Amplitude Modulation

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1 Amplitude

M MCQ & NAT Questions The bandwidth of the signal at the output of the
modulator (in Hz) is __________.
Q.1 Consider a system shown in figure. Let X ( f )
[GATE 2014, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]
and Y ( f ) denote the Fourier transforms of
Q.3 For an AM signal, the bandwidth is 20 kHZ and
x ( t ) and y ( t ) respectively. The ideal HPF has the highest frequency component present is 800
the cutoff frequency 10 kHz. kHZ. The carrier frequency used for this AM
X(f) signal is [ESE 2015]
(A) 710 kHZ (B) 705 kHZ
(C) 700 kHZ (D) 790 kHZ
Q.4 Consider the AM signal
–3 –1 1 3
f (kHz) s (t )  1  m(t ) cos(2f c t ). It is given that the
bandwidth of the real, low‐pass message signal
Balanced HPF Balanced m(t ) is 2 kHz. If f c  2 MHz, the bandwidth of
x( t) y(t)
modulator 10 kHz modulator
the band‐pass signal s(t ) will be
[GATE 2008, IISc ‐Banglore]
10 kHz 13 kHz
(A) 2.004 MHz (B) 2 MHz
The positive frequencies where Y ( f ) has
(C) 4 kHz (D) 2 kHz
spectral peaks are [GATE 2004, IIT ‐ Delhi]
Q.5 For an amplitude modulated signal with carrier
(A) 1 kHz and 24 kHz (B) 2 kHz and 24 kHz
power 500 W and modulation index 0.75, the
(C) 1 kHz and 14 kHz (D) 2 kHz and 14 kHz
total power is [GATE 1998, IIT ‐ Delhi]
Q.2 In the figure, M ( f ) is the Fourier transform of
(A) 540.5 W (B) 640.5 W
the message signal m (t ) where A = 100 Hz and
(C) 440.5 W (D) 740.5 W
B = 40 Hz. Given v(t )  cos  2 f c t  and
Q.6 Due to an amplitude modulation by a sine
w(t )  cos  2 ( f c  A) t  where f c  A . The cut‐ wave, if the total current in the antenna
off frequencies of both the filters are f c . increases from 4 A to 4.8 A the depth of
M(f) modulation in percentage is
1 [GATE 2004, IIT ‐ Delhi]
(A) 93.8 (B) 80.1
f (C) 40.4 (D) 20.2
A B B A
Q.7 For a signal amplitude modulated to a depth of
100% by a sinusoidal signal, power is
m(t ) High Pass Low Pass s( t)
[ESE 1992]
Filter Filter
(A) Same as to power of unmodulated carrier
v( t) w( t) (B) Twice as the power of unmodulated carrier
2 Communication Systems : Work Book GATE ACADEMY ®

