Galaites Essay

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Media's Exploitative Gaze into

Vulnerable Lives
In an age where we are incessantly saturated with media, our screens
and news feeds often feature poignant images and narratives that thrust the lives
of impoverished individuals into the limelight. These stories often exaggerate
suffering, painting those in dire circumstances as mere objects of pity or
fascination. This unsettling phenomenon, aptly termed "poverty porn," raises
profound ethical questions about the way the media portrays and exploits the lives
of the less fortunate. Poverty porn, as a term, characterizes the exploitation of
individuals living in poverty for the sake of entertainment, sensationalism, or to
solicit empathy. It frequently involves the use of graphic imagery, heart-wrenching
anecdotes, and amplified depictions of suffering to elicit potent emotional
reactions from the audience. The term "porn" is used to emphasize the voyeuristic
aspect of this portrayal, highlighting how it objectifies and dehumanizes the
subjects involved.
The consequences of poverty porn are manifold. Firstly, it reduces
individuals living in poverty to simplistic stereotypes and subjects of pity,
undermining their dignity and humanity, while perpetuating negative stereotypes.
Moreover, overexposure to poverty porn can reinforce the unfounded stereotype
that individuals in poverty are solely responsible for their predicaments, leading to
stigmatization and prejudice. It tends to evoke short-term emotional responses, but
often fails to address the underlying systemic issues or promote effective solutions
to poverty. The exploitative nature of media practices associated with poverty porn
raises ethical concerns, ranging from issues of informed consent to questions about
privacy and the overall well-being of the individuals being depicted. Media outlets
play a pivotal role in shaping public perceptions of poverty. While poverty is an issue
of paramount importance, it should not be sensationalized or subjected to
exploitation. Responsible media practices entail portraying poverty in a more
nuanced and dignified manner, empowering the individuals at the center of these
stories. This can be achieved by shifting the focus from portraying them as helpless
victims to highlighting their resilience, strength, and potential. Adding historical,
cultural, and social context to these narratives can aid the audience in
comprehending the root causes of poverty and the intricate nature of the issue.
Furthermore, it is imperative that journalists adhere to strict ethical standards,
obtaining informed consent from individuals featured in poverty-related stories and
respecting their privacy and dignity. In addition, the media should not limit itself to
merely highlighting problems, but it should also delve into potential solutions, thus
encouraging social change and civic engagement.
The prevalence of poverty porn in modern media is a matter of
significant concern. Exploiting the vulnerable for emotional impact while
perpetuating stereotypes and failing to address the root causes of poverty is not a
responsible or ethical approach. It is crucial that we adopt a more compassionate
and conscientious method of media representation. Such an approach involves
empowering individuals in poverty, offering the necessary context, respecting their
dignity, and directing our collective focus towards solutions. By critically evaluating
and addressing the issue of poverty porn, we can work toward cultivating more
ethical and effective media practices that ultimately serve the best interests of
both the individuals facing poverty and society as a whole.

Submitted by: Cherry Mae A. Galaites | BSEE 3C

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