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The beliefs, actions, possessions, and other traits that distinguish people of a certain

group or civilization collectively make up its culture. People and groups define
themselves through their cultural identity, conform to the standards of the larger
community, and participate in it. Language, conventions, values, norms, mores,
regulations, tools, technologies, products, organizations, and institutions are all
societal components that make up culture. The town of Bula is known as the Bamboo
Village of the South due to its abundant supply of bamboo. The Bamboo Festival is
celebrated every month of December to showcase its economic significance for being
the town’s primary local grown product. Bula got its name from the Spanish
conquistadores who set foot on the land around 1576 and saw men splitting
bamboos. They asked the men of the name of the place. Since they cannot
understand their language, they thought that they were being asked about the name
of the bamboo. The men answered them, “Bu-la”. The folkloric narratives, gathered
from four barangay's, were classified into tales of fishers, legends of women warriors,
and myths of supernatural beings. Moreover, eleven folkloric histories showed eight
instances of beliefs, traditions, and cultural practices. Bula, one of the oldest towns in
the Bicol Region, has rich arrays of beliefs, traits, customs, and cultural practices that
have existed since time ancient and are still present. one of my experiences of their
beliefs is saying "tabi apo" when passing by a river and a huge tree, and you throw
something on the ground, to give a respect. The commemorate in our community is
fiesta, a religious celebration of the catholic in honor of saint it is a traditional
celebration every year to give a respect of their patron. us to prepare for the fiesta,
on the eve, a motorcade is made and it goes around the whole barangay. the name of
our barangay is ‘’Lubgan’’ we celebrate every year to an honor to our patron Saint
Therese del Niño hesus held on every October 3. And I remember when I was a
younger on my 7th birthday celebrations my parents are prepared for a novena for
being thankful that we as a family are safe and for the blessings that are given every
day. Festivals celebrated in Bula is The Bamboo Festival held on every month of
December to showcase its economic significance for being the town is primary local
grown product. And Last Month of May, I was attended Santacruzan and the children
in our neighborhood meet at the chapel to celebrate Flores de Mayo, a tradition that
involves giving virgin Mary a beautiful flower They carry a basket full of flowers and
throw it into the crowd of other kids. I learned a lot of this different culture because I
didn’t know what the culture before but a lot of experience or joining other activities
and how to socialize to the people around about the traditions, beliefs, and so many
more it helps me to understand the different culture in our society.

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