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Chapter 8 Transport in plants

What is XYLEM?
The tube that transports water & mineral ions throughout the plant body .

What is Phloem ?
It transports food (sucrose and amino acids ) throughout the plant

What is lignin?
The strong waterproof substance in xylem tissues

Its like a long drain pipe will hollow dead cells . They run from the roots up to the stem and then
branch out to leaves .

- They don't
- have nuclei or cytoplasm
- Walls made of cellulose and lignin

What are vascular bundles ?

Xylem and phloem are close , a group of these close tissues is vascular bundles . they help to
support , hold and flat the leaves .

1. State 2 functions of xylem ?
2. Name the substance that make up the cell wall of xylem ?
3. State the function of phloem ?
Transport of water

The water has been absorbed by the root hair and been pulled upwards through
osmosis .

1. What is the function of root hair ?
What is transpiration?
Loss of water vapour from the plant through the leaves .

Factors that affect transpiration rate are:

1. Humidity
2. Temperature
3. Water
4. Light intensity

What is transpiration pull?

The force produced by the loss of water .it reduces the pressure at the top of the xylem vessels


What is translocation?
Translocation is the movement of sucrose and amino acids in the phloem from
the source to the sink. The sap inside the phloem tube contains a lot of sugar –
mainly sucrose.
What is the apparatus used to measure the transpiration rate?

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