(C) 3/2 times the power of unmodulated carrier

Common Data for
(D) 2/3 times the power of unmodulated carrier
Questions 15 and 16
Q.8 What will be the total modulation index if a
wave is amplitude modulated by three sine An AM station transmit a power of 40 KW and uses a
waves with modulation indices of 25%, 50% modulation index of 0.707 for sine modulation. The
and 75%? [ESE 2014] antenna is represented by a 50  resistive load.
(A) M t  1.5 (B) M t  0.93 Q.15 The peak amplitude of the carrier before
(C) M t  1.22 (D) M t  1 modulation is
Q.9 A carrier is simultaneously modulated by two (A) 1688 V (B) 1788 V
sine wave with modulation indices of 0.3 and (C) 1888 V (D) 1988 V
0.4. If the unmodulated power is 10 kW, what Q.16 The peak amplitude of the carrier after
is the total modulated power? [ESE 1992] modulation is
(A) 11.25 kW (B) 10 kW (A) 2052 V (B) 3052 V
(C) 10.125 kW (D) 10.5 kW (C) 4052 V (D) 5052 V
Q.10 A 1000 kHz carrier is simultaneously Q.17 The amplitude of a sinusoidal carrier is
modulated with 300 Hz and 2 kHz audio sine modulated by a single sinusoid to obtain the
wave. Which of the following frequencies will amplitude modulated signal s(t )  5cos1600t
not be present in the output? [ESE 1992] 20cos1800t  5cos 2000t . The value of the
(A) 998 kHz (B) 999.7 kHz modulation index is _________.
(C) 1000.3 kHz (D) 700 kHz [GATE 2016, IISc ‐ Bangalore]
Q.11 The saving in power in a DSB‐SC system Q.18 In a double side‐band (DSB) full carrier AM
modulated at 80% is [ESE 1992] transmission system, if the modulation index is
(A) Nil (B) 80% doubled, then the ratio of total sideband power
(C) 75.76% (D) 50% to the carrier power increases by a factor
Q.12 An AM modulator has output of________. [GATE 2014, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]
s (t )  M cos(2 2000t )  N cos(2 1800t )
Common Data for
 N cos(2 2200t ) Questions 19 to 22
The carrier power is 50 W, and the total side
band power is 3% of the total power. The values The sinusoidal modulated DSB‐FC wave form is shown
of M and N are respectively in the below figure
(A) 10, 2.4 (B) 10, 1.24
125 V
(C) 20, 7 (D) 20, 6
Q.13 The unmodulated carrier power in an AM 25 V
transmitter is 5 kW. This carrier is modulated 0 t
by a sinusoidal modulating signal. The - 25 V
maximum percentage of modulation is 50%. If
-125 V
it is reduced to 40%, then the maximum
unmodulated carrier power (in kW) that can be Q.19 The modulation index is
used without overloading the transmitter is (A) 50% (B) 20%
_______. [GATE 2017, IIT ‐ Roorkee] (C) 66.7% (D) 33.33%
Q.14 In a sinusoidal amplitude modulation scheme Q.20 The expression for waveform is
(with carrier) the modulated signal is given by (A) 25[1  0.33cos m t ]cos c t
Am (t )  100 cos (c t )  50 cos (m t ) cos(c t ) ,
(B) 75[1  0.33cos m t ]cos c t
where c is the carrier frequency and m is the
(C) 25[1  0.67 cos m t ]cos c t
modulating frequency. The power carried by
the sidebands in % of total power is _______%. (D) 75[1  0.67 cos m t ]cos c t
GATE ACADEMY ® Amplitude Modulation 3

Q.21 Determine the amplitude and phase of the (A) 0.4 (B) 0.5
additional carrier which must be added to (C) 0.8 (D) 1.0
make the waveform shown to attain a Q.26 The transmitted power is
modulation index of 20%.
(A) 18 W (B) 9 W
(A) 175 V, 00 (B) 175V, 1800
(C) 36 W (D) 66 W
(C) 50 V, 00 (D) 50 V, 1800
Q.27 A message signal given by m (t )    cos 1t
Q.22 Determine the amplitude and phase of the 2
additional carrier which must be added to 1
   sin 2 t is amplitude‐modulated with a
make the waveform shown to attain a 2
modulation index of 80%. carrier of frequency c to generate
(A) 25 V, 0 0
(B) 25 V,180 0 s (t )  [1  m(t )]cos c t . What is the power

(C) 12.5 V, 00 (D) 12.5 V,1800 efficiency achieved by this modulation scheme?
[GATE 2009, IIT ‐ Roorkee]
Q.23 A 100 MHz carrier of 1 V amplitude and a 1
MHz modulating signal of 1 V amplitude are (A) 8.33 % (B) 11.11 %

fed to a balanced modulator. The output of the (C) 20 % (D) 25 %

modulator is passed through an ideal high‐pass Q.28 In the system shown in figure (a), m(t) is a low‐
filter with cut‐off frequency of 100 MHz. The pass signal with bandwidth W Hz. The
output of the filter is added with 100 MHz frequency response of the band‐pass filter
signal of 1 V amplitude and 90 phase shift as H ( f ) is shown in figure (b). If it is desired that
shown in below figure. The envelope of the the output signal z(t )  10 x(t ) , the maximum
resultant signal is [GATE 2004, IIT ‐ Delhi] value of W (in Hz) should be strictly less than
1 MHz, 1 V Balanced HPF y(t) ________. [GATE 2015, IIT ‐ Kanpur]
modulator 100 MHz
x(t ) = m(t ) × cos(2400 pt ) y (t ) = 10 x(t ) + x 2 (t ) H( f ) z (t )
Amplifier Band-pass
100 MHz, 1 V 100 MHz, 1 V 90
0 filter

