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Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (2009) 37, 235e238

Ó 2009 European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

doi:10.1016/j.jcms.2008.12.001, available online at

Penetrating injury of the maxilla by needlefish jaws

Yaniv EBNER, MD, BPharm1, Daniel GOLANI, PhD2, Dov OPHIR, MD1, Yehuda FINKELSTEIN, MD, MA1
Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Head: Professor Dr. D. Ophir), Meir Medical Centre, Kfar
Saba, Israel, affiliated to Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel; 2 Department of Evolution, Systematics
and Ecology (Head: Professor R. Nathan), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

SUMMARY. Introduction: Needlefish penetrating injuries have become a worldwide problem, inflicting critical
morbidities and even mortalities. This is the first published case of needlefish injury in the Mediterranean
basin. Case report: A 29 year old man was admitted to Meir Medical Centre in Israel with a penetrating facial
wound caused by elongated needlefish jaws. The severity of the wound contrasted greatly with the expected in-
jury from collision with a fish inflicting a small penetration lesion. The rigid jaws penetrated the maxilla trans-
versely and obliquely from the left canine-fossae, through the nasal cavity, and to the right maxillary sinus, with
its tip reaching the right medial-inferior orbital wall. The needlefish jaws were completely removed using a com-
bined endoscopic and external approach. The course of surgery and hospitalization was uneventful and the pa-
tient was discharged with no complications. Conclusions: Fish inflicted critical facial injuries might be
dangerously underestimated prima facie. The impact might be energetic enough to penetrate deep facial and vital
cranial structures, hence thorough examination and imaging are recommended. Needlefish species are now com-
mon in the tropical and subtropical regions of all oceans and therefore this phenomenon is of interest to world-
wide trauma medical providers, fishermen, divers, and also to marine-biologists. Ó 2009 European Association
for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Keywords: maxillofacial injuries, endoscopic surgical procedure, sports injuries, needlefish, mediterranean sea

INTRODUCTION the impact, the needlefish’s jaws broke and detached

from the fish and remained embedded in the patient’s
Facial penetrating injuries caused by marine creatures are face. The patient felt extreme pain but did not lose con-
usually considered to be rare and exotic events. How- sciousness. He managed to swim ashore, albeit ex-
ever, human injuries, particularly those caused by needle- hausted. He was driven to Meir Medical Centre where
fish, are common in Oceania (Barss, 1982; Labbe et al., he arrived one and a half hours after the injury.
1995) and were also reported from Hawaii (McCabe On admission to the emergency room, the 29 year
et al., 1978), India (Thakker and Usha, 2006), the Red old male was haemodynamically stable and in good gen-
Sea (Bendet et al., 1995) and the American (Link et al., eral condition. He had a small penetration wound in the
1999) and European (Kerkhoffs et al., 2003) coasts of left nasolabial fold, with the proximal end of the fish
the Atlantic Ocean. Such injuries can be hazardous and jaws protruding and totally immobile. Even though the
indeed at least 13 fatal cases have already been reported wound was lateral to his left nostril, clotted blood was
(McCabe et al., 1978; Barss, 1982). observed coming out from both nostrils (Fig. 1). Unex-
This is the first report of a needlefish injury in the pectedly, touching the proximal end of the jaws (protrud-
Mediterranean basin. ing from the left side of the patient’s face) caused
him pain in the right (contralateral) side of the face.
CASE REPORT There were no signs of injury to the eyes or orbits.
The divers brought with them the head of another nee-
During the winter season, in the early hours of darkness, dlefish, speared from the same school, so that the basic
two amateur divers were spear fishing off the shores of structure of the embedded jaws could be comprehended
Herzliya (10 km north of Tel Aviv, Israel). They were (Fig. 2, top).
equipped with underwater flashlights and spear guns. The patient was prophylactically treated with Ciprox-
The divers collected several specimens of needlefish (Be- floxacin 500 mg Per Os, directed against gram-negative
lonidae), which they observed in large numbers. They marine bacteria species, mainly Vibrio species. Tetanus
met on the sea surface about 100 m off shore, where immunization was also given.
the water depth is about 6 m. When they switched on Computerized tomography revealed the unexpected
their head flashlights, an underwater commotion ensued extent of the internal injury. The elongated heavily cal-
and several needlefish leaped out of the water, one of cified jaws penetrated diagonally from the left canine-
them striking the patient’s face on his left side. Due to fossae to the left nasal cavity and through the septum

