Mid Term Paper CBNST 1

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Paper Code: MAT206/MA206 Printed Page 1 of 1


Roll No.
Subject Name: Computer Based Numerical Techniques (CBNT)
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 50
Note: All questions are compulsory. No student is allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.
Q.1) Attempt all Parts :
(a) Evaluate 3√24 using Newton's method.
(b) Give geometrical interpretation of Newton-Raphson's method.
(c) Derive Newton’s Forward Interpolation formula.
(d) Prove (E1/2 +E-1/2 ) (1+Δ)1/2 =2+Δ
[4 x 2.5= 10]
Q.2) Attempt all Parts :
(a) Give a geometrical interpretation of Bisection Method.
(b) Find the missing term in the table.
x 2 3 4 5 6
y 45.0 49.2 54.1 _ 67.4
(c) Find the number of men getting wages between Rs. 10 and 15 from the following data.
wages 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40
frequency 9 30 35 42
(d) Derive Newton’s Backward interpolation formula.
[4 x 2.5= 10]
Q.3) Attempt any Two Parts :
(a) Use Gauss-seidel iterative method to solve equations.
20x + y - 2z = 17; 3x + 20y -z = -18; 2x - 3y + 20z = 25
(b) Use Gauss-Elimination method to solve equations.
x+4y-z=-5; x+y-6z=-12; 3x-y-z=4.
(c) Use Newton- Raphson’s method to find the real root of 3x=Cosx+1 correct to four decimal place.
[2 x 5= 10]
Q.4) Attempt any Two Parts :
(a) Find the Cubic polynomial which takes the following values.
x 0 1 2 3
f(x) 1 2 1 10
(b) Use iteration method to find the root of 𝑥 3 + 𝑥 2 − 1 = 0 correct to four decimal places.
(c) Apply Gauss-Jordan’s method to solve the equations.
x+y+z=9; 2x-3y+4z=13; 3x+4y+5z=40.
[2 x 5= 10]
Q.5) Attempt any Two Parts :
(a) Prove that Newton-Raphson’s method is quadratically convergent.
(b) Use LU decomposition method to solve the equation
3x+2y+7z=4; 2x+3y+z=5; 3x+4y+z=7.
(c) For the following table, find f(x) as a polynomial in x using Newton’s divided difference formula.
x 5 6 9 11
f(x) 12 13 14 16
[2 x 5= 10]
-----END OF PAPER ----

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