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Block 2 Living in a Community


Ant colonies: a group of ants that live together

community: a group of people living in one place, such as a neighbourhood

cooperate: to work together and help each other

deliver: to take letters, newspapers, milk, and other things to people’s houses depend: needing
someone’s help

dignity: treating someone with respect garbage: anything that is waste and has to b thrown

odourless: without any smell

Practice Questions:

Lesson 1 ( pg. no. 11)

1. Write if true or false.

A. We live in a community True

B. We do not depend on each other in a community. False

2. Describe 3 jobs that people do in your neighbourhood.

Ans. i. A gardener looks after the plants and trees in my neighbourhood.

II. A sweeper cleans the neighbourhood.

III. Garbage collector collects garbage from different houses.

3. How does a teacher depend on a milkman? How does a milkman depend on a teacher?

Ans. I. Milkman delivers milk to the teacher.

II. The teacher can teach the milkman’s children.

Lesson -2 (pg. No. 12)

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

(worker, queen, anthill, soldier)

A.Ants live in an anthill.

B. The worker ants find food.

C. The queen ant lays eggs.

D. The soldier ants protect the ant colony.

2. Why is the role of the queen ant important? Give any 2 reasons.

Ans. The queen ant lays eggs. This is very important because otherwise the ant colony would
not exist. She also plays an important role as the leader of the ant colony

3. What is the one thing about ant colonies that will be hard for us to have?

Ans. We won't be able to have a queen among us in our community.

Lesson -3 ( 13)

1. Who among them help keep our surroundings clean? Tick the correct answer(s).

( ) A. Sweepers

( ) B. Bus drivers

( ) C. Garbage collectors

( ) D. Watchmen

2. Describe 2 jobs that you think are most important for our community.

Ans. The jobs of sweepers and garbage collectors are most important for our
community. They keep our surroundings clean by sweeping the streets and collecting

3.What are some of the problems that cleaners and garbage collectors face at work?

Ans. Sweepers and garbage collectors have to deal with dirt and waste. This is a tough
job. It becomes all the more difficult for them if they have to separate dry and wet waste
using their hands.
Lesson -4 ( 14)

1. Who according to you does a more important job - a gardener or a cleaner? Why?

Ans. According to me, the job of a cleaner is more important because they keep the
surroundings clean. A gardener, on the other hand, makes the surroundings
beautiful. Cleanliness is more important than beauty.

2. How should we treat people who clean the streets? Why?

Ans. We should treat people who clean the streets with respect.

This is because they help keep our society clean.

3. Write any 1 problem that the garbage collector in your neighbourhood may face
while doing his job. What can you do to help him?

Ans The foul smell from the garbage can make his work difficult. I would tell my
parents and neighbours to separate the waste, pack them tightly in garbage bags
and throw them only in dustbins.

Practice Questions: ( pg. No. 15)

Lesson 1

1. What is it that you like the most about living in your neighbourhood?

Ans: I like that I have a lot of friends in my neighbourhood and that we get to spend
time together.

2. Write 3 things that you can do to help people in your neighbourhood

Ans. I can help my gardener plant saplings.

I can help the garbage collector by not littering.

I can help the sweeper by not making my neighbourhood dirty.

3. Why do we live together in a community?

Ans. We live together in a community because we cannot live alone. We need other
people around us in order to help each other. We also need love and care from others.

Lesson 2:

1. Whose work is more important in an ant colony - the worker ants who get food or the
soldier ants who protect the anthill? Give a reason for your answer.

Ans. The worker ants are more important because without food, ants cannot live.

2. How can you use the values, that you learn from ants, in your school?

Ans. I will co-operate with my friends whenever there is any group work by dividing the
work equally among us and completing my work sincerely.

3. In what ways is an ant colony similar to our neighbourhood?

Ans An ant colony is like our neighbourhood because, in both, we cooperate with one
another and support one another. We depend on different people in our neighbourhood
just the way ants do in an ant colony.

Lesson 3

1. If the garbage collector or the sweeper was absent for a few days, what would your
neighbourhood look like?

Ans. If the garbage collector or sweeper was absent, my neighbourhood would look
very dirty. There would be overflowing garbage in bins which would give out a bad

2. Why is the job of a sweeper and a garbage collector essential?

Ans. The community cannot function without sweepers or garbage collectors. Without
garbage collectors, dustbins would overflow and would start to smell. We would have to live in
dirty surroundings which would make us ill. It is because of them we live in a clean
3. Who keeps your school clean? Write 5-6 ways in which you can help them with their job.

Ans. Sweepers and maids keep my school clean. We can help them by keeping our
classrooms clean. We should not litter our school campus.

Lesson 4:

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the brackets.

A. Mahatma Gandhi believed that all jobs were equal.

B. Treating all jobs with the same respect is known as dignity of labour.

2. Do you think all jobs are equally important? Why?

Ans. Yes, all jobs are equally important because everyone does a different job and one person
cannot do all types of jobs. A doctor cannot do what a school teacher does. A garbage
collector’s job is as important as any other job.

3. Do you think cleaning bathrooms and toilets at home should be the job of any 1 person?

Ans.I think cleaning bathrooms and toilets should not be the job of one person because we all
use them. We should take turns to clean our toilet every day. In this way, we can show that we
believe in dignity of labour.

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