(A) Constant (B) 1  sin(2   106 t )

Fig. (a)

5 5 H( f )
(C)  sin(2  106 t ) (D)  cos(2 106 t )
4 4
Q.24 A 1 MHz sinusoidal carrier is amplitude
modulated by a symmetrical square wave of
period 100  sec. Which of the following -1700 -700 0 700 1700 f (Hz)

frequencies will NOT be present in the Fig. (b)

modulated signal? Q.29 Let c(t )  Ac cos(2f c t ) and m(t )  cos(2f m t ). It
[GATE 2004, IISc ‐ Banglore] is given that f c  5 f m . The signal c(t )  m(t ) is
(A) 990 kHz (B) 1010 kHz applied to the input of a non‐linear device,
(C) 1020 kHz (D) 1030 kHz whose output v0 (t ) is related to the input vi (t )
as v0 (t )  avi (t )  bvi2 (t ), where a and b are
Statement for Linked Answer
Questions 25 and 26 positive constants. The output of the non‐linear
device is passed through an ideal band‐pass
An AM signal 10 (1  0.8cos 2 5000t ) cos 2106 t is filter with center frequency f c and bandwidth

passed through a tuned circuit. The resultant signal is 3 f m , to produce an amplitude modulated (AM)
transmitted through a channel. The gain of the tuned wave. If it is desired to have the sideband
circuit at 1 MHz is 0.8 and at 1 MHz + 5 KHz is 0.5. power of the AM wave to be half of the carrier
Q.25 The modulation index of the AM signal at the power, then a / b is
output of the tuned circuit is [GATE 2018, IIT ‐ Guwahati]
4 Communication Systems : Work Book GATE ACADEMY ®

(A) 0.25 (B) 0.5 k a m (t ) is greater than 1. Which of the

(C) 1 (D) 2 following could be the detector output?
Q.30 A DSB‐SC signal is to be generated with a [GATE 2000, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]
carrier frequency f c  1MHz using a nonlinear (A) Ac m(t ) (B) Ac2 [1  k a m (t )]2
device with the input‐output characteristic (C) Ac [1  ka m(t )] (D) Ac [1  k a m (t )]2
v0  a0 vi  a v where a 0 and a1 are constants.
1 i

The output of the nonlinear device can be Common Data for

filtered by an appropriate band‐pass filter. Let 35 and 36
vi  Ac ' cos(2 f c 't )  m(t ) where m(t) is the
DSB‐FC wave is expressed as, v(t )  3[1  x(t )]cos 0 t
message signal. Then, the value of f c ' (in MHz)
is [GATE 2003, IIT ‐ Madras] If F [ x(t )]  X ( f ) is given by below figure.
(A) 1.0 (B) 0.333 X( f )
(C) 0.5 (D) 3.0
Q.31 An AM signal is detected using an envelope
detector. The carrier frequency and modulating
signal frequency are 1 MHz and 2 kHz f
 fm 0 fm
respectively. An appropriate value for the time
constant of the envelope detector is Q.35 The output spectrum for a coherent detector
with local carrier amplitude equal to one and
[GATE 2004, IIT ‐ Delhi]
phase error 50
(A) 500 μsec (B) 20 μsec
(A) (B) V0 ( f )
(C) 0.2 μsec (D) 1 μsec V0 ( f )
1.5 1.5
Q.32 A message signal
m(t )  cos 2000t  4 cos 4000 t f f
- fm 0 fm - fm 0 fm
modulates the carrier c(t )  cos 2f c t where f c
(C) V0 ( f )
(D) V0 ( f )
 1 MHz to produce an AM signal. For 1.0 1.0
demodulating the generated AM signal using
an envelope detector, the time constant RC of f f
- fm 0 fm - fm 0 fm
the detector circuit should satisfy
Q.36 The output spectrum for envelope detector
[GATE 2011, IIT ‐ Madras]
assuming that [ x(t )]m  1
(A) 0.5 ms < RC < 1 ms
(B) 1 s << RC < 0.5 ms (A) (B)

(C) RC  1 s

(D) RC >> 0.5 ms

Q.33 Consider the amplitude modulated (AM)
(C) (D)
signal Ac cos c t  2 cos m t cos c t . For demodu‐
lating the signal using envelope detector, the
minimum value of Ac should be

