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Promoting YouTube Music As Instructional Teaching

Media For Practice Listening Comprehension

For Secondary School

Group 8th
1. Mohammad Ali Sobri 2. Dewi Andhika 3. Soybeh

English Education Departement

Faculty of Teacher Training And Education
State Islamic University of KH. Achmad Shiddiq Jember
November 2022

Currently, various educational media have emerged to improve students’ listening
skills. Several new electronic media are being used and more and more traditional electronic
media are being abandoned. Modern devices such as mobile phones, PCs or laptops,
televisions and the internet are important tools in students’ lives. Even social media also
plays a role in the world of education. For this reason, it is a common problem that educators
need to take advantage of by leveraging valuable technology to enhance students’ skills. The
writers wants to prove theoretically the use of the YouTube application as a learning medium
to improve listening comprehension based on previous research.
Listening is one of the crucial skills in language learning that often causes difficulties
for the students to master it. Previous research by Al Jawad & Mansour (2021) showed that
most students have a lack of motivation and interest in listening. Sometimes, it is effortful for
them to comprehend the listening context. Listening, according to Rost (2013) is the ability to
recognize what others are saying. Furthermore, Nihei (2002) stated that listening is a vital
skill for someone who learns English because people cannot communicate well without
listening to and understanding the speaker’s utterances. We must frequently listen to
individuals who speak English, as a reason for the communicating, listen to music in order to
increase English skill. For the teachers, teaching listening can be very challenging. They have
to use appropriate media so that the students follow them in a good way. The use of good
media also makes students increase their interest in learning.
Several researchers have discussed the impact of video-based materials on teaching
English as a foreign language. However, the use of YouTube as an academic tool in teaching
the English language. According to Al Jawad & Mansour (2021), YouTube is a video-sharing
website that allows its users from all universe to watch videos made by others and to
contribute their own videos. Many of them watch videos and listen to music on YouTube,
few perceive it as an opportunity to improve their listening comprehesion. If teachers can
correctly integrate YouTube into classroom, learning English will become more creative.

Based on the theory of Al Jawad & Mansour that has been discussed previously that
YouTube is a language learning tool. YouTube may serve as a motivator for students who
want to improve their language abilities by learning more about the stuff they freely access
online with visiting the website or installing the application. It is also possible for students to
engage in some type of student-centered learning outside of the class activities (Kreisen,
2009; Mostajeran & Tabatabaei, 2019).
YouTube application is commonly used for education. Teachers from all around the
world have been implemented this application as a teaching media. Teachers take materials or
even create their own YouTube channel. YouTube is a great that can encourage students to
interact with popular cultures in an Educational capacity via English language videos or
music. YouTube music and videos have some advantages for learning language in providing
authentic examples about the use of English for daily conversations by native speakers.
Besides, the YouTube music and videos can be used as tools to improve language skills
including listening, speaking, reading and writing. According to Khalid and Muhammad
(2012), using YouTube in the classroom can help students understand the material better.
Meanwhile, YouTube can be utilized to increase vocabulary, accents, pronunciations,
listening, reading, writing, and speaking in English (Chhabra, 2012).
Responding to the improvement of students’ listening comprehension, the researchers
argue that YouTube Music can be an innovative medium to attract students to improve their
listening comprehension. This author wants to provide the use of YouTube Music as a
teaching medium for students’ listening comprehension by using material to fill in the blanks
through English song videos to complete the missing song lyrics.


At this stage an empty space is provided from a song that aims to practice the concentration
of student hearing. This material allows students to complete and write down the lyrics of the
songs that are lost randomly.
Steps of the rules of the game:
1. Students are asked to listen to the song while following to sing, then directly write to
complete the lyrics of the lost song.
2. If students are able to answer the lyrics correctly then they will get a point or score.
3. Conversely, if students are not able to complete the song lyrics correctly then they will not
get a score.
4. Finally, students are asked to reflect on the learning outcomes using the YouTube Music

This is platform YouTube Music

Figure 1: Youtube Music Home

In this Home of Youtube Music shows that we can choose the music which has been
recommended. There are available all genres that is from new trend music.

Figure 2: Youtube Music Explore

In this explore of Youtube Music is available all moods and genres that is feel good,
romance, blues and classical which one we can choose as we want to play and listen.

Figure 3: Youtube Music Library

In this Library of Youtube Music which has been playing


Oh, there she goes again

Every morning it’s the same
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name

I wanna tell you how beautiful you are from where __ ____
You got me thinking what we could be ‘cause

I keep __,___, you don’t know it but it’s true

Can’t get my mouth to say the words they ___ say to you
This is typical of love
Can’t wait ___, I won’t wait
I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever
In my dreams ___ with me
We’ll be everything I want us to be
And from there, __ ____?
Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just __ ___ ___ _____?

We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by __ ____ side

Our hands are gently intertwined
A feeling I just can’t describe
All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something __ ___ beautiful
__ ____ beautiful

(source link:

In learning material using YouTube Music media not only practice the concentration of
student hearing but also adds to their vocabulary.

YouTube music can be used as a source to increase knowledge about one of
innovative medias and can be implemented for teaching learning activity in the classroom to
improve listening comprehesion for students at secondary school. YouTube Music has been
proved as effective media to teach listening comprehesion.

Nowadays, listening is widely recognized as one of the most important talents to
cultivate and the key to communication, since people must listen before speaking in order to
begin and continue a simple conversation. However, listening can be taxing and monotonous
at times, and working with long audios or films is not always the most effective technique to
hold students’ attention. Furthermore, music is considered to be beneficial in the teaching-
learning process, and so plays a vital part in the development of listening comprehension.
This material gives learners an opportunity to become familiar with new words and
increase their knowledge of listening comprehesion. Also, learners have strongly advocated
regarding the adaptation of such new forms of technology as a teaching tool in the classroom
that aids and facilitates English language learning, develops students' listenings
comprehesion, and changes the classroom setting.

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