236 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery


The presented case emphasizes the important fact that

marine-related penetrating head injuries may be particu-
larly hazardous and can result in unpredicted internal in-
juries. The needlefish has elongated, sharp and rigid
jaws. The serial sections of the computed tomography
demonstrated their massive calcified structure and their
high penetrability even of a bony structure such as the
maxilla. The life of our patient may have been saved
by the casual and accidental turning of his head toward
his friend, preventing a frontal, possibly lethal injury.
Two other head injuries caused by needlefish have
Fig. 1 e The needlefish’s jaws protruding from the penetration wound in been previously reported. One of them resulted in death
the area of the left nasolabial fold. due to a carotid-cavernous fistula (McCabe et al., 1978).
The second report describes a retrobulbar trajectory that
caused a penetrating globe injury and damaged orbital
contents (Thakker and Usha, 2006).
Facial injuries from collisions with other kinds of ma-
rine animals have also been reported, including facial
nerve paralysis from compression by a fish jaw in the ret-
romandibular fossae (Morello et al., 1968; Zwisler and
Beigel, 1997).
Needlefish are carnivorous and their putrid sharp teeth
can cause severe marine pathogen infection (Link et al.,
1999). The possibility of needlefish being inoculated
with Vibrio species has been previously described (Cui
et al., 2000). In Israel, twelve to twenty-four new cases
of serious infection due to Vibrio vulnificus, including
mortality, are reported annually (Israel Ministry of
Health - Public Health Services, 2006). Although most
of these cases involve Tilapia fish, which are raised in
Fig. 2 e Top: Head of a needlefish specimen brought by the divers. fresh water fishponds, Vibrio vulnificus is also found in
Bottom: the fragmented removed needlefish’s jaws. marine waters off the coast of Israel and was previously
isolated from Herzlya’s shore (i.e. the same shore as in
our reported case) (Ghinsberg et al., 1999). Wound infec-
to the right side and from there through the lateral nasal tion by this bacterium can result in the rapid appearance
wall to the right maxillary sinus. The sharp tip of the of severe pain, fever, oedema, vesicles, and subdermal
jaws almost reached the medial-inferior orbital wall inflammation. In immunocompromised patients this in-
(Fig. 3). fection can cause sepsis and death (Bisharat et al.,
Under general anaesthesia, only a segment of one nee- 1999). Secondary infection due to needlefish injury has
dlefish jaw that was fractured from the impact of the col- been reported (Link et al., 1999) and prophylactic antibi-
lision could be carefully extracted from the patient’s otic treatment should be given as early as possible.
maxilla (Fig. 2 bottom). On endoscopic survey, the re- A Discrepancy between minor physical findings in pa-
maining fish jaws were found penetrating from the left tients with facial injuries and the actual scope of damage
lateral nasal wall through the left inferior turbinate, cross- was previously reported (Kloss et al., 2008). The small
ing the left nasal cavity, penetrating the nasal septum diameter of the wound should not mislead the physician,
(Fig. 4), and crossing the right nasal cavity and penetrat- because the narrow needlefish beak is long enough to
ing obliquely the right middle turbinate. Using the endo- cause significant damage to internal organs. As in our
scopic nasal cutting forceps, the jaws that were firmly case, the damage can be inflicted at some distance from
embedded, were cut into fragments, which were pulled the entry point with an unexpected trajectory. Hence,
out through the penetration wound. The sharp needle- Emergency Room staff, Cranio-Maxillofacial surgeons,
like fish teeth, which were scattered and impaled in the Otolaryngologists and Ophthalmologists, should become
nasal mucosa of the left inferior turbinate, septum, right familiar with this type of penetrating injury. Arteriogra-
middle turbinate, and middle meatus, were meticulously phy should be performed when a vascular injury is sus-
removed with debridement of the surrounding soft tissue. pected. The surgical treatment should include
Repeated irrigation reduced the risk of secondary infec- meticulous exploration and debridement.
tion or envenomation, which could result from gram-neg- Identification of the injurious fish species was made
ative bacteria. The patient recovered quickly and was possible due to another specimen from the same school
discharged from hospital after two days, and has had that was brought by the divers and from the form and
no short or long-term consequences. length of the remains of the jaws removed from the
Penetrating injury of the maxilla by needlefish jaws 237

Fig. 3 e Serial sections of computed tomography show the trajectory of the needlefish’s jaw lodged within the maxilla.