[GATE 2008, IISc ‐ Banglore] Q.37 Suppose that the modulating signal is
(A) 2 (B) 1 m(t )  2 cos(2f m t ) and the carrier signal is

(C) 0.5 (D) 0 xc (t )  Ac cos(2 f c t ) . Which one of the

Q.34 The amplitude modulated waveform following is a conventional AM signal without

s (t )  Ac [1  ka m(t )]cos c t is fed to an ideal over‐modulation? [GATE 2010, IIT ‐
envelope detector. The maximum magnitude of
GATE ACADEMY ® Amplitude Modulation 5

(A) x(t )  Ac m(t ) cos(2f c t ) (A) High‐pass signal

(B) x(t )  Ac [1  m(t )]cos(2f c t ) (B) Low‐pass signal
(C) Band‐pass signal
(C) x (t )  Ac cos(2 f c t )  m (t ) cos(2 f c t ) (D) Double side band suppressed carrier signal
(D) x(t )  Ac cos(2f m t ) cos(2f c t ) Q.43 In the following scheme if the spectrum M ( f )

 Ac sin(2f m t ) sin(2f c t ) of m(t) is as shown, then the spectrum Y ( f ) of

y ( t ) will be [GATE 2007, IIT ‐ Kanpur]
Q.38 An AM wave represented by,
cos(2pBt )
x(t )  10[1  0.4m(t )]cos c t M(f )
m(t )

Where m(t) is defined by density function

 z å y (t )
f ( z)  e transmission efficiency of above –B 0 +B
f Hilbert
AM wave is
sin(2pBt )
(A) 3.8 % (B) 39%
(A) Y( f )
(C) 78% (D) 33%
Q.39 A diode detector load consists of 0.01 F
capacitor in parallel with a 5k resistor. The
maximum depth of modulation without -B 0 +B
diagonal clipping at modulating frequency of (B) Y( f )
1000 Hz and 10 kHz is
(A) 0.76, 0.24 (B) 0.95, 0.3
(C) 0.24, 0.76 (D) 0.3, 0.95
Q.40 Consider the following amplitude modulated f
- 2B -B 0 +B +2B
(C) Y( f )
s(t )  cos(2000 t )  4cos(2400 t )
 cos(2800 t )
The ratio (accurate to three decimal places) of
the power of the message signal to the power of f
the carrier signal is _______. -B 0 +B
[GATE 2018, IIT ‐ Guwahati] Y( f )
Q.41 A message m(t) bandlimited to the frequency
f m has a power of Pm . The power of the output
signal in given figure is
(multiply) Ideal low pass filter cutoff f
m(t ) cos w0 t Frequency = fm Output - 2B -B 0 +B +2B
pass band gain = 1 (w0 > 2pf m ) signal
Q.44 The input 4sinc (2t ) is fed to a Hilbert
cos(w0 t + q)
transform to obtain y ( t ) , as shown in the figure
[GATE 2000, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]
Pm cos  Pm below,
(A) (B)
2 4 x(t ) = 4sinc (2t )
Hilbert y (t )
P sin  2
Pm cos  2 transform
(C) m (D)
4 4 sin ( x )
Here sinc ( x )  . The value (accurate to
Q.42 Consider the signal s (t )  m(t ) cos(2 f c t ) x

mˆ (t )sin(2f c t ) where mˆ (t ) denotes the Hilbert

two decimal places) of y (t ) dt is _______.
transform of m(t ) and the bandwidth of m(t ) is
[GATE 2018, IIT ‐ Guwahati]
very small compared to f c . The signal s(t ) is a
[GATE 2015, IIT ‐ Kanpur]
6 Communication Systems : Work Book GATE ACADEMY ®

