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THE S.Y 2023-2024

A Research paper to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department
Rosales National High School
Rosales Pangasinan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

In Practical Research 2


Research Adviser

January 2024

Background of the Study

According to the study of Visser et al. (2018) suggest that procrastination is

complex behavior that involves both cognitive and emotional elements as well as

evaluations of one’s own competence. Recent research suggests that instead of being

purely a self-regulation or time management problem, procrastination is also strongly

influenced by psychological factors, such as the low confidence in one’s own abilities to

perform. Eisenbeck et al. (2019) found that procrastination and psychological distress were

associated with psychological inflexibility and further, psychological inflexibility mediated the

relationship between general psychological distress and procrastination. The role of

psychological flexibility’s sub-processes in procrastination among students has also been

studied, and it was found that committed actions were moderately negatively correlated with

procrastination suggesting that committed action could be a promising variable in the study

of procrastination

Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon in academic settings. It has been

studied from many different theoretical angles, and a variety of causes and consequences

have been suggested. Recent studies support the notion that academic procrastination can

be seen from a situational perspective and as a failure in learning self-regulation ( Zacks and

Hen 2018).

On the study of Grunschel, Patrzek, Klingsieck & Fries (2018) found that

procrastinators who completed a five-week group training based on a cyclical process model

of self-regulated learning significantly reduced academic procrastination and reported

improved time management skills.

According to Goroshit (2018) measured the relationship between self-reported

studying procrastination and final course grade when mediated by three different measures

of participation in online course assignments. She observed negative but weak direct

relationships between self- reported academic procrastination and academic achievement

and stressed the need for further study of academic interventions for academic

Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something

despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so. The focus of this

study is to determine how procrastination affects the academic performance of the student.

Statement of the Study

This study aims to determine the effect of procrastination to the student

Specifically, It seek the answer of the following question:

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c .Socioeconomic status

d. Curricular Activities

2. What is the effect of procrastination in academic performance of the student?

3. Is there a significant difference on the effect of procrastination across the profile of the


Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference across the profile of the respondent.

Significance of the Study

Student .This research would be beneficial to the student understanding

procrastination can help students improve their time management skills, reduce stress, and

enhance their academic performance. It provides strategies to overcome procrastination and

fosters a more productive learning environment.

Teacher .This research would be also beneficial to teachers can use insights from

such studies to design effective teaching methods that minimize procrastination among

students. Strategies to engage students, set realistic deadlines, and offer support can

enhance the learning experience

Parents. This research would be help to the Parents can use the findings of these

studies to support their children in developing good study habits and time management

skills. Understanding procrastination can help parents identify warning signs and offer

guidance when necessary.

Future Researcher. This research would be beneficial to future researcher as this

research serves as a foundation for future studies on procrastination. It offers a basis for

developing new theories, interventions, and assessment tools. Advancing our understanding

of procrastination can lead to more effective strategies for individuals and organizations to

combat this common issue.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the effect of procrastination the respondent of this

study are the Grade 12 General Academic Strand Students of Rosales National High school

during the first semester of 2023-2024.

The type of quantitative research we are going to conduct descriptive research and

purposive sampling. Descriptive research is a method that describes a study or a topic. It

defines the characteristics of the variable under research and answers the question related

to it.

Operational Definition of Terms

G12 GAS Students- the respondents of the study.

Perspective- is the way you see something.

Procrastination- is when student delay their task or wait for the deadline to make

their assignments at school despite knowing it might have negative consequences.

Self-regulation- is the ability to understand and manage your behavior and your

reactions to feeling and things happening around you.

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