Accomplishment Report 2022 PBAP

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Kalian, Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur

I – Introduction

The Department of Education (DepEd) supports “Every Child a Reader

Program”, which aims to make every Filipino child a reader and a writer at his/her
grade level.
Reading is the most important component in learning process and
social interaction. The ability to read is highly valued and important for social and
economic advancement.
While most children learn to read fairly well, there remain other learners
who do not read well enough to meet the demands of our competitive, technology-
driven society.

But it’s no longer a major problem because the Department of Education

provided the needs of these struggling readers through varied and interesting
reading materials and activities to help improve their reading skills.

Committed and competent teachers were also assigned to teach these

struggling readers by using differentiated reading strategies that suit their reading
needs and enhance their reading and comprehension skills.

II – Implementation

Every school year, all Grade 7 students had undergone a PHIL – IRI pre –
test to determine their reading level (Independent, Instructional, Frustration,
CVC/Word Reader, Alphabet Knowledge or Non – reader). Based from the result,
identified non – readers will be listed and will be given orientation. These students
were automatically part of the Care for Non – Readers Program (CNR).

The struggling readers had their orientation too and they were also given
school supplies to be used in their reading class. Before the pandemic, CNR
students were recipients of the Kalian National High School Feeding Program.

Our Principal instructed all Filipino and English teachers to conduct reading
remediation daily. The will have a 30 minute or 1 hour reading class daily inside the
School Reading Clinic or inside their classrooms. The struggling readers were
taught to identify the letters and the sound of the alphabet, read blended letters,
phrases, sentences and short stories. Peer tutoring was also used for those students
who are shy to attend the Reading Class.
TLE students assisted by their teacher also cooked food as part of the feeding
program of the school. Sometimes students were also given snacks.

The Care for Non – Readers Program of the school is a big help to the
students concerned because it enabled them to progress in their own rate.

III - Activities

Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 173, s. 2020, the Department of

Education (DepEd) Region IX Office – Zambonga Peninsula through the Curriculum
and Learning Management Division (CLMD) implemented a four-year reading
intervention program dubbed as ZEAL FOR PROGRESS IN READING. The
program primarily aims to contribute to Dep.Ed’s goal of developing holistic learners
with 21st Century Skills by improving the reading ability of learners across key stages
through one reading material at a time, and by encouraging maximum involvement of
teachers in the teaching of reading through content-based instruction.

Each team worked hard to enhance their vocabulary skills. Teachers also
conducted a Remedial class on reading to students. A drop book also provided for
the students and teachers to share a book. Different kinds of books for children were
donated like: story books, Science books, Bibles and other reading materials. Each
classroom had their own Reading Corner where books and other reading materials
are being displayed available for reading. Teacher Maria Fe T. Ladanan is having
her reading her remedial reading class daily during the last period, inside the
school’s Reading Clinic.

This school also join in the month long celebration of “PAMBANSANG

BUWAN at ARAW ng PAGBAS. This celebration was led by the English and Filipino
Department. Kick-off ceremony was conducted as an opening activity. We also have
our “MYSTERY READER” from English and Filipino Department who read short
stories and ask students questions after each story. Activities suggested by the office
is being held by classroom. Since this is a month long celebration, the activities are
still on going.

Everyone enjoyed all these activities because they were given time to
help other students improve their reading skills and opportunity to share a book and
read alone, with their classmates/ friends or with their group mates.

IV – Recommendations

Based from observation and experience from the past years, the following are

a) Additional reading materials, videos, story books in English and Filipino.

b) Enhance teacher’s skills, techniques and strategies in teaching reading through a
seminar workshop.
c) Extend reading class to 1 hour instead of 30 minutes.
d) Implement “Adopt a Struggling Reader Program”.
e) Give merit to students who became independent readers at the end of the school
f) Provide atleast 1 Reading Teacher that will focus on teaching reading to all Grade
7 struggling readers.

V - Documentation

(Please see attached pictures)

Prepared by:

School Reading Coordinator


Principal III

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