Q.45 A modulated signal is given by Q.49 Assertion (A) : The basic group in an FDM
s (t )  e  at
cos  (c  )t  u (t ) where a, c and system occupies a band 60 kHZ to 108 kHZ in
frequency. [ESE 2011]
  are positive constants, and c   . The
Reason (R) : The voice channels in FDM are
complex envelope of s(t) is given by
band limited to 4 kHZ and carrier frequencies
[GATE 1999, IIT ‐ Bombay]
f c  60  4n kHZ are used for 12 channels in the
(A) exp( at ) exp[ j (c  )t ]u (t )
basic group.
(B) exp( at ) exp( j t )u (t ) (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(C) exp( j t )u (t ) explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R is true but R is NOT a correct
(D) exp[ j (c  )t ]
explanation of A.
Q.46 The complex envelope of the bandpass signal
(C) A is true but R is false.
 sin( t / 5)   
x (t )   2   sin  t   , (D) A is false but R is true.
 t / 5   4
Q.50 In a carrier telephone system, a basic group
centred about f  Hz is occupies a frequency band of [ESE 1997]
(A) 36 to 48 kHZ (B) 60 to 108 kHZ
[GATE 2015, IIT ‐ Kanpur]
(C) 92 to 140 kHZ (D) 140 to 172 kHZ
  t     t  
 sin  5   j   sin  5    j 
(A)     e 4 (B)     e 4
P Practice Questions
 t   t 
 5   5  Q.1 v (t )  5  cos(10 6 t )  sin(103 t )  sin(10 6 t ) 
   
represents [GATE 1994, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]
  t     t  
 sin  5   j   sin  5    j  (A) DSB suppressed carrier signal
(C) 2   e 4 (D) 2    e 4
  t   t  (B) AM signal
 5   5 
   
(C) SSB upper sideband signal
Q.47 Consider the passband signal
(D) Narrow band FM signal
 
x (t )  2 sinc(t ) sin  101 t +  Q.2 A modulated signal is given by,
 4
s (t )  m1 (t ) cos(2f c t )  m2 (t ) sin(2f c t ) where the
The complex envelope with respect to reference m1 (t ) m2 (t )
baseband signal and have
frequency f c  50 Hz is
bandwidths of 10 kHz and 15 kHz,
   
j  t   j  t  
 2  2 respectively. The bandwidth of the modulated
(A) 2 sinc(t ) e (B) 2 sinc(t ) e
signal in kHz, is [GATE 1999, IIT ‐ Bombay]
   
j  t   j  t  
(C) 2 sinc(t ) e  4
(D) 2 sinc(t ) e  4 (A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 25 (D) 30
Q.48 Ten real bandpass message signals each of
Q.3 Find the correct match between Group I and
bandwidth 3 kHz, are to be frequency division
Group II. [GATE 2005, IIT ‐ Bombay]
multiplexed on a bandpass channel with
Group I
bandwidth B kHz. If the guard band is between
(P) 1  km(t ) A sin c t
any two adjacent signals should be of 500 Hz
width and there is no need to provide any (Q) km(t ) A sin c t
guard band at the edge of the band‐pass (R) A sin  c t  km(t )
channel the value of B should be atleast
[GATE 2008, IISc ‐ Bangalore]
 t
(S) A sin c t  k  m ( ) d 
 
Group II
(A) 30 (B) 34.5
(W) Phase modulation
(C) 35 (D) 35.5 (X) Frequency modulation
(Y) Amplitude modulation
GATE ACADEMY ® Amplitude Modulation 7

(Z) DSB‐SC modulation (C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 1, 3 and 4

(A) P‐Z, Q‐Y, R‐X, S‐W Q.9 In a broadcast transmitter, the RF output is
(B) P‐W, Q‐X, R‐Y, S‐Z represented as,
(C) P‐X, Q‐W, R‐Z, S‐Y e(t )  50 1  0.89 cos 5000t  0.30sin 9000t 
(D) P‐Y, Q‐Z, R‐W, S‐X
cos (6  106 t ) volt
Q.4 A Hilbert transform is a
[GATE 2007, IIT ‐ Kanpur] What are the sidebands of the signals in
(A) Non‐linear system radians?
(B) Non‐causal system (A) 5  109 and 9 109
(C) Time‐varying system (B) 5.991106 , 5.995  106 , 6.005  106 and
(D) Low‐pass system 6.0009 10 6

