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Synopsis: N/A
Major Characters:
1. Sherry Locke – the infamous one out of the Lockes and the middle child of
the Locke triplets.
2. Ciel Watson – Sherry’s flat mate and trusted confidant.
3. Moriarty – Sherry’s arch nemesis.
4. Lestrade – the IA Legion Commander of the Indomitable Aegis – England
5. Locke – the oldest of the Lockes and is the
6. Locke – the younger sister of the Lockes.
7. Harper – Sherry’s laboratory partner and
8. Watson – Ciel’s only and older sister.
Side Characters:
1. Mavis Madrigal – a Sleuth in the branch of Indomitable Aegis.
2. – the
3. – a Sleuth in the branch of Indomitable Aegis.
4. Blossom Sakuragi – a Human Sleuth in the branch of Indomitable Aegis.
5. Löwe Regulus – a
6. Shiroyuki Kogitsune – a
7. Mikael Seraphim – a
Terminologies (Creatures/Beings):
1. Beasts
- Humans with certain animal characteristics.
- Evolved from the animals around them, Beasts
- Beasts (neutral), Beastman/Beastmen (masculine),
Beastwoman/Beastwomen (feminine)
- There are six Clans of Beasts: Draconian Bloods (dragons), Warm
Bloods (mammals), Glider Bloods (avian birds), (reptiles), Aquarius
Bloods (fishes) and (amphibians).
2. Draconian Bloods
- A rare species of Beasts that holds the leading role of all Beasts.
- The leading Draconian family is the Lestrades.
3. Warmbloods
4. Glider Bloods

Terminologies ( World Politics – Governments ) : N/A

Terminologies ( World Politics – Politicians ) : N/A
Terminologies ( World Politics – Issues About Humans and Beasts ) :
1. Beast Discrimination – ever since humans and Beasts established the
Treaty of ,
2. Beast Killings Caused By Humans
3. Human Killings Caused By Beasts
4. Racism
5. Corruption
6. Conspiracies
Terminologies ( World Politics – Laws and Constitutions ) :
1. Treaty At World’s End – the treaty that finessed the acceptation of
humanoids living alongside humans.
The treaty was signed by fourteen participants: seven humanoid
representatives and seven human representatives.
(LOCATION) The Treaty was made at
2. The Indomitable Aegis Code – the set of laws and codes of ethics
established for Peacekeepers to follow.
The Indomitable Aegis Code
Terminologies ( World Politics – The Indomitable Aegises ) :
1. Indomitable Aegises – from the Treaty At World’s End, the fourteen
representatives stated in the Treaty that departments should be established as
a fortress for all humans and humanoids. This led to the creation of the first
Indomitable Aegis in England.
In the modern times, all countries known have established an Indomitable
Aegis to its respective countries.
2. Peacekeepers – the officers of Indomitable Aegises.
Peacekeepers have rankings ( from the highest rank to the lowest rank ) :
Legion Commanders, Regalias, Regents, Sleuths and Wardens.
3. Sleuths – are officers of Indomitable Aegises that serves as investigating
agents in the field.
4. The Fellowship – is the title given to all Legion Commanders of all
branches of Indomitable Aegises.
5. Attire – Indomitable Aegises provide specific attire for its Peacekeepers.
All Peacekeepers, no matter the rankings, are aided with their brooch pin of
the symbol of the Indomitable Aegis. It symbolizes the loyalty and the will
to establish the much needed peace the world needs.
(COAT) The coats of Peacekeepers
(SLEUTHS) Sleuths wear Sleuth-ranked coats and pins when they are on
duty. Normally, smart casual attires are required for Sleuths.
(WARDENS) Wardens wear Warden-ranked coats and pins when they are
on duty.
6. – communication devices of Peacekeepers.
7. – the title given to the insignia of the Indomitable Aegis.
The insignia symbolizes the seven symbols of the Beast Clans ( ) and the
seven symbols of the Beasthunters ( ) that initialized the Indomitable
Aegises and established the peace of humanoids and humans through the
Treaty At World’s End.
Terminologies ( Relics / Artifacts ) :
1. – the artifact that holds all the taken powers of all Beast Clans.
This was created by the seven Beasthunter families before the Treaty.
(THE MYTH) All seven Beasthunter families gathered to eradicate all
humanoids once and for all by creating the
2. – the seven wearable objects that held the powers of all seven Beast races.
The were : A crown ( for Warmbloods ), a ( for ), a trident ( for ), a pendant
( for ), a ( for )
Terminologies ( Weapons ) :
1. Grand Cherry Blossoms – the three ancient and specialized weapons of the
Sakuragi family.
Terminologies ( Families ) :
1. The Watson Family
- The Watsons is the leader family of hunters that specializes in hunting
down Beasts.
- The Watsons are renowned as excellent military soldiers, each family
member becoming a part of a country’s military.
- The Watsons hold the Indomitable Code of the Abstinent. ( For more
information vie Terminologies : Indomitable Codes/Aegis Codes. )
- (PAST) in the 1700’s, the Watsons were primarily known as
Beasthunters, especially .
In the 1800’s,
2. The Locke Family
- The Lockes is the leader family of all Beasts.
- The Lockes hold the Aegis Code of the Prideful.
- (PAST) The Lockes are the royal family of all Pisces.
3. The Lestrade Family
- The Lestrades is the leader family of all Beasts.
- The Lestrades hold the Aegis Code of the Wrathful.
- In the modern times ( where LOCKED is set ), only two Lestrades
remains : Gregory Lestrade and
Terminologies ( Codes/Indomitable Codes/Aegis Codes ) :
1. History of Hunter’s Codes
- In the dawn of time, humans and humanoids had never .
2. The Indomitable Codes
- The code of ethics the seven families of humanoid hunters follow.
Even in the present, the Codes are respected, although not always
followed, by the respective families that hold a specific code.
- The current Indomitable Code were revised and changed by the
seven human representatives in the Treaty At World’s End.
- In the past, there were seven families of Beasthunters.
- All seven families were called The Virtues.
3. The Aegis Codes
- The code of ethics the seven families of humanoid families follow.
Even in the present, the Aegis Codes are respected, although not
always followed, by the respective families that hold their specific
- The current Aegis Codes were revised and changed by the seven
Beast representatives in the Treaty At World’s End.
- In the past, there were seven Beast families. All seven families were
called The Vices.
Terminologies ( Humanoid Hunters ) :
1. The Virtues
- The seven leading families of humanoid hunters in the past.
- All of their Indomitable Codes are based on the Christian religion’s “
Seven Heavenly Virtues ”. These virtues are : Liberality ( Greed ),
Chastity ( Lust ), Abstinence ( Gluttony ), Diligence ( Sloth ),
Patience ( Wrath ), Kindness ( Envy ) and Humility ( Pride ).
- They were called The Virtues rather than the Vices because these
virtues were never followed by these families except for their own
respective Indomitable Code.
2. The Indomitable Code Of The Abstinent
3. The Indomitable Code Of The Chaste
4. The Indomitable Code Of The Liberated
5. The Indomitable Code Of The Diligent
6. The Indomitable Code Of The Patient
7. The Indomitable Code Of The Kind
8. The Indomitable Code Of The Humble
Terminologies ( Humanoid Families ) :
1. The Vices
- The seven families of humanoids in the past.
- All of the Aegis Codes are based off the Christian’s religion’s “ Seven
Deadly Sins “.
These sins are: Wrath ( Patience ), Pride ( Humility ), Gluttony
( Abstinence ), Envy ( Kindness ), Greed ( Liberality ), Lust
( Chastity ) and Sloth ( Diligence ).
- They were called The Vices rather than the Virtues because these sins
were made by the humanoid families except for their own respective
Aegis Code.
2. The Aegis Code of The Prideful
3. The Aegis Code of The Wrathful
4. The Aegis Code of The Lustful
5. The Aegis Code of The Slothful
6. The Aegis Code of The Envious
7. The Aegis Code of The Greedy
8. The Aegis Code of The Glutton
Terminologies ( Peculiars and Unusuals ) :
1. Unusual/Unusuals
- Humans and Beasts with powers, due to evolution.
2. Peculiar/Peculiars
- Title given to humans and Beasts with Unusuals.
Terminologies ( Weapons ) : N/A
Terminologies ( Motives ) :
1. The Fallen Organization – lead by Moriarty, the organization of powerful
humanoids wants to bring back the stolen power
2. The Withering Blossoms –
3. Lestrade

