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Air traffic controllers: guardians of the crowded air

In the tower, above the ground,

A silent symphony can be found.
The air traffic controllers, poised and aware,
Guiding planes through the vast, endless air.
With steady hands and watchful eyes,
They navigate the bustling skies.
Through radar and radio, they communicate,
Ensuring each flight arrives at the right gate.
They orchestrate the dance of machines,
With precision and expertise, behind the scenes.
Their voices calm, yet filled with authority,
Directing planes with proven clarity.
In a world of chaos up in the sky,
They bring order, as time passes by.
Coordinating arrivals and departures,
Masters of smooth air traffic maneuvers.
Lights blink and flash on their control board,
As they manage chaos without discord.
Their knowledge vast, their training precise,
They ensure safety, at any price.
Though their job may oftentimes go unnoticed,
Their efforts keep the skies calm and focused.
Air traffic controllers, unsung heroes they be,
Guiding planes through the boundless sea.
So let us acknowledge, with grateful hearts,
These guardians of the crowded air arts.
For they work tirelessly, day and night,
To keep our flights steady and right.



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