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Journalis : opening

presenter :
voice over
korban :
saksi :

An unimaginable tragedy uniting asmall island community in grief.We all are in

shock at the lossof these lives, particularly the young lives.The sorrow and
sadness reflected at makeshift memorials.Five young lives lost, including four year
oldtwins and their father, Wayne Gornay, who died trying to save them from the
inferno.He ended up trapped upstairs cares with all the children when the second
story suddenly collapsed.

I'm lost for words, really, when it comes to something like little babies as well.

Their distraught mother, 28 year old Samantha Stevenson, is being cared for by
friends on the island.To lose five children, I don't even know how that mother is
breathing in and breathing out.Her sister also survived the blaze.Counselors are on
the ground for the school children who have lost their friends.I just couldn't
believe it.I just burst out into tears.We're all hurting.It's hard not to feel
emotional.From the Premier, everyone is feeling their sorrow.To the police and fire
commissioners, it is avery, very difficult time for many, many people.The hearts of
Queenslanders go out tothe grieving mother left behind at school.The kids all
crying.They're quite upset.The older boys were part of the local soccer
community.There are really well behaved children.There has not been a bad word said
about thoseyoung boys and so they will be very missed.Emergency crews have started
to retrieve the bodies.These scenes are confronting for all of us.Police have set
up a crime scene, but say they'rekeeping an open mind on whether the fire is
suspicious.There are some elements of this incidentyesterday that do require closer
scrutiny.The dead father was known to police,but they can't reveal the reasons
why.For now, the focus is on the mother as sheprepares to say a final farewell to
her entire family.George Roberts, ABC News, Russell Island.And George is still on
Russell island tonight.He joins me now.George, how long is the investigation likely
to take?Well, Jess, fire investigators alone expect it could take upto a week to
sift through the rubble and charredremains of the family's home here on Russell
Island.That's just to answer the question of what couldhave started this blaze in
the first place.Now the fire commissioner, Greg Leach, concedesthey may never find
an answer.Such was the ferocity of the inferno.Much of the evidence has been
destroyed.It all adds to the grief that this communityis grappling with that's been
dealt by this tragedy.George Roberts on Russell Island. Thank you.

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