes episcleral injection, conjunc-
tival hyperemia, pupil dilatation, and corneal edema without other significant anterior
segment changes.4 Glaucoma is typically secondary in cats. Evidence of secondary
glaucoma includes visible anterior lens luxation; hyphema; miosis despite increased
intraocular pressure; diffuse or focal iris thickening (infiltrative lesion); and other signs
of trauma, inflammation, or systemic disease. Specific risk factors for secondary glau-
coma in dogs include cataract surgery, anterior lens luxation, uveitis (lens induced, im-
mune mediated, infectious disease related), primary or metastatic intraocular
neoplasia, trauma, and hyphema.21,22 Patients with secondary glaucoma associated
with suspected systemic disease should undergo thorough physical examination
and appropriate diagnostic testing.
Dorzolamide 2% hydrochloride ophthalmic solution can be safely applied to canine
or feline eyes with primary or secondary glaucoma every 8 hours, making this a good
first-line medication23; fixed-combination dorzolamide 2%/timolol maleate 0.5%
ophthalmic solution is slightly more potent and can be used every 12 hours,24 although
timolol is contraindicated in patients with respiratory or cardiac disease.23 For primary
glaucoma in dogs, twice-daily latanoprost 0.005% ophthalmic solution is an extremely
effective treatment25 that can be used in conjunction with dorzolamide or dorzola-
mide/timolol. However, efficacy of latanoprost is limited in feline patients with glau-
coma, and use is contraindicated in dogs until anterior lens luxation can be
definitively ruled out.1,3
Diagnosis of acute-onset primary glaucoma should be followed by prompt admin-
istration of appropriate antiglaucoma medications and in-hospital monitoring for a
response to treatment, because persistent pressure increase leads to permanent
vision loss. Target pressure is less than 20 mm Hg to minimize risk of ongoing vision
loss in dogs.4 Prompt referral should be considered if possible. If pressure is unre-
sponsive to topical medications within a matter of hours, aqueous paracentesis or
intravenous (IV) treatment with mannitol should be considered to prevent progressive
permanent vision loss (1 g/kg IV over 20–30 minutes, withhold water for 1–2 hours,
avoid in patients with renal or cardiac disease).26,27 Maximal topical medical therapy
must be continued concurrently, because pressure reduction secondary to IV
mannitol or aqueous paracentesis is short lived at approximately 1 hour.28

Anterior lens luxation

Anterior lens luxation is a common cause of secondary glaucoma and emergency pre-
sentation in dogs.22 However, severe corneal edema frequently makes diagnosis chal-
lenging for emergency veterinarians. Dark room lighting and a bright light source held
at an angle to the observer are important for examination,28 and degree of suspicion
should be increased if the pupillary margin of the iris cannot be identified (Fig. 8). Any
1270 Wynne

Fig. 8. A visible lens equator indicates lens instability. Anterior lens luxation (A, B), lens sub-
luxation with aphakic crescent (C, D), and posterior lens luxation (E, F). Image B courtesy of
J. Disney, DVM, MS, DACVO, Midvale, UT.

terrier breed dog with acute-onset intraocular pressure increase should be thoroughly
evaluated for anterior lens luxation because of their hereditary predisposition to lens
instability,4 although other breeds are affected as well.1 Dorzolamide 2% ophthalmic
solution can be administered safely to eyes with anterior lens luxation, but latanoprost
is contraindicated because of exacerbation of pupillary block glaucoma.23,29 Referral
to a veterinary ophthalmologist is recommended, because surgical lens extraction is
typically the treatment of choice.16 Transcorneal reduction of anterior lens luxation
is a nonsurgical intervention for acute anterior lens luxation with a similar long-term
success rate to intracapsular lens extraction. Pharmacologic mydriasis is induced
Ocular Emergencies in Small Animal Patients 1271

and the lens is encouraged to move posterior to the iris via application of transcorneal
pressure with a cotton-tipped applicator under topical anesthetic and lubricant, with
or without sedation or general anesthesia. If the anterior lens luxation is successfully
reduced, immediate-term and then long-term topical miotic therapy (twice-daily lata-
noprost 0.005% ophthalmic solution) is necessary to attempt to prevent recurrence.30
Anterior lens luxation it typically secondary to chronic uveitis in cats and is less likely
to cause acute increase in intraocular pressure and emergency presentation.28 Poste-
rior lens luxation is not an emergent condition in dogs or cats, although concurrent
glaucoma or retinal detachment should be ruled out.
Canine and feline patients with anterior uveitis often present because of secondary
ocular discomfort. Examination may reveal ocular redness (episcleral injection,
conjunctival hyperemia, circumlimbal stromal corneal neovascularization, rubeosis iri-
dis), cloudiness (corneal edema, keratic precipitates, aqueous flare, hypopyon, cata-
ract), excessive tearing, reduced intraocular pressure, miosis, and discomfort
affecting 1 or both eyes. Uveitis can result from primary ocular disease (corneal ulcer-
ation, cataract, trauma, intraocular neoplasia) or as an ocular manifestation of
neoplastic (eg, lymphoma), immune-mediated (vasculitis, uveodermatologic syn-
drome), or infectious (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, protozoal) disease.15 Thorough
physical examination is important, and laboratory work and thoracic and abdominal
imaging should be considered if systemic disease is suspected. Infectious-disease
testing must be tailored to the patient and geographic area. A high percentage of
cases remain idiopathic in both dogs and cats.31 In some geographic regions, empiric
therapy with doxycycline may be appropriate while infectious-disease testing is
pending. Symptomatic therapy should include topical and/or oral antiinflammatories
and atropine (contraindicated in secondary glaucoma)15 (Fig. 9).
Horner’s syndrome
Ocular signs of Horner’s syndrome (enophthalmia, third eyelid elevation, ptosis,
miosis) can mimic ocular discomfort and uveitis in dogs and cats (Fig. 10). Fluorescein
staining and tonometry should be used to rule out corneal ulceration, uveitis, and glau-
coma. Application of topical anesthetic may be used to rule out ocular surface