Q.5 For a message signal m(t )  cos(2f m t ) and

(C) 4  103 ,1.4  104
carrier of frequency f c , which of the following
(D) 1 106 ,1.1 107 ,3  106 and 1.5 107
represents a single, side‐band (SSB) signal?
Q.10 A bandwidth of 10 kHZ is required for AM
[GATE 2009, IIT ‐ Roorkee]
system. If the lowest frequency component in
(A) cos(2f m t ) cos(2f c t )
the modulated signal is 555 kHZ, carrier
(B) cos(2 f c t ) frequency in kHZ is
(C) cos[2( f c  f m )t ] (A) 525 (B) 550
(D) [1  cos(2f m t ) cos(2f c t )] (C) 560 (D) 565
Q.6 For a suppressed carrier amplitude modulator Q.11 An AM signal with a carrier of 1 kW has 200 W
(AM‐SC) system, the carrier and the in each sideband. The percentage of
modulating inputs are xc (t )  cos c t and modulation is
m(t )  sin m (t ) . Output of the system is (A) 20% (B) 89.4%
proportional to (C) 49.7% (D) 40%
(A) sin(c  m )t  sin(c  m )t Q.12 If a 400 W carrier is amplitude modulated to a
depth of 75%, what is the total power in
(B) sin(c  m )t  cos(c  m )t
modulated wave?
(C) 1  0.5sin m t  cos c t (A) 517.5 W (B) 463.3 W
(D) 1  0.5sin m t  cos c t (C) 448.5 W (D) 512.5 W
Q.13 An amplitude‐modulated amplifier has a radio
Q.7 The signal m(t )  cos(m t ) is SSB (single side‐
frequency output of 60 W at 100% modulation.
band) modulated with a carrier cos c t to get
The internal loss in the modulator is 6 W. What
s(t ) . The signal obtained by passing s(t )
is the unmodulated carrier power?
through an ideal envelope detector is (A) 33 W (B) 36 W
(A) cos(m t ) (C) 40 W (D) 44 W
(B) sin(m t ) Q.14 Which envelope represents modulation index
(D) cos(m t )  sin(m t ) is 0.3?
(D) 1
Q.8 Consider the following :
0 t
1. Filter system - Ec
2. Phase‐shift method
3. Third method (B)
4. Balanced modulator
Which of these can be used to remove 0 t
unwanted sidebands in SSB? - Ec
(A) 1, 2 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 3
8 Communication Systems : Work Book GATE ACADEMY ®

(C) 8 A. The modulation index if the antenna

Ec resistance is 60  is
0 t (A) 0.93 (B) 0.53
- Ec
(C) 0.5 (D) None of these
Q.21 What are value of Emax and E min displayed on
(D) oscilloscope, when a 1 KV p‐p carrier is
Ec modulated to 50%?
0 t (A) 2 KV, 0.5 KV (B) 1 KV, 0.5 KV
- Ec (C) 0.75 KV, 0.25 KV (D) 0.5 KV, 1.5 KV
Q.22 The Hilbert transform of cos 1t  sin  2 t is
Q.15 A sinusoidally modulated ordinary AM
[GATE 2000, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]
waveform is shown in below figure. Determine
(A) sin 1t  cos 2t (B) sin 1t  cos 2t
the efficiency?
x AM ( t ) (C) cos 1t  sin 2t (D) sin 1t  sin 2t

10 Q.23 The diagonal clipping in amplitude

5 demodulation (using envelope detector) can be
0 t avoided if RC time‐constant of the envelope
-5 detector satisfies the following condition, (here
-10 W is message bandwidth and  c is carrier

(A) 5.26 % (B) 6.26 % frequency both in rad/sec)

(C) 7.26 % (D) 8.26 % [GATE 2006, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]

1 1
Q.16 The saving in power in DSB‐SC system (A) RC  (B) RC 
modulated at 80% is
1 1
(A) Nil (B) 80 % (C) RC  (D) RC 
c c
(C) 76.76 % (D) 50 %
Q.24 Consider the message m(t )  2 cos 2ft  sin 2ft
Q.17 In a square law modulator condition for carrier
used to modulate the carrier cos 2f c t generate
frequency is
(A) f c  2 f m (B) f c  3 f m the AM signal s(t )  [ Ac  m(t )]cos 2f c t . The

