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Authoritarian Parenting Style: Pros and Cons on the Filipino

Senior High School Students on Academics

Alexandria Yzabelle P. Astudillo, Andre Lenin A. del Mundo, Jamillah P. Isip, Francene Vernice P. Recabar, Julian Ronald S. Zablan

Introduction Literature
Background of the study: This research explores the impact of authoritarian parenting style on Filipino senior high school students'
academic performance. It aims to understand the perceived effects and firsthand experiences of students to gain a comprehensive
understanding of this parenting style.

Characteristics: Parents with authoritarian nature often exert complete control over their family, potentially leading to emotional and Perceived Positive Effects of Authoritarian Parenting
physical abuse, imposing strict rules and harsh punishments over praise and love.
Authoritarian parenting can have some positive consequences.
Authoritarian Parenting in the Filipino Context: In Filipino culture, the influence of the Filipino family is strong, with close family ties
and parents having an authoritarian parenting style. Respect for elders is not earned but expected, with younger members having no Authoritarian Parenting and Academic Expectations
choice but to obey. Despite the negative effects, children of authoritarian parents can
Statement of the Problem: What are the perceived effects of authoritarian parenting?
develop positive outcomes.

Significance of the Study: The significance of this study is to analyze the perceived positive and negative effects of authoritarian Filipino Values on Authoritarian Parenting
parenting on the academic performance of Filipino senior high school students. Filipino children raised with authoritarian parenting develop better
Scope & Limitations: The study investigates the impact of authoritarian parenting on students at O.B Montessori Angeles Campus behavior as they have a good understanding of what's right and
(OBMC-AN) and the data collected may be sensitive, limiting the data to students from the O.B Montessori Center Angeles Campus. wrong and avoid troubles due to heavy punishments.

Theoretical Framework: The study views the experiences of senior high school students with authoritarian parenting through Self-
Determination Theory (SDT) by Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, to understand what to expect from interviews and how authoritarian
parenting may affect a child's autonomy, competence, and psychological well-being. Perceived Negative Effects of Authoritarian Parenting
Authoritarian parenting can be negative for children. Characterized by
high demands and standards with lack of warmth.

Authoritarian Parenting Boosting Student Engagement at the Cost of

Controlled Motivation

Methodology Authoritarian parenting negatively affects students' engagement.

However, it can boost engagement through controlled motivation.

The Relationship Between Authoritarian Parenting Style and Academic

Research Design: This study will be applying a Qualitative Research
Design Parenting style has a significant impact on children's personality and
Participants: 6 Senior High School students from O.B. Montessori Center academic performance.
Angeles Campus (OBMC-AN)
Materials: This study will use Google forms, Gmail, Google Meet, Consent
Forms, and Questionnaires. Authoritarian parenting is prevalent in the Filipino culture. Children with
Data Collection: The steps that the researchers will take are looking for involved parents or parents who encourage them tend to have better
and selecting the participants, sending out consent forms, interviewing academic performance and are less likely to misbehave in class
the participants, and lastly segregating and analyzing responses.
Data Analysis: The researchers will be using thematic analysis to analyze
the data.

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