Fig. 9. (A) Canine eye with anterior uveitis and low intraocular pressure. (B) Feline eye with
anterior uveitis (lymphoma) and secondary glaucoma.
1272 Wynne

Fig. 10. Horner syndrome in the left eye of a dog with concurrent bilateral mature cataract.

discomfort by lack of response. Resolution of clinical signs in response to topical

application of 1 drop of 1% phenylephrine ophthalmic solution within 20 to 60 minutes
is consistent with a diagnosis of Horner’s syndrome.17

The Apparently Enlarged Eye

Bulging eye is a common presenting complaint for canine and feline patients, requiring
the clinician to distinguish between buphthalmos, exophthalmos, proptosis, and opti-
cal illusion (Fig. 11). Truly enlarged eyes are typically blind, because buphthalmia is the
result of chronic pressure increase.4,6 Corneal edema and exophthalmia often create
an illusion of globe enlargement; if intraocular pressure is normal and the eye is visual,
buphthalmia is unlikely and exophthalmia or optical illusion should be considered.
Exophthalmia describes anterior displacement of the globe. Although blinking may
be impaired by exophthalmia, the eyelids remain anterior to the globe equator (differ-
entiating this condition from proptosis). Exophthalmia can be conformational (breed
related) or secondary to space-occupying orbital disease. An exophthalmic eye has
palpably reduced retropulsion compared with the contralateral side.2 The most com-
mon underlying causes of acquired exophthalmia are orbital cellulitis/abscess (dogs)
and orbital neoplasia (dogs and cats). Orbital cellulitis should be prioritized in young or
painful patients, whereas neoplasia is more likely in older patients and those without
discomfort. Less common differential diagnoses for acquired exophthalmia include
salivary mucoceles/sialoceles, zygomatic sialoadenitis, acute-stage masticatory
myositis (bilateral, with third eyelid elevation), and extraocular polymyositis (bilateral,
without third eyelid elevation).32 Imaging via orbital ultrasonography, computed to-
mography, or MRI with sample collection for cytology and culture may be indicated,
although initial empiric treatment with antiinflammatories and broad-spectrum sys-
temic antibiotic therapy such as cephalosporins or potentiated penicillins is appro-
priate for cases of suspected orbital abscess in dogs and cats.33
Brachycephalic dogs are predisposed to traumatic proptosis, and more significant
trauma is required to precipitate proptosis in cats and nonbrachycephalic dogs.32 Dog
fight and vehicular trauma common causes.34 By definition, the eyelid margins are
entrapped posterior to the globe equator (unable to blink), with a variable degree of
anterior globe displacement, strabismus, miosis, hyphema, and ulcerative keratitis.
Patients should be screened for concurrent nonophthalmic trauma. The eye should
be lubricated immediately. Positive direct and consensual (from injured to normal
eye) pupillary light responses are favorable prognostic indicators for vision after globe
replacement/tarsorrhaphy procedure.34 Enucleation should be recommended in
Ocular Emergencies in Small Animal Patients 1273

Fig. 11. Exophthalmos, buphthalmos, and mild or partial proptosis can be difficult to diag-
nose correctly. (A) Exophthalmos secondary to orbital neoplasia. (B) Breed-related exoph-
thalmos. (C) Marked buphthalmos of the left eye is a sign of chronic glaucoma. (D) Haab
striae (asterisks) are breaks in the Descemet membrane that indicate buphthalmia and
end-stage glaucoma. (E) Traumatic proptosis requiring enucleation. (F) Traumatic proptosis-
like injury without posterior entrapment of eyelid margins; temporary tarsorrhaphy is

cases with more than 2 suspected rectus muscle avulsions, complete hyphema, other
severe globe trauma/rupture, or owner inability to provide future enucleation or treat-
ment of dry eye if needed.32,35 Long-term complications after correction include per-
manent vision loss, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, phthisis bulbi, and strabismus. In 1
study, 28% of surgically replaced eyes retained vision at last follow-up and most blind
eyes remained comfortable.34 Once prognosis and owner preference are established,
1274 Wynne

emergency enucleation or globe replacement with temporary tarsorrhaphy should be

promptly performed under general anesthesia. It is important to prevent self-trauma
before surgery, because the optic chiasm and vision in the contralateral eye can be
damaged by traction on the proptosed globe. Postoperatively, oral antiinflammatory,
analgesic, and antibiotic medications should be prescribed; consider topical antibiotic
therapy if leaving a medial gap in the temporary tarsorrhaphy.


Small animal clinicians can successfully identify ocular conditions that threaten vision,
comfort, or life by establishing a routine for careful ophthalmic examination, using
appropriate diagnostic testing, and performing a thorough physical examination and
systemic health work-up as indicated. Developing a strong understanding of differen-
tial diagnoses based on presenting signs can help guide examination, testing, and
treatment. When indicated, prompt referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist is


The author thanks Julia Disney, DVM, MS, DACVO for her assistance in the prepara-
tion of this article.


The author has nothing to disclose.


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