(C) f c  2 f m (D) fc  f m value of Ac which ensures a modulation index

Q.18 Twelve signals each bandlimited to 5 KHz are

  0.5 is

to be transmitted over a single channel by (A) 20 (B) 200

frequency division multiplexing. If SSB (C) 20 (D) 4
modulation with guard band of 1 KHz is used, Q.25 A 60 kHz carrier is amplitude modulated by the
then the bandwidth of the multiplexed signal speech band of 300 to 3000 Hz. The range of
will be upper sidebands will be
(A) 51 KHz (B) 61 KHz (A) 60.3 to 63 kHz (B) 60 to 59.7 kHz
(C) 71 KHz (D) 81 KHz (C) 57 to 59.7 kHz (D) 56.7 to 56.3 kHz
Q.19 A signal m(t ) is bandlimited to 12 KHz. It is Q.26 In the trapezoidal pattern displaying
frequency translated by multiplying it by the modulation, the length of the long vertical side
signal cos c t . If the bandwidth of the is 5 cm and of the short vertical side 2 cm. The
transmitted signal is 5 % of the carrier modulation depth is
frequency fc then fc is (A) 2.33 (B) 1
(C) 0.89 (D) 0.43
(A) 24 KHz (B) 960 KHz
Q.27 Consider sinusoidal modulation in an AM
(C) 480 KHz (D) 240 KHz
system. Assuming no over modulation, the
Q.20 For an AM transmitter. The total current is 9 A
modulation index when the maximum and
when the current due to unmodulated carrier is
GATE ACADEMY ® Amplitude Modulation 9

minimum values of the envelope, respectively,

Common Data for
are 3 V and 1 V, is __________.
Assignments 2 and 3
[GATE 2014, IIT ‐ Kharagpur]
Q.28 An amplitude modulated signal is shown in the An AM wave s (t )  10[1  0.6 cos 2103 t ]cos(2 108 t ) is
figure. The modulation index is (up to one to be detected by a linear diode detector.
decimal place)________.
Assignment 2
The time constant is (in ms)
(A) 471106
Voltage (volts)

(B) 0.212
7 (C) 2.04 (D) 6 103
Assignment 3
The value of resistance R if the capacitor used is
50 pF, is
0 0.1 Time (ms)
(A) 0.17  (B) 0.17  103 
Q.29 In the circuit shown below, the transformer are (C) 17 103  (D) 4.24 M
centre tapped and the diodes are connected as
Assignment 4
shown in a bridge. Between the terminals 1 and
An AM modulator has output
2 an a.c. voltage source of frequency 400 Hz is
xc (t )  A cos 400t  B cos 380t  B cos 420t.
connected. Another a.c. voltage of 1.0 MHz is
connected between 3 and 4. The carrier power is 100 W and the efficiency is
40% The value of A and B are
(A) 22.36, 13.46 (B) 50, 10
(C) 14.14, 8.16 (D) None of these

Common Data for

Assignments 5 and 6

The output between 5 and 6 contains The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 10 A when
components at the carrier is alone transmitted and is increased to 11 A
(A) 400 Hz, 1.0 MHz, 1000.4 kHZ, 999.6 kHZ after modulation.
(B) 400 Hz, 100.4 kHZ, 999.6 kHZ Assignment 5
(C) 1 MHz, 1000.4 kHZ, 999.6 kHZ The modulation index of the AM signal will be
(D) 1000.4 kHZ, 999.6 kHZ (A) 0.32 (B) 0.22
(C) 0.64 (D) 0.52
A Assignment Questions
Assignment 6
Assignment 1 The power efficiency of the above AM
In the early days of radio, AM signals were transmitter is
demodulated by a crystal detector followed by (A) 17.3 % (B) 10.1 %
a low‐pass filter and a dc blocker as shown in (C) 6 % (D) 7 %
below figure. Assume a crystal detector to be Assignment 7
basically a squaring device.
Two signal m1 (t ) and m2 (t ) with the given
2 X Y Z
[ ] LPF dc-blocker Output
[ A + m(t )]cos wc t spectra are to be transmitted simultaneously
over a channel by the multiplexing scheme
The distortion term at point Y is
shown in below figure. The signal at point B is
A2 m2 (t )
(A)  Am (t ) (B) the multiplexing signal, which is modulated by
2 2
a carrier of frequency 20 kHz. The modulated
A2 signal at point C is transmitted over a channel.
(C) Am (t ) (D)
10 Communication Systems : Work Book GATE ACADEMY ®

