The Anti-Communist Manifesto

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The Anti-Communist Manifesto

I am supposed to read about communism with an open mind. And yeah sure I will. My init reasons for
writing against communism is because I gotta make the Paki Nazi Capitalist Straight White men proud.
Ok for real though, I am against social engineering (usually), love freedom (and have no girl to love), and
am training to be a social data scientist which my man Marx wasn’t.

This is a ‘new age’ (no not the time fallacy) and the dawn of data. Marx was an armchair philosopher
kinda guy, and I killed myself (I used to be an armchair philosopher aged 12-17, umm pls laugh). The
point being did he really have enough proof for his version of reality? I will read Marx and test his
hypotheses with the ‘data’ whatever that means (but aren’t I supposed to read it unbiasedly?).

Furthermore, I am writing so loosely because my English is shit. Nah, its beautiful just like me butt… I
want you to be reminded throughout this work of who I am. I am a 19 year-old (ig 20 when I publish) aka
very young. I am fallible from all avenues (very much to falling in love so call me) and thus in no way
present this as a serious work.

And maybe by using Gucci English (slang for you boomers) I could convince some commie libtards to take
the red pill. JK (not rowling, just kidding) I don’t mean that. That is also a heads up for making sure to
keep your comedy hats on. I have also noticed very smart people lack the funny bone. I know I have it.

Anyway, I am using this English as I am targeting an audience: my generation. Other than the fact that I
am not a pedophile and a psychopath (yk only gonna date girls my age) I reckon this free hand writing
may be seductive to my peeps (yeah I got no friends).

So buckle up and….

Let’s begin shall we

The End

Now that you have reached the end feel free to send me love letters. I am not gay rn so girls only pls.

Also, ik what a manifesto is. The commie girl that rejected me didn’t tell to change the title for sure. And I
am definitely not still talking to her.

So if you haven’t figured it out yet.

You are a joke (wink wink).

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