Locations :
I. The Earth
The Earth remains the same, until the modern times. With the continents and
countries. But this Earth is magical.
II. The Continents
There are three continents led by nine countries : Mundane,
III. The Countries
The world has nine countries : , the united country of Humans and Beasts ; , the
country only Humans are allowed into ; , the country of Warmbloods ; , the
country of ; the country of Draconian Bloods ; the country of Glider Bloods ; the
country of Aquarius Bloods ; and the last country
IV. The Indomitable Aegises
The Indomitable Aegises are departments that specializes in balancing the humans
and humanoids. This includes
- Most prominent Indomitable Aegises in the story :

Cases :
1. Case Number # - “ The Color Of Envy “
- Suspect/s :
- Victim/s : Rosetta ,
- Case Summary :
- Case Specifications :
- Case Status : SOLVED
- Case Holders : Sherry Locke and Ciel Watson
- Case Inspiration : Sherlock Holmes – A Case of Scarlet
2. Case Number # – “ Cutthroat “
3. Case Number # – “ “
4. Case Number # – “ “
5. Case Number # - “ “
6. Case Number # - “ “
Cast – Information :
 Sherry “ Sherlock “ Locke
- Physical Description :
- Personality :
- Backstory :
- Names and Aliases :

- Miscellaneous Information :
Species: Aquarius Blood ( Beast )
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender : Cisgender ( Male )
Sexuality :
Sexual orientation :
Romantic orientation :
Physical conditions : None
Mental conditions :
Personality type : Logistician ( ISTJ-A )
Family :
Friend/s :
Foe/s :
Nickname/s :
 Watson
- Physical Description :
- Personality :
- Backstory :
- Names and Aliases :
Currently, she uses an established fake name : Azura Chasseur. Her other
identities include : Iris Lazuli, Lapis Sapphire, Liliana Hubert,
Her alias in Indomitable Aegis is “ “.
Her true identity is : (CIEL) Watson.
- Tentative Names :
Cyane, Azura, Azula, Azule, Irizula ( from the iris flower and Azula ) or Irizura
( from the iris flower and Azura ), Ciel ( meaning sky or heaven in French ),
( meaning sea maiden in French )
- Miscellaneous Information :
Species : Human
Pronouns : She/Her
Birthdate :
Birthplace :
Ethnicity :
Nationality :
Gender : Cisgender ( Female )
Sexuality :
Sexual orientation :
Romantic orientation :
Physical conditions :
Mental conditions : Amnesia
Personality type : Advocate ( INFJ-T )
Family :
Friend/s :
Foe/s :
Nickname/s :

Timeline :

- Acts :
Act 1 – “ “
Act 2 -
Act 3 -
Act 4 -
Act 5 – “ The “
- Arcs :
In each Act, there are three arcs.
Act 1 :
Arc I – “ The
Arc II

- Chapters :

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