patient’s maxilla, as well as from comparative material

from the Hebrew University Fish Specimen Collection.
The fish was identified as 57e60 cm full length specimen
belonging to the genus Tylosorus of the Belonidae
(‘‘Needlefish’’) family, which consists of 32 species
worldwide. The Mediterranean Sea is occupied by only
two very similar species of Tylosorus (Golani and
Levy, 2005). The much more common Tylosorus acus
is most likely to have been the causal species.
Needlefish are sea-surface dwelling and have a very
elongated body, which is semi-cylindrical with a slightly
compressed abdomen. They have extremely long and
pointed jaws, almost beak-like, with many needle-like
teeth. This hydrodynamic shape and fin arrangement en-
able the needlefish to accelerate rapidly, thus when leap-
ing out of the water due to fright, the needlefish can reach
a speed of up to 60 km/h (Link et al., 1999). These leaps
have resulted in injury or even death to fishermen and Fig. 4 e Endoscopic view of the penetrating jaw within the left nasal
swimmers (McCabe et al., 1978; Barss, 1982). This be- cavity (The left inferior turbinate on the right, the nasal septum on the
haviour is not the result of intentional attack by the left).
238 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

needlefish, but is rather their method of escaping danger Bisharat N, Agmon V, Finkelstein R, Raz R, Ben-Dror G, Lerner L,
(Randall, 1995). Soboh S, Colodner R, Cameron DN, Wykstra DL, Swerdlow DL,
Farmer 3rd JJ: Clinical, epidemiological, and microbiological
Previous case reports have traced the spread of hazard- features of Vibrio vulnificus biogroup 3 causing outbreaks of
ous needlefish injuries from the endemic Oceania area to wound infection and bacteraemia in Israel. Israel Vibrio Study
the coasts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, including Group. Lancet 354: 1421e1424, 1999
the coasts of the United States and Europe. The present Cui S, Jiang T, Li Y, Luo X: Effect of irradiation on the shelf-life of
aquatic products. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 29(2): 120e122, 2000
case heralds the arrival in the Mediterranean basin of Ghinsberg RC, Dror R, Nitzan Y: Isolation of Vibrio vulnificus from
this worldwide life-threatening hazard. sea water and sand along the Dan region coast of the Mediterranean.
Microbios 97(386): 7e17, 1999
CONCLUSIONS Golani D, Levy L: New records and rare occurrences of fish species
from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Zool Middle East 36: 27e
32, 2005
The observed needlefish behaviour near the sea-surface Israel Ministry of Health - Public Health Services, Department of
and the increased popularity of scuba diving either for Epidemiology e interim reports 21/2005, 21/2006.
fishing or for sport, mandate awareness and caution by Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Akker JW, Hammacher ER: Surfer wipe out by
predator fish. Br J Sports Med 37: 537e539, 2003
swimmers, fishermen and scuba divers when near water Kloss F, Laimer K, Hohlrieder M, Ulmer H, Hackl W, Benzer A,
surface in the vicinity of a school of needlefish, and Schmutzhard E, Gassner R: Traumatic intracranial haemorrhage
most especially when using flashlights at night. in conscious patients with facial fractures e a review of 1959
The potential hazardous infection from marine patho- cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 36: 372e377, 2008
gen, such as Vibrio vulnificus, should mandate the physi- Labbe JL, Bordes JP, Fine X: An unusual surgical emergency: a knee
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cian who encounters an injury from marine animals to 1995
consider prophylactic antibiotic treatment. Link KW, Counselman FL, Steele J, Caughey M: A new hazard for
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could not be predicted from the small superficial wound 1999
and that the impact of collision of marine-creatures might McCabe MJ, Hammon WM, Halstead BW, Newton TH: A fatal
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be much higher than expected. From this we conclude 139, 1978
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cent’’ story or primary physical findings, should not erro- Corona C: Facial and vertebral injury caused by a fish’s sword.
neously underestimate similar injuries. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 8(3): 181e184, 1968
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Hawai’i Press, 439, 1995
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Thakker MM, Usha KR: Orbital foreign body and ruptured globe from
needlefish impalement. Arch Ophthalmol 124: 284, 2006
None of the authors has any conflict of interest, financial Zwisler H, Beigel A: A traumatic facial paralysis caused by a fish.
Laryngorhinootologie 76(1): 53e54, 1997
or otherwise.

Dr. Yaniv EBNER, MD, BPharm
Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
We thank Elli Bennatan, BSc, MA, for his writing and editing assis- Meir Medical Centre
tance. We thank Yeella Ebner for her illustration editing assistance. Tchernichovsky 59
95847 Kfar Saba
Tel.: +972 9 747 2149
Barss PG: Injuries caused by garfish in Papua New Guinea. BMJ 284: Fax: +972 9 747 1291
77e79, 1982 E-mail:
Bendet E, Wolf M, Faibel M, Leventon G, Kronenberg J: Penetrating
cervical injury caused by a needlefish. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Paper received 28 June 2008
104: 248e250, 1995 Accepted 17 December 2008

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