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SAMPLE Research Questionnaire


Part I: Information Data

Name: (optional) ________________________________________________________ Age:________
Section: STEM 12-_________________________________________ Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )
Preferred Course: ______________________________________________________________________

Part II. Direction: Feel free to accomplish the questionnaire carefully and honestly. Use the scale below
to guide you in checking the appropriate column that best describes your factors greatest influence on
choosing a degree in college.

Scale Qualitative Description Qualitative Statement

5 Strongly Agree Very Influencing
4 Agree Moderately Influencing
3 Neither Neither Influencing
2 Disagree Less Influencing
1 Strongly Disagree Not influencing

Financial 5 4 3 2 1
1. Both parent are unemployed.
2. Both parent are receiving less payment in their jobs.
3. More utilities in the house are needed to pay.
4. Expenses required in the course.
5. Single parent.
Academic Experience 5 4 3 2 1
1. Passion affects your decision to what course to take.
2. Your interest in a certain subject.
3. High school grades can be a factors that influence the most.
4. Talent, skills and ability based.
5. Rank, honors and awards based.

Educational Aspiration/expectation 5 4 3 2 1
1. Grades can affect your decision in choosing course.
Family Background/pressure 5 4 3 2 1
2. Based on you wanted to become.
1. The course is given to you is what your parents chose for you.
3. To be engaged in an activity that will enhance your skill and talent can
2. Poor
give parents
a big impactwill be the reason
in making on the course that I will take.
4. Having degree
Where you areholder parents
good at, can be that
it’s required a factor
you on deciding
should take what course to
a course
related to your skills.
5. Your parentsinwant
High grades you to
subjects as take course that is related to their jobs.
5. Having single parents of extended perents.

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