Q.2 Which data communication method is used for

sending data in both directions at the same
(A) Super Duplex (B) Simplex
(C) Half duplex (D) Full duplex
Q.3 To separate channels in an FDM receiver, it is
necessary to use
(A) Integration (B) Band pass filter
(C) Differentiation (D) AND gates
Q.4 In Half Duplex (HDX), data transmission is
(A) In one direction
(B) In both direction
(C) In both direction, but not at the same time
(D) In both direction simultaneously
Q.5 The balanced modulator essentially is
(A) An oscillator
What must be the minimum bandwidth of the
(B) A mixer
channel to transmitted the modulated signal?
(A) 20 kHz (B) 25 kHz (C) A product modulator
(C) 30 kHz (D) 35 kHz (D) An amplifier
Q.6 A scheme in which several channels are
Assignment 8
interleaved and then transmitted together is
The AM signal s (t )  [1  ka m(t )]cos c t is
known as
applied to the system shown in figure. Message
(A) Frequency‐ division multiplex
signal is band‐limited to W and f c  2W . The
(B) Time‐division multiplex
range of cut‐off frequency of low pass filter to
get the output of a dc blocker to its proportional (C) A group
to m(t ) will be given f c  15 kHz,W  5 kHz . (D) A subgroup
s (t ) LPF Q.7 An AM demodulator can be implemented with
( )2 m(t )
(i) A linear multiplier followed by a low pass
(A) 10 kHz  f 0  20 kHz
(B) 20 kHz  f 0  30 kHz
(ii) A linear multiplier followed by a high‐pass
(C) 20 kHz  f 0  10 kHz
(D) 10 Hz  f 0  20 Hz
(iii) A diode followed by low pass filter.
Assignment 9 (iv) A linear multiplier followed by band‐stop
In FDM systems used for telephone, which filter.
modulation scheme is adopted? The correct answer is
(A) (i) Only (B) (iii) Only
(C) (i) and (iii) (D) (iv) Only
U UGC‐NET Previous Year Questions
Q.8 The modulation index of an AM wave is
Q.1 Modulation is a process of changed from 0 to 1. The transmitted power is
(A) Reducing distortions (A) Unchanged
(B) Improving thermal stability
(B) Halved
(C) Combining audio and radio frequency
(C) Doubled
waves at the transmitter
(D) Increased by 50 percent
(D) Generating constant frequency waves
GATE ACADEMY ® Amplitude Modulation 11

Q.9 A 20 kW carrier is sinusoidally modulated by

two carriers corresponding to modulation
index of 30% and 40% respectively. The total
radiated power is
(A) 25 kW (B) 22.5 kW
(C) 45.0 kW (D) 35.0 kW
Q.10 The main function of balanced modulator is to
(A) Produce balanced modulation of a carrier
(B) Produce 100 percent modulation
(C) Suppress carrier signal in order to create a
single side band or double side band
(D) Limit noise picked up a receiver.
Q.11 Given a carrier frequency of 100 kHz and a
modulation of 5 kHz, the bandwidth of AM
transmission is found to be
(A) 5 kHz (B) 105 kHz
(C) 10 kHz (D) 20 kHz
Q.12 If the carrier of a 100 percent modulated AM
wave is suppressed, the percentage power
saving will be
(A) 50 (B) 66.66
(C) 150 (D) 100
Q.13 In a TV transmission
1. Audio and Video are both frequency
2. Audio is frequency modulated.
3. Video is transmitted by SSB modulation.
4. Video is transmitted using USB
The correct answer is
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 4
(C) 1 and 2 (D) 3 and 4

12 Communication Systems : Work Book GATE ACADEMY ®

A Answer Keys

MCQ & NAT Questions

1. B 2. 60 3. D 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D
11. C 12. B 13. 5.208 14. 11.11 15. B
16. B 17. 0.5 18. 4 19. C 20. D
21. A 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. B
26. C 27. C 28. 350 29. D 30. C
31. B 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. B
36. C 37. C 38. B 39. B 40. 0.125
41. D 42. C 43. B 44. 8 45. B
46. C 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. B
Practice Questions
1. D 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. C
11. B 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. A
16. C 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. D
21. C 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. A
26. D 27. 0.5 28. 0.3 29. D
Assignment Questions
1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C
6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C
UGC ‐ NET